Esoteric Breast Massage: Quackery and Titillation or Transformational Healing Modality?

by Eunice J Minford MA FRCS Ed. Consultant General Surgeon, N.Ireland


Let’s be honest, what are your first thoughts when you hear or read the words “Esoteric Breast Massage?” Disbelief? Shock? Revulsion? Laughter? Desire to ridicule? Think it must be dodgy? Quackery? Woo-woo medicine? Something sexual? And a ‘no way I would have that done!’  How many of you ladies, on first hearing the words ‘esoteric breast massage’ without knowing what it is, think – ‘Oh yes I must have one of those!’?? In my experience, many women (and men) have some form of reaction like those described when first hearing those words and before knowing and understanding what it is really about. I know I did. So you’re not alone!


Breast Massage – it must be sexual, right?

It’s interesting isn’t it, how the insertion of one word can significantly alter our perception and approach to massage. There is no issue with saying back massage, leg massage, head massage, foot massage, hand massage – there is no laughter, ridicule, guffawing, innuendo – we pretty much accept that all these areas can be and are massaged and can have a beneficial effect on the body – but as soon as we mention the word ‘breasts’ – the shutters come down, we back off and perhaps think ‘no way’, ‘not on my body’ or those of a different gender endeavour to sexualise it, make jokes, innuendo comments & ridicule – showing they haven’t really moved past the schoolboy age of ten where breasts are concerned; titillation (pun intended) being the order of the day. Yet, given we can have beneficial effects from massage on many other parts of the body, surely it’s also possible that esoteric breast massage can assist us with our healing and self-caring approach to our health?

Even though there is absolutely NOTHING sexual about an Esoteric Breast Massage (EBM), the media and others, including conventional doctors, immediately assume there is, or must be and that anyone promoting or partaking in such a modality must be dodgy, perverted, into quackery, on a ruse or have a few screws loose. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine have been vilified and ridiculed by the media and castigated by those who are ignorant about the technique, how it works energetically and its energetic benefits. Although Serge Benhayon initiated the modality and trained practitioners through simulation, he has never performed an EBM on any client or practitioner, and it is a technique that is only performed by women on women.

In fact we have a situation where so called ‘experts’ give opinions on a technique they do not even have a rudimentary understanding of, never mind being an expert on the subject. It’s like asking someone who is a Professor of English to speak and translate Japanese or Arabic even though they have never studied either language. Yes, they are expert in the language of English but a complete novice and uneducated in the languages of Arabic and Japanese and hence cannot be considered experts on those subjects. A conventional medical doctor may be an expert on the body as they know and understand it, but they have not been trained in understanding the body esoterically and energetically and are thus ignorant of the underlying philosophy and science including the energetic anatomy and physiology, unless they have undertaken personal study or training in the subjects or have a deep soulful connection that provides them with such wisdom. As such they cannot provide a valid or credible ‘expert’ opinion on Esoteric Breast Massage – having neither studied it, trained in it, experienced it, lived it or understood the science and philosophy behind it.  How non-sensical can we get – that it is accepted an ‘expert’ can be somebody who is actually completely ignorant of the subject they are providing an ‘expert opinion’ on!?

Of course, some will say the difference between head, leg, back, foot, hand massage, and breast massage is that the breasts are used for sexual pleasure and the other areas are not. There speaks someone who is missing out on other erogenous zones of the body in their private life! Of course, this is not part of the professional massage technique for these other areas, but it is naive to think that only the breasts are zones of arousal or sexual pleasure.  Not only that, but the quality that a practitioner (be it a doctor, nurse or physio) lives, comes with them to a session. So someone who lives with a high degree of personal responsibility and integrity will bring those qualities to the session. And someone who, for example, does a lot of porn carries that energy with them to the session. So your everyday masseuse giving you a back massage can lace you with sexual energy if they do a lot of porn without going near any sexual organ or zone! The practitioners of Esoteric Breast Massage all abide by a Code of Ethics that calls for a high degree of personal responsibility and integrity that excludes porn and many other harming substances from one’s life – so that a lived quality is brought to the session void of harm. When one is able to discern energy clearly, it is possible to feel the difference in quality in those that live a life of integrity and responsibility consistently.


Sexual Preference of the Practitioner

The vagina is also utilised in sex, but people do not think their gynaecologist is going to get off on performing vaginal examinations; it is accepted as a necessary part of looking after one’s body to have regular smears and vaginal examination when needed to investigate symptoms. Whether a doctor is a lesbian, or heterosexual male or not is irrelevant, as it is a professional examination and very much distinguished from one’s personal life and any crossing of that boundary instigates disciplinary procedures. Similarly, a urologist may need to examine the testicles, prostate and penis, but he/she does not need to declare his/her sexual preference beforehand. Being a gay man or heterosexual woman does not exclude them from being a urologist – and quite rightly so.

Likewise, those performing Esoteric Breast Massage do not get off on breast massage – and again whether they are a lesbian or a heterosexual woman does not matter, as it is a non-sexual technique performed professionally and definitely not for any self-gratification, sexual or otherwise. So clearly, as is well established in the practice of medicine, a practitioner of medicine or Esoteric Breast Massage does not need to declare their sexual preference.  The technique is definitely not about sexual pleasure for the practitioner or the recipient. One only has to experience the technique from a Universal Medicine trained practitioner to know this to be so. That said, it is a technique performed by women only, because of the nature and sensitivity of the technique, respect for the client and the depth of healing that can be attained by a woman who has cleared similar issues and reconnected to her sacredness and can offer that same depth of healing to her client.


What is Esoteric Breast Massage about – quackery and titillation or healing?

So what is Esoteric Breast Massage about? Is it all quackery and titillation as some would like to make out or is something more going on?  Of course for those determined to restrict their view to the narrow lens of, ‘life and medicine is what I know it to be now and there is nothing more’ then no explanation will suffice. But for those who are open to considering there is more to understand about life, the way we live it, the human body and how illness and disease are manifest, then there is certainly more to unpack and consider. Some key principles are as follows:

  • We are energetic beings – there is energy flowing through us all the time and we get affected by our daily experiences, life events and traumas.
  • Our bodies reflect the choices we have made over our whole life, as well as the hurts and traumas we have experienced.
  • Massage is a technique that can help to clear issues from the body energetically and can assist with our reconnection back to our essence.
  • Our essence is a place of love, harmony, joy, stillness and truth – by reconnecting with it we can be empowered to make more healthy lifestyle choices.

Although the breasts are most often thought of either as sexual organs or organs to nurture and feed babies, they are in fact firstly the organs that assist a woman with nurturing herself. A woman’s relationship with her breasts is important and yet it is one that is often unexplored, hidden, or buried in shame. Many women have a relationship with their breasts that is more based on critique than love and appreciation. Too small, too big, too droopy, too saggy, too nodular, too soft – the complaints are many and varied – but it seems like few women truly appreciate, care for and look after their breasts (or indeed themselves) in a way that is truly caring and nurturing. The thing is that having these buried beliefs and thoughts about ourselves and our breasts as some version of ‘not good enough-ness’ feeds into our behaviours – how we feel about ourselves, impacts the choices we make about food, exercise, alcohol, drugs, smoking, relationships and more.  We also know that most breast cancer is lifestyle related rather than primarily genetic – so it makes sense that if we address how we feel about ourselves deep within, this will help us to live in a way that is more healthy as we will feel worth looking after and make choices accordingly.

So the EBM is not about curing cancer or healing cancer or any other condition for that matter. If any such benefit were to arise as a consequence of the technique, it is predominantly a secondary effect and not the primary one. Although there are anecdotal reports of people observing beneficial changes in their health conditions as a consequence of having EBM’s, these benefits are actually secondary.  The EBM is a multi-dimensional healing technique that works in a number of ways and at different levels and it is far too simplistic to consider only what is occurring at the physical level or its impact on physical illness and disease alone.

Having EBMs is quite often a journey of deepening in one’s connection with oneself and the true womanly qualities that reside within, but which many of us have been keeping well covered up! Let’s face it, many women today think that in order to be successful they have to be as tough and hard as the men, or even more so – and I certainly fell into that bracket! I thought being that way was being strong, proving myself to be no pushover, and that I could take on or withstand anyone or anything. Walls of steel ensured people didn’t get too close, keeping me protected, or so I thought. I now see the falsity of such beliefs and ways and that whilst it may lead one to be successful in having a heart attack or some other condition, they certainly don’t result in a successful healthy body and way of life.


Developing a Nurturing Relationship

By having EBMs the layers of hardness and protection begin to fall away, and we can connect with the fact that underneath that tough, hard persona there is a sweetness (a word that I used to have a negative visceral reaction to and one of the last things I wanted to be seen as!!) and a quality of gentleness that we can choose to live from. But this is only touching the surface. There is so much more to be uncovered and revealed. We come to realise that we are in fact deeply precious, deliciously delicate, and that underneath all the chaos and mayhem, tension and strife, there is a divine beauty and a profound stillness that melts and dissolves all that is not true. The more we surrender to that stillness, to know that is who we are, the more we are able to live and make choices that are truly healthy.  We deeply feel that we are worth caring for, worth nurturing and looking after to the nth degree.

If we truly take this on board, we begin to make choices that we know and can feel are more healthy and the old harming ways start to fall away – we no longer wish to poison and intoxicate our precious vehicle. The depth to which we can develop a nurturing relationship with ourselves and our bodies is unending – we never get to a point and say: ‘that’s it – I’m all nurtured up and nothing more for me to do!’ Which is great as there is always more for us to deepen in our love, appreciation, care and nurturing for ourselves. It is the quality of this nurturing relationship with ourselves that is the primary benefit of the EBM, a quality that when truly lived impacts our lifestyle choices, and thus the potential benefit that has been reported by some anecdotally on lifestyle related conditions.


It makes sense that if our lifestyle is the cause of many conditions, then addressing the root cause of why we have an ill lifestyle and healing that, such that we develop a way of living that is truly healthy should, in theory, have a beneficial effect on lifestyle induced conditions – a theory that some have felt to be true in practice by their own lived experience. And so, many women have personally experienced the EBM as a transformational healing modality – one that deepens and enriches their relationship with themselves and their bodies. A journey that can go through many different stages: initially there can be hesitancy, embarrassment, shame, doubt, hardness, protection, fear, anxiety, emotional discomfort, apprehension, nervousness etc. – and whatever is there is not judged but met only with love and acceptance. This in itself is healing. The EBM over time helps us to let these reactions go and to reconnect to the deeper truth of who we are…. Such that we begin to feel and know that we are none of those emotions and that we can surrender to that which is within and always has been – the true essence of the woman – in all her sacred beauty, glory and preciousness, just waiting to be revealed and lived.

So go ahead and make your jokes, guffaw, laugh and ridicule if you like – for none of that can detract, hide, obscure or take away from the truth that is felt and known within the body and soul of one who lives the essence of the true woman and who has experienced the transformational power of the EBM to facilitate that reconnection, reawakening and reunification with the sacredness within – a profound depth of stillness that knows no bounds. Any improvement to physical health conditions is a welcome secondary benefit that provides tangible evidence on a different level of the effect of EBM but in no way usurps the true healing proffered. Quackery and titillation, or transformational healing modality – you decide; those who know, know.



DISCLAIMER: Esoteric breast massage is a complementary therapy and is not part of conventional ‘evidence based medicine’. No claims are made as to its efficacy on physical health conditions. The author writes from personal experience combined with an understanding of Esoteric healing, Esoteric philosophy and energy. It is for the reader to discern whether Esoteric Breast Massage is, or could possibly be, of benefit to a woman’s wellbeing. Any concerns regarding your breasts or your health should be discussed with your doctor.


Read more:

  1. What do you mean, do I have a relationship with my breasts? 
  2. The Power of Esoteric Breast Massage: A tender and unimposing touch
  3. Learning to love myself through my breasts – discovering the Esoteric Breast Massage 







364 thoughts on “Esoteric Breast Massage: Quackery and Titillation or Transformational Healing Modality?

  1. Eunice, the association with breasts have been sexualised for centuries and continue to be done so in this century. Women in general have issues with their bodies and we annihilate ourselves because we don’t match the images of magazines, catwalk women and so forth. And underneath we are all the same.

    There is nothing mumbo jumbo about Esoteric Breast Massage (EBM) and being on the receiving end of this modality, I’m developing a relationship with my breasts like never before. The care and attention during these sessions is out of this world and I feel fuller as a woman.

  2. Years ago when I worked as a massage therapist a woman asked if I would massage her breasts and I am not going to lie I was completely shocked (although did not show this) in her asking this as I never heard of breast massage before and politely said no I do not massage breasts. And apparently, from later hearing this does happen on some massage courses .. so glad I did not get my diploma on one of those courses!! However with the Esoteric Breast Massage when I first heard about this because of the absolutely integrity and place it was coming from, both energetic and physical integrity, I was not shocked, in fact instead I felt the care and importance of this for women and had the feeling of ‘of course that makes sense’. From my experience of having an Esoteric Massage which is done by women only who go through incredibly rigorous training and abide by a very specific Code of Ethics, it is both deeply nurturing and healing to receive. What I find ludicrous is how something that has so much integrity and care is attacked when there is so much in the world that is the complete opposite of this and not given any attention or focus to at all. This alone is revealing in how we are currently living attacking that what is of care and allowing so much that is abusive and probably one of the many reasons why we are seeing everything get worse.

    1. Vicky I agree, the level of integrity in Esoteric Breast Massage Practitioners is felt from the time you make your appointment, to the time you get up from a massage table.

      And isn’t it interesting when integrity and care is paramount, then it is attacked. It kind of feels that most people are so conditioned to accept abuse, that the opposite is alienating, so they attack something they haven’t even researched…

  3. ‘Even though there is absolutely NOTHING sexual about an Esoteric Breast Massage (EBM), the media and others, including conventional doctors, immediately assume there is, or must be and that anyone promoting or partaking in such a modality must be dodgy, perverted, into quackery, on a ruse or have a few screws loose.’ This is so telling as to how much we have been conditioned to view the body as sexual first and foremost before actually connecting to it and honouring it and therefore how perverted away from our true normal.

  4. With the ever increasing rise of lifestyle related diseases one would think that anything that supported women to reconnect to their inner essence would be welcomed rather than ridiculed but it seems that some have never got past the playground tittering at something that seems a bit ‘out there’ and are incapable of approaching it with an open mind. That is their loss as I can testify to how EBMs have transformed my relationship not just with my breasts but with my whole body and with what it means to honour and nurture myself as a woman.

  5. Thanks Eunice for exploring in depth the Esoteric Breast Massage (EBM), it is an amazing modality that is multidimensional, it is so much more than a physical therapy. Breast massage is actually not new at all, in fact I trained in Clinical Relaxation Massage with a reputable registered training organisation and breast massage was taught and performed on women students by male students. I didn’t feel comfortable with this so I opted out of this module. When I came across the EBM I did work through some thoughts of it being weird, however I felt it was appropriate that it was only performed by women for women, and something kept calling me to try it. My first EBM was the most incredible experience, not so much because of it being about the breast massage, but more so what working with this area truly offered to me as a woman, a reconnection to my essence, to the inner divinity, to a power that had been covered up by ideals and beliefs of what a woman is. It reconnected me back to the true me. The EBM is an ongoing part of my health plan and each session is like an extraordinary revelation of who I truly am as a woman, and what is there to be released from my breasts and chest area that I have falsely taken on that prevents me from living the true woman I am.

  6. I remember attending a presentation by an Esoteric Breast Massage practitioner about 10 years ago, and everything she said made sense of why women all of the world were where they were at, cancer on the rise, PMS being normal, many living with underlying disregard, self-loathing, lack of appreciation for self etc., and I had no doubt then that for someone to be able to see the world with such clarity and with no judgement, they have deep understanding and love for humanity, and would offer anything but true, genuine, support for women.

  7. The first time I heard of Esoteric Breast massage I thought no way would I do that, I’d be too embarrassed. Then a few years later I started to have some sessions and it has proven to be a life-changing experience as it brings in a whole new level of tenderness and delicateness that I never knew I access to.

  8. We are the first to criticise or judge another or something we know nothing about, the truth being, the judgement or criticism is of our own making and is exposed to heal within our body for our evolution and that of others.

  9. There are so many medical procedures considered as normal which make me cringe even thinking about them. But I have learned to accept them because this is all we have and we obviously have not managed to come up with procedures less imposing and less traumatic.
    Then on the other hand we have the Universal Medicine modalities, coupled with the depth of training and assessment of practitioners, that offer a level of care and honouring which at times moves me to tears, and that constantly invites me to go deeper into that level of care for myself and for others.
    Ironic that no one questions the harshness of some of our current medical procedures and no one asks for more research into how to make them more human friendly, but there are people seriously going for a modality that pretty much everyone who has received it has found deeply caring, honouring and supportive.

    1. Golnaz the mammogram is a perfect example of what you are sharing here regarding tests and procedures in the medical world that are harsh and need updating.

    2. A great point you make here Golnaz. My first ever smear tests was one of the most traumatic experiences I think I have had – it was certainly not carried out with a deep level of care and honouring and it felt like an abuse. This we consider normal and society deems it ok. It did not feel ok to me. I had no problem with the procedure – simply the way it was performed, which left me feeling cramps and in discomfort for a week or two afterwards.

      1. I agree with you Michelle819. Smear tests can be a very unpleasant experience to go through. I personally have had many smear tests, I found the doctor’s room to be cold, the couch was cold to lie on, the instrument that is used was often cold too. Years ago it was the doctor that performed the test now it is the nurse, but whomever it is they do not have the time to support a woman through this procedure as they are time limited because they have a busy surgery to attend to.
        Whereas having a Esoteric Breast Massage is completely the opposite. When you walk into the room it is warm and inviting, the couch that you lie on is warm, the practitioner moves quietly around the room and the sense of deep care can be felt in their movements. The stillness in the room allows for a woman to feel safe and held so that they can let go of tension in their body. The space provided is one of deep nurturing so that a woman is able to reconnect to her body.
        The modern woman has taken on so many roles within society that many of them feel stressed and overwhelmed. The nurturing space provided by trained female practitioners of EBM allows a woman to let go and build a more nurturing relationship with herself which can be life changing, in as much as they then feel that they do want to take care of themselves, they are worth taking care of and the levels of stress in the body are reduced so that it is possible to understand they do not need to harden to be able to live in the world.

  10. The fact that we have sexualised breasts so much and therefore could perceive the esoteric breast massage as something other than it is says more about our culture and the way we think rather than esoteric breast massage itself.

  11. From the outset I knew that Esoteric Breast Massage would be a very wholistic and healing treatment and I remember signing up for sessions and thinking I want to train in this, this is so important, to have women have a positive relationship with their breasts and take away all the false connotations that go along with what breasts mean to people. They are a sacred part of our sacred body and yet they are very rarely viewed as such. The Esoteric Breast Massage has been practised now for several years and has developed in this time becoming an even more beautiful experience for women – a very gentle and supportive way for us to clear old energy and deepen our relationship with ourselves.

  12. Only someone who has not experience an Esoteric Breast Massage would say it was a quackery and titillation technique. That couldn’t be further from the truth and is not an ounce of truth. The EBM is a modality that is deeply honouring of the women in every possible way.

    1. Yes I agree, to look past, catch or even heal what once would have been an immediate reaction or dismissal is possible through the movements lived beforehand and the consequence or response can be nothing but evolutionary in one way or another.

  13. In an Esoteric Breast Massage session, even just the way the practitioner moves our arms, or adjust the covering over the body is enough to let us know the depth of love and nurturing we women are depriving ourselves of, and it offers such a deep sense of invitation back to the essence of who we are as woman. To me, it is clear that those who accuse EBM of quackery or titillation have not had a first hand experience of a session, and what a pity that is.

    1. The reflection of deep loving care and gentleness offered by the practitioner is amazing but also revealing of how this is truly possible but often not how I treat myself on a daily basis.

      1. Yes – I would say that most of us, men included, do not treat ourselves or move our bodies in a way that honours our innate preciousness or delicacy. We wouldn’t dream of holding a baby in any way other than to cherish their delicacy. At what point do we say to ourselves that that quality is no longer relevant?

  14. Yes, There are many words that can trigger a reaction rather then a response. Reactions distort the true meaning of the word. Understanding this can help you catch yourself, when you are in reaction,and go deeper into why you have a reaction to that word. What is the reaction all about?
    Serge Benhayon has supported me understand that every word has a true meaning, and every word that Serge speaks has a definite purpose.That is what communication is all about.

  15. I can not wait for the day when understanding the energetic dynamic behind every single physical occurrence is understood and taught as a foundational element to the medical students, to school children, and in fact throughout society, as every single one of us is affected by this whether we choose to be aware of it or we settle for ignorance.

  16. You do not know what nectar tastes like without trying it. To experience an EBM is to feel the delicate sacredness of the woman you are.

  17. I have witnessed the derogatory, underhanded sniggering and ridicule that can be dished out “under the guise of good old fun and banter” when someone makes a choice to up the level of responsibility, care and integrity in their life. Why? Because they deep down actually know the truth of what is happening and can sense being shown up for their own choices.
    It is no different here with the Esoteric Breast Massage. Whatever smut is thrown at it, however much it is ridiculed, deep down everyone can sense that something amazing is being offered and is being chosen by women here.

  18. Given the current state of women’s health world wide, there raises the question as to why, when we appear to have something that could potentially really actually begin to make a difference, would there be those who protest, ridicule, condemn and judge it? Why, when there is such a huge and direct call coming from women’s bodies all over the world for something that will truly support, is there such a resistance to an offered modality that by all accounts has nothing less to offer than deeply supportive healing for women?

  19. Attempting to sexualise the practice of the EBM, aims to separate women from the potential of it supporting their bodies. There is so much smut around in everyday life, attempting to paint the EBM with the same paint is a cheap shot, the EBM is the fact opposite of smut, it is deeply sacred and from a woman who has experienced it, it has supported a deeper commitment to being in my power, saying no to abuse and not sexualising my body. Sexualising our bodies is not the same as being sexy, sexy is an expression of who we are in full, our sacredness, our divineness. No wonder there is an attempt to bastardise what the EBM offers, it could literally accelerate, support and empower a magnitude of gentle, sacred and responsible revolution / evolution across the planet

  20. Never in the entire time I have been having Esoteric Breast Massages have i experienced any unprofessional or sexual acts, and I have been having them since they started. It is the absolute opposite, I have only every felt deeply respected, honoured, deeply cared for and given the space simply to do nothing, just be me. How they support me to open up my vascular and lymphatic systems has a profound effect on my body and the quality in which I move there after.

  21. Esoteric Breast Massage isn’t any old massage. It is a Universal Medicine therapy and this fact is profoundly significant.
    A hallmark of such Universal Medicine therapies is the offering the deepest level of integrity, care, understanding and healing lived by the practitioner in their own life as a foundation. Part of the training and accreditation for such modalities is the awareness that this energetic vibration provided by the practitioner is felt by the client at a core level and is a fundamental part of the space offered in which the client can come to a healing, unfolding and deep awareness for themselves.

  22. As a humanity we are very quick to judge others… rather than being open to new people in our lives who could offer us the potential to learn, grow and evolve.

  23. EBM changes the relationship we have with our bodies as women. It is not a sexual act by any stretch of the imagination but an honouring, and truly loving experience.

  24. Esoteric Breast Massage for women by women, from my own experience I can say the EBM has helped me reconnect to my body, and to truly feel how protective I have been, as I let go of the protection I realised how wonderfully natural it is to nurture myself, without the EBM’s I don’t think I would ever have realised how delicate I truly am, and that taking care of myself is very supportive and is by no means a weakness.

    1. I have experienced this and with the delicateness a true knowing of my power in that delicateness has been embodied a powerful and deeply supportive modality. I never knew that I could be gentle, and delicate and powerful and so much more, I thought we needed to be hard, push and act fearless, but we do not and learning this has changed my life.

  25. The EBM is no quackery. Many would like to have us believe it as such to not have their world turned upside down by threatening their understanding of the woman’s body – and how this alone would impact their beliefs. The EBM is a healing modality that liberates man and woman from the toxic inter relationship they’re currently bound in.

  26. The fact that people tend to have such dramatic reactions (as listed beginning of this article) when they first hear the term ‘Esoteric Breast Massage’ while there are usually no problems with leg massage, back massage, arm massage etc., in itself shows that there is already a lot to heal for any woman with respect to how she is not honoured and parts of her body are reduced to a caricature. But an EBM session does so much more in supporting a woman to deepen her connection to herself and embrace the power of her true expression. A deeply supportive modality.

  27. The amazing gift of the Esoteric breast Massage allowing and bringing women to reconnect ” the true essence of the woman – in all her sacred beauty, glory and preciousness, just waiting to be revealed and lived.”

  28. “Quackery and titillation, or transformational healing modality – you decide; those who know, know.” Speaking as ‘one of those who knows’, I can honestly say that the EBM modality has changed my life as through having these sessions I have come to understand, connect to and start to truly love my own body. And in learning to love my own body I have been able to let go of the hang ups I used to have about it and consequently embrace other areas of my life more readily and with little or no complication. The knock on effect of this modality goes way beyond anything we could even begin to fathom.

  29. I’m one of those people who welcomed the EBM the first time I heard about it. Fortunately I also do not live near enough to always get one to depend on others to give me this healing. The truth is the EBM is an amazing modality to support every woman’s journey back to their own connection, but like any medicine, conventional or Esoteric, the true healing starts from our responsibility to express who we are in full.

  30. I remember the first time I saw loads of business cards with naked bodies in a phone box I was confused and horrified. It is still strange seeing the extent of sexualisation of the female body all over the place even when the topic has nothing to do with sex, gender or the human body. Okay so this is a society we have created.
    But the huge question here is how come we have all of a sudden some people coming out of the woodworks with claims of outrage and accusations of misconduct about a healing modality that hundreds of women publicly share has supported them transform their relationship with themselves and with their lives?
    The lack of logic in itself shows there is something fishy about the accusations and attacks on Universal Medicine and the Esoteric Breast Massage.

  31. Spot on Eunice, I was pretty horrified by the thought of breast massage when I first heard about it, but something in me knew this was not a sexual or demeaning modality and when I booked in for my first few session, it was the most incredible experience of connecting deeply with myself as a woman and my only regret is that I did not discover this sooner!

    1. I was also very reluctant when I first heard of Esoteric Breast Massage but after seeing the transformation in others I wanted that in my life too.

  32. Shirley-Ann I think so many people myself included have judged many things in our lives, the bit that really can get me is that even when people are presented with the truth they ignore it and still judge.

    1. I agree David. It is that exactly, that when presented with absolute truth, there can still be complete denial about something that is completely undeniable.

  33. The outrage and judgment of a woman choosing to have an Esoteric Breast Massage highlights just how sexualised and owned the woman’s breasts have become rather than this part of her body, in truth, being the nurturing centre and her choice to self-nurture her body.

    1. It also shows us how powerful it must be then for a woman to self-nurture her body and embrace the true nature of her breasts.

  34. You capture the nature and purpose Esoteric Breast Massage here Eunice, it is, and only ever will be “a technique performed by women only, because of the nature and sensitivity of the technique, respect for the client and the depth of healing that can be attained by a woman who has cleared similar issues and reconnected to her sacredness and can offer that same depth of healing to her client.”

    1. I have never come across any organisation that pays so much attention broadly and to the minutest detail to ensure people are cared for, supported and honoured in every way. Universal Medicine is a true example of an organisation dedicated to serving humanity and inspiring a greater level of love, care and honouring of ourself and one another.

      1. The level of integrity and care that is offered in this modality surpasses anything I have ever experienced before. The client is held with utmost respect and decency and offered nothing less but the full attention and professional support.

  35. So much is offered today in new age spiritual pursuits that seems to me, like absolute make believe. So much in research and academia is revealed to be absolute balderdash and yet people arc up when presented with Universal Medicine therapies. It makes no sense except when you consider the level of integrity and transparency Serge Benhayon presents. For some it seems this is a bridge too far. Enter the abuse and lies…

    1. Agreed Joseph, from a world of lies and therapies that do little if anything to support people, without any critique, to truth and with that backlash and abuse. What Serge presents is something that all are free to feel if its their equal truth or not.

  36. The EBM is one of the most supportive modalities I have ever experienced. Before this, I had no connection to my breasts whatsoever, and neither did I want one – my breasts were just ‘there’ – a part of me that I paid no attention to, other than for sex, and potentially one day in their role as milk providers for children. What the EBM introduces, is a connection to this part of our body that many of us have previously forgotten about or dismissed, which then, in my experience, leads to a greater sense of wanting to take deeper, more loving care of one’s self.

  37. Amazing and beautiful, only confirming that this modality serves not only women, but it is the consequence, or the ripple effect, that through the woman, the man is brought to his tenderness and to a deeper settlement within his body too.

  38. A car enthusiast would probably find it difficult to understand how some people just thrash a valuable car and not take the time to learn in detail about the various parts, how it works, what it does and how to take care of it. It is a travesty that we live in the most incredible vehicle ever and do not really put in the care and attention to discover everything about it. Let alone deeply care for it.
    I thought I knew a lot about the human body until I came across Universal Medicine and the support to deepen my understanding, sensitivity, awareness and the responsibility in taking care of my body in every way and being in charge of what is expressed through me to my fellow brothers and sisters. It is where science, religion and philosophy meet, and we are no longer carrying a physical corpse but a stupendous vehicle through which we express our divinity.

    1. Beautifully put Golnaz, as it has been through having EBM’s myself that has made me realise this “stupendous vehicle through which we express our divinity” – and not only that, but also the value, purpose, and reconnection to the Sacredness of being Woman – how healing and restorative this is to women’s health, family, relationships and community.

  39. What a gorgeous reflection of the healing this modality offers to people which goes way beyond the healing room and the person who has personally received the Esoteric Breast Massage.

  40. Great to point out how we can go strange with something which is such a healing divine moment for a woman.
    Can it be from influence that there is this long lived pattern that women’s power should be depressed.
    What happens if many women claim back the beauty we Can hold in our female parts of the body?
    I think deep down we all know.

  41. We can easily call something we don’t understand a ‘cult’ or odd – but where does that get us to? Is it not better to fully investigate life with an open heart rather than attack and demolish what’s different? How open are we, after all to true change?

    1. I used to look at places, people and organisations I didn’t know and think they were odd. I would do it in a closed down way and yet when I get to meet the people my picture of ‘odd’ has been quickly dissolved.

    2. If a child started to get upset and reject anything that they don’t understand or is different to what they are used to, everyone realises there is something wrong and that the child needs help. How come we accept it from adults?

  42. Of course when someone hears the term ‘Esoteric Breast Massage’ for the first time they are going to be suspicious. Who wouldn’t be? The breasts are an area of the body that we go to great lengths to avoid in other therapies out of respect and understanding that this is a private area. So when there is a therapy available that is all about the breasts, of course alarm bells ring.

    But what if this offering is pure gold, and what if this offering is honouring the sacredness of the woman, and what if by focusing on the breasts we are effectively breaking the taboo that we can’t go near them and they should be ignored. Perhaps ignoring the breasts has led us to be disconnected from our feminine nature, hiding it from ourselves and the world. Perhaps by embracing healing on the area of the breasts we uncover reasons behind a plethora of conditions, ill health or disease.

    The only reason breasts have become taboo is because they have only been viewed as sexual objects. Take this away and we are able to uncover the true nature of our breasts, as nurturing centres that should be honoured and respected. Perhaps this is what is on offer through the Esoteric Breast Massage.

  43. The ducks can quack, and the blackbirds can sing… the question is who do we want to listen to?

  44. I certainly would not jump at a chance of having any old breast massage (and to think of it nowadays any other massage treatment either) UNLESS it was done by someone trained and accredited to the standard of care, awareness and integrity which is the hallmark of Universal Medicine.

    I myself practiced massage for relaxation and pain relief most of my life and was proud of the level of care I offered. Yet when I came across Universal Medicine I was introduced to a whole new level of care and integrity I had not even dreamed of. Not only that, but also the focus was not relief or rescuing people, what they got was so much more. I have ever since been a great fan of Universal Medicine and every single modality offered. The depth of settlement within your body, the re-awaking of so much more awareness and the extent of healing offered is phenomenal.

    1. I’m with you on that one Golnaz, no way would I go to just anyone for a breast massage. These days I am more discerning as to who to go to for any kind of treatment. What we don’t realise is that when we get a treatment we are also energetically getting how that person lives, so it’s an Esoteric Practitioner for me every time. Unless, of course, I need medical treatment or advice.

    2. “Not only that, but also the focus was not relief or rescuing people, what they got was so much more.” – Golnaz, this line really resonated with me, and I can remember the dozens and dozens of times I would go to a massage therapist after pretty much beating my body up doing all kinds of sports and noticing that it was the same areas that I had the most soreness in my body and I was really just going there for the relief of that pain. Now one could say that is obvious, that all you have to do is stop engaging in those sporting events to ‘solve the problem’, but even after I did, there were these patterns that persisted, which through the teaching of Universal Medicine I was able to understand that until I dealt with the underlying energetic and emotional issues that manifested in my body in various ways, those patterns would come to the surface over and over again. Massage can be an incredible support in clearing these things energetically, but only when it is done with the energetic basis of health issues being understood, otherwise we are just looking for relief, not healing.

  45. I am left with a couple of questions:

    If journalism is about reporting truth, how come we keep seeing copy-and-paste fabricated rants of a cyber troll reported as news, yet none of the actual real stories associated with Universal Medicine or modalities such as EBM and the miraculous changes described by so many people?

    The same with the area of science and research: if scientists and researchers truly care about people and advancing our awareness, how come they have been dismissing anything that does not fit within their narrow criteria (despite of the wealth of anecdotal evidence available), and more, how come they themselves have not initiated research in collaboration with the EBM practitioners in order to clarify why so many people have been sharing about the profound impact of the Esoteric Breast Massage?

    Okay if neither of them are that interested in truth, expansion and well-being of people….. fair enough, but at least let’s stop pretending and spreading lies and fabricated stories which put hurdles in front of those among us who clearly do care very deeply.

  46. When we discredit and diminish things with insults and innuendo we ought to stop in our tracks and consider what’s going on – usually it reveals an area or subject we have tried to avoid for too long.

  47. Its truly sad to really grasp the extent to which we have bastardised the sacredness of our breasts. So much so that the majority of women, myself included have no idea what their purpose is.

  48. The profound changes that have occurred in me through receiving the Esoteric Breast Massage and working with what I have discovered about myself in the sessions are in fact too numerous to mention, suffice to say that since receiving them I cherish myself more and more each day for the woman that I am and this love and honouring of myself reflects to my family/friends/colleagues/ the wider community that we can in fact love and cherish ourselves as women.

  49. It is obvious that the journalists that lie about what the EBM is and imply that it is sexual have never experienced a session of it. That simple. I have, since it was released as a modality through Universal Medicine and it has never, not once had any thing of the sort, held any sexual energy. The absolute opposite. You are held, respected, honoured and communicated the whole way and the quality in and of the touch and movement is so delicate and precious. Calling it sexual energy is someone grasping at straws.

    1. So true. No one that has actually had Esoteric Breast Massage could ever doubt the fact that it is a deeply honouring and supportive treatment.

  50. The fact that when we put the words “breast” and “massage” together incites so much derogation and really highlights how we have dropped our standards when it comes to appropriately using the correct and true meaning of words – it shows us that these words have been misused in society and that rather than using their true meaning and considering the potential for healing we have converted them both to be sexual.

  51. Honouring and nurturing all parts of our bodies, means we live as a whole and not in its parts which is against the bodies’s natural way.

  52. Even if just a fraction of what so many women have been sharing about the profound impact of the Esoteric Breast Massage (EBM) was true, it would still be immensely worthwhile adopting it to support our struggling medical system. The fact is that we have hundreds of accounts of incredible changes. Isn’t it curious that we don’t have queues of people wanting to find out more about it?

  53. Having had EBMs I can say from personal experience how they truly support me as a woman to reconnect back to my sensitivity, delicacy and stillness. For those that have not experienced one, I say, do not judge until you have a full perspective. When a full perspective is gained then it becomes impossible to judge.

  54. We have breast screening which involves compressing each breast between two hard cold metal plates. I still find this experience difficult to swallow and wish someone could come up with a more human friendly procedure. Fortunately those doing the screening tend to be good at putting me at ease with their words, otherwise I would feel quite violated.

    On the other hand Esoteric Breast Massage is deeply caring, honouring and nurturing right from the word go. At times I am moved to tears when I feel how this level of care is so much more than how I have been looking after myself.
    Every woman should experience at least one session of Esoteric Breast Massage for that reflection alone.

  55. I have received a number of Esoteric Breast Massages and at no time did I feel that there was any level of inappropriateness. My practitioners were always very sensitive to my needs, very delicate in their care with me and very supportive in their approach to my session. I have never felt anything other than that. For anyone to condemn something because they don’t like the sound of something does not make sense, because they actually knowing nothing of which they speak about. They are talking about something from their own ideals and beliefs rather than the experience of something.

  56. I find it astonishing that many who purport to have science, medicine and care about the well-being of people can be so closed to even looking into and truly examining what is on offer here. This is when the offer, transparency and wide open door has been provided all along. Recently published research that could have supported became under a barrage of abusive and derogatory comments, with newspapers spreading rhetorics of a cyber troll, the whole result just like bullies in schoolyard.
    How come there is such a reaction to the suggestion that we could be much more loving, caring and responsible in life, and that we can actually start to reverse the escalating trend of ill health?

  57. Not long ago I went for a mammogram, and the experience was quick and efficient but only on a functional level. There was no true care, or gentleness when handling my breasts and placing them on a hard cold machine which takes the x-ray. There was no warmth from the practitioner or even friendliness, but I was appreciative of the fact that she knew what she was doing. This experience was so far removed from what I have experienced with an Esoteric Breast Massage practitioner who was the total opposite. Let’s face it we are feeling quite vulnerable in those moments, and our breasts need that tenderness and consideration. If you have a practitioner, who is shut off to their own breasts, what is the level of care we receive?

  58. Surely to make a judgement on a modality, without speaking to many others who have had it, cannot represent a true picture, only one based on bias according to self-made preconceived perceptions? What if the many who shared, all told the of the same respectful, caring and high quality treatment, then this clearly would have to present a true testimony to the EBM modality?

  59. The beauty, sensitivity and delicateness of the breast is what is being re-acted to for if we were as a society to acknowledge this then the past labelling and abuse impacted on this area of a woman’s body could not and would not happen. The ‘Disbelief? Shock? Revulsion? Laughter? Desire to ridicule? Think it must be dodgy? Quackery? Woo-woo medicine? Something sexual? And a ‘no way I would have that done!’- happens and is allowed because it supports the ‘denial’ to remain of the true sacredness and deep sensitivity of a woman and what her breasts communicate.

  60. “Esoteric Breast Massage” throwing up such a reaction on many people is itself an indication of the problems we have as a society in this area, otherwise we would be able to look at the merits or the lack of the merits of the modality or look to see from actual evidence if any claims stand up. From my experience many have issues with the word ‘esoteric’, with ‘breasts’ and with ‘massage’.
    The fact the Universal Medicine chooses to call the modality as such is brilliant. Because the immense care, integrity, honouring and support the modality is founded on, helps debase the many misinterpretations we have in these areas.

  61. This blog reveals how there are layers of ‘stuff’ in the way of us accessing the truth. What is simple, beautiful and profound we think is wacky at first sight. This shows how we are best served by observing life’s events without reacting or judging them.

  62. Breast massage is something that happens in society, and if we do a little research we will find many people telling us that it is supportive for the body, and yet these practices are not critiqued in the way that Esoteric Breast Massage is…interesting when the level of lived integrity is so paramount with an Esoteric Breast Massage Practitioner, when you have a session you are offered deep care, professionalism and integrity. You could practice many other forms of breast massage with no attention given to how you live, what you consume or your emotional health. Esoteric Breast Massage is the real deal, I know that as someone who has had sessions and also trained in it.

  63. As an EBM Practitioner I can say with zero doubt there is absolutely no titillation or sexual aspects of this healing modality. People who have not experienced it may throw cheap barbs, or laugh behind their hands, but given they have not tried it, perhaps their judgement should be recognised as just that – judgement.

  64. The integrity of a practitioner is a very important aspect in a client/practitioner relationship even though it is hardly ever discussed at a level it needs to. We do not have to have our body being touched to be violated by another. It is just incredible that there is a group of people who are willing to take this very seriously and embrace its implication and make choices accordingly when the majority of humanity cannot be bothered and turning blind eyes to corruptive behavior as long as they themselves are not being touched by it. And if there is something this group of people believe to be worthy of sharing with the rest of humanity, I am more than happy to give it a go as their livingness already speaks volume.

    1. So true Fumiyo. Here we have with Universal Medicine and its accrediting body The Esoteric Practitioners Association, two organisations with the highest level of care and integrity I have ever come across. And whenever I have had any dealing with them whatsoever I have been deeply honoured and cared for to a depth that has often surpassed anything I had ever experienced in my life, including the level of care I had been offering myself. I too would say “if there is something this group of people believe to be worthy of sharing with the rest of humanity” it is well worth checking out what is being presented.

  65. There is nothing sexual at all about the Esoteric Breast Massage just as there is nothing sexual about massage full stop. It’s a very supportive treatment for women by women that re-connects a women to her natural nurturing nature.

  66. Yes, we seem to single breasts out to not be touched to get support in a healing way and yet many of us experience physical discomfort or pain in our breasts.

    1. The fact that “many of us experience physical discomfort or pain in our breasts” and many of us have dislike issues with our breasts alone makes such deeply caring and honouring treatment as the Esoteric Breast Massage an immensely supportive modality. The depth of care and cherishing that is offered in all Universal Medicine modalities have often bring me to tears when I first feel the contrast of how I have been living leading up to a session, and offer a marker of how I can deepen my own care and cherishing of myself. The EBM is a potent and invaluable support for all women.

  67. This is a superb account about Esoteric Breast Massage and it breaks through the strong beliefs we hold about breasts. I have benefitted deeply from the modality and do not want to miss it, and in its simplest terms, having EBMs has supported me to be content in and with my own body.

    1. I absolutely agree with you here Esther. Thank goodness Serge Benhayon has brought the Esoteric Breast Massage to the world for women to experience, as I too have rediscovered and reclaimed the woman that I am and always have been, but had so lost touch with as a result of the choices I had made in my life. To feel content in one’s own body and with every aspect of who we are is indeed something to be celebrated, and not ridiculed.

      1. Contentment with one’s own body does not only bring contentment with oneself but serves all others equally as this quality is then brought to all aspects of our lives quite naturally so.

  68. The esoteric breast massage is a deeply honouring modality of all we are as women and allows a reconnection to our sacredness and essence and the wholeness of who we are with energetic healing and stillness from within which is deeply respectfull and serene.

  69. We are energetic beings and it is not honouring of our bodies to lump them into being merely physical, our bodies reflect and express something, areas are energetic in reality and also symbolically, we speak fo the heart and we know that it is not just flesh, this is so with the breasts or any other part of our body. It is natural, normal and healthy to consider our energetic being and not just our physical well-being – both are significant and inextricably linked.

  70. This is great what you have shared Eunice, for it shares with total consideration all about energy and how energies are an integral part of healing. As well as the fact that very few people want to understand or even consider energy exist. Any form of Sacred Esoteric Healing will always come with the highest form of ethics, which allows the practitioner to lovingly apply the truest form of energetic healing. When we understand that energy plays a role in our healing then we must take responsibility for what energy we use when we heal and this is always our free choice to do so.

  71. There is more to the breasts than just function (breast feeding). The Esoteric Breast Massage reveals the Stillness and Sacredness of her woman body to her, which, and as a result, the woman finally knows herself to a depth where, no where before, has this stillness been reflected to her. Then the woman absolutely has a marker of what it means and feels like to truly self-nurture… and this quality changes everything, not just for the woman’s relationship with herself, but too, this quality being brought to all relationships in her everyday. This is a modality that has the capacity to bring much needed healing primarily to the arena of Women’s Health and also to family & child health through the way it restores a deep connection of Stillness within the woman’s body.

    1. This support for the woman to reconnect to the depth of Stillness and Sacredness within herself and bring the exquisite qualities and wisdom into her daily life with family and society, is truly transformational for the world.

      Most of us say we want such a change in our world, but when the seeds of change are offered, do we embrace it or do we feel threatened in some way and attack? Unfortunately at this moment the latter seems to be the predominant response. So no surprise really, that we have the current situation of the press choosing to circulate the lies of a cyber troll and ignore the hundreds of inspiring stories reported by women who have actually received Esoteric Breast Massage.

  72. We all know energy and can read it when we choose to…but we can ignore it for self interest….”When one is able to discern energy clearly, it is possible to feel the difference in quality in those that live a life of integrity and responsibility consistently.” Anyone who meets an Esoteric Practitioner will feel and know the quality they live in, without perfection, it is one of care and responsibility. I have never meet any other practitioners who work in this way, the Esoteric Practitioners Association and its Code of Ethics is a trail blazer in true care, hence the idea of EBM Practitioners being some how perverted or being run by some unethical motivation is ludicrous, crass and says much more about the people who are suggesting it, than the people who are practising it.

    1. Spot on. The level of care, integrity and responsibility called for as part of the training and accreditation alone, for the Esoteric Breast Massage as well as other Universal Medicine Modalities offer a wonderful marker for all of us in all industries to be inspired by.

  73. I teach an water based exercise class to pregnant women, each week I find a fact about the phenomenal changes that are happening within the female frame at this time. I write this information on a board so everyone can see it. The only time that I have observed women averting their gaze was when I made reference to the changing appearance and structure of the breasts, it would seem that breast has become a dirty word. The EBM is a much needed call for us to re-claim and re-imprint our relationship with our breasts.

    1. So true Lucinda. The fact that we have continued to have conversations as to whether Esoteric Breast Massage is quackery and titillation, despite an enormous number of women openly attesting to how they have benefited from this incredibly healing, nurturing and empowering therapy shows that the healing offered by this modality is absolutely needed.

  74. Can we actually grow up as human beings and have a mature discussion about our health and wellbeing that does not avoid certain topics or body parts or does not resort to school yard embarrassment, bullying or sniggering?

    1. Yes, a great question, that reveals how we have created a way of life that sets us up to not see lest feel the truth of it but sets a stopper to our understanding, and all that just by one single connotation that we learn that when it comes to boys and girls it becomes sexual, which then sits forever in our minds.

  75. “The vagina is also utilised in sex, but people do not think their gynaecologist is going to get off on performing vaginal examinations” This is a great point to illustrate how totally inappropriate it is to make sexual innuendos about Esoteric Breast Massage.

    1. This is a significant example that shows both angles can be adopted about any area of the body and in fact any topic. In conversations that paints a seedy picture, it is important to discern if it is actually a fact that is being conveyed or if the story is born out of the presenter’s seedy imagination and used for personal gain.

  76. Whenever we reach a new medical frontier there is always derision about its scientific efficacy, measurement and proof. Those who have experienced this work know that this is the future of our medicine, learning to understand, appreciate and treat our bodies on many dimensions aside from the three dimensional realm. The deeper we move into our relationship with energy, the more we will understand the power of all the Universal Medicine Healing Modalities and the depth of healing that Serge Benhayon has delivered to humanity.

    1. Yes when new frontiers challenge the limitation of what had been seen as the standard norm, “there is always derision about its scientific efficacy, measurement and proof“. The logical mind may kick and drag its feet as it is brought into expanded awareness, yet the body can experience the difference from the word go.
      Indeed “those who have experienced this work know that this is the future of our medicine”. And my invitation to those who stand to criticise is: come and have go at personally experiencing what you are choosing to dismiss.

  77. No matter what Esoteric Breast Massage is considered or labelled to me, it does not negate the living, walking, talking and breathing evidence that is the clients of this modality.

  78. I find myself back here and see the pattern of the media to justify an opinion by looking for a quote. The organisations are very careful to give a bland one that simply says something general but the way it is attached in an article adds so much more meaning. We manipulate to get the outcome we want which leaves no space for truth. It is a major failing of what we have come to accept.

  79. “What are your first thoughts when you hear or read the words “Esoteric Breast Massage?” A great question. I imagine with the warped and twisted ideas about the human body, especially the female form, promoted in our magazines and I imagine many websites, that the average response would be shock and disbelief. Yet for me personally, since I am familiar with the depth of care, integrity, honouring and deep healing offered by Universal Medicine, when I know we are talking about a Universal Medicine modality, my response is: “Thank God” because we (humanity) sure need to resolve some serious issues with this part of the female body.

  80. The Esoteric Breast Massage has brought a whole new dimension of awareness to women’s health, one that is filling a huge gap in our understanding and appreciation of what it means to truly care for our health and well being and hence stem the tide of female related illnesses that are swamping our societies today. From personal experience this modality has enabled me to turn around chronic menstrual cycle issues that I felt were irreversible and introduce long term self care choices that are supporting me through menopause. This is essential medicine that is much needed in our current medical arena.

  81. Feeling ourselves as a woman is the greatest gift. The EBM supports us to start feeling more, and deeper, a part of our body (all parts are equally important) that we may have missed to inspire a more complete and fuller feeling of who we are.

  82. As a woman who has received the Esoteric Breast Massage I can stand up and say that this modality is not in the least bit sexual. It is deeply tender and sacred in its nature, and it is so revealing and exposing of anything that we have chosen that doesn’t match that level of tenderness or sacredness. It can be deeply painful in the way that it allows us to feel the results of our choices and the impact these have had on the body, and it invites us to drop deeper into our sacredness so we can begin to heal and clear these issues. The nature of it is so much deeper than sexual titillation, and sex does not come to mind in the slightest during one of these sessions. Embracing our fragility, our vulnerability and our delicacy is what these sessions are about, and this leads to a deeper connection and relationship with ourselves as women. A highly evolved method of healing that does not deserve to be tainted by accusations and slander.

  83. I remember when I first heard about EBMs. At first I thought it was a joke and then I felt nervous about considering them. Why? Because I knew so much was hidden behind a numb wall is put up. The EBMs have helped me reconnect to my femaleness and fragility. I’d never let anyone I didn’t feel have integrity touch me, not my breasts or anywhere actually. There is nothing sexual or weird about them – and I say this despite still having a reluctance to bear all, not because of the modality but because of what’s there to be uncovered. EBMs have supported me to have a more honest and loving relationship with me.

  84. The Esoteric Breast Massage is offered here so beautifully sharing the transformational deeply healing sensitive offering so supportive for all women and our delicateness and tenderness to fully reconnect to again.

  85. “Although the breasts are most often thought of either as sexual organs or organs to nurture and feed babies, they are in fact firstly the organs that assist a woman with nurturing herself.” It makes sense that the breast are not just there for others but actually are there for the woman herself first and foremost, to truly benefit from the quality of tenderness, delicateness that is found in the breast and from there re-learn to truly nurture herself again.

  86. Esoteric Breast Massage is not just a healing technique that brings several benefits to women, it is also a technique whose philosophy behind is making a statement about the women’s breasts as being powerful nurturing centers for women to the point that they can bring a total change in how a woman stands in her body and moves it.

  87. I wonder if part of the issue with massaging, or rather not massaging such a large percentage of our body due to its relationship with sex is because we have such a constricted view of our body as a whole. That it is reduced to function and not seen as a vehicle of expression. Is it our education? Are we aware enough to teach the next generation? My sense is we really have to deepen the conversation here so we can consider if there is even the slightest possibility that the way we live, the choices we make and the impact all that has on our body contributes to the physical health of our body.

    1. This is a very valid point Lucy. I have noticed how most of us only register something is not okay when function is disrupted or there is pain. And then there comes the hope that a magic pill or remedy will make it all go away. This is by and large how we have chosen to view our bodies and illness and disease for a long time.
      But thanks to Universal Medicine teachings many of us are much clearer about the precious opportunity offered by our bodies to deepen our awareness about our relationship with life. I agree that this is an invaluable level of understanding to ensure is built in our daily lives and also passed on to future generations.

  88. There is so much in this blog that I would love to contribute to. What you have presented here is a straightforward presentation of the background for the most sensitive, delicate and yet power-full modality I have experienced. There is nothing sexual about this practice and, as you say, those who say there is have either 1. not experienced the modality, or 2. are lacing it with their own sexual beliefs around breasts.

  89. “… those of a different gender endeavour to sexualise it, make jokes, innuendo comments & ridicule – showing they haven’t really moved past the schoolboy age of ten where breasts are concerned; titillation (pun intended) being the order of the day. …” It just shows us how extremely loaded the word ‘breast’ is for it to have sexual connotations associated with it. The reality though, is that this is the load that every woman carries around on her chest every day… And we wonder why women experience breast health issues? An EBM not only energetically clears this load, but also supports her to deeply reconnect and claim back the Sacredness within her own body. It is a most needed modality for women’s health.

  90. That a governing body or authority would seek professional advice from an ‘expert’ untrained in the very nature of Esoteric modalities is indicative of the absolute ignorance and unwillingness, of coming to the truth of the matter.
    “A conventional medical doctor may be an expert on the body as they know and understand it, but they have not been trained in understanding the body esoterically and energetically and are thus ignorant of the underlying philosophy and science including the energetic anatomy and physiology, unless they have undertaken personal study or training in the subjects or have a deep soulful connection that provides them with such wisdom. As such they cannot provide a valid or credible ‘expert’ opinion on Esoteric Breast Massage – having neither studied it, trained in it, experienced it, lived it or understood the science and philosophy behind it.”

  91. How on earth a deeply loving and honouring transformational treatment like the Esoteric Breast Massage end up being considered as titillation and mocked? Ironic that one of the areas that Esoteric Breast Massage has helped heal for me and many other women, is exactly this, the many false beliefs and dishonouring impositions about our bodies, which I had hardened up to and was carrying the impact of in my body.

  92. Too many people in this world form an opinion on a subject without knowing the facts, it is as though false information is fed to us forming a false picture of what it actually is. It would be a service to humanity if we were not allowed to comment or make judgement about something until we have utter true facts about that subject. Therefore a modality like Esoteric breast massage could grow from the positive results it is having to support many more women around the globe to connect back to their essence and inner beauty.

  93. Just reading the accounts and feelings regarding Esoteric Breast Massages from the women on this thread is testament to the integrity and healing offered in them.

  94. For years I could not work out why after having sex often made me want to cry. Very confusing when you can not fault the caring of your partner and everything seems to tick the boxes! It was not until meeting Serge Benhayon that whilst deepening my awareness about true love, care and honouring of one another, I started to understand the gigantic difference between sex and making love! Wow the depth of care and attention to detail by This man of differentiating when we are expressing our divine nature and when we are living an aberration of that is enormous. How wrong are those who confuse EBM with their own personal as yet limited relationship with life.

  95. The deep nurturing and connection offered to women through the esoteric breast massage cannot be overestimated, it is pure gold and the most beautiful support to connecting to feeling and living our divine sacredness quality and love in our everyday lives..

  96. It is truly and deeply nurturing to be supported to re-connect with our inner and innate stillness, and this can then have a profound effect back into our daily life and way of living.

  97. “So go ahead and make your jokes, guffaw, laugh and ridicule if you like – for none of that can detract, hide, obscure or take away from the truth that is felt and known within the body and soul of one who lives the essence of the true woman and who has experienced the transformational power of the EBM to facilitate that reconnection, reawakening and reunification with the sacredness within – a profound depth of stillness that knows no bounds.“ When you know, you know. I’m humbled and thankful that I know.

  98. “Although the breasts are most often thought of either as sexual organs or organs to nurture and feed babies, they are in fact firstly the organs that assist a woman with nurturing herself.” Although a revolutionary statement to the eyes of many, once felt this truth can not be disputed. The sad irony is that many, if not most of us, can’t feel it because we have numbed ourselves very effectively from our breasts because we are told and take on that they are there for no other purpose than attracting others, sexual pleasure or feeding our children. We cut ourselves off from the very part of us that supports us to nurture ourselves.

  99. Society in general has many issues with breasts and fundamentally society owns the ideas around breasts, even making them sexual is an idea, any area of the body can be called erogenous if we want it to be….These ideas own our bodies as women, to be compared, used and disregarded when they are deemed too old, not sexy or not fertile…but there is so much more to them than these ideas, our bodies are sacred first, regardless of what happens to them or how they look: and the breasts are symbolic of our natural nurturing ways, as women.

    This is why the Esoteric Breast Massage, raises eyebrows not because it is strange or perverted, but because in society we have a warped idea about our bodies right from the get go…The Esoteric Breast Massage is there to serve a purpose, reconnection with our bodies as women – nothing more, nothing less. Connecting with our bodies as women and developing an unfolding relationship with our being occurs, and quality of sacredness and self love is known which is not rattled by what it walks through in life…This is why it is so confrontational to the status quo – it will change the status quo, because women will reconnect and empower themselves….powerful stuff, not perverted.

    1. thank god for women like you who stand up for what’s real. because you are right. you earned my respect for you, wish others knew these THINGS INSTEAD OF LISTENING TO THE MEDIA.

  100. To have a modality that truly supports women’s health is pure gold, therefore what must we be caught up in to resist it or worst still turn it into something it is now, i.e. something that feeds titillation. As women we need to connect deeply with what is going on in the world for all women and support modalities that truly support us.

  101. The Esoteric Breast Massage once experienced leaves you feeling completely honoured, respected, held and nurtured and in this space you are offered the opportunity to surrender to the sacredness that is innately within us. Each time I experience this exquisite modality I connect deeper to a quality I knew was there but didn’t know how to access. The EBM is a life changing modality.

  102. I certainly had the initial ‘not for me’ reaction to hearing about Esoteric Breast Massage. Yet it is now one of the modalities that is a regular part of my healing. It is understandable that some people would think it is sexual as that is one of the two ways that we commonly view the breasts of a woman. Yet it couldn’t be further from that. For once, you get to have your breasts touched without any sexual energy or reduction of the breasts to something that serves a function for others. You get to feel your breasts being treated as delicate, precious and tender and a part of the body that can emanate nurturing and lightness. This is rare and sets a marker for how we treat our breasts and also how we allow them to be treated.

  103. ‘It’s interesting isn’t it, how the insertion of one word can significantly alter our perception and approach to massage.’ this reveals our perception of the word rather than any truth on the massage itself – and then we have much to learn from the formulation of our own perceptions and how this have become so misguided and ill aligned.

  104. When we allow the energetic factor to count in our conclusion for any healing modality that is available to us it would be very clear and obvious what is good for us and will bring us healing and what is not good for us and brings harm. In that perspective, and to me the only true perspective I use to observe life, EBM is gift from heaven that allows women to release all the falsities that have energetically been imposed on their breasts.

  105. I Like what you say Eunice about sweetness. Being sweet was not on my favourites list in the past too. But now after having met women that live their sweetness, they remind me as a man, that that same sweetness is in me too. And now I love it and the quality of sweetness is one of my favourites to go to. This opportunity, for me to explore what sweetness is for a man, would not have been possible without having the EBM that assists women in restoring that sweetness in themselves first.

  106. Esoteric Breast Massage is definitely transformational healing for a woman as she is supported to feel and connect to her exquisite quality of Stillness and Sacredness within her own body.

  107. I too have experienced the amazingly powerful effects of EBMs the healing that I received from the sessions has opened me up to develop a nurturing love and a deeper appreciation of myself as a woman.

  108. ‘Developing a nurturing relationship’ – my experience of saying yes to this, in many ways including Esoteric Breast Massage, has been transformative and inspiring; a significant turn around in my relationship with myself as a woman and my ability therefore to share openly with others.

  109. It’s absolutely true that just because an area of our body is used during sex, arousal or making love it does not mean that anything to do with that area has to come with that intention. The way in which the practitioner is applying the massage, the intention behind it is key as well as the quality of integrity that they live outside the clinic room.

  110. Here is a modality that asks us to consider our breasts beyond the usual ‘use’ of them. For me it has allowed me the the space to deeply connect to myself as a woman and discover there is way more to women than I’d ever allowed myself to feel. I thought that if you didn’t have children then there was little relevance in what gender you are. We live in these amazing bodies, live in disregard of them much of the time and don’t live the quality they can inspire. EBMs are a beautiful way I’ve felt that have helped me re-discover who I am and I know I am barely touching the surface. I was so shocked to find out how numb I was to my own breasts. Ridiculing EBMs potentially means less women have access to this amazing modality and the support it offers to clear many of the imposts placed on being a woman in society.

  111. Any health or medical concerns should of course be talked through with a doctor, but should this stop someone from exploring ways to develop a deeper relationship to their body in their routine, rituals, activity, diet, sleep rhythm, through therapies or other advice? Absolutely not, and it’s important that people’s personal development and choices in this are respected.

  112. There is absolutely nothing sexual about Esoteric Breast Massage. I agree wholeheartedly Eunice. Any woman having experienced Esoteric Breast massage would know this. We know sexual from 100 miles away. It stands out like…well you know what!! EBM is the most delicate of modalities for it a woman’s delicacy that it speaks to. It is deeply sacred because it supports a woman to connect more deeply to who she is and to let go of the identification we have in role, beliefs and many disregarding ways.

  113. The statistics around the number of women who do not know their own bra size is to me testament enough to how little we as women care for ourselves and our breasts – if there is something therefore, that can support developing that relationship should we not at least listen long enough to understand rather than instantly dismissing it based on incorrect assumptions.

  114. Another truly sensational read on facts by Eunice Minford. I have never had an EBM as detailed here for women (as I am not one!) however, I have experienced an Esoteric Men’s Massage, which is also designed to bring you back to your essence. Both healing applications require a very high quality of living from the practitioner, and they are carefully chosen and undergo years of training and support. These practitioners even through observation emanate a quality and sacredness that can be felt. This is the way of our future of healing.

  115. It’s interesting that we don’t seem to take into consideration the energetic quality of the practitioner we are going to see whether it be a Dentist, Doctor, whomever. We seem to have dulled our senses so much and just rely on the fact that they have the piece of paper to say they are qualified in their subject. And so as you say Eunice
    “So your everyday masseuse giving you a back massage can lace you with sexual energy if they do a lot of porn without going near any sexual organ or zone!”
    Since my introduction to Universal Medicine and understanding how much the human-being is affected by energy I’m much more discerning about the quality of the practitioner and ask a lot of questions about their way of living.

  116. Having experienced the healing modality of EBM, all my previous misconceptions were exposed. It just showed me how much we’ve reduced the purpose of breasts and the quality that can be felt from them, to something that is purely functional and sexual.

  117. Esoteric Breast Massage: Quackery and Titillation or Transformational Healing Modality? – transformational healing modality hands down and without doubt. Because how can something that re-ignites a woman back to her own truth and true power not be so??

  118. A much needed piece of writing. The words breast massage can certainly be considered as possibly weird, and I have hesitated to use the words myself. However, what is offered is a deeply healing technique that is much needed to support us as women to drop the guard and deepen our connection to ourselves.

  119. The EBM provides a clear space in which we are invited to know ourselves more deeply, an opportunity to truly explore what nurturing is and means to us, i will never forget my first EBM, I was shocked, ashamed even at how numb my breasts felt, it was like they were not part of my body, unclaimed, at the time i was busy being a super mum and caring for my 3 young children, i had been breast feeding for around 3 years. Though not always comfortable this was the beginning of a life changing journey that has put self love and appreciation right back into my whole and very deserving body!

  120. The deep respect and support Eunice here describes that the EBM and all it’s very dedicated female practitioners offer to their clients I have also clearly felt. Before I was introduced to the awesome Esoteric Healing Modalities, I had some not so supportive experiences with massage therapists, that I still remember and regret. Therefore I can very much relate to what Eunice says regarding the energy of a massage practitioner, as I could clearly feel that particular male therapist was getting aroused when working on me, even though he didn’t touch any so called sexual body parts on me. I was too shy to actually call that practitioner out, many years ago, I was just glad when it was over, and never went back. With the Esoteric Practitioners I have never ever felt anything like that; I always feel and have felt totally respected and very honoured as the woman that I am. To be honest, I am amazed how much focus there is on breasts out in this world, and that is all fine, nobody seems to question it; but when a modality comes forth that actually supports us women to claim our breasts back for the amazing nurturing qualities they bring to us, it pushes people’s buttons.

  121. After having personally experienced the EBM and having been as an EBM Practitioner for over ten years now I know the transformational healing that this modality offers women. This is a great article by Eunice exposing the nonsense people have written who have no idea or have even experienced the modality.

    1. Well said Mary Louise – when someone knows nothing of a modality and invents rubbish to write about, and publicise, this is pure mud-slinging and gossip to try to pull down a modality that is heaven sent to support women in returning to their amazing innate strength and wisdom and beauty. Hence how important it is for those of us who know the truth, to share this too and let women know to not be deterred by the mud slinging.

  122. EBMs are sacred in the way they are delivered…there is nothing in them that does not honour a woman fully. EBMs support a woman to connect to her sacredness and to then develop a relationship with that part of us that we have held deeply hidden and yet is our heritage and our birthright, that part of us that is here to reflect the power we hold within and are yet to live fully claimed through the exquisite delicateness and beauty of who we are. What a blessing as a woman to have access to this – and so it is a blessing that we have access to EBMs that support us to come back to what we know to be true on all levels.

  123. Eunice, thank you for your amazing sharing here! And I must say I too had the initial reaction upon hearing about breast massages: “no way would I have that done” but something in me knew that the Esoteric breast massages held something for me and so despite all the thoughts saying not to go, I was still drawn to go and this was one of my first encounters with the work presented by Universal Medicine. First I met with my therapist to ensure I felt safe and felt ready to go ahead with the breast massage, and then during the massage there was an open and safe communication that allowed me to express how I was feeling at any time. It was an amazing experience and after the first 2 massages, I connected with a depth within myself that I will never ever forget – for me this was a life transforming experience that without any doubt, without any interference what so ever, showed me that there is so much more to life than just the physical, that we are held by a love and a divinity so grand, that we are not alone, and that this same quality lies within us simply waiting to be tapped into. I certainly never expected this from an Esoteric Breast Massage, and I am not saying this will be every woman’s experience, but I do know that I have not one regret, other than not having discovered them earlier!!

  124. ‘ it must be sexual, right?’ absolutely not. Every breast massage I have had has been deeply respectful and honouring and I have felt at complete ease with every one. There is not a speck of sexualisation in this deeply healing, connecting, nurturing esoteric modality.

  125. Not just for science but for all of us in every area of life and every matter of health and well-being we need to get to the bottom of things, the root cause before we can expect to have an encompassing understanding of and true answers to the many questions and problems we face personally and as a society. Let´s dig deeper, let´s be more honest, let´s be more open to what we don´t know and understand yet.

  126. To claim the ability and right to pass judgment on a subject one does not know anything about because one is an ‘expert’ in one’s own field of expertise is pure arrogance and an arrogance that can lead either to something which is harmful being promoted or something that is beneficial to be discredited.

    1. Well said Jonathon – and in such arrogance we are totally ignorant of all the prejudices and judgements we make from a lack of awareness or willingness to be aware of our own perception and everything which shapes it.

  127. Women obviously have an issue with their breasts as well as men having issues with breasts. So healing for this part of the women’s body on all levels not just physically is very needed and the EBM is providing exactly that.

  128. Also as a man it was a great learning to distinguish sexual energy from body parts or features. Not only is it very liberating from ‘biological’ or emotional needs and desires but it opens the space for true respect and understanding for the person as a whole first and not the gender we are meeting.

    1. So wonderful to be offered the space and the support to free ourselves from the many traps and limitations of pictures, ideals, beliefs and expectations in relationships. It is a true blessing to start seeing ourselves and everyone else in the glory of our essence and have that be the foundation of our relationships.

  129. Thank you Eunice for saying it exactly how it is. The Esoteric Breast Massage is an incredible supportive modality for women and brings the power of delicacy and true nurturing,(we have mostly forgotten what this means) to the light of day.

  130. The Esoteric Breast Massage has been a modality that has been life changing for me. The way I have deepened in my relationship with myself, the way I have been able to connect to a level of honouring, respect and love in how the technique is practised and feeling that I too can have this for myself. I have been having them since the modality was released on a fairly regular basis and it is a forever deepening process, and I can’t imagine my life without them in supporting me to connect to my true innate essence.

  131. “The more we surrender to that stillness, to know that is who we are, the more we are able to live and make choices that are truly healthy.” That is so true and my own experience as well Eunice. My feeling is each woman has to make her own experience with surrendering to her stillness again to feel the depth of what comes with it. It is not a theory, it is something to feel while living.

  132. When receiving the Esoteric Breast Massage one can feel the integrity of the practitioner and this allows for a space of trust to be felt and the body receives a deep healing.

  133. As the proverb goes ‘Some people won’t eat anything they’ve never seen before.’, it seems that this is even the case in so-called scientific or sceptical circles, i.e. to reject anything that doesn´t fit into one´s very defined and confined view of the world and thereby ignoring and even denigrating the personal experience and reality of people. It is the preconceived pictures, ideals and beliefs we hold that keep us blind to see, understand and learn.

  134. “The thing is that having these buried beliefs and thoughts about ourselves and our breasts as some version of ‘not good enough-ness’ feeds into our behaviours – how we feel about ourselves, impacts the choices we make about food, exercise, alcohol, drugs, smoking, relationships and more.” That is for me exactly how most of us women are living – we are queens in self bashing, self loathing and having self worth issues. Therefore I love what the EBM is offering women – the possibility to re-connect to their inner stillness and sacredness where there is no place for all the not good enough-ness at all!

  135. What a brilliant article addressing many of the things said about Esoteric Breast Massages – many of which I once thought myself. When I first heard of this modality I thought people couldn’t be serious but I could also feel a fear of being exposed knowing that that was an area I was very sensitive about. I had experienced the integrity of the practitioners in sessions with other healing modalities and knew I could trust them. I am a very sensitive woman who can feel anything untoward a mile off – let alone any sexual energy. EBMs have supported me to let go of past abuse and start appreciating myself as a woman. I’d never have had this support had I stopped at the thought of how weird it was and not felt into what it does offer.

  136. Esoteric Breast Massages have supported me to connect to the delicate, fragile, vulnerable side of me and for that i am eternally blessed.

  137. I literally had an energetic hard shield over my whole chest, it was a hardness that was a protection, I remember the day that I noticed it was melting away. This was a physical and energetic experience. Opening my heart, being more surrendered enabled this shift and the integrity of the EBM practitioners that treated me, over the years has offered a huge support for knowing I did not need to live with that hard shell as woman but I can be powerful being me with no trying or hiding.

  138. I have always found Esoteric Breast Massage to be respectful, tender, non invasive and extremely exposing of the way I have lived my life, in fact the gentleness of it, the pure feminine quality, the depth of connection, have revealed to me how I have disregarded my beautiful feminine self and body, and now I have been offered this opportunity to surrender, be honest about myself, feel deeper layers so I can heal from the abuse. The last session I had was so tender and holding of me in this beautiful place that my whole body felt surrendered and transformed.

  139. “And someone who, for example, does a lot of porn carries that energy with them to the session. So your everyday masseuse giving you a back massage can lace you with sexual energy if they do a lot of porn without going near any sexual organ or zone! ” – understanding the energetic make-up of us and this in what we do for any job, career, profession founds the standards of quality, ethics, code of conduct and responsibility. We cannot escape the effects that how we are through how we live does affect another human being even when it’s not seen, visible or currently ‘on show’. Energy reveals the truth. Of everything.

  140. There was a time before I came across Universal Medicine when I didn’t think twice about discerning the practitioner. All I was interested in was receiving the modality because in my beliefs and ideals I thought that would get me better. I have come to realise that it is a practitioner’s livingness that supports me and not just the actual modality, a truth that is profound in the world we have today where pornography is rife and alcohol consumption is a normal way of living.

  141. This is great to unpack any falsities around this modality. What I find when I have Esoteric Breast Massage is that I reconnect to the delicate deeply tender woman I am. It is a deeply caring and very professional process. It doesn’t feel like it is ‘about’ my breasts as such, as I can feel it is about the quality of relationship I have with myself.
    The way we feel about ourselves and the way we treat ourselves on a daily basis is the reason we choose healthy or unhealthy ways of being that then effect our health outcomes, it is very simple stuff and I see it day in day out as a professional health worker.

  142. How incredible is it that we can have a technique where people’s testimonials of improvements to health are actually simply secondary to the actually primary purpose of the EBM, which is developing a woman’s connection to her body.

  143. I’ve noticed the difference in me when someone close to me has an esoteric breast massage. There’s a very still and clear quality.

  144. A very valid point made here about going to the gynaecologist and not instantly thinking about sex, in fact quite the opposite from my experience. So why is it that our breasts have become such sexual objects and there to either feed babies or please others. Having had Esoteric Breast Massages myself and experienced a transformation in how my breasts feel, not only on the outside but from within also, it’s now clear to me that our breasts have a greater purpose than what we in society have reduced them to.

  145. The lived quality of the Esoteric Breast Massage Practitioners is beyond what many people could even fathom. They are committed to supporting women and it is a given that they take care of themselves and live in a way that upholds this commitment

  146. Superb piece of writing Eunice, loved every word of this riveting read. Those who know, indeed know. And perhaps those who pretend to not know don’t want to know … the profoundness not just of this dissolving and empowering healing technique, but equally too the profoundness of themselves.

  147. Esoteric Breast Massage, brings a woman’s attention and connection to a part of her body largely ignored outside of breast feeding and sexual intimacy. She learns her breasts are nurturing centres and is connecting her to an inner stillness rarely experienced in day to day life. Too often women over-layer our tenderness with a hard outer shell to protect ourselves from the world. EBMs give women permission to connect to and treasure their true inner qualities.

  148. Yes, Jane it’s fantastic that Eunice has set the record straight here. The EBM is a modality that supports women exponentially. To set it aside as quackery could deny many of us the opportunity to heal and develop self-nurturing relationships, thereby changing the quality of how we relate and interrelate with others.

  149. Eunice I like the way you’ve questioned why gynaecological examinations are accepted by medical professionals and not Esoteric Breast Massage. EBMs are vilified by those who don’t understand them. Any modality not owned or controlled by the medical establishment can become an easy target.

  150. The honouring and energetic integrity I have felt with the Esoteric Breast Massage and every other healing modality brought to us by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is deeply connecting beautiful and profound in allowing me to feel who I am and connect to my stillness and essence ever deepening within. What a gift we are offered one to treasure as we do ourselves in a world where quality and energy is largely dismissed and replaced with function and disconnection and looking outside of oneself forever seeking and empty.

  151. It is quite a bizarre habit we have of asking a person who is an expert in his or her own field to pass comment on a technique that comes from quite a different realm of education. It is as you say Eunice like asking a Professor of English to assess something written in Japanese. The person can only make an assessment based on their own experience, therefore unless a doctor has been trained in or received an Esoteric Breast Massage, they are in the dark as to what this modality actually does and the immense integrity with which it is practised.

  152. When we are willing to look at the quality of the energy that something is done in, we will end up seeing how much of what we put up with in life is actually what is wrong and something like the modality of esoteric breast massage is deeply supportive.

  153. I have had Esoteric Breast Massages and every time I have come away from one of these sessions completely surrendered and in awe of the preciousness, the stillness and nurturing capacity that is revealed to me, from within my own body. Its like I am meeting myself on a very deep and delicate level, that, previous to having any EBM, I had no idea this quality and essence of woman actually existed, because I had been so much in the ‘doing’ and action of everyday activities to even consider that this Essence is actually a missing part of what it truly means to be a woman. No wonder we have women’s health issues, because we are missing the very essence (stillness) of ourselves because we have become used to operating in a more ‘male’ energy than the true female energy. Reconnecting and restoring stillness within a Woman’s body, so she know this, is, in my opinion and now lived experience, an essential ingredient to a Woman’s health and wellbeing

  154. It’s so true, our reactions to things tell us more about ourselves than the thing we are reacting to.

  155. It is quite fascinating to consider that almost anything in the news that involves physical contact with a breast has to be sexual. It clearly often is but the assumption that this is always the case is quite strange.

  156. It is a very reductionist view to think that a women’s breasts are purely zones for arousal or sexual pleasure and that any kind of massage in that area has to be so associated.

  157. I have been having Esoteric Breast Massages since the modality was introduced by Universal Medicine, only ever by women practitioners and I have only ever felt honoured, respected and cared for. Here it has supported me to let go of many layers of hardness and with the power of the modality able to connect to the beauty of the stillness that is within.

  158. It appears to me that those who ridicule and denigrate the Esoteric Breast Massage are coming from a place within them that does not, or won’t allow, them to see or appreciate that women’s breasts are requiring just as much healing as any other part of the body. These days our body tends to be treated in separate parts with very few medical or healing modalities approaching the body as a whole and intricately connected organism. I love how this, and other, Universal Medicine healing modalities honour the body as a whole with every single part having as equal importance as every other part.

  159. The title of this article says it all. By dismissing this modality we miss out on the transformational healing that is possible. It is worth remaining open and curious. We may just find something that is completely wonderful.

  160. Naysayers are a person that habitually expresses negative or pessimistic views on everything. The testaments expressed here of personal experiences and the healing that happens because of EBM should leave the noise the naysayers are making not worth listening to because according to them the world is flat, is it not?

  161. EBM supports women to re-connect to our inner stillness, nurturing and fragility so that we can re-establish these qualities in daily life and restore our true dignity. Essential medicine in a world where we frequently put our needs last and burn our selves out looking after everyone else.

  162. ‘So your everyday masseuse giving you a back massage can lace you with sexual energy if they do a lot of porn without going near any sexual organ or zone!’ – such a solid point Eunice – it is about the energy that is brought to the table and as you share, do we want someone who has been doing porn to be touching us? It calls for responsibility and integrity and I know that the practitioners I see live in a way where it helps me clear my body rather than take stuff on.

  163. I have been an EBM Practitioner since its inception in 2006, so have given as well as received hundreds if not thousands of EBMs. In all these years I have NEVER experienced any thing sexual in giving and receiving them. This is a notion in people’s head because they have not experienced the modality and have an idea about breasts, not the knowing that they are actually our nurturing centers and the true purpose of them is to reflect nurturing energy.

  164. “… there is absolutely NOTHING sexual about an Esoteric Breast Massage …” Absolutely Eunice. The over sexualisation of the breast in our society laces this profound healing modality for women, and clearly exposes just how corrupted the word ‘breast’ has become for this part of the woman’s body.

  165. If a person is connected with and moving with their soul, then any area of the body being massaged by them will receive this same light, and how beautiful that a woman could have this experience on her breasts, which are such a tender and sensitive area.

  166. I can testify that the EBM is an amazing healing modality, these sessions have been hugely beneficial for me and I have been inspired to make many changes in my life as a result.

  167. In answer to your title question it most certainly is an awesome healing modality. One of the best in the world in my humble opinion.

    1. Yep I agree the Esoteric Breast Massage is a deeply healing modality for women.

  168. Understanding that whatever we do carries an energy that we then take on in our bodies, and that that is then passed onto another, really highlights the responsibility that we have to be very discerning about what activities we are choosing to engage in. And it is this unequalled level of integrity that stands out with anyone who is choosing to study and/or practice with Universal Medicine.

  169. An awesome ‘matter-of-fact’ article Eunice, describing Esoteric Breast Massage very clearly. The over-sexualisation of breasts in our society, is an imposition that is carried on every woman’s body, when in fact, this part of her body, first and foremost belongs to her, and does not belong to society’s obvious or subliminal attitudes. The EBM practitioners demonstrate very high integrity, respect and absolute honouring towards their clients, and it is this level of awareness and care that they too live with, that supports very deep healing to occur.

    1. Yes Johanne “this part of her body, first and foremost belongs to her” Few women even consider this as a possibility and simply raising awareness of this fact is often a revelation and foundational first step. Esoteric Breast Massage goes way further than this and supports a woman to form a loving relationship with her breasts and in so doing herself also.

  170. We live in a society where people give their opinions all the time, whether on the radio or in newspapers, but it feels to me that we are not discerning how much information or knowledge we have about any subject, and opinions can be very warped and biased. So with Esoteric Breast Massage, unless it has been experienced, how can anyone give a true opinion about it?

  171. I grew up thinking of offering support to one another through massage as akin to offering a hug, a loving interaction. Only in my adult days was I introduced to the ‘seedy’ twist some people had put onto it. To me that reflected the seediness in which such people chose to relate to life. Since then coming across Universal Medicine and been blown away by the depth of integrity, care, love and honouring taught as the required basic foundation for such treatments.

    Those who put Esoteric Breast Massage down in any shape or form are truly misguided about both the true nature of massage and the depth of integrity of Universal Medicine.

    1. The depth of integrity of Universal Medicine is nothing like any experience I have had before anywhere, ever! Universal Medicine rewrites the script in patient and client care and should be the world’s new model. I am not sure how this can be twisted and warped in the view of others to the exact and equal opposite to make it seedy and an abusive? Perhaps the critique can only come from those who have never experienced such care from Universal Medicine and make it something else in their minds entirely, or from those who received so much genuine care, respect and deep honouring that they could not handle it and had to attack Universal Medicine outwardly to justify their non-acceptance?

      1. If you have ever received such care, the quality of Universal Medicine can never be in doubt. Whether you choose to go into denial about it is then another thing, however, most of the judgment seems to come from those who have not experienced it, but this is understandable given that there is no reference point for the level of care and understanding that Universal Medicine modalities bring. If I had heard about it before I had experienced it I may have been a little incredulous.

  172. Eunice, you make a good point about gynaecologists… that there is nothing warped about their examinations and so why would EBMs be any different especially when carried out by women for women? The only difference, I would suggest, is that the training of EMB practitioners go that extra mile in terms of honouring the client.

    1. Beautiful point. The first cervical smear test I had in my early 20s was such an awful experience – the nurse was rough, left me in the room with the clamps still in and I was left with stomach cramps that lasted for days afterwards. To be honest I felt traumatised by the experience. There was no care or gentleness – a vastly different experience from the warm nurturing that I have consistently experienced with every single one of my countless EBM sessions.

  173. What an expose into the sacred healing technique that is Esoteric Breast Massage but also what an insight into how we can take something so precious and make it vulgar or obscene out of context.

  174. The integrity with which the EBM modality is practiced stands head and shoulders above so many of our current professional standards. What is asked of the practitioner ensures that the living quality brought to the therapy room is completely clear of many of the usual stressors and indulgences of daily life. What is offered in the session is supported by a female practitioner who is in touch with and fully respects herself, her body and her exquisite essence, always willing and able to honestly address her own issues in the process. We cannot ask for a higher standard of practice than that which has been established in this Heaven sent modality that is clearly delivering a superb and crucial service for woman.

  175. Thank you Eunice for sharing such a clear and concise expose on Esoteric Breast Massage! For those who are new to the concept and those of us who already know and have experienced it this is a truly clarifying sharing for us all.

  176. “We come to realise that we are in fact deeply precious, deliciously delicate, and that underneath all the chaos and mayhem, tension and strife, there is a divine beauty and a profound stillness that melts and dissolves all that is not true”

    One of God’s greatest gifts to us is this – our divine beauty and stillness. I have found that having an Esoteric Breast Massage has supported me to let of the hardness and drive to live more of my beauty and sacredness as a woman.

  177. The beauty of the Esoteric Breast Massage is it provides a woman with space to understand the quality of stillness she is. This might sound airy fairy, but it is anything but that. It is real and very practical. It is like the world stops for that hour, and in that stop there is the space to be yourself in every sense of the word, to let down your guards, and to simply be you. This is a very rare thing in the world.

    1. Yes very true Heather and when you connect with your self and get to feel the real you, you are inspired to make changes so as to maintain the connection in your day to day life.

    2. Having the space to be supported to re-connect with the true you, with our innermost, to let go of any personas or facades we think we need to hold up or put out and to feel supported to let go of protection is a precious thing and gives us an opportunity to get to know more clearly what really is authentic to us.

    3. To be supported to connect to the space of surrender that you describe Heather is true healing, it is connecting to Heaven within.

    4. So beautifully said Heather, it is a stop, a breather…and a very deep breather at that… a breather so deep that you will never ever forget even though you might be distracted by other things afterwards, something in you has registered the connection, the power of the stillness that lies within.

    5. Absolutely, there is nothing airy fairy and it is so sad we have come to consider stillness as anything but incredibly power-full. Taking time to come back to that stillness is life-changing and I am deeply appreciative of the gift this modality has offered us all as a community of women and as a ripple effect in the world.

  178. Someone who has received an Esoteric Breast Massage can attest to its benefits, and its total absence of any sexual aspects. It is really that simple.

  179. When something is not widespread it can be considered strange, yet when we look at society and what is widespread we are left understanding that what is widespread is far from loving. As a man whose wife has had Esoteric Beast Modality, the difference in her, in her love, delicateness is quite amazing. Its supported every part of our lives.

  180. The Esoteric Breast Massage has been a life changing experience for me. Even though when I first heard about it, I have to put my hand up and admit I did have a few reservations about it, although it was more around allowing someone who wasnt my partner to touch my breasts. But having made the decision to have the treatment I found it to be so exqusitely gentle and honouring of me and my body, with absolutely no imposition was such a deeply healing experience just in itself, aside from the depth of healing that was offered from having the full treatment.

  181. Thank you for this account of the EBM – if the world was not as it is, with its sky high rates of women’s health issues, lack of true equality, repression, abuse, over sexualisation of women’s bodies, and all the other conditions like stress, lack of self-worth and body confidence, anxiety and exhaustion that are almost common place, maybe we could question the need for the EBM. But the world is not perfect, and it has not delivered the answers to all the above and many more issues we face. The EBM is a non-intrusive modality that supports women to connect back to their bodies and reclaim them. The testimonials of the impact this has had to these women needs to be considered when nothing else is stemming the tide, rather than ridiculing that which you don’t understand because it doesn’t fit within the ‘reductionist’ box that would like to childishly make it all about ‘touching boobs’.

  182. This is so powerful Eunice, that you as a qualified doctor, with your medical knowledge and background, expose all the myths and attacks on the modality of Esoteric Breast Massage. When we understand we hold old ill energy in any part of the body, there is no issue about it. It is a great point you make how we get the energy of any practitioner doing any massage on any part of our bodies. All the practitioners who do the Esoteric Breast Massage have to live a high level of integrity and abide to the Code of Ethics of their association.

  183. It seems to me to be very immature and damaging of people to jump to conclusions about something they know little about. I have observed the benefits of this modality in numerous woman that I know and realise the importance it has as an on going healing process.

  184. Before coming across EBM I too would never had imagined being interested in receiving such a treatment. However, the incredible integrity with which it is practiced soon dissolves any misconceptions or anxiety about what is entailed and the power of the technique to re-connect us to our bodies and our immense fragility is quite extraordinary. From thereon in, EBM becomes the most natural support in the world.

  185. Great point you make Eunice about how we can bastardise a simple word like ‘breasts’ by sexualising them and making them something that we should not talk about and if we do in an embarrassed and secretive way when they are a part of our body no different to an arm or a leg. It is incredible how so many sacred parts of the body have been sexualised to make sure that we don’t get to feel their true purpose and how they can support us to find a deeper understanding of our body.

  186. Women have only had emancipation in the last 100 years, and some places are still waiting! Men have ruled the world for centuries. How many of the detractors of the Esoteric Breast Massage… are men, that for centuries have decided what was good for women? Change and equality are not just coming; they are already here.

  187. Being myself a person who has received several Esoteric Breast Massages, I can’t but subscribe every word of this article. This is a really profound, transforming, re-connecting, sensitising, liberating and healing modality. As you say Eunice: ‘Those who know, know’ Only by experiencing this modality we are able to confirm what is said here.

  188. I am forever grateful to the Esoteric Breast Modality for empowering me to fully appreciate, claim and express myself as the beautiful woman I am from the inside out. This modality goes beyond the physical and re-connects us to the delicate qualities that lie within our bodies and within us that call us back to our truly nurturing natures. No amount of ridicule or scorn can ever diminish the life changing effects this modality has instigated within me.

  189. As you say Eunice, the condition of humanity at this point in time is such that we can no longer afford the ignorance or arrogance and a humble openness to the possibilities of new modalities when they have such a strong base of experiential evidence is all that can help us forward.

  190. A hugely supportive blog that lays out exactly why this modality is so keenly needed to restore the balance, respect and nurturing back into our lives and society.

  191. I came across breast /lymphatic massage about 25 years ago when a friend was training for massage – so it’s not new and it ain’t a big deal, it really just shows the minds of those objecting really.

  192. I love that ‘those who know, know’ exactly you could say whatever you want about any esoteric modality I know what I know and they are amazing, life changing. Simple, full stop.

  193. Those that thought the earth in fact rotated around the sun were ridiculed as “quacks”. The arrogance of our spirit keeps us entrapped in blind ignorance. Get out of the way…true wisdom coming through!

  194. Beautifully delivered debunking the untrue suggestions about Esoteric breast Massage. This modality absolutely brings a woman into understanding what it means to deeply nurture, respect, value, honour and love herself. How on earth can these resulting qualities not be of a huge benefit to a woman’s health? EBMs are without a doubt, deeply supportive for women.

  195. ‘The depth to which we can develop a nurturing relationship with ourselves and our bodies is unending – we never get to a point and say: ‘that’s it – I’m all nurtured up and nothing more for me to do!’’
    The depth of what you write here feels so gorgeous and inviting. And the same goes for our relationships with others: there is no end to deepening it. Just like the universe, it just keeps deepening and expanding.

  196. Esoteric Breast Massages have deepened my connection within and allowed to feel what it feels to truly deepen and surrender to my inner essence, the true beauty that lies within. I don’t see how that can be a problem for anyone.

  197. I doubt that one single person who makes these perverted and sick comments about EBM has ever had an EBM. Meanwhile hundreds of women of all ages and demographics who have had one have written deeply touching testimonials about their experience.

  198. ‘So go ahead and make your jokes, guffaw, laugh and ridicule if you like – for none of that can detract, hide, obscure or take away from the truth that is felt and known within the body and soul of one who lives the essence of the true woman and who has experienced the transformational power of the EBM to facilitate that reconnection, reawakening and reunification with the sacredness within – a profound depth of stillness that knows no bounds.’ Indeed Eunice – the profundity of the modality for me has been beyond what I thought possible in the realms of healing and with each session, this continues to unfold and deepen.You can’t take away absolute knowing based on what has been felt and what has been experienced nor what is being lived.

  199. Many modalities outside mainstream medicine are ridiculed and attacked. Thank you Eunice for bringing a sense of perspective and truth on this powerful healing modality.

  200. I can testify to the fact that the EBM and the teachings and support around the sessions which is available to any woman has been amazing, supporting me to understand much more about my body as a woman just on a physical level in terms of my cycles, ovulation and menstruation, and how my breasts are an equal part of my body, things my biology and sex ed classes totally did not introduce or discuss with us. From this I began to develop more than just a ‘grab your boobs and give them a squish in the shower to check for cancer because you could die’ attitude which believe me is common – it feels like it comes with a sense of ‘we need to put disposable gloves on and are asked to touch something otherwise repellent!’. Instead, whilst yes as part of being responsible for my health I regularly ‘check’ my breasts it is not part of a clinical, cold and detached self-exam – it is a part of my daily commitment to checking with my whole body, my cycle and where I am. I know what stage of my cycle I am in from the symptoms (or lack of) in my breasts and body and rather than simply accepting swelling or soreness as normal, I commit to working on why they are that way this month. When I do choose to touch my breasts, it is with the same tenderness and care I would touch my face or any other part of my body, because before they are a part of a sexual relationship or part of a relationship with my child, they are a part of my body and they are a part of my responsibility to care and look after myself. As a young woman, that level of care and connection is something rare.

  201. This is a great blog laying out what an Esoteric Breast Massage (EBM) is and where it can sit within the practice of living and self care. And the breakdown of our reactions to it is brilliant and telling in how we’ve ignored this area of the body or else assigned it to specific roles only and always about another, one thing I’ve found with having EBMs is it brings your breasts back to being a part of your own body, for their first role is as a marker for all of us women as to how we live and support ourselves.

  202. Thanks for setting the record straight. And yes, those who know know and those who choose to remain ignorant, are prone to ridicule, scorn, condemn, belittle and deride, will continue to do so and pay the price in their own body. And the currency? Our well being, overall health, vitality and joy to name but a few qualities that would otherwise enrich human life.

  203. You are so right about the connotations that come with the phrase “breast massage”. It is a very exposing indictment of how society (men and women) views the breasts that this modality even needs defending in the first place.

    1. I agree Otto, we so often judge others by our own perceptions and this is the case for society as a whole as you have said. We would be far better to be open and know and feel the truth of any matter before passing judgement.

      1. And what produces those ‘perceptions’ in the first place? It’s a merry-go-round of involution; until we pause and feel and then trust those feelings and move in accordance with them, rather than allowing the mind to re-interpret.

  204. I must admit that the first time I heard about Esoteric Breast Massage I thought it was a bit strange sounding too however the more I have found out about it and how it works and the integrity it is done in and the supportive benefits that I have seen in the women that have received it, the more I value and appreciate this modality as a genuine treatment modality that will be very important in the future.

  205. The Esoteric Breast Massage is most certainly a gateway into the most precious treasure on earth for a woman. It encourages and supports our connection to ‘the true essence of the woman – in all her sacred beauty, glory and preciousness, just waiting to be revealed and lived.’ This power and beauty that lies within the inner-heart of every woman is one of humanity’s best-kept secrets! Why is it deliberately kept secret? Because once this way of being and living is out we will all be able to bring so much to this world and speed-dial our way back home to being the Souls that we are.

  206. I for one do not trust all that I hear unless I see and feel it walked by a body that lives it. Because we do not have this value as a society, we have let ourselves slip way below the level of care and decency we naturally have when not fed the lies we demand to keep us in a constant state of spiritual arousal instead of being deeply surrendered to all that is true. This is a great article Eunice and an inspiring debunking of the sensationalist lies that abound about this deeply nurturing and supportive modality.

    1. I remember a fat red faced doctor asking me if I drank alcohol. When I said no, he tried to tell me one glass an evening was fine. For some reason I didn’t consider him to be role model to give me advice of that nature. Really look at the bodies and faces of those that sneer, scorn and deride versus the vitality and joy of those that receive EBMs and make your own choice.

  207. It is one thing to be a little sceptical about something but it is a completely different thing to outrightly judge, critise, condemn and accuse it of things it plainly is not.

  208. Some subjects are excellent at bringing out sides in people that may have been less visible previously. One of those is a professor of medicine writing in a medical journal scathingly about EBM without knowing what the technique is, how it is administered or ever speaking to a practitioner or a client.

  209. The cause behind the cause behind the cause… too often we settle for answers that in truth would need to be explored to get the deeper answers and eventually the ultimate one, the root cause. All levels of causes need to be considered and taken care of, none is redundant or should be ignored, but settling for just the obvious, superficial causes means also to only heal or rather cure the symptoms. Reducing our reality to just the world of the flesh and ignoring the multidimensionality of life is determined to fail us.

  210. True Eunice ‘those who know, know.’ without an ounce of doubt in me I had my first Esoteric Breast Massage years ago and every EBM I had since has empowered me to feel the beautiful woman I am without any doing or trying just because I am. The relationship with my womanly body has changed from being dismissive to more loving and nurturing, a process, you mention as well, that does not stop but deepens when we embrace all this healing modality brings to us. Thank you Eunice for your very clear and simple explanations and statements about Esoteric Breast Massage and its powerful message for all women.

  211. Awaiting in all of us: ‘the true essence of the woman – in all her sacred beauty, glory and preciousness, just waiting to be revealed and lived.’

      1. Me too. I have seen many women in my life change so dramatically – expanding into a deep level of preciousness and I know and have heard how the EBM has been a huge catalyst in this transformation. The world needs women in their truth…and so, QED, the world needs the EBM.

    1. A wise man has said that when women live their truth, this will support men to live their truth also. As women, we have lost our connection to our true essence, our delicacy, opting for a more hardened and pushing stance in life, much to the detriment of our bodies. Living in line with our truth will not only support us in our health and well-being but also enable men to let go of their protection, general aggression and rediscover their delicateness too. Yes, Otto I back up your claim… the world needs the EBM.

      1. I recognize what you write, Rachel. When women live from their connection to their grace and divine essence all the men have to do is align. And they might resist, but the more women live their truth the easier is gets for men. The road is super clear and simple then with gorgeous boundaries to non loving behaviour.

  212. I have often cried when I have gone to a gynaecologist for an examination, and similarly felt disturbed by the pulling and squashing of my breast between cold hard metallic plates for breast screening. Regardless of how caring the people were, the whole procedure always feels intrusive and a discomfort I tell myself I need to go through for my health. And I have had Esoteric Breast Massage sessions where every single thing to the utmost detail is deeply caring, nurturing and honouring, I have come away with a renewed desire to take better care of myself.

    Instead of slamming EBM. lets bring the standard of care of the other techniques that are for the support women to the same level.

    1. Oh, my Golnaz, I can really relate to what you share! Feeling already vulnerable, I have often cried seeing a gynaecologist for an examination…it’s not the procedure that I find the most challenging, but the lack of tenderness and care during the procedure. It feels perfunctory and cold. To be honest I feel like an animal at the vet whilst being pulled and poked about. Yet, the practitioners of the EBM have treated me with the utmost care, understanding and tenderness, that in the feeling of being vulnerable I am met and held with love. This is how every treatment and examination should be carried out, deeply honouring and treasuring the woman. For those that scoff and scorn the EMB modality they have clearly not had one, and cannot speak from a lived experience, but only a skewed reinterpretation of ill created mental constructs about the body and breasts in particular. There is much general health practitioners could learn from the integrity and quality of EBM practitioners in terms of how they honour the client.

    2. So well said Golnaz. The EBM would be such an inspirational and ground breaking training ground for any other healthcare techniques that are there for women, simply by the level of care that is taken to ensure women feel completely and utterly cared for and honoured in every way, even before any treatment takes place.

    3. This is a great point Golnaz. There are procedures that we need to go through in order to take care of our health, but they are not always loving and caring in their delivery. Your call to bring the same standard of care to these as offered in an EBM is just what is needed within a health system that is often purely functional. Let’s bring the human aspect to health care, so it can support the nurturing and healing that is needed for our delicate human bodies.

  213. This is a great blog, Eunice and you set the record straight about EBM modality. Being honest, I was dubious at first about the modality and felt very vulnerable about having a session, but the level of care and respect was second to none by the female practitioners that I saw. I found the benefits enormous in terms of supporting my body and me as a woman. Isn’t it time we became mature about breasts and this part of the body not making assumptions they are there solely for sexual gratification.

  214. This B(ook)log feels like a massive stone of truth placed firmly into the earth’s crust. A statement with authority and a lived knowing to back it up.

  215. What stands out when having an EBM is the relationship we have with our own breasts. I will admit my first response was – I can’t do that, but I have, and I have always with no exception been treated with the utmost respect and care from all of the EBM practitioners I have seen.

  216. This is a full, inspiring and comprehensive explanation of the truth about Esoteric Breast Massage and its healing benefits. It is brilliant, Eunice, that you go there with the common reactions to hearing the words ‘Breast’ and ‘Massage’ together, leaving us nowhere to hide with our preconceptions, assumptions and judgements. Thank you.

  217. As soon as you bring in the bigger picture such as other professional roles of gynaecologist and urologist (new word to me) it asks us to see the Esoteric Breast Massage differently. What I would also recommend to any of those who dismiss or try to bastardise the Esoteric Breast Massage is first not to judge or assume but instead go to the websites and read about this more, speak with the many women that have had this modality and you will get to feel and see the absolute integrity it and with many many women being diagnosed with some form of breast cancer or cysts/lumps in their breasts everyday despite all the research and money that has been poured into it very little if anything has truly changed. So isn’t it time we took some steps back to in truth see the bigger picture and understand our body more energetically? Yes.

    1. Yes, it is quite surprising how a woman’s breast can be a taboo zone when it comes to physical therapy yet newsagents are drenched in depictions of breasts.

      1. Yes, Christoph, there is a total irony here and yet it is precisely because women have allowed the objectification of breasts by men that they have a challenging relationship with them themselves. Most women do not relate or connect to their breasts as nurturing centres, but see them as sexual organs or organs that are for feeding babies. When I first had a breast massage what was clear was that I didn’t relate to them in a way that was confirming, and they were very, very painful. In fact so painful that I had to kick out to deal with the pain. What we need to understand is that our bodies carry the energy of all our lived experience, thoughts, actions etc., so as a woman who had been living with self-loathing, self-disregard and lack of self-worth to name but a few, all the resultant hardening could be felt in my breasts. Now after all the healing and different choices I have been making having an EBM is a very different experience. It is very confirming as I can feel a beautiful warmth in them and expansion in my body – a far cry from the contraction I had been living before I encountered Universal Medicine.

  218. Great blog Eunice, that really sorts the chaff from the wheat so to speak. How telling is it about our culture and the consciousness we operate in that as soon as we mention the word ‘breasts’ we go into panic, fear, even revulsion so sexualised has the term become? In fact, how much of our lives do we relate to through this sexual filter – like the proverbial schoolboy you mention? The difference becomes quite stark when we are being offered a modality (that I have experienced many times) which offers so much healing but which then becomes ridiculed and dismissed simply because we are not mature enough to have a nurturing relationship with our own bodies.

  219. Eunice thank you for writing such a powerful article about Esoteric Breast massage. And thank you for reminding us all that we go to see the Gynecologist and other such experts in their field, without a second thought about any sexual implications. I can remember many times over the course of my life were I have been examined by a male Gynecologist and never thought that they were in any way imposing. Is it possible that as a society we have sexualized the breasts so much that this area of our body has lost is true meaning.

  220. An outstanding and brilliant blog Eunice covering the many aspects of the Esoteric Breast Massage founded by Serge Benhayon, for women to be treated only by highly trained women practitioners. A modality that offers a deep re-connection to the delicacy and sweetness within and a treatment that from personal experience, I would recommend to any woman.

  221. It’s such a common and ingrained response to laugh at something that seems suggestive in a sexual way. The Esoteric Breast massage is sacred in its nature, but is ridiculed due to the fact that it works with breasts. Where is our maturity? Are we so uncomfortable with the word breasts that we can’t even fathom that this method of healing is of value? Breasts need to be honoured and respected like any other part of the human body. They are not a cheap thrill for us to get off on or to laugh at. It’s time the world woke up to this and accepted the sacredness on offer that is available through the body. If we are not aware of this we are missing out on a deep level of healing and a great deal of love.

    1. Well said Rebecca – we need to question the perceptions of our body and those of others we hold. In developing our own true understanding of the body and energetic healing there is no doubt of all that is offered in healing modalities such as this.

  222. It is a great point that Eunice makes about how we as a society don’t think twice about having vaginal examinations such as smears or examinations on the testicles, prostate or penis. It has become the norm to have these procedures I feel carried out essentially to rule out any type of cancer but do you think that when these procedures were first carried out everyone felt absolutely comfortable with them? I doubt it and while the Esoteric Breast Massage does not claim to prevent or cure cancer and rightly so in my opinion it is only a matter of time that the Esoteric Breast Massage will be offered alongside these examinations because of the profound healing and support they offer to women.

  223. What you share is so important – no one bats an eyelid at the need for at times deeply private and invasive examinations as a part of our overall health – many women I have spoken to said that especially during child birth there is no privacy and no dignity, with male and female medical staff walking in and simply lifting their covers and taking a look – there is a truth in the professionalism and no question of their sexual preference as in fact this would most likely be taken as a insult or homophobic statement to insinuate that a person’s sexuality is somehow a draw back on someone’s ability to do a job. Equally, the EBM is trained and delivered in and the quality lived by the practitioners is all to ensure the client feels the same level of professionalism, trust and lack of imposition on their body, and opportunity to let go, feel a connection to who they are as a woman and walk that back out in life.

    1. To insinuate that a person’s sexuality is somehow a draw back on their ability to do a job is way off, and not in the slightest bit relevant.

      1. i agree Rosanna, we have taken some time to comprehend that gender is not a relevant question when it comes to ability and now apparently, people need to also learn that neither is sexuality, when a person has a deep and strong sense of professionalism care, integrity and respect.

  224. Thank you Eunice for expressing so clearly the truth about Esoteric Breast Massage. I have regular EBMs and at every session they support me to reconnect more deeply to the woman I am, which previously I had just accepted as my gender.

  225. Eunice, this is a great point; ‘as soon as we mention the word ‘breasts’ – the shutters come down, we back off and perhaps think ‘no way’, ‘not on my body’ or those of a different gender endeavour to sexualise it, make jokes, innuendo comments & ridicule.’ Reading this I can feel how crazy it is that we have this association with breasts, that we accept other parts of the body as acceptable for massage and healing but have this ‘no – go’ attitude to our breasts and that if anyone has a massage on this area then there is something wrong with them or the practitioner – thank you for raising this.

  226. It is quite ridiculous for so-called experts to expressed judgment about something they do not have personal experience or understanding of. It would be laughable if it was not so misleading and harmful.

  227. A great and well needed article Eunice. Being a man I have never had an Esoteric Breast Massage but have seen the effects they have had on women that I know very well. The comments above also show how disconnected women tend to be from their breasts either seeing them as purely sexual or for mothering but rarely do women grow up truly appreciating them as part of them. One of the saddest things I see is women say comparing things like breast size etc.. and then wanting to have them enlarged or altered to satisfy men. But if men were truly honest we do not care about what a womens breast look like rather, for me anyway, find its the look in their eyes and how they are in their bodies that matters. Yet so often we can get caught up in and with physicality. So to have a modality that helps release women from these constrains is revolutionary and something all women should have access to.

  228. I have only ever found the EBM sessions to be deeply respectful of me and my body and as a consequence has restored within me a deep sense of self respect that has impacted on all areas of my life. Those who attempt to pass judgment on the modality without ever exploring what is entailed or the incredible integrity with which it is practiced do humanity and in particular women, a huge disservice.

  229. Your last sentence is very well said Richard and so true. Anything conjured up by anyone who has had no experience of this modality whatsoever is purely a reflection of them, not the practitioners nor the modality itself which has not one shred of that kind of energy in it.

  230. This is a brilliant blog on the truth about the Esoteric Breast Massage, a modality that I love and that has supported me so much as a women. With the rates of illness and disease on the rise for women surely we own it to the women of the world to get past our ridicule and open up to the possibility that there is something of enormous benefit in the Esoteric Breast Massage and it has nothing to do with sexual pleasure or the like.

  231. “those who know, know.” And I am one of those who know and can vouch for the incredible power of Esoteric Breast Massage has had and continues to have in empowering me to transform my attitude towards my body, health, gender and self care and in the process, healing long term endometriosis, an unexpected side effect. Thank you Eunice for this elucidating article that presents us with the true facts about EBM and its purpose, to empower the woman to return to her sacredness by addressing her lifestyle choices and restoring her inner sense of worth. A sorely needed modality and a true blessing for all women in these times of rapidly rising life style related diseases.

  232. Yes, it is crazy to associate a women’s breasts purely with sexual innuendo, why isolate or compartmentalise parts of our body rather than appreciate that they relate to so much more than just sex…

  233. What a superb presentation and clarification of all that the Esoteric Breast Massage does and does not offer. I have experienced first hand for myself the depth of integrity with which it is applied and the genuine support that it can give.

  234. Wow Eunice! This is one powerful blog, and one that acts as a myth-buster for Esoteric Breast Massage modality.

  235. Thank you Eunice for such a clear and coherent presentation of the facts of Esoteric Breast Massage.

  236. You make so many excellent points in rebuttal of all the ridiculous charges that have been levelled at the Esoteric Breast Massage modality but the one that struck me was the fact that it is generally accepted that we can benefit from massages of so many other areas of our bodies so what changes when we include the word breast? It is like there is a lack of acceptance that this is another area of tissue on the body that can benefit from such a deeply healing and supportive massage when delivered by practitioners who are highly trained and bound by a strict code of ethics.

  237. Wow Eunice, another incredible blog by you – thank you. To me EBM simply makes sense, many of us women feel like second class citizens, misunderstood by society, and in constant need to protect ourselves from the harshness we’re surrounded by. What Esoteric medicine and EBM’s offer is an opportunity to strip away the armour, wear our heart on the sleeve – truly, and see that our love can melt the blocks of ice between even the coldest people. Who wouldn’t want that in our society?

  238. The conduct of these so called experts is utterly disgraceful as are all those who allow and condone it. Talk about quackery although I love ducks so why insult them as I can’t imagine any duck behaving in such a reprehensible manner.

    1. Good call Nicola, people having such outspoken and condemning options about something they do not know anything about or have had any personal experience of, are a great example of what we would call a quack.

  239. Having gone through a lot with my breasts in my life, when I first heard of EBM I instantly knew how powerful this could be. Having known Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for a few years by then I also knew I could trust in the quality and integrity of this modality.

    1. I agree Carolien that also having known Serge Benhayon for many years that for him to put out a modality, regardless of what it is called or aimed at would comes with the highest levels of quality and integrity. I have studied massage and other modalities previous to Universal Medicine Therapies and nothing has come close to the standards set out and laid forth by Universal Medicine.

    2. Me too Carolien, I had no doubt when I first heard about the Esoteric Breast Massage that it would support me and my wellbeing and it has as I continue to have sessions years later, a testimony that the EBM is no passing trend but here to stay to offer healing to all women.

    3. I love the common sense and absoluteness of what you say Carolien. And I know a lot of us would also say that we have been through a lot with our breasts through our lives.

  240. Thank you Eunice for this beautiful description of what Esoteric Breast Massage is all about and how powerful a healing modality it truly is for women, while at the same time showing how silly it is to think that the breasts should be forbidden to be massaged (as they are a part of the female body after all) while pretty much every other part of the body gets attention with a typical massage. But what’s more important is just how it only makes sense that if a women can connect deeply with the sacred nurturing energy of their breasts then they can allow that same self-care and nurturing to other areas of their lives with many positive ripple effects into all their relationships.

  241. This is a long article but well worth reading, as it explains very clearly how the name Esoteric Breast Massage can lead to derision and misunderstanding and we can read how the therapy itself truly supports women of all ages to self nurture and thereby possibly have better health as a result.

  242. What a blog Eunice, my body was going ‘yes, yes, yes’ to the stream of truth about this wonderful modality.

  243. The EBM is a transformational healing modality – I have always felt total respect, tenderness and support from my practitioner to deepen my relationship with stillness, with my natural quality as a woman.

    1. And this really is our natural; for women to support women without judgement, critique or comparison, but with the common sense that we are stronger together and therefore freer to share our delicacy, stillness, fragility and care.

  244. Most if not all of these talking head experts are only experts on being experts on whatever they are paid to say or whatever fits their agenda with not one shred of experience or true knowing.

  245. Esoteric Breast Massage was the first modality I have ever had in all the esoteric modalities, and back then I did not know about Universal Medicine. I decided to have one after attending a presentation by a practitioner and I felt no hesitation about having one. It didn’t even occur to me that the massage could be in any way sexual or lacked in decency, I could trust the presenter and the practitioner completely even though I had never met either of them before. There was something about them that were very different from practitioners of other modalities I had met before. Now I am also a member of EPA myself, I know the integrity EPA upholds and you would not see it elsewhere.

    1. Same with me Fumiyo – Esoteric Breast Massage was the modality I first experienced with a Universal Medicine Practitioner. On hearing Serge Benhayon speak of EBM for women (by women), there was an instant knowing and pull to book for a session. The practitioner was deeply honouring and soon my slight embarrassment was no more.

  246. It is incredible how the hurts and issues held in the breast area can be so ingrained that we do not even consider there could be anything different. I love how Esoteric Breast Massage has supported me to free myself from some of these and have heard similar stories from other women. And then it is the ongoing connection with a deeper essence, which is profound in itself. Transformational? Definitely.

  247. Our reactions to the words ‘Esoteric Breast Massage’ are more of an indictment of where we are as a society in relation to women’s bodies, than it is a reflection on the modality itself. The fact that the EBM is a highly trained, safe and non-sexual technique that is performed with the upmost integrity by women for women, is not considered when our preconceived ideas about ‘breasts’ and their role cloud out everything else. Just because as a general rule we do not know what truly caring for our breasts feels and looks like, from the number of women wearing the wrong size bra, to not know what is ‘normal’ for their breast health at different points in their cycle, to being unable to look or touch their breasts, to feeling them to be cold, hard or disconnected from the rest of their body – is it any wonder that a modality that is based on true care and tender touch without an ounce of imposition is hard to comprehend? But just because its outside our personal experience of how we treat our breasts, does that make it impossible? And that’s not event delving into the realms of sexualisation around breasts, causing them to be treated as taboo and somehow belonging more to our partners in the bedroom than to our bodies – if someone is going to touch them, surely it must be for a sexual reason, right? Is it any wonder that the fact the EBM is actually a support for a woman to reclaim her breasts and her nurturing qualities and not in any way related to another person’s views of her body is hard to grasp? And then again, there is the idea that women simply have these appendages for use one day should they have a child – up to that point they are just there, in the way and at times annoying, potentially part of a sexual relationship until they find their true purpose, feeding a child. There is nothing wrong with breast feeding, and no one will dispute the benefits that it brings to a child – but is it possible to consider that the years and years of disconnection to our breasts in the lead up to them producing milk has an impact on why so many women suffer extremely when trying to breast feed? And what message do we pass directly to our children when we push through the messages of our body in self-sacrifice to feed our child? That no matter what the needs of others come before us? And that we should not foster a relationship with ourselves first so as to prepare for breastfeeding, we should simply expect our bodies to function. Is it then any wonder that a modality that supports women in developing a lifelong relationship to their bodies as women and to their breasts beyond their function, allowing them to become a part of the woman no matter if she is a mother or a partner or not, seems like an alien concept? But just because these principles of care and integrity and connection to our bodies are so far from what we live, doesn’t make them any less possible to live and offer through the EBM – as you say Eunice, we cannot judge a modality that is working on a whole other level from our current standards of sexualisation and cold cut functionality.

  248. I had an Esoteric Breast Massage today, the first in a long while owing to geographical distance. The respect and delicacy with which my practitioner treated me brought me to tears as I felt myself connect deeply to my beauty and appreciate how natural that is and should be for all women.

  249. I too used to have a problem with the word sweet and in no way could relate it as having anything to do with me. It is through the Esoteric Breast Massage treatments that I have come to embrace my own sweetness and this has opened up such a beautiful deepening in my relationship with myself and with others.

  250. Great point Eunice that instead of immaturely focusing on certain parts of the body as being designated sexual or non-sexual perhaps we should be focusing on the intention or the actual energy that a practitioner or medical professional is in when they touch their clients! Surely this is much more significant than which body part is being touched?

    1. Yes, the intention and actual energy of a practitioner is far more important than the focus upon certain body parts, yet within society in general and in particular the medical profession little consideration is taken of this.

  251. My reaction on hearing about the Esoteric Breast Massage was one of puzzlement as to what was being offered, accompanied by an uncomfortable feeling in my body. It makes sense of course as I, like many others, only associated breasts with feeding babies and sexual pleasure. But there was something about what I was hearing that slowly began to dismantle the feelings I was experiencing and I finally booked in for my first session. And I celebrate this choice every single day as I slowly began to develop a loving relationship with my breasts and in so doing deepened the relationship I was growing with me.

    1. Supporting myself to develop a respectful, loving relationship with my breasts is like bringing them in from the cold and re-integrating my body as one, rather than segmented parts that live in isolation from each other. And I love what has been shared about this being an ongoing and ever deepening relationship.

  252. “In fact we have a situation where so called ‘experts’ give opinions on a technique they do not even have a rudimentary understanding of, never mind being an expert on the subject.” I really love this bit because it is so true, when we want to put something down it suddenly does not seem to matter how much the person knows about the treatment in real life, they just need to have a title of some sort that makes them look capable of judgment in most people’s eyes. Even though in a truly integrated society there would be understanding and when there would be a worry about a certain treatment there would be a proper investigation without prejudices and an openness to learning something as well that you might not have been aware of before.

  253. When I first heard about the EBM I thought I would never do it – but this thought came from my relationship with my breasts at the time – and that they were not worth looking at or touching by me or anyone else. But when I did have my first EBM, after constantly feeling drawn to having a session – I completely changed how i felt about it, and realised the power of a reflection of a woman who was being more delicate with my body than I had ever been with myself. This session was not just about my breasts, it was about how I was as a woman with my body – the tenderness I held myself in – and the opportunity I had to deepen that.

  254. There are regular run of the mill massage practitioners out there (NOT EBM practitioners) who massage the breasts in a way that feels imposing. I experienced this as a client well before I had heard of Esoteric Breast Massage (EBM) and these prior experiences that were not in any way related to EBM made me very wary of EBM even though I had no knowledge or experience of it.

    In the end I did book in for an Esoteric Breast Massage because I could feel that the quality of what was on offer was completely different to what I had experienced in the past. After experiencing my first EBM session I knew 100% that this modality was truly healing and supportive to a woman’s body. The practitioners that offer this modality go through extensive training and support their clients with a level of integrity that is unsurpassed by any profession.

  255. We have overlaid false meanings and innuendos onto the sacredness of our bodies. These ‘taboo’ subjects and indecencies only serve to keep us away from connecting to our true selves. That’s why it’s so crucial that we call them out the way that you do Eunice. Our bodies are able when understood, to confirm our divinity and relationship with God. No wonder they have been misused and abused when they have this power.

  256. Eunice, great article thank you. I have experienced EBM’s and have found them to be very healing, they have allowed me to re-connect with the beautiful woman that I am and it feels gorgeous to feel my delicateness and fragility in these sessions and then to live these qualities more and more in my daily life.

  257. In the past I offered massages I had learned form an Indian teacher that also included the breasts. I always spoke about this before hand with the clients, explaining about the lymphatic areas amongst other things, and never did any of them feel uncomfortable or even surprised about this. I am sure this happens on a much larger scale then most are aware of, only it is not made a big deal of. It is only now that it is claimed out in public, through having a modality specifically targeting the woman’s breasts,showing all that our breasts are so much more then just for sex or feeding babies, that our breasts are a vital part of our relationship with ourselves, that things start hitting the fan. Is it truly about the modality itself or are we much more resisting the natural sacredness that a women can connect to with the support of the EBM?

    1. Very good point Carolien. It’s clear to me that this is exactly what is playing out. Society is comfortable with a woman who is disconnected from her breasts as it allows her to be used and abused at the whim of others. When a woman is supported to feel the nurturing quality that is so natural to her she will put a stop to this abuse and those who abuse women will be left to feel the consequences of their choices.

    2. Great point Carolien. There’s no doubt that techniques on breasts are practised all over the world, and it’s interesting that probably the MOST respectful and successful treatment that has supported many women to connect deeper to themselves has been ridiculed the most.

      1. So true Susie, what I have experienced with the EBM practitioners in terms of tenderness, delicacy, integrity and respect does not even come close to what I learned, the biggest difference being the lived quality of the practitioner.

  258. We ridicule and attack what we do not know and makes us uncomfortable,even having had no experience with it ourselves and buying into stories that are made up to justify our behaviour. How many times have we done this in history? And do we dare to ask ourselves why we feel the need to attack something we do not have the faintest idea about other then our own (distorted) fantasies?

  259. Hear Hear, thank you Eunice for this clear and powerful expose on EBM. From my own experience I could not have worded it better. And as you say so well ‘those who know, know” I know beyond a sliver of a doubt that what you write here is true, from my own first hand and extensive experience with the healing benefits of Esoteric Breast Massage. No amount of ridicule or snickering can take that away from me.

  260. I love the simplicity and authority in which you wrote this. You are an expert and know what you are writing about. And to the question in your title: ‘Esoteric Breast Massage: Quackery and Titillation or Transformational Healing Modality?’ The answer is simple: the esoteric breast massage is a transformational healing modality that changed my life as a woman.

  261. An article of such truth is rare to find. Esoteric Breast Massage is a profoundly deep healing for any woman who wants to know herself from the depths of her soul. As is shared here, there is a sweetness inside us as women that very few allow to be how they live. So much in our lives says to us to hide and hold down this quality, yet it is at the very essence of the true strength every woman has.

  262. This is a well written article that covers every angle of the benefits of Esoteric Breast Massage while batting off all the childish remarks that are ignorantly made against it.

    1. Maybe you are being a bit generous there Kathleen. What if those who go out on a limb to attack it are not simply making ignorant or childish remarks but have a much more sinister and harmful motive. Why would anyone want to attack a modality that is so hugely beneficial and empowering to women? Why down the ages have there always been those who attack truth and those that bring it? We (humanity) have a big and shameful history in this regard and it is not so innocent.

      1. I see and hear your point loud and clear Nicola and have to agree that the attacks on something so beneficial for all are not innocent at all. Ignorance of what is required in order to take responsibility for our growth, our health and our overall well-being is a deliberate movement away from true evolution. It is a deliberate delay of the responsibility we all have to face up to in the end.

  263. Eunice thank you for bringing light to the topic of esoteric breast massage and helping present the clarity on how its perceptions of things that are very often distorted from the truth. Yet even more important is providing that support for everyone to build a deeper relationship with their body so that they don’t “hate” their body or even “dislike” their body but are able to appreciate all of whom they are. If we can feel great about ourselves then we will for sure me more healthy.

  264. So many great points made in the debunking section of the blog alone. I reacted when I first heard of Esoteric Breast Massage and thought, ‘not for me’, yet it has become one of the most powerful modalities to support my reclaiming of the woman I am, rather than the woman I was made to be by life. No one can be an expert on this modality until they have experienced it over some time, and working with what is felt in the session. To suggest the practitioners ‘get off’ on the modality is the opposite of the truth. After a life of having my breasts treated as sexual or for feeding, it is so touching to have them treated with the delicateness and honouring they deserve. As has been shared, the energy and integrity of the practitioner, be they esoteric or medical, alternative, allied health is what matters and affects whether the touch is sexual or not.

    EM for AM

  265. Initially hesitant, as you mention in your piece Eunice, I have been receiving esoteric breast massages for quite a few years now. Although I wasn’t even aware of the self-nurturing aspects of breasts before embarking on these massages, i certainly am now. I only feel deep love and care from my female ( and always a female) practitioner. Not an ounce of sexual-ness in sight.

  266. The integrity of the practitioners of EBMs, as with all Universal Medicine practitioners, is incredible and like nothing else I’ve come across. Having EBMs has helped me to let go of a lot of protection and hardness, and actually want to start to treat myself more lovingly, and accept myself for who I am. It is a technique that is supportive and nurturing, and I can also testify to the fact that there is absolutely nothing about this modality that is sexual, in any way.

    1. Bryony I fully agree, it’s interesting that if I didn’t know the integrity of what was offered I would think it sound ‘dodgy’ yet it is the least ‘dodgy’ thing I know. The depth of integrity of the practitioners and the life changes in women that have had EBM’s is staggering. Whilst the mind can play tricks the body knows what is true.

  267. Brilliant Eunice. I first heard about Esoteric Breast Massage (EBM) through friends and their personal experience of it. As a result when I first attended Universal Medicine clinic for healing sessions I chose to have EBM’s. This may sound a little unusual to be willing to have this modality almost straight away, but I simply new this modality was for me at that time. I’m very please I did. I recall talking to some friends after I commenced having regular sessions and said to them that it was the most loveliest gift that I gave to myself. It was and is one of the most gentlest, respectful techniques to ever experience and certainly it is not sexual or abusive in any way. It could not be that and produce the kinds of results EBM’s are having with women. I know through EBM’s I have reconnected to my inner beauty, grace and sensitivity and live much more from that now that I ever have and having regular EBM’s has allowed me to not only feel that these and many more qualities are me, but it has supported me to live more from those qualities in my every day life.

  268. From my own experience, to go from a hard, protected, anxious, lack of self-worth, sad, frightened, contracted woman…. and I could go on…to this, “We come to realise that we are in fact deeply precious, deliciously delicate, and that underneath all the chaos and mayhem, tension and strife, there is a divine beauty and a profound stillness that melts and dissolves all that is not true.” is worth investigation and experience…. not poo pooing and ridicule. This blog is brilliant at covering every aspect of healing that women have experienced, including myself from the EBM modality. Thank you Eunice!

  269. I fully agree, let those who have lived and trained in the modality be the experts. When I first heard about the EBM I thought it was a bit ‘odd’ I didn’t reject it but neither did I leap onto the table. I have only ever been treated with the utmost care and deepest respect by the EBM practioners I have seen. Being held with such care really does change your life as you feel that you are worth having that level of love presented to you.

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