Esoteric Breast Massage: Reconnecting to the sacredness within

In this interview, Eunice Minford, Consultant General Surgeon, discusses the Esoteric Breast Massage (EBM) with the Esoteric Healing Practitioner, Philosopher and Author, Serge Benhayon. The EBM is a modality that helps women reconnect to their own body, to their essence and divinity and to the true beauty and stillness of the sacredness within. By deepening and developing that connection, many women have transformed their lives and lifestyles to be more caring, loving and nurturing of themselves and others and in the process many have also  experienced improvement or resolution of some health conditions.

Come and find out more about the technique from the man, Serge Benhayon, who is revolutionising healthcare by inspiring people to reconnect to their true self, to their divinity and to take responsibility for their health by making choices that are aligned to and of the same quality of love that they already are in essence.

Disclaimer: What is offered in this talk goes beyond what is currently accepted in Western medicine and is based on the science of the Soul. Whilst some people have reported anecdotally that they have had benefits to their health from the Universal Medicine modalities including the Esoteric Breast Massage, no medical claims are made as to the effectiveness of the modalities according to the currently accepted criteria of evidence based medicine. Anyone with any concerns regarding their breast health or other health issues is advised to see their doctor.

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