Expanding Medicine by Introducing the Energetic Factor

by Eunice J Minford MA FRCS Ed, Consultant General Surgeon, N. Ireland 

This site is dedicated to sharing stories, articles and interviews that bring a reality to the statement that ‘the marriage of Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine will be the greatest union that will serve humanity’. Many people have shared how they have utilised both Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine together to transform their health conditions.

In this interview Serge Benhayon expands further on how the esoteric understandings can expand the whole sphere of medicine and introduces the energetic factor that is not yet part of the Western Medical paradigm. This brings a higher level of responsibility to our discussions on health and wellbeing – but given the current rates of illness and disease, the time is surely overdue for such discussions.

How do the esoteric modalities work? Is there more for us to learn about how to truly care for our bodies and what being responsible really means? Is our way of living both the problem and the answer?  Come and listen and be inspired to care deeply for your body and yourself….



Disclaimer: The information shared in this interview is based on Esoteric Medicine and goes beyond what is currently known and accepted in evidenced based Western Medicine and it is for the viewer to discern if what is shared is true, or could possibly be true or not. This interview does not constitute medical advice and if you have any concerns regarding your health please see your doctor.

Eunice Minford works a Consultant General Surgeon in full accordance with the principles of Western Medicine.

She has found personal benefit to her own health and wellbeing from applying the esoteric teachings and having esoteric healing and has observed the same in many others. She shares her personal experience, supported by science, religious and philosophical understandings through blogs and interviews for consideration as a possible way forward for a truly holistic understanding of the human being, illness, disease, health and healing. These understandings go beyond Western Medicine and do not constitute medical advice and it is for the listener/reader to discern if what is offered is, or could be true or not.  If you have any health concerns please see your doctor.


637 thoughts on “Expanding Medicine by Introducing the Energetic Factor

  1. Just the opening few words from Serge Benhayon makes complete sense to me that Western Medicine is amazing in what it does for us no doubt about it. But sadly this is not enough, illness and disease is taking us out. I don’t know the figures and I feel we don’t need to because there is so much illness and disease in the world it’s the modern day plague. When are we going to say enough is enough and investigate at the very least the energetic perspective that we are made up of energy and if the energy is blocked and not flowing as it should is that the start of illness and disease? If we looked at ourselves as energy first, physicality second that would change everything.

  2. This interview bought insight in to how our bodies can truly heal. I can also understand how people can miss interpret what is being presented here too. I recall a reaction in me when a disease was mentioned and I automatically became angry, and the funny thing is I don’t even have this condition either. I went into being ‘blamed’ and yet Serge elaborated and the key for me, is being responsible and at the end of the day, it was that, I was reacting to.

    Once I was reluctant to go to medicine but many a times I had no choice but to go to medicine to heal me. Only to go back again, I was a frequent offender, and not actually playing my part in the healing process.

    There is much wisdom in how healing our bodies involves two crucial things, the medicine and you, it is that simple. And since experiencing Esoteric Medicine, I play my part in my own healing and get the support from both Western and Esoteric Medicine too. I can feel the difference in how my body heals now.

  3. I can totally understand the disquiet and resistance that may arise when something that shakes out of our comfort of our ‘truth’ gets presented to show us there’s more and perhaps our ‘truth’ is not it after all, and that possibility of more-ness is exactly what I can feel in this conversation. And this more-ness is simply asking us to claim the more of what is already ours to claim by nature, and not to accept the reduction that we have been accustomed to.

    1. Fumiyo, I had a pang of reaction when I was watching a section of the video and if you really carefully listen to the words, there is no blame, there is nothing. Esoteric Medicine is simply asking you to be a part of the healing instead of just getting the body fixed. Could it be that simple? Absolutely!…

  4. Can we say that medicine is enough as it is? Are we not seeing the difficulties as it struggles to cope with the rising levels of ill health. To combine it with esoteric healing would certainly expand it’s reach and capacity, bringing the best of both worlds together.

  5. I’ve always instinctively felt that there are underlying reasons for illnesses, we know the common saying that someone is “run down” meaning they have been running themselves ragged and the consequences are often a sickness like a virus. Having worked with Esoteric Medicine now for a few years what I have learnt is a more specific understanding of how things manifest in terms of ill health and why, alongside the body awareness to bring a deeper self care into my everyday life. I have found the whole experience with Universal Medicine very common sense.

  6. It is because of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine that I now embrace and welcome western medicine into my life. Recently I got into a conversation with a gentleman who by the way had not come across Universal Medicine and he shared openly how he had lost trust in the National Health Service in the UK. As he was ageing he said he was going more and more alternative in his choices. It reminded me of how I used to be and the changes I have made to where I am today supporting myself and my family without hesitation to go and seek support from my GP if necessary. It reminded me of how dismissive and anti-medicine I was to the detriment of myself and my family. I appreciate and am very grateful to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine supporting me to let go of the beliefs I was holding that were getting in the way of a supportive and open relationship I have now with western medicine.

  7. For me, Universal Medicine and the Esoteric Healing modalities have joined all the illness and sickness dots. It simply makes sense, even though greater responsibility is needed as a result.

  8. If I was to write someone a prescription for their health, the first suggestion would be to listen to their body, as Serge Benhayon has been presenting for the last 20 years. It makes sense to listen to the messages from our body, after all it is the vehicle which patiently carries us from birth to through to our last breath, and if cared for deeply it will have a much easier job to than the one many of us inflict on it. When it comes to caring for our body, Serge is offering humanity another way of living, one where our mind takes second place to the innate wisdom our body naturally holds, and is always sharing; all we have to do is make the choice to listen – or not.

    1. We really need to question the intelligence we live from when we neglect our bodies, but take immaculate care of our cars or homes – both of which are replaceable! It’s good common sense to listen to our body as part of our self care, it’s the only one we have.

      1. I know a few people who definitely care for their possessions more than they do for their bodies, but I know that if I was to question whether this was an intelligent choice, they would not consider their choice to do so to be abnormal in the least. This is the perfect example of not trying to get them to understand the implications of their choices, but instead to simply continue to live how I live, where the care of my body comes first, and maybe somewhere down the track they may just be inspired – or maybe not! No expectations.

  9. How unique it is to not judge and not feel above or more special than another. To feel tender and gentle and see others the same. This in itself is super inspiring and proof of The Livingness from the heart and the embodiment of what love means.. How could you knock this, it does not make sense?

  10. Once you understand that there is always an energetic element to everything we witness in our world, it becomes plainly obvious that it simply does not make sense to approach any aspect of life without considering the energetic factor involved.

  11. So true – where is the logic in using rats in a controlled environment as an evidence to prove a theory about how human beings would respond to certain things? I just love how Serge Benhayon breaks down what we have accepted for all along and makes sense of everything.

    1. I find looking at humans on a strictly physical, physiological and behavioural level without considering the energetic dynamics immensely limiting and restrictive in the depth of understanding we can reach. Then we seem to have gone to yet another level of questionable wisdom, with the choice of focusing on what we observe in other species (in gross unnatural circumstances may I add), in corpses (although we know physical changes take place on passing over), and in those who are not a great representation of health to start with, and thinking we have expanded our understanding of how to live as a healthy human being.

  12. Western Medicine has changed dramatically over the years – advancement in understanding more of the human body, new techniques and equipment. People are also getting sicker and disease rates are on the increase exponentially. It is obvious that there is something missing in this equation -as everything is energy, it makes sense that awareness to the underlying energetic state of everything will bring another depth to Western Medicine.

  13. Our current understanding of medicine is good, in fact, the level of sophistication in surgery is amazing and quite incredible with what can be achieved, but it’s still a fragmented picture with symptoms being managed and only the part that’s diseased, or broken being looked at. Introduce the energetic factor with our current form of medicine and we get the whole picture, the whole person included and every last strand of detail that can really support individuals to fully heal. The magic of modern medicine combined with the energetic factor really makes a formula to healing that is something special.

  14. Energy – the missing link. If we consider the fact that energy flows through our body, naturally so, then when that flow is disturbed there is bound to be a consequence. What universal medicine presents is that this disturbance in flow of energy is the potential root cause of illness and disease.

  15. Having combined Esoteric Medicine with Conventional medicine for me has felt like I have truly healed from various conditions rather than just shaving the top off and having the same energy resurface as something else much more nasty later on.

  16. If everything in life is energy, then so too our our emotions, reactions, behaviours and the way we live & move. The consequence of all this energy is played out in our body – seen as disease and illness or good health. It is impossible then to not see how there is a relationship, a common factor between energy and disease. Recognising how we live and the relationship we have with our body is consequential to the disease process, assist us to understand the root cause of diseases, that offers opportunity to arrest the ill energy and have a complete healing.

  17. Medicine knows how to treat people, not perfectly but it knows it very well. Where it may be useful to understand more might be to understand how patients can make the best use of this amazing resource.

  18. When bringing in the understanding of energy in all things medical, for me, everything makes more sense. It explains why we get the ailments, illnesses and the diseases that we do and from there, with the support of traditional medicine, we can address the underlying causes and heal.

  19. A fascinating discussion of the power of understanding energy in the underlying cause of illness and disease and healing the whole body, physical and energetic.

  20. We don’t just get an illness and disease by chance or bad luck and although Western Medicine keeps advancing to try and cope with the ever rise in illness and disease, it does need a partner in crime so to speak to fill in the gaps it cannot answer and that’s where the energetic factor comes in and is very much needed.

  21. The title says it all: that we can have a much more expansive view of medicine when we consider the bigger picture.. what are the energetic factors at play that underlie our health conditions? And how does an understanding of energy help to resolve them? It is only by taking an all encompassing view of our health and bodies that we will get to an understanding of why we feel the way we do, and why certain conditions manifest in the body- not ‘out of nowhere’ nor by luck nor chance.. always a product of our choices and the energy we choose to align to.

  22. I think there is much we can learn about what it is to truly care for our body and be responsible in life, a learning that never ends, and with our body we have an inbuilt guide to keep learning from…

  23. And beyond we need to go, beyond what we know and are familiar with, beyond the limitations of our concepts and solutions that work to a point but also limit us in seeing more… if we want to get to the real answers that shed a light on the greater machinations at play.

    1. Yes, and one of the best ways may be is to simply receive with our eyes and be honest about what we receive and to repeat this process.

  24. The phrase ‘life is medicine’ (and vice versa) invites us to understand life as a healing process whereby healing and evolving are meaning the same and or are intertwined and can not ever be separated. This raises the question what our original un-healthiness is, healthy relating to being whole and thus un-healthy to not being whole, ie. not being the all that we are. Healing then is a process of return to the wholeness we once lived and so is evolution until we re-join the whole and expand it.

    1. When I consider how I lived life before coming across Universal Medicine and how I felt I was relatively healthy, using the yardstick of what I thought ill health to be I was capped in my way of thinking. I did not truly consider living with tension and lack of self-worth as unhealthy. I simply just dismissed it. When we consider ‘life is medicine’ then we cannot dismiss anything in life that isn’t harmonious.

  25. Approaching life itself as the one and only laboratory and clinic where we can explore, understand and in full heal all the conditions we as humanity suffer allows us to appreciate the medicine we have as part of what we need and as well admit the areas and aspects where we lack awareness and willingness to expose the underlying ill and apply the appropriate healing in whatever way it is required.

  26. ‘Where we don’t flow we have a correction’ Something tells me that as humanity we need to flow more!

  27. The moment we realise that there is far more to illness and disease, and we are prepared to consider the implications our life choices have, is the moment we start to take more responsibility for how we live.

  28. It says a lot about where we are at as a race that we are sitting here talking about introducing one of the basic building blocks of life. It’s a bit like we got up one day and started to concede there might be a sun.

  29. Living life without paying attention to the energetic quality of what’s going on around and within us, is like walking around with our eyes closed or another one of our senses seriously compromised. We rely on our 5 bodily senses so much and pretty much ignore our 6th sense unless it’s really shouting loudly. But the more we pay attention to what we can sense and feel, the more we are supported in life, because we are giving ourselves the gift of being open to reading situations on an energetic level, not just whatever is playing out on a physical level. With that, we can access greater understanding and awareness.

  30. As already known in Science – everything is energy first and foremost. To bring this understanding to Western Medicine is as important as finding and adding the ‘missing piece’ of a jigsaw puzzle to be able to see the full picture.

  31. “Is our way of living both the problem and the answer? …” A statement that not only exposes the cause but leads the way out of disease…

  32. We can delay and delay and further delay but one day we all will have to understand that it is our choice to not be responsible that is making us sick.

  33. We all need to understand that illness and disease are connected with energy, and it is great when a well-respected general surgeon such as Dr Eunice Minford makes time to expand her understanding of the body and how the energy that is always passing through us affects us all.

  34. It would seem that the only reason we don’t want to accept and be open to the fact that everything is energy is simply because it introduces the responsibility factor in life. Everything. And that means Every Single Thing matters and is seen and taken into account

  35. The moment we consider and eventually acknowledge the energetic factor we will realize that without it we have lived a reductionistic life and hence practised a reductionistic form of medicine.

  36. Medicine, just like the traveller that travels the world to ‘find himself’ only to return back to where he started from to see that what he was looking for was actually always there within him, literally under his nose… so too will medicine come to realise that the energetic understanding was always there, simply waiting for mankind to turn towards it.

  37. Once the energetic factor is personally experienced and realized it becomes a most obvious and immutable fact that allows us insights and an understanding of such depth that a life in ignorance of it is exposed for the limitations in awareness we have accepted and thus are ignorant of.

  38. ‘Is our way of living both the problem and the answer?’ When we decide to really look at how we are living our lives, and the moment to moment choices we make, it becomes quite obvious which ones are supporting and nurturing our bodies and leaving them vital, and which ones are depleting them. The question is then what we do with that knowing.. pay attention and make the changes our bodies are asking us to make, or leave it for another day.

  39. “We are living in a way that is anti-medicine, and then going to medicine to try and get fixed” – I just think everyone on this planet needs to hear what this man has got to say.

  40. Understanding that solid, liquid and gas are atoms in a different vibrational state, is basically stating that we are surrounded and live in a world of energy… even our human body. So its interesting to question why we have not incorporated energetic science into medicine to understand diseased states?

  41. I love the way that Serge Benhayon talks about energy in the body. Because he always brings it back to responsibility in a manner that supports everyone to heal themselves, which in turn has a greater and wider affect on the whole of society and all of its systems of care.

  42. Leaving the energetic factor out of medicine is like draining oxygen out of the air. It is an important component that we cannot do without if we are to embrace everything there is to know about illness.

  43. I love the term ‘expanding medicine’. It offers the bigger picture and space to feel what more there is to health and illness other than the small confines of what we usually allow ourselves to know. It means expanding our minds and embracing the underlying personal, energetic, emotional and environmental reasons for the state that our bodies are in. Very refreshing and much needed by the medical profession.

  44. A lot of scientific research is about dealing with variations on how individuals respond to treatments. Many influences on these variations are known but that still leaves a substantial number of influences that can greatly affect outcomes completely unknown. A systematic search for such causes may be useful and the answer may lie outside current medical knowledge as these causes haven’t been found even after thousands of years of looking.

    1. So true – if one variation was missed in our original assumption on which our research is based then all subsequent results must surely be only part of the truth and not complete.

  45. “Is our way of living both the problem and the answer?” We have more control over our health than we realise. We cause the problem but we have the answer.

  46. Science looks down microscopes and can identify the fact that everything is energy. We just have to take note of what scientists see through electron microscopes and what quantum physicists see. So how is it possible, we say that energy has nothing to do with it when we look down through a microscope at ill and diseased cells? There is more available to be seen and know of what is going on if we include the energetic understanding to medicine.

  47. Energy is life, I see it in how I live, I observe it in our speech, breathing, posture, movements, emotions etc…it is what makes up everything, so when we consider medicine, it too is made of energy….now the quality of that energy is something that we often do not want to look at, because yes it asks us to consider the true meaning of responsibility.

  48. Without the energetic factor we are simply not knowing what is really going on, our awareness will always be reduced to what the five senses and the intellect can comprehend but never can we see the full picture of what life is.

  49. When you combine the energetic factor of life, with our health then we not only can start to appreciate that the power of what Universal Medicine offers but for myself it made sense as to why in life there was no true healing when I went to the doctor, I never looked at my part or changed not only my behaviors but the energy that was impusling them to be that way.

  50. The same science that knows that everything is energy postulates through the evidence-based concept that what makes today’s foundation of what is accepted or not in medicine that there is no evidence for the energy involved in illness and disease and healing as if including energy as a factor in medicine would threaten the biomedical model. In fact they complement and would both gain from a common understanding.

  51. There is a richness and vivaciousness to life that we rarely see in society today and because it is so rare we assume it to not be normal to live it every day. But what if it was? And what if someone who is physically well but not living such joy is actually not well at all even though they may tick all the boxes as being ‘normal’ and ‘healthy’? Without taking into account the energetic factor we are able to get away with calling someone that may not be truly well within themselves as well simply just because they can function and get through in life.

  52. We recognise how everything in life has an energetic base to it – which is confirmed through the looking through a microscope in biology, the Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva where beams of light are collided to observe and understand particles smaller than atoms and through the telescopic lens observing and discovering the galaxies in astrophysics… It seems only a matter of time until we apply this same reverence and awareness of energy with medicine to deeply understanding the human body in health and disease.

  53. The medical system is full of amazing personnel and some equally amazing techniques to support patients during their times of illness, injury and disease but still the global statistics on the state of the ill-health of humanity continue to rise unabated. So is it possible that there is a missing factor that may turn this situation around? Serge Benhayon makes it very clear that there is, that the missing piece of the medical puzzle is the energetic factor and from how he has presented this, it makes total sense.

  54. Yes, patient responsibility seems an area that has considerable potential for reducing health care costs and improving patient health.

  55. It is quite possible to check whether the energetic factor has an influence on the outcome of a medical intervention, it just takes time and financial resources but there is nothing intrinsic that makes these concepts and their applications impossible to evaluate.

  56. We are energy first, I have no doubt about this and so simply put the energetic choices of a practitioner makes has an impact on the quality of the session you will receive, putting our head in the sand about this will not change it, it can look nice, good, fun, exciting but is it loving and does it hold integrity?

  57. Indeed without incorporating the energetic factor into all our systems in life we are left looking for short term solutions to an ever increasing complexity of issues and disorders.

    1. Jenny thats the thing that gets me so much, how come we have so many systems without consideration of the energetic factor, its like we avoid the truth and in that give ourselves the excuse of all the issues.

  58. Without incorporating the energetic factor even the best conventional medicine will not be able to manage and definitely not to heal the plethora and increasing severity of the illness and disease that is on the rise. Hopefully this will be realized before the ultimate collapse of our health systems that already have fallen ill.

  59. I think it is ironic that some doctors are just as unhealthy as those they are treating. I don’t say this to condemn doctors cause they are doing a super awesome and amazing job considering the pressures society places on them. But to see a doctor smoke for instance when they are already well trained and knowing of how damaging it is for their health to do so shows something is lacking in our understanding of health and wellbeing.

  60. Historically, we have looked out to the horizon and looked up out to the stars and Universe, all in the pursuit of the inquiry that there has to be more… It now seems time to look inward to discover that ‘More’

  61. Thank you for sharing such an important message, an important topic and that is how we are far more than our condition or illness, and that there is also far more to what causes us to get sick than we appreciate and far more for us to heal we need to explore the quality of energy that is behind the movements and choices we make.

  62. It is so obvious, as is stated in this interview that there must be more… And where else is there to go but to the energetic.

  63. How supportive it is for ourselves and the medical profession to actually take care of our own health. By being aware of the way that energy works we can make a choice to live in a way that is responsible. There is a very real reason to do this, for what we do and how we choose to live affects everybody else. To not take care of our own health is actually a selfish act.

  64. ‘Is our way of living both the problem and the answer?’ Our Doctors do an amazing job but with the escalating health problems we have in our world does this indicate that there is something missing? From my own experience bringing how I live into my day to day life has had a huge impact on my health, taking care of myself, what I eat, how gentle I am with myself, early bed, a good wind down before bed, gentle exercise to strengthen my body for day to day life, learning to respond rather than react, all these and more contribute to our health and vitality.

  65. I love how this interview brings more attention to the responsibility we ourselves have in healing and that it is not just the doctor, surgeon or nurses job to heal us.

  66. Expanding medicine into everything we do in life, from the way we breathe to what we eat and how hard we drive our bodies to looking at the energetic reason behind illness and the wonderful treatments that are available to us today if we do get ill, basically looking at our health from all angles and taking responsibility for ourselves and not just leaving our health in the hands of another is the way we will save ourselves so much grief and stop the collapse of the health systems around the world.

  67. “Is our way of living both the problem and the answer”? Great question! I had never looked at it this way before, but the answer is a definite yes. The way we live these days, with stress, busyness, poor diet, and complete lack of presence is causing dis-ease in our bodies and minds. Whereas there is a way to live that brings ease, harmony and vitality.

  68. The real importance of introducing energy into medicine is quite remarkable, it shows us what is possible in life, it shows us that all the answers are there should we be open to see the whole. It shows us that medicine is amazing but unless we consider the energy behind a condition we will never truly heal. It shows us that we are in the state we are today as we have ignored the energetic factor, the wise choice would be to now fully embrace all factors.

  69. Western Medicine is amazing at what it does, but as so many of us have found out the problem lies with the unknown. I know for myself when I have a ‘symptom’ or severe illness medicine can find a fix, yet all the in-between stages it does not really have answers for. And yes whilst the fix may get the relief or return to function, is it actually asking me to go deeper and take responsibility for why I ended up where I am? I know for me it does not ask me to back track as that would mean taking responsibilty for my choices. Which is where Esoteric Medicine comes in as the bridge, the cement and the foundations upon which Western medicine can then work upon so we get fully looked after and taken care of from all angles.

  70. Our escalating illness and disease, as well as the constant drop in our accepted level of ‘normal’ health so clearly shows that despite of our medical advances we are missing something. We are energetic beings and it is unwise to keep pretending otherwise.

  71. Clearly without the energetic factor we are missing the key of medicine, we are missing the root of why we get sick and the way we can heal from it.

  72. So much can be explained when you start relating things to the energetic factor and that we are in fact run by energy.

  73. If we know for a fact that radiation energy (electromagnetic, galactic cosmic rays) travels through space to earth and through a human body, and that we have medical instruments that work by passing energy through a human body to produce an image on a computer screen, then how can this blinker the fact that a human body is actually also a bundle of energy? and that human illness and disease are therefore a package of energy too? So when we say “I feel…” is this feeling not an energy too?

  74. It makes complete sense to me to consider energy as part of medicine. After all we use MRI scanners and X-Ray machines don’t we? And so these are just some of many examples of how we use energy in medicine already, so why when it comes to human on human interactions or treatments do we suddenly fear or avoid the word energy or consider it weird or whacky science?

  75. Great interview Eunice, exploring more deeply of how our everyday choices effect our health, and how through connecting to our body we innately change some of those choices, as we become more loving of ourselves.

  76. I had a neighbour once who never smoked a cigarette in his life and yet he got lung cancer and died and you can get someone that chains smokes their whole life and still be, I was going to say going strong into their 70’s but maybe not so strong, still alive and kicking but with a hacking cough. This just doesn’t make sense unless you add the energetic factor in.

  77. An amazing interview opening up the energetic factor and the importance of this with understanding our bodies and medicine as a whole. Simplicity and real our bodies are real and here for us to live in conjunction with energy and true understanding from God , our divine purpose and evolution. Illness and disease is ever increasing and the keys are here in front of us.

  78. In mathematics you would not try to solve an equation with one of the factors missing. We are naive to not consider that we have missed one, or chosen to ignore one, from the other problems we try to solve unsuccessfully.

  79. Given that the NHS is creaking under the strain, and western medicine does not seem to be able to cope on its own, is not worth looking for support? Esoteric Medicine takes a step back, introduces an understanding of the why with a strong sense of taking responsibility ourselves for what we create and allow in our bodies. It is a massive catalyst for change in those that live it, and it would be great to see it getting further afield.

  80. There is a science, a very ancient science, that is being presented to the world by Serge Benhayon and that is the Science of The Livingness. This science and its lessons that are being presented to humanity include the wisdom to heal so many ills of the world that thus far have baffled most of the so-called intelligent minds of science as we know it today. There are many people world-wide whose lives have changed immeasurably by making the choice to change the way that they have been living. They are living testimony as to the power of this ancient science.

  81. I am increasingly finding that pretty much every facet of human life starts making more sense through deepening our understanding and awareness of the irrefutable energetic factors at play.

  82. The fact that it is becoming more well know of the fact that our world, and everything in it is fundamentally a vibration, a movement of particles, atoms, etc, it will be great one day, for ‘energy’ to be a part of our every-day conversations and for these conversations to be normal and more matter-of-fact.

  83. We have proven to ourselves beyond doubt that life is about energy – and everything is energy. So why do we live in complete disresepect to this factor? How do our doctors, lawyers, mothers and fathers discount it so easily? The only explanation I can see Eunice is that we simply don’t want to deal with our true level of responsibility.

    1. Yes Joseph science itself has already proven beyond any doubt that everything in life is energetic especially at a sub-atomic particle level so why do we not apply this science to our every day life and interactions?

  84. What I understand from that which Serge Benhayon presents is that because we live in the way we live and have lived for so long, we need the western medicine but also the complementary medicine as presented by Serge Benhayon, to truly bring healing not only to our physical body but to our energetic being as well.

  85. ‘We are living in a way that that is not medicine, but we are going to medicine to try and get fixed’. (SB in interview) There is just so much in this interview that is pure wisdom which makes so much sense, with the state of our over all health we do need to be responsible and listen to what this modern day philosopher has to say.

  86. It really is a no brainer. Energy exists before matter, therefore this has to be the case with illness too. If we are not willing to see this we are totally in denial of the responsibility we have in our own health.

  87. I have to admit that over years of exploring complementary medicine I did become resistant to mainstream medicine, building an arrogance that I was over and above it. Since working with Universal Medicine, that arrogance and divide has diminished and I now really enjoy the full picture of working with my awesome GP, taking responsibility for my own health and well-being day to day and having regular esoteric healing sessions.

  88. Given the fact that there are whole fields of study dedicated to exploring the energetic factors of life, such as with quantum physics, then surely there will come a time when it will no longer be possible to only regard the human body in its functional aspect.

  89. Really we don’t need to ‘introduce’ the energetic factor, because energy already exists, and it exists way before physical matter. In truth we need to introduce medicine in its current form and know that it is a mere part of the whole when it comes to true healing.

  90. A lot of alternative modalities have prepared people to be a little suspicious and or dismissive of energy when it comes to healing. They promise a lot and often let people down. They also seem a bit impracticable or airy fairy which rightly puts the average person off. The irony is that energy is a fact of life, it has just been misrepresented. So when we find the Esoteric Medicine we may not immediately recognise it for the missing piece of the healthcare puzzle.

  91. The very title of this piece shows that Esoteric Medicine is designed to work in unity with Western Medicine to Expand the support and true medicine on offer for all – never as an alternative or competitor to each other.

    1. That’s it isn’t it… our tendency to say either or, creating a divide, rather than embracing all that is on offer… is this another sign of our skewed version of intelligence when we consider things from our heads only?

  92. Very true Susan. When we see life as energy first it opens out a whole new understanding within which the physical body has a place but is not the first thing we look at. It is part of the whole and is a manifestation of what is going on energetically.

  93. It’s a simple question, do we just cut out the illness we see and think job done, or do we use every resource available to understand how that illness got there in the first place. Conventional medicine simply does not have all the resources or all the answers and so it would be worth looking to Universal Medicine for support and a different angle. Together we would be able to offer so much more.

    1. Hmmm… this is super relevant for me at the moment as a cough persists. I actually really enjoy the aspect of expansion that isn’t just, ‘oh, this is a random rather inconvenient event’, but invites a deeper exploration of, as you say, ‘how the illness got there in the first place’.

  94. We can only get to know humanity by observing how humanity itself lives – the living nature of being human, and asking what is going on here from that perspective.

  95. “Energy” is a well-known phenomenon, including to many doctors. What may not be known is how incomplete the knowledge of energy is at the moment.

    1. Yes, the collaboration, sharing and understanding between physicists and medical researchers would no doubt take medicine as we know it today well beyond the 21st century.

  96. Through being a student of Universal Medicine work I have come to witness and experience first hand how to truly heal something you have to work with the root cause. This is why the modalities of Universal Medicine are so powerful as this is their foundation.

    1. Spot on Natalie, and when the root cause is gone then the body has this innate quality of doing a lot of the healing from the inside out… western medicine does a fantastic job working the other way and the best of both worlds is when they meet in the middle!

  97. Now that I consider the energetic factor in all of my life, things make sense, When I reflect on how this is so important for my health it makes even more sense. Medicine is doing amazing things and I always loved it as a kid, yet I felt somewhat helpless. What I love about the energetic factor is that I am 100% responsible for what happens to me based on how I am living, it fills in the missing piece of paper.

  98. Growing up I went through various stages of illnesses and remember at quite a young age thinking it is not what doctors know that is important; it is what they do not know which is where the problem is. Their general knowledge of illness and disease and how to treat them is pretty great. It cannot be easy being a GP being faced with such a varied mix of people, never knowing what is next going to walk through your door. Having spent some days observing GPs I know how seemingly random their day can be. For me the bit where I first questioned Western Medicine is the in-between stage where you are not really ill so your tests are within range, but you are far from healthy and vital so you do not fall within the range for medication. Doctors now have nutritionists and other specialists they can refer to but again this is generally aimed at restoring us to a state of function. Whereas combine it with Esoteric Medicine and the picture becomes complete when we get to arrest the ill energy causing the issue in the first place and return to the divine being we are.

  99. It’s like we live in a world where we are only choosing to see the part of the light spectrum between two points, from red through to violet, but we know (from scientists) that light wavelengths continue and exist on, beyond red and violet. Same for sound waves, our human ear can only pick up a small range of the whole spectrum of sound – we have whistles that only dogs can hear that our human ears don’t ‘hear’. So we live between tactile, visible, audible goalposts that create some kind of boundary, a safe zone, and in-between these goalposts we experience human life with disease, illness, and mental health. A zone where everything is perceived by what we see and hear, however our body is actually living in a much grander energetic world that exist beyond these perceived goalposts – a world that the body knows is not flat, but spherical. We push the boundaries with pharmaceuticals for example, to help explain and discover more therapies, yet… What if the prescription alongside the pill or tablet included energetic awareness as discussed in the video post above? The ‘Why have I got this disease? this illness?’ could be explained. The why do I do this? or what’s the motivation behind a behaviour habit or pattern could be explained. Raise the awareness that we each are a receiver of energy, that thoughts are energy as much as light or sound, that enter the body, dictate our actions, behaviours, choices.. that then lead to patterns that disregard the human flesh and consequently damage it? Who then is responsible for our own health or wellbeing? Is it just bad luck, genes or could it be our choices, to what energy we choose to flow through our body, and therefore are we not responsible and the main players in our health and wellbeing?

  100. It really is the perfect marriage when Western and Esoteric Medicine are used and work together. As a nurse, I love and marvel at what western medicine has to offer but it now feels complete with the understanding and deeper healing that Esoteric Medicine offers. As in all great marriages, one partner is no greater or lesser than the other but they are both enhanced by the relationship.

  101. It really is the perfect marriage when Western and Esoteric Medicine are used and work together. As a nurse, I love and marvel at what western medicine has to offer but it now feels complete with the understanding and deeper healing that Esoteric Medicine offers. As in all great marriages, one partner is no greater or lesser than the other but they are both enhanced by the relationship.

    1. I love that last sentence Fiona. The honouring of both partners in a relationship and all that they offer, rather than the pitting against, competition and rivalry that is so common in the world today.

  102. The combination of conventional medicine and energetic medicine is magical and changes everything and the real key to our lives and living it in the fullness and responsibility of who we are.

  103. Having an understanding that everything is energy, and then apply this to medicine, it opens up the avenue of bringing a true healing / cure to many of the human body’s illness and diseases.

    1. Johanne exactly before this I was blindly looking for fixes to live, looking for medicine to fix me without realising I was part of the medicine, the key part.

  104. It is so true that we have to break this lie that replacing say smoking with food is ‘better’ – if the same ill-energy is being lived. I have recently come to see how i have done this, replacing one habit for another and not understanding why, But it is because everything is energy and i was just choosing the same energy.

  105. Being made aware that the way we live, the choices we make affect our health and wellbeing, makes you see that we have much more of a ‘hands on’ approach to empowering ourselves in the spectrum between health, illness and the disease process than we think.

  106. The marriage of Western Medicine and Esoteric Healing has in my experience empowered me to be infinitely more responsible for my own wellbeing.

  107. It is amazing to consider how much the world of medicine could be expanded just by adding in to its practise a sensible and logical enquiry about why we all do certain things that are known to be harmful to our bodies.

  108. This makes so much sense. Illness does not just appear out of nowhere. There is an energy that is behind it long before the symptoms appear. Illness is not mystery.

  109. We all can learn from and grow to understand ourselves and others better if we begin to consider the wisdom shared in this interview. That there is the possibility that energy of a way of living chosen is the manifestation of the life one will live.

  110. I know many people now who have combined Western medicine and Esoteric Medicine with amazing results in terms of reversing illness and disease and improving quality of life – it is definitely worth considering as a possible way forward.

  111. A real life changing interview that brings the truth about medicine and healing together as one in our lives and is very empowering to take responsibility into our own hands and the way we live.

  112. Bringing energetic awareness to my life has answered so many questions which had sat there for years and allowed an understanding of the truly multi-dimensional nature of life.

  113. It is in ignorance that we limit our view of anything, constricting what we are prepared to see. I understand that true intelligence is a willingness to observe, consider, explore widely and be respectful and responsive to our greatest guide ever… our bodies.

    1. Great comment Matilda – why limit ourselves when we can see the current paradigm is not working. Look deep and wide and when something does seem to offer a different way with incredible results… embrace it.

  114. The last point that Serge Benhayon is sharing how it is about our relationship with our body and the intelligence that it has certainly brings it home that this relationship is worth investing in, cherishing and supporting to the best of our abilities.

  115. There is no end to the healing, wisdom and development one can experience through the esoteric modalities by Serge Benhayon, they are indeed Universal Medicine, a never-ending unfoldment of deeper levels of well-being or whole-beingness.

    1. I fully agree Alexander. There is no end point, no limit and no capping with the esoteric modalities and what they offer. There is always more to unfold, more greatness to feel as we make the return journey back to soul.

  116. To me this is the only way that makes any sense of healing and disease, marrying the energetic with traditional medicine supports us to evolve.

    1. I completely agree Vanessa. Mainstream western medicine is great at what it does but it does not have all the answers and so struggles to cope. Which is where Esoteric Medicine comes into play as it fills in the gaps and brings the core underlying reasons to the fore to be looked at, addressed and healed. So when they are married together we have all the bases covered and get the best possible care and treatment – not so we can return to functioning human beings but rather to the love that we are.

  117. This is a great interview Eunice, that brings energetic awareness and the fact that energy precedes everything, accessible to everyone, opening up one to contemplate and have conversation about the very nature of our existence and of our responsibilities.

  118. Once we realize that energy is the underlying factor of everything nothing makes fully sense anymore without the consideration of energy as the source and answer to all our woes and problems. As long as we reduce our awareness to the mere physical and thus ignore energy we will only see what this mind-set will allow us to see and keep us short of true answers to the physical misery.

  119. This is an amazing interview thank you Eunice, it brings so much to medicine that has been over looked and possibly never considered. The body has to be understood as a living energy, pulling us towards an expansion and a point to arise to that is our evolution, and if we don’t meet this we have to have a correction and this is called illness and disease. This makes so much sense, it is simple but so obvious and this is the missing link in any illness or disease and all the complications that arise from this. Understanding that illness and disease are a correction for the way we have been living, puts the ball firmly back in our own court and asks us to look at how we have been living that could have caused the illness or disease.

  120. The true depth and expansion of medicine and our livingness is offered here with a deep love knowing and connection to the all that we seem to go about in our day to day with out taking responsibility for but can no longer ignore.

  121. Yes Gill, to truly heal, the energetic factor needs to be addressed as well as the physical.

  122. I love how this is an expansion of medicine – bringing in the energetic clarity to assist us with seeing the bigger picture and the depth of healing that we can go to with that, honouring both our physical body and energetic being.

  123. Serge says something like “we are living in a way that is anti-medicine and then go to medicine to get fixed” which really exposes the way we are living and thinking we can get away with it even though we know deep down that how we live does impact on us and our body before we need to get ‘fixed’. Living in a way that is medicine makes just a lot of sense; not to say we don’t need medicine at times too, but generally we could be a lot healthier if we would live medicine.

  124. If a physicist’s work is all about electrons, nano-particles, forces, energy, quanta particles and more, and astrophysicists are constantly pushing the boundary in discovering more and more about our universe and the solar system… then how is it that these scientists have not merged with medical scientists to collaborate and work together on human diseases?…. If ‘everything is energy, therefore everything is because of energy’, And… we live in an energetic solar system, then is it not common sense (or child’s play) to recognise that us human beings are also a bundle of matter / energy… so then illness and disease would be too?… Perhaps collaboration between physicists and medical scientists would provide the next frontier for medicine.

  125. If we introduce the energetic factor this probably means that we look closely at what healing is and who influences the healing process and how.

  126. The subtitle to this blog with the prophetic quote from Serge caught my eye today: “The marriage of Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine will be the greatest union that will serve humanity” ~ Serge Benhayon (on record Feb 2012), and here in this video spoken about with depth and true understanding of what is needed for the future of medicine.

  127. It seems strange that we have not considered and included the energetic factor to all things especially when it is the essential element of all matter and yet to be matter.

  128. If ‘everything is energy because of energy’, then we could apply this understanding to human behaviour, This statement helps explain human behaviour patterns and habits that can over-ride or dictate a person’s choices… in our language, we even have the sayings such as… “I didn’t want to eat that / smoke that / drink alcohol / self harm (some examples) … but i couldn’t help it”… This is not then an excuse to give-up, but it reveals how we have a responsibility to be aware of the hold these patterns can have, and a responsibility to build self-care and self-love in our body which develops a foundation from which healthier choices are made.

  129. Do we have to build a microscope so powerful that can look down the lens of a microscope to see the energetic factor beyond the cells, to be convinced and prove to ourselves that energy precedes matter, illness and disease in the human frame, OR… do we utilise our first basic scientific method and tool of observation to recognise the microscopic occurring macroscopically in the human frame?

    1. This is a great question… exploring our tendency to rely on science to ‘prove’ that which we already feel as true. There are plenty of incidences when science has caught up with this intelligence and yet we still doggedly rely on it before we are convinced.

  130. The advice that illness is a consequence of ill behaviour seems such common sense yet so many people do not want to hear it because that would mean they would have to take responsibility and forsake an indulgence they enjoy. However, that indulgence is a mask to not feel a tension they do not wish to feel and that is the real reason for resisting such sound advice and common sense.

    1. It is well accepted that many illnesses are influenced by behaviour but more so by the medical profession at the moment than by the general public.

      1. One wonders how much the development of true healing is held back, delayed by the very people and profession responsible for the care of others?

  131. Recognising the energetic factor in life, in illness, disease, behaviour patterns and choices raises the bar in awareness, taking care of ourselves and self responsibility.

  132. We can easily get sucked in living life just as we see it, buying into the idea that this is all there is. Yet in our heart we know this is not right. Serge Benhayon presents the ‘energetic element’ of life and reminds us we can bring this to any moment we choose. The truth is always there, just waiting for us to ‘go universal’. Living this grander, connected way is great medicine for our body and Soul. Thanks Eunice for this summary and beautiful video.

  133. This marriage of western medicine with Universal Medicine has produced many marvels of health and wellbeing

  134. The reality of how our choices make up the quality that we then stand there with is one most of us don’t want to know about because we don’t want to be accountable for our choices. Yet we are the ones suffering and have our bodies telling us that what we are choosing is not working. For me it got to a point where I had to start listening because I knew there was more to life than what I was living.

  135. Understanding the difference between true healing and curing symptoms allows for a whole other level of responsibility to merge and activate.

  136. Today it is an expansion of what we know medicine and also complementary medicine to be, in the past today’s medicine was an integrated part of the greater medicine that Esoteric Medicine is. Going in circles to complete once again what has been fragmented.

  137. How often do people say that some things in life just don’t make sense, or somethings are just not fair, or how could they do that? And they would be right, in that life just does not make sense without the energetic factor! Learning to understand the reality through the energetic first explains so much, and shows us the truth we have to-date, wanted to ignore.

  138. The title of this article says so much. It is not about alternatives or saying no to one form of medicine to say yes to another, but it is about expanding our view, embracing all that we have already discovered and then going further. Bringing the energetic factor into medicine actually empowers us all.

  139. This expansion and awareness is much needed. It’s so obvious that so much about our healthcare system is not working. If we continue to try to put a band aid on everything we will never get to the root cause of illness and disease. We need to take a deeper look at what is behind it. Awareness like this could transform the world of medicine.

  140. We only know how ill we are when we first know what true health actually is. And true health is only known when the esoteric is known, i.e. who we are in our full essence as every tiny step away from that essence is a degree of illness we suffer.

  141. If we live in a sphere which is totally compromised of energy… “Everything is Energy … because of Energy”, then illness and disease is not an exception to this Universal Law…. Medicine, at some point has to include the energetic factor. Its time to step outside the compartmentalised box we have created and take the blinkers off to see the whole and much larger aspect of our existence, of life, living, health and disease.

  142. I love hearing the interview discussion with yourself Eunice and Serge Benhayon so real and refreshing to hear such simplicity and truth offered of our medical care health and healing and the energetic factor with what is it all really about.A real offering of true responsibility in the way we live.

  143. Its natural for us to simplify and find the common denominator in mathematical equations and fractions to a symbol or number that represents an expression of something much more vast and expansive. Likewise, everything that surrounds us, events that happen in our life or in our body can be explained by energy. We have become a society that has been bedazzled and distracted by entertainment to the point that disables or numbs our natural ability to read or pay attention to the unseen energies – energy that is the common denominator – of the What? and Why? things happen in our life, and in our body.

  144. What are we missing when things return after we think we have dealt with the symptoms? Perhaps it is the energetic root cause we are missing?

  145. The energetic factor is a game changer. It expands the discussion on everything health beyond the common logic and concepts and asks us for a paradigm shift in the whole approach to who we are and what a system of holistic medicine actually means.

    1. And what I love about this is that as we expand our understanding of what medicine is, it takes with it all the restrictive pictures about what we believe it should be… there is an endlessness to this that is very inspiring and ultimately empowering.

  146. Such a key point you make here Eunice that bringing in the energetic factor broadens and expands our medical knowledge and skills, it does not replace them or do away with them.

  147. It is well understood that stress on a continuing basis can cause all sorts of ailments. So maybe we need to consider more unseen mechanisms and energy as being part of the fuller picture.

  148. Energetic awareness does not only apply to health, but every aspect of our lives and when considered alongside our normal everyday activity provides a much deeper understanding and appreciation of our issues, physical, mental and emotional alike. Addressing the root cause at the energetic level provides us with much deeper understandings and resolutions.

  149. It can only be energy that stops the medical profession from looking beyond their traditional research methods, when something such as Universal Medicine is achieving such great results. The two combined and anything else that truly works can only be advancement without limits.

  150. How refreshing to be presented with the bigger picture of what medicine truly is. Serge Benhayon expands so clearly on the current accepted belief that medicine is all about treatments from the medical profession, ie getting fixed and as fast as possible. He has added to it the fact that “everything is energy, therefore everything is because of energy” and therefore we all have a huge responsibility as to how we care for ourselves and how we live. With lifestyle illness and disease now skyrocketing taking responsibility for our own individual lifestyle is becoming more urgent by the day.

  151. This interview is a meeting of two master-full people who both know their craft and have been able to bring together so beautifully the possibility of conventional medical practices and energetic integrity working along side each other.

  152. As I study and work in health it is the ‘energetic factor’ that is missing. I see so much care and trying to find a solution in health professionals but until we accept the energetic factor, we will keep finding Band-Aids rather than true answers. As a health professional, it was like the final piece of the jigsaw puzzle fell into place when I started to understand the energy behind everything, including illness and disease.

  153. Addressing the energetic momentum behind an illness or disease as presented by Serge Benhayon is a fundamental key that is at present missing and hence what he presents is invaluable in halting the increasing downward spiral of health.

    1. Very true, with multisymptomatic conditions on the rise and most likely soon to get completely out of hand, it would serve us well to take a good look at the energetic factor that underlies every illness and disease.

  154. The statement…”Everything is energy, therefore everything is because of energy” … can be related to the following…. The fact that we can’t see wind, it’s invisible to the naked eye, but we know only of it by its brush against our skin, or the movement of leaves on trees, things getting blown across the path… Apply this same observation to illness and disease…if ‘Everything is energy, therefore everything is because of energy’… then what we can see as an end result of disease in our body, be it a rash, tumour, inflamed organ, an organ not working optimally, abnormal blood tests etc, would have to be because of energy…

    1. We can not see embarrassment but look at what it does to our body and our face when we let it. So, what else do we invite into our bodies and ignore its reaction?

  155. I love what Serge has presented here in lets come together at the table of consideration and ask what is going on and address this energetically. This is long awaited for. As well as asking why are we choosing/making self abusive choices.

  156. It’s so freeing to bring in the energetic factor to life. Without this, I feel often lost and unsure of why I get sick, why people get sick – yet bring in energy and we have all the answers we need.

  157. “Is there more for us to learn about how to truly care for our bodies and what being responsible really means?” – i certainly know that when i became responsible with my body through understanding it, caring for what i was doing with it, i also became more truly responsible in my job, work and life knowing that the relationship i have with my body infuses the relationship i have at work, in life. From the body all life is through the quality we hold ourselves in – self-lovingly, or not so.

  158. Not just in my understanding of health and wellbeing but in all areas of my life bringing an energetic understanding fills the gaps and answers the questions which have remained for so long and for which deep down i knew would be explained.

    1. The energetic factor is so obvious if we choose to read it rather than ignore and play games with the levels of tension, anxiety, drama and disconnection that is on tap within seconds that stops us from truly feeling and healing what is going on.

  159. If everything is energy, and we know this for a fact, then how can we transform illness and disease into true and lasting health when we are only addressing the physical and not the energetics at play?

  160. It’s truly empowering in my eyes and experience to be supported to see the impact that our every way of living has on our health and wellbeing. The way that Serge Benhayon does this is exemplary in his compassion and deep understanding and care for people.

  161. When I look back at my life I can see a clear line that delineates a very ill way of living from a life of extreme health and vitality. That line is Universal Medicine and every day I bless the moment I crossed over from a world of energetic ignorance into a world of energetic awareness. It has been the essential and missing link in my health education, one that will never leave me, just keep on deepening. What is offered to us through the Universal Healing Modalities unifies all our scientific understanding of the body and unveils the true diagnosis of our ills.

  162. Eunice, there is no doubt at all that the time is right for these discussions, the fact that everywhere we go – home, work, shopping, towns and in the country people are getting sicker. Introduce the energetic factor and perhaps we will step up and deepen the level of care for ourselves.

  163. I agree Doug – the most important factor in medicine, energy, cannot be ignored for much longer, and as you say we will be amazed that we didn’t figure this out sooner.

  164. To apply energetic awareness and responsibility in my life and the way I now care for my own health and well-being has been a complete life changing experience, coming from a place of having basically given up on my own life and indeed also true health.

  165. The amazingness of current medicine and the energetic factor is our responsibility to see as it is the vital factor in our health and well being and this is a beautiful interview showing what is truly going on bringing the bigger picture and simplicity that is so much needed.

  166. Having understanding that energy precedes matter and form, (remembering how everything is made up of and held together by energy invisible to the naked eye), could this not then, be applied to the form or display one takes when they are overcome by emotional behaviour, behaviour habits or patterns… like for example having a craving to smoke, drink alcohol, being violent/angry, abusive, self-abusive, …etc? Which then is this energy that precipitates into the human body to form a dis-ease? Could it be then that our emotional wellbeing – addressing and healing our emotional wounds – is a vital contribution to our medicine?… and therefore we are at large, responsible for our health, wellbeing, and to deal with emotional hurts? Perhaps future medicine will include this on the prescription?

  167. Medicine is very suspicious of treatments that are introduced by people with no medical background and has had many reasons to be so. However, it is also convenient to reject that which is different as it means you don’t need to change your ways. Being open to change while remaining true to yourself is quite difficult, though do-able.

    1. ‘Medicine is very suspicious of treatments that are introduced by people with no medical background and has had many reasons to be so.’- Yes indeed Christoph, I have first hand experience with this – the suspicion and rejection to results that show true change in serious health conditions that does not stem from medical treatment, runs deep.

  168. Esoteric Medicine brings our responsibility for our health and healing to the fore, and fully exposes the root cause of a condition… if we are open and willing to go there.

  169. The power of Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine is indeed very powerful. I recently had surgery and had Esoteric Medicine support as well… the resulting clearing and healing has been phenomenal – absolutely transformative and life-changing.

  170. It makes perfect sense to me that our lifestyle choices contribute to our sense of wellbeing or otherwise. And from personal experience the lifestyle changes I have made over the past few years have certainly produced more vitality. What Serge Benhayon is presenting here is something well worth investigating further in my view.

  171. When you understand the energetic dynamics that impact human life, it becomes clear that there is not a single aspect that remains untouched. Any area of inquiry and study which fails to consider energy as a foundational factor, is doomed to be limited in its outlook and ultimately to fall short of its desired usefulness.

  172. Living our lives as a way of being that is in relationship and connection with energy then all things matter. The quality in the way we move, the thoughts we have, the way we speak all have an immediate effect on our beings and bodies. As well as all those around us. The bigger picture we tend to ignore.

  173. ‘Is our way of living both the problem and the answer?’ Great question. Our current choices in ignorance of what is truly felt leads us into disease and yet making new choices with an understand of all at play also has the power to bring true healing.

  174. Yes Cathy, this cuts dead the very oft adopted idea that ‘a’ is more healthy than ‘b’, therefore it must be ‘better’.

  175. How important it is that we pay attention to the early signs. We might save ourselves a whole lot of pain and suffering if we do.

  176. ‘Understanding the body as a living energy.’ What Serge Benhayon shares here so beautifully is what expands medicine. If you have ever felt that conventional medicine does not have all the answers then this video is a must watch.

  177. It is interesting from the perspective that Serge Benhayon brings here, the fact that illness is a sign of correction. We often view it as the body letting us down when we are unwell but in truth, the body supports us by making us rest and heal.

  178. Loved the point Serge made that surrogation is not an advance. For example, If I binge eat on bananas rather than chocolate, it’s not ‘better’. Because I still binged. It’s not to do with the food. It’s the energy behind the binge that is the real disorder factor. The food is simply the means to an end.

    1. Yes, society-wide there is a switch from smoking to overeating happening – interestingly, if you add up those who at age 50-55 are or were obese or smokers, you get to a steady 80% of the population in the US since the 1970s. In other words, as fewer people smoke, more people get obese.

  179. An explanation of the energetic factors that most definitely expand Medicine – to where it needs to be in today’s world.

  180. This seems the obvious next step with Medicine today to look deeper into why illness and disease has skyrocketed since 2000 and what Eunice and Serge are presenting here is pure gold,so the powers that be in the medical profession need to be open and realise this is a much needed next step because on their own they don’t have all the answers and they never will unless they do open their doors and their hearts and minds.

  181. This is a wonderful presentation Eunice ! There is much that your interview brings out that I appreciate.

  182. I know so many who have turned their general health and health conditions around, myself included, because they’ve been open to what Serge Benhayon presents here. This relatively small, but undeniably miraculous sample, is showing us the future of medicine.

  183. The fact that Dr Eunice Minford and Serge Benhayon are here interested in expanding medicine is incredible. They have come together with a true sense of purpose that is not about personal fame or glamour, but about service to a greater whole.

  184. One of the biggest resistances I have felt is taking responsibility for my actions, but once I have gotten over that hurdle it is the best thing that I have ever done and I feel amazing for it in the body too. With the support of Serge Benhayon and the teachings of Universal Medicine it has been life changing when I felt it in my body that I couldn’t keep going the way I was and the patterns, behaviours and habits that were so ingrained. Letting them go and still letting go of the more subtle ones it is a freeing experience and you are left with space to feel how incredible we really are. What we were avoiding in the first place.

  185. We talk about amazing new breakthrough discoveries in medicine but what if the greatest one we could ever make is to rediscover that we have the keys to our own health here in our hearts and every breath we take. When we see our every move as healing or harming we start to understand that the greatest medicine known to man is to choose truth. Thank you Eunice for sharing this here.

    1. Imagine being able to measure the energetic vibration of ‘truth’ on something similar as a voltmeter, and then, being able to measure its impact in the human body, in terms of changes in cellular physiology that demonstrate vitality or dis-ease…? This may sound fanciful to some, but once upon a time, so did technologies like aeroplanes, Skype, mobile phones and sending man to the moon sound completely futuristic…

    1. This is the ‘million dollar’ question and a great one to raise Carolien, as, if ‘everything is energy’ and the science of energy is used and applied to everything around us that we use in life, such as in developments in IT, pharmaceutical, biology, material products, chemical processing, astrophysics etc… then surely energy is equally relevant to our human body…

  186. Energy is the key to Medicine, to illness and disease, to true care – to everything in life… and when we stop to honestly recognise this, accept it and take responsibility for it, then we will start to transform our healthcare system.

  187. Doctors must despair at the lack of responsibility they are faced with. If we took a body that had been lived with responsibility to them they could perhaps use their knowledge to futher enhance our health rather than constantly fight fires. I get this rather playful sense of a patient going for a consultation and saying ‘Doctor, I just came to tell you how amazing vital and well I feel.’ ‘Wonderful, thank you for sharing’ they respond.

    1. I recently had a private full health MOT for my body. My last one was three years ago. The lengthy form you need to complete and submit before the appointment was interesting! It asked not if you did a full list of things, it assumed you did or had; smoked, consumed alcohol, did not exercise, had a list of medical problems including stress, where taking all sorts of medicines and required in-depth information on all. When I had my half-hour chat with the Doctor, I apologised to him that my form was so boring for about 95% of what they were asking did not apply to me. The only part that was lengthy to fill in was my past history that was colourful and was the end products of my disregard. He replied it made his job a whole lot easier not having the usual multi-symptomatic patients. I was his first appointment on a Monday morning☺

  188. Knowing that if we get ourselves into illness and disease, we can get ourselves out of it. This may not always look like how a recovery should look, but energetically it can be healed – and therefore not suffered again because the root cause has been addressed.

  189. The beauty of responsibility and our own self care is deeply appreciated and shared to us with a true understanding and wealth of wisdom that cannot be missed in our daily medicine and supports doctors and everyone in living another way with the awareness and knowing of energy thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  190. The end result of our lifestyle choices, behaviour patterns and ability to self-nurture (or not), ultimately can be seen by the the way the body ‘wears’ or ages the accumulation of these choices. The consequences of the way we live are a result of what energy we choose to live in on a daily basis, that then precipitate into a tangible, seen ‘end product’ in the body. This appears to me to confirm just how much energy precedes and governs all of our choices, illness, disease and vitality.

    1. Johanne the very fact that everything we do is dictated by the quality of energy we are in should be exactly what we all need to be inspired to make a change in our lives. I know for me that has been a long process to get to the fact that I am ultimately responsible for my heath and life.

  191. Western Medicine is fantastic but it does not offer the full picture or full healing. To me this is quite obvious as Western Medicine treats the symptoms and can be quite effective in dealing with and/or managing them. But management and treating symptoms is not the full picture. If we look at why we have illness and the root cause of the illness, a much more complete version of healing is on offer and this is what the looking at the energetic side of illness and disease offers.

  192. Today Eunice I can’t think how its possible to have true medicine without the energetic factor, yet I used to live blind of my responsibility for my health.

  193. When I listen to Serge talk about the body and the energetic aspects and influences there are at every angle, my body itself knows it is very real and true. What he speaks about resonates with how my body has been in illness and how I have healed the conditions that could have otherwise become more severe – or deepened back into the body to resurface in a more critical way (which I know has happened too). This is the only way for me from now on, to forever hold the energetic as the root of any dis-ease, disease or body breakdown.

  194. Through personal experience and that of friends and associates I can say without any hesitation or doubt that the esoteric healing modalities that Serge Benhayon has brought forward support conventional medicine to bring about a depth of healing impossible without the combination of the two.

  195. As a young man I suffered with stress and depression for a time and, of course I sought out solutions to resolve this. Reflecting on this process now, I see how the ‘answer’ to this is in how I live my life, every moment of every day. Managing stress is not just a one off thing but something that needs attention constantly – an every day approach, building a life that is more loving with self and hence others. There is no ‘quick fix’ for stress, but there is an answer – and that is in choosing this more loving rhythm for ourselves. And what’s more, such a choice does not just manage the stress but supports an harmonious lifestyle across the board.

  196. I feel that is a key question we all need to ask ourselves ”what does being responsible for our bodies really mean?” Many of us think going to the doctors for our yearly check up is taking responsibility for our body/health, and we do need to do this, but we also need to look at our diets, our exercise regime, our alcohol and/or drug consumption, and many other aspects of our daily livingness to take full responsibility for our body/health.

    1. So true Mary Louise… responsibility for our health is not an annual event… it is in our every choice on a daily, and moment-by-moment, basis. Our every movement, thought or word spoken is having an impact on our health… and therein lies our responsibility – what is the quality of each choice?

  197. Being accountable for our choices and how we are with our body and being it is no wonder why as a humanity we don’t want to look and seek solutions. Such a honour to be presented a truth that asks us to be all of who we are from a greater understanding.

  198. Beautiful personal experience I love it when people express what works for them and what truly serves them in a way in their health, personal life and beyond. And so this blog is a simple testimony of that, as I actually could share personally mine. As I have found that actually my health fully makes sense when I combine western medicine and esoteric medicine with eachother. And hence I truly am in for those to work together by putting it into practise in our every living day. Find out what it means more by the interview and many more blogs on this website.

  199. Without looking at the energetic factor in illness and disease we really are retarding our evolution or without getting a better overall understanding of energy in general, we certainly are holding ourselves back from being all that we can be. If we had a true account of our history as humans we would see at times we were far more energetically aware and how over time this was deliberately buried and brutally discouraged by different powers of different times. Now days nothing much has changed, the powers that be seem to like the rise in illness and disease otherwise if they had true intent they would be looking to the esoteric for the understanding that the human race is crying out for more than any other time, bar maybe the dark ages.

    1. Well said Kev – we are repeating patterns of behaviour that have not worked for many years despite the results being worse each time and the truth and answers being available to us any time we choose to connect to them.

  200. ‘…the marriage of Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine’ – it is definitely my experience working in the NHS and with Esoteric Medicine that this marriage is the turning point for our approach to health and health care.

    1. Great point Greg imagine if that was our primary subject from when we first attended school?

      1. So true Mary-Louise, and may I add that with small steps at the grass roots level, because we can all learn from the younger generation who have a lot to share; so what ever they can bring energetically to the discussion we would all deepen from that wisdom and our understanding of Truth energetically!!

    2. Absolutely Greg – the missing piece of every mathematical or scientific equation and formulae – the true energetic factors.

  201. There may not be scientific evidence for the causes of all the diseases being linked to lifestyle but it does make sense and we need to take more responsibility for how we are living.

  202. As a global society, we are not looking closely enough at the ‘why’ we get sick. This insight by Serge really does offer humanity that very understanding – that has the capacity to change the health and well-being of every person on the planet.

    1. What Serge shares is absolutely amazing if we just stop to feel and connect to our body with what is being shared, we also know this wisdom with in us.

    2. What Serge Benhayon shares will change the course of medicine for ever…so long as we choose to listen. In fact it already is in many lives.

  203. Accepting that ‘Life is medicine’ as presented by Serge Benhayon is powerful and makes sense. It invites us to see ourselves as part of the solution and problem True responsibility: we create our own reality. If we choose life-style choices that poison the body, we sow seeds of illness and disease further down the track. To lovingly care for ourselves day by day in the way we live supports us to be healthy, vital and purposeful.

    1. Well said Kehinde, I agree. Having sown quite a few ill seeds in my twenties I can not only vouch for the negative effect that they had on my health, but that we can weed them out of our bodies when we truly commit to living in a positively medicinal way. Everything I consume, the nature of my daily rhythm and my choice to not react to life now supports my body. Serge Benhayon’s work has enabled me to feel that I am worth taking immense care of, as is everyone, and given me very tangible, effective tools with which to do so.

  204. Before the microscope was invented, structures seen only with the naked eye were considered the absolute. Then with the aid of a microscope (and electron microscope) molecules were the smallest of structures. Now it is known that what comes before molecules are electrons, electrostatic forces, nano technology and quanta particles… now, even theoretical physicist talk about the ‘God particle’. It is quite fair, reasonable and even common sense to consider, with respect to our now new technologies to assist understanding matter, that energy would also precede illness and disease.

    1. Energy is everything and everything is energy we seem quite good at forgetting this yet if we came from this point of understanding with everything I feel life would be a lot simpler.

      1. I agree Vicky if we came with this understanding to everything life would be simpler, because it takes away the doing and trying, and brings in the understanding of true movement. When we move in a truer way then we are in the flow, life is simpler.

    2. When I read things like this I see how much the ‘what we don’t know’ factor is relevant. The deeper we look, the more there is to discover and so, surely, science must temper every discovery with the likelihood that it will find something – maybe tomorrow – that changes everything…like the God particle perhaps. A true scientist is therefore full of humility, and open to that next discovery at all times.

      1. Yes, the humbleness and humility of a true scientist can bring the most knowledgeable, righteous, determined scholar, to consider the grandness of the Universe

    3. It’s true Johanne. The more intricately we study the body, the more we realize our energetic foundations. The arrival of the ‘God particle’ in our scientific language is evidence that we are on the brink of a whole new understanding about what constitutes the human body and the energetic laws that govern every particle. Serge Benhayon is way ahead of his time in his understanding and presentation about energy and the healing modalities he has brought through are an intrinsic part of our future medicine in the present day.

    4. Thank you Joannebrown17 for the very clear reflection that history has again and again given us that we do not by any means ever know everything there is to know about ourselves, life and the Universe.

    5. I love the breaking down here of what we consider absolute matter. It is a reduction of the reflections we are offered to only consider the end result. I often see it as something we see as very plain on the outside stands on the shoulders of the magic of God.

  205. Introducing the subject of energy not only expands medicine, it expands us too. I have certainly experienced an increase in awareness and sensitivity since being introduced to energy and its differing frequencies. A life changing experience that has restored a sense of responsibility and power over the quality of my health.

  206. It’s clear there is more to health than just the physical aspect and therefore, when we look to heal an illness or need surgery, this component is part of the picture. When it is (addressing both the physical and the energetic), we heal the whole, when it is not, at best, we cure the body.

  207. I love the fact that Serge Benhayon presents ‘Life is Medicine’ because it highlights the importance of all our lifestyle choices and how each one directly affects our health and state of mind.

  208. I have worked on the physical body for many years and after now embracing there is an energetic factor, and understanding there is an energetic cause for all illness, the physical approach only feels very crude. The combination of Western Medicine and Universal Medicine is the way forward. for a truly energetic healing and holistic approach.

  209. Why has our next generation embraced a YOLO lifestyle? Could it be the reflection we have given them to work hard at all times and strive to be more, has left us just exhausted and disillusioned with life?

  210. Understanding the body as energy that is seeking evolution… this truly does change the whole purpose of healthcare, because are we not constantly looking to be fixed so we can carry on again as normal? But what if true normal actually is a continuous pull to go deeper in to oneself in understanding, love and learning? What then would the brilliant healthcare systems be able to offer each person, as we all come to terms with the foundational basis of our evolution?

  211. It is often said that preventative medicine is the best medicine, and that could be expanded by saying that living life with the qualities of gentleness, harmony and stillness are forms of medicine, a dose for our day.

    1. Well described Harry, A dose of harmony, gentleness and stillness each day are like the essential minerals our body soaks up to assist with preventative and essential health.

  212. ‘Why are we choosing self-abusive behaviours…?’ Great question. There aren’t many people who would admit that they enjoy being abused, but when it comes to making lifestyle choices that abuse us, we seem to have a different attitude. Is it ok if we abuse ourselves but not if others abuse us – or does it amount to the same thing?

  213. So much is lost when we only focus on the physical body and the after effects of our choices. Not only do we miss a vital and key point in the why, but we bring so much more unnecessary discomfort and pain.

    1. Keeping ourselves blinkered from the awareness and inclusion of the energetic dynamics at play, leaves us with partial vision and limited understanding of what is going on. This is not wise in any shape or form.

  214. To take a moment and ask why do I have this illness, problem, complaint.. what is behind this? opens us up to looking at the cause and the possibility of true healing. This interview is superb in explaining how the energetic is part of our health and how we choose to live has a direct effect on our wellbeing.

  215. Universal Medicine certainly delivers the ‘How and Why’ to care of our bodies, starting at the energetic level up. When we apply this understanding to our lives it makes absolute sense of all that Western Medicine has to offer.

  216. Understanding that the body, by its very nature, naturally pulls towards harmony and stillness. It therefore makes so much sense to me that when we live any choices that are not conducive to honouring the natural harmony or allowing the space to be in our own stillness, then the body becomes disorientated, out of its natural flow and on its way to physical illness and disease.

  217. I have been ready for this truth that Serge Benhayon is presenting from the day I met him thirteen years ago. I would hate to see myself today if I continued in the same way I did back then, numbing and avoiding all that I was feeling. To open up and allow myself to feel has been a pivotal point in my life and is forever deepening.

  218. Our approach to medicine definitely needs to embrace the energetic factor referred to here. In fact it isn’t just medicine that is profoundly expanded once we return to our awareness that everything comes down to energy. Every single aspect of life would be vastly enhanced by applying this level of understanding and responsibility.

  219. When we start to accept how intelligent and precious our bodies are, perhaps we would be less likely to want to abuse it and maybe be more willing to love, care and value it more than anything in the world.

  220. We are an intelligent species that indulges in harmful activities that make us sick. Simply telling us to stop is not enough. Understanding the energies at play behind these behaviours is the missing link that when engaged with enable us to stop these indulgences in their tracks.

    1. Agreed, having the energetic understanding enables a person to make any change in their lifestyle patterns more cooperatively and with less resistance rather than changing under the force of a habit.

  221. We often wonder why we have been dealt the cards we have when it comes down to our illnesses, and what I have become very aware of is that there is so much we can do to improve our health, which includes aches and pains and serious diseases, by looking at our daily choices.

    1. So true Julie, and when we take a closer inspection it is like we are dealing our-self from the bottom of the pack. Then our spirit knows what hand we have and how to play it to keep us from the energetic Truth!

  222. What if we appreciated general medical intervention when it was needed, rather than a go-to when we needed a quick fix from our disregard for our body?

    1. Great call Steve, and is it possible that then we will learn to listen to our body and what it is sharing with us, so we will start to be in regard for our bodies?

  223. For each and every one of us, our bodies and being are naturally attuned to a true state of being. As such there is great value in developing a loving and honouring our relationship with our bodies, through which we can always be guided to know the truth of quality of our choices, and if they are loving, honouring and supporting us to live in a way that reflects the vibrancy of our inner-most essence, our connection to Soul. For as shared in this interview, and through the work of Universal Medicine, we are the ones in command of what energy we are aligning to, through which our every choice is reflected through our body – as such our health and well-being is always our responsibility.

  224. However amazing the modern medicine is, and it is, the ever-increasing levels of illness and disease is incontrovertible evidence that it is not working and something else is needed. If, on the other hand, one looks at the health and wellbeing of those who have married conventional medicine and the understanding presented by Serge Benhayon, one has incontrovertible evidence of the truth of what he presents, for as a group of people they are bucking all the health trends and statistics.

  225. When you stop and consider illness and disease, it seems common sense how you really can not separate it from the way we live, the choices, lifestyle, ideals and beliefs we have, as everything affects everything – the body, being the ‘meat in the sandwich’ cops the brunt of it from both directions.

  226. This is the future of our healthcare system… Esoteric Medicine and Western Medicine working together.

  227. What is learnt knowledge about the body without a connection to the honour our bodies deserve to be cared for? It is the current health situation humanity seems to uphold. Enter Universal Medicine to offer another way, combining wisdom, knowledge, education, science, religion and responsibility to how we choose to live. Then medicine can offer all that is available.

  228. I love how Serge talks about the body being a living energy and how it is constantly seeking the highest point offered by evolution – the body knows how to evolve as it is innate and natural for it to do so. I am not talking about the kind of evolution where we suddenly sprout an extra arm so that we can multi-task more, but rather a form of true evolution where the quality that we innately are, is allowed to be expressed and freely so. The body seeks this constantly, yet the sad reality is that we fight it so much with our head as we seek to control thinking that that is a better way with better outcomes. But where has this left us today? In a calamity of illness and disease and further escalating conditions. Come Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, and we get to be reminded of an age old way to return back to a true way of living which indeed is the medicine we have sought for eons. Thank you Eunice for this wonderful video about Medicine and our future.

  229. If we see illness and disease as a correction to an old way of being that no longer supports us, then illness and disease become the blessing or the guiding light for a time when we have lost our way and need to be reminded on how to come back to a more natural way of being. The body is constantly communicating with us and so it is about how much we heed this body communication as opposed to just going with the head and its directive. Amazing what Serge shares here in this video – the simplicity and yet the wisdom.

    1. So true, Henrietta. Seeing illness and disease as the body communicating to us that they are the result of how we have been living and the choices we have made rather than occurring by chance brings a completely different perspective of the world and level of self-responsibility – a level many people do not want or choose to accept. Accepting the truth of this, however, is like changing one’s understanding of the Universe from the world being flat to being round.

  230. I remember one comment Serge Benhayon made in passing at one of my first presentations by Universal Medicine, about healing the energetic patterns, and therefore behaviours, that can develop into illness and disease. The comment made me very much ponder on the genetics factor and to what degree it dictates our illnesses and diseases. This was a very healthy stance to begin to consider on my way towards the understanding of how the body first shows signs of dis-ease and how, when our patterns are addressed and healed from the energetic perspective, this ‘given’ can be turned right around.

  231. The current western view of medicine is that it is something we administer when we are sick. The esoteric view is that medicine is the way we live from our energetic foundations up and incorporates all facets of our selves because we are multi-dimensional beings not just a physical body.

    1. Yes Rowena, this is a common and ill perception. I discovered recently that some health authorities use self care, or a version of it, to support patients to manage chronic health conditions. Esoteric medicine presents self-care as a living way and form of medicine. Self-care is not something turned to when faced with illness, but a practice activated every day to support ourselves and prevent the onset of chronic health conditions.

  232. In my experience some doctors are more comfortable prescribing medication than seeking to understand underlying cause of an illness. I have also met doctors who speak to patients in a way that invites them to reflect on their condition and what else is happening in their lives.
    As a patient, I found this second approach supported me more, as it enabled me to relate my symptoms to specific stresses in my life, I’d overlooked. In this example I was treated as an equal by the doctor worked in partnership with him and was listened to. It was tremendously healing. I went into the consulting room with a perceived problem and came out with understanding.

  233. Having worked in nursing, and therefore Western Medicine for many years, I always felt there was something missing, something was not quite right. From an 18yr old starting out in training I couldn’t understand how people could take so many medications ‘because the doctor said’ and I was always reacting to the disempowerment/victimhood that is so prevalent in health. Now having an understanding of Esoteric Medicine, and the part energy plays in every area of our lives, this has completely changed the way I work in healthcare, and what inspires me in my work every day.

  234. The energy we choose to live with and by will determine our health.
    If we choose an ill energy then we become ill; if we choose a loving harmonious energy to live our lives, then our health will reflect this – a loving joy and vitality in all our movements and actions… obvious and quite simple really and yet this is not our everyday reality as humanity.

  235. You phrased it very accurately: ‘…Esoteric Medicine (and) goes beyond what is currently known and accepted in evidenced based Western Medicine …’

  236. I like the term expansion in the title. It shows that this is not about throwing away or rubbishing western medicine but building on and supporting it.

    1. Spot on Michael – expansion is the new black, it is evolution in its true sense, and this can only come from being open to feeling what supports us truly, and to bring more quality to the way we are. It is about a true collaboration between Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine.

  237. The power of conventional medicine and Esoteric Healing with the science of this combined is deeply powerful and much needed with the rates of illness and disease today ever increasing and out of control. It has changed my life completely and learning to feel and listen to my body over many years now and I have seen this with so many others and the real miracles that are happening and that are available to us all with the teachings and way of living with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  238. In our current era of multi-symptomatic health problems presented, that is becoming the norm; there is a handful of people that are not accepting this outcome. The last paragraph is the road map to buck the current trend in sickness and disease. We may be distant stars right now, shining in the darkness but every one is a fiery sun.

  239. I have always loved studying human anatomy and physiology and felt I had a reasonable knowledge about the body, but even with this knowledge I still did not honour the body I live in. Esoteric Medicine has enabled not only a deeper understanding of what impluses our physiology, but also inspired an immense care and appreciation of my body, so that today I can combine the love of my body with my gained knowledge and support it to the hilt.

    1. Rowena, this is the essence of the problem. Worldwide a model of health has been created in which health practitioners have studied anatomy, physiology, diseases and yet not trained to develop a relationship with their own bodies. The consequence for humanity is huge. If health practitioners do not honour, care for and love their body and make the same lifestyle choices as their patients that lead to preventable health conditions, what true support can they offer them? Equally, what do they reflect to patients when they themselves are frequently ill, overweight, and exhausted? Healthcare would be transformed if practitioners were points of inspiration, glowing with health, vitality and purpose.

      1. Very true Kehinde. Health care would turn a major corner if all the staff, doctors and nurses alike were educated in self care as an essential component of their training. Then the support and advice comes from people who are walking their talk and establishing a standard of health for us to aspire to, rather than limping alongside the walking wounded, as is the current norm.

  240. Bringing Esoteric Healing to conventional medicine has changed my whole relationship with healing, so much so that Self-Loving disciplines have become a normal part of life. As my life has developed over the last 13 years, science, philosophy and religion are all now playing an integral part in my awareness about healing. So the energetic factor fits hand in glove with this level of being at-least honest about healing.

    1. I have also walked the path you and many others have taken Greg. Science, philosophy and religion are as essential as water and air. What are we if any of these elements are missing?

    2. ‘Self-Loving disciplines have become a normal part of life’. I love what you say here Greg, it reflects another way to live in a world in which self disregard and abuse has become the norm.

  241. I have come to understand the science of our body through the teachings of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. They make complete and utter sense but how I know them to be true is how it feels in my body. I have experimented with my own life and made changes and it is remarkable how the body responds to this. Down to reactions, emotions, what food I eat, what drinks I drink, what sleep I get every choice has an immediate effect on my body undeniably so.

    1. For me, the energetic factor always feels miraculous, especially when I have cleared something or some symptoms have been healed! I am always filled with deep appreciation when I have felt an energy release from my body and can feel the extra space offered within it.

  242. Once we get to experience a healing that incorporates the energetic aspect of our make up we will know the difference and benefit of functional, structural and energetic healing. The question is not either or, but the integration of all 3 in one.

  243. Without judgment or criticism of the medical profession Serge Benhayon explains clearly, simply, succinctly and objectively the expansion of this present medical model and that the needed ingredient is the ‘energetic factor’.

  244. Learning how to address the energetic root causes behind many of my ill conditions supported me to properly heal them and care for myself in such a way that they have not returned. Consequently I have transformed my approach to Western Medicine and now fully appreciate all the support it can offer me. This is the most effective marriage, one that unites our self-responsibility with two incredible sciences.

  245. “Connect to the body and we are more like to look after it”. It is true and after 13 years of practicing this I can say I have more vitality and care for myself and for others than at any other time in my life. The more I stay connected to my body and listen to its messages the less I am able to ignore it or over ride it with my thoughts. The body has an intelligence that is there to support our well being, where as I have found that the mind does not really care how the body is as long as it has its say.

  246. Humanity is truly needing this union between Western medicine and Esoteric medicine. There are already many people who have benefited from this marriage, finding healing and understanding about the energetic cause of their illness. Due to the fact that the current model is clearly limited as the rates of illness and disease continue growing, why not allowing this needed union to happen?

    1. Great question, Amparo. There is some resistance to this union, but I feel it is only a matter of time before we stop resisting expanding our view of health and the part we play… therefore embracing this marriage.

  247. There are many mysteries in medicine. One is why so many doctors are burnt out (depressed at work) when they have the knowledge not to be burnt out and when those who are in charge of doctors also have the knowledge how to manage doctors so they are not burnt out? What is happening here? is there a coherent concept that explains this and other mysteries?

  248. ‘Come and listen and be inspired to care deeply for your body and yourself….’ This is what medicine does – it deeply cares for our body and ourselves. Currently there is not enough of people taking responsibility for their own health and bringing deep care to their own bodies. To the point we have overburdened health systems worldwide. Having an energetic understanding of my body has supported me immensely to take much better care of myself.

    1. I wonder if we have created a health service, social services, police forces, schools et al and expect them to take responsibility for our health, vulnerable, safety and education. Whereas surely the truth is their purpose is to support us with our responsibilities, not absolve us of them.

  249. I do not work in the field of general medicine, but I do know that life is medicine. General medicine is there to support me and it is my own responsibility to support general medical practice, when my body needs it, in the lifestyle choices I make – down to the tiniest detail.

    1. Yes, life is much easier when we consider that all of it influences our health and perhaps even strongly so.

      1. Yes Christoph, it is very clear now that the way we live, means everything for our health, well-being and evolution.

    2. A beautiful awareness to have reached Rosanna. How empowering to be aware that every choice made either supports the body or it does not. How empowering to understand and appreciate the energetic outplay of those choices for one and for all. How empowering to one’s own sense of responsibility to self and to all others to use general medicine, not as a solution, but as an aid to true healing in the humility (but without judgment) that one’s own choices generated that need in the first place.

      1. Well said Michelle, the use of both forms of medicine brings healing: “How empowering to one’s own sense of responsibility to self and to all others to use general medicine, not as a solution, but as an aid to true healing”

      2. Truly empowering and it is curious how the majority wants to remain ignorant seemingly to the impact of choices have on our health. We can pretend but the reality is ignorance is not a defence in court and neither is it for our bodies.

      3. When we can see the bigger picture understanding all of this it simply no longer makes sense that most of us would choose to be ignorant of the truth and yet not so long ago I was one of those who chose not to see it. So whilst I may find it frustrating that others may not get it, or am invested in wanting them to get it I know that is an issue that lies with me. How can I possibly judge having been where I have been? I simply know that I have a responsibility to live now what I know and that this is enough to inspire others as I have been inspired to let go of my hurts and to see that bigger picture.

    3. Awesome Rosannabianchini, I imagine not many people are as willing as you are in taking responsibility and give the same level of support and care to their body. I feel this may be because of a combination of lack of awareness of how our choices affect our body and health, and the our willingness to take responsibility for our health and wellbeing.

      1. That’s a really key point you make Chan Ly, that there is a “lack of awareness of how our choices affect our body and health”. The thing that was foundational in building an awareness of my body was Esoteric Yoga, I’ve learned so much about my body and how it is affected by my choices. This has informed so very many aspects of life, from the food that suits my body to the way I sit or move or the focus and presence I bring to my work.

    4. Absolutely Rosanna. It is these tiny details that eventually lead to bigger and more complex health problems, and when we are willing to look at these details and the daily choices that lead to them, then we can begin to understand the ‘why’ in relation to why we get sick in the first place.

  250. This is what is so fascinating about medicine; there is such depth to our anatomy on levels far beyond what we can visually see, but at the same time so much of particle kinetics and energetics comes out on the surface. Connecting the two and seeing how they are linked is divine mechanics.

  251. There is such a difference between ‘fixing’ and ‘healing’. A great deal of us are happy to be ‘fixed’ so we can carry on as before. But for lasting change and true healing we need to consider the energetic factor and what led to our situation or illness in the first place. Challenging maybe, but worth every moment of effort as it ultimately leads to more love.

  252. As great as Western Medicine is, it does have to drop its guard and open up to the possibilities that are endless when the energy behind illness and disease is addressed and given as much attention as is given to more traditional routes of treatments. As Serge has said “life is medicine” so the more medicine we can live the less we will need the requirements of the health systems, freeing them up time wise and financially for true research to take us even deeper into the mysteries our bodies still hold.

  253. Energy and responsibility go hand in hand in everything in our lives, however it is energetic responsibility that will turn things around in our healthcare system. We can no longer try and fix everything for everyone, to babysit them – everyone now needs to be an active participant in their health and lifestyle, bringing energetic responsibility to all our choices.

  254. I have recently seen how Chakra-puncture supported my mum to stop drinking. Now this is a miracle. She has been an alcoholic for my whole life and when she stayed with me recently and I gave her Chakra-puncture she was able to stop drinking. After 5 days I asked her, when was the last time you had a 5 day break from the drink. She looked at me and said, probably when I was pregnant with you! Well, I am 38 so thats a while. The best part of this story though, is it is now almost 6 weeks later and she is still sober. I asked her if she was okay for me to talk about this and share it and she said of course as she is proud of the fact that she has been able to stop.

  255. “Expanding Medicine by Introducing the Energetic Factor”. Perhaps it should read
    “re-introducing the Energetic Factor” This is not something new or some new technique to be discovered and used. The energetic factor was an important part of medicine one time.

  256. This may not be the expansion that Western medicine is currently looking for, however if we are to truly resolve the massive health issues we are currently facing, it is our only way forward. Energetic medicine is our future and brings with it a massive awareness on the true nature of illness and our power to resurrect a robust level of health that we are currently losing sight of.

  257. What blows me away in this sharing is our ignorance on health. How we can replace a bad thing with a not so great thing and tell ourselves we are better for it. I certainly have known myself to replace drugs with alcohol, and then alcohol with food – and sell myself the lie that I was healthier for it, but the energy behind it is still the same.

  258. ‘ Is our way of living both the problem and the answer?’ Yes, absolutely, thanks to the inspiring presentations of Serge Benhayon I have come to understand exactly how the way I have been living has affected my health and how by making a few different choices I have been able to turn my life around, returning to my natural body shape, re-balancing my endocrine system, being less stressed and in a loving relationship.

  259. Too me Serge says it all when he says that we are living in a way that is anti medicine and then going to the doctor to get fixed when we have a problem. This way of living makes no sense to me.

  260. ‘Life is Medicine” – I have heard Serge present this from the first time I met him 13 years ago and to be honest I didn’t really knew what he meant. Over time though I could start to see and feel how every choice we make has an impact of the quality of our body. Hence I started to make different choices and today I feel vibrant, alive and joyful and when something comes up to clear i can feel the blessing behind it and an opportunity to review where I am and what I am choosing.

  261. We have the grace of witnessing two pioneering people here dedicated to the advancing humanity and the quality of our health, who represent very differing backgrounds but who have united via the same passion for and appreciation of the Science of Energy. What is presented here is the future of our medicine that will not only transform our health service but bring a universal awareness to the true meaning of evolution and the way we live life in general.

  262. Our healthcare system and health are spiralling out of control. Anyone in the system can see what’s not working and many very dedicated practitioners are doing all they can within their current understanding to improve things. But without an energetic understanding of what is going on, and the understanding that health requires energetic responsibility, we are missing a vital ingredient. I love Einstein’s quote that goes something like, we will never solve a problem using the thinking that caused it in the first place. Health is a perfect example of this.

  263. Eunice what a great enhancement and expansion that you bring to society by allowing everyone to appreciate that medicine truly comes alive when you introduce energy. This is the revolution that society has been needing.

  264. What if true healing comes from embracing the whole and not living in parts? If so we need to embrace all that conventional medicine offers in terms of our entire phsycial body and energetic being.

  265. This is confronting because it is easier to ask someone to fix us than to step up and be part of the solution that works with the correction to ensure we are not bringing the same correction again and again and again. This way of living is asking us to be heart centred and listen to our bodies – that is intelligent!

  266. I have never embraced conventional medicine more since I began developing an esoteric understanding of my body. I value my body more. I care about it and want to listen and learn from everything it shares with me.

  267. You are an amazing pioneer of the modern age Eunice, what we so desperately need is more Doctors, Surgeons, and people in the medical profession realising that Western medicine no matter how far it has come and how fast it is advancing is not giving us the full picture and that the pool of knowledge that the esoteric can offer will bring understanding to what is not known yet.

  268. Perceiving illness as correction, as presented by Serge Benhayon, turns the present approach to illness and disease on its head and by doing is like finding a missing piece in the jigsaw of health care.

    1. And the missing piece that completes the understanding of the cause of illness and disease is the energetic factor.

  269. When we study energetic science, we can begin to feel how the quality of different diseases reflect an inner state we are choosing to live by. When we bring awareness and understanding to the inner state, then the energetic foundation of the disease is exposed, either quelling the disease entirely or enabling us to appreciate all that the disease has made us become aware of.

  270. It makes such sense to include the energetic factor into medicine when we know as Serge Benhayon has said, that everything is energy and everything is because of energy. Medicine has a lot to offer and support us but we must also support ourselves by looking at what is truly happening energetically with the ever increasing rates of ill health today. Despite all the medical technological advances, we are not any healthier, there has to be something else going on.

  271. Without the energetic factor are we not cutting ourselves short with what we can offer in terms of medicine. As the title says ‘expanding Medicine by introducing the energetic factor’. The key word being expansion, it offers more for us as a race than what we are currently being offered in Medicine and true health, this to me is a no brainer as to why the two are inseparable.

  272. What is truly remarkable about this video is the equality between the highly trained medical doctor, and the complementary medicine practitioner. In general, there would not be a feeling of equality or respect in this conversation, with the medical professional not willing to listen beyond the knowledge they have gained. This interview shows it is possible for those who wish to truly seek an understanding of health can be open and potentially learn something that, in truly compliment to medicine, could change the way we approach health.

    1. Ha! Steve what a great analogy. Our body always provides profoundly significant awareness and feedback about how we are living. It is ironic that we keep ignoring all the signals and as yet have not fully acknowledged that it is all of our own making.

  273. The more we engage with the science of energy the more obvious it becomes that until we address illness at this primary level we will never resolve the root cause. Marrying the Esoteric and Western approach to medicine unites two very powerful fields of medicine that are delivering huge advancements in our understanding and treatment of all types of ill health.

    1. Yes, it is primary isn’t it? Until I stopped, or perhaps I should say was stopped, I chose to see what I wanted to see. That not only harmed me but all those in my life who were on the receiving end of my personal neglect which resulted in an exhausted, resentful and irritable human being. When we apply the healing to ourselves, we offer it to all.

  274. There’s a saying that goes something along the lines of… ‘you can’t treat the part without treating the whole’.. So when you listen to this interview, this saying makes complete sense as you realise you can’t discount the energetic factor that precedes the end result that is seen or felt in the body such as the consequence of an accident, illness or disease.

    1. Well said. Not only in medicine and health but in life as a whole, we are trying to master our understanding without looking at the complete picture.

  275. One thing I love, and have always loved about Universal Medicine is that it offers, as Serge Benahyon says in this interview, a sensible approach to the matter of our health and wellbeing. I find this to be absolutely true: it makes sense to treat illness and disease from both medical and esoteric perspectives. Otherwise we are simply affecting a fix, rather than getting to the root of the problem and healing it in full. Without going to the root cause, the issue will simply spring up elsewhere.

  276. Esoteric Medicine goes beyond what is currently known and accepted in evidenced based Western Medicine and I’ve had first hand experience of the transformations that happen when both are combined to bring the full picture and true healing. I would not approach any illness or disease in my own body without this powerful combination.

  277. Understanding the body as a living breathing vehicle that comes from energy first, and taking this into account in the way we live our lives – life is medicine – makes so much sense.

  278. Do we truly want to get to the bottom of all the escalading ill health that is plaguing man or are we more interested in keeping humanity’s awareness small so that we can remain as a big fish in a small pond? The current paradigm for medicine is not working. It is time that what Serge Benhayon is presenting was carefully considered, especially since there are thousands of people who have already benefited from this very comprehensive approach.

  279. This is a brilliant interview that expands on the amazing foundation of western medicine to an understanding about our bodies’ innate wisdom and worth. My body loved listening to this!

  280. I personally have felt the benefits of using conventional Western Medicine along side the Universal Medicine therapies and it has been a transformation healing that takes place. What I have really found is supportive with the Universal Medicine therapies is that takes it to the root cause and I have enjoyed taking ownership of my choices any how making different ones supports a true healing.

  281. From these blogs, and what i’ve come to learn for myself is how medicine without taking into consideration the energetic factor, is not whole medicine or all of medicine in its grand entirety… and as a result what consequences a human body and being experiences or suffers as a result of such reductionism.

  282. Understanding that ‘There is a value to the body” transforms our relationship with it and stops us from treating it as a mere appendage to the brain or worse, abusing it. It walks with and is forever with us. Important to treasure and care for it and when we do, it cares for us.

  283. This is a well needed overhaul in the way we look at our overall health and needs to be implemented by all to stem the huge increase in illness and disease that keeps rising at an alarming rate. What was it back in the 1990’s 1 in fifteen with cancer of some sort and now what is it 1 in two?

  284. Esoteric Medicine is so clearly the missing piece in the health puzzle the world is frantically trying to solve. Western Medicine is amazing and so are the scores of medical practitioners who are bringing it to us, but it is falling short and this is reflected in the global health statistics. To marry the two forms of medicine together will bring humanity the healing that is urgently needed; and it can’t come quick enough for so many.

  285. Yes, talking of an illness or disease as a ‘correction’ seems to remove the emotion, blame, the personal attachment, guilt or shame which is an added load that one may feel on top of the disease process itself. This description offers much more clarity and space to understand the process of arriving at a disease or illness state.

  286. The blogs on this site share volumes on the marriage of both Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine together – the transformations of health conditions are quite amazing. They show first hand what Serge presents in this video.

    1. Yes Rosanna, over and over testimonials are here that are living proof of what Serge Benhayon presents, from many many people who have had phenomenal transformations.

  287. Yes, this approach makes it much easier to deal with an illness as it removes the resentment and much of the fear as we have many more choices in the process.

  288. It is a great point to expand medicine this way. How could a study that would do that be designed?

  289. Everyone needs to at least hear what Serge has to share as an offering to ponder on, as you may not at once fully accept it, but you have received it nonetheless and that’s an absolute gift from heaven.

  290. The support of Esoteric Medicine alongside traditional medicine has allowed me a much greater understanding of how to care for myself, and why it is important that I am responsible for my own wellbeing. I now use my GP much more than I have in the past, including having yearly health checks done, and ensuring that my lifestyle is part of the overall health program I have for myself.

  291. ‘The body needs be to understood as a living energy that is forever seeking a certain point of expansion’ ✨ WOW says it all really! So illness and dis-ease is merely a correction of not living this. I am sure I have said this before but oh my goodness just so much gold shared here for all … more please.

    1. I agree Vicky – when we realise it is so simple it makes much of the super expensive research that we conduct into health condition look a little silly.

  292. ‘Many people have shared how they have utilised both Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine together to transform their health conditions.’ The amount of such evidence is mounting all of the time and there comes a point that it will not be able to be ignored, despite not fitting the usually accepted models of scientific research. When it works so well for so many people you can no longer deny what is true.

    1. Exactly Michael, just the other day I saw a statistic where 84% of people have sleep problems and insomnia. I would say that would be the reverse in the esoteric student community.

    2. I have also joined the growing number of people that have found the benefits of embracing both. I recently attended a retirement party of someone I worked with for ten years, and there was a large number of retired people that also came that have spent many years working with them, I had left that job three years ago. Some of the people I had worked with for 20 years that I have not seen for three years did not recognise me. I just told them I was just living and practising future health care.

      1. Oh brilliant Steve! Future health care the best thing to invest in! I bet some went away very curious about this practice!

      2. Amazing ✨ The benefits of taking responsibility of our health and caring for ourselves in a loving way cannot be denied or ignored.

      3. Thanks for sharing Steve, we are living role models of what is possible when we change the way we live and how we are energetically.

      4. I like that Steve, practicing future health care. Looking after and caring for the body and looking at how we are living is not currently the way most people view health care, most still wait until they are sick before seeking support. The great thing about Esoteric Medicine is that you can not deny the changes in people, the youthfulness and vitality in many who are of retirement age and beyond is something that should be noted and studied by the medical profession, there is much that can be learnt and understood about our bodies and the way we live.

    3. I agree Michael, while it may not fit the narrow definitions of evidence it is too much to shut it out and pretend it doesn’t count because in this age of rocketing illness and disease, we cannot ignore the possibility that we can change the tide and live differently.

  293. I know that with the support of The Gentle Breath Meditation I have connected with my body with an awareness that I was so far away from. With this connection it has only felt natural to lovingly make choices that support my body. It has always been a process and a discarding of what starts to feel alien to this quality and then as this deepens so to does what my body will put up with.

  294. Even without knowing it, people are crying out for answers to the predicament and complexities of their lives. Few teachers have the integrity and wisdom of Serge Benhayon to say it as it is. Health is our responsibility and we can do something about it. Until we get it, we’re stuck on the ever spiralling descent to ill-health.

  295. ‘… the marriage of Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine will be the greatest union that will serve humanity’. It is a marriage that is transforming the health of hundreds, if not thousands of people who are resuming responsibility for the way we live and in the process, reversing some serious health trends. Living proof that when we include the science of energy in our medical equation our bodies can, with genuine shifts in lifestyle choices, resolve the most serious malaise.

  296. The energetic factor seems to be the missing ingredient in medicine as it brings us not only a greater insight in illness and disease, but also a means to deal with these not as a cure, but as a true healing too.

  297. What a powerful offering this youtube video would be if presented at the beginning and then maybe throughout a doctors university training. The majority of doctors chose their profession because they want to support people, because of this I have heard several doctors comment on how they feel responsible for “fixing” their patients and how this becomes a burden as the methods offered by modern medicine are no longer keeping up with our increasing rates and intensity of disease.

  298. After many years of being involved with Serge Benhayon and Energetic Healing or Esoteric Healing in combination with conventional medicine, my life is full of miracles. From the way my body has healed to the Energetic shifts that have all been a blessing even when there was some not so good feelings in my body, but when I shifted the energy I was ‘in’ the pain dissipated. It is such a blessing to bring the Truth so that we can fully understand that everything is energy first or the Energetic factor.

  299. At the moment science pretty much ignores the energetic factor as it is not considered a plausible biological pathway. The word ‘plausible’ may be worth scrutinising further here.

  300. An incredible interview and insight into the potential that is offered by the marriage of all we know of western medicine, with all we have yet to achknowlage of the energetic aspect of life.

  301. Eunice, it is through experts like yourself that the sphere of conventional medicine can be expanded to its fuller truth. As you say in the interview, we are beginning to consider lifestyle choices as mitigating factors in our well-being. I see this as a very profound step; not because it is the full answer, but because it shows that we are at least becoming open to seeing more. Interviews like this, all the amazing blogs you write and the expansion of this conversation is so important; the more ‘normal’ we can make it, the more people will begin to open themselves up. There then remains the ultimate question; are we prepared to start taking true responsibility for our health?

  302. It has taken nearly 100 years for Einstein’s initial impress to be expanded to its full truth. In that time, disease, illness and the multi-symptomatic cases that are pulling health care systems to their knees have been rising and rising. As Serge Benhayon says, modern medicine is doing an amazing job in trying to correct the abject irresponsibility in which most of us live, but it clearly isn’t enough. Now, 100 years after Einstein brought us the first step towards understanding how energy works we are given the opportunity to take it way, way deeper and truly embrace an holistic view to caring for our bodies.

    1. And rather than this feeling burdensome or hard, I see it as hugely inspiring… an opportunity to be open to endlessly expanding on what we currently understand, rather than getting comfy and stuck with yesterday’s knowledge.

      1. Absolutely; so that in another 100 years, we can look back and appreciate how we have expanded from this new level of truth that Serge Benhayon has offered humanity. (if we don’t take the opportunity, our bodies will surely show us!)

  303. There is a truth to who we are and what is going on in and around us – we have a sense of it and Serge Benhayon is fully aware of it – he is also aware of how we are not living in a way that would allow us the same awareness and he offers us ways to explore medicine in a more expanded way: Life is Medicine

  304. Thanks for this interview Eunice. It reminded me of my father and how when he gave up smoking he turned straight away to sweets and just shifted his addiction from one to the other. I can see that when I don’t feel I can cope I also have food or drink that I can turn to and if I am without that I can eat away at myself via my thoughts or some form of self abuse. It is my own awareness and concern and care for myself that allows me to ask why and lets me feel what is really going on. When I let my movements embody that quality of deep caring it brings me back to feeling that caring quality in all of me and as that deepens I move further and further from abuse and closer and closer to honouring myself and appreciating the loveliness that I am.

  305. What evidence based science is yet to explore/confirm in regards to medicine and the relationship between our particles and the particles making up everything around us, and in our universe, is totally incredible and exciting. We are still discovering more and more about the chemistry and make-up of the body, something that is relatively small (with a volume of 66.4 litres on average), and the masses we can learn from our ‘simple’ anatomy is significant and a tiny indication of how much there is to learn still as we expand our awareness, understanding and scientific scope.

  306. I love the simplicity that Serge Benhayon presents and shares with and it makes complete an absolute sense. We have the opportunity to simply change behaviours that create ill symptoms in the body. Returning back to our natural harmonious state within.

  307. I used to class myself as someone who took care of my health, but meeting Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine exposed the fact that all I did was accept and manage some very ill conditions. Addressing the energetic root cause of my illnesses has completely transformed my appreciation of the responsibility we have in these matters. The resounding good health that I experience today is beyond my wildest expectation and a true example of how much responsibility we can reclaim when we address energetic quality and the ensuing lifestyle choices.

  308. When we live connected to ourselves it is natural to care for the body as we are far more aware of what is harmful or abusive.

  309. How many of us get sick and return to exactly the same lifestyle and behaviours that caused the illness in the first place? Even if we want to change our behaviours without understanding the energetic part making changes can feel like an uphill battle.

  310. Understanding the energetic factor of life is the essential missing link in the world today but really does make all the difference. It brings a simplicity and clarity to all that is taking place and offers us the responsibility and key to true livingness health and well being and so much more of who we really are and how we can live this again.

  311. Energy precedes matter, so if we want to understand matter (as in a tumour or a boil or a cyst for example) then we must understand the energy that created the matter.

  312. There is so much more than we currently allow in how we approach health, we want to be fixed but what if how we live is part of what led us to our condition … are we willing to look at this? To see the bigger picture of the energy at play?

  313. The Esoteric way of life and its approach to medicine may be deeply uncomfortable at first simply because it is asking us to look at self responsibility first and foremost, and by its reflection it asks us to consider that even the thoughts we have (which are not so private) are having profound affects on us all.

  314. To have a general surgeon who is trained in the usual way but who also understands about the living energy of the body means that we can have a quality of care that is whole and complete. Even if our Doctors don’t have that awareness, we can support them by our own awareness of the energetic truths of the corrections that we call illness and disease..

    1. Agreed Carmel and our open willingness to actively take and share our responsibility with our medical practitioners offers a reflection of what is possible when energetic and science based medicine work together.

  315. This a most informative and illuminating interview of the missing aspect to why for all the amazingness of orthodox medicine there is still the steady increase in illness and disease – the energetic factor.

  316. When humanity chooses to run with this, uniting the science of energy with the science of modern medicine, it will accelerate our ability to address some very deep-seated ills beyond all comprehension.

  317. Having the energetic factor introduced into well-being through the Esoteric Modalities has deepened my willingness to be responsible for my health. These days I’m aware when I require medical support or advice that I’m prepared to be as responsible as possible for my part. Therefore not imposing a ‘it’s your job to fix me demand’ on practitioners, but rather work together to support what ever is needed.

    1. Yes, it brings a further dimension to healthcare, though this dimension has so far not yielded many results, perhaps because only part of this dimension had been known.

  318. ‘Why do we choose self abusing behaviours’ – ‘ Life is medicine’ – Thank you Serge Benhayon and Eunice Minford this makes so much sense.

  319. Why do we keep waiting until our back is against the wall before we choose to have enough humility to admit that all is not well? Well so be it. Humanity is not doing well in any shape or form, and all of our so-called advances are not managing to keep us content or healthy. Sooner or later we will have to admit that our back is already against the wall.

    1. Well said Golnaz – our pride and arrogance mean that we will be at the point of collapse before we take note en masse of the truth being presented.

  320. I know if I have an illness or a disease that it’s my momentum (the way of living that is not natural or respectful of my being) that has brought it about. Therefore I know the only way I can address this situation and bring true healing to that pattern of behaviour is to address it from the energetic aspect, its root cause, and support that with any physical intervention that may be needed.

  321. The principles discussed on responsibility for our personal health readily apply to all areas of our lives. If we take this on board, that means we are responsibility for the quality of our relationships, work and social lives too, there is no separation. So what we learn to apply to our health actually benefits the sum total of life, a life lived in ‘pro medicine’ mode that puts our health and welfare first. This would enable the systems that support us to maximize what they have to offer, rather than staggering to deliver a service heavily weighed down by disregard, blame and irresponsibility.

  322. ‘The human being is an ever evolving science.’ To stop and consider that each of us is an ever evolving science brings the grandness to how life actually is. The question is how quickly do we choose to evolve?

  323. We live within a continually expanding Universe. To not expand with it takes an enormous amount of effort, it’s no wonder that we’re all so exhausted.

  324. Introducing the energetic element is like introducing the missing coefficient of a mathematical equation. Serge Benhayon’s expansion of ‘Everything is energy therefore everything is because of energy’ gives an understanding of the how and why of Everything relative to life.

  325. Thank you Eunice for this interview with Serge Benhayon on health. It once again magnifies our need to take responsibility for our own health much more than we currently do.

  326. For as long as the GP’s and Doctors cannot explain nor heal the root causes of symptoms the marriage vows between esoteric and western have not been sealed.

  327. When we look at the WHOLE picture including the energetic and physical factors, the fact that the marriage of esoteric and western medicine is our ticket out of this mess is an unavoidable truth.

      1. And this is a real marriage that we speak of here, not a convenient arrangement that we have become so used to in our contract driven society.

  328. This was really cool to watch as it confirmed my experience of that marriage between western and esoteric medicine. My GP is great for every bodily ailment but there is no cream that can bring the stillness and contentment in my body that the esoteric brings.

  329. That we forget our body is part of us and can make decisions that actively hurt is the very definition of insanity and yet this is what millions if not billions of us do all the time. Living in a away that nurtures and cares for our body and allows it to lead the way, as presented by Universal Medicine, is not only the best medicine out there, but resurrects us.

  330. The fact that “no one can do it for us or tell us what to do” and that the understanding and embracing of self-responsibility is a key ingredient, shows we have been getting it very wrong in society.

  331. Esoteric Medicine has put medicine back in our hands, it’s returned the trust, equality and appreciation of doctor/patient relationship – empowering all to know & understand the source of their dis-ease and to make the way we live an ongoing path of true self initiated health and wellbeing.

    1. I love what you have written here Lucinda – bringing responsibility back to us all and starting to remove the blame and expectation of a health service which is not going to cure it all for us.

  332. Great interview, thanks Eunice. It’s interesting how we can misinterpret the opportunity to take more responsibility for ourselves as blame. It’s all about how we see our choices and what is being offered – as an opportunity to understand ourselves and our choices on a deeper level, or not.

  333. Medicine has to ask more questions and not rely on the models that have been created which don’t look past the illness and be more honest about the underlying causes. Medicine does not yet ask the question: WHY did you chose to abuse and poison your body for the last 30 years by drinking alcohol? This would be a great place to start, by putting the responsibility of our health back into our own hands.

  334. Esoteric medicine and in particular Universal Medicine was the missing link in my health care. I knew that certain behaviours were harming my body but emotionally it was too hard to relinquish these habits. However, addressing the root energetic factors brought almost instant change and the ability to relinquish the harmful behaviours in favour of feeling a very still, precious and warm quality within me restored my self regard and self responsibility. When we couple the esoteric to our modern day medicine, miracles occur effortlessly.

  335. Serge Benhayon makes ‘sense’ of things – which is necessary because we have created so much ‘non-sense’. If ‘everything is energy’, then there must be an energetic factor in medicine – pure ‘common sense’. And with so much ‘sensing’ going on, perhaps it is ‘sensible’, as Serge suggests, that we pay more attention to our bodies and our feelings and ‘senses’ rather than just our minds.

  336. Medicine is amazing but it’s still not enough, as Serge Benhayon presents. We need to “…sit at a table of consideration…” and contemplate the possiblity that “…everything is because of energy…” and illness and disease is no exception.

  337. The energetic factor was part of medicine at its inception and will bring its much needed wisdom and knowledge to modern day medicine when it is ready to embrace the energetic factor once again. After all, we are so much more than flesh and bones.

    1. A very interesting reminder Gabriele, that the energetic factor was part of medicine to begin with…

      I find that we have, by supply and demand, pulled medicine along with us in our desire for immediate relief and by our general lack of commitment to take responsibility for how we live that is effecting our health…

      …but our bodies are saying this is not working, there is more to understand about what effects our health and well being.

      My body has responded amazingly well to bringing energetic understanding into my life.

  338. “we are living in a way that is anti-medicine and then turn to medicine to fix it”
    These words stopped me in my tracks – what a complicated and convoluted way of living we have set up for ourselves – by not taking energetic responsibility for how we live and continue to perpetuate and abuse our bodies. For example by eating and drinking in excess, taking drugs, late nights partying, pushing ourselves too hard and then ending up with nervous exhaustion etc –and then having the expectation that medicine is there solely for our convenience to fix many of the illnesses and diseases that are caused through our own lack of true care with ourselves.

    1. ‘having the expectation that medicine is there solely for our convenience to fix many of the illnesses and diseases that are caused through our own lack of true care with ourselves.’ This is a statement that really carries home the level of irresponsibility we have accepted as normal, and are in denial of – in fact.

  339. If we were to consider that our every choice has an energetic foundation then it would make sense to consider the energetic quality to our illness and disease in seeking healing.

  340. We all live in a soup of energy and we are all connected but these basic facts of life are completely missed out from all our education systems, so only a few people are truly aware of what is happening around us and in us, although we can all feel it,. Because we are taught to value our minds first of all, we do not pay attention to what we feel in our bodies. Serge Benhayon is bringing that awareness to those of us who are willing to listen.

  341. If every answer we have arrived at in life missed an important piece of information when the question was posed at the start, then it can only ever be a partial answer and not complete. Incorporating the energetic factor; the truth of all things, we will be able to effectively fill the gaps and bring true meaning to so much that we have pursuing for such answers.

  342. We have national conferences and campaigns about tackling different illnesses, management of healthcare systems or practices and even staff welfare, but what’s presented here is the lack of focus on the way we live and how our daily choices is the defining factor making medicine how it is today, but also the answer to all of the other things we are ‘tackling’ in medicine.

  343. What a revelation and stop-moment for us to consider our responsibility for our own health and the state of the healthcare system – “we are LIVING anti-medicine and then going TO medicine to try and get fixed”.

  344. This all makes perfect sense. But it is the common sense that most of us do not want to hear. Many are stuck in the ‘please fix me’ mentality, and want to avoid the responsibility of knowing that all their choices are behind every symptom that they experience. This article and video brings greater awareness to the world of health.

  345. There is definitely something about universal medicine that works. With the support of Universal medicine, I have completely changed my life. I had no idea just how abusive I was with myself so relearning how to take care and look after myself has been a huge challenge which doesn’t stop because I can feel that there is so much more to life than we can ever imagine. To our detriment we have lost our joy of life and now we only seem to function in it rather than be in the joy of fully living life. To take a moment to stop and feel this is very sad as we are living a lesser life, and just seemingly accepting it?

  346. This interview heralds the start of the marriage between these two disciplines and a critical evolution for humanity if we are to sensibly resolve the crisis staring us in the face at the moment.

  347. The wisdom Serge Benhayon presents is there for all to see and understand the truth of two energy sources that flow through every person (worldwide) 24/7. Until we are able to discern this, we are trapped in a way of living that keeps us locked into a cycle of patterns that do not support us. Serge reflects another way of living that is there for all by choice, that supports the living way of the multi-dimensional beings that we are in truth.

  348. I love how it is shared that it is important to take your own responsibility for our health for if we don’t the healing or cure might not be as efficient as it otherwise could be. It makes sense because if we keep smoking whilst we are having a cough that is caused by smoking this is very hard to heal for a doctor, so is it with other energetic choices we are making in life, if we don’t address them it is hard for our medical professionals to truly heal these conditions.

  349. Such a powerful and empowering introduction to the way ‘everything is energy’ and ‘everything is therefore because of energy’ translates into life.

  350. The way we live is the problem and the cure. Which you would think we would embrace but we tend to prefer to deny this – even though the WHO tell us 80% of diseases are lifestyle related – as to acknowledge it’s truth would require us to change our ways.

    1. It’s challenging to change our ways when we have the mentality that ‘it wont happen to me’… I know that I have had this approach to life and I have carried an arrogance with it. Sometimes we need a wake up call to shake us into greater responsibility. The problem is that we need a wake up call en masse! (That’s a huge part of the population!)

  351. It is so true that Western Medicine is simply not expansive enough. Lifestyle-related illness and disease is on the rise, and we are still looking to the system to give us a pill to make it all better – but this does nothing in the way of responsibility and the call for us to look more deeply and honestly at how we are living for us to end up at the doctors.

  352. Like I’m sure many of the comments have said – it simply all makes sense. We simply do not want to be energetically responsible, hence the state of the world.

  353. At the very first suggestion I consider doing something loving and nurturing for myself – to honour myself a little more and not think I had to push so much getting things done etc. – I cried a few gentle tears for all the ‘over-looking’ I’d done and neglecting my true well-being. From that moment I have never looked back and I smile inside at how delicious and lovely I feel with-in these days.

  354. How bad does it need to get before we stop and admit that we do not have all the answers? I know first-hand how arrogantly our thinking mind can look at a situation which has not been working and instead of wondering if there is another way, deciding the answer is in doing the same thing bigger and louder!

    The union of Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine has already supported thousands who have been prolifically sharing their experience in blogs. It is time that we acknowledged the energetic element affecting all things medicine.

  355. Bringing in Energetic Responsibility allows us to become empowered as we are no longer victims of the outplay of how we have lived life abusing our bodies, and pushing them way beyond their natural and innate impulse.

  356. The current rates of illness and disease are on the rise and Serge Benhayon is able to explain why. Whether we listen is up to us but we are all responsible for what is happening in the world and the way we live is going to affect our future and how quickly we can all return to who we truly are.

    1. I agree Carmel – Serge Benhayon makes sense of what is happening in the world with the unprecedented rise in illness, disease and the rapid escalation of mental health problems.

  357. The reason why life feels so one dimensional is because we are all choosing to completely ignore the ‘energetic factor’ and it is the energetic factor that adds the expanded understanding to life.

  358. Science, Philosophy, Religion and thus Medicine all make a lot more sense when they’re applied universally, and energy is the vibrational currency that underpins all movements in our everyday lives and defines these areas. It’s amazing how the Ageless Wisdom Teachings combines this into a study and school!

  359. I have always felt there was a deeper reason behind why we get unwell, coming to Universal Medicine has supported me to see this in my own life, the stress I have put myself under and why, and the pressures I have accepted which have affected my lifestyle choices and in return my body and health. It’s not always easy or comfortable to see these things but at least I can now make different choices with more understanding of myself, and with more respect to and awareness of my body and health and what affects it. Universal Medicine has also supported me to let go of my resistance to using Western Medicine, I see my doctor now more than ever before and feel I have the best of care both ways, through Esoteric Medicine and through conventional medicine. For me I have found Universal Medicine very common sense in their approach to wellbeing, and to illness and disease.

  360. A beautiful understanding of medicine and energy spoken of so clearly and simply addressing the root cause of energy in our bodies and our health. An amazing interview with a medical doctor and energetic medicine and the real gift and wisdom offered to us as humanity with Serge Benhayon and real life as true medicine.

  361. This has to be the next natural evolution of our current medicinal awareness. We have developed a huge array of instruments that can look inside us physically. It now seems very evident that the next stage of our journey is to look inside our selves energetically, a science that is felt first and then seen second.

  362. There are many complementary or alternative modalities out there that can complement the ever advancing traditional form of medicine but none better or more rounded that I have seen or experienced than Esoteric Medicine.

  363. I love it – as the science of energy makes absolute sense for me. It helped me to understand what I was feeling and even better to not ignore it – it completed the picture so to speak. With that completion I could heal from the inside out.

  364. ‘We are living in a way that is anti medicine then going to medicine to get fixed’ SB. This statement is so true, many of us abuse ourselves, take little responsibility for what we do to our bodies and then when they break down or we get sick we run off to the doctors to fix us.

  365. For healing we need the whole picture including the causes of our ills and disease, looking at our choices and the energy in which those choices are made is also part of the picture.

  366. That makes complete sense what Serge Benhayon shares about us living in a way that is anti medicine, then going to medicine to be fixed. We can clearly see that the way we are living is not supporting a vital and harmonious body and being. I am absolutely thankful to have meet Serge and to be introduced to a way of viewing my life with honesty and all encompassing way.

  367. It is a simple but fundamental principle that really needs to be resurrected in our modern approach to health and healing. How can we expect another person to fix our ills if we live a disregarding way with little or no concern as to the welfare of our bodies? When we take this simple principle on, then our relationship with our practitioners, doctors and nurses becomes a powerful healing partnership that combines the high tech science of western medicine with the deeply intuitive knowing of esoteric medicine that between them have both ends of the spectrum fully covered. All we need to do is then ensure our everyday choices nourish every facet of our welfare, which in turn dramatically reduces how much we have to lean on our health practitioners for support.

  368. It’s so refreshing that you are a surgeon who is open to this way of looking at the health of the body. The world would benefit hugely from more medical professionals like you.

  369. The marriage of western medicine and esoteric medicine is a marriage of evolution. We are far more than the physical so why only treat the physical?

    1. I like this Kim ‘the marriage of western medicine and esoteric medicine is a marriage of evolution’. We are multi dimensional so it makes sense that true healing includes energetic healing, as in Esoteric Medicine, as well as the physical of Western Medicine, addressing the cause and so evolving from it.

  370. Everyone of us in each of our choices plays a part in how we feel and how we affect everyone around us and everything we do is from an energy that we have chosen. Herein lies the responsibility and the gift should we choose to see it as such.

  371. True holistic health care is about the marriage of conventional medicine with complementary medicine – there is no doubt left in my mind about this. However, because of the plethora of many complementary therapies, it is important to distinguish the fact of the energy behind these therapies. Some therapies are complementary but do not look at the detail of energy – but Serge Benhayon does not leave one stone un-turned and he discusses the importance of Energy in healing. And so in my experience having tried multiple therapies, I can honestly say that the only ones that have actually made a true difference to my body and well being are the esoteric modalities. Many of the other complementary modalities have given relief or taken the ‘edge’ off things or removed symptoms – but not one of them has gone to the core to truly heal. Having the esoteric modalities available to us is a true blessing, and one I am deeply appreciative of!

    1. Yes that’s my experience too Henrietta, having worked in the complementary health field for 30 years l’ve certainly come across, worked with and tried many modalities. Not one offered what I now understand and experience as true healing, but without question many offered relief in various ways. I suffered a variety of minor ailments, all very persistent and I used a few mainstream alternative therapies to try and address them… all to no long-term avail, until I met Serge Benhayon and received Sacred Esoteric Healing. Within a short time they were completely gone, never to return in 17 years.

  372. We certainly cannot leave it all up to the doctors – whilst they have enormous knowledge and experience, we know our own bodies better than anyone and often the way we respond to treatment is different so we can support the medical profession not only with our lifestyle, but with our energetic awareness.

    1. I agree Carmel. I have found explaining how my body responds to treatment it really helps the medical profession with how they treat me. Taking care of my body lovingly has brought a deeper awareness of what supports my body and what doesn’t and I can take this to the Doctor when I go. Understanding the energetics of health means I can do my part, with the responsibility in how I live, with any health problems.

  373. Listening to the audio with Serge Benhayon makes sense of the escalating rates of illness and disease, not to mention everything else that is so out of order in life as it is today. Without the understanding that everything is energy, and everything is therefore because of energy leaves us back at square one, floundering in the seeming random senselessness of life’s struggles and challenges. Very cool to see someone of Eunice’s calibre open, receptive and down to earth sensible to the way this translates into everyday life.

  374. There is no end for the wonderful support Esoteric Modalities offer to health and well-being. I know for sure I wouldn’t be enjoying this great level of vitality, interest and involvement in life if it wasn’t for appreciating and participation as a client with treatments.

  375. “Is there more for us to learn about how to truly care for our bodies and what being responsible really means?” Without a doubt this is what I’ve discovered through attending presentations by Serge, the body is an amazing thing yet we don’t truly appreciate what its purpose is and how through our body and deeply caring for it we affect everything else.

  376. To bring self responsibility lovingly to our lives can be life changing. Simple step by step changes can have a big impact on our lives. The energetic understanding presented by Serge Benhayon allows these changes to be made and brings the much needed aspect of energy to the healing of illness and disease.

  377. Many people are unaware of the devastating effect lifestyle choices have on their bodies. It often creeps on slowly, for example obesity and depression. I’ve observed how someone I know is increasingly gaining weight, walks with a heavy gait and heart and largely unaware of this. Unresolved emotional issues and buried hurts can lead us to turn to food, sedentary activities and an over dependency on mobile devices to distract us from feeling what is going on. As friends and family we simply accept what is without judgement and offer support and love. Love is the greatest healer.

  378. Prevention not cure is the answer to spiralling illness and health statistics. Prevention places responsibility in our hands and cure in the hands of medical and health practitioners after a disease or illness has presented itself.. We can live in a way that supports the body to regenerate and retain balance. It’s sad few people care enough about themselves to make the necessary lifestyle choices that would see them walking in a body that is healthy and vital. Instead of choosing ill-health and misery, we can instead choose healing and well-being.

  379. ‘This brings a higher level of responsibility to our discussions on health and wellbeing – but given the current rates of illness and disease, the time is surely overdue for such discussions.’ Absolutely. We find ourselves in such a situation that we should be asking how on earth did we get to this point? As there are those who are asking this and those who now understand how, it is amazing that Serge Benhayon is presenting exactly what will inspire a return to a greater a full understanding, despite that we have chosen to turn are back on this. The answer is here if but choose to listen and be open to it.

  380. The science of energy makes complete sense. It explains precisely why things are the way they are and in the knowing of how to work with it, and change it we can definitely become more empowered around our choices.

    1. Yes it absolutely does, when we consider energy everything starts to makes sense in a world that without this understanding has so many unanswered questions.

      1. I now understand that understanding energy is the missing link… the key to understanding life. Before that nothing made sense now everything can be explained.

  381. Listening to the explanation, one can’t help but see and feel the common sense factor of how if everything is energy, then there must be a disharmonious energy that precedes development, and then precipitates, into a palpable / visible mass or illness in the human flesh. It’s chemistry, its quantum physics, and biology 101 all rolled into one.

  382. It is all very well to get cured or have relief from the symptoms of illness and disease which Western Medicine is so good at doing but unless we know the root cause of why they occurred in the first place we will never be free of it and it will most likely return, this is where Esoteric medicine is essential in getting to the energetic root cause and once this is known and nominated the battle is half won.

  383. This is a superb interview highlighting we could be bringing a deeper responsibility to how we live and working with western medicine to address illness and disease with far greater awareness. Often people want to avoid their part in where they are at physically or mentally and seek all sorts of alternative medicine which can be harmful but which doesn’t ask them to look at their choices lovingly. It’s not about judgement or blame, just simply listening to one’s body.

  384. Serge Benhayon always makes total sense and this is no exception. We have to ask the questions that we avoid and most importantly be open to the answers that are possible relating to the energetic truth of all things.

  385. What a beautiful eye opener to our health and wellbeing and illness and disease. We might be well trained from all the systems, but indeed does it make extra benefit to see another way of looking at our body that can be combined together and make up more of a whole than what it now is – limited, one way, seemingly that has a missing link.. A beautiful interview and introduction to the option that there is more to medicine than we think. We need to combine our whole body intelligence not just one limited view or part, that is not intelligence.

  386. This is such a great conversation on the part that responsibility plays in medicine. We all clearly play a part.

  387. What is the difference between a doctor renowned for their healing abilities, i.e. their success with their patients and one who isn’t equally renowned? Is it knowledge or empathy or something altogether different?

  388. I love the opportunity to expand our current understanding of illness and disease. Let’s investigate, let’s make ourselves a scientific experiment, how can we offer ourselves medicine as a part of our everyday life? I feel that is a very empowering question.

  389. Anyone who walks in to a house and says or feels it has a funny atmosphere, anyone who senses an argument when they arrive home…..anyone who is able be honest that they feel, knows that there is energy first, and energy all-around and within. So of course when it comes to medicine it is a factor for us to consider.

    1. For years and years we have chosen to deny our awareness and assign power to religious institutions. We spent years claiming the earth is flat and ridiculed and even killed those who disputed this. It seems we are choosing to do the same, but this time to a different ‘source of authority’, while all along we have a different awareness if we simply pay attention to and honour our own knowing as evidenced through such examples you mention of sensing how key and significant energy is in every aspect of life.

    1. So true Alexis… ‘every-thing’ is no longer just a thing, but energy, and also ‘because of energy’. The question raised from there is… and what quality of energy makes it as it is? That’s where the interesting part comes in, and our ability to discern and where responsibility begins to take on a new meaning.

  390. Superb interview, highly informative thank you. I was one of those multi illness/symptomatic people. I attended my first presentation with Serge Benhayon 6 years ago. What he presents made so much sense I started applying it to my life. With the support of Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine I slowly over time resolved my health problems, one of which was a chronic condition that I had had for nearly 20 years.

    Living this way has become my way of life, taking care of my body and looking at why I make different unloving choices, addressing them from the root cause, and the energy in my choice. This is an ever deepening journey and one I would not choose to stop. The results have been beyond what I could have imagined.

  391. Listening to the wisdom of Serge Benhayon demonstrates very clearly that there is a most essential lesson that most of humanity is not being presented with when young and that is – for every choice there is a consequence – a seemingly very simple phrase but one with a very profound message. I don’t think there is any doubt that if this was taught to us at a very early age then life as we know it would change as people would begin to take responsibility for the way they live in this world, including for their own health. There is definitely no room left for blame when we know that the outcome of everything we do is our responsibility and ours alone.

  392. I like the way Serge takes things back and asks ‘why’ are we getting ill? It makes sense to get to the root cause and not just wait until we get ill and then manage the symptoms. Bringing in the fact of energy makes a lot of sense.

    1. It’s so true Debra, it does make so much sense, and yet I studied natural medicine for many years then practised for many more without asking those questions beyond what physical or emotional factor is contributing to this ill-condition or situation. Getting to these factors is only part of the way… not until I met Serge Benhyaon did I even realise there was a far deeper and more true line of enquiry needed and that healing was not possible until such a level of understanding was in some way reached.

  393. Accessing the wisdom of the body to support our health and wellbeing. We have the answers once we are willing to listen to the priceless communication on offer from our bodies.

  394. ‘Life is Medicine’ – this is a game changer to what is currently being presented as it is only now being said that it is lifestyle. When we take the whole of our life and everything that is in it and how we choose to live, this it makes complete and utter sense that this will then determine the quality of your being and body.

  395. The more I study with Universal Medicine, apply the teachings and receive healing, the more I have come to appreciate our western medical system too. Combining the two disciplines makes absolute sense and returns the responsibility of our health to us, and the role of western medicine to its rightful place too, as a system of investigation, care and support.

  396. All I can say is I can barely wait till all doctors, surgeons and all medical practitioners can understand fully that all is because of energy, like you have in leading the way Eunice, bringing about the well needed more rounded way of understanding true medicine.

  397. We pretty much trash ourselves then expect our doctors to perform miracles for us. One thing I love about combining the medical support I receive with esoteric medicine is that I now work with my doctors instead of looking for them to fix me. I like that degree of self-responsibility, it feels right.

  398. Eunice, as a doctor, this is very powerful of you to share how important it is to combine the very valuables aspects of conventional medicine with the equally valuable aspects of complementary medicine, especially Esoteric Medicine as presented by Serge Benhayon. Having read your other blogs, I know how you have always been drawn to understanding the ‘unseen’ behind the seen, and this has become all the more understandable/clear since coming across Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. What a blessing – and from this we as individuals can allow ourselves a much broader perspective and understanding of life.

  399. Our only way forward is to go beyond the current medical model. We will continue to get sicker if we continue to tread the same path, and an openness and willingness to explore the way we live being a huge part of our medicine is not only possible, but essential to re-claiming well-being as being more than just the absence of disease in the body, but a broader more encapsulating model of health we all have access to living.

  400. When we include the energetic factor along with the physical, mental and emotional factors in our healing then there is a complete package that can be cleared – either through illness, disease or surgery. If we leave the energetics out then the healing will never be complete because the energy remains to manifest in the body again.

  401. I love the responsibility Serge Benhayon brings to medicine… his perspective is so, so needed in healthcare and so very inspiring for all.

  402. Doctors are sinking under the weight of expectations not only that they can fix the presenting problem but that then the person can just carry on living their life in the same way without looking at why they ended up in that situation. Until we are willing to look at the root causes of illness and disease we will continue to have ever increasing levels of ill-health and this is where Serge’s interview is so key as it offers the opportunity for deeper healing if one is ready to take responsibility for the energy in which you are living.

  403. Thank you Eunice for sharing this interview with Serge Benhayon – understanding the energy behind everything offers a great key to medical professionals in dealing with their patients in an all-encompassing spherical way.

  404. It is such a key point that we have great medicine yet the gaps to the amount of disease and how much it is spiralling out of control all around the world, clearly shows that there is much more to all of this than is being explored by traditional medicine.

  405. The way that Serge Benhayon is so gentle and full of respect as he talks about some pretty massive topics is very inspiring. And yet, he says that he is simply speaking from his body…

  406. This is a much needed video bringing awareness to energy and the role it plays in our lives which then affects our bodies and health. Taking this into consideration is a very responsible choice to make that benefits everyone.

  407. Brilliant: Energy is behind anything that we call a ‘problem’ including illness and disease – so how important is it that we look at this and work with it from that angle, and not just the approach of taking a pill or having surgery?

  408. All that Serge shares in this audio is like music for my body. All resonates with the truth in my body.
    And the thing is, it is so simple that we even don’t see anymore, like a mist we put, the deep illusion we choose to be in. Which gets its reflection in the increase of illness and disease worldwide even though we have more medical care and new ways to treat the body.

  409. I can never tire of the presentations by Serge Benhayon on the topic of energy. When broken down it makes so much sense and I can relate what is shared to my own experience. I am positive that one day the science of energy will be a common place study that will naturally intertwine with all aspects of life and not just conventional medicine.

  410. We have played the fixing symptoms and issues circuit long enough to have realized that this is not the answer. We can not afford to keep ignoring the energetic factor which Serge Benhayon is talking about.

  411. It makes so much sense with what it going in our world today to take the energetic part into account. Why not take responsibility for our own health and well-being by looking at our own part in it instead of only going to the doctor to get a fix.

  412. Very interesting point that when we don’t look at the bigger picture we can inadvertently find ourselves (our health), the doctors, staff and legal team heading into all kinds of complication, simply because the energetic factor – the momentum we live in, is not being brought into the equation. Including the energetic quality is the only way we can get a full picture of accountability and responsibility.

  413. Have we created a society around us designed to take responsibility for us rather than us taking it for ourselves? Do we expect our Doctors to look after our health, our Social Workers our vulnerable, our teachers the education of our young and our police the safety of our towns and cities? Or is the truth of it that we are to work together, with the support and advice of the professionals around us – but being responsible for ourselves rather than avoiding responsibility?

    1. I love what you have said here Richard – it is a hard pill at times to swallow to realise how we have been the ones making the decisions and the choices and hence are the ones to either reap the benefits, or on the contrary live with the consequences of our actions. We are the ones to make the choice and there really is no such thing as delegating the choice to another, at least not as adults for it is our choices that have lead to the situation at hand. Wow this really is a ‘pill’ called responsibility and sometimes it can feel too big to swallow in one go – so nothing wrong with doing this bit by bit!

  414. It’s a great point to appreciate that the way we live is indeed both the outplay of our illness and disease as well as being the one thing we can change to transform our health. The way we live however is far greater than just the food we eat or the exercise we do, what I’ve come to understand through Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is it’s everything, including how we move and our will to have at our foundation that everything is because of energy.

    1. Yes DN and our expression too…or lack of expression. When we bring understanding to the fact life is energy and we are energy then everything matters and rather than feel like a pressure it is a gift. Everything we do say, even think, becomes an opportunity for deeper understanding and therefore healing.

  415. Serge Benhayon delivers responsibility to medicine. So that medicine is not the ‘fix’ but rather a way we live to allow ourselves to better understand what the body can communicate. Thank you, Eunice, for bringing it back to the purpose of this blog.

    1. Yes – current western medical thinking is all about addressing the symptoms. However, Serge Benhayon introduces the concept that disease and illness don’t drop out of the sky but are a direct consequence of our everyday choices. This means that we each have a responsibility for how we live and the quality we live, not just for ourselves but also for the whole of society. If we take responsibility for our own health and vitality then we are not draining the system of resources it can no longer afford or imposing on others.

    2. Well said HM – I love the distinction you make in that medicine is in the way we live rather than the fixes that we seek so often from our healthcare practitioners.

  416. I love that the reason why we would want to take good care of ourselves is in our connection with ourselves, that we see our body as something very much worth loving, and that is where esoteric healing can support us all.

  417. Serge Benhayon is amazingly supportive of anyone undergoing serious medical treatment with the awareness of our energetic responsibility and what has brought us to that place where we need medical intervention. The way he works with us helps us to understand the underlying cause so that we can work on our own clearing and healing at the same time as receiving standard western medical treatment.

  418. It’s interesting to note that millions is spent on research with limited result, yet very little is spent on research that is willing to consider what else may be happening in regards to underlying factors contributing to illness and disease. It’s great that there are some medical and health practitioners who have been prepared to go beyond their academic training and expand the conversation with regards to what else could be going on. To me, it’s not an ‘either/or’ debate but a ‘both/and’ pathway that will lead to better understandings about health. Thanks Eunice and Serge Benhayon for this thought provoking presentation.

    1. I agree, Helen, there is a lot of money being invested in keeping people sick because there is a lot of money to be gained from selling pharmaceuticals

      1. Great point – and doesn’t this so clearly expose the levels to which we have sunk as a humanity and the abuse we have accepted? The fact that we have put such greed above and beyond the needs of one another is quite shocking.

    2. Helen I agree with what you are saying, our current way of living is not sustainable and this is evident in the huge rise in illness and disease that the human race is experiencing. So it makes sense to me that we should be looking outside the box and expand our awareness and understanding of life; as I know from my own life experiences that our bodies actually holds greater knowledge than the brain. So, to me we are using a lesser intelligence and this has been our undoing as it were.

    3. The discussion about what the underlying factors are for illness and disease is way overdue. The alarming exponential increases we have seen in all areas of illness and disease are not being arrested – no matter how much money we throw at them. Very clear there is more here than we have been willing to admit and it is time we opened up to the possibilities. Yes, we need to keep dealing with the symptoms in the traditional way, but as they say – ‘prevention is better than a cure’. So learning that the choices we make every day impact on our bodies and health is actually a very simple concept and is the stepping stone to greater individual responsibility. When we bring in energetic responsibility we are actually going further than cure – we are getting to complete healing.

  419. There are many things that astound me about Serge Benhayon but what stood out to me whilst watching this video is his ability to always communicate the truth in a way that is totally relatable to whichever audience he is addressing. Not only that but despite the inordinate number of times that he has shared what he does, his messages are always so fresh and vibrant.

  420. Without qualitative research or studies of our whole population, what is ‘evidence based’ research really reflecting? Is it possible that in many cases we are picking and choosing facets of society to shine light on and not others?

  421. I agree Eunice that there is enough evidence out there to show that human life is energetic as well as physical and so it does seem limiting to not include this in our medicine.

  422. This is a much needed and natural evolution to our current approach to health, medicine and healing. After all, anyone who studies biology, chemistry, maths and physics has a very clear understanding of the fact that physical matter exists because of energy so therefore it is time to start exploring this aspect of our selves in the same way we have explored the physical nature of cells, genes and micro biology. For me personally this changes everything and suddenly a whole new way forward opens up when we bring these two approaches together, re-uniting me with my self responsibility and personal power over the quality of my health and life.

  423. We have leaned on Western Medicine like a crutch and are now using it as a wheelchair and not taking any responsibility for our part of our illnesses. We need to practice future medicine by feeling what our ill choices today will do to us tomorrow.

  424. Brilliant, if you take out energy the world and all our illness and diseases doesn’t make sense, add the fact that energy happens first and foremost and that every choice has an energy behind it and hence a consequence then human life begins to make sense.

  425. This certainly is the way of the future Eunice, medicine is everything we do so this can be good or bad and illness and disease is everybody’s problem not just the doctors and surgeons that keep patching us up time after time.

  426. True healing can only come through combining Western Medicine with Universal Medicine which understands the true energetic causes of all the illnesses humanity is suffering from. It is a marriage made in heaven bring us back to who we truly are as divine beings while healing what we are not.

  427. Super powerful, thank you for sharing this. Having viewed medicine as nothing more than a fix in the past to appreciating how medicine is far more than this, and that if we forget the energetic factor we miss the key part of the jigsaw puzzle.

  428. It is the ‘why’ we have the illness and disease that is the question that is being asked here. The obvious poisons, cigarettes, alcohol, and junk food contribute to illness and diseased but what makes intelligent human beings resort to these damaging things? Understanding what is behind our choices is true medicine. Thank you Eunice and Serge this is a great discussion as we certainly do need to expand on what true medicine actually is.

  429. Thank you for sharing this Eunice, it is clear we can all benefit from broadening our approach to what we consider well-being, and that our greatest medicine can be found in the way we live…not just physically but also the energetics behind why we choose as we do. Thank you to Serge Benhayon for bringing in the energetic factor, which answers many of our previously unanswerable questions.

  430. Thanks for doing this interview and sharing it. I have had so much support with the marriage of Esoteric Medicine and Western Medicine and I know I would not be as vital and living my life as abundantly and as joyfully as I do today if it were not for Esoteric Medicine.

  431. I have been a student of Universal Medicine for about 5-6 years and over this time have been slowly developing a relationship with my body. Throughout this process, I am learning to bring much more self-love and self-care to me and my body, and as a result I take much better care of me.

    I had to have day surgery this year and I was so grateful for the combination of Western and Esoteric Medicine. I received top notch support from my surgeon and his team, and also from Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine practitioners. I took a body into surgery that was in pretty good shape, and I also took the energetic understanding of why I needed the surgery and saw this as a tremendous opportunity to heal. The combination works.

  432. One of the difficulties with expanding a body of understanding like medicine is that it leaves the door wide open for people with their own agendas. Currently medicine is open to expansion but you have to prove that it works in a particular way (success in a randomised trial). That is a clumsy and error-prone way but the alternatives may be worse.

  433. The energy of medicine makes much sense to me, as it seems to get to the root of the problem whilst western medicine can support physical symptoms through incredible sugery. Together they work really well together.

  434. Why wouldn’t we make full use of any care that is available to support us? Especially when this care has the track record, the living track record that Universal Medicine has. I don’t see the problem or the fear when it’s solely about the care for people we are talking about.

  435. Brilliant interview Eunice – this conversation is very much needed to be had, because as we do know, the rates of illness and disease continue to rise. We may be living longer but our quality of life is being compromised and often accepted as something that will deteriorate over the course of time. Having anxiety and stress these days is deemed as normal. There is something missing in how we approach life and how we approach medicine, and the esoteric modalities and the esoteric medicine philosophy offer the missing pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that needs to be whole in order for true healing to occur.

  436. The marriage of medicine and the energetic understanding is without a doubt the biggest game changer to my life. Resulting in many long term illnesses having been healed and I no longer suffer from asthma or hay fever.

  437. “We can’t do without medicine but it is clearly not enough.” this is so true, with illness and disease sky rocketing even though we have all the advancements to diagnose and alleviate our illnesses, something is definitely missing, As Serge Benhayon says we are not asking the right questions, questions that look past the illness and disease and into the world of energy and energetic responsibility. We have yet to accept that we are the cause of our illness and disease, our life style, our behaviours, and our emotional ups and downs and our mind driven pursuits are all part of the make up that can produce a less than healthy body.

  438. The worthiness of looking after my body is one of the wonderful understandings that is offered by Universal Medicine and the Esoteric Modalities.
    Without this I’m not sure where /how my health would be today, but ten years ago the future of my health was very uncertain.

  439. “Living anti-medicine in our life-style then going to medicine to be fixed.” This is the model many people choose, much to the detriment of our well-being and the extreme pressure it places on the Medical System, Medical Practitioners and Insurance Companies.

  440. What an amazing interview, Eunice expressing so clearly the medicine of the present and the future but in truth it is us returning to and embracing the wisdom and understanding of the body that has always been there for us to know.

  441. There is simply no other way for medicine to turn but to the energetic deeply honest and responsible truths of life that the esoteric have been presenting for aeons. If not, society will certainly by placed in a position where financially and practically it will simply not be possible to ignore these energetic truths especially if the rates of illness continue to rise and blow the health budgets which they already are.

  442. The energetic factor joins so many dots and makes sense of so much. I was pleasantly surprised when I met Serge Benhayon that what he talked about and the way he presented it was so very down to earth and practical.
    I guess the question is: do we expand and embrace the fact that there is so much more to us and to life, or do we prefer to stubbornly limit our awareness to the knowledge we have so far gathered?

  443. Time we stopped expecting our amazing health professionals to fix us and instead worked with them to live a more self-loving way entirely. Our health is our responsibility and we have such great resources to support us. Combine this with a proactive understanding of wellbeing and the effects of energy on our health, then we are on to something very powerful in my view.

  444. Brilliant Eunice – it’s great that you have raised this discussion. My introduction to Universal Medicine has brought about a deeper and broader understanding just how delicate and tender my actual body is – how tender I am as a living human being and man. I grew up very harshly and rough with myself. It was just the way I was brought up – it was not loving. On the surface it may have looked like love but in truth it was not. Life Is Medicine. I’m living proof just how far and what is possible to heal, with great appreciation to the Esoteric Modalities, but more so understanding myself from my essence, tenderness and from the intelligence that lives inside my body.

  445. This is a wonderful, all encompassing interview and exchange between a highly trained medical professional and a wise master of the energetic aspect of life, asking us all to go deeper in our consideration of the root cause and healing of illness and disease. It calls for these much needed discussions from here on.

  446. This interview is a good introduction to a wider perspective on healing through traditional Western Medicine when it is combined with energetic awareness of what causes our illness in the first place.

  447. A very beautiful interview that introduces Esoteric Medicine with Allopathic Medicine, which is the future of medicine.

  448. ‘We are living in a way that is anti-medicine and then going to medicine to get fixed’ Gosh, this is so true. AMAZING interview so good to have this absolute clarity. More please.

    1. Yes, living a contradiction is, to put it mildly, very inefficient. But it keeps us busy.

  449. A great interview exploring how much deeper Western medicine can go if the energetic model is also used. Combining both gives the best understanding of illness and disease.

  450. We like to make life about being against or for, right and wrong and black and white. But in this linear debate we negate the simple fact that that there could be more. More to who we are, more to life and more to Medicine than meets the eye. Thank you Eunice for sharing and showing how Esoteric modalities are totally complementary to what’s already there, they just add the missing part.

  451. Esoteric understanding and the energetic aspects of life fill all the gaps of the understanding of western medicine alone. As good as it is, it is only currently part of the picture – time to now look at the whole.

  452. Surely it is common sense to see that when we abuse the body, e.g.consume alcohol, there are going to be consequences. We cannot get away with it and supporting another to see what they are doing to themselves gives them an opportunity to feel what is being presented which otherwise may have been ignored and overlooked due to the hold from the behaviour of drinking alcohol and what is regarded as a normal way of living in our society.

  453. Everything is energy and the marriage of the very necessary Western Medicine with Esoteric Medicine offers a way forward to expand awareness and understanding of the body – physically, physiologically
    and energetically, in order to deal with the unprecedented rise in multi symptomatic complications in illness and disease worldwide.

  454. A superb, informative interview that explains clearly how and why a new approach needs to be brought to medicine. At the same time Serge Benhayon is not saying that the conventional medicine is wrong, in fact the opposite, instead it is to expand the understanding of the causes of illness, which requires us to take responsibility for our own health in collaboration with the medical profession.

  455. Bringing these two disciplines together, Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine, has been the most life changing experience I have ever had. Understanding and taking responsibility for the energetic quality of my health has enabled me to start to live in a pro-medicine way that has restored an amazing quality of health never before experienced. The more we are enabled to see this truth, the more we are able to take responsibility for our everyday life.

  456. When we take responsibility for the choices we make in the way we live we become our own health practitioner so that when we visit the doctor we take with us an understanding of the energetic cause and effect of any issue.

    1. Thank you Mary Adler for sharing the responsibility we have in our health, rather than choosing to blame or seek the wonder pill when visiting our doctor.

  457. Western Medicine needs to look beyond what it currently is, as it doesn’t have all the answers and we all need to be more open and take responsibility for our own wellbeing to help ease the burden we lay on western medicine, so we need to understand what Serge has said that, “Everything is because of energy”.

  458. I love the fact of bringing more understanding towards why a person smokes for instance and not just to say they need to stop smoking. It is indeed a question well worth pondering on why someone smokes even though we all know it is unhealthy and probably no one likes really to have smoke and tar building up in their lungs. It is not just that people don’t know so it makes sense there is another reason and to look into this when we are treating a patient feels like the way forward.

    1. I really appreciate this too Lieke. When we consider that everything is energy then there is an explanation for everything. I used to smoke myself so understanding why I made that choice really helped in healing myself of the need to do so. It was much easier to have that understanding as it allowed me to be gentle with myself, not hard or ashamed of this choice. I have never smoked since.

  459. Taking responsibility for our own health is not the same as blaming someone for the onset of a health condition. Thank you for posing this question Eunice. As Serge says, it is a mature response to catastrophic rates of illness and disease in our communities. Until we ask ourselves why it is we’re all routinely getting sick with non-communicable diseases, we will never learn the lessons to be learned and by doing so not heal ourselves and evolve.

  460. I loved listening to this interview, it expands our view on healing and how our choices contribute to what our body then presents with. Before Universal Medicine I always took care of any illness or disease by going to the Doctor. I very much wanted the Doctor to fix me, and rarely even thought that I had anything to do with why I wasn’t well. Now, I still go to the Doctor, but with more of a responsibility and understanding of why I am there. I’m sure it must feel so much better for the Doctor to not feel the imposition of having to fix me.

  461. The “why” is what really fascinates me when it comes to illness and disease. This is the reason I attended my first talk with Serge Benhayon on Medicine over 10 years ago. The idea that we can actually live in a way that is good medicine for us and prevent an illness before it even develops, was of real interest to me. Also discovering that illness is not random but the body’s way of communicating a message really made sense, I have been listening and learning from life and my body ever since and I can tell you right now I have only had three sick days off in the past 6 years.

    1. I came to a course run by Serge many years ago for that exact reason – illness and a way of living that would have had my name become a statistic. The choices I made spoke volumes on how my body was fed and continued to deplete itself. Many years later I have accumulated nearly two year’s sick leave and my work capacity increases continually and is held and supported in a body that has taken on board the understanding of the energetic factor.

      1. With all these testimonials and increased working capability, it is no wonder Universal Medicine has won the excellence in business award so many years running, not to mention its living results of citizens giving back to society rather than draining the system. Really, Serge Benhayon deserves a Humanitarian Award! All around the world we are seeing ill health statistics rise, whereas in this movement and way of living I have witnessed amazing improvements in participants health and well-being, which in turn means that the government is under less pressure and people are working rather being unfit to work and sadly becoming a burden on society.

  462. Thank you Eunice, for your inspiring and informative interview with Serge Benhayon. This is a man who to me makes sense of a world that had never made sense and his presentation of what true medicine is definitely makes sense. We are a whole being made up of many parts, parts that have been created to work in perfect harmony, but it is not just our physical being that gets ‘sick’ when this harmony is disturbed, our mental, emotional and spiritual health can also suffer. To bring the fact that everything is energy into the healing equation makes total sense, and then to couple any energetic healing with the wonderful tools of conventional medicine makes absolute sense. This is true healing and what is so desperately needed in the world today.

  463. Combining Western medicine and Esoteric medicine by embracing the energetic factor can only be beneficial for humanity, our next step to greater health and wellbeing, as everything is energy.

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