Healing cardiovascular disease with medicine and love

By Mike Stevenson, Retired, Sandhurst UK,

In March 2015 I enjoyed attending the Universal Medicine Retreat in Vietnam, during which we were introduced to the concept of constellations with people and events in and throughout our lives. Little did I realise at the time how I would benefit from an important constellation that occurred towards the end of the event.

Midway through the celebration dinner I started to feel very ill, experienced severe vision problems and subsequently went into a state of collapse.

Attending the dinner were several students of Universal Medicine who were also Medical Doctors and they immediately came to my aid and sent for an ambulance.

In spite of my body going into shock, I felt no fear or anxiety, even though I heard them saying that my pulse was weak and my heart rate had dropped very low.

As I lay on the ground with my legs elevated, Serge Benhayon came and placed his fingertips on my head and shoulder and I felt a great sense of warmth permeating throughout my body and I was very much at ease with what was happening and felt no sense of panic or fear at all. I knew I was in safe hands. After a few moments, my pulse and heart rate picked up and apparently returned to normal.

I was taken to the hospital, where the local doctors could find no reason for my problem, and I was discharged the following morning feeling very well.

On returning home I underwent various medical tests, which were initially reported as normal, but a short time later, further investigation would show this was not exactly true!

A couple of weeks after returning home there were signs of another similar impending collapse and I found myself loaded into an ambulance once again. I was extensively examined by several doctors: after an ultrasound check, a large AAA (Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm) was discovered, which could have proved fatal at any time, without warning.

With no sign of any heart or brain damage found, surgery to repair the aneurysm took place a couple of days later.

My operation was performed after an epidural injection in my back to numb the lower part of my body. For five hours I watched the whole procedure on a screen . . .. the best TV show ever and totally fascinating to watch from start to finish!

Returning to the ward, it hit me that I needed to change my life around; that the onset of my illness was a kick in the backside, unmistakably letting me know that the time to change was now.  Aha! A realization came that this was the ‘love adjustment’ Serge had referred to as I was first taken off to hospital in Vietnam.

Over the next ten months I was in and out of the hospital for tests, scans, X-rays, seeing numerous consultants and having various procedures done that the surgeons had found necessary on reviewing my tests.   It was discovered there were problems with the electrical circuitry and blood supply to my heart and over the next year, several stents were inserted into various coronary arteries.

Throughout all this I felt supported and looked after by God, the Hierarchy and my wife!

Every day I could feel their presence when asking for them to be with me, especially during all operations and procedures, but I definitely ‘got the word’ that the time had come to return to being more loving and appreciative of myself and others.

By choice, I stopped drinking alcohol and eating high sugar products, and by doing so, my body began to re-adjust and shed excess weight. I feel so much calmer in my self with these changes – I have more energy, am no longer breathless, my sleep quality has improved and there is a feeling of a stronger inner foundation and joy in my life.

Being able to tune in with God and the Hierarchy was absolutely magical, as was the assistance of Serge’s books, affectionately known in our house as the Purple Books, or ‘Purple Paddington Bear’. These books are filled with love and feel so lovely that just holding one of these books helped me in my recovery to where I am today – feeling well and cleared for air travel again.

This has been a great opportunity to make more self-loving choices in my life and it has also deepened my relationships with others.

I have since returned to Vietnam in March 2017 and on this occasion I was able to enjoy both the Retreat and the amazing celebration dinner that I was unable to fully enjoy last time!

Read more:

  1. Heart disease: is it all about love? 
  2. Healing my heart arrhythmia – from atrial fibrillation to an open heart with Conventional Medicine and Universal Medicine. 


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