The Big C – why me?

By Eunice J Minford MA FRCS Ed, Consultant Surgeon, N.Ireland 

We all know what the phrase ‘the Big C’ means – it is a way of saying cancer without using the word cancer. I recall hearing it when I was growing up, people whispering it to one another that, “so and so has the Big C” – the feelings of fear, trepidation and worry were palpable. Even though as a young child I initially didn’t know what the Big C was – I knew it was something bad, terrible, to be avoided at all cost if possible, there was a sense of finality to it and the smell of death hung in the air. It didn’t seem to matter which particular big C you had – they were all cloaked with the stench of illness, disease, decay, sickness, bodily destruction and death. Even in the medical world, the word cancer was often avoided in the past so as not to induce such fears in the patient and euphemisms were used like ‘growth’ or ‘ulcer’ without revealing the true diagnosis.

The depth of fear around the Big C was and is huge – people instantly equate the C word with death, but not just death, it is a death that is considered to be slow, painful, miserable, full of sickness, sadness, a failing body, losing weight, having chemotherapy and its side effects like losing hair – of losing one’s bodily functions perhaps and being dependent on others for help and support in a way that we never think we will need to be. And the reality is that cancer can wreak havoc on the body and all of the above can be part and parcel of the journey with cancer – and suffering of one kind or another, be it physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual is a common experience for the cancer patient even with all the advances in palliative care, medicine and surgery. Yet all these medical advances focus more on the physical aspects of the disease and to some degree, but usually less so, the psychological and emotional components, with very little, if any, addressing of the spiritual dimension.

Yet many people with cancer struggle with the ‘why me’ questions: what is the meaning of this cancer, this life even? Why do I have cancer now, at this stage of my life? Is there a reason? Is there a purpose to it? Is it a punishment? Is it God’s will? The existential angst that arises through a cancer diagnosis is huge but often goes unaddressed and unanswered, especially in a way that is truly healing.

So what if the key to both understanding why we develop cancer in the first place and what it means to heal are deeply embedded in understanding the spiritual dimension of what it means to be a human being – a dimension that modern medicine actually has very little understanding and appreciation of?

This is why the marriage of esoteric medicine and conventional medicine is so important – as the esoteric brings the understandings that are missing in modern medicine regarding our true nature, our spirit and our soul and their role in disease manifestation and healing.

For example, what if all of the fear, all of the misery, all of the struggle, all of the suffering that seemingly comes with the Big C or cancer diagnosis does so because we choose to ignore, deny, resist and fight against knowing who we truly are, knowing who we are in essence and basically resisting the love of our Soul and of God?

It may seem incongruous, ridiculous even, that we would resist and fight love, never mind the divine love of our soul and God – so what is going on, why would we resist and fight that which in truth we most dearly want and miss?

Let me put it this way – what if I came to you and said, “You don’t have any issues, any struggles, for you already are the love you seek and nothing can hurt or harm that love, not even the Big C, cancer cannot touch it, cannot kill it, cannot affect it in any way – the love that you are remains as pure and unsullied as the day you were born.”

How would you feel?

Perhaps relieved?

Maybe blessed for a while?

But would you accept it outright or would you offer up reasons and excuses as to why it could not be true, that you had this issue, or that issue, this condition or that condition – in other words would you keep on going with reasons and excuses not to be the love you already are?

Because what would it mean if you accepted that what was offered was true?

Knowing that we are love means that we know that anything that is not loving is detrimental to our bodies and our health, and so we are called to change many things about the way that we live.

Would you be willing to make such changes?

For example, would you be willing to significantly change your diet, your sleep pattern, your way of being and relating?

Knowing we are love calls us to live with a much greater level of responsibility for our daily choices and how we relate to ourselves and each other. In practical terms this means: gone are the foods and drinks we know and can feel are harming – like alcohol, caffeine, sugar, dairy, gluten; gone are the angry reactions, jealousies, comparisons; gone is the need to be a people pleaser, to control and manipulate, the need to fit in, to be liked at any cost, to seek comfort, to have the world revolve around us and our needs, and the list is endless of the ways our life would change if we truly lived and embodied the love that we are. Of course, these things do not just always go overnight and it is an unfolding process, but we know in truth there is no room or space for them in a truly loving way of being and relating.

Are we willing to go there and to give up our comfort blankets and change our ways?

Are we truly willing to live with the high degree of responsibility that is being called for?

Some people find it relatively easy to make those choices, but for many it is a step wise process and can feel like a struggle or battle within ourselves. The fact is also that many are not willing to go there – and that is ok. But we then have to consider, realise and potentially accept that if we do not live in a way that is truly loving, our bodies will sooner or later reveal that fact and for 1 in 3 people that will be with a diagnosis of the ‘Big C’. Medicine is confirming that a significant number of cancers are lifestyle related and given that such choices come from how we truly feel about ourselves and are coloured by the hurts we carry, it is easy to see that we have much more power over our health and wellbeing than we like to admit or accept.

What if illness and disease including cancer is not a punishment, is not God’s will, is not bad luck or a random event but intimately related to the quality of how we live every day?

Instead of making unhealthy choices fuelled by our misbeliefs and hurts, knowing we are already love gives us a new foundation and platform to stand on from which we can choose to develop a lifestyle that has love as its essence and where love is in the driver’s seat to make truly healthy choices that are reflected in a healthy body.

As we have seen the Big C diagnosis doesn’t just come alone – it brings with it a big bag of questions, maybe fears, emotional upheaval and unrest, existential angst and a whole lot more that perhaps can feel burdensome and overwhelming. It usually brings people to a stop where they have the opportunity to ponder and consider: What does it mean to them to have this diagnosis, how is it impacting their life, their choices, their priorities?

Some may see it as just a temporary hurdle to be gotten over and get back on to the same road of life they were travelling on before they had the diagnosis, without necessarily changing anything about how they live. Others may decide to develop a more healthy lifestyle, given that many cancers are shown to be lifestyle related in one way or another. And then there are some who see the Big C as a Big Stop – who know inside themselves that fundamentally they have this cancer for a reason that is personal to them and their journey in life and that if that is the case, then they also have it within them to find answers so that they can truly heal.

I have personally met and know a number of people who have undertaken such a journey and the healing they have experienced is profound. This healing is not what you might think it is by the way. I am here not referring to the healing of the physical body and the cancer, although that can be part of it, it is not what true healing is actually about. No, some of these people have gone on to die of their disease, yet I can also say they had healed. By that I mean they had healed the underlying hurts, beliefs and misperceptions about themselves, others and life that led them to make the choices they did which were not healthy or truly loving for the body and which got revealed by the body with the cancer diagnosis.

The body cannot and does not lie – if we poison it with foods, drinks, emotions, thoughts, actions/movements, ways of being and relating that are toxic and unloving – it will have to deal with them sooner or later. If we choose to then feel guilty about our choices or to blame ourselves in some way, then we are just adding more poison into the system and polluting it further and no true healing will occur. Instead we can choose to take a different approach, one that sees this as an amazing opportunity to clear all of those poisonous thoughts, beliefs, emotions, resentments, grudges, hurts and more, to see the body as a profound instrument of healing, one where it may itself ultimately succumb in the process of the disease and healing, and where that healing is to reconnect with and deeply know who we are and always have been – Love.

This is a deeply personal journey that no-one can undertake for us but it is a journey whose rewards can dissolve aeons of struggle and angst, melt mountains of issues and hurts, salve and heal all forms of suffering. If we truly connect to this would we then still see cancer as the ‘Big C’ and all that comes with that phrase – or would we be able to totally transform our relationship with cancer such that it evolves from something we see as harming to knowing it is healing?

Whilst no-one would consciously choose to have cancer, if it is part of our reality we can choose to see it differently, to know that we do have it for a reason, that it is our body’s way of saying, “take care, look after yourself, stop poisoning yourself, stop being so hard on yourself, don’t abuse yourself or let others abuse you, deeply nurture yourself, eat healthily, be gentle with yourself, be tender with your body, respect and honour yourself, look in the mirror and see only who you truly are, the love and light of God shining from your eyes….”.

In my experience there are no riches greater than the truth of knowing and feeling who you truly are – no amount of money, gold or jewels can usurp such truth; no relationship, no job, no achievement, worldly success or accolade can come anywhere near the pure and simple joy of knowing and being who you truly are.

It is therefore no surprise to me when I hear those who have had a cancer diagnosis and who have experienced such healing, describe cancer as “a blessing”, as the “best thing that ever happened to me” or even to say, “Congratulations, you have cancer,” – for it is thanks to the cancer diagnosis that they have tasted and come to know the true riches of the soul and that indeed is a daily celebration and one they share with the world that others in a similar predicament may come to know and receive such a blessing and healing. Yet I don’t doubt that at the start of their journey with cancer they may have experienced all the same fears, concerns and emotions that impact most people when faced with a cancer diagnosis – but they didn’t stay there, they have chosen to address those fears, concerns and emotions and come to a deeper understanding of themselves and the condition: they have chosen to heal.

Imagine the potential for such understandings to totally transform and shift our approach and attitude to cancer, where it is no longer the ‘Big C’ shrouded in fear, misery, struggle and suffering – but instead becomes a means by which we deeply heal ourselves far beyond what we could have ever dreamed was possible; and for some that is a blessing that is indeed worth celebrating.


Disclaimer: this blog is based on the combination of esoteric medicine and conventional medicine and life experience – it does not fulfil the modern day criteria for ‘evidenced based medicine’ and should not be read as such. It goes beyond what is currently understood and accepted by mainstream medicine and it is for the reader to discern if it is relevant or applicable to them or not.


Read more:

  1. Breast cancer – why me? 
  2. Self-nurturing: a key ingredient in breast cancer support. 
  3. Bad luck causes cancer…. and the world is flat. 
  4. Does love heal?
  5. Understanding healing 
  6. Congratulations – you have cancer!

783 thoughts on “The Big C – why me?

  1. This is a very clear and powerful blog and a must read for everyone because it highlights how we fight ourselves all the time, ask anyone and they will admit to wanting to be loved unconditionally but we are seemingly unable to love ourselves. If I am honest I can say I feel the resistance to deeply love myself too. We have set up a society where it is ‘normal’ to abuse and be abusive to ourselves and each other and while we live this way we can use this way of living as an excuse to be disconnected to the essence of our soul which is God. Why is it we fight ourselves and deny who we truly are? It makes no sense to me at all.

  2. Even though our body has great ability to constantly balance the misalignments we sometimes or repeatedly bring into it with our daily choices, there is a moment in which it can’t cope with the imbalance and the disease appears. When we consider our illnesses as opportunities to go deeper into our way of living, honestly observe and take responsibility of it, they are not random punishments anymore, but an invitation to heal what needs to be addressed in our life.

  3. I agree Linda, our bodies are in constant communication with us. The question is when do we listen to it? When we have a heart attack, or the cancer or any other debilitating stop moment of a disease or well before, when the signals were there and we chose not to listen to it…

  4. Eunice I can recall growing up with cancer being a hush hush thing, and I still observe this in my community. It kind of feels as though it is seen as a punishment, and a taboo to discuss it. Growing up as a health care professional, it was a belief that the end was near, and pictures of it being a battle too.

    If we truly explore a baby’s body, we wouldn’t pollute it with emotions, fast foods, stimulating drinks, then it begs the question, why do we do this to an adult body, it is no different.

    Every body requires us to treat it with love and respect, and with this, it is reciprocated, it will serve you back. No different in the way you treat and look after your car, care for it and it will go on for a long time. Pollute and abuse it, it will play or pack up. Our bodies are no different.

  5. Even the notion of finality that comes with cancer or any other potentially life-threatening disease is sometimes not quite enough to arrest the waywardness of our spirit. We do know we are more than just the physical either way and cherish and nurture, or neglect and trash.

  6. It’s a powerful and very supportive article, there is so much illness and disease now in the world we really do need to start questioning how we are living and contributing to our own health conditions. It’s not always easy but it’s better to take the opportunity to learn, grow, and heal and become more loving with self and others as a result of our health condition, than stay in the initial emotional reaction to it all. And, it brings deeper understanding and purpose to it all.

  7. “Knowing that we are love means that we know that anything that is not loving is detrimental to our bodies and our health, and so we are called to change many things about the way that we live.” Understanding that it is the body that has cancer but the essence that is you is unaffected and is pure love is very healing.

  8. ‘would you keep on going with reasons and excuses not to be the love you already are?
    Because what would it mean if you accepted that what was offered was true?’
    There is literally no excuse in the world if what is offered is true and we are everything we have been always looking for: love.

  9. ‘Medicine is confirming that a significant number of cancers are lifestyle related and given that such choices come from how we truly feel about ourselves and are coloured by the hurts we carry, it is easy to see that we have much more power over our health and wellbeing than we like to admit or accept.’
    In sharing this possibility with others I often come across a very resolute ‘no’. Because that would mean it is someone’s own fault or they have to blame themselves instead of genetics, circumstances or bad luck. The ‘fault or blame’ question comes from a different angle than what is on offer here: the power to change our lives and our health and the healing our body might need in this process.

  10. Some questions are great, although maybe also a bit uncomfortable:
    ‘Are we willing to go there and to give up our comfort blankets and change our ways?’
    Some things are very easy to give up and with other parts I find myself to be extremely stubborn in not wanting to let go. In fighting to whatever cost to not have to surrender and let go of control.

  11. If we all would truly live, embody and move the love that we are we wouldn’t recognize our world. We would experience harmony, brotherhood and unity instead of all the different forms of harm and separation we can now observe. We will get there one day and in the meantime our bodies will communicate how we are doing with being love and taking care of ourselves.

  12. To know that your love remains, even in the face of cancer is a beautiful thing. And while there are many projects and organisations that help greatly to support people with cancer, this ultimate and immutable truth – that our love remains – could be added at every level, which I reckon would make a huge difference to everybody’s lives.

  13. The words the Big C conjures up all sorts, and the way it is said often sounds final as if death is imminent yet in a way it is a huge warning for us to look at how we are living, and an opportunity to change, to take more responsibility for our choices and to know that every choice we make affects not only us but others too.

  14. The body does not lie, and it is continually communicating with us, but we have the knowing that if we eat, drink, smoke or injection something into our bodies, then we will subdue those messages. What we don’t realise is that we can never escape and that eventually maybe via a serious illness we will meet our choices.

  15. “Knowing we are love calls us to live with a much greater level of responsibility for our daily choices and how we relate to ourselves and each other” – this is such a profound offering. And even when we don’t know we are love, not living like love would is going to harm us because we still are love nonetheless.

  16. Yes, it can turbocharge medicine as it can make medicine more effective.

  17. This is a great description how cancer felt like when I was young. It wasn’t very common but regularly lethal and the death could be very ugly. We have come a long way in treating cancer but it seems much more common now.

    1. When I was a child there was only one person that I knew that had cancer, it wasn’t common at all. Now 1 in 3 people get diagnosed with Cancer so what has changed, what has happened to us that 60 years later it has become so common? To me it has to be the change in our life style we seem to be constantly on the go and seem to treat our bodies more like a machine, surely this has to have an affect on our health.

  18. ‘In my experience there are no riches greater than the truth of knowing and feeling who you truly are – no amount of money, gold or jewels can usurp such truth; no relationship, no job, no achievement, worldly success or accolade can come anywhere near the pure and simple joy of knowing and being who you truly are.’ Absolutely and what great depth there is of healing when we not only accept this but understand the true value of being ourselves.

  19. In my experience too and although I may wobble from time to time, there is nothing in life that comes anywhere near to the connection to the love I am. When I feel the connection to my soul and hence to God and everything, there is nothing greater I can bring to the world in that moment.

  20. The word Cancer is now more freely used, not because there is less fear, but because people are more openly talking about it, and I expect everyone knows someone who has been touched by cancer. We definitely need to open the conversation deeper to start addressing it in a more positive way, by understanding how we may have contributed to the disease and how we might make changes to our life moving forward.

  21. “This is why the marriage of esoteric medicine and conventional medicine is so important – as the esoteric brings the understandings that are missing in modern medicine regarding our true nature, our spirit and our soul and their role in disease manifestation and healing.” The way we live and how we care for ourselves physically and emotionally are vital components in our health and wellbeing.

  22. “What it means to heal are deeply embedded in understanding the spiritual dimension of what it means to be a human being” – this is so profound yet so obvious and I can feel how this has been hugely avoided in the so-called evolution of mankind.

  23. The medical profession offers to those who have cancer to open a series of doors for them. The doors they open deal with important issues regarding the condition and clearly, they may make a difference between dying or continue living. Yet, there are other doors that continue closed, or ignored as such: those where we are invited/called to relate the dis-ease with our patterns, our choices, our lifestyle to try to name the reason why this is happening to us and be able to make changes in our lives that address what caused it in the first place. The doors are parallel to the other ones and lead to a point of encounter.

  24. An awesome presentation of what’s possible when we see cancer as an offering for learning, reflection and self-responsibility and the qualities of clearing and healing it offers as well as changing our perceptions about our purpose, our relationship with ourselves and our bodies. This blog would be a great read for anyone recently diagnosed with a cancer condition as well as food for thought for anyone wanting to support their own long-term wellbeing.

  25. “take care, look after yourself, stop poisoning yourself, stop being so hard on yourself, don’t abuse yourself or let others abuse you, deeply nurture yourself, eat healthily, be gentle with yourself, be tender with your body, respect and honour yourself, look in the mirror and see only who you truly are, the love and light of God shining from your eyes….”.

    Reading this brought a tear to me eye, the loving words of wisdom from our bodies. I felt some of my hardness drop away, and I felt more tender. Thank you.

  26. A great reminder Eunice, how the quality of the way we live is key, as it is our choices that lead to illness and disease, and if we are diagnosed with cancer it is definitely a stop moment to reconsider the choices we have made and an opportunity to start making more loving choices.

  27. I love that this article goes beyond what is accepted by mainstream medicine, we need more insight that gets us to deeply question our deep rooted and I would opine errant ways of thinking about health and illness. I haven’t experienced Cancer but i do get the sense the diagnosis can leave people with a choice; blame or responsibility, curse or blessing. If we get an injury it asks us to stop and rest, and moreover it asks us to reset our ways so it doesn’t repeat, cancer is a large scale example but is it really any different to this. If we remove the idea of fate and chance then perhaps all illness and disease is about the same thing. Resetting our values of our body and how we live in it in this world and shaping our lives according to what we need to flourish.

  28. That says it all. Some died but had healed.
    It reveals the true meaning of the word healing.
    This is not a fix so we can move on but a true healing of our inner hurts and beliefs which made us ill in the first place.

  29. It is gorgeous to observe the countless ways in which our lives transform when we begin to embody the love that we are and allow it to guide us in how to move through life… slowly and naturally adjusting and eliminating all that we have used for comfort or protection, revealing a true beauty and often true health and vitality, that was being suppressed by our poor or irresponsible choices

  30. Healing and passing over are not polar opposites; we have the opportunity to heal up until our last breath, based on our moment to moment choices.

  31. It is important to point out the fact that we are collectively making choices that are leading to ill health. We are all affected by “The Big C” and so naturally at some point instead of endless charity events to find a “cure”, we might want to look at our individual and collective lifestyle.For there are many things we can do that costs very little but can make a huge impact on us staying healthy. Universal Medicine is leading a revolution in health, a way that embraces mainstream medicine and also asks for a total responsibility from the patient/person to live and move and choose things that support the body, rather than work against it.

  32. “This is why the marriage of esoteric medicine and conventional medicine is so important – as the esoteric brings the understandings that are missing in modern medicine regarding our true nature, our spirit and our soul and their role in disease manifestation and healing.” One day this will be known and understood in all scientific circles – and prevention of disease will have more focus as we learn to take more responsibility for our own health concerns. It feels a tragedy to me that so many still focus on a ‘cure’ which doesn’t bring lasting healing, because the underlying root cause isn’t addressed by modern conventional medicine.

  33. “What if illness and disease including cancer is not a punishment, is not God’s will, is not bad luck or a random event but intimately related to the quality of how we live every day?” This means taking responsibility for our lives and our daily choices, which many do not want to do; as I have discovered on my own road to healing after a brush with cancer, and meeting many others who prefer to blame bad luck and or their genes on their diagnosis.

  34. The ‘Big C’ is a big stop, a big opportunity of revising the way we have been living in before it emerged. It is an opportunity to make the changes that best support us to go deeper and understand more about us and life. Are we open for that level of surrender that comes with assuming more honesty and responsibility in our lives, even without having that ‘Big C’?

    1. Great point Amparo, that we don’t need to wait until we get seriously ill before we surrender, stop fighting ourselves and accept ourselves for all that we are and all that we’re here to bring. To go deeper and truly love ourselves is a choice that we can all make, at any time.

  35. Never heard that expression. Yet, from my own experience, when I was a child, you did not come across as many people having cancer as you do nowadays. Having said that, the right question to pose is why is this the case? Interestingly enough, medicine or science have nothing to substantial to say about this. Serge Benhayon does. And, not only it does make sense. It also show the limitations of science and medicine and hence the convenience of joining forces.

  36. It’s huge to ask people to consider that the illnesses we have are a result of the way we have chosen to live. This seems to bring an initial sense of foreboding, perhaps blame or shame. But it is really the opposite, it is saying through living a life in honour and love of the body, there is an empowerment that offers a whole new way of dealing with and understanding illness.

  37. It is astounding the ways in which we poison our bodies, either be it with the food and drink, or the emotions that we continue to indulge in – is it any wonder the body has to have itself a clearing, no different than the planet earth does from time to time.

  38. ‘The body cannot and does not lie – if we poison it with foods, drinks, emotions, thoughts, actions/movements, ways of being and relating that are toxic and unloving – it will have to deal with them sooner or later’ …and to ever think that all our choices don’t accumulate is an ignorant trick of the mind and not the reality of the wisdom of our body.

  39. The expressions ‘cancer’ and ‘big C’ are not equivalents. Yet, both convey something (different) of equal value. This is my conclusion when we apply numerology to both expressions. In the case of the word ‘cancer’, its numerology helps to understand that the Soul has something to do with the emergence of this condition. In the case of the expression ‘Big C’, its numerology helps to understand that the way forward requires changing fundamentally the way someone moves in life.

  40. Eunice, there are so many deeply significant points you make in this blog…this is only one of them that stands out to me: “Knowing we are love calls us to live with a much greater level of responsibility for our daily choices and how we relate to ourselves and each other.” And from here it is about facing the challenge of putting it into practice, making it practical in our life on a day to day basis. Thank you for this gorgeous blog and beautiful reminder of how we have played a part in all that happens, and that we have choice in how we go on from moment to moment.

  41. What an amazing article by Eunice offering so much wisdom and understanding to Cancer and our lives and its true message and impact it can have for us all if we choose to see the bigger picture we are all part of . The importance of true care and love and deepening our relationship with ourselves is an amazing honouring and encompasses our responsibility for both ourselves and the all we are part of .

  42. This article literally makes my heart sing. Where Eunice talks about being told we actually have no issues, that we are already all the love we have ever wanted, and then some, is a magnificent revelation; accepting this and surrendering to our grace to live this way is all that is required of us. Can we open our minds to this possibility and begin the daily process of deeper surrender each and every day to feel this as a truth for ourselves.

  43. I also know people who have celebrated having cancer and found a way to enjoy the healing they are aware they are being offered with the process. It’s vastly different to how many live, but so satisfying and empowering for those who choose to view it this way.

  44. Changing the quality of how I live to be loving to myself each day has taken dedication to knowing that I am more than my day to day experience might tell me. The wisdom to go beyond the present, to see that there is a different life on offer through these loving choices is a leap of faith I had to take, but it has been worth it.

  45. The marriage of modern orthodox medicine together with esoteric medicine is indeed a marriage made in heaven. I used both a few years ago when I received a cancer diagnosis and healed so quickly and simply that my doctors were surprised. Making different lifestyle choices is key, yet I met many women who took no personal responsibility with their aftercare and was interested to observe their ongoing complications.

  46. It is a great point you make Richard, to look at humanity as a whole. It so easy to look down our street, or in the places in our town that we frequent, and justify that, things aren’t so bad – or – we are doing well. The truth is, as a humanity, we are not a pretty picture at all!

  47. The word cancer conjures up all sorts of things, yet when we can understand the energetic causes of cancer, and how we might change our choices in order to support ourselves, we learn not only something for this lifetime, but lifetimes to come.

    1. Great point Sally. Going to the root cause of anything always makes sense in order to heal. Otherwise we just treat symptomatically, and are then surprised because the cancer returns.

  48. I have been blessed with a deep communication and intimate sharing with a lovely women at a recent Universal Medicine Retreat, who is embracing her diagnosis of terminal cancer with an openness and grace that is both profound and inspiring. A powerful reflection and confirmation that there is another way to be with illness and disease.

  49. The way medicine has come to understand our illnesses and conditions is phenomenal, and should be marvelled at. If we stick with this sense of wonder, than our health and wellbeing will never be taken for granted.

  50. to think that we are love, endlessly, and that we are like a star, and even cancer can not touch nor hinder this – wow. Usually we let our issues overwhelm us, but if we consider the whole universe is behind us then how could we stay so stuck on things like this?

  51. It’s been very clear for me the two different ways of living you have presented Eunice, the one where we poison ourselves with foods, thoughts, emotions and unsupportive choices and behaviours, or the loving path of being connected to our inner essence of love and treating ourselves daily with care, gentleness, honouring the body, and letting go of issues that keep us on the merry-go-round of reactions and emotions. Whether we are ill or not, the path of love and self care can support us “to know the true riches of the soul and that indeed is a daily celebration.”

  52. I would have been really afraid of getting cancer and I suspect I still would be today, however what I can really appreciate is having an understanding of illness and disease beyond the physical and that is all thanks for the incredible work of Serge Benhayon and the presentations and workshops that I have attended. Furthermore as I make choices to be aware, to observe life and to bring a real and true quality to my movements during the day, I am myself unfolding a far deeper understanding of why illness and disease occurs. Then I realise there is no punishment, instead a loving support to show when we are on track or not

  53. Having worked in the medical system for 20 years I completely agree that generally medicine is great at supporting people with cancer with their physical symptoms and complications but generally falls short of really supporting people emotionally or philosophically to understand their situation and their condition. It can make a huge impact on the quality of life of someone coming to terms with such a diagnosis to have this support and Universal Medicine has already demonstrated an extraordinary model for how this can be done and how well it works.

  54. I agree Eunice that when we think of cancer it comes with a whole picture or package of what it will be like but does it really have to be this way? And if we understood more fully exactly why cancer occurs energetically then we would view it in a completely different way.

  55. I have seen or heard a couple of interviews lately with women who have accepted and learnt from their cancer rather than felt compelled to ‘fight it’ (as is common today) or ignored or denied it. These women were inspiring, showing a different way to be with the dreaded ‘Big C’. For anyone who’s interested check out Susan Evan’s story at and an with Judith McIntyre at

  56. ‘…the esoteric brings the understandings that are missing in modern medicine regarding our true nature, our spirit and our soul and their role in disease manifestation and healing.’ It’s so interesting that medicine had become divorced from matters of spirituality and soul, reduced to a mere function (or lack thereof) of bodily parts. It’s missing the very thing that animates us, that gives us spark and underpins the choices we make in life… the very choices that play a massive part in our health and well-being.

  57. The “big C” and even saying it carries a certain picture. I imagine in the initial diagnoses it would be quite scary and remember someone close to me receiving the news and it was like that. It was like that fight or flight thing that seems to be there, you can either give up or fight it. Funny how neither of these deals with what is actually going on but are more of a quick solution. While there is an urgency for treatment at these points I imagine that only having this type of advice or solutions available would be again lonely and scary for most of us. There indeed would have to be another way or another part missing. From going through an experience with someone close to me I can see the body treatment part was taken care of, treatments, operations and advice and support around that. But who actually took care of the other part, the person and their feelings. They were pretty much left to their own devices, left to go home and make decisions and try and make sense of the ‘why’. I can see this leaves a big whole in the treatment plan and so any awareness to this has to be a great start.

  58. “We have to consider, realise and potentially accept that if we do not live in a way that is truly loving, our bodies will sooner or later reveal that fact and for 1 in 3 people that will be with a diagnosis of the ‘Big C’.” How many different ways do we need to receive this message before we choose to as a society stop and take an honest look at the real cause of our escalating illness and disease – us!

  59. It strikes me that by just being open to the possibility of cancer being an opportunity to change, healing can take place. Being open to the fact that perhaps it is our lifestyle or the way we carry ourselves through life, and not that it’s just hereditary, means we have a newfound responsibility.

  60. The word cancer stands over people like a threat and induces much fear and emotion within us all. Even if you are not diagnosed with it you will likely know someone that is or has been, and this in turn immediately makes you examine your own morbidity and mortality. But what if as you have shared Eunice it is the actual quality of how we are living our everyday and the accumulation over time of our lifestyle choices, our unresolved hurts, ideals and beliefs that determines the quality of our health and degree of illness and it is not just some random chance occurrence. Further, what if also the quality of relationship we have with ourselves and others actually feeds the quality of our health and wellbeing correspondingly. If there is actually more to the presently accepted norms than meets the eye regarding our true health and wellbeing then we have much to learn and best start now.

  61. If many cancers are life-style related, this means that avoiding them is in our hands if so we choose. This realisation, allows us to ask an unusual question: do we really want to live a cancer-free life? Are we doing everything possible that is in our hands to avoid it? Or are we silently investing in creating the conditions that one day will make it possible?

  62. There is very little, of seeing Cancer as an opportunity to heal, in the world today. What I have seen mostly is fear, sadness, despair, or hardness, drive and ‘I’m going to conquer this’, ‘I am strong!’ mentality. I’m not saying these are right or wrong ways of dealing with Cancer, as I don’t know what it would bring up for me with a Big C diagnosis, but what I do know now, thankfully, is that I am definitely in the drivers seat when it comes to supporting and healing my body.

  63. I agree the combining of esoteric medicine and conventional medicine is the way forward in health care, ‘the marriage of esoteric medicine and conventional medicine is so important’.

  64. Cancer is an opportunity for everyone involved to evolve. From experience I could only comment on this from knowledge before, not from deep lived experience and understanding, but having experienced someone close to me pass over from cancer I now know the absolute truth of what this offers everybody, and what everyone goes through. It can be a very tough time for all, but the learning and opportunity given to us to evolve, on so many different levels, for everybody, is immense and this carries on long after someone’s passing over.

  65. Lovely blog Eunice thank you. I have met people for whom cancer has been a homecoming, a stop moment that allowed them to connect to the truth that they are love and that they come from one love. And what an immense healing these moments bring.

  66. How crazy are we humans when you stop and think about it – how we continually choose the hard way instead of surrendering to the path of love that we already are. We fight and ignore the very thing we are all so desperately searching for because we are afraid of stepping up and taking true responsibility for how we choose to live.

  67. Esoteric medicine has brought me a deeper understanding of the word responsibility – of the effect that our emotional state or thoughts have on our health and that of those around us, and it’s brought me the understanding of how to truly resolve when emotional reactions come up rather than try and ignore them or push them down. I think this is a key part of medicine, alongside and intertwined with looking at how we eat, sleep, exercise and so forth.

  68. Sometimes it is hard to not look at illness and disease as a punishment but we really do have to look at how we are or have lived our lives if we get a disease like cancer. If we take total responsibility for ourselves, it is easy to see that any illness or disease is not random or bad luck but a direct result of how we have lived and how we have poisoned our bodies, physically, mentally and spiritually.

  69. “The body cannot and does not lie – if we poison it with foods, drinks, emotions, thoughts, actions/movements, ways of being and relating that are toxic and unloving – it will have to deal with them sooner or later.” I can feel that in my body and what I often wonder is why, when I feel the harm, do I continue the behaviour. By marrying the esoteric teachings with western medicine we bring an understanding of that why and then deal with the physical consequences of the behaviour.

  70. I can admit I would be very shocked If I got cancer, it highlights just how we live so disconnected from our bodies as a society and then when there is something different it is a big surprise. I can see how there would be a healing in this though because it makes you aware again of connection with the body.

  71. What you offer here Eunice is beautiful – a different perspective on how we can approach cancer, illness and disease, with respect for what our body may be showing up for us, no judgement, blame or self-bashing but true love and responsibility with looking at the way we live.

  72. Beautiful blog Eunice. I love how you share about lifestyle having an effect on our bodies to the point that people can get cancer yet take the meaning of lifestyle beyond what we currently see as lifestyle. That yes it is about our food, drink and exercise choices but also about how we are with ourselves and how we see ourselves. Do we hold ourselves in the deep love we deserve? Then it makes sense cancer is occurring so often as we as humanity do not live very loving with ourselves most of the time.

  73. Why me? indeed. No one wants to get Cancer, but then I have a suspicion that we generally do not like to be held accountable for the way we have lived over time. However, the way we treat ourselves, our bodies, our families, other people all add up, and when you multiply that by 30, 40 or 50 years the body has to express all the stored up disregard.

  74. It’s not often that the way we actually live (and I mean moment by moment on an emotional, physical and mental level) is used as the measuring stick for the possible cause for cancer… and never is it associated to the love we intrinsically are but do not live. Given we as humanity don’t have a clue what to do with this disease… this is a corner well worth exploring.

  75. “What if illness and disease including cancer is not a punishment, is not God’s will, is not bad luck or a random event but intimately related to the quality of how we live every day?” This is a great question Eunice and one that needs to be asked widely, as illness and disease increases evermore rapidly, with the onset of more and more multiple symptoms in individuals that make diagnosis ever more complicated. When we live in a world that is technologically advancing faster than the general health of humanity, this surely needs to be examined in more detail.

  76. A magnificent article on cancer that many may not wish to accept, but for others it will be hugely supportive. When we move towards accepting that cancer is not bad luck and that it doesn’t entail a fight or battle to remove it then the opportunity to heal our bodies from what the cancer has flagged up is there for us as the great opportunity it is.

  77. Such a great awareness raiser, which offers to embrace the love we are and confirm this by choosing not to poison our bodies. Don’t wait for a diagnosis to love being all of who we are.

  78. It is great to have a surgeon willing to share from her life experiences. We have so many rules, regulations, expectations and peer pressure in most industries in today’s world that there is not much room for true exploration, thanks for you courage in sharing your postulations and observations Eunice.

  79. ‘The existential angst that arises through a cancer diagnosis is huge but often goes unaddressed and unanswered, especially in a way that is truly healing.’ Eunice your article says so much about the way we as a humanity have come to approach life as something to cling onto at all costs and feel shocked and dismayed by when ‘something goes wrong’ with the body. There are many diseases that people constantly talk and worry about, but the ‘Big C’ see is almost seen like the plague … who will be struck down next? Seeing it (and other health ailments) as the ‘Big Stop’ changes everything, as it then becomes the ‘Big Opportunity’ to address all the underlying issues that have brought us both individually and collectively to this point. I am constantly inspired by the many testimonials of people who have approached cancer this way.

  80. Your reference to healing here Eunice is an important one. For I feel the majority think that healing is limited to the cure of the physical condition. The fact that you said someone can die and still heal is significant – for it exposes the limitations we have placed on healing and what it really is. It is a grand word that encompasses so much.

  81. Eunice – you make such an important observation here about choice and responsibility. We have all seen cancer painted as the ultimate threat – the taker of life, the be all and end all. Movies are made – strung with emotion about cancer and illness and it effects. But we have lost the focus on the why – on what is behind these increasing statistics of us getting sicker and more emotional. As you say – perhaps we are already enough – perhaps the love underneath that we are cannot be ill. Perhaps we dump on ourselves a bad diet, behaviours, reactions, emotions and perhaps, just perhaps – this contributes to where we are – getting sicker and sicker. Many of us may not want to see things this way, but all I can say it that since taking more responsibility for my health, it has drastically changed the state of my body. It is in itself a science to let go of our hurts and let love in.

  82. For as long as I can remember I felt that every thing happened for a reason and it totally made sense to me that we had a part to play in it. So when I was introduced to Universal Medicine I aligned to this truth straightaway, knowing that what happened to me was my responsibility that is, I had created it. Of course there are times when I don’t want to see and feel this level of responsibility as it is too uncomfortable looking within, but I simply know that every choice I make that is not loving will in time present itself to me within my body.

  83. Someone I knew quite well, died recently of lung cancer, he had never smoked a cigarette in his life and drank alcohol very moderately, but his son caused him an enormous amount of sadness. Is there something we are missing here if we don’t look at the big picture of medicine as a whole?

  84. Beautifully said Eunice “Knowing we are love calls us to live with a much greater level of responsibility for our daily choices and how we relate to ourselves and each other.” This is huge and something that we do shy away from. When we reconnect to that love, it can be a struggle to truly step up to the responsibility that comes with it. It should be easy one would think, but there are many patterns and behaviours that assist in keeping us in a place that is not fostering a love for all, but wants to keep us thinking and feeling like we are an individual and that life is all about self.

  85. Thank you Eunice for putting a different slant on cancer – it often seems so meaningless and we ask – what did we do to deserve this? – not expecting an answer, but there is a reason – not comfortable for some, because we don’t like to know that we are responsible for all our illness and disease.

  86. This blog is exceptional in so many ways. To know and understand that we are not our disease is absolutely huge and when felt and applied actually changes everything about the way we approach illness and disease. It is a must read.

  87. A really fantastic blog Eunice. Combining western medicine with esoteric medicine is truly the medicine of the future. In addition, self responsibility is a game changer in making choices as to how we live.

  88. Knowing we are love – If we truly understood and accepted this we would treat ourselves and our bodies in a way that allowed us to be this.

  89. ‘This is why the marriage of esoteric medicine and conventional medicine is so important – as the esoteric brings the understandings that are missing in modern medicine regarding our true nature, our spirit and our soul and their role in disease manifestation and healing.’ – Eunice this is a great point – we seem to have hugely advanced the science of cancer and how to even ‘personalise medicine’ to fight cancer – but we have not addressed that rates of cancer are now 1 in 2. We do not want to look at why, we only want to say ‘but here is a coping method so we will all be OK’ – and to me the esoteric is all about looking at the why, even if people might not want to see this. What we are offering is the understanding that comes with the illness that is in itself a massive healing.

    1. So very true hvmorden. As well as advancing the ways of coping with cancer and such diseases, we do need to also advance our understanding of why these diseases happen in the first place and why their rate is going up so dramatically. On top of this we need to honestly look at the fact that despite of our so-called ‘advances’ the actual quality of our life and our health has been going down. “I am well thank you” is now equating to “I don’t have anything dramatic wrong with me”! Esoteric Medicine has also a lot to contribute in these areas, which fundamentally compliments conventional medicine.

      1. Golnaz you mention quality which is so important. As we know, people are living longer today, but the quality of life is very poor – propped up by pills and food and just a need to be here rather than allow our bodies to keep reflecting to us. Quality of life is so important to be aware of – and it comes down to what is our quality in our every movement. If we allow ourselves to get stressed at work everyday and then go and drink on the weekends, and this is our pattern, then what sort of quality are we in to set ourselves up for our bodies to say ‘enough’. There is so much to say for how we choose to live. How we are in our every movement that allows us to take responsibility to not be sick all the time.

    2. So true hvmorden, why is it that even with all the medical advancements, we are not looking at the statistics, the rates being 1 in 2? It is such a convenience for us to just accept that medicine is ‘seen’ to be able to address more surgeries and technology helps mask that there is more being done, but in truth it is not. We are not really wanting to admit this!!

      1. Absolutely raegankcairney – and for many it is easier to not see what is going on. We don’t want to know what our part in this all is because the thought of having to be responsible means every part of our lives will need to change. We are much more comfortable seeing cancer as something that happens to others. And that if we did get it, a doctor could fix us. But there is so much our bodies can offer us to develop a relationship that is based on quality, so that our bodies do not have to give us an illness in order for us to finally listen.

  90. To disconnect from my body’s communication and then from other people’s communication is the poisonous medicine most of us live in. As if we were all swimming in the same poisonous bath, some of us get cancer, but the rest of us is not much healthier than that – just the symptoms vary. To be and act as who I truly am is like the remedy, and swimming as myself even makes the bath a bath of love for all.

  91. A great blog Eunice, I agree a marriage between Universal Medicine – esoteric medicine and conventional medicine is key, ‘ as the esoteric brings the understandings that are missing in modern medicine regarding our true nature, our spirit and our soul and their role in disease manifestation and healing.’

  92. The important part to take away from contemplating cancer in your life, is that there is always the opportunity to stop, take a moment and deeply look at where you are with yourself. And this is what makes life medicine.

    1. Yes Shami, it is creating that space where we can connect and go within to truly communicate with the divinity within us that makes ‘life medicine”.

    2. Shami so true, to be able to stop and reflect and see things for what they truly are is indeed a healing and life medicine. I have found that when I do give myself this space to stop and reflect I have made some very wise and loving choices.

  93. Eunice it is so refreshing having somebody in the medical profession looking deeper and writing about the contributing factors of illness and disease.

  94. Compartmentalising life is a common human trait, so many of us know and accept that many of our lifestyle choices are not loving and caring of our bodies, yet do we relate getting sick on any level, be it a cold or more severe illness such as cancer to the life we lead. Do we make the link between the everyday choices on food and allowing stress into our lives, our sleep rhythms, the way we talk to people, the many choices we burden our bodies with, do we link this to the ill health that comes our way, it is rare that we see disease as anything other than bad luck. This is something we need to change, for we are currently in denial about our role in our sickness. This is a great article and very uncommon as it addresses the root causes, something we must start to do in much greater detail.

  95. What a tragedy and deep irony that we live yet are starved of life, trapped in a fear of what we see as a horrible possibility of strife and so in this mode bring on the disease to be our reality. Your words here Eunice unequivocally show that our view and understanding of illness is truly not healthy.

  96. ‘In my experience there are no riches greater than the truth of knowing and feeling who you truly are…’ Yes I agree – there is no substitute for knowing the truth of our being. Making the choice to know our true self is the start of a real transformation back to the Love that we are.

  97. This philosophy about cancer – and illness and disease makes sense to me. More so than the idea of being an unfortunate victim, or that it is a punishment, or bad luck…sure there are environmental factors which might increase our risk – but accepting responsibility is the starting place for feeling empowered to do something about it – on an individual level, not just beholden to, but with those wonderful people who devote their lives to the health and wellbeing of everyone.

    1. Agreed Richard, accepting responsibility gives us the power to know we can change, neglecting responsibility, keeps us imprisoned and further away from who we truly are.

  98. Someone I know once said to me ‘It’s not a question of whether or not we get cancer, the question is when?’ It is a sad reality that a lot of people are giving up rather than turning it around and asking WHY do we get it? And be open to the possibility that there is a true answer.

  99. Eunice I was just speaking with a colleague at work who used that exact term “The Big C”, the fear, the uncertainty is what caused her the most distress.

  100. “You don’t have any issues, any struggles, for you already are the love you seek and nothing can hurt or harm that love, not even the Big C, cancer cannot touch it, cannot kill it, cannot affect it in any way – the love that you are remains as pure and unsullied as the day you were born.” This feels deeply true to me. The essence of us is Love and there is nothing that can change the fact. We can create issues and struggles that are like a fog shrouding the truth, but the fog will one day clear – when we stop creating it, leaving us with the essence of our true beingness once again.

  101. Thank you for this Eunice Minford. I don’t mind admitting that what you have shared here brought me to tears – tears of joy really, for the depth of Love and truth expressed and the exquisite tenderness with which is it delivered. I feel we all know that there is a reason we get cancer and I am absolutely certain of what you say about the inherent healing therein. Many years ago I supported a friend who was going through treatment for Leukaemia and it was one of the most incredibly loving experiences of my life. It was as healing for me as it was for her. And I have absolutely no doubt about what you say the opportunity having cancer – or any illness or disease – offers us all to reflect, see and feel a bigger picture and to know there is more.

    1. Richard reading your comment I got to feel the magnificent love that is available to us when we surrender to the healing process during an illness. We are so loved and so supported, never judged just held to feel what we have chosen so we can choose differently. Divinity at its best.

  102. There is a sense, in the cancer diagnosis, that one has failed somehow and that this life will pass without ever having made up for that. But if what Dr Minford says is true, and that we are essentially love at the core of who we are, then no judgement of failure can be made, just the simple understanding that this diagnosis and the events that follow are a part of life’s process, just as painful as it was to be born from the womb and scary to come out in to all the bright lights and loud sounds, so too can it be scary when it looks as though the journey is coming to an end and all our choices are being accounted for. They key is here to see that you have a choice about what you can hold on to during this uncertain time of experiencing cancer in your body. You can hold on to the fear or you can hold on to the love. There is so much love inside of you, plenty to hold you through this time, and there is support available – this is very important too, because in accepting the support you accept that there is love both for you and in you.

  103. The term ‘The Big C’ has connotations of “shhhh, be quiet, don’t let anybody know” and secrecy. It’s crazy when we think about it that we can believe that if we’re quiet about something others won’t know the truth. People do not have to tell us blatantly what is going on for us to know. We can always feel when something is not right.

    1. Shevon reading your comment I could feel how we are really great at saying “shhh” to so many things. The old adage “just sweep it under the carpet” comes to mind. An irresponsible belief that if we don’t talk about it it will be okay, when underneath that it is, “I don’t want to talk about it because I don’t want to do anything about it, I don’t want to change and I don’t want to look at how I created it”.

  104. The point you make about healing Eunice is an important one that many may find challenging, especially relatives of the sick person – that healing does not necessarily mean healing the body at that time – the effects of healing provided by cancer may well be in the next lifetime, which may be challenging in itself for those who don’t accept reincarnation as a fact of life.

  105. Esoteric Medicine is the missing piece in the jig-saw of the causes of illness and with the combination of modern medicine they can together provide the fullest support and healing that is possible.

  106. If we were to all know and accept that connection between lifestyle and many cancers would we be willing to change our ways. Or are we stuck in a the pattern that means we won’t consider giving up unhealthy lifestyle choices, the momentary pleasures still outweigh the misery of the ill health we risk. The human condition is something we need to delve a little deeper into, is it really us making these choices, as they seem like they come from somewhere out-with and don’t always make a lot of sense.

  107. “…the esoteric brings the understandings that are missing in modern medicine regarding our true nature, our spirit and our soul and their role in disease manifestation and healing…” The understanding of spirit and soul in the manifestation of illness and disease definitely helps make sense of the ‘Why me?’ question of any illness.

  108. Death has been something that I have feared since a child, first fearing my parents dying and then feeling like there was so much to achieve yet a finite time to achieve it. In recent years and with my appreciation of re-incarnation, experiences of people who pass over and general care I take for myself, this is slowly changing. What’s interesting is that when we look at the Big C, it still has a fear factor about it. In society we have not embraced and become truly at ease with passing over being a natural part of the cycle. For myself there is still a deeper acceptance of this and it’s great to read this article and feel another view on death fading away.

    1. David, I too feared death since I was a child, even not being able to sleep because I was so upset and anxious. I feared mostly my parents and sibling dying and how would I cope. The thing is, I can see why I had those fears now because I came in with them from past lives and had not healed the pain around death. I know… far fetched for some, but our bodies know and carry every thing that has ever happened to us and mine has shown me very clearly. There are also many pictures in the world of how death should be, I’ve heard many say, that a child should never die before a parent or dying peacefully in your sleep at old age is the way to go…. so everything outside of that, is wrong or bad and incomprehensible. I feel these pictures are detrimental to how we then deal and work through such diagnosis like cancer or other major stop moment diseases and illnesses.

  109. Eunice this stood out for me today- “Knowing that we are love means that we know that anything that is not loving is detrimental to our bodies and our health, and so we are called to change many things about the way that we live.”
    As a health practitioner this is such an important truth to feel and know, so that we can be a true support for cancer patients and their family.

  110. Yes, who needs a lab or guinea pigs when you have thousands of people as living proof, people whose health and wellbeing has improved dramatically as a result of committing and taking responsibility for their choices. These incredible changes have been inspired by Serge Benhayon.

  111. This needs to be felt, written about, understood and applied – “What if illness and disease including cancer is not a punishment, is not God’s will, is not bad luck or a random event but intimately related to the quality of how we live every day?”

    1. Hear hear Elizabeth, if we actually took the time to truly understand and study the quality of the way we are living, true change is possible. Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are doing just this, but what is different to the rest of lifestyle changes is that they actually present a true way of living. Connecting to your essences and honouring every single thing that it represents. Absolute Love, Stillness, Harmony, Joy and Truth. When you have these as your foundation, then everything that is not this will be exposed and it is in this process that we get to heal what is not true to our Divine Design.

  112. ‘This is why the marriage of esoteric medicine and conventional medicine is so important – as the esoteric brings the understandings that are missing in modern medicine regarding our true nature, our spirit and our soul and their role in disease manifestation and healing.’ Thank you for stating this important truth Dr Eunice Minford.

  113. I’m sure most people who get cancer ask ‘why me?’ This is from the experience of being totally disconnected from their bodies and the bigger picture. Anyone who is in touch with their body can sense the real reason for the development of their illness, and know that they are being shown what they need to know in terms of how they live, made up by the quality of their choices, and that they are being given a way to heal and have greater love in their lives. It is an opportunity for change and to embrace healing on a massive scale. We have the choice to say yes or no.

  114. I love the truth that is offered in this article, I will revisit this many times as there is just so much on offer here, thank you for your bravery Eunice, I can imagine it might be difficult to hold such truth in an industry that has a certain culture and way that it has been doing things, an industry that at times wants to seperate our choices from our physical body. I love mainstream medicine but there is such a great opportunity in taking things to a deeper level of healing if we approached things from looking at the whole.

    1. This crossed my mind as well Sarah, what Eunice is actually saying and delivering here is massive. That western medicine can be supported to truly support its patients to really heal and that there is a missing link and that Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is it. There are hundreds of people that are choosing a way of Living known as The Way of the Livingness that are the scientific proof and Eunice has clearly sharing from her professional experience also how the difference is completely apparent to just working with western medicine only.

      1. I had rejected Western Medicine and would even go into anxiety and was reluctant to give my children Panadol. It was through Universal Medicine and the understanding that how I was living was what contributed to my health, this understanding has also meant that Western medicine has been much more effective in my life, how I choose to use it to support myself has changed dramatically.

  115. I feel this very strongly myself “In my experience there are no riches greater than the truth of knowing and feeling who you truly are…” I have lived a life when I was disconnected from my inner self, my soul and I felt a lack. I now feel connected and aware and continue to nurture and support this and it is priceless. I have come home to a knowing of my truth, a deep love and acceptance in my life.

  116. Simple, to the point and utterly relevant to all of humanity “The body cannot and does not lie…” There are reasons / choices why our bodies ill and diseased, chance, luck and fate are not part of the equation. Diseases that begin to manifest have a root in our choices, how do we care for our bodies?

  117. An awesome and grand article, that encompasses and shines light on many issues around cancer, health, conventional and esoteric medicine. I have seen an advert concerning doing a charity run to ‘fight’ cancer as if it was an enemy in blood thirsty combat. What struck me was how the subject of the ‘Big C’ it has been used to pour grief, anger and issues into, to find some thing to blame for what is occurring in society without asking the question why?

  118. We think of Cancer as a disease that affects us as individuals, but what you show here Eunice is the real cancer is something rotten and untrue that is eating away at the heart of society, me and you. This cancer is, like the disease, an elephant in the room, left unnoticed and undealt with, feared and cowered from. It is the fact that WE ARE LOVE and simply so much stronger, grander and infinitely more powerful than we have ever allowed ourselves to feel. What a truly great illness it is to live so much less than the super place we are naturally from.

  119. This blog is totally inspiring. What better way to address The World then to title it about one of the most well known dis-eases that kills. Cancer has affected many of us directly or indirectly and this blog gives real meaning to why this is a part of life.

  120. The body cannot and does not lie – if we poison it with foods, drinks, emotions, thoughts, actions/movements, ways of being and relating that are toxic and unloving – it will have to deal with them sooner or later.” It’s the same if we hold onto any images that this is the way it’s supposed to be, and therefore the self-destructive way of ‘I can do what I like to this body because I can’. If the world and the universe has a natural order, then surely you play a part in it. Doing what you like is in no way honouring what order you actually are a part of. If that order is not honoured, than how you are living is not in the fullness of that order. No fullness, no harmony in the body.

  121. “What if illness and disease including cancer is not a punishment, is not God’s will, is not bad luck or a random event but intimately related to the quality of how we live every day?” It’s our body we own it. How can it be do with anything or anyone else?? Such is the illusion we have been following for aeons – the illusion of irresponsibility, when, we are responsible. Take it from me someone who has run away from responsibility all their life; taking responsibility is creating how your life will be, leave no stone or interaction unturned. All that happens to you is what you have put out ie. how you have lived.

  122. Truly powerful words Eunice. What struck me the most is how the fear of cancer is now endemic in society that we must subconsciously avoid it with more and more choices in the wrong direction ( for want of a better description). Chasing relief from the impending (1 in 3) doom that this illness now represents. Significantly we are seen too be lesser if we develop an illness and so to cope also with that societal eye brow raise we again dull and numb through unloving choices. We have all forgotten that we originate from Love – this is obvious as we walk in our every day – what is less obvious is that everyone deep down knows this yet has to be responsible to make the choice to return to it.

  123. This is an amazing blog Eunice and brings truth and understanding to Cancer and all illness and disease.”Whilst no-one would consciously choose to have cancer, if it is part of our reality we can choose to see it differently, to know that we do have it for a reason, that it is our body’s way of saying, “take care, look after yourself, stop poisoning yourself, stop being so hard on yourself, don’t abuse yourself or let others abuse you, deeply nurture yourself, eat healthily, be gentle with yourself, be tender with your body, respect and honour yourself, look in the mirror and see only who you truly are, the love and light of God shining from your eyes….”. This is true wisdom shared.

  124. Great blog Eunice, very empowering to know that our lifestyle can have consequences to our health. So everybody has the key to heal in its own hands.

    1. Kerstin, I agree before understanding this I was always at the mercy of “life” yet now understanding my lifestyle choices have a direct effect on my health I feel empowered and responsible but also a great weight of uncertainty has lifted off my shoulders.

  125. “Medicine is confirming that a significant number of cancers are lifestyle related and given that such choices come from how we truly feel about ourselves and are coloured by the hurts we carry, it is easy to see that we have much more power over our health and wellbeing than we like to admit or accept”. This kind of awareness or education should be in cancer treatment pamphlets or slogans on the hospital department walls empowering the people.

    1. I agree Rik, this power from the choices we make is something that we seriously need to be educated in and embraced. Imagine if the world started to truly take full responsibility for their health and lifestyle not just on the physical level but as Eunice said the emotional as well and heal our hurts then the health systems wouldn’t be under the extreme strain that is today. Serge Benhayon and the teachings of Universal Medicine is the missing link and hundreds of students have been making changes and healing what we have been carrying for a very long time. To live with vitality and joy in your life with out any artificial stimulants is simply Amazing. There is another way, The Way of the Livingness.

  126. I love the marriage between esoteric medicine and conventional medicine. It is a massive wakeup call on what is needed now in the health service. Esoteric medicine does not hold back what is there and needs to be expressed. Because it focuses on the body and what stops the natural flow in how it all works together, it addresses the root cause of the blockage. Combining this modality with conventional medicine is a wake up that is needed.

  127. It is a curious fact that we make such a big deal about preparing for our future with pensions, insurance etc., but looking at responsibility for our health is not an area many of us want to venture into.

  128. Its true Eunice, “Yet all these medical advances focus more on the physical aspects of the disease and to some degree, but usually less so, the psychological and emotional components, with very little, if any, addressing of the spiritual dimension.” I work in a hospital and lucky enough to work in IT, so I visit all the departments. Observing the cancer patients receiving chemo just sitting there I feel could be supported with an esoteric session too, or, it would make so much sense to have another department just next door providing the esoteric modalities to address the above. The medical world could benefit in every way saving lives and so much money.

  129. Yes I agree Eunice, I remember the term the Big C and it came with all those emotions you mentioned especially death. If you had cancer you were going to die that was how it was. That word still carries its stigma.
    Recently, over the last few years I am so amazed with the medical treatments and how many people live. Medicine has come a long way in early detection and the technology advancements. There have been cancer patients I know who have been treated by the Esoteric Modalities while suffering these diseases too. I know the power of these modalities by experiencing them myself.
    The real healing that these modalities offer is the beautiful loving psychology, offering you a deep understanding of why the dis-ease manifested in the first place – it calls you to be responsible in how you were choosing to live. Medicine combined with Esoteric Medicine can potentially support you to heal the dis-ease for good so it does not come back and, that fear can be dropped. Of course if you make the same choices again anything is possible.

  130. Awesome blog Eunice – delivered with power and authority. It is time we all took responsibility for our own health: “Knowing that we are love means that we know that anything that is not loving is detrimental to our bodies and our health, and so we are called to change many things about the way that we live.” Absolutely.

  131. The Big C, why me? the million dollar question but when we stop and really look what is going on and what has been playing out in our lives up to that point we can’t really deny that there has been a loveless way of living that we have been choosing. This irresponsible way we live our lives at some point is going to catch up with us, and when it does we have a choice to embrace the enormous healing that it is been offered to us or aim to survive with little to none awareness of what has caused it.

  132. It’s actually a very profound thing to say that we can still die of an illness such as cancer, but heal ourselves through this process, when death can be viewed and believed to be a failure. But as you correctly say Eunice healing is very different than curing as healing is not necessarily about our physical body, but the many emotions and beliefs that we have of ourselves, our relationships and our lives. This can have a very profound effect on the quality of the life that we have, even as we breath our last breath.

  133. “cancer cannot touch it,” Eunice we often think that cancer is the end, that we are somehow tainted for life. Yet as you say here what if cancer cannot touch the love that we are innately inside? This puts a whole new perspective on The Big C. It allows us to ask and look at what is the behind the condition and how we are living rather than simply the illness itself.

  134. I agree Eunice, if we know and accept we are and have always been love then we would have to change our life. One of the many ways we sabotage all this is by bastardising the true meaning of what love is and what it is to be love. The is no emotion or niceness in love.

      1. It can also profoundly deepens our understanding about the true meaning of love, as well as the innate purpose of life itself, when we start to consider that illness and disease however unpleasant at times, are actually a loving support in our forever evolving back to the glorious expression we are from. This article and the link you have offered provide great insights.

  135. Wow! there were so many things I loved about this article. It covered so many of our issues around cancer and illness and revealed a whole different way of responding to having cancer. I can see why some people discover cancer is a blessing, when you view it as a way of clearing aeons of harmful behaviours that are not in line with the love that we are. I could also see the harm in people denying reincarnation, as it’s hard to see the point of passing over clear of these patterns, if you don’t get another shot at life again.

    1. This is such a great point. For me, until I accepted reincarnation as an idea even the world made no sense. Why would babies be born ill? Why would some die young of disease? It didn’t seem right or fair, and led me to completely diss the idea of God. Understanding reincarnation has brought an awareness and a much deeper understanding of what goes on and with that I see the beauty and the magic of God in each moment.

  136. So many of us do think cancer is a punishment or bad luck, or blame it on any number of things without looking at how we are living and dealing with our issuses.

    1. This does seem to be the majority approach to this touchy subject. I have also noted that we seem to view the big C has this thing that is separate from us and that we have to fight and get rid of but nobody wants to take any responsibility for why its there in the first place. Don’t get me wrong I am all for getting rid of it but equally we need to know why it came to visit in the first place otherwise its highly possible that it may just reoccur in different ways until we get the message it was there to deliver in the first place.

  137. ‘If we choose to then feel guilty about our choices or to blame ourselves in some way, then we are just adding more poison into the system and polluting it further and no true healing will occur.’ Such an important point Eunice.

    Recently I have come to see all of life as a reflection to heal and change behaviours and celebrate it all – no longer self-bashing. Once awareness comes around our behaviours, the self-bash is another insidious trick to keep us on the same cycle of not loving and adoring ourselves. It is actually just as indulgent as eating a chocolate eclair (ones from M&S, never found a decent one in Australia).

    1. I agree Eunice and Gina, blaming does not support ourselves to grow out of a pattern or to leave an unhealthy pattern behind. I have a history of blaming myself and this keeps me in a vicious circle. Now I started to appreciate the qualities in me and this brings a total different perspective of who I truly am.

  138. Magnificent blog Eunice. Thankfully, this message is now out in the world for people to know what they already once knew, should they so choose to.

  139. What I feel now from a few years of knowing I am love, is a continual deepening and unfolding of taking care of myself in order to deepen my connection to my soul, my love and God. Today, rushing and being late are as abusive as a drunken all nighter which I spent years doing, or a one night stand. As I woke this morning I lay in bed, deeply feeling the exquisiteness of my body, knowing to my core that the more I take care of it, the more God can commune with me – and I could feel myself go to a deeper responsibility in how I live my day, what I eat, how I prepare for sleep, how I think of myself.

    1. How amazing to wake up feeling as you did Gina…who wouldn’t want to feel this way every day?!

  140. ‘Medicine is confirming that a significant number of cancers are lifestyle related and given that such choices come from how we truly feel about ourselves and are coloured by the hurts we carry …’ If humanity allowed itself to truly consider this, it makes perfect sense that being able to consume certain things and engage in certain activities which harm us, has a direct link to the value and opinion we hold of ourselves. Heal that, and the person and humanity is blessed.

    1. In society, I would say the purpose and cause of cancer is not being fully understood. Many of us like to say it is a random event, or genes or the environment etc. However in the people, including patients I have known with cancer there is a re-prioritising that happens for most. It is like we do get a stop for a moment, then it is up to us if we surrender to our body to heal or just go into fixing/fighting to get through it.

      1. Great sharing Fiona. One day, our western medicine will offer the truth of the healing offered from cancer, which is currently offered from Universal Medicine.

  141. Eunice I keep coming back to this blog as it brings so many important facts about illness and disease to the fore. The mere fact of being able to change our view from being a victim of and fighting with our bodies to recognising the fact that our body is communicating with us what we do it to it and how to change that is a blessing of immense proportion.

    1. I agree Carolien, the opportunity to change our view from being of victim mentality to understanding the amazing wisdom the body is actually communicating with us, bringing the opportunity to change our way of living to respond to this is a ‘blessing of immense proportion’

    2. So true Carolien. This is a huge shift in perspective and is life changing. It makes so much difference observing patients who are empowered and engaged in their healing. Being a victim simply keeps you stuck where you are at. The biggest change that has happened in my life was starting to listen to my body and realise how amazingly intelligent it is (way more than my mind will ever be!)

      1. I agree Fiona, I have made this change myself, and it is amazing to be able to feel from my body and be present in my body and learn from it about my choices in life. It has in fact simplified my life greatly as it means I do not need to come up with solutions anymore as the answers are right there in my body.

  142. “what if all of the fear, all of the misery, all of the struggle, all of the suffering that seemingly comes with the Big C or cancer diagnosis does so because we choose to ignore, deny, resist and fight against knowing who we truly are, knowing who we are in essence and basically resisting the love of our Soul and of God?”
    Eunice this is gold and if accepted and understood can change medicine from here on forth.

  143. The importance of bringing understanding to illness and disease, life and death is enormous. And with the current state of health and wellbeing of humanity a topic that can no longer be avoided. The religions of this life have failed to offer what is needed, our medical system is overwhelmed at best. It is time for something more to be on offer, and this is exactly what Universal Medicine brings to us.

    1. It is crystal clear that something is not working. As a 2013 study showed 95% of us are ill and that is just using the definition of ill that is based on the presence or absence of disease. It is time to stop resisting/playing ignorant and come back to what has been presented throughout time, as it is already known within us.

      1. absolutely Fiona, it is staggering to see that the results of this study has not literally stopped the presses and has made us pause and wonder what on earth is going on. We are stubbornly sticking our heads in the sand at the detriment of our own wellbeing and health. At this point in time we prefer the distraction of what is so painfully right here in our faces, choosing overwhelm and thinking we do not know what or how while all the time we know differently inside and the answers have been with us always,

  144. Eunice I love how this blog brings us back to understanding the value and healing with true RESPONSIBILITY, a key we all hold to unlock the ideals and beliefs that imprison us. Then we are aware there is always a choice in what way we are choosing to live every moment of our day.
    “Knowing that we are love means that we know that anything that is not loving is detrimental to our bodies and our health, and so we are called to change many things about the way that we live”.

    1. Great comment Stephanie, ‘true responsibility, a key we all hold to unlock the ideals and beliefs that imprison us’. And imprison they do, they ensure that we don’t see or feel anything outside of our own lifestyle bubble. Keeping us in either comfort or in the illusion of what we want life to be on earth.

      1. Absolutely raegankcairney – the patterns of ‘how we have always done things’ are hard to break for most people, and seemingly impossible, unless there is an openness and willingness for true change. The choice is always ours.

    2. Yes Stephanie that is responsibility in capital letters and the line you quoted of Eunice’s is the key question that Universal Medicine has posed and has sat with me everyday for years. Knowing we are love, as we truly all do, how can we not expect all other choices to not affect our bodies adversely? Yet the victim mentality related to illness and disease lives on. Honesty must first prevail for truth to heal us.

  145. I saw this yesterday as well Lucindag. Yep we are missing a VERY BIG point here if we think we can cure cancer with an injection.

  146. We have had many years of a gung-ho attitude of ‘beating illness and disease’ as if it is the enemy and this attitude is really entrenched in some areas. There has been no appreciation of or attention to why the ill conditions present themself in our body and learning the wisdom provided by our body.
    In fact the media often heralds ‘patterns’ noticed by scientists as synonymous to a ’cause’ and an ‘understanding’ of the topic! e.g. when genetic occurrence is coupled with something it is often taken as if genetics is what causes the illness and a smugness because it is assumed that we now know the reason! And this is despite of research showing that genes of identical twins can end up different when they have different life circumstances! Also I have witnessed similar in many areas – when an illness is given a label, there is a sigh of relief because it is assumed we now know all there is to know! But in such cases what do we really know, other than a label or a pattern?
    Esoteric Medicine offers a lot for individuals and professionals in the field of Medicine to consider and evolve with.

    1. What a great slogan Jane, “C=Care for ourselves first then care for all” … imagine if this was posted all over cancer wards, how deeply healing would that be.

  147. “Are we truly willing to live with the high degree of responsibility that is being called for?” After reading you blog this morning Eunice i went out into my day and i was quickly met by the headlines of the Daily Mail newspaper which reads “Cancer Cure in just one jab” Scientist believe they are about to treat – even cure cancer with a single dose.
    I am not against medical research, however i find it hard to celebrate this and not ponder the outcome of a drug that serves to further bury our awareness of the impacts of our lifestyle choices. For immunotherapy feels like another band aid, another solution, a delay from true, complete healing that is understanding the power of self-responsibility. Subsequently i fear that many of these cancers will go on to manifest as an ill elsewhere and Cancer Research will be offering another Grand challenge to find the next cure and on we go…..

    1. I saw this yesterday as well Lucindag. Yep we are missing a VERY BIG point here if we think we can cure cancer with an injection.


      1. I felt the same when I read this Lucindag and Vicky – is it possible that all these celebrated, so called ‘amazing cures’, are simply a band aid (plaster) and a temporary solution to fix the problem, not the root cause? In my experience, if the deep hurts we carry remain unaddressed and thus unhealed, we continue to live life in a way that perpetuates the cycle and symptoms temporarily disappear, to reappear in another form.

      2. One really needs to understand the root cause of the cancer, unless this is done there is no true healing as it will re-manifest in another form somewhere else. The body is fascinating in how it works. To truly heal one has to understand the cause of symptoms, illness and disease.

    2. I agree Lucinda…I haven’t read the article you refer to but working in medicine/health know a drug will only work on part of the physical body, and we as human beings are so much more than just the physical. Our body only makes up part of us, and so if the rest is not also healed, then there can be no true and complete healing.

  148. “But would you accept it outright or would you offer up reasons and excuses as to why it could not be true, that you had this issue, or that issue, this condition or that condition – in other words would you keep on going with reasons and excuses not to be the love you already are?” We love to create issues that we do not even have and then spend months/years working on them so as to make us feel that we are getting some where when all along we are already there if only we were to accept the love that we innately are.

  149. “Knowing we are love calls us to live with a much greater level of responsibility for our daily choices and how we relate to ourselves and each other.” If we are to truly consider this statement we would have to totally re-imprint the way we are with our self and every-one else in our live. Most of us are not willing to give up our comfort blankets thus live dis-connected from the loving multidimensional being we are…..poor choice!!!

    1. It’s a very poor choice indeed Mary Louise Myers when a person favours their comfort over their innately loving essence, but we are rarely encouraged to responsibility and honour ourselves in this way. Meeting esoteric medicine instigated a massive turning point in my own level of responsibility and awareness, because it assisted me to feel the effects of my daily choices and begin to re-claim my innately precious essence within me. When we learn to make choices in favour of the love we are, letting go of the comfort blankets becomes a whole lot easier and after a while as the consequences of the positive choices accumulate, it becomes a complete ‘no brainer’.

  150. “Where it is no longer the ‘Big C’ shrouded in fear, misery, struggle and suffering – but instead becomes a means by which we deeply heal ourselves far beyond what we could have ever dreamed was possible” Eunice to have this relationship with “the Big C” or any medical condition is quite unheard of, yet seeing my father start to appreciate the depth of healing possible when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer shows me that it is possible and a very healthy way to move forward.

  151. I totally agree with you – the marriage of esoteric and western medicine is the way to go. Knowing how I used to live and how I used to be with myself, I reckon my body has had to hold so much, and sometimes it feels like I am carrying around a dormant volcano waiting to erupt. There have been a series of mini tremors and I have reacted with fear and shock. Seeking medical support is only a part of responsibility, and the rest is in me – how I then choose to live and be with myself every day.

  152. Have we already reached a point where there is not enough drugs and diversions to hide the misery and wretchedness of humanity? Are doctors expected to do the impossible and are they paying the price for it. We all have to take responsibility for our own health.

    1. Beautifully said Nicole. We all do need to start taking greater responsibility in our own health. First we need to start with understanding, how is it that we have gotten so used to others taking responsibility for us. There is a cycle here that needs to be broken, those that take too much and those that don’t take any responsibility – find the middle and we are on our way to healing.

      1. Great point Laura B – how is it that we have gotten used to others taking responsibility for us? This seems to be a behaviour that is escalating in all areas of our lives not diminishing. With terms such as “affluenza” being coined to describe children who are so indulged they struggle to know right from wrong humanity seems to be set for a massive rebalance.

    2. Wow…that is quite a revelation Nicole – I haven’t heard of the word ‘affluenza’. Humanity is indeed in great disarray, and as you say, sooner or later the dysfunction will have to be rebalanced.

      1. Yes, when we look at the situation the world is in today , the illness and disease, the refugee situation , the financial state of affair and the list goes on and on – it is undeniably clear that a re-balance is called for.

  153. Eunice you pose the question “what if the key to both understanding why we develop cancer in the first place and what it means to heal are deeply embedded in understanding the spiritual dimension of what it means to be a human being” and then you pose some wonderfully constructed answers in terms of the choices we make and how our bodies respond. This is a truly great contribution to modern medicine at a time when it is so needed.

    1. I agree Simon. This is a great contribution to modern medicine from Eunice. Her awareness goes much wider and deeper than the usual level administered in the medical world. It is an awareness that is much needed.

      1. Agreed Simon and Rebecca what Eunice offers us here is a true step forward in medicine and a return to the initial origins of medicine, a time when doctors and philosophers looked for greater meaning to life and understood spirit and soul.

    2. I agree Simon, this article covers the whole gamut of illness and disease, there is no stone left unturned and if we are willing to get honest with any illness then it need not be a curse but instead a great opportunity for healing.

      1. Yes so true we should see illness as an opportunity to heal, the magic of God, not a curse. There are so many misconception and people giving up, but in truth there is so much magic in the healing our our own body, just by taking responsibility.

  154. I love this Eunice, a really simple and wonderful explanation of the benefits of conventional medicine marrying up with esoteric medicine and the power of looking at life, illness and disease through both lenses. You are so correct, when talking about cancer, there is always a feeling of when someone talks about it, this disease has just ‘happened’ to me. When in actual fact, they have contributed to the development of the disease. That can be too much of a stretch for some at this time, true responsibility.

    1. Raegan, it definitely feels like too much of a stretch for many to contemplate their own role in ill health, yet we must present this as something we must all explore and ultimately face, as there is too much illness and disease for us to ignore the true causes, then we may actually be able to address dis-ease in our bodies without turning it into a fight or a battle against an enemy that is actually not an enemy at all, but a clearing of our loveless choices.

    2. Perhaps one day, we might have enough responsibility to say ‘how have I created this?’ rather than ‘why me?’

  155. Awesome blog Eunice, and these two points jumped out at me:
    (1) “This is why the marriage of esoteric medicine and conventional medicine is so important – as the esoteric brings the understandings that are missing in modern medicine regarding our true nature, our spirit and our soul and their role in disease manifestation and healing.” – such is the Whole or Holistic approach – one is not complete without the other, they go hand in hand and hence the full support for the physical as well as the full support of the being are married in one and complete in its delivery, something any one of us deserves to receive as support when we are unwell.
    (2) This second part is the part that shows to me the role and the responsibility that the ‘patient’ holds so that they do not play the ‘victim’ and disempower themselves to anyone (including the doctors and well meaning friends and relatives), rather it is about them empowering themselves in their own healing and getting an understanding of what led them to where they are: “they had healed the underlying hurts, beliefs and misperceptions about themselves, others and life that led them to make the choices they did which were not healthy or truly loving for the body and which got revealed by the body with the cancer diagnosis.” – this reveals that we play a role in the development of an illness or disease, hence if the way we live contributes to being unwell, changing the way we live can contribute to healing and health. But further to that it is necessary to look at why we make those choices that are not supportive to our own health and wellbeing – in looking at this deeply is when we make space for true healing.

    1. Two very superb points Henrietta and this sentence really jumps out at me “this reveals that we play a role in the development of an illness or disease, hence if the way we live contributes to being unwell, changing the way we live can contribute to healing and health.” This is such a vital point and within it lies many many answers that can support us to understand the real causative factors behind disease and how we can truly resolve them. Esoteric medicine enables us to take that ‘stop’ moment and feel the root causes within ourselves that have manifested the illness and disease, without judgement, blame or criticism and then support us to change how we are living. Orthodox medicine offers us ‘state of the art’ solutions to address the mutations and infections within the body. Together they provide an all encompassing approach, one sorely needed in today’s world.

      1. Well said Rowena – Only the two together (conventional and the esoteric) allow for a complete picture of true healing, but the final ingredient is of course our own openness to look with honesty at what is happening and why, and have the willingness to make the loving changes.

      2. I agree Rowena…Esoteric medicine and Western medicine united would be the most powerful thing ever to come to health care – perhaps our healthcare systems that are currently going bankrupt could take a look at those patients who combine both for true healing.

  156. ’In my experience there are no riches greater than the truth of knowing and feeling who you truly are’ – I love this sentence Eunice – it’s unfathomable how most of us have learnt to do the complete opposite, we spend most of our lives being busy covering up who we truly are.

    1. utterly crazy but very true Eva, all along we are running away from the glory of our true selves, creating complication after complication so as not to see the simplicity of what is true right before us — and within us.

      1. A life of simplicity is something every person craves. This blog is a great reminder that there is no need to go searching for it, as it is already waiting for us.

    2. I realized recently how we make our choices to cover our hurts, to feel less of the discomfort and to not face the consequences of these choices. It seem like a downwards spiral where we will need to choose more and more of what we are not to not feel the consequences that will present themselves more and more obviously. Where if we were to stop and simply choose love and from there look at the why and how of our choices and accept the consequences, the spiral stops immediately and true healing can occur. It is so simple, just a choice to turn the other way than where we were spiralling to and yet we make it the most difficult thing on earth.

    3. I agree Eva, it is really weird how we all do that and indoctrinate our children to follow suit just as we were indoctrinated as children. We live with the pain of that separation and knowing that something is wrong – unless we numb and bludgeon ourselves to not feel but that never really works… and so this goes on until we get to see a true reflection. Some start to come back to themselves when faced with a true reflection (ie someone living who they truly are) whilst others will do everything they can to destroy that reflection as it hurts too much to see how far they have separated and they are not ready to do what is needed to come back.

      1. Yes Nicola. When true reflection comes our way it sometimes opens up a reality that hurts to feel, at first we all carry old and suppressed hurts. However a true reflection always comes with the opportunity to truly heal our hurts, if we but allow it.

    4. And this path of busily covering ourselves up is one that is so overly populated by the masses that are trying to do the same. All to avoid the truth that is so simply just a choice.

    5. So true, Eva. We put an enormous amount of energy into hiding who we are from the world. Far, far more than it takes to just be ourselves. But then, how many of us are shown that being ourselves is even an acceptable way to live? We are more often shown an image of what we are ‘supposed’ to be, and what is allowed, than we are presented with the encouragement to express ourselves without restraint.

      1. Absolutely Naren – until Serge Benhayon came along and exposed the facts of life, I was caught in this insidious game myself. What a profound liberation it is to be open to break free from deeply ingrained patterns and behaviours that are not even ours to carry.

      2. That is really it, isn’t it? We are carrying stuff around that is affecting us every day, that shapes the way we react to life, and it is not even ours!

  157. “But would you accept it outright or would you offer up reasons and excuses as to why it could not be true, that you had this issue, or that issue, this condition or that condition – in other words would you keep on going with reasons and excuses not to be the love you already are?” Our spirit is a master of creating stories, stories that only serve to delay our natural pull towards living soulfully.

      1. Yes Elizabeth. Responsibility is key – not taking the responsibility to see the harm these behaviours inflict on themselves, communities and all of humanity.

      2. Avoiding responsibility is turning a blind eye to ones self and humanity, not wanting to see harm that is caused by everyone. As our choices not only affect us but everyone and everything around us.

    1. So well said lucindag, it’s amazing to notice how we can be very masterful and addicted to stories and complication — to the point that when there is space and no issue at all, we then go looking for one! It just shows how much we avoid our grandness and glory so as to avoid the responsibility that comes with this.

    2. Stories are the bread and butter of our resistance to truly care for ourselves, and to be the love we are. Ask me to do something loving, truly loving, and I can come up with a thousand excuses. But I only need one reason to be love: for the sake of Love.

  158. Agree Susan, all our illness and disease comes because we ignore, resist or even fight against the knowing of who we truly are, equal Sons of God. Gosh life is so simple and we make it so complicated and full of suffering, just by ignoring who we truly are.

  159. It is interesting that as we get a better and better handle on the physical management of heart disease, our cancer incidences are going up and up. Are we healing the underlying issue, if there is one, of heart disease?

  160. Very thought provoking contribution, thank you; it is indeed true that many of our ill conditions are directly lifestyle related and not only is science catching up with the fact but it is something we actually know, whether we like to admit it or not. But admitting it would then entail taking responsibility for a raft of things, from how and what we eat to how and what we think and speak out loud, everything in fact. And that stance requires honesty and responsibility – and who is up for that?

    1. Honesty and responsibility, yes, I agree, Gabriele, and we know these things, but there is a weird self-destructive way of living that we have where we don’t quite believe it will happen to us. Until we have a full diagnosis or a really bad pain, we think we can get away with the way we live, because, on a daily basis we are so numb that we can’t feel what is going on in our bodies.

  161. A beautiful understanding and wisdom of Cancer – the Big C – and answers all our wonders and worries as to ‘why me?’ in a nutshell. Thank you Eunice a for true revelation, much needed by humanity.

  162. Interesting, Ray, we can see the world in which we live and make changes or take other choices, but if we leave the whole out, we do not change collectively. It is true Ray, everybody is responsible for the quality of energy we live in. And we can support each other to see things more clearly and act on them.

  163. Many people are involved in the ‘fight against cancer’. But isn’t this just a continuation of how the majority of life is lived each day? And what if we were to take a step back and see just how much of a battle life can seem to be, and then see the increase in all the illnesses and diseases and quite frankly very extreme behaviours. If we were for example to being viewing ourselves from space, wouldn’t there be an obvious connection between daily life and the intensity of diseases we all face today? Therefore, perhaps it is time for a new approach on cancer, something that in fact brings love, understanding, and maybe even tenderness and care.

    1. Well said Shami, as long as we live fighting cancer or any other illness and disease we have not surrendered to the fact that everything is energy and that only if we surrender to what is presented to us we can open up to true healing. The fight mode is what made us ill in the first place. Life is not a fight or a struggle and neither is illness and disease.

  164. ‘Why Me?’ is a good question for anyone who develops cancer or any illness for that matter. For this question will actually lead to the answer if one is willing to truly look and accept what they find. The question can change from one of a victim into one of empowerment.

    1. Agree Rebecca and the question can be ask in any situation, with illness and disease, unfair treatments, losing money, being betrayed, being lied to or mistreated. It is always a reflection of how we are living the same as when we are received lovingly, people are respectful, honest, open and fair with us. We are never a victim we are always the creators and that is the power we have.

  165. I agree Gill and this makes complete sense and why isn’t this the ‘common’ sense? As is being discussed, the quality of how we are living is being eroded and in that we are becoming sicker and sicker. It would make sense then to look directly at our quality, the collective quality and make a change from there. It seems we have the figures, we look at the problems, we get concerned and then we go back to sleep in our own world because we still make something else more important. The ‘something else’ is supporting the further erosion of the quality, time to stop, look and take action. Let’s keep discussing this and in time everyone will see this like we do.

    1. Well said, “the quality of how we are living is being eroded and in that we are becoming sicker and sicker.” It’s quite crazy that our standard of living, at least in the industrialized world, is getting higher, but the quality we live in is eroding. This shows clearly the quality of the energy we are choosing to live in and how it seems to bring benefits on the surface in terms of more comfortable living (meanwhile in other parts of the world it is going down), but it is all rotten and within the comfort and luxury the rot is breaking out showing us the excess of this unloving way of life.

      1. Hello Rachel, thank you. Yes it would seem we are chasing the wrong train or you could say chasing our tail because when there is no balance in how we are then all roads will lead back to balance. So we can raise the standard of living through the roof but without the ‘quality’ of living coming back to meet that then around in circles we go. I don’t mean quality in the way that we all have a house and running water either, quality as in how we are with each other, our relationships with ourself and others.

  166. Now this is a big fat powerful blog about that ‘c’ word and there is so much more here being said that is making sense. Thank You Eunice for bringing this to the world and it is needed as many are now asking why me and why this.
    What really sticks out for me is when you say “Are we truly willing to live with the high degree of responsibility that is being called for?”
    This is huge and yet it is very simple. My understanding is that if I am willing to live with a high degree of Responsibility then I need to be looking at all the choices I am making on a daily basis and reviewing and refining things that are poison to my body and that includes emotions, taking on others people’s stuff, getting involved and doing more than I need to or what is being asked. All of this and not just what I eat and how I go to bed becomes important and it has a Responsibility. I get it and I feel I am on my way and I realise it is a choice.

  167. Having been diagnosed with cancer a few years ago and seeing another family member experience and die from cancer, it is a disease that does not only affect the patient physically but addresses their whole life and everyone in it. It is a time when everything ‘comes out the woodwork’, family dynamics, the real quality of relationships, our lifestyle choices, etc. This means there is an opportunity for healing for many through the process, which makes all that Eunice is sharing so valuable, as if we can get a grip on the truth of what is going on with cancer and see and accept it as the gift it is, many people can be healed if it happens and many more do not even have to get to this stage, as we can make changes now.

  168. Wow Eunice – a profound article that a lot of people could gain great understanding from. ‘What if illness and disease including cancer is not a punishment, is not God’s will, is not bad luck or a random event but intimately related to the quality of how we live every day?’ If humanity were open to consider what is here written and apply this simple suggestion in their every day living, we would see a completely different reality in the general health and wellbeing in our society.

  169. There is a person in my life at the moment who is experiencing cancer. The reality of this for them is gradually sinking in as the operation date comes closer. But when I sit with them it is not devastation that I can feel as a part of them, there is actually relief. There is a sense of relief that finally something is coming to pass and they can begin again, but this time with more wisdom. It is a chance for them to express their learned wisdom without the restrictions of their past choices, which the cancer is clearing for them, giving them a new opportunity for life.

    1. “It is a chance for them to express their learned wisdom without the restrictions of their past choices,” This understanding is an incredibly powerful healing – one that should be shared as the leading opening to any Health Care Support information.

  170. I don’t think I have ever read a disclaimer like that. Although what you have proposed may not be currently accepted by mainstream medicine or thinking due to it not being based on evidence based research, it explains things so profoundly that medicine and research to date have not been able to… but this I believe is only a matter of time for history has shown us through the lineage of esoteric or Ageless Wisdom, science eventually catches up and when it does, cancer will be viewed as the healing opportunity it is when embraced as such.

  171. It is not only with cancer, but also with death, the D-word so to speak. We have a tendency to avoid that word as well, which is strange, as we are all without a doubt going to die one day. Why do we want to avoid these topics?

    1. Great point Mariette I have noticed this too. It seems that because we are good at medicating any ill conditions for along time when death is imminent or happens it is a distressing time and we have lost sight of the fact this is the inevitable end for every body.

      1. Yes we have a tendency in delaying death and medicate ourselves so we can live as long as possible. But in what quality? We are getting older but we should be asking ourselves if the quality we spend our last years in is very loving and true.

  172. Eunice I can see their will be a time in future when it is accepted that illness is something related to all our choices and that there is a choice of energy we live from that heals or harms. It is wonderful to have such a well respected and caring doctor also embrace the future, now, and reflect to us that science based medicine is not shut down to a larger picture of health and healing.

  173. Everyone has their journey to make, and in time it will become more and more clear what exactly that journey is. Fortunately for us, here on earth we have the human frame, which shows the results of all our choices that we can either adhere to or ignore, but eventually those choices always catch up with us and that tends to be when we listen the most. So then we are given another choice, to listen when the signs are subtle, or when they are loud – both end up in the same place, with honesty.

    1. Thanks, Shami, developing our relationship with our body allows us to bring honesty back into our lives, and from there we are able to surrender to what we already know inside.

  174. It would seem like a no-brainer in what you are saying Gill, but with the way we have built the world, this still isn’t so clear. Articles like this go a long way to breaking this down, but I still get caught in life and blame out, rather then just looking at my part and being responsible for all I do, and then letting the rest take care of itself from there. Great point though.

  175. In time we will be calling for esoteric medicine to work along side conventional medicine. You can see it already, I mean how many more foundations, charities etc can the world handle. We pretty much have every day of the year covered with some sort of awareness day. Throwing awareness and money like this at a cancer has never really got us anywhere, but it would seem like our only answer. It would appear it will need to become worse yet before we will look for more support. Esoteric medicine is here and has always been here – ready when we are.

  176. I am sure most people who are diagnosed with cancer ask the question why me and this is where the awareness that esoteric medicine offers is so much needed as part of the healing process

  177. “What if illness and disease including cancer is not a punishment, is not God’s will, is not bad luck or a random event but intimately related to the quality of how we live every day?” The thing is deep inside we know this to be true at the point of diagnosis but don’t want to admit. Having been diagnosed and treated for cancer a few years ago I felt this however I still went through the shock, emotions and ‘why me?’ question.In this I had 2 choices – I could stay in this emotional turmoil (which was also part of why I was in the mess I was in) or honour and embrace the fact that this was a stop moment in my life. A precious time to make changes in my relationships- with myself and others. However even though I did this it was in part to ‘get through’ the mess so I did not address my whole life and choices in full and the disease returned. Then I had the opportunity to really stop and take responsibility. What is shared in this blog is huge and if we are really to heal from Cancer or any disease it is time to see the real blessing any diagnosis is in our lives.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Julie, about how illness gives us a golden opportunity to be really honest with ourselves and how we live, otherwise no true healing can take place.

  178. Obtaining health, vitality and well-being is the new frontier. True mastery is being able to weave our way through obstacles, inner and outer, temptations, obsessions, distractions, mis-information and stay true to ourselves.

  179. Illness is the release of energy, expressing itself. It is interesting that virtually nothing can stop this release when it begins, nothing man has made, manufactured or concocted, (even though billions and billions have been spent on research) can stop it, and just like a dam that releases water, it floods the body.

    1. Thank you Eunice and Matthew, I absolutely agree, nothing stops the gates once opened. Love when applied as part of our Livingness in my understanding of diseases will turn the flow in the other direction before it starts so we can evolve back to being the Son of God, which does not make us symptom free but certainly gives a greater understanding of how all illness is part of our evolution. “We resist and fight love, never mind the divine love of our soul and God” so is it any wonder we as a humanity are so ill! Could it be that to not be responsible for the Love or big “L” in our life we open our-self up to more and more disease / diss-ease? For more about love go to;

  180. The National health Service is buckling under the pressure of an over subscribed service which seems to be increasing daily. What you say here Eunice makes sense, taking responsibility for the way we live and what happens to our body would be a step in the right direction in bringing about true healing and lessening the load on our doctors and nurses.

    1. You are right Alison, the health service is buckling at the knees now. What would be the result if we took a tenth of the money spent on research for a cure for cancer, on education and ways to prevent it? Some guy named Ben 200 years ago said ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’. Have we lost the ability to see the obvious solution to complex problems? If you hit your hand with a hammer putting in nails and it hurts… a nail gun will fix that problem but opens up more dangers, or you could just be a bit more present and stop hitting your hand.

    2. Surely it is time to drop our arrogance and really look at what is going on within our bodies as a result of the way in which we are living. How bad does illness and disease have to get before we realize that the answer lies in taking responsibility for our own choices.

  181. Eunice, I absolutely love this blog and what you have offered humanity here. Awesome, the miracle of responsibility and true healing. WE need more doctors like you who are willing to speak the truth. With you all the way on this one.

    1. Indeed Anna, we need more doctors who are not only willing to speak the truth but as a starter be open to the possibility that conventional medicine may need and additional aspect, and welcome the opportunity to take a close look at the global overwhelm and the condition humanity is in and go ’clearly we don’t have all the answers – could there be more to illness and disease that we have not yet considered?’

  182. Another thing that strikes me about this blog is how Eunice share that even in the medical profession the word cancer was often avoided and other words used I guess to make the illness more palatable to the patient. We often avoid saying things as they are and have become very skilled at doing so. Is it because we don’t want to hear and feel the Truth? Is it because we have become so used to living dishonestly, that even when a sickness presents itself so that we can be more honest, we still hide?? This blog is very encouraging and inspiring in presenting the healing that is possible from illness and diseases when they are embraced.

  183. Awesome article Eunice.
    “What if illness and disease including cancer is not a punishment, is not God’s will, is not bad luck or a random event but intimately related to the quality of how we live every day?”
    This brings us to responsible living and making loving choices.

    1. Part of a discussion yesterday introduced the fact that National Heath Systems my not be able to support the funding for all the future health care requirements that are currently projected. It’s very possible living responsibly will become the new Health Care Plan.

  184. Eunice your article holds this strong and sturdy space allowing the reader to go deeper than the surface layers we seem to only want to go to or see in regards to health, especially when we have an illness or dis-ease. What you have presented is love alongside the importance in taking responsibility for our health and everyday choices also allowing us to deeply feel and accept we are, in truth, this innate love as well. Thank you.

  185. I agree Golnaz. Each day it seems I am approached by people sharing stories of illness or death of friends and family from chronic illness. I am also aware of the gross disparity in the quality of care given to cars, homes and ourselves. Much more attention and value is awarded to material possessions than our own most precious possession ‘our body.’ We have a long way to go before this is re-balanced and we develop a loving relationship with our beautiful and intricate bodies: forever there to support us through our lives, yet so readily ignored.

  186. Thank you, Eunice, there are so many fundamental truths throughout this article, but the one that stands out and moves me to read knowing that you are a surgeon is simply that – “the body cannot and does not lie”.

    1. Absolutely Janet. Our mind may be able to twist truths and manipulate situations, but the body cannot lie and will always eventually show us the raw truth of what we’ve been choosing.

  187. It’s incredible that the thing that is in truth most precious to us, is the one thing we grow up disregarding and not taking care of. I’m feeling the ‘take my body for granted’ way I have lived was in fact hugely arrogant because all along, despite my ignorance, my body has been the most amazingly sensitive guide on how to live. What could be more precious than that?!

  188. I remember the Big C when I was young in the late 50s and it was only heard a few times. The world is moving faster than ever before. Transistors were the birth of electronics in 1947 and were like small timbales… you now require an electron microscope to see one. Mobile phones started as a house phone that needed a car battery to power it… and that was only 20 years ago. Life is moving at a logarithmic rate for what we are allowing as normal. Cancer is just one of many on this path of just normal life. Daily we choose to change and evolve in or out.

    1. Very true Steve, cancer is becoming a household name and now we have so many different forms. It use to carry with it a real stigma that is now also become more socially accepted. Does this mean we have gone somewhere with cancer because we no longer become hugely shocked when we hear of someone getting it. The shock usually comes with the extremes now. I agree and let’s not just allow the ‘normal’ to keep moving, some things we need not let just pass us by. Cancer and its many forms are a sign that something isn’t right with us. Absolutely let’s get treatment for cancer and get it right, but equally let’s look at how we got here in the first place, this part just makes sense.

  189. Eunice, a fantastic article, covering in depth the issues we think we face, and the underlying factors we often do not face up to. This is such an important and noteworthy article which could help millions to understand that they are not alone and that they are the masters of their own journey ahead.

  190. The whole concept, idea or attitude towards illness and disease requires change and it has started with Universal Medicine introducing this fact. It is no punishment from God, quite the opposite, it is a blessing in disguise from ourselves. I have to say though when you do get sick, really sick, it is confronting and it brings up so much to deal with and not just the illness itself. It can be easy to talk about it, but when it is happening in your body, the lid is being lifted for so much to be addressed.

  191. There is lots of super cool stuff in this article and one thing that pinged out for me this morning was that our day to day choices are governed by how we feel about ourselves: in the same way that it is harder to take care of something you do not really have much care for, it is hard to love and nurture ourselves when we do not hold, or see, ourselves with love. So… if we start with building some care, respect, appreciation and tenderness for ourselves (all keys to love), our day to day choices will naturally fall into place and be more and more loving.

    1. So true Matilda, I have noticed that how we feel about ourself has an impact on our choices, and also our choices have an impact on how we feel about ourself. The ‘building’ of our care, respect, appreciation and love which you mention is key wherever we start, one step at a time. And before long we will notice that our life is becoming “more and more loving”.

    2. Also what your comment beautifully highlights for me is the support we can be for one another in this. Because the way we relate to each other – loving, respectful and appreciative of one another or not – has an impact. I have been immensely supported over the years by the consistenct love, appreciation and honouring with which people like Serge Benhayon have related to me. I have learned that those qualities are my true way.

    3. Yes absolutely when we start caring for bodies more our thinking shifts and how we treat ourselves and choices naturally change, which leads to having an impact on our health, well being and day to day relationships.

    4. Spot on Matilda, the great love in responsibility cannot be realised without these keys in place.

  192. How we have been responding to our body’s prompts that something needs attention is astonishing. If we were running a car or another piece of machinery and we noticed warning lights and tell-tale signs that something needs attention we would be unlikely to try to override it, or flood the system with something that just kills off the warning lights, also if we do ignore the signs and the machinery breaks down we are not surprised. But most of us seem to not have the same level of responsibility with our body.

  193. It’s interesting how we can have names for things that are scary or that we don’t know how to deal with. Cancer is just one example, but I know that there are things that I feel ashamed or uneasy about and instead of speaking about them frankly and honestly – which would be very freeing and healing, the temptation or default position can be that we pretend that it’s not happening and go into denial which is even worse. There is a great healing power in being honest.

  194. Yes, and the missing link has always been right under our nose – literally. Our body has always been telling us.

    1. Hello Jenny and so we are at 1 in 3 being diagnosed with cancer and yet we still are not looking in all the right places for why this is. Where will we go from here? 1 in 1 having it and then we will surely need to ask what is going on. We need to treat cancer absolutely and from here we will need to treat the whole thing, the whole body as one. So esoteric medicine brings in and completes the whole part and also brings with it the ability for us to completely heal.

      1. Yes Ray its a dire state of affairs that we have allowed, 1 in 3 people to be diagnosed with Cancer in the 21st Century. All that effort in the 1960’s to put a man on the moon seems a pitiful waste of energy and time, when 50 years later cancer is sky rocketing out of control. Esoteric medicine is an essential accompaniment to orthodox medicine, it supplies us with the answers that we only seem to ask ourselves when facing such a dire diagnoses. There is a way out of this awful statistic, but it calls for us to be extremely honest and open minded, looking at just the illness is not the answer, we need to examine everything about the way we live and take responsibility for every inch of our lives.

      2. Hello Rowena and this would appear a hard sell at this point when we aren’t even really seeing it’s a problem. A year rolls on and we still are waiting for the ‘cure’ to many things that have been increasing, some have doubled in a short time and yet we have a moment where we may be alarmed but then just slip back into the week. It seems like at times we are asleep in a way to what is truly going on around us.

        How can we not see more and more people getting cancer and now also the varying forms of cancer and not see what else is needed? It’s like we see part of it but still wait for someone to take care of it, like we will be saved. It’s more than time to take responsibility for what we see and for us to fully wake to the reality of how we are living, Esoteric Medicine just makes sense and I know continues to support me.

  195. Great , thank you Eunice ‘ The body cannot and does not lie – if we poison it with foods, drinks, emotions, thoughts, actions/movements, ways of being and relating that are toxic and unloving – it will have to deal with them sooner or later. If we choose to then feel guilty about our choices or to blame ourselves in some way, then we are just adding more poison into the system and polluting it further and no true healing will occur. Instead we can choose to take a different approach, one that sees this as an amazing opportunity to clear all of those poisonous thoughts, beliefs, emotions, resentments, grudges, hurts and more, to see the body as a profound instrument of healing, one where it may itself ultimately succumb in the process of the disease and healing, and where that healing is to reconnect with and deeply know who we are and always have been – Love.’

    1. This represents a shift in thinking that would change the world – not just, as is so brilliantly shared here, our approach to cancer, but our whole relationship with life. I have come to love responsibility (no longer considering it a burden to be avoided) as I understand and live the integral part we all play in the big picture.

  196. This is the way of the future, until we take responsibility for all our thoughts actions and words illness and disease of all forms will be around for a long time.

    1. Indeed, kevmchardy. We do have some ways to go in accepting that responsibility and making the changes that will eventually lead to the levels of disease we are currently experiencing to decrease, but it really is the only way that the trajectory we are on will change.

  197. “This is why the marriage of esoteric medicine and conventional medicine is so important – as the esoteric brings the understandings that are missing in modern medicine regarding our true nature, our spirit and our soul and their role in disease manifestation and healing.” And conventional medicine helps us manage our symptoms and provides pain relief without which mankind would be put through much physical suffering. These two forms of medicine complement each other perfectly and though they are only courting at present let’s hope they will soon be married as this super-couple has much to offer the world and the only way to relieve the enormous burden on our health system is for us all to start to accept responsibility for our own health and start to make changes in lifestyle choices, instead of committing a slow suicide by the ill choices that are being made.

    1. I agree Sandra. There is so much evidence in the world to suggest that conventional medicine alone can be used to manage a disease, but how we live each and every day will also have an effect on what happens to us. Which means we have control of our health and perhaps some of us don’t want to hear that. But if we are only managed by doctors and medicine, then we put pressure on this service, rather than considering we have a big part to play. In my experience personally and through many people close to me, it is only through wanting to be responsible and understand why an illness has come about, combined with the fantastic support of conventional medicine, that true healing can take place.

    2. Yes, many times when I read about “complementary medicine” in the paper or elsewhere, it is really alternative medicine in disguise. That is selling conventional or allopathic medicine short.

  198. What a wonderful combination of esoteric medicine and conventional medicine and life experience – it may not fulfill the modern day criteria for ‘evidenced based medicine’ but every inch of me rings with the truth of what you write. It’s a complete picture that my body cannot deny. And no matter it ‘goes beyond what is currently understood and accepted by mainstream medicine’ it is for modern medicine to catch up with what the Ageless Wisdom has presented throughout many eras.

    1. Well said Rosanna. There are many ‘non evidence based’ facts that ring absolutely true for me in every way, and to me this seems like evidence enough!

    2. Indeed Rosanna – I too have learnt to trust that no one knows truth about my own body better than myself, because it is lived and felt. This simple fact has completely turned my life around from one in constant misery to one in joy and purpose. That does not mean I dismiss conventional medicine, on the contrary, I walk hand in hand with it.

      1. Beautifully said Eva, to walk hand in hand with conventional medicine, this is where complementary medicine sits very effectively.

    3. According to Plato, “the part can never be well unless the whole is well.” indeed Rosanna, this is the ageless wisdom we are returning to.

  199. This blog is written with great clarity and understanding of the topic and shows us that we do have the power to determine the quality of our health and wellbeing. It poses some key questions for us to ponder: “…why would we resist and fight that which in truth we most dearly want and miss?” Is it that we are not “truly willing to live with the high degree of responsibility that is being called for?” Are we prepared to give up the things that sabotage our health even though they may be comforts that we are attached to? By becoming aware of what is not Love in our life we can take proactive steps to bring a quality to how we live every day, not just to avoid the Big Stop but to bring more harmony and fulfilment to our life which impacts on all those around us.

  200. Eunice as I read this blog, the truth that I am met with and my whole body responded to was the Big C is the Big Celebration, it is a celebration to have the opportunity to truly heal. This is a revolutionary way to look at sickness and disease but it is the truth.

    1. If we can let go of blame and fear, and surrender to the fact that we have cancer, then that is certainly something to celebrate as the Big C then “becomes a means by which we deeply heal ourselves” as Eunice says. It is “an amazing opportunity “to clear all of those poisonous thoughts, beliefs, emotions, resentments, grudges, hurts…..” which leaves behind the one thing that we have always been and always will be – Love.

      1. Absolutely so amintumi, it is only revolutionary in the present when our natural way has not been lived for so long, it is awesome and truly celebratory to be met with again a truth that the body knows!

    2. I love that this all seems huge and revolutionary for us in the 21st century but as Amina has shared is actually a return to something that has already existed, that we (humanity) have already lived. This is the cycle of our evolution and learning.

    3. Yes Adele, serious illness is often a blessing in disguise and there is every reason to celebrate it ‘as an opportunity to heal’. Always, our first responsibility is to live in a way and make lifestyle choices more likely to prevent the onset of chronic illness in the first place. Should a chronic illness occur, we can equally learn and our lives be transformed by the wisdom offered to us.

    4. Agreed Adele, I recently was diagnosed with something going on in my body, and after the initial shock, I was able to see it for what it is, an enormous opportunity to heal and live more of the true light in the world. I am now friends with this correction going on in my body and I love doing what I need to to support the healing.

      1. I agree Anna – it is very liberating to see illness as a correction that is taking place. I have experienced this too, and it is amazing what can happen when we don’t fight it but actually appreciate it for what it is, an opportunity for true healing.

  201. This is a hugely empowering thing to consider –”What if illness and disease including cancer is not a punishment, is not God’s will, is not bad luck or a random event but intimately related to the quality of how we live every day?” It frees us from the trap of wanting to blame someone or something for our woes and allows us the absolute joy and grace to live with responsibility for our own lives.

    1. Yes, the concept that an illness or a disease is an option for us to change our life to be more true and harmonious, that we have the increased awareness to do so and the urge as well, means that it can be a substantial opportunity.

    2. Yes, it is incredibly healing to accept that our illness and disease is a blessing from our soul, allowing us to clear out of our body the unloving choices we have made in the past. There is no longer any blame, and the process of surrendering to the healing process can be full of grace.

      1. Hi Janet, I agree with this – I was recently walking into a hospital and saw a patient walking out looking a mess – but instantly felt this is love.

    3. Well said Elizabeth. Blaming others for our illnesses and woes is a trap, and believing that our lives are controlled and influenced by something or someone else is uncomfortable, yet a well thought out plan to avoid responsibility and have a reason to live less than joy or greatness.

      1. I agree Matilda having had a life of dodging and avoiding responsibility and very easily and purposefully blaming others it has never felt right or true. To cut these disrespectful patterns and seeing it for what it really is I have found to be super empowering.

    4. Yes, Elizabeth. Far from being a burden, responsibility for ourselves is incredibly empowering and joyful to accept, because the things that always seemed to be out of our control are shown to be simply down to our own choices.

    5. Absolutely Elizabeth. I can feel that for as long as we choose to look somewhere else for answers to why we have cancer, we miss the beauty and grace of knowing the answers lie within and with the responsibility of this we are empowered.

    6. It is Elizabeth I agree. What if this question was simply put to every person who walks into the doctor’s surgery or attends a hospital appointment. What if what we consume, the pressures we put ourselves under, the negative self esteem, the fear anger and sadness is the real cause of cancer? While some may not find this a welcome question, it does put us back in the driving seat of our own welfare. What the Esoteric Medicine does is offer firm support and guidance in a time when the way forward might feel very formidable.

    7. I agree Elizabeth, it does feel really empowering, especially with the support we now have with understanding what certain ills are telling us through the study of Esoteric Medicine. This is a gift for all of us to start taking the responsibility you speak of here.

    8. I couldn’t agree more, Elizabeth. The shift from being a victim to taking responsibility is life changing and empowering beyond words.

    9. Responsibility is not a word that is rolled in with Joy and grace in todays world but is truly inspired by those that have committed to more harmony in how they live in every day.

    10. Indeed Elizabeth – to let go of the blame is key to setting ourselves free from whatever we may feel trapped in.

  202. “What if illness and disease including cancer is not a punishment, is not God’s will, is not bad luck or a random event but intimately related to the quality of how we live every day?” – this is STOP moment for us all when the World Health Organisation recently stated that lifestyle-related illness is now the No. 1 cause of death. We have more say in what happens to our body than many are willing to see, and it is only when more do, that we will see a slowing down or decrease in the rates of illness.

    1. Sandra this is a jaw-dropping statistic. The next stage in our evolution is to bring the awareness we have to everyone and follow the example of Serge Benhayon, who led the way fifteen years ago. As you say, ‘We have more say in what happens to our body than many are willing to see, and it is only when more do, that we will see a slowing down or decrease in the rates of illness’.

      1. It is jaw dropping kehinde2012 and I feel the more it is talked about, slowly, slowly it will be realised by more people that we do have more say in what happens to our body.

      2. That is indeed a jaw-dropping statistic: lifestyle related diseases being the No. 1 cause of death worldwide. Can it get worse, does it have to get worse before we are willing to do something about our not so good choices?

    2. Wow Sandra, I don’t think this statement from the World Health Organisation has been widely shared, yet it is exactly what should be pinned up in every GP surgery and featured in newspapers and health magazines across the globe. The fact that something so relevant isn’t shared openly is worth questioning.

      1. I agree Jane. There are many people who would respond to seeing this statement and make changes in their lives. I feel it’s the GPs and medical specialists who need to accept this as a fact now, and to then be able to support people in making changes too…and for many medical people, it has to start with them first. They have to be willing to make the lifestyle changes first for themselves before they can work with their patients…they need to walk the talk.

    3. It’s actually ridiculous when you go into a hospital and see what we knowingly choose for ourselves.

      1. It is in so many cases gyllianrae, but I was once on a path to lifestyle related illness as a smoker, a drinker and a high-sugar consumer many years ago, until I woke up to what I was doing to my body. It was a slow process but it started with the awareness that I could change my choices.

    4. When we understand Illness and disease in the way that Eunice Minford has here described it actually puts a whole new light on things. For those of us who are committed to living a true and love-filled life, it then becomes a guide, a marker for us to say ‘ok, so that’s not the way’. In truth, I know that we know the true way, its just that we have been living so far from this that it takes a little reminding, and the body is our blessing for this.

      1. I agree Anna, the devil is then not in the illness and so we do not go into the attacking it mode rather can give ourselves the opportunity and the time to look at the way we have been living up to that point and all the choices we have been making and see what the illness is showing us. Otherwise all that happens is we get cured go back to living the same way and nothing changes, except then maybe later on we need a bigger illness or accident to stop us.

  203. I wonder this too Annie, ‘Sometimes I wonder how bad the health of humanity has to become before we stop and do a stocktake to look at what is not working here’, I have observed that people seem to be getting more and more ill, and yet still very little responsibility is taken that it could be how we live and our choices that are the root cause if the illness’s, there is still much blame, bitterness and surprise when it comes to illness and disease.

  204. The big C, Cancer, the big A, Alzheimers, the big H, Heart disease, the big D, Dementia, the big M, Mental Illness, another big D, Diabetes, the big O, Obesity… These days it really is a minefield. It is quite horrific what is happening.

    1. I agree Matthew, and the interesting part is that so many have become immune to this fact, so long as it is not happening to them directly.

      1. And even if people are affected, they often have given up so much that they do the therapies, sometimes desperately, but not deeply make a change in their lifes according to what they are told through the illness. This is also a form of immunity against true healing.

      2. I agree Matthew and Amina, people are now either becoming immune to the staggeringly high statistics until they become one of them or someone close to them does or they are seeing them as a fact of life, an inevitable that no matter what happens they will get cancer or a similar illness or disease. It makes no sense to think we have no control over our health and well-being.

      3. I like the “immunity against true healing” Kerstin. There seems to be a massive resistance that goes beyond the actual suffering of an illness or disease. To be open to truly heal is something we hardly have today. When talking to people with serious conditions about nutrition for example they all know and have experienced that they feel so much better and that the symptoms are so much less, but they just don’t want to let go of the dairy or diet coke. The expectation of the quick fix is very common and there is not much offered to look deeper and also be supported in this process.

    2. So true Matthew . . .and we can still tend to blame the disease – completely disregarding our lifestyle.

      1. Absolutely Jenny, ‘we can still tend to blame the disease – completely disregarding our lifestyle.’ From what I hear and observe it feels as if looking at our lifestyle is the last thing we want to do, it’s so much easier to blame doctors, bad luck, anyone else, rather than admit that how we are living is not loving and is actually very disregarding and harmful.

      2. Well said Jenny, the blame game is what most people are choosing to play. The unwillingness to assume responsibility is skyrocketing ,but this is what brings us deeper and deeper into the already massive misery we are in.

      3. Yes, we so often disregard the lifestyle, but perhaps the disregard is not helped by the normality we have created around our drinking cultures, our dependence on coffee, the way we interact with one another, or more accurately don’t interact, the unnatural foods we eat, and so much more. So the lifestyle should be our foremost thought whenever we get sick, asking how have I been living, what could I do to support myself into greater health, and not see the sickness as a matter of bad luck or inevitability.

    3. It is, Matthew. While there are so many out there trying all kinds of different ways to cure our ills through research and experiments, and calling for more action by governments and health services, those who call for the people to take responsibility for themselves are still in the minority.

    4. It is horrific Matthew, but at the same time it’s our lack of responsibility – we have no one else to look at but ourselves and the choices we have knowingly made to get us this ill. The spirit is very cunningly obvious in its waywardness – blaming everyone else but itself – as a deliberate way to not be held accountable, and you know what a much more simple life as well. Imagine if everyone just admitted the fact that we, humanity are living lovelessly and way less than the grandness we all innately are.

    5. Absolutely Matthew. Our collective bodies are waving a giant red warning flag at us, and I don’t doubt that illness and disease cases will continue to grow and rise until we start to address what’s really going on here, and look at the choices we (humanity) are making.

    6. Hello Matthew and we do love to super size things don’t we. In this way we get to see more and as you say it’s not just related to one thing, they are all on the rise. It’s great to keep discussing this in the wider community. Not to scare people or to make a drama that we know something they don’t, but to ask more about what is going on, why and keep these things in the headlights.

      1. Yes what is this super sizing anyway? Why do we have to super size food, drinks and entertainment? It’s like this desperate attempt to fill ourselves with super sizes and then our social communication is about “likes” and virtual followers and how many super sized social media friends we have.

      2. Hello Rachel and I see the ‘super size’ as an increase in entertainment, consumerism. In other words it’s like when you buy the house you want the boat, the pool, the air conditioning etc etc. The super size of life, never allowing yourself to appreciate what’s in front of you and always looking for the next big thing. This becomes a form of communication as well like you say, you communicate from the things you have, a stature.

    7. How the world is currently looking at illness and disease is not hitting the mark, that is evidenced in how much illness and disease is on the rise, yet we keep on keeping on, pouring more and more money into research into all the areas you call out Matthew. It is crazy, yet is anyone asking why? We need to ask why? Love that there is a forum to do so here.

    8. “The overall budget means in the UK the National Health System spends £4,335 every second.” Band aiding is a costly business, responsibility is FREE!

  205. Sometimes I wonder how bad the health of humanity has to become before we stop and do a stocktake to look at what is not working here. Clearly something is awry.. instead we mask our true state of being with increasing numbers and potency of pharmacological bandaids. Until one day there will not be enough drugs and diversions to hide the misery and wretchedness of mankind.

    1. I have thought the same Annie. I have read absolutely horrendous statistics about the increase in cancer, lifestyle related problems, dementia, mental health conditions and so forth – yet it seems that humanity continues on as normal, trying to ignore what’s staring us in the face. What will it take to stop people in their tracks, turn to the elephant in the room and address it?

      1. Trying to continue as normal and hoping for a cure that involves only taking a pill. I can remember the first time where a doctor told me that I would benefit from change to a gluten-free diet. My first reaction was outrage – wasn’t there a pill?

      2. A scary question Susie, unfortunately it can take great calamity for some to stop.

    2. I hear you Annie, I wonder the same thing often. How long will it take for all of us to be willing to see the full extent of ill in our bodies and in the world.

    3. Very true Annie. It seems that we are just lowering the standard of health and settling more and more for a lesser existence. It is already considered quite “normal” to be on ibuprofen or paracetamol to numb the constant head aches, back pains, period pains, etc. The increase in diabetes 2 also shows that people are starting to “normalize” having those serious conditions and just coping with it, instead of facing the root cause of it. If people would live responsibly there wouldn’t be such an increase in diabetes 2, as it is pretty much self-made due to our food choices. Obesity is another “good” example. In the United States there are cities where almost 60% of the population is obese, to an extreme that they are not functioning in daily life anymore, and they keep on eating and abusing their body and the health system is adjusting to their needs instead of calling them for responsibility.
      It pretty much looks like that we need to go all the way down the path of misery to truly stop and assume responsibility for our choices.

      1. We have women in the Aged Care Facility that I am working in that are so obese that they cannot get out of bed and they continue to eat all day. This is allowed and even fostered by the facility who provide 3 meals a day which consists of 3 courses including sweets for each meal and in between they have morning and afternoon tea and supper. The day is a huge eat feast for all the elderly residents from the moment they wake up till they go to sleep. No wonder they are checking out more and more and most have multi-symptomatic diseases.

      2. Yes Mary-Louise that’s the craziness of it, people are literally fed into obesity and nobody puts a stop to it. On the contrary the health system in the UK for example is adapting to obese patients, spending huge amounts of money on new surgery tables and ambulances that are capable to handle this massive weight. It’s this comfort feeding that begins already with kids, giving them the lolly, the ice-cream, cake or coca cola so they are quiet and do not bother (until the sugar rush makes them ask for more) and with this letting them check out on electronic devices.

    4. It baffles me that so many people seem to have so little awareness of the fact that life style choices are to a large extent what determines the condition of our bodies. It is not exactly rocket science.

      1. My feeling is that it is a conscious choice to have little awareness that lifestyle choices are to a large extent what determines the condition of our bodies as we do not want to take responsibility for our health nor lives and want to maintain our comfortable mundane existence rather then have to make the necessary changes that would afford good health, well-being and a true connection to ourselves.

      2. Absolutely Mary-Louise – it is all a question of being willing to take responsibility for our own health. I have experienced people going ‘Wow’ as if it’s a big feat when I share that I don’t eat this or I don’t drink that because of my health and wellbeing and I have also experienced the opposite, that people are saying ‘why bohter, why not let the doctors take care of that?’ – both responses are saying that they find it extraordinary to look after our own health, when truth is it is simply part of our natural responsibility to honour our bodies and stay aware of what is going on.

    5. Sadly, sometimes it seems we have to hit “rock bottom” before we are willing to make any real change! And hence in the process we make it that much more difficult for ourselves. People are getting more and more aware, however, they are still not willing to make the needed changes. Just as Christophe has mentioned too in one of the comments, most people don’t seek to make change and they just want to take a pill, to keep themselves disempowered under the fog of irresponsibility.

    6. “In 2014 there were 57.1m prescriptions issued for antidepressants in England – an increase of more than 100% over 10 years. One in five young people experience anxiety or depression.” as you say Annie, the writing is on the wall.

  206. Awesome Eunice – you have created such an amazing document, what cancer is all about. It is not only about healing the end result – removing the cancer from the physical body, but really looking at the energetic root cause of cancer and when we do this and heal all the issues, which have led to cancer, then a true healing takes place.

    1. Heal all the issues we DO NOT have! I agree Alexander, this is without question an amazing document that truly highlights the absolute root to all our choices that are not in accordance to what our true choices would otherwise be.

    2. Conventional medicine removes cancer from the body, esoteric medicine supports the person to go much deeper and connect to the root cause of the cancer. They make perfect partners. Many people if offered both treatments would choose the physical cut that gets rid of the disease, but not the inner exploration of past choices and hurts, that leads to true healing.

    3. It is great that illness and disease is an opportunity to see and feel all the things we have taken on that are not truly us, so that we can change these and be more of us. This certainly changes how we can view all illness in the body.

    4. I absolutely agree alexander, our current medical system does a fantastic job of removing cancers, illness and disease but this is only a band aid if we are not to claim our own responsibility in all the unloving choices that led us to this point and begin to make changes that bring greater harmony to the body, the being within.

    1. And knowing who we are brings a huge healing because when we claim we are more than just the physical body, that we are part of the Universe, that we are indeed the Sons of God, then illness and disease can come, it can go, but we do not identify it as that is who we are.

      1. That’s right Donna, knowing we are from the stars and understanding we all have our Divine part in the order of the cosmos and of God, certainly can bring change on our perspective !

    2. I second that hear hear Jane; ‘In my experience there are no riches greater than the truth of knowing and feeling who you truly are.’ Hear hear Eunice!

  207. “…the love that you are remains as pure and unsullied as the day you were born.” No, nothing can touch this, nothing can change this, not even cancer. To know this is to be in touch with the truth of who we are, therefore any illness can be experienced simply as a clearing to enable our healing path back to this love.

  208. Eunice, I love this question you pose – it immediately brings a stop to consider illness in another way and the ultimate level of responsibility being ours and ours alone, in the way we live and treat our bodies every day. No hiding behind pointing the finger of blame at any one else or a nebulous sort of God for letting us down when it is us choosing to remain ‘a victim of circumstances’. Where is the true value in this?
    “What if illness and disease including cancer is not a punishment, is not God’s will, is not bad luck or a random event but intimately related to the quality of how we live every day?”

  209. This is a deeply healing piece of writing. Our attitudes towards cancer are so varied, ranging from giving up, to going into battle, to acceptance and embracing it. What is shown here is that with diseases like cancer there is an opportunity to embrace the wisdom of our body when it goes into a state of disease and that we have a chance to really closely look at the relationship we have with ourselves and who we think we are.

  210. ” Yet I don’t doubt that at the start of their journey with cancer they [those with a positve attitude towards their illness] may have experienced all the same fears, concerns and emotions that impact most people when faced with a cancer diagnosis – but they didn’t stay there, they have chosen to address those fears, concerns and emotions and come to a deeper understanding of themselves and the condition: they have chosen to heal.” Not allowing oneself to be overwhelmed by emotions but to look deeper at the causes of why one is where one is, rather than blaming the external, is a complete game changer.

  211. “Are we truly willing to live with the high degree of responsibility that is being called for?” This is a great question Eunice, illness and disease are the end result of all our choices we make on a daily basis, so there is a huge responsibility in how we live when it comes to illnesses like cancer. We can’t always see this, as the build up from our choices to the time we become ill can be over many years, if not decades, but until we begin to take more responsibility for how we are in life, illnesses and diseases like cancer will continues to grow.

  212. The struggle to change is that we are brought up from kids living with emotions, excess sugar, alcohol and attitudes that are seen a normal when in actual fact all of it is an illusion. Trying to change attitudes to many things that your parents did and grandparents did is challenging for many. We therefore resist to see the truth of what is really going on.

  213. It is quite amazing to see some people getting cancer, noticing how their entire awareness increases, how they lovingly accept the conventional medical treatment and how they live their life to support that medical treatment in every way. Many survive, some don’t and it is hard for many to understand that the above changes are what is important, more important than the outcome. If there are many lives, it makes sense, if there is only one life, then it makes much less sense.

  214. Such a powerful piece of writing Eunice. The big things that stood out for me were acceptance and responsibility. Accepting the love that we are innately so and then taking responsibility for all our choices, the ones that are supportive and reflective of the love we are and the ones that are not. This is no small feat and it is little wonder that so many of us struggle with acceptance and responsibility, I know that these two are a continual work in progress and refinement for me on a daily basis.

    1. Lee I am with you on this one, that it is a continual process daily to keep bringing my focus and awareness to being the Love that I am, no matter what temptations or situations are staring us in the face.

    2. Yes, well summarised Lee. If we accept our divine nature it naturally leads to living responsibly, knowing that our every move has an affect on our bodies and everything around us, to the far reaches of the universe. This is an amazingly meaningful yet simple way to consider our daily lives.

  215. This is a very timely read for me “Knowing we are love calls us to live with a much greater level of responsibility for our daily choices and how we relate to ourselves and each other”. Every choice matters and there isn’t a moment that one choices doesn’t matter because of any issue, minor or major. Every choice in every moment counts as part of the whole of me and my relationship to another.

  216. It would be great if these ideas and the understanding they provide was offered to people as a standard part of life. With the escalating level of illness and the severity of them throughout the world, more and more people find themselves in a place of devastation when they or a loved one is diagnosed. The support provided by a greater understanding is vitally needed.

  217. “What if illness and disease including cancer is not a punishment, is not God’s will, is not bad luck or a random event but intimately related to the quality of how we live every day?” This question helps to understand that so much more is going on than we can see.

  218. ‘Knowing we are love calls us to live with a much greater level of responsibility for our daily choices and how we relate to ourselves and each other.’ Knowing we are love changes every single part of life. It brings a richness and a preciousness that has been previously untapped. It calls us to feel our grandness in our ordinary lives.

  219. Gosh… where do I start?…, this blog is great, offering so much to consider… lifestyle diseases, choices, habits, patterns of behaviour are thrown up in the air to examine and question when a diagnosis of having ‘The Big C’ is given… and seamlessly navigating our attention to the responsibility we have to the body, to self care, to make lifestyle changes are all considered. A fabulous pandora’s box of a blog to read, offering a wider scope and thought provoking approach for anyone who has been given a diagnosis of cancer.

  220. Eunice you have more than filled the gap between the medical profession and what is missing from our current understanding of illness. You have managed to totally change the way that the Big C is presented and you have revealed it as the absolute gift of healing which it potentially is.

  221. Thank you Eunice for sharing, for me all illness and disease is related to the way we are living and the choices we are making. I used to see illness and disease as something bad but now see it as an opportunity to learn, to stop whatever I may be doing and refocus my life and look at the choices I am making.

  222. Eunice having the life lived experiences as a doctor that has seen much then to have developed yourself with the support and inspiration from Universal Medicine your words hold much weight. It makes complete sense that every aspect that we live will have an impact on our bodies from the emotions we go into to what we put into our bodies. Responsibility is clearly the way forward.

  223. Thank you, Eunice, for spelling out unequivocally the enormous blessing given to us through illness and disease. I marvel at the constant opportunity to come back to a soulful way of being, as “there are no riches greater than the truth of knowing and feeling who you truly are”.

  224. Eunice I love how you marry the two medicines and express clearly why we need them both for true healing to occur.

  225. I know so many women who have had cancer and have used the illness as Eunice has described as a “big stop” moment, a time to reassess their lives and make different choices. These women have arrested the energy and have turned around their lives enormously.

    1. Yes Mary-Louise, I have been one of those women. Cancer is a big stop for many people and the healing that is possible if one chooses that for them selves is a divinely gorgeous process. There are no cancer victims here, only a deep level of commitment to being responsible for past choices.

  226. Yesterday I had a chat with a woman in a shop and she shared that her husband is suffering from cancer, fighting to live a bit longer to see his grandchild growing up. But in general he is more existing than living, having medical tubes in his body, is not able to go to toilet by himself and is most of the time not addressable.
    And we started to ponder together what it is that we hold on so much to life even when our quality of life is so down. ‘That’ we live seems more important than ‘how’ we live… and modern/western Medicine does a great job here – it supports us very well in our lives. But maybe that is not enough and that’s why we are always looking for more?!
    What Universal Medicine offers is not just healing and a higher quality of life – but SENSE!

  227. Thanks for sharing your wisdom Eunice, it is the way of how it will be when the world catches up with the Esoteric and we, en masse, can live in a way that doesn’t incur so much disease. The Big C may be a blessing to some now, but through total self-love and care it would be good to see diseases like it and all the others reduced to chapters in our history books, like plagues of the past.

    1. Yes Kev, that is the state we want to get to where Cancer is not afflicting us. I can’t help but feel the more we ‘fight’ cancer the more we will lose. Addressing these illnesses needs a huge stop and reassessment of how it is we are living.

    2. Very good point kevmchardy, when we make life about our esoteric aspect and not just the physical outplay, we will be able to call it a plague of the past, for that it what it is; a plague that is killing millions.

    3. Good point Kev, I was thinking: Did our ancestors have the same fears of the plague and the current diseases, as we do now of cancer? Even with our advancements in medicine there does seem to be this underlying fear that we might be the unlucky one.

  228. With regards to accepting out right or not the possibility that I could be the love I have been searching for, this is usually something that I resist with memories that I recall to justify why I am not that love. For example in something that I did or said which was clearly harmful to another person, therefore how could I possibly be love. In recent times however I am coming to learn that although those memories are valid in that those events did happen, they do not identify who I am, and in this moment I can choose to be more than that. This is living medicine, and even though cancer may still come in to my life, I will always have this basis from which to approach it and let it heal from my body.

  229. If we consider that we live only once, cancer is of course the worst news ever. And the goal becomes to be able to go back to your previous life.
    When we add the possibility of both reincarnation and the Soul we cannot think of cancer in the same way. This is what the Esoteric work presents. An awesome contribution to mankind on such a crucial subject.

  230. I really appreciate Eunice how you link our hurts and mis-perceptions about who we really are, to our unloving choices and lifestyles. This takes the wisdom of conventional medicine into a broader sphere were we can consider take responsibility for what we create and engage with medical interventions in true healing..

  231. Such a great blog Eunice and ultimately the ball is in our court with every choice we make. I too know of people who have had the big C and have married the Western and Esoteric Medicine and in relation to others that I know that have had the big C and only worked with the Western medicine there is a stark difference between the two approaches. One as you say looks at what has caused it and heals what has created the cancer and the other only treats the symptoms and hopes for the best, but constantly living in fear.

  232. When you know you are love, everything else follows. Changing your diet becomes surprisingly easy as you know that eating certain things is not love and hence not you. After sufficient repetitions of this painful cycle of eating the wrong thing and noticing what is happening it becomes easier and easier.

  233. “…we have much more power over our health and wellbeing than we like to admit or accept.” This takes responsibility, something I’m working on and something I’ve been happy to pass over to others in the past. When we can see our part in the healing of disease and illness and address it, coupled with western and complementary medicine seems to be a very loving approach.

  234. An absolutely delicious sharing Doug! The ‘Only live Once club’ is surely a great way to avoid taking responsibility for our actions in one life! Considering reincarnation is a great step into responsibility, and yes truly studying re-incarnation or considering its possibility is an enormously healing.

  235. ‘For example, would you be willing to significantly change your diet, your sleep pattern, your way of being and relating?’ This calls for us to be far more responsible than we have been but it is a joy to do so and feels very freeing.

    1. I agree Michelle, it can seem daunting but ultimately is very freeing. For me though we have to take it a step further and say am I worth loving enough to put love 1st in my life and so anything that is not love, needs to be addressed. If we set love as our foundation then anything is possible.

  236. ‘The depth of fear around the Big C was and is huge’ This is quite true and it is an awful way for people to live, feeling like they are playing the lottery of will I or won’t I get cancer.

    1. I so agree Michelle- the Big C word growing up for me was scary and something to dread, the outcome was ultimately death in my mind. It instilled so much fear and a given-upness if you have cancer, or feeling of “well I must have deserved it, so what the heck I’ll just live recklessly because I’m going to die anyway.”
      It also instilled deep sympathy, and if you didn’t show this then you were disrespectful.

  237. I deeply enjoyed reading this very well written article and would share it with anyone affected by cancer as a way of offering understanding to this disease which has such a huge impact upon people.

  238. “The body cannot and does not lie – if we poison it with foods, drinks, emotions, thoughts, actions/movements, ways of being and relating that are toxic and unloving – it will have to deal with them sooner or later. If we choose to then feel guilty about our choices or to blame ourselves in some way, then we are just adding more poison into the system and polluting it further and no true healing will occur.” Deep honesty and a willingness to not beat ourselves up, but to be super loving is required in this healing process as we uncover the understanding for ourselves that illness and disease is in truth about love and returning to our soul.

    1. Beautifully expressed Donna, it makes such a difference I think to not go into bashing ourselves up but look for the truth and learning about our past ill choices.

  239. Wonderful blog Eunice, and a wake up call for many that illness and disease “…is not bad luck or a random event but ultimately related to the quality of how we live every day.”

  240. I love this phrase and without doubt know that it is true; “to see the body as a profound instrument of healing”. If we are the ones who made the choices that got ourselves to the point of disease, then we are the ones who know the route back to the harmony that our essence is.

  241. If we were to consider that illness and disease is a wake up call to get us to change the way that we are living, then we would have a far more loving way of being with ourselves when we are ill.

    1. I agree with what you’ve said here Elizabeth. Illness also seems to pull us into being present with ourselves so we can feel the consequences of our choices.

    2. Great point Elizabeth, it is extraordinary how even when we do have an illness that we keep pushing on and ignoring what is really going on, like we are some unbreakable machine. Deeply caring and nurturing for ourselves on a daily basis is something that we need to teach ourselves – a way to being with ourselves.

    3. Absolutely Elizabeth, ‘If we were to consider that illness and disease is a wake up call to get us to change the way that we are living, then we would have a far more loving way of being with ourselves when we are ill.’ I am becoming more gentle with myself when I am ill now and am much more open to understanding why i may be ill and what changes I need to make, i have observed that it is common when people are ill to see it as an inconvenience and that there is a wish to get better asap and to get on with life as it was before.

      1. So true Rebecca…people do see illness as an inconvenience, something to be fought or suppressed so we can continue living in a way that is in total disregard of our body – it is a way of avoiding feeling the consequences of our choices on our body, of feeling what is really going on in our lives…a choice to avoid responsibility.

  242. Millions of people still haven’t connected to the truth of, or are oblivious to or deny the relationship between ill-health and life-style. Getting the message across that each person can drive themselves back to health and well-being and not be a passive passenger consuming all things harmful, is one of the major challenges facing humanity.

  243. ‘Medicine is confirming that a significant number of cancers are lifestyle related and given that such choices come from how we truly feel about ourselves and are coloured by the hurts we carry, it is easy to see that we have much more power over our health and wellbeing than we like to admit or accept.’ Articles like these bring great awareness about the way we are living and what we can choose for ourselves.

  244. Yes Marika, I have read a few articles now from people who say Cancer was the best thing that happened to them. This is not the normal in society and makes me feel that these people are onto something that might be worth deeper exploration. Especially as how we approach Cancer at present is so traumatic and filled with words such as fight and battle. Need it be this way?

  245. ‘Would you be willing to make such changes?’ Often people diagnosed with a non-malignant growth or tumour, sigh with relief and continue as before, rather than seeing it as a sign to live in a different way. This choice can lead to the development of malignancy.

  246. I like that Marika, seeing cancer as a friend instead of fearing it and going into fighting mode, as something that needs to be conquered. Could it really be that simple.

  247. If life was just life, then our approach to modern medicine makes complete sense, as life is just a random series of events. But if it is not, and there is such a thing as reincarnation, and we consider illness and disease in the way you have mentioned it, then so much of the world’s mystery suddenly starts to make a lot of sense – why good people get sick etc etc etc.

    1. Yes Adam, the world’s ‘mysteries’ do make sense when we accept reincarnation as our true way of being.

    2. You raise an interesting point here Adam, science always seems to be looking for the cause and effect or correlations in various illness and diseases and yet there is so much that science does not understand in terms of cancer. Perhaps the answer requires us to go deeper into our understanding of energy rather remaining in mere form and flesh.

      1. Yes, Jenny I agree ‘Perhaps the answer requires us to go deeper into our understanding of energy rather remaining in mere form and flesh.’ From the teachings of Universal Medicine my eyes have been opened to the world of energy. I am now completely aware of how this plays out in my own body and everywhere else. This understanding has transformed the way I live and think about my health.

      2. Agree JennyM. The greatest concern with where science is headed is that it does not allow us to think laterally anymore, to ponder on what we have discovered, to consider things differently. It is becoming a bit like buddhism in the sense that we are asked to detach from everything. As a buddhist monk once said to me, eventually you must even learn to detach from buddhism itself. The problem with this philosophy is how can you find the truth if you are asked to detach from everything, for even when the truth eventually comes across your doorstep, you will not then recognise it. There is the loss of true discernment in such a philosophy.

        Science has become little different in that it always asks us to be skeptical. And that is fine, but it means that we are forever sitting on the fence with regards to the truth of life. And that is fine, but that is not how true foundations are built. If I gave a scientist the task of building a house, it would still be sitting in the ground whilst we waited for verification that the soil was OK to build on, and whilst we argued about the validity of the tests. Meanwhile the builder next door took one look at the ground, decided based on his own experience that it was indeed rock, and got on with it, even though the scientist tried to tell him that his own experience unfortunately was not verifiable as evidence that something is true.

    3. The meaning of “being good” and “being bad” is challenged and we are shown that “good” is a question of energy and not a behavior we just can adopt.

    4. So true Adam, when we include re-incarnation and past choices as having an effect in our current lives, it supports us to fully appreciate the purpose of disease and the healing that occurs as a consequence. We don’t get sick because we have been bad, we get sick because we have strayed from our true expression. In recognising and re-aligning to our true nature, our bodies can then clear everything that does not equal our immense sensitivity and tenderness, hence why it appears that “good people get sick”. Those who have returned to their truth are allowing their bodies to clear the debris, that then supports an even deeper connection to their loving expression in their next incarnation.

  248. “It may seem incongruous, ridiculous even, that we would resist and fight love, never mind the divine love of our soul and God.” It is crazy that we resist this love so well, and that we are in fact masters of fighting what we truly are. I go through this a lot myself as I feel there is strong part of me constantly wanting to resist connecting to the love that I am, which is ridiculous because when I am connected and closer to my true self I feel the divinity and joyfulness that goes with it, and can see the struggle for what it is, a silly game I’ve been playing with myself for eons.

  249. This is such an amazing sharing from a Medical Consultant, one who works daily with patients from all walks of life and in all sorts of ‘dis-eased’ states of health. To have that awareness of both Esoteric medicine and Western medicine, that with the combination of both, (I’ve observed also) amazing healings taking place. After reading this today Eunice I could feel such deep inner appreciation on a grand scale that you have put to paper that which most can feel but would not acknowledge to the world. If we all put in that same dedication that you do with your amazing work and apply this to our daily living I feel the big ‘C’ would be a much smaller one. The wake up call is much needed. Thank you.

    1. I agree Marion, Eunice has expressed so much of the un-voiced concerns we have around this disease and how far our current western medicine can support patients to deal with this diagnosis. When a patient receives physical, spiritual and soulful guidance it enables them to fully comprehend their illness and empowers them to make the necessary life changes that their bodies are crying out for. And even when the patient knows they will most likely die of this disease, the depth of acceptance, peace and completion that can arise from the union of Western and Esoteric Medicine is immensely healing.

      1. I agree Rowena ‘When a patient receives physical, spiritual and soulful guidance it enables them to fully comprehend their illness and empowers them to make the necessary life changes that their bodies are crying out for.’ The missing ingredient is when we’re only given a physical diagnosis and treatment with no mention of how the illness relates to the soul’s journey and search for true healing.

      2. Rowena I fully agree, what Eunice brings here is the missing ingredient in the whole picture. The western and complementary medicine linked together, allowing patients the opportunity to truly heal. I heard yesterday that a local doctor specializing in prostate cancer says that if after 3 months of getting a condition the person has reverted to their old ways, it’s too late, it’s only when the condition is embraced for a catalyst of change that it can offer, and a true whole way of living change takes place, can true healing have occurred.

  250. Cancer is such a loaded word, one which still provokes a bit of fear in me, although not half as much as it used to. Knowing that healing and evolution can occur from anything that we are faced with, means that there is no such thing as bad luck, or bad genes. And also being able to take responsibility for the fact that our bodies are how they are because of the choices we have made in how to live up until now, also gives cancer a whole different meaning. I am sure I would be very scared at first if I was diagnosed, but I know that through these understandings and having esoteric healing sessions as well as the conventional medical procedures, I would be much more well equipped to deal with it and to embrace the true healing that it would be offering me.

    1. Well said Eleanor. It takes away the ‘curse’ factor of having ‘bad genes’ and ‘bad luck’, as with this understanding every illness, disease or injury becomes a potential healing and opportunity to look at the choices we’re making and how they are clearly affecting our physical body. Not everyone has this opportunity, and some live their entire lives burying their problems into their body with no ‘stop moment’ to clear it!

      1. Agree, the diagnosis of cancer is still scary, but not because of the “randomness” or “bad luck”, but because of the responsibility we are asked to live and the feeling of not having done that. We fear the consequence of not having lived responsibly.

      2. Great point Rachel. It’s like making you live with your worst enemy for a period of time! Responsibility is constantly reflected to us when we get ill or are diagnosed with something, and this can be quite a raw encounter if we have avoided it our whole lives.

      3. Yes Susie, and self-abuse is how we bury ourselves in our bodies and this can very easily be overridden keeping us blind from this simple fact.

  251. “This is why the marriage of esoteric medicine and conventional medicine is so important.” It will be a beautiful thing when these two forms of medicine go hand and hand with each other.

    1. So true Eleanor, the two would provide a powerful medicine indeed and offer a foundation of true healing.

      1. I agree and so much true healing would be available to each and every person should that be chosen. For so many hope of this has gone and a deep level of given up has taken over.

  252. It’s interesting how cancer has become the disease we fear most – perhaps because of its prevalence. Or perhaps it’s because we all know, deep inside, we ‘have it coming’ by virtue of the way we live.

    1. I have wondered that also Victoria, and have often wondered how fine the line is between getting cancer and not getting it. Having grown up with a mother who was extremely superstitious when it came to mentioning cancer and death, and who lived in fear of getting cancer herself I have always had this nagging fear in the back of my mind about cancer. Incidentally my mother and father both died of cancer, and my mother was quite calm about her diagnosis – maybe she sensed it coming or somehow expected it?

    2. Yes , Victoria, patients have said to me that they know why they have cancer and many can acknowledge that it is the way they have lived. It is innate in all of us to have this knowing and the vulnerability that many feel with this diagnosis allows them to express what is truly going on.

    3. Not only do we have it coming, but it will bring up all the issues we have not addressed to date. Any irresponsibility will be exposed and if we have been avoiding things this is where the fear kicks in.

    4. Very true, people are often very humbled with the diagnosis and although there is the shock, desperation and this feeling of being powerless, there is a deep knowing that our body is a reflection of how we have lived. We are not ignorant to truth, we have only chosen not to be aware.

  253. It’s astounding the degree to which we can prevent so much of what happens to us – and if we take it to its end conclusion, presumably all that happens to us. Even the medical world no longer denies the role we play in our own demise. How powerful it will be when we are able to combine esoteric understandings with those of medicine.

    1. The collaboration of these two working together are indeed a way forward for the whole of humanity, a true way of supporting ourselves and reflecting to our family, friends, work colleagues etc… that we are alway responsible for what we choose and our bodies are a marker of what we have chosen. This is a huge pill to swallow for most people, but those who are ready to be responsible will naturally see the truth in this simple fact.

    2. Agreed Victoria, we can prevent so much of the suffering we go through just by changing how we live everyday. Use our bodies like dustbins and they soon end up looking, smelling and feeling like one. The combination of western and esoteric medicine is a winning recipe. One has incredible answers to our physical predicaments, i.e its very good at fixing the body; the other enables us to go within and heal the inner sores that fuel our self destructive habits. As personally witnessed this dual approach truly enables people to make the deeply essential personal shifts that the cancer is indicating are needed and often with surprising ease.

    3. Marika, lifestyle medicine puts responsibility back where it belongs: in our hands, this has been the missing ingredient. For decades we have passively lived with our bodies, handed it over to be fixed by outsiders the medical practitioners, as if it has nothing to do with us. This clearly has not worked. We have the answeres and as you say: ‘…Esoteric Medicine assists in addressing the root cause (our responsibility) & Western Medicine is great at supporting the symptoms in our body’

    4. We do play an important part in our own demise or in our own expansion. When we are born, the only thing that is guaranteed is that we will die. The choices that we make throughout our life determine the quality of our life and the timing and manner of our death. Whether we choose to accept this or not, it does not change this responsibility we have.

    5. Agree Marika and Kehinde, the handing over of our bodies to be fixed after becoming dysfunctional due to our own choices is of utter irresponsibility and we have to stop looking for bettering medicine and start to sit in the driver’s seat and be responsible for our choices. Medicine is there to support us, not to fix us.

    6. I saw this passive approach to healthcare in action the other day at work with a woman who was completely accepting that her back problems were unchangeable and it was all about control through medication, completely in submission to the opinions of the medical doctors and unwilling to play any role in affecting her health. Now we must use the Doctors for support when we need it, but it is so crucial that we never just accept and give up on ourselves, if we make even the smallest lifestyle changes we really have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

  254. It is hard to understand how cancer cannot provide us with enough pause to get us to really examine what is going on. But then if you think life is random – that is, that you play no part in how life unfolds, as many do – you will ignore everything it has to offer. This is called irresponsibility and it’s a disease that plagues humankind.

    1. Absolutely Victoria – the antithesis of responsibility. Too often we try to “fight” our illness so that we can get back to our normal life before we got sick. When all along it was this life or way of living that led to the illness. Cancer or any illness can be a huge opportunity to reexamine all the choices we have made or we can go straight back to where we were.

    2. Great point Victoria, the belief of randomness is one of the biggest diseases we are plagued with in this time of skepticism and so called rationalism. The driving force of this disease is the virus of irresponsibility that seems to have found fertile ground.

    3. The ignorance around medicine is quite widespread and there is a lot of fear around this subject. Imagine if we would know the truth, we would know the root cause of our illnesses, then we would need to admit immediately that the life we live is not lived with love and harmony.The consequence would be, in order to heal we would need to change our life, our attitude towards it and our behaviour in it. The question is: do we want to know?

    4. I agree Victoria. And for most of us, we have been given many stop moments whether it be stubbing our toe, cutting ourselves, getting a cold or flu or some other seemingly small ailment. But these are all moments offering us the opportunity to stop and ask ourselves how we’ve been living and see if we need to make any changes.

  255. The desire to return to ‘situation normal’ is an understandable one. We all want to be well and return to regular life as soon as possible. I know I feel this way with a cold, or a cut finger. What inconveniences these are! But the truth is most of us will need the bigger stops because we will ignore the ones on the way.

  256. Great article and I love the disclaimer at the end – yes, what is presented here is future-forward and yes, it is always up to us to discern. I trust the average reader, perhaps stumbling across this piece for the first time, does not dismiss it out of hand.

  257. The fear with cancer is that there is still a misconception that it strikes randomly and with seemingly no reason. I too remember growing up and hearing the whispers about the “Big C” with there being no understanding of why it would strike some down and not others. What Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine presents is that there is nothing random about it at all. I find this very empowering. It means we can alter the course of our health by being aware of how our health (or not) is determined by the we are living and also to understand that illness is not a failure but a correction required and a clearing of the energy that we’ve chosen to take on.

  258. It’s true that it’s often only when we reach crisis point that life is placed into perspective and we’re prepared to make the changes that are required. However if we were to live responsibly and from our essence there would be much less incidence of illness and disease, but given that we’re not doing that yet, illness and disease is our soul’s loving way of calling our attention to the level of disharmony we have been and are choosing to live with.

    1. It is unfortunate that the only way that we get to come to a full stop and consider the quality of our choices is when we have an accident or serious illness. Yet as Eunice has described it can also be considered a wake-up for us to come back and consider the disharmony that we may be living in.

  259. Eunice this is an amazing article. Only the other day I was in the tube and a poster was calling cancer the enemy that must be fought – or something along those lines. Yet to read, ‘ that it is our body’s way of saying, “take care, look after yourself, stop poisoning yourself, stop being so hard on yourself, don’t abuse yourself or let others abuse you, deeply nurture yourself, eat healthily, be gentle with yourself, be tender with your body, respect and honour yourself, look in the mirror and see only who you truly are, the love and light of God shining from your eyes….” is so beautiful and so missing from the public domain.

  260. Beautifully said Eunice and in my experience also so very true – ‘In my experience there are no riches greater than the truth of knowing and feeling who you truly are.’ As when we live in connection to who we are, our Soul, we live knowing a natural and Soulful fullness that is beyond compare, with which the false riches that exist and entice from the external world are seen for the un-truths they are.

  261. A great blog Eunice, you offer an honest understanding of how we look at cancer. Seeing cancer as a blessing and an opportunity to change the way we live is so much more healing than how most people view it at present. Accepting that we are responsible for what happens to our body is the first step in seeing that cancer is not as random as we think it might be. It is an accumulation of all our unloving choices and the body’s way of discarding all that it can no longer tolerate.

  262. I remember when I was growing up as well ‘cancer’ was a big ‘oh NO’ thing. I hadn’t heard of ‘the BIG C’. What you present is truly life changing, perhaps cancer is not something dreadful, miserable and bad (although it is probably painful and very tiring) it may just be what we need to reconnect with our Soul, and to live a life true to our inner-most once again.

  263. Eunice this is an innovative article that addresses the way we approach healing today. There is so much that goes on for those who have been diagnosed with cancer and you highlight a very important point. ‘The existential angst that arises through a cancer diagnosis is huge but often goes unaddressed and unanswered, especially in a way that is truly healing.’ I can only imagine the shock one can go into from such a diagnosis but understand the process and healing it takes to overcome shock and the trauma of shock in general. So if this shock and questioning is not dealt with or resolved after one receives a cancer diagnosis with how is it possible to then to truly focus on self-care and make decisions from a place of understanding and calmness with the clear purpose of wanting to truly heal. We need to understand more deeply who we truly are, that we are much much more than our physicality, that we are in fact a Soul first which our bodies enhouse. The esoteric offers such understanding and I agree that this is where the true power of healing comes to light, when we work in unison with the powers of esoteric medicine and modern medicine combined.

  264. Cancer has gotten such a bad wrap and a diagnosis of the big “C’ instantaneously for many brings up fear of death. When I was diagnosed with cancer, I could feel the momentum that was there of how the world viewed cancer and it is very easy to get caught up in those stories. However, I did make the conscious choice, to not ride the cancer bandwagon but to take each day and each step for what it presented, knowing that it was a deeply healing process for me and an opportunity to break a momentum in which I had been living. Although I hadn’t come to the work of Universal Medicine at that point, I still knew that the cancer was my body’s way of sharing with me that something had to change and that it was a wake up call. I chose to listen to that wake up call.

    1. Great to read Donna, your experience of cancer and choosing to not get caught in the standard way cancer is seen, and deciding to ride one day at a time with your body to break the momentum that brought you to that point. The fact that you hadn’t come to Universal Medicine yet at that point shows that this awareness is not a Universal Medicine thing, it is something that we all have within, if we just stop and let ourselves listen to our bodies.

    2. This shows that we all instinctively know what illness and disease is about Donna, and that it isn’t reserved for people who come to the work presented by Universal Medicine – it is Universal Medicine. There seem to be 2 paths with illness 1) surrender to what is being shown and in a way be humbled by the fragility of the physical body or 2) put up a fight with determination to overcome the illness and return to ‘normal’. The problem with the latter is that it is the ‘normal’ that has contributed to the illness in the first place and so the physical symptoms may be removed but the lived momentum hasn’t changed.

  265. Brilliant article Eunice Minford. Your knowledge, wisdom and experience shine through here not only because you have ‘been there, done that’ in your profession. What I deeply appreciate about you, is exemplified here in your ability and willingness to tackle the deeper questions, and share your understanding and unfolding about the sacredness of life and invite others to do so. This is an immense service to your profession, to humanity; it’s inspiring and is much appreciated. Your dissection of cancer, its purpose and the possibility for it to be a truly healing experience reflects your true wisdom and natural teaching ability Eunice.

    1. Bernadette as you say Eunice exemplifies an ‘ability and willingness to tackle the deeper questions’, and share her ‘understanding and unfolding about the sacredness of life and invite others to do so.’
      This is a rare thing and an example for us all to do the same in whatever profession we find ourselves in.

  266. Eunice this blog in itself is a dose of medicine, by bringing truth, responsibility, and a healthy attitude towards any illness we have bought upon ourselves. The fear and resentment many people feel is massive, and it severely impedes the healing process. We don’t have to suffer with this existential angst, there is a way to accept the illness, and to accept the treatment and to live, love, and learn.

    1. Well said Bernard. The responsibility of which you speak is what leads us to our self-empowerment. As when we accept responsibility for the choices we make, we then can accept that it is ourselves that can change the way we are living whenever we choose. With this we realise that the power of healing is in our own hands by the grace of free will, which whether we are aware of it or not we exercise in every moment.

  267. This is a super question to ask Doug. There has to be a very good reason as to the escalation of cancer, and indeed of all other types of illnesses. However unless we are really prepared to ask this question we will never be open to the real answer as being open to the real answer will mean being open to admiiting personal individual and group responsibility.

    1. Yes the irony of it all is a bit of a whopper. The trouble is we are in complete denial of the fact that as a species we are utterly irresponsible!

      1. You talking about ants earlier reminded me of a video I have just seen of an Elephant giving birth to her baby calf. The calf wasn’t breathing but the mother knew exactly how to resuscitate it. She knew to kick firmly but gently and then to lift the baby’s head to clear airways by gently picking up its trunk. This of course worked (phew it was a bit intense watching it because it took a number of minutes), but what this said to me was that by simply being, by simply living connected we have all the wisdom in the universe at our disposal. How could the elephant have known how to do this otherwise? (Access to medical text books I think not!!) I have learned that living connected is simply a matter of choice and being open to the fact that I had been living in denial and that there is so much more to life than I had been led to believe!

  268. I agree Marika, and despite the trauma the physical body goes through during the treatment, I do feel what you’ve shared is true ‘No punishment or bad luck, but our souls way of saying…hey, I can’t do this anymore, come back to love’.

  269. Seeing the big C as a true healing and blessing, with the knowing that we are responsible for all of our choices. What a huge turn around to look at cancer this way. And not only cancer, but all diseases. This is what I call true responsibility.

  270. It is a truly amazing transformation as a way of living when one has the perspective and attitude towards illness and disease, whatever that may be, which you advovate here Eunice. A way that that is so liberating, expansive, joyful and self-empowring.

    1. So true Jonathan. When we realise we are here, living this life, to learn, grow and deepen our connection to Soul, and so to each other, we then will appreciate that when we become ill it is simply a sign through our bodies that we have allowed ourselves to wander away from that which we are designed to live through our bodies; living in connection to our Divinity.

  271. I agree, Eunice, the marriage of esoteric and conventional medicine is very supportive. I experience this in my own life. To have the medical support of western medicine combined with the understanding of the process, which the esoteric medicine brings to then change in life what did not work or caused the illness is a great tool of healing, which provides selfempowerement.

  272. Eunice, I am in awe of the power and understanding, grace and fluidity with which you write here from your lived way and experience, your knowing of life. You say this so eloquently and magnificently. You say it all here, there is nothing I can add apart from my appreciation for what you deliver here.

  273. “Are we willing to go there and to give up our comfort blankets and change our ways?”. Great line here in this blog. There are many comfort blankets and we actually go from blanket to blanket not feeling what is going on until it eventually catches up with us in the body, by then it’s a little late.

  274. Stunning blog Eunice, at once inspiring and challenging the many beliefs and fears we hold around the big “C”. What if cancer was “…our body’s way of saying, “take care, look after yourself, stop poisoning yourself, stop being so hard on yourself, don’t abuse yourself or let others abuse you, deeply nurture yourself, eat healthily, be gentle with yourself, be tender with your body, respect and honour yourself, look in the mirror and see only who you truly are, the love and light of God shining from your eyes….”. – to view it in this way would be absolutely life-changing whether one was to recover from the disease or not.

    1. It is a stunning blog Hannah with so much in it to return to. Viewing cancer in the way presented here turns how it is currently viewed by the medical profession and people diagnosed with it, on its head.

      1. Yes Sandra, this article makes it clear that our current approach to illness and disease, with its focus on curing or alleviating symptoms, is incomplete and actually not supporting us to come to a place of true healing.

    2. Hannah it turns on its head the current way we approach Cancer, it takes it from being a fight to an opportunity to really reflect on how we have been living and taking care of ourself. I really loved reading it as you also shared “look in the mirror and see only who you truly are, the love and light of God shining from your eyes..”

      1. Absolutely David, rather than being a battle to be won or lost, cancer can actually be an opportunity to reflect on how we have been with ourselves, to learn, to grow and to heal.

      2. Hannah and it is this way of looking at all illness and disease that turns a fear into a very healthy relationship with our bodies. I am constantly inspired by those who have had life threatening conditions and have embraced them with an open willingness to look at what has caused the condition. It open up that same possibility for all of us.

    3. Great point Hannah – well said. When we focus solely on the outcome or overcoming illness we miss the opportunity of true healing, the restoration of harmony in the body through connecting to ourselves, our Soul, that is possible and in truth what is being called for through our bodies.

      1. I love that definition of true healing Carola, ‘the restoration of harmony in the body’.

      2. “…the restoration of harmony in the body….” – that goes for anything from a headache to cancer – our body is letting us know that something has caused for it to be in dis-ease and dis-harmony.

      3. Absolutely Sandra. Well said and I agree. This is the beauty of understanding how powerful our bodies truly are as they are constantly calling us to pay attention to how we are being with ourselves. Developing this relationship, this connection to our bodies is vital. The more we respect and honor the physical extension of our Soul, the more we are in tune with the truth of what supports us to live harmoniously and what does not.

  275. Healing is a topic worthy of much discussion as it is a natural part of living in rhythm with ourselves and the world around us.

    1. I agree Abby, and with talking about it we open up to each other and start getting a feel of these natural rhythms again.

  276. A very welcome and thorough article on cancer. A disease that, looked at in this way, shows us that perhaps things are not as random as we might like to think. Maybe there are consequences to the way we choose to live, and rather than gambling our life away, we could take responsibility and change the quality of our experience and the health of ourselves and our society.

    1. Yes, anybody who can accept the diagnosis as an opportunity to make changes and who wholeheartedly accepts the necessary treatment is a great role model.

  277. Your words alone are very healing as they bring a sense of reality and truth when you say ‘This is why the marriage of esoteric medicine and conventional medicine is so important – as the esoteric brings the understandings that are missing in modern medicine regarding our true nature, our spirit and our soul and their role in disease manifestation and healing’. As we become willing to see the sense behind these words we then are more open to see that ‘because we choose to ignore, deny, resist and fight against knowing who we truly are, knowing who we are in essence and basically resisting the love of our Soul and of God?

    I know that for a long time I felt I could ‘fight’ illness on my own without the support of conventional medicine, when what I was doing was arrogant and stubborn as I wanted to do it my way and not the way that made sense. When we are ill we need all the support – both conventional and complementary – and together they can then work as whole to support us, whatever the outcome. As the fear of death subsides, we allow things to evolve in a way that can support us, if not in this life then in the next one, and in acceptance we find a new power and strength to live in a way that is honouring of everyone.

    1. Before I came to the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom through Universal Medicine, I was anti-medicine. I had a view that any form of medication was bad for the body because of the side effects and vowed that if I ever got cancer or some other condition that I would treat it with alternative therapies (e.g. herbs, reiki, kinesiology, etc). Now I see how narrow minded that was. Now, I marry medicine with esoteric healing and see how one complements the other. I have a GP that is so open to working with my esoteric healing practitioner/naturopath, as is the Endocrinologist that I see. They both see how proactive I am with my health and wellbeing and have no hesitation in requesting tests recommended by my Naturopath and have both confirmed how refreshing it is to work with a patient who takes responsibility for their health. Medicine, esoteric healing and supporting complementary therapies such as Naturopathy go hand in hand, along with our lifestyle choices.

      1. It is wonderful to hear an example of a team of health practitioners who are open to consider treating in such an integrative and wholistic manner.

      2. It is JennyM. One of them is a specialist who deals with the extreme cases of people with multi symptoms and as we chatted, I had a sense that the medical profession are at a loss of how to treat these cases. I shared my view about many illnesses being lifestyle related, and after some considering, he agreed.

    2. “As the fear of death subsides, we allow things to evolve in a way that can support us, if not in this life then in the next one, and in acceptance we find a new power and strength to live in a way that is honouring of everyone.”.

      This is beautiful Susan. Worth a blog (or 2). We are so afraid of dying, the ‘death’, but what are we actually afraid of. I can say for myself that I haven’t surrendered to the fact that one day I will die. It is a subject that I choose to ignore (most of the time). It feels as if it’s scary if you’ve disconnected from what happens after dying. It’s quite obvious that we need some kind of control inside ourselves when we don’t feel and never felt what death (and life) is about. In your words Susan are quite a few subject to talk about in lectures, but also amongst friends, collegaes, family, etc. Thank you dearly for the honest and to me ‘mothering’ way of writing. It supports me.

  278. Yes, I would say the moment we can take an illness as a blessing (what it is) is where we are in full responsibility. But it is easy to talk about it if not affected. The art is to choose this way – after the first shock – and ask for support. There is a reason why it did become that far and this reason does make it uneasy to see the blessing we’ve got. A practitioner of Universal Medicine is required, as is a practitioner of Western Medicine.

  279. What a stunning article to read — a breath of fresh air and truth regarding illness and disease and where we find ourselves as a human race avoiding what our bodies are clearly telling us. I have been around a fair amount of cancer illness in my life so far, from close family members to having a near scare myself at one stage and I have also been witness to many who have had a cancer diagnosis and have healed something deep within them at an enormous level. Cancer is terrifying — at the human level — which is to be understood, respected and honoured. But we are more than just physical flesh, more than just human and when we do begin to accept this, illness takes on a hugely different perspective. As does our relationship with responsibility, with ourselves and the rest of the world as well.

    1. Just want to acknowledge what a beautiful comment this is. It reflects much of what I have experienced as well. I have seen many who struggle and fight and also those who surrender and accept, which is not by any means a giving up, far from it. The difference in the quality of their journey is noticable.

    2. I’m touched by your clear words Katerina in the sense that I read a lot of understanding through your words “Cancer is terrifying — at the human level — which is to be understood, respected and honoured.”. For a lot of people this is the start when they are diagnosed with cancer or somebody close to them. Some will come over it, but unfortunately the majority doesn’t.

      Here’s the importance of this blog as well as the 2nd line that touched me “But we are more than just physical flesh, more than just human and when we do begin to accept this, illness takes on a hugely different perspective”.

      If we are to feel the fact that we are more than flesh and blood, than we can let go of the fear and start living a life that supports us to live our life from within. Which isn’t scary at all, but a deeply caring and loving way to ourselves and from that to others.

  280. What a brilliant blog Eunice – expressed with an honesty and simplicity in a way I have not heard expressed before, and that is super relatable to the personal experiences of many who have been either directly or indirectly affected by cancer. Although I have not been diagnosed with cancer myself, I have had close family members who have and do not in any way exclude myself from experiencing a cancer diagnosis in the future. What you share here touched me as being highly relevant and relatable and makes absolute sense…

  281. If we get cancer or another illness the question comes up – ‘Why me?’ and it is the right question to ask. And now I imagine asking this question not in a state of victimhood but in full responsibility and in eagerness to learn – very likely challenging, but surely empowering, and I thank Universal Medicine to encourage me to take my power again.

    1. Exactly Sandra. Saying ‘why me?’ in ‘full responsibility and in eagerness to learn’ has a completely different feeling. It’s a true question as opposed to a self-pitying cry. I’m not suggesting a cancer diagnosis isn’t a devastating event but if we can take the ‘Big R’ (responsibility) when we have the ‘Big C’, we can, as Eunice has brilliantly written, truly heal.

    2. Well said Sandra. ‘Why me?’ can be asked in two ways – 1) to take responsibility of our choices and as an opportunity to really look at what patterns and behaviours have led to the illness, or 2) in victimhood and blame and to avoid responsibility. They are very different and which one we choose develops the foundation and baseline of our experience of the illness; will we fight it, or understand it and change?

  282. “Knowing that we are love means that we know that anything that is not loving is detrimental to our bodies and our health, and so we are called to change many things about the way that we live.” What an enormous responsibility that means for all of us, when we are each ready to face that as an actual fact of life. But how very worthwhile it is to actually live in a way that is absolutely loving, of oneself and of all others, it becomes a truly joy-full way to live our lives. I feel such gratitude to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine for helping me become aware of this fact, which I now feel absolutely through my body, is truth.

  283. Thank you Eunice for presenting the importance of marrying conventional and esoteric medicine together when it comes to the understanding of cancer and actually all illness and disease. This is an absolute necessity if we truly want to come to true healing, and as you say this is not just in the physicality, but with in ourselves too. In true healing we can hold no pictures as to what this looks like, but just be open and willing to embrace the gift cancer is and take the necessary steps back to our selves.

  284. There are people with a ‘healthy’ life style who end up with cancer. Looking at obvious life choices is very necessary, but that is not enough, we very often have no idea how off the track we have come away from the true harmony we are and deserve to live. “There are no riches greater than the truth of knowing and feeling who you truly are – no amount of money, gold or jewels can usurp such truth; no relationship, no job, no achievement, worldly success or accolade can come anywhere near the pure and simple joy of knowing and being who you truly are” – I totally agree with this, as so many of us look outside ourselves and spend life times disconnected from this deep yearning for the truth within.

    1. So true Fumiyo, so much effort and time is spent examining the conditions that we live rather than the quality of the relationship that we have within ourselves.

  285. I love the depth of awareness in this article. Of course there are factors that help to create an illness. Otherwise where does it come from? Illness is not just random, it is a way of the body clearing itself, and there are huge messages that we can learn from this. It is worth taking note that so many people who develop cancer say that it is the best thing that ever happened to them. Why is this? It is because it makes them take a good look at their life and make changes that they otherwise would not have stopped to make. The question is – why do we need cancer or any other form of illness to make us do this, when we could change the way we live at any time?

  286. Eunice, you connect to a simplicity and ease in writing about what life is really about that is really inspiring. It is so simple when we look at the fact that all our choices affect our health outcomes and that we often make these bad choices because we haven’t come to an acceptance of how loving and grand we actually are. The preventative approach to healthcare is so needed right now and perhaps greater time spent appreciating what and who we are could give us one of the biggest payoffs in terms of mental and physical wellbeing.

  287. ‘Why me?’ I hear this a lot with various illness and disease, that it is ‘not fair’ or ‘bad luck’ that someone has got ill, there is rarely responsibility taken that lifestyle choices could have led to the illness, it feels like this is changing now though, as it is becoming more common knowledge that how we live affects our health.

    1. Yes Rebecca, those that do not want to take responsibility for their illness and/or disease are the ones that cry ‘why me?’. They use this as a great get out of jail card, but the problem is that it does not allow any true healing to occur and they blame God or the microwave etc. for their problems.

    2. Your comment reminds me on – we have caused our own illnesses and diseases and we have the power to heal ourselves again, once we take responsibility for our choices.

  288. Seeing the body as a profound instrument of healing is profound in itself. This changes everything. If we come to this understanding then we would never champion going back to the way we were living before, when the cancer treatment is done. We would bring so much more understanding to the way we run our bodies and we would be so much more careful about the thoughts we allow to run through us.

    1. Absolutely Amanda, the body is a ‘profound instrument of healing’. One only has to observe a wound gradually healing to appreciate the innate and magnificent intelligence of our bodies. To think we can abuse our bodies and get away with it is a huge disrespect and a cancer is testament to this. It is also as Eunice and others point out, another opportunity to return to living the love we are.

    2. Yes beautifully said Amanda. When we realise that our bodies are a ‘profound instrument of healing’ we will become aware of the truth, that all that we allow to pass through our bodies has an effect that is either healing or harming.

  289. It is a huge game changer I agree Marika. It stands everything on its head when we can turn around and truly bless this disease. Returning to a loving way of being is the key ingredient here, as so often people see recovery as being able to return to ‘normal’ or resume their old lives. The appearance of cancer in truth means ‘everything must change from here onwards’. In my opinion the very nature of the cellular mutation is indicating the depth of disregard and harm we have been causing, its the body’s way of making manifest the level of lovelessness we have created within ourselves. This is not a criticism but an awareness and once we allow ourselves to truly feel and admit this, the road to healing the lovelessness can begin.

  290. Eunice your articles inform and inspire. I agree the mutually respectful marriage of conventional and complementary medicine is the ‘new medicine’ and only answer to rocketing ill-ness and disease statistics founded on self-abusive lifestyle choices. Conventional medicine alone cannot respond to the complexities of modern day living. Preventative and complementary medicines offer a different choices and different ways of living. Your blog confirms that with self responsibility, people can learn that there is something they can do, they do have power, they can bring themselves back from the brink. This has been the work of Serge Benhayon through Universal Medicine for over fifteen years. His life devoted to serving humanity, share the foundations of true healing and support thousands of people to re-claim their lives and health.

    1. It’s true Shami, it seems to be the fear of many if not most. But what if we lived in a way that saw a headache for example as being just as much of a wake-up call as a cancer diagnosis would be? Sadly, most of us are able to see this as something ‘normal’ and not serious but in reality, any dis-ease in the body shows it is under strain, not able to function harmoniously and is our body’s way of crying out for help and support which we are fully capable of giving if we are willing to take responsibility for our health.

      1. It really is damaging how we only view the body in terms of its function rather than a fuller consideration of how do we live and treat our bodies in such a way that leads to ongoing vitality and health.

      2. I agree Jenny, we are so much more than function. Our bodies are the marker of our truth in that they reflect to us the physical consequences of our choices, but more so, they are the vehicle of expression for our soul – they enhouse the divine essence we are all from and part of so although earthly in nature they can be heavenly in quality.

    2. This is so true. This has also reminded me that when I was growing up and had any little symptom that was not an obvious cold, I would automatically worry that it was cancer. It really is a massive fear ingrained into our society, understandably so when there is very little real understanding of what cancer truly arises from and what it is offering a person, which highlights the importance of articles likes these.

  291. Awesome blog Eunice and I agree “no amount of money, gold or jewels can usurp such truth; no relationship, no job, no achievement, worldly success or accolade can come anywhere near the pure and simple joy of knowing and being who you truly are.” I know this truth from my own experience.

    1. So true marylouisemyers – nothing comes close to the richness of a life lived ‘knowing and being who you truly are’.

    1. I love that Kehinde. No room for victimhood when the responsibility is claimed as our own. Then the healing can truly begin.

    2. ‘Kapow’ Kehinde! That could be a slogan. I can see it on a huge billboard beside the freeway! So powerful and provoking of our thoughts to ponder more deeply the truth of dis-ease.

    3. With this there is no escape but to stay within the frame of our own body and listen to what it has to say or more so what it has been telling us all along.

      1. Thank goodness we can always return and lovingly listen and respond to what the body is constantly communicating to us.

    4. I get what you are saying here Kehinde but I would expand on what you said here by saying, ‘because of not being me’. We do have to clarify that we are not inherently flawed or damaged or less than divine as we are. It is our choices to actually not be ourselves that is creating illness and disease. There are a lot of religious beliefs out there that would say that we are to blame for our own illness and disease simply because we are forever ‘damaged goods’ as it were and that we will never be divine.

    5. Well said Kehinde – it is all about our responsibility. Without taking responsibility for all our choices, no healing can take place.

  292. I agree Marika it completely turns everything on its head to consider that illness and disease is a blessing, not a curse, but a change we need to make if we are to fully understand it.

  293. Conventional medicine despite its amazing wonders and the fact that it is doing a superb job at keeping us going, falls short of supporting us to understand the energetic and spiritual factors that are at play with illness and disease. I know for me having combined esoteric medicine with conventional medicine has meant a much greater level of understanding of why I might have a particular affliction which has lead to a lot less struggle and fight against it. Struggle and fight against illness and disease can only add more angst and delay recovery.

  294. We can be so arrogant sometimes as human beings. We pollute our bodies with substances, emotions, thoughts and movements that are contra to our very essence and then act shocked or complain when our bodies simply clear out what we have put in there in the first place.

    1. wow Andrew, simple and to the point. This is great. Acting in a way that is unnatural to ourselves and our bodies always has to be cleared out!

    2. Great comment Andrew. I still sometimes go into complaining and feeling sorry for myself when my body is going through some heavy clearing and tend to forget that it is solely my responsibility for having dumped so much on myself and living out of a natural rhythm. So a good reminder to me to see the clearing for what it truly is. Thank you!

  295. I agree Eunice that cancer has been traditionally seen as something that just randomly knocks over some of us and is cloaked in mystery, fatality and finality. It is time we had a fresh look at cancer, and illness and disease in general, and broadened our understanding of the purpose of it.

    1. Yes Andrew, a broader understanding is definitely what is needed, and Universal medicine is leading the way.

    2. For sure Andrew – it is time to take a fresh look at cancer and illness and disease in general. Time to let go of it being a random thing, bad luck or a punishment and open up to what it could be calling us to on a deeper level and that there actually could be much to be gained from it…

    3. We definitely seemed to be only looking at part of the picture in regards to illness and disease and focusing most of our attention on remedies rather than equally on cause and prevention.

  296. I agree with all you have said here Marika, especially that “Illness & disease brings with it a blessing should we choose to see it.”, but it can be the getting to see it that is the challenge for most people in this situation. The initial reaction to the news that they have the Big C is often met with blame for everything else, including the unwillingness to accept responsibility for the way they have lived their lives, and maybe having ignored the many warning messages they would have received. So what a gift the STOP is, offering the opportunity to connect and reflect.

  297. I can understand that many experience their illness as a blessing because many of us can feel that the way in which we have been living is void of the truth we feel lives within us, and the cancer for example, brings everything to a stop, a moment offering a new start.

  298. Taking responsibility for the part that we play in our illness and disease automatically sets our body up for its healing process. Whilst we stay in the blame game the root cause of the illness will always remain hidden.

    1. Wow, imagine if we all understood this as deeply as you have expressed it here Donna! Responsibility is key and as the word describes, we all have response-ability. It is a matter of choice and connection to our own innate power to truly heal.

    2. Yes Donna – the moment we stop blaming other people for our miseries, the healing can start. When we start to listen to our body, the body will tell us, which choices we have made in the past. Then we are able to make better loving choices.

  299. We blame God so we don’t have to feel the lack of responsibility for our choices. It’s interesting how God is blamed for many things, he really does take cop it, but I know he knows the truth.

    1. As do we deep down Matthew. We use blame to deny the fact that we do in fact know, but don’t want to accept, because we don’t want to let go of all the playthings in life we’ve chosen to keep ourselves identified with, so that we can keep being in this deep denial of who we actually are.

  300. thank you Eunice, this approach could change lives – not just those of cancer patients but their partners, family, relatives and friends. I have looked after three people with terminal cancer, and while it always brings challenges, the difference in understanding cancer in this way changes the whole relationship with their illness and how they live through this end phase of their life. This conversation is long overdue.

  301. Such an amazing post Eunice and one that asks humanity to take a giant step in our understanding of Cancer, what it can truly offer us and how much there is to be gained from this disease. “Medicine is confirming that a significant number of cancers are lifestyle related and given that such choices come from how we truly feel about ourselves and are coloured by the hurts we carry, it is easy to see that we have much more power over our health and wellbeing than we like to admit or accept.” This is such an essential way to view all our diseases, because they all arise as a consequence of how we are with ourselves and in that realisation lies all our potential to heal the deep hurts that create such conditions within us. I wholeheartedly agree with your prognosis that the marriage between Western medicine and Esoteric medicine is an essential relationship. Our orthodox approach has made huge strides in the treatment of cancer but as you say, offers little in the way of answering those soul searching questions that arise from such diagnosis. Esoteric Medicine provides those answers, supports and enables us to feel deep within, find answers those questions and make the changes that no-one else can do for us. I too have seen miracles occur when those afflicted have truly stopped to take stock of the whys and wherefores of their cancers and even though some have passed over, the beautiful quality of stillness and love they have embodied in the process of dying is truly inspiring. There is so much more for us to understand about cancer, how we live and about death. It is so uplifting to know that there are people like yourself working in the field of orthodox medicine who have seen beneath the surface and can offer a new approach to the “Big C’ for their patients.

    1. I agree Rowena, we do not like to admit that we have much more power over our health and wellbeing then it is currently widely accepted because that would mean a greater responsibility to live the love we innately are every day.

    2. I agree with all you have shared here, Rowena, and it is absolutely wonderful that we have a medical practitioner and surgeon who understands Esoteric medicine and is able to use that knowledge, together with her huge knowledge of Western medicine, to help understand why a person may have cancer and therefore help that person to maybe take a good look at how she/he is living their life. Yes, this would be utilising a different approach to cancer, and can be a big help in a patient’s healing process.

    3. The marriage of western medicine and esoteric medicine is really important – they complement each other in a very good way. The western medicine takes care of the physical body and the esoteric medicine supports the process to identify and heal the energetic root causes.

  302. Thank you for offering a whole new perspective of cancer and how people with cancer may now approach their relationship with the illness and themselves.

  303. Thanks for this very interesting blog Eunice. The questions you pose like why did I get cancer, or why now? I don’t think get asked enough. It’s as if people just think it’s the luck of the draw. Opening up this conversation is useful for us all. Rather than crossing our fingers and hoping it won’t be us, what about making lifestyle choices that will help us stay healthy. This is not to say we won’t get ill, but choosing to look after the body we live in can’t be a bad thing.

  304. Beautiful Eunice. Many of the people I have met who have had cancer struggled with the “why?” element the most. Your blog addresses this and opens up an area that is not commonly addressed and does so in a very beautiful way.

  305. Thank-you Eunice for this most powerful blog it shines a whole new light onto the beliefs held around cancer and those who think they have no control over having gotten this disease. With a willingness to be honest of our past choices and the disharmonious effects they have produced in our bodies we have the opportunity to choose to change those harmful behaviours that ultimately caused the cancer. And by accepting and connecting to the love that resides equally within each and everyone of us, we will know to be more caring and nurturing of ourself for we know we all have a responsibility to honour ourselves and others in this way. This way is a healing process for not only the physical but for the whole body.

  306. Feeling the appreciation for all the deeply caring doctors and surgeons out there. They do an amazing job, and we as the ‘patient’ also have to do our part by being willing to take responsibility to live in a way that supports us on all levels. This is why the marriage of esoteric medicine and conventional medicine is so important as only from the holistic approach can we truly heal.

    1. So true Victoria, when we get ill, we often see our healing as a one-way street. We tell the doctor and she/he fixes us with medicines, surgery or treatments. I am realising the huge part we can play, not only in our healing if we do get ill, but also in preventing ourselves from getting sick in the first place.

  307. It is great to simply sit with the statement Eunice has offered that ” the love that you are remains as pure and unsullied as the day you were born.” Before going into some sense that something has to be done with it or there is a responsibility to live it or the ramifications if we don’t, it is great to just sit with it and appreciate what a gift life is.

  308. Life offers us different moments, occasions and situations where the body reflects how we have been living. We can choose to live this reflection as something inconvenient and even fight it, or we can embrace it and listen to the offer. What if illness is an offer and not a curse? Admitting this possibility, though, leads you to consider something bigger: our relationship with God.

  309. Brilliant Eunice, thank you for writing this blog with such a depth of understanding. Whether we have cancer or any other illness or disease, to consider it is our Souls way of calling us back to our wholeness, and that this is the true healing that is possible is indeed a ‘blessing’.

  310. Is it God punishing you? No, He does not do that. Yet, the thought of this is interesting in itself. It shows that deep down we know that the illness has something to do with our choices. Otherwise, this thought does not make any sense.

    1. God only has love for us. Accepting that getting cancer is a form of love can be very challenging. It calls us to take a deep look at ourselves and the way we are living, leaving no stone unturned and then take responsibility for that.

  311. Telling the world that conditions do not just happen but happen for a reason that always related to our way of walking in life is the biggest blessing humanity can get since brings it back to us. At the same time, it is the worst thing humanity can hear since it brings the issue of responsibility right to the centre stage.

  312. This is the information I would love to read if this diagnosis was presented to myself or others, my family or friends. This article brings it back to us and the Loving responsibility we need to have towards our own bodies.

  313. This is such an informative and inspirational sharing Eunice. We need to all be educated on what Cancer is and how it comes about, therefore I would consider this article would be required reading for all of us.

  314. Illness, as it is usually presented is something that just happens to us. Something that comes from who knows where but not from us, and if it comes to us is linked to genetics. Illness is therefore, something we are not responsible for. We are victims. What if we are not victims of the disease, but victims of our own choices leading to the condition?

    1. Great questions Eduardo. Linking it to genetics to me is a very convenient way to avoid the responsibility that we make choices. We may make the same choices as our parents, but we made them.

  315. This presentation opens a door whose existence was denied for so long. Illuminating the spiritual dimension of illness and disease is a promising avenue that can help humanity to understand why do we get a condition, how it relates to the way of living life and what is to be done to keep walking forward. Amazing offer.

  316. What a superb blog, thank you Eunice. There is much we can learn from cancer and potential healing offered if we are open to looking deeper at how we are living our lives.

  317. I remember first hearing about cancer when I was growing up and that it was a disease people died from. This really felt as a horrible disease to me and whilst reading your blog I could feel I still held this ideal about cancer in my body. Reading this has been deeply healing for me to let go of that belief that cancer is only horrible and devastating and now feeling the true beauty in it as well as it is moment to truly stop and change your way of living. Thank you!

  318. Cancer is often seen as something to fight, beat, and it always saddens me to see people who have successfully gone through chemotherapy or radiation treatment return to the life they lived before, as if the illness has taught them nothing. Not only that, we all know someone who has died form cancer – and we could ask ourselves, what have WE learned? What have WE changed in the way we are living? Or we could, as has been suggested, be in the ‘early’ stages of cancer ourselves.

  319. I feel that it is difficult for me to comment from a place of deep and lived understanding because I have never personally had cancer. But I do know what an intense wake up call feels like as I have had several of those. With each of them my world was turned upside down but at the same time was a period of intense personal growth. What I can say looking back was it was just what was needed at the time, for if I had kept going on the same course and making the same choices I would have completely lost myself as a result.

  320. I can still find it very challenging to not think I have done something ‘wrong’ when I get sick. And I still add, by those thoughts and by blaming, more poison to my body which prohibits to the true healing to occur. God never judges us, so why would I judge myself? I am learning and on my path of making loving choices.

    1. I can relate to what you are saying Monika…Loving ourselves back to harmony is the way to go, our bodies are naturally doing this by discarding what does not belong and we can support the process. I am also learning being gentle and loving is key.

      1. Beautifully put, Victoria, “loving ourselves back to harmony”. This is exactly it. I love how empowering this is, for I am not dependent on another but can love myself to the bone.

  321. Such an important piece of awareness on healing you offer with this article, Eunice: healing is not the physical body that can do it’s things again. True healing means “they had healed the underlying hurts, beliefs and misperceptions about themselves, others and life that led them to make the choices they did which were not healthy or truly loving for the body and which got revealed by the body with the cancer diagnosis.”

  322. Knowing that we are love means that we know that anything that is not loving is detrimental to our bodies and our health, and so we are called to change many things about the way that we live.

  323. I agree with you, Eunice, the marriage between Universal Medicine and conventional medicine make the situation complete and provides the platform for true and complete healing. “the esoteric brings the understandings that are missing in modern medicine regarding our true nature, our spirit and our soul and their role in disease manifestation and healing.”

  324. There is so much fear that surrounds a cancer diagnosis but could it be fear around accepting what we have chosen for ourselves, and that maybe we got it wrong? I agree that cancer is the body’s way of showing us the truth, of healing our ill ways. It is really beautiful when one can accept it as the blessing it truly is.

  325. Thank you Eunice, what you have written is enormous. It calls us into responsibility and to stop to put blinders on. We know so much more than we admit but the question is more are we willing to abide to what this knowing calls us to be.

  326. Wow, what a grand way to look at life and illness and disease, it makes the seemingly broken whole again, it opens us up to a deeper understanding of the world and the meaning of life.

    1. It puts everything into context and makes sense of life and why some people get what they get and others don’t – we get what it is that we need to return to the love that we are, it is that simple.

    2. Well said Esther. When we get ill or (from observation) when people are diagnosed with cancer it often seems like the whole world is falling apart and breaking up. The way of looking at illness that Eunice has suggested here does indeed open up the possibility of having a deeper understanding and relationship with the illness and thus putting the pieces back together.

  327. Eunice, this is a blog to read over and over for there is so much in it. I’ve heard it said many times about a person who has cancer or who has died of cancer ‘what a shame, it is so unfair, he/she is such a lovely person’, as if cancer is a punishment that should be reserved for people who do ‘bad’ things. Our society has such a long way to go before the majority see an illness such as cancer as a blessing for the healing that it brings.

    1. This is an observation I have also made Sandra. The subject of deserving your illness, or asking, ‘how could it happen to such a nice person?’ We do have a long way to go in understanding the messages our body sends us in the form of illness and disease.

  328. I love that as well Gill, how Eunice just does away with this whole concept that God punishes us. This is such a deep and incarcerated belief that just keeps us away from connecting deeper to the divine order that simply asks us to take responsibility and step back in line.

  329. “Medicine is confirming that a significant number of cancers are lifestyle related and given that such choices come from how we truly feel about ourselves and are coloured by the hurts we carry, it is easy to see that we have much more power over our health and wellbeing than we like to admit or accept.”
    This quote seems pivotal and a point that goes a long way in giving us the opportunity to feel and see that not only cancer, but many of our illnesses and diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and respiratory diseases are entirely preventable. Let’s lovingly address the things that make us go down the path of too much food, smoking, drugs, alcohol etc, all the things that temporarily numb us from feeling what we don’t want to feel, but which lead us also into guilt and lack of self worth, sadness or anger towards ourselves for making such choices. Thus perpetuating and further growing in us the seeds of illness. This is a powerful blog Dr Minford.

  330. This blog contains a lot that inspires consideration, what particularly stood out for me was: “no relationship, no job, no achievement, worldly success or accolade can come anywhere near the pure and simple joy of knowing and being who you truly are.”
    This is so true, we are so used to defining who we are from the outside – then when we get sick we are suddenly confronted with ourselves and often there is not much strength left for anything else, which can be hard if we have not learned to have a relationship with ourselves and know and appreciate who we are.

  331. This blog to me is very intimate, direct, real and outstanding. It inspires me to read that Eunice Minford has the courage to share her Wisdom about illness and disease and that life’s about feeling life, rather than thinking ‘it’. And that our illnesses and diseases are indeed created by ourselves by not aligning to the Love we innately are. Thank you Eunice Mindford. Your article is ground breaking and I personally hope that it will inspire lots and lots of people diagnosed with the big C-word and actually all people. This is a blog worth being studied in families, at schools, at universities, everywhere. There’s so so much Wisdom in it. Thank you.

  332. I love what you’ve presented here Eunice. The idea that illnesses such as cancer could actually be a result primarily of our lifestyle, day to day choices and relationship with body is both confronting and liberating. Confronting because it asks us to take responsibility for those choices and our body, which is something almost everyone likes to avoid at all costs, but liberating because it confirms that we are in the drivers seat of our own body and we can make the choices to harm or heal it. Someone who is diagnosed with cancer or an illness can either choose to freak out at the responsibility and ‘Stop Moment’ or embrace it, and this guarantees the quality of their journey and relationship with the illness completely.

    1. Absolutely Susie, what a golden opportunity to reassess and start again with renewed vision and a deeper understanding of oneself.

  333. I love the disclaimer written at the end of this for this article will not gain favour with mainstream scientific minds, yet we have to start asking these questions. Our approach to cancer is not working, we keep talk of “fighting” this disease but it is in the very arrogant nature of the need to fight it that is our greatest failings as supposedly intelligent beings. What makes us want to take part in gruelling fundraisers to fight cancer, yet in the same breath not be willing to make lifestyle choices, interact with decency, eat discerningly, sleep wisely and love openly that are of real support to our bodies in reducing our risk of ill health.

    1. I love the disclaimer and I love that Eunice is willing and prepared to voice such things. To be in a profession and to be prepared to write such an article that is not likely to gain favour but yet is presenting a truth is a great stand for Truth indeed. Very inspiring Eunice.

      1. Yes great courage indeed Nikki that Eunice displays, for it is quite a behemoth, the stubborn mindset that is modern medicine and scientific research. Skewed by the need to please certain benefactors and producing research that when discerned is often questionable in its ethics and aims.

  334. ‘Yet I don’t doubt that at the start of their journey with cancer they may have experienced all the same fears, concerns and emotions that impact most people when faced with a cancer diagnosis – but they didn’t stay there, they have chosen to address those fears, concerns and emotions and come to a deeper understanding of themselves and the condition: they have chosen to heal.’ It’s always a choice isn’t it? To be brave enough and loving enough with one’s self to face the truth of our choices and the fact that perhaps those choices are what got us where we are today. Even, and maybe especially, when it comes to cancer. Thank you, Eunice, for an honest and loving way to consider cancer.

  335. great blog Eunice, there are so many preconceptions about all diseases, and Cancer is a big one, so often it is seen as a punishment. The viewpoint you take in this blog is so refreshing, and if allowed to feel would help so many people stop fighting their own bodies messages, it is a great opportunity of healing to embrace illness and other incidences to our health, opening up to our part is so powerful.

  336. This is an amazing article Eunice and really brings up so much depth and meaning to true healing and the benefits of Universal Medicine. Taking responsibility for ourselves and what happens to us and the answers as to why and what can I do is what we are all looking for when faced with illness and disease. Changing our understanding and bringing true love to our bodies is an amazing way to live and know and is available to everyone who truly wants to know.

  337. This turns many of the fears and beliefs around cancer upside down Eunice. I can remember ‘the big C’ being whispered amongst adults too, and that ominous feeling that came with it. Even working as a health professional in the early eighties, the word ‘cancer’ was spoken quietly in handover – cancer meant death that most likely would be soon.
    Working in a cancer ward for the past 6yrs, I can now say the word cancer without any fear or ominous feelings arising, but it has only been through Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon’s presentations that I have come to understand the true healing that cancer offers, and to see someone fully embrace this opportunity and go through this healing process is an absolute blessing.

  338. This is an awesome blog Eunice…powerful for each and every one of us, whether we have, or have had, cancer or not, it is deeply inspiring to read of the depth of healing that is possible if we so choose” deeply heal ourselves far beyond what we could have ever dreamed was possible; and for some that is a blessing that is indeed worth celebrating.”

  339. Eunice this is such a deeply powerful and healing blog to read as it asks us to consider our understandings of cancer. So much of what you write has been my understanding, that those who are confronted by it more often than not see it as a burden, something to battle and eventually overcome. Yet what you present offers us so much more, it asks us to consider the possibility that cancer could perhaps be a huge opportunity to heal potentially life times of not choosing to see the love that we naturally are. It puts the onus back onto us, rather than seeing cancer as a random event, seeing it as a reflection of our choices. Truly powerful!

    1. And it possibly asks us to accept that we’ve lived irresponsibly in other lifetimes and haven’t lived the love that we are…we can only do that for so long before we are given an opportunity to stop and choose a more loving way in this lifetime, and setting a new way for lifetimes to come.

  340. Thank you Eunice for sharing with such integrity the importance of us being open to a much bigger picture of health. One beyond science and research and intellectual studies – but one that factors in the body, the way we live, the choices we make, the way we treat ourselves.
    I love what you share here; ‘…What if all of the fear, all of the misery, all of the struggle, all of the suffering that seemingly comes with the Big C or cancer diagnosis does so because we choose to ignore, deny, resist and fight against knowing who we truly are, knowing who we are in essence and basically resisting the love of our Soul and of God?’
    A big fish for some to swallow – but the fact is that our bodies talk to us. they communicate with us all the time. And we have a choice – to listen or not. You share such wisdom here that is at our fingertips.

  341. Eunice I really appreciate reading your blog and the perspective it lays out. I was deeply fearful of “the Big C” and when my father was diagnosed with cancer it shook me up, and asked the entire family to reevaluate. There is much I could share about each line as every paragraph is equally important. I know for me that if I ignore something and continue down a path of behaviours that is not supportive of my body, I get sick. Yet even knowing that, as you say, I don’t fully accept that love that I am and the responsibility in the way I live to that level. A loving reminder and great reflection.

    1. When cancer is something that affects someone close to us, it is a big shock David. I’m observing an old friend ‘fight’ her breast cancer and it is difficult to watch as she attempts to continue living the life she did before the diagnosis and treatment, and without judgement, it appears no true healing is occurring, as only the physical body is being treated with surgery and treatment.

  342. Eunice this is a WOW blog for me. You offer so much to everyone, especially anyone who may read this who has cancer. Medicine has done so much in terms of treatment options for people with cancer. But really they are limited by the choices we make. If we don’t consider our own choices and how we can support ourselves, then we are only going part way and not offering ourselves the true healing that is available. I love how you have expanded on what healing means. This really shows that if death is the outcome, that it is no failure of anyone and it never is. But simply a part of the healing process.

    1. Love this Jennifer, Eunice most definitely offers a bigger picture perspective and as you share an opportunity to see the impact and effect our choices have upon our life.

    2. So true Jennifer, what Eunice offers here is the huge missing link that conventional medicine and even psychology do not provide and that we are so longing for deep in our hearts.

  343. Thank you Eunice for expressing so clearly the baggage that currently comes with a diagnosis of cancer and how we can instead choose to see it as an opportunity for deep healing and how ‘knowing we are already love gives us a new foundation and platform to stand on from which we can choose to develop a lifestyle that has love as its essence and where love is in the driver’s seat to make truly healthy choices that are reflected in a healthy body.’ The choice is ours and the support is out there for us whenever we chose to address the unhealthy ways we are living whether triggered by a diagnosis of cancer or another disease or through connecting with our essence and recognising the harmful effects of past choices.

  344. For those of us that believe our physical presence in the world, our achievements, all that we see, hear, taste, smell and touch and limited to these – the big C carries a lot of weight. For those of us that know ourselves to be much more than this, to include our sense of presence energetically, our choices, our clairsentience and the love we are first, it means an opportunity to clear old beliefs, patterns and choices of lifestyles that have not truly held us in ‘Love’ first. As you have shared Eunice – ‘In my experience there are no riches greater than the truth of knowing and feeling who you truly are….’ , Yes, the Big C can offer so much more Love, Truth and Divinity than we can ever have imagined.

    1. Beautifully expressed. There is so much in the world that shows we are so much more than flesh and bone. We are highly sensitive and divine beings full of love. To be this but to live in a way that opposes it creates a disharmony in the body – pure and simple. Illness and disease are opportunities for one to look deeper into the choices one is making.

  345. This blog is absolute truth and so healing to read. It shows us what it is all about and the bigger picture. Thank You Eunice for sharing all Your wisdom here in words with us. Addressing cancer and putting it in another dimension as Joseph expressed it so well.

  346. It seems to be a straightforward question: “Why do we get cancer?” We have looked at environmental influences but we have not really tried to see if cancer is in any way connected to aspects of our livingness or even our whole livingness. There are no surveys at the moment that are coming in any way close to teasing out why some people get cancer and others get heart attack, let alone distinguish between cancers. It may be worth asking cancer health practitioners for lists of characteristics and take it from there.

    1. This is a great proposal you are making here Christoph and it is really interesting that you are saying that there are no surveys looking at these aspects of the causes for cancer, whilst the WHO states that the main cause for cancer is life-style related.
      It begs the question, is there anybody really interested in finding out how to prevent cancer? Or are we avoiding to find out because as Eunice proposes that would mean too much responsibility and too many changes to our life-style?

  347. This blog is profound and I felt blessed just reading it. There is so much to consider about the way that we look at illness and disease and how they could be seen in another way.

  348. That was an amazing blog Eunice, very real and gives a different perspective not only on cancer but all illness and disease. Well written.

  349. Good question Susan. There is a very clear choice to either look at the cancer absolutely, to not shy away from what it it telling us no matter if that is a reflection of how we have lived our lives. How are we going to learn and change if we can’t look honestly at how we are living?

  350. This is huge Eunice.. it brought me to tears as I am watching someone fight their way through this at the moment. When we fight something like this it is a hard battle, and of course ultimately cancer is the winner… but in the fight something gets lost. The opportunity to learn, the opportunity to connect to a life worth living (regardless of whether that is weeks, months or years), the opportunity to connect to God.
    I see the hardness every week, of having to try and hold it all together, of not wanting to think about where this is heading, the fear of what the next stage of the illness will take away. However, this is not the only way and your blog is huge in providing people with an alternative viewpoint, and a different choice. Thank you.

    1. Thanks Simon for sharing your personal experience of witnessing the angst and turmoil of someone fighting their way through. The rates of illness and disease are escalating and are out of control, so there is obviously something for us as humanity to pay attention to. Conversations such as Eunice has started here are so very needed.

    2. When you are young, it is not so common to be confronted with cancer unless it occurs within your closest family. Then at a certain age you belong to the age group where the cancer symptoms are recognized, treated, fought against… It’s then when most people start to ask questions and say: “I have cancer.” But what about the earlier stages in life, when our bodies seem to be not affected by anything – binge drinking, eating, staying up all night, working in exhaustion for years etc. Isn’t it in those years that we start to have cancer, just the symptoms are different, not named cancer yet? Wouldn’t it be healing and eye-opening, when a smoker at 20 years would say: “I have cancer.”?

      1. Yes indeed, Felix. What about the earlier stages in life, when our bodies seem to be not affected by anything? We are young, carefree and nothing can touch us. Or so we like to believe. If the effects of what we submit our bodies to were immediate we would be telling a whole different story wouldn’t we? But because the effects are not immediate (oh, there’s the hangover, the drug induced haze, the splitting headache that starts to be felt if caffeine is not had by a certain time in the morning, the exhaustion that simply won’t go away – but these things are considered ‘normal’ and not much attention is paid to them), when the big C hits ‘out of the blue’, we wonder where it has come from and why me….the long, winding trail of abusing our bodies, working in exhaustion, etc. long since forgotten because it has become the norm.

      2. I agree with what you’re saying felixschumacher8, the cancer begins long before the symptoms of the cancer appear in our body. And so, we are already in dis-ease from a young age when we are living less than the glorious sons of God that we are, and the binge drinking, eating, staying up all night, etc that many of us do are all steps towards illness, be it exhaustion or cancer or some other illness that shows that the body is in dis-ease.

      3. This is very perceptive Felix… our lifestyle illnesses that make up a large number of all diseases get diagnosed in the latter stages, but the damage starts when we are feeling young and bullet proof. I had to pull one of my nephews to one side recently.. he was drinking so many sugary drinks on Christmas Day and I just had to point out that if he keeps going, he will be a primary candidate for diabetes.

      4. True Felix, why wait until the end result of the loveless choices we made, produced a lump and cancer from it? We can start taking responsibility for our lifestyle choices at any age.

      5. Ouch! I remember my mother saying to me in my 20’s that I could not ‘burn the candle at both ends’ indefinitely and it is something that would always catch up with everyone of us in the end. How very true and wise, yet something I did not want to listen to at the time as it would have meant stopping to feel the depth of arrogance, separation and isolation I now know I was running away from through the very things you mention here –
        ” But what about the earlier stages in life, when our bodies seem to be not affected by anything – binge drinking, eating, staying up all night, working in exhaustion for years etc.”

      6. I fear that that is the way we are going. If we don’t sort ourselves out we will be finding that more and more young people will be getting cancer. Do we really have to let it get that far before we start to wake up?

    3. I agree Simon…cancer is often perceived as the enemy, as something that has to be conquered, and hardness is the only way to achieve this. The irony is that true healing is the exact opposite – it is about surrender, vulnerability, being gentle and tender, honouring and respecting of ourselves…and in this there can be no hardness, no battle – only loving choices.

      1. Yes, it is in the common dialogue to “fight” illness as if we are at war with it. When we set out to fight illness we are setting out to defend the choices that led to the illness in the first place. Educating everyone that illness is there to rid the body of those unloving choices supports us to be less hard with ourselves and to allow this sickness as a healing process and potentially to even embrace it as a blessing for clearing out of the body that which doesn’t belong to it.

    4. So true Simon Williams this whole idea of “beating cancer” is really not very supportive at all. Whilst your body asks you with every fiber to let go and connect back to who you truly are you are encouraged by many support groups to fight against this very natural process of surrendering to a greater divine order.

      1. I agree, Judith, that letting go is such a key element, accepting that the cancer is in the body, and then you can have a long hard look at why it’s there. I often make the suggestion to let go, but there is a huge resistance to it, as my feeling is it is perceived as giving up, or else they think that by letting go then this brings death closer or quicker? The fear holds them back from being able to feel all the love that is around them, as well as the love that is still there inside them. In a strange way that opportunity to love seems to be turned up by the severity of the disease.

      2. In fact of lot of energy is lost or wasted with this fighting the disease. Surrender to what is there to heal and learn from it is the way to go and your body needs all the energy there is for this process.

      3. ‘Letting go’ is such an interesting thing to look at. We are so trained to tackle a situation and DO something about it that when ‘letting go’ was introduced to me I had no clue how to approach it, obviously it is not something you can do or force yourself into – it just goes beyond everything we are trained to do and that is where its value lies, it asks you to take a complete turnaround in your life.

  351. What you write here Eunice shakes up our view on illness and disease, especially the big C word. We have been led to believe that fighting cancer and not letting it win, seeing it as a battle to be fought is the best way to beat it but this does not address the underlying cause of why we got it in the first place . You show a whole new approach to cancer that to me makes sense. Knowing that we are responsible for our health and that what we put into our body contributes to whether we become sick or not is a huge shift in our beliefs around illnesses.

    1. A “huge shift in our beliefs around illnesses” that calls on us to take responsibility for our physical body and no longer treat it as a mere functioning unit that is seemingly indestructible and then gets the blame for what has apparently ‘gone wrong’.

    2. Yes there are many images that circulate social media that suggest we should (Expletive) Cancer! Cancer is there because of the choices one is making, not something that descends upon us due to bad luck. With more understanding of what cancer is lovingly showing us, one could embrace it as the blessing that it actually is.

  352. Being able to accept cancer or any other illness or incident that does not fit the ‘things going well” mould is nothing short of amazing and it goes against everything we get taught, however, it is clear that this is the only way that we can truly heal. Accepting our part in what happens to us is so important.

    1. Absolutely Leonne, seeing the part we play in the events, illnesses and diseases that happen in our life rather than seeing ourselves as the victims of life. Such a profound and amazing piece of writing.

      1. I agree Jade and Leonne – playing the victim role stops us from taking responsibility and leaves everything up to those outside of us – claiming ourselves in this and owning the fact that what is happening is as a result of the choices we have made in the past – Wow….as you said Leonne it is so important to accept our part in what is happening.

  353. If cancer is intimately related to how we live each day, then there must be precursors to this disease that we are living with but choose not to see.

  354. Eunice, I can really relate the the concept that ‘the big C’ was something to dread and fear, something that was not to be spoken about and something to avoid at all costs. I feel very fortunate to have met a number of amazing women and men who have had cancer and healed not just on the physical level but also on an energetic level where they have addressed and accepted the underlying reasons for getting cancer. After an initial fear, these men and women have welcomed the opportunity the cancer has presented to them to heal and absolutely embraced the stop moment to look at how they have been living and take the cancer as a blessing and a door to a deep healing on many levels.

  355. There is so much to comment on in this blog Eunice. One major point that I felt to look at was “knowing we are already love gives us a new foundation and platform to stand on”. The way religions teach that we are lesser and the way society confirms it, makes it very understandable that very few of us have actually claimed that we are already love. In coming from feeling less it is understandable why so many of us, burdened with the idea that we are not good enough, adopt self disregarding behaviours in reaction to this. Bringing in the concept however that “we then have to consider, realise and potentially accept that if we do not live in a way that is truly loving, our bodies will sooner or later reveal that fact” we need to take ownership and responsibility for the fact that we aligned to this belief. If we do indeed acknowledge and then feel that we are already love it gives us a whole new perspective from which to live our lives. When coming from a fullness rather than a lack, the desire to self nurture is far greater and therefore our health inevitably improves. It makes total sense to me!

  356. Why me? Why did I start drinking, smoking and generally living a stressful lifestyle? These are just the activities of living a normal live with the freedom to choose. They are the standard normal for what everyone does… don’t they? We just become part of the jetsam caught up in the tide of humanity… this is why me!

  357. I have not had cancer or any other serious illness but I know from other life experiences that the things we view as unwanted are a result of our choices and give us the most amazing opportunity to stop and feel the impact of the way we are living and with that give us the opportunity to change those ways and truly heal.

    1. I too have never been diagnosed with cancer or another serious illness to make me consider the choices I have made in life, however having made more responsible and loving choices towards my health over the years, inspired by Universal Medicine, and experienced a greater vitality from doing so, what Eunice has proposed makes absolute sense… for when I forgo my healthy choices every now and again I feel my body weaken and get sick in response…. this may not currently officially be evidence based medicine, but my body has shown me I am living proof of what has been presented to be of truth.

  358. A powerful read Eunice, enjoyed from beginning to end without any wanting to skip over any sentence. A blog to enjoy re-visiting many times over, there is much wisdom in each paragraph. This sentence really brings the truth home to us – everything of true and lasting value is already within us all and the focus on the external success is ‘colourless’ beside it.
    “In my experience there are no riches greater than the truth of knowing and feeling who you truly are – no amount of money, gold or jewels can usurp such truth; no relationship, no job, no achievement, worldly success or accolade can come anywhere near the pure and simple joy of knowing and being who you truly are”.

  359. Eunice, this blog is amazing, it offers a completely different perspective on cancer, I have seen both approaches lived out, one road being full of fear and angst and the other road being that of acceptance, understanding, honesty and true healing and evolution, your blog clearly shows that we have a choice, reading this is very empowering as it allows us to be the masters of our life and to determine our own health and wellbeing, rather than it all being ‘out of our hands’ and something we have no control over.

    1. Absolutely Rebecca, the world is far too focused on blaming and pushing the responsibility of their ill-health and woes onto something outside of themselves, so not only is it empowering to consider the part we play in our own life through our choices but it allows us to consciously take the reigns of our life and live it in full awareness of the power and healing capabilities of these choices.

  360. Powerful blog Eunice. “Knowing that we are love means that we know that anything that is not loving is detrimental to our bodies and our health, and so we are called to change many things about the way that we live. Would you be willing to make such changes?” You ask some great questions. How is it that as a society we do not take responsibility for our own health and put disease down to bad luck or ‘God’s will’?

  361. “Knowing we are love calls us to live with a much greater level of responsibility for our daily choices and how we relate to ourselves and each other.” So the Big C becomes the Big Conundrum; are we prepared to be and live all the love that we are.

  362. You are asking for a level of responsibility that the world is running away from at the moment. Of course we cannot run from it, as it is always there, we just put more effort into denying, dismissing the signs until they stop us in our tracks. Yet as you point out, we are made of bigger stuff than the issues we face and living in respect of that brings a much simpler way to live.

  363. “The Big C – why me” question I do hear regularly but hardly ever heard or read an answer like you are sharing with us Eunice. The consideration that cancer, or any illness and disease, is related to our lifestyle is slowly emerging but not commonly accepted and understood to its full meaning. What you share here Eunice sounds to me a truth that I cannot deny and a truth that when fully appreciated will assist humanity in healing all the illness we carry in our bodies due to the ill choices we have made in the past and not dealt with properly, but instead have buried in our bodies as a way of dealing with it. But as you say Eunice, our bodies cannot lie and either sooner or later it must cleanse itself, as it is directly connected to the source of love we are all from.

  364. Thanks Dr Eunice for a profound insight into the fear that surrounds the diagnosis of cancer. My father used the term “the Big C” and the fear that this term evokes is etched in my memory. In spite of this fear which most of us hold around cancer, It is a fact of life that we will continue to try to “get away” with unhealthy lifestyle choices or indulge in emotional thoughts etc all of which we know are poison until such time as our body says ENOUGH. Cancer like any other illness is a time to stop and reconnect to the simple yet profound wisdom of our bodies.

  365. This article is so simple and inspiring the true explanation of the gift of true healing illness and disease offer us through the marriage of Esoteric Medicine and Conventional medicine. Our lifestyle choices create illness and disease and often our unresolved hurts drive our life style choices. My experience of the minor illnesses I have experienced has been with the combination of orthodox medicine for the medication and surgery if necessary, complemented by esoteric medicine for the deep understanding and connection with my soul to understand the true reason for the dis-ease in my body.

  366. Yes imagine the day when we can be so open enough to say and reply: “Congratulations, you have cancer,” – for it is thanks to the cancer diagnosis that they have tasted and come to know the true riches of the soul….” – to re-harmonise through illness or disease the natural homeostasis of the body, that is divine in its design, is the markings and work of the divine soul, and in this completely required for whole-healing.

  367. “….some of these people have gone on to die of their disease, yet I can also say they had healed” – this is groundbreaking what you share Eunice because it ties healing beyond solely the physicality of the body, healing being multi-dimensional when there is the considered fact of energy, and that we are units of energy far beyond the reality of our skin, muscle and bones.

  368. Brilliant blog Eunice this is certainly a powerful blog, thank you. I love what you’ve presented here, it is full of insight, wisdom and inspirational. When we accept illness and disease as a blessing it takes on a whole new level of healing.

  369. So many super points you make here Eunice, you describe the effects and position Cancer with such realness and direct us to a possible truth of the root cause of illness/disease so practically, that it’s hard to not feel such considered fact: “Medicine is confirming that a significant number of cancers are lifestyle related and given that such choices come from how we truly feel about ourselves and are coloured by the hurts we carry, it is easy to see that we have much more power over our health and wellbeing than we like to admit or accept ” – how true, and how addictive is the taste of irresponsibility towards the point of inertia.

  370. Thank you Eunice, your blog opens the door for discussion, making headway for where medicine can evolve into true healing. Conventional and Esoteric medicine is a combination that offers understanding to the ‘Why?’, and the ‘How?’ … a wholesome picture that brings understanding and complete healing, not just physical healing.

    1. What I love about this too Johanne is that it’s not an either/or, but a marriage if you will. Partners that were meant to be together a long time ago, but were separated. Only to come back together again now and will eventually change the face of medicine as we know it.

  371. “The body cannot and does not lie – if we poison it with foods, drinks, emotions, thoughts, actions/movements, ways of being and relating that are toxic and unloving – it will have to deal with them sooner or later.”. I love what you share here Eunice as it moves beyond the normal food/drink toxic discussion and extends it to include emotions/thoughts/actions which can be as equally toxic in our bodies and in others.

  372. Eunice it is empowering to view illness as the body’s way of offering us a ‘stop’ moment to reconsider our choices and bring more loving attention to ourselves. It takes the ‘sting’ and ‘why me’ angst out of the equation so that we may focus on bringing our selves back to equilibrium in all areas of our life, including the spiritual. Life makes sense to me now as a result of the understanding I have gained from attending Universal Medicine events and applying the principles to my daily living.

  373. This blog is super powerful Eunice. What you presents adds a whole other dimension to the traditional discussion around Cancer and our health. Far from fighting Cancer it is here to reveal that we naturally have this ‘other’ dimension too. What you say does not just apply to Cancer itself but to every disease, we might experience. Despite the physical symptoms, pain and duress I feel illness is a present, for us to accept should we choose.

    1. Exactly Joseph, I too can feel that illness is a present, as in that my body is providing me a means to connect more closely with the essence of who I truly am, and fact is that deep in our hearts we all want that but I can feel for myself, have still some resistance to accept my own responsibility in that.

  374. Thank you Eunice for raising this topic – the blog is not something that can be skimmed through as there are many layers we are being asked to reflect on. A cancer diagnosis certainly creates a ripple effect of fear and uncertainty and lots of questions but what you are offering here is something that is different from what is currently offered around such a diagnosis. It’s clear that many people are seeking a deeper understanding of what’s happening and this is where the complementary approach you are suggesting comes into play. It’s a game changer if people can come to value the rich healing that is being offered to them at such an intense time in their lives. When I reflect on this further, the ‘stop’ moment is not only for the person themselves, but also for all those around them who are faced with the realities of the situation at hand.

    1. Well said Helen.. the opportunity to reflect on how we are living our lives is by no means restricted to the person with cancer. The question is do we take a good long look at how we are living and make some changes, or do we look away?

  375. A deeply thought-provoking and paradigm-shifting take on the true role of and opportunity in cancer. You completely shift our current perspective which is in the main about treating and clearing cancer so that ‘normal service can be resumed’ as soon as possible, to seeing ‘the body as a profound instrument of healing, one where it may itself ultimately succumb in the process of the disease and healing, and where that healing is to reconnect with and deeply know who we are and always have been – Love.’

  376. I can so relate to coming up with an array of excuses and reasons for me not to claim myself as the love that I innately am and therefore not to live a life as such. It is amazing how we could react to the absolute truth and go into denial to avoid feeling the extent of our choices not to be responsible.

  377. What you present here, Eunice, is so applicable to any illness and disease, and to understand what healing truly is, is a great support for the patients themselves and also for those around them. They also go through that blame and the guilt and all the emotions and the ‘why my son/daughter/wife/husband/sister/brother?’ question, and just pray that the disease gets miraculously cured. This article is a great invitation to look at the Big C and other diseases in a completely different light.

  378. Yes, Eunice this is the truth in my own experience and it is so empowering to have an attitude that cancer is a blessing and bring love to it and so therefore I willingly accept the changes I am to make to my lifestyle. There is no fight to participate in, which is often the normal way cancer is portrayed as a war against the body. This concept is totally wrong as if we fight what the body is endeavouring to convey from its wisdom there is no place left to go and hence suffering and life becomes more of a struggle. It is time for us all to change and express the wonder of our bodies and how they communicate because otherwise ‘health’ budgets worldwide will be bankrupt as they are put under enormous pressure of illness and dis-ease as people stack up with one problem/symptom on top of another.

    1. Indeed Susan, illness does not asked us to fight, as that is just what has caused the illness in the first place, our fight in denying the true origins of ourselves and to not live accordingly. When we are not able to accept our individual responsibility in this we will continue to take charge of our health systems that, as you say, will ultimately lead to bankruptcy of it, as we will completely deplete these systems because of our lack of self responsibility towards our lifestyle choices.

  379. “The body cannot and does not lie”. Should we choose to listen to our bodies and ‘hear’ what we can learn in every moment, ie when we stub our toe or bump our knee, it may not be necessary to get to the point of having the big C.

  380. Cancer offers the possibility of cracking open the hardness that so many of us live in, like an egg shell surrounding the loving tenderness that we truly are and can truly be with ourselves and each other. There is a divine order and intelligence that we can access when we allow this tenderness to be our way.

  381. It is so incredible that you have addressed the essential existential crisis offered by a cancer diagnosis Eunice and the importance of marrying this with the support offered by conventional medicine.

    Are we willing to know who we truly are? To know that we are divine, that we are love and that any aspect of the way that we live that is not loving will be highlighted to us in one way or another? It is one of the ways of revealing the pockets of disharmony that we allow to be our way in the body of humanity, when in truth we are designed to be living in one harmonious interplay with each other.

    We are required to make change and this can feel so very scary. But only because it is unfamiliar. We can beautifully support ourselves to make these changes and discover the strength and wisdom of who we truly are, realising that it is our stubbornness that holds us back from living a far grander existence than that which we have previously allowed.

  382. This is an incredibly thorough and sensitive discussion of the meaning of cancer yet does not hold back in bringing the true possibility of change and healing that cancer presents us with. It is even more powerful coming a surgical professional and also from your own experience Eunice. You beautifully describe the angst and fear associated with the diagnosis of cancer and offer the light that is possible when we choose to open up to the healing presented by the diagnosis.

    I have seen that cancer can come to a person who has not previously opened up to healing or their true relationship with themselves and God but equally it can come to a person well on their way with this awakening, as a means of clearing huge packages of past lived choices. I have always known the healing potential of a cancer diagnosis but always thought it was about getting over the cancer, being cancer free and not dying. This type of fear driven approach is crippling because we feel completely out of control as we cannot control the outcome and hence feel a failure when faced with the prospect of dying. I have seen this play out in family and friends close to me since I was a young 13 years old.

    Now I understand the realness of this illness, that it is the body’s way of clearing the unloving ways in which we have chosen to live, over many lifetimes and sometimes this may mean letting go of the body to begin the next life free of the burden that was being carried. This deeply challenges our view about illness, that we must survive at all costs, when this may not be the case. Our body will know what is needed and gently unfold this to us, holding us in deep love if we can open ourselves to feeling the true support it is offering us.

  383. Eunice,
    The ability for the body to change once love is lived within it is profound. I personally have experienced this. But greater than the physical is the feeling of grace that is felt within my body. The grace of loving first myself and then equally all others. Feeling and living this way is so beautiful, a way of living that I could not have lived unless I had chosen to begin the process of accepting, understanding and letting go of my hurts. At times a challenging walk, but one worth walking. The true feeling of grace, coming from within far out weighs any desire to hold on to old patterns and ways of living that hid my grace, but never dulled it, for as I feel it more, I know that it is completely unaffected and only requires my choice to allow my grace to be my living way.

  384. This blog feels like a great big hug of truth and love. It is deeply empowering to feel that while it is also exposing it is our choices, our own choices, that have got us to where we are. Yes, convenient as it is to blame God, life or even the impositions of others for our ills, it is also our own choices that led us there. In this we feel that we can also change it too. We do not have to be a victim, and we can pick ourselves up, brush ourselves off and learn from what has been shared through the experience.

  385. “What if illness and disease including cancer is not a punishment, is not God’s will, is not bad luck or a random event but intimately related to the quality of how we live every day?” This could be the single most important point in dealing with all our illnesses. Imagine if we were taught from young that our choices would result in certain illness and disease…wouldn’t we be more likely to think carefully about what we choose?

    1. This sentence you’ve highlighted is asking us to take responsibility for our choices. I feel by blaming God, our environment or random bad luck for our illness and disease is total irresponsibility. Bringing awareness to how our choices can affect our health as well as our relationships will contribute to a global healing.

    2. I love how this sentences asks us to step up and take responsibility for our choices rather than placing blame outside of oneself. Most people still don’t equate feeling ill with their lifestyle choices and are still in the belief that it randomly falls out of the sky. If we were to teach our kids to be honest about their choices and how they affect them we would have a much more self aware and vital society.

      1. A society based on blame does not get anywhere for the responsibility is always passed to another. Teaching our kids to be aware and honest is absolutely the key in creating a more deeply self aware and vital society where each grow up with lived proof in their bodies of the power of their choices and the part they truly play in their own health.

      2. Well said Michelle, it is the responsibility of our choices that is leading the way forth. To teach children responsibility we just have to be responsible ourselves and they will live it as their normal. Today we are moaning about all the reckless and irresponsible teenagers, but they are just a reflection of what we are living. If the younger generation is irresponsible we have to look first and foremost to ourselves as a reflection of our role modeling.

      3. Well said too Rachel! Our teenage generation are simply reflecting back to us the irresponsibility and recklessness we are living in. If they are checked out, numb and in disregard this is a definite reaction to what they are seeing and feeling around them because of what we have been collectively choosing.

  386. Eunice this is such a great article, so useful for humanity, would that they could all read it and absorb the truth of it as you have explained the true reasons behind cancer. “This is why the marriage of esoteric medicine and conventional medicine is so important – as the esoteric brings the understandings that are missing in modern medicine regarding our true nature, our spirit and our soul and their role in disease manifestation and healing.” Yes, you, as a physician and surgeon who has discovered the great love that we all actually have within us and now understands our deep connection with our Soul, can shed light on the real reason that we develop cancer, and other illnesses and diseases of our bodies. This is a true representation of how the esoteric can work WITH conventional medicine for the benefit of all of us.

  387. Thank you Eunice for such an incredible and inspiring sharing of the reason we develop cancer, the ‘Big C’ from the medical and esoteric perspective together. “What if illness and disease including cancer is not a punishment, is not God’s will, is not bad luck or a random event but intimately related to the quality of how we live every day?” For me, all you have explained makes such common sense. With this perspective, there comes the huge realisation of the responsibility we have to be living our lives from a basis of self love and love for all others, in other words to build and live the body of love that is actually already all there within us all.

  388. I remember the whispered “big C” conversations. Cancer was pretty rare when I was young, and people were really scared of it. If you knew someone who knew someone with it, everyone would become hushed and very sober. Now it is so common that I hear people talking about it as though it was a cold to be got over. I even know people who don’t think that it is a particularly serious condition, which is really disturbing.The fear is still there though, but buried under the belief medicine can fix it.
    Medicine is incredible. It has gone so far in the treatment of cancer in ways we could not have imagined those years ago. But there is something for us to do too, a deep look that needs to be taken into the way we live, and also into the relationships we have with ourselves – in the way we think of, and the sense of worth we hold for ourselves.

    1. Rachel you raise an interesting point here. I am in my late sixties and I don’t think I heard the word as a child, though of course it existed. It is interesting to consider why it is now common place – and the factors that have led to its rapid rise.

      1. And we must not stop short at the pollution and the pesticides. Yes they are important contributors but there is far more to it. It is this deeper level that accounts for why some people get cancer and others do not, even when exposed to the same environmental conditions. The way we live, the regard we have for ourselves, the care we take, and our attitude to ourselves – these are the qualities that are with us 24/7 feeding our bodies a constant stream of information. What if?….we explored this? What patterns would start to emerge?

    2. Totally agree with you Rachel, true, there is this almost a demand with laden expectation to have someone medical to fix the illness/disease… that we created…through the way we live life … which is absurd because it’s rather like asking the physician/specialist to rectify and account for every single choice we’ve made ourselves. Passing the buck. Responsibility of choices, and acceptance of them is what leads to true healing which can be well supported by necessary conventional methods to support the physicality aspect. It is a perfect union.

      1. I see doctors struggle feeling they have to offer more and more treatment because it is not being ‘successful’, like they have taken on that responsibility for themselves. But health professionals have no say over the choices we make. However we can meet and work in a true partnership with health practitioners where we play our part and they do theirs. As you say “a perfect union”…if we only give it that opportunity.

      2. We can try to pass the buck, blame the doctor when treatment goes “wrong”, and doctors can even take that mantle upon themselves…but rates of disease are “outing” that approach as deeply flawed.
        We are responsible for the body we take to our doctor, just as we are responsible for the car we drive to the mechanic.
        We cannot blame the mechanic when we damage the brakes and the clutch by riding them…

    3. What you have mentioned, that something for us to do, is never or rarely discussed as treatment, but as has been revealed by this and many other related articles here and by the experience of people we know, that this is an essential part not only of our treatment but our healing and that is to re-connect to who we are (our soul) for no disease will ever remove that from us as Eunice has so beautifully said.

      1. We cannot even remove ourselves from our Soul. All we can do is pretend it is not there, work hard to ignore its presence and make ourselves unwell in the process.

    4. Agree with all the comments, its this massive expectations and with this a massive arrogance towards what medicine should be able to deliver in this chosen reductionism of our mere bodily existence. Expecting someone to fix your body is of utter irresponsibility, when we are choosing constantly on a daily level to abuse our body and ignore its messages.

      1. True Rachel, evidenced in medical and dental practices, hospitals, clinics worldwide. We so want to be fixed, crave the magic pill to take it all away – anything rather than address the most necessary changes to the things we do to ourselves day in and day out.
        My question, seeing the way so many of us live so recklessly, is why do we not stop and consider why there is not even more cancer? Especially when we consider how many of us are working with such dedication to hurt ourselves in every way?

      2. Agree Rachel, I am also often wondering why we are still so “healthy”, but what I can also see is that the “unhealthiness” is not only expressed in the rise of illness and disease, but also in the loveless relationships, the violence, the corruption and worldwide financial abuse. Those are all signs of illness and disease and the massive misery we are in.

    5. Like you so profoundly pointed out in another comment Rachel…
      ‘We cannot blame the mechanic when we damage the brakes and the clutch by riding them…’ and yet so many still look for fault in the part or installation and if that fails demand medicine to fix them… without considering the impact of the relationship they have been having with themselves and that maybe what is needed is for them to learn how to drive differently.

      1. Love how you put it Samantha, calling out the blaming of the mechanics when we are not taking care of our cars. We cannot blame the clutch if it has to be treated with tenderness and care and has been abused all the way along by pushing and being hard with it. We have to learn to drive differently. So the question is: Why are we treating our body in a way that suits our ideals and beliefs, and not the body we are living in?

      2. I just remembered this quote about teaching: “if children can’t learn the way we teach, why don’t we teach the way they learn”. The same applies to the body. We have invented a way to live that is destroying our bodies and we have to start living in a way that is honoring our bodies.

  389. This blog was a really great grounding for me of the fact that we are love and the simplicity of how to live that. It’s not just preventative medicine, it’s how to live ‘good medicine’, and living this way means life is an absolute joy.

  390. With a family history of breast cancer I remember feeling very scared, and disempowered about whether I would fall to be a victim of this disease. With the support of Esoteric Medicine I have found a way to empower myself about the underlying energetic causes of disease. I now approach my body and my health from a place of understanding, and it has changed everything. I am very committed to my health and visit the Doctor regularly for checkups, but I also know without a shred of a doubt that how I live is a contributing factor to my own health, and being responsible brings power.

  391. Thank you Eunice for a very profound and poignant blog. Illness and disease can be a mystery especially cancer, as I often hear people say ‘ … but that person was healthy’ or ‘they were fit, they went to the gym’. Your blog brings forward the actual healing that can be taking place with a cancer diagnosis, if embraced.

  392. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 8 years ago and I can say it truly was a blessing for me. It was an opportunity for me to reassess where my life was at and to realise that I was not living in connection with my soul. Upon the diagnosis I knew that there was another way, at the time I wasn’t sure what that was, but eventually when I came across Universal Medicine, I discovered what that way was. That way was living where I have learnt to deeply love and honour myself, to make supportive choices moment to moment in which support my realignment to living with my soul. I can honestly say that I thank God for my diagnosis of cancer.

    1. This is HUGE Donna and thank you for sharing the effect breast cancer has had on your life and the blessing that has occurred from this. It is quite something to hear someone say “thank God for my diagnosis of cancer” because they have chosen to take responsibility for the gift their body was imparting.

  393. Eunice this is a game changer. An holistic approach to illness and disease and the opportunity to embrace true healing and self responsibility through our ability to understand ourselves and our choices.

    1. Yes Marcia, it is a gutsy blog to write. Asking us to review how we view illness and disease and the Big C. Thank you Eunice – powerfull words you write here and offer the reader much to think about if they so choose.

    2. Absolutely a true holistic approach that is all encompassing within the Universal Order and not understanding holistic as taking the whole body and psychological wellbeing into account, but the all. Holistic reduced to the human existence will always be a struggle for solutions and will never bring the answers and with this true healing and evolution.

  394. “Or even to say, “Congratulations, you have cancer,” – for it is thanks to the cancer diagnosis that they have tasted and come to know the true riches of the soul and that indeed is a daily celebration and one they share with the world that others in a similar predicament may come to know and receive such a blessing and healing.”
    This line stood out for me as it shows the depth we can go to in our understanding of ourselves through finding out all we can about why our life’s events are happening to us, and you don’t need to have ‘the big C’ to to ask “Why?, Why Me?” if you really want to know…

  395. Eunice, what a comprehensive and profound sharing which offers us another way, a true way to see and feel a cancer diagnosis. It also offers us a way to be self responsible and have some control of how we “treat” cancer in a very loving and healing way.

  396. This is such a great article that could support so many people who are facing cancer and other terminal conditions. Being diagnosed with diseases is such a scary and bewildering period for people and their families. At this time a greater understanding about the cycle of life and death, the journey of the spirit on its return to Soul, as well as the relationship of illness and disease to our learning, healing and evolving on this journey is such a huge support. It can start to make sense of what would otherwise seem random, pointless and meaningless.

    1. On reading your comment Golnaz I could only but think of the question “why me?” which is a question that 100% of people who receive this diagnosis would ask. This is a very deep philosophical question, that is asking more of the possible physical reasons, for really they would mean very little to someone in this situation. I agree that this article brings a great understanding to a cancer diagnosis and support anyone with cancer and their family and carers.

  397. i have worked as a support worker in the field of oncology with children and it was almost taboo to bring up any subjects of spirituality or energy anything other than the physical and practical which seemed so at odds with what the patients and family were experiencing because a diagnosis brings a huge stop to a family and opportunity to reassess how they have been living.

    1. Nicolesjardin, the children you were working with will have known the truth, as will their parents, and not sharing that truth is missing an opportunity for those families to truly heal. Is it not time for conventional medicine to start working with complementary medicine, because when they do the results are profound.

    2. I’m experiencing this with someone I know, and the conclusion I have come to is that if you start bringing up the subject of God, spirituality etc, then you are admitting that this could be the end. It’s such a shame and so short sighted, because it could also be the beginning of a new relationship with our bodies and souls.

    3. Thats a great example of how we are keeping us in the angst and misery and with this not allowing anybody else either to open up to the truth that we are so much more than this human body. To focus on the fixing of the body as it was a random thing in a random Universe is actually the biggest ignorance ever. Medicine has brought amazing skills to human life, but it is time to accept that medicine is how we live and not only the tools to fix the body.

      1. There is so much research that shows us how much of an impact that stress has on us physiologically. It is great to ask what is stress and where does it come from, and how does it cause so much damage?

    4. Yes Nicole it is important to begin to have the conversation of what is stress and look at how it impacts our bodies. Understanding that I only feel stressed when I have chosen to ignore an impulse, over riding this and doing something different. How much could we all eliminate stress in our lives if this knowledge, and the connection to how it impacts our bodies was common place in our up bringing.

  398. From early childhood our thoughts and perception of cancer is set up to react as if the illness was an enemy. Also in conventional and alternative medicine it is mostly seen as that. It is truly revolutionary to see and experience illness as a key to a door that one has standing in front of for a while and finally has the possibility to unlock it.

    1. Well said Felix it is very empowering to be offered the key to a door instead of the angst of the enemy. I love how this article brings it all back to ourselves and to our very own responsibility and the decisions we make and does not treat people as victims of illness and disease, but as the agents of their life. Very very empowering indeed.

    2. Beautiful Felix. Yes I too from an early age thought Cancer was the enemy and something to fight but having experienced a chronic condition originating 20 years ago which I initially set out to conquer with no real healing, in recent years seeing it as an opportunity to understand why I have it and the way I’ve chosen to live, it’s started to heal. My body may never fully recover but I’ve been healing why I got sick in the first place and that’s evolving because I won’t ever make choices that do not love me again. We have the power over our health and wellbeing, it’s all in our hands but we don’t want to admit it or be responsible for it and until we do, the rates of illness and disease will continue to rise. Eunice your writing here is profound and not currently how the world views Cancer or disease but when the world starts to take on board what you’re saying here, it’ll be a game changer for sure. Thank for expressing this so clearly.

    3. This is a great point, Felix. It doesn’t have to be the scary monster it has been described as.

  399. Eunice, your blog brought up much for me today and when you note that ‘the love that you are remains as pure and unsullied as the day you were born.’ and ask do we live in a way that supports that? I stopped as I could feel and see that while I now embrace more than ever that I am love and live that, do I simply allow it, not always. I allow the world to impede on the tenderness I am and I can feel how I impose on myself and the world when I do so. Indeed I demand of the world that it help me deal with what I impose on myself, when in fact I’ve chosen that imposition. Cancer can seem very remote especially when you do not have it close to you and yet I feel both the enormity of what it can offer as a healing and I now have a question for myself how do I live now so that I do not impose and so that I allow the love I am? I do not have to have a diagnosis of cancer to consider this – I can consider it now. Thank you.

    1. Yes, monicag2, I too felt much come up for me when I read this blog. I find that although I now know I am love and that I am to live that love, I sometimes let myself slip from the responsibility I know I have. I can still get far too much into the doing, and in that lose my connection with myself until I find that I am feeling quite exhausted physically, and then comes the big ‘ouch’ as I realise what I have done. It seems so simple really, so why do I so complicate things? I guess a steady moving on and being with myself, to build that pattern within myself of more and more constantly being really with myself. And yes, I do not have a diagnosis of cancer to wake me up, but I know it all anyway, just have the responsibility to live it.

    2. Yes Monica (and Beverley), I also felt deeply the fact that although I have made many many changes to my lifestyle with very positive effect, there are many times where I am not taking full responsibility for living the love I am, so this blog is a great reminder to ever choose to be the love.

      1. Anne, yes, it reminds us that it doesn’t stop, that we have an on-going responsibility to continue to always feel and know what is the next loving step. And it reminds us that there is no-where to reach, that we do not get to a point where we can sit back and say, ‘now I’ve got it’, that life shows us always those places where we have been less than love, and rather than beat up on ourselves with it we can stop and consider how love can be in that area, any time (we do not have to wait for a big event to do that review). So today my question is where am I compromising? Where am I allowing less than the love I can be?

  400. Thank you Eunice for this blog, one I will no doubt re-read many times and understand another section each time. For this time around I clocked an emotion rising when reading about the fact that we are love and that by knowing this means that we would have to change our ways. Living life in a way that is lesser and more abusive than the love that we are is not something I have found easy to let go from and that inner struggle continues. But each part I let go of has stemmed from the same place, a choice I make. And that is what has been presented over the years from Universal Medicine that it is just a choice, not just one choice but a continuing build up of making that choice. This is the message I will take away from this blog today, that it is a choice, has always been a choice and will always be a choice I can make.

    1. Absolutely Leigh it’s about the consistency of the choices we make and I can relate to continuing to struggle with this, but the more I appreciate the foundation I have built, the more I am able to recognise any unloving choices without beating myself up, and come back to love.

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