Energy and Illness         

Victoria, Australia

‘Everything is energy, and therefore everything is because of energy.’ Serge Benhayon 

When I first heard this quote expressed many years ago it made sense, though little did I realise then that in fact this truth covered every possible aspect of life. That every cell in our body is a resonating energetic field, and everything around us is also made of vibrating energy.

We are not only a solid mass of flesh that our eyes receive when we see, we are made up of divinely designed particles – we are vibrating energetic beings.  This makes complete sense, and it is this sensitivity that allows us to feel beyond our human only experience and have a relationship with the more-than-human being that we are, and the multidimensional communication being showered upon us every moment. Our senses are finely tuned to receive.

There is a constant vibrational communication going on in our every movement and well beyond our physicality also.  In all of life before anything manifests more tangibly there is a movement of energy that precedes it.  How rich it is to connect to the multi-layered communication that is taking place.

We all feel energy even though we may not have given it much conscious focus, we respond to energetic communication 24/7. Walking into a room we can sense or get a ‘vibe’ and can feel the quality of pervading energy in the room. We often know or pick up when our partner or friend is not himself or herself.

The quality we are in can be felt, whether that be light and joyous, or disturbed and morose. Registering vibrational resonance we do very naturally.

We essentially know harmony, it being our nature, and what is not in flow or accord with harmony is on the radar, is felt, and sensed as foreign.

When something goes awry in the body it is equally a communication, and given energy comes before matter, this energetic law can also be explored when we experience dis-ease in our body. 

This is not to suggest we do not go to the doctor and get an appropriate diagnosis and treatment for any ailment we experience; it would be irresponsible not to do so. 

Yet if we also put on the scientist’s hat, using our observational skills, rather than reacting to what is going on, there is more that can be connected to in the unfolding of what occurs within our bodies; how they have been cared for or not.

The quality of the many previous movements lived are registered in the body we inhabit today, and that precedes any onset of dis-harmony that arises. 

For example, we more obviously feel the instant effects when we eat something that doesn’t agree with us, for example, drink alcohol, smoke or have a late night.  A stomach upset or headache for example, is a communication from the body.

What the body reflects to us is the truth of how we are living, or have lived up to this moment. Listening to the constant communication from the body is a wise move, and one that I now listen and respond to every day without perfection.

It is often not ‘till we are brought to a stop that then the accumulative registry of the energy is seen.

In 2006 I had such a stop with a diagnosis of thyroid cancer. This came after working and pushing my body in a way that was not sustaining, or in respect of what my body needed or was calling for. I was trying to keep everything afloat, juggling the responsibilities of running a busy business and added to this the stress taken on with caring for my partner for a year before his passing. It took a while before I voiced that I needed support, and this was a familiar pattern I had run with for years; a belief I held that as an independent woman I could do it alone. One significant lesson I have learnt is that it is an abuse on the body to hold back what is to be expressed.

Over the years since, due to the nature of the disease, I have had many medical interventions, and this has resulted in me now having a whispery voice and other physical restrictions. Even so I live with a joy and ease that knows I am so much more than this physical body, and that this body too will eventually pass. Each day I honour this body and the being within, and the love and grace felt through my body is magnificent – this is what moves me. 

Our bodies are never in the business of punishment, they simply reflect back to us, offering a loving correction – an invitation to return to innate harmony. 

The honesty of a settled body has a loud and clear voice. When illness is approached from observational awareness healing on all levels can begin – the healing of the separation from our harmonious nature, that of the soul. From this grace no matter what occurs in the body or what treatment may be needed it can be met with loving attention, remaining in deep connection with the process.

The language and communication of the Soul is harmonious, is loving in observation, is still and present with all that is, and brings one to the next expansive movement. 

From this perspective Illness can be seen as a call to respond, to reunite with our natural whole-some-ness, and this is not dependent on having a perfect ill free body. We are far greater than this form alone, in the truth of our essence, our soul.


Read more: 

  1. Expression is everything: Thyroid disease and the Ageless Wisdom 
  2. Healing is all about energy

One thought on “Energy and Illness         

  1. Thanks for the honest post about energy and illness, loved the simple way you expressed it all. I don’t feel we can have enough reminders about the true nature of self-care being body focused, and that the factor of the quality of energy we live in (with soul or not) has an impact on the body.

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