Studying the Eye with University and Universal Medicine

by Cherise Holt, 31, Nurse, Australia

As a part of my University studies this week, I’ve been learning about the common visual disorders of the human eye. To understand the concepts, we begin by exploring the normal function – the anatomy and physiology – of the eye itself. From the delicate lid that supports and protects the eye from harm, to the way the eye is held and supported by the body to remain in shape, in place and in harmony with its surroundings and functions.

I learnt about the pupil, the black spot in the centre of the eye that we so often see change size – constrict and dilate – depending on the light that is around us and in our view. It was here that I learnt something totally amazing…

I had always thought of the pupil as not much more than a black spot in the centre of the eye and had never fully appreciated the fact that it is actually not a spot at all, but rather an opening that allows and receives light and information in, to be viewed at a deeper level within the eye, passing through and being focused by the lens, to be received at the retina, where the light is processed and the messages passed on to the brain.

Perhaps this sounds rather simple and common sense, but I personally had never fully appreciated the depth of our eyes in their physical function before.

Since beginning my other studies with Universal Medicine, I have also learnt how amazing it feels to have a connection with others and to meet someone with my eyes. I’ve been learning for myself what it means to observe life, others and situations from a place within me that’s knowing of who I am – my essence – and not from a judgement or by taking on external factors that aren’t in my control.

These simple teachings have confirmed to me that we have a moment-by-moment opportunity to not only ‘see’ whatever picture is presented before our eyes, but also to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.

We live in the physicality of our human bodies in every moment of every day and can find ourselves ‘out of our bodies’ – perhaps in a rush, caught in our heads or making choices that disregard our bodies. But what I am also learning (and loving!) is the natural order and harmony our bodies are designed to work, move and be in, from the smallest detail and cell within.

There is much to appreciate about our bodies and the amazing way in which they go about their expressions, movements and functions, reminding me how crucial it is to support my own body in return, making choices that support it to be the most loving vehicle of expression that it can be.

903 thoughts on “Studying the Eye with University and Universal Medicine

  1. It is true the eye sees more than the visual, it is like the hand shake, when we greet people. It kind of feels that the eye feels more than it sees, if we are willing to look further past the physicality.
    I came to this sense when I started to attend Universal Medicine workshops. And from this the realisation, all our senses are more than the physicality, they actually feel more than we realise. Are we open to hearing, seeing, feeling and smelling more than this?

  2. What an amazing reminder of how absolutely amazing we are, there is so so much to appreciate about our bodies the way we move and the many different functions.
    It is through our body we are able to access our soul.

    1. Le, for me it is the intricate details we underestimate. This is exploring our body’s past the depth of physicality, the energy that is behind the being, the humanness part. There’s more for science to discover.

  3. Thanks Cherise. Your blog made me reflect on the beauty of the pupil and its purpose in the way we process the information we receive through our eyes. The light is fully there, fully enlightening everything as it is without distinction, us included. But as we are in a human body somehow limited in this shape we live in, we need to focus on the external forms to move ourselves in this world from our physicality. The intelligence of our body knows the quantity of light we need to receive to understand what is in front of us. It’s amazing to realise the amount of love that there is in this simple tiny movement of our pupil, which helps us to digest at our own measure the whole light that constantly comes to us, without hiding it, just adjusting it for us to be able to relate with what surrounds us.

  4. It is amazing when we feel, learn and appreciate something new. What I love about this, as well as the fact that you have shared your inspiration is that I got to see the eye in a completely different way. With more detail and more understanding of just how something works. The magic of the body is pretty incredible; something which I know personally, on some level, I still take for granted.

  5. “Observe life, others and situations from a place within me that’s knowing of who I am – my essence – and not from a judgement or by taking on external factors that aren’t in my control” – so beautifully said, and this confirms to me that we are a vehicle and not an originator.

  6. I too find the eyes fascinating and after a couple of eye issues in the last few years my respect for the amazing and very delicate organs they are, has grown immeasurably. I know that I used to take them for granted but realising how quickly our sight can be taken away from us has certainly changed that disregarding attitude, so today my eyes receive more loving care than they have ever done

  7. Wow – this gives a whole new perspective on letting someone in… I had no idea that our pupils open and closed to let light in.

  8. Receiving with our eyes and not seeing with our eyes – when I practise that it does feel very different in my body. When I receive, my body expands. And when I see out, it feels more forced.

  9. It is so true that the same order and harmony exists from our smallest cell to our organs and body systems.

  10. There is an saying ‘What the eye doesn’t see the heart doesn’t grieve over’ but the heart feels everything so it is more what the ‘I’ behind the eye is choosing what not to see.

  11. What a great reminder about how crucial it is to support our own body by making choices that support it, if we don’t make choices to support our body we are dominated by external energy.
    Look after our body and we are able to stand strong, and know who we truly are.

  12. Thank you Cherise, I feel we would all take much better care of ourselves if we truly could understand the many awesome wonders of the body and appreciate how amazing and precious it truly is. Reading your blog today has brought a beautiful stop moment to appreciate my eyes.

  13. The idea that we receive through our eyes, rather than we look through our eyes is quite difficult to fathom. This is because it asks us to observe life – to understand it. Yet, if we are engulfed in all of the indulgences of life, it will be impossible to to observe and learn.

  14. Do we ‘look out’ to the world with ‘the eyes of judgement’ or do we receive all that is there through the ‘eyes of love’?

  15. The eye sees far more than we comprehend as too does our body, the more connected we are to our body the more aware we become of what we feel and what we see.

  16. Reading this account of the vastness of our human eyes made me consider that conditions like Glaucoma (where there is a fluid build-up inside the eye that can damage the optic nerve) may be caused when we absorb all the emotions, pains, hurts, and issues that we see going on around us and take them on as if they are our own issue, instead of maintaining that observer role that Cherise described above and reading the situation for what it is and means.

  17. I noticed that even thought we receive light and thus all that happens around us with our eye,s we can have filters on and not truly see what is there by what ideals and beliefs we have about life, people, things and so forth.

  18. If we don’t allow our eyes to receive, we impose on them with what the world wants us to see, and we then start to colour everything with our own perception of how we think life should be, rather than recieving the truth that is being offered to us. This is how we convert truth into convenient truth and lies, and over time the lies then become our truth.

  19. Yes, the eye has a clear passage to the back of itself, much deeper than one would imagine.

  20. I love looking in someone’s eyes and its uniqueness. But more so, what energy comes through them and not how they look. They are windows for so much more- the universe in all its depth. Seeing and feeling that lets eyes appear for me as “beautiful”.

  21. The moment we receive with our whole body what energy is there to be felt, everything that is not aligned to the fiery will we aligned to beforehand with our body, will stick out and registered as something not true immediately.

  22. You can only look at the pupil and see the high intelligence of our human body. Imagine we would honour every part of it in its unfathomable wisdom and function?!

  23. It is vital to begin this conversation about the human body as a vehicle for expression, and I have listened to Serge Benhayon talk about this many times. It seems a key part of life on earth – to understand our place amongst the greater universal order of life and to know that what ever is being expressed is done so in accordance to or against this order, which ultimately makes the human being very powerful, as we have the power to choose the source of our expression, and thus what we see or choose not to see.

  24. If we receive through the eyes then our openness and willingness to receiving will determine how much we see and also what we see. This reminds us that clearing the blockages and inhibitions to seeing all there is to be seen is a process that requires constant attention.

  25. There is such a “natural order and harmony our bodies are designed to work” and it is a pure delight to (slowly in my case) reconnect to this and bring a respect and understanding to it.

  26. What I can feel is how our body is an apparatus of motion, yet its motion is always in response to what it receives and how it experiences that receiving. It feels eternally beautiful and genius.

  27. When we seek out it is quite easy to have an expectation of what we will see and the way we seek is an expectation in itself and therefore limiting what we can perceive.

  28. Yes, the eye is amazing, a stable jelly-like construct that follows very complex physics.

  29. I love it when the physiology we learn matches the energetic truth that we know – that the eye is a receiver of light and not the projector of it. That is, we don’t look out to see the images we see, we receive them.

  30. Yes Richard indeed, and it would make sense then that our eyes serve to receive confirmation, of what we already can energetically feel, is in line with the vibration of our universality and what is not.

  31. Beautifully shared Cherise, there certainly is a richer and truer quality of life that can be lived when we are open to observing and reading the quality of movements in any situation, as we then are able to respond with greater love, be it a confirmation or a correction.

  32. In education we are taught to seek from the outer, our wisest teacher is the inner heart for the lies can never deceive the truth it feels.

  33. Thank you for expanding my appreciation of how our eyes function but also how it is through the choices that we make we can use our eyes to see the pictures that we are being presented with or we can choose to go deeper and read what is really happening.

  34. It is true that our eyes ‘receive’ light and ‘receive’ what they see. In this way we can match the nature of our eyes by receiving the world and receiving people rather than ‘looking’ and imposing our judgments upon it and them. In this way we can support ourselves to stay present with ourselves and observe. What an amazing reflection our eyes give us in their nature.

  35. I loved this focus on how incredible just one part of our body is.. if we lived with that awareness and appreciation of our whole body, all of the time, it would be impossible to not to take care of it, to cherish and love it deeply.

    1. Absolutely it can be so easy to take the amazing way our body supports us for granted but there is so much that we can do to support it on a daily basis although for me it is often when there is a problem as I had recently with my eye that I really take notice and commit to taking more loving care of myself.

    2. Would we still self harm in any way, if we understand the importance of every aspect of our body would we still abuse it?

  36. Cherise the way you studied the eye to every detail revealed how divine it’s design is, just imagine what will be revealed if we allow ourselves to become aware to this degree of our entire body.

  37. Our eyes reflect a great amount of detail about ourselves especially how we are living, that is not necessarily visible elsewhere.

  38. It is strange how we can take so much for granted, and once our eyes are opened about something, we can view it in a totally different way. The eye is part of a delicate and specialist mechanism to receive light and information to be felt at a deeper level inside the body that we are unaware of. So many parts of the body function in this way, the skin for example is an incredible organ that affects us at a deeper level by what it absorbs and what it filters out. The body is phenomenal how it supports us so much.

  39. I found that there have been many times where I notice or see something that was there before, but that I never noticed before. This has happened many times and can be a revelation.

  40. I love how you describe the eye and I can feel the appreciation you hold for it. It is great to learn about the human body and how it all works and to appreciate the delicateness of how it is all meticulously designed to work for us. Without the appreciation it often gets a functional summary of parts of the body and their name without true love and life being felt in it.

    1. Yes, there are common sayings that the eyes are the window to the soul. I don’t think that is quite correct but the eyes of a person can show a lot about them.

  41. When I was a child I would avoid looking into people’s eyes at times, I feel this was because I was reading so much from their eyes that wasn’t matching how they were presenting themselves and it was hard for me to feel how falsely they were living.

  42. It never ceases to amaze me how much you can tell about a person just by looking into their eyes. This is truly fascinating because even though their physical eyes may not look different from day to day, all the feelings or emotions that they are experiencing and the way they are living get transmitted by the eyes somehow and as Cherise has stated, their state of being can be read by us on an energetic level. This shows how we receive much more than just an image into our eyes and have the ability to see beyond the physical existence.

  43. Thank you for the reminder Cherise we use our eyes all day long but we have little awareness of how they work.The fact that they receive light makes sense to me and opens up the fact that it is possible to see more than what we currently choose to see at present.

  44. I like how you share our eyes are so much more than just seeing what is in front of us, but for observing and receiving, part of us reading movement and connecting with another through looking into their eyes, and this is just our eyes. Our bodies are amazing and Universal Medicine offers a deep understanding and awareness of the wisdom our body brings.. a wisdom that has over and over shown me so much more than I was only a few years ago aware of.

  45. Fascinating to learn that the pupil is an opening to receive and let the light pass into a deeper level to see. I can feel how the way I normally use my eyes to ‘look out’ to the world is not quite how it is designed to be. When I ‘look out’ it feels like there’s already a filter acting as a kind of projector, making me think that it is the reality that I am seeing but actually I have already pre-determined how I want to see it.

  46. ” to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty. ” This is true sight.

  47. Absolutely gorgeous Cherise. We are here to receive what is there in front of us and not to force our perceptions onto it. Thinking about it, it makes sense that we have so many eye problems because we are often not receiving but trying to see what we think we see according to our ideals and beliefs, which overstresses our eyes.

  48. “to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.” A beautiful way to appreciate the opportunity that is offered to feel and know everything around us from within.

  49. As soon as we start to treat our body as a vehicle then our movements can’t help but change, because the quality of how we live then becomes about the whole and our ability to maximise the service we can bring to humanity! A super practical example is that overeating and exhausting ourselves with late nights limit the attention we can pay to conversations the next day, thus limiting our care and ability to listen to others.

    1. I love this Susie – bringing it back to our bodies true purpose and that even more so we do not even own the particles in our bodies – they are simply ours for this purpose also.

  50. Wow, this is amazing… how the pupil is an opining for light to pass in to, how light passes deeply in to our bodies through our eyes. This inspires a way of regarding ourselves as the eternal observers, reading the light that is at play around us all of the time.

  51. Our eyes are an amazing part of our anatomy, we receive so many messages through them, yet we often blind ourselves by limiting what we see.

  52. How often do we look into our own eyes and let ourselves see what is there to be seen, both physically and energetically? If we did this on a regular basis we would be more honest about whether we were doing well or not as the eyes reveal so much.

    1. Thank you for this reminder Elizabeth. I have not been doing this of late and know how it can confirm me and support me to feel more closely as to what is really going on.

  53. Serge Benhayon has presented on a number of occasions that the eye does not look, as we think it does, but receives. In other words, we are less ‘looking out’ and more ‘taking in’. The physical nature of the eye as described here reflects that understanding.

  54. It is amazing to think about how all the particles of our body have an innate sense and call to a universal form of order, flow and harmony; it makes me appreciate the signs my body shows me of how I’ve been living and not just brush them off or dismiss it.

  55. Another great reminder that life is not what we see but what we receive, we think we see and it’s us doing the seeing, but if we are open to being receivers then perhaps we will open our other senses as well.

  56. Articles like this make you stop and consider how you are and how you see things around you and in particular how you see your body. It would make sense to treat something that is so so sensitive with great care and yet this isn’t our current way. I had never really considered how the eye works either and in fact how just this part of our body has so many parts itself. It’s interesting to consider that the eye actually receives and not sees as we currently think and so the message or the quality of the message received would be altered or controlled then by the quality of the body that is receiving it. It brings a whole other level of care we can have with ourselves and how if we truly want to see everything then we should make every move a part of that. Great article that has given me more insight into how things are.

  57. To know what is abnormal we really need to know, understand and have a true appreciation of what normal is.

  58. Beautiful appreciation of the eye and how our body is designed to adhere to the natural order of the universe. The depth of our eyes in physical form is reflecting the depth of the light we can receive through our eyes and of the light we can let out for all to see and feel.

  59. Beautiful Cherise, what I have loved about Universal Medicine is learning how to not only see with our eyes but feeling from our innermost. It becomes a union with our eyes and soul, then the image in front of us can be seen in full.

  60. No where is it so highlighted better than in this description of our amazing eyes how so much depends on the quality of light that we live in life.

  61. The human body is indeed an extraordinary machine with exquisite and jaw dropping interconnected processes. It is ridiculous how we can disregard it when it can be such a stunning support for us… and therefore great to be reminded of the importance of appreciating and honour our bodies and choosing to listen to the wisdom and guidance it offers through the reactions it has to how we treat it.

  62. I often look at something and see all these vibrant colours and angels and then I get my camera out and it cannot capture what my eye can see, I find it quite amazing that with all the technology we still struggle to recreate the bodies natural functions! Yet we do not stop enough to appreciate and take general love and care of the amazing vehicle we are blessed to move around in everyday. It is refreshing to read about the eye with this level of appreciation.

  63. Our body is indeed miraculous in the way it works, so many different systems working tirelessly to deliver function, and somehow all working in harmony together. This is a great reminder Cherise “to support my own body in return, making choices that support it to be the most loving vehicle of expression that it can be.”

  64. An example of how much order and purpose there is in the way the body naturally functions, our pupil offers us an opportunity to appreciate this in detail: “an opening that allows and receives light and information in, to be viewed at a deeper level within the eye, passing through and being focused by the lens, to be received at the retina, where the light is processed and the messages passed on to the brain.”

  65. Light is energy – we know this from science, so what if the pupil not only lets in the light we see with but the Light that is emanating from us all however hard we have tried to hide it away? I’m sure most if not all of us have experienced seeing someone from a distance and being able to feel the quality they are moving in, whether they are harmless or dangerous, light and playful or dark and sad……. Our eyes receive energy so we are able to ‘see’ everything if we are prepared to open our mind’s eye to this truth.

  66. I love what you have expressed here Cherise as it encourages and invites us to see much more than the eye physically sees;
    “we have a moment-by-moment opportunity to not only ‘see’ whatever picture is presented before our eyes, but also to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty”.

  67. There certainly is much to learn and to appreciate about our bodies, both physically and energetically. I love that we have a “moment-by-moment opportunity to not only ‘see’ whatever picture is presented before our eyes, but also to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty”.

  68. The love that we hold does not come from the mind, but first from the inner heart, then through the eyes, and in this, every cell in our body joins in this joyous dance.
    Definitely the heart and the eyes are the opening and opportunity for huge love to come through.

  69. I love your appreciation of this and all you can now ‘see’ about the eye. There is so much more to understand and experience about the body than we first care to realise.

  70. To observe and offer space to another cannot come from the mind as it is through the way in which I am being loving and connected to self I offer this grace. Sometimes I find it more challenging than at other times but I know this fact to be true.

  71. This is yet another fact of the human body illustrating that there is far more to us, and the world we are part of, than just physicality. Our eyes receive light, we call it information, which is a vibration, and so our eyes are clocking the quality of vibration expressed in anything and everything, offering us an opportunity to confirm what we can already sense ourselves is true or not. We sense what feels true and what does not because we receive and read energy, and the more we are willing to explore this the sooner we can begin to live in a way that embraces the fullness of who we are and the world of energy we are part of.

  72. The human eye is an incredibly versatile and intricate part of our body that recently has come into focus for myself due to an issue I have with cataracts at this time. Being at the age when many people I know also have the same issue and it is prompting me to ask Why?

  73. I have always thought it strange to consider that our bodies are merely the product of chance. The more you delve into the workings of the human body, the more you appreciate the magnificent construction that it is, and the more you really start to ponder on what actually gives life to physical form. After all, why is a rock a rock, when for all intensive purposes it contains all the so called necessary ingredients for life. A preposterous question to be sure, but one that seeks to undermine the assumption that there is no such thing as life force, when it is in fact all around us and in our face.

    1. Yes life is in our face, in the rock face, before our eyes, up our nose – everywhere….

  74. There is so much communicated in the eyes, is there a sparkle, does light flood out and in, are they clear, are there shadows of emotions lingering, are they cloudy….it is the place in the physical world where we connect with another. I have been wearing glasses lately and have been pondering what it is that I do not want to see and have reacted to in the world…so much to discover in the reflection of our eyes.

  75. There really is so much to appreciate about out bodies, but I particularly like your observations Cherise, that our eyes do not only see but are there for us to observe and receive. Not just take into consideration what we ‘think’ are pictures all around us. It is important to observe with our whole body.

  76. It changes everything when we accept that our eyes are, in truth, receivers and that we can relax (settle in our bodies) and allow them to observe all we need to know.

  77. Our body is an example of ‘Divine Expression’; our body is a walking miracle. Looking more closely at one small aspect of the body – the eye, shows the intricate detail and amazing non-stop collaboration operating between every cell and this is only one small part.

  78. There is indeed much to appreciate about our bodies Cherise, thank you. What you have presented here is so powerful and wise;
    “These simple teachings have confirmed to me that we have a moment-by-moment opportunity to not only ‘see’ whatever picture is presented before our eyes, but also to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty”.

  79. With greater appreciation of our eyes and their simple purpose of receiving images rather than feeling we have to work at looking out to see, I wonder if cases of eye strain would decline?

  80. Great moment to stop and appreciate parts of our body, how often would we stop to appreciate our eyes, yet they play such a important role in providing us vision.

  81. ‘I’ve been learning for myself what it means to observe life, others and situations from a place within me that’s knowing of who I am – my essence – and not from a judgement or by taking on external factors that aren’t in my control.’ Sometimes there is such a fast reaction to something and a belief that we can change whatever it is that we get involved in matters that take our energy and leave us exhausted. We need to allow space between us and whatever and let the space inform us. I have always known this and even wrote about it years ago but I did not fully appreciate it because I did not consciously live it. I may have dipped in to this way of being but I did not truly know it in my body. Thanks to Serge Benhayon I have been reunited with this wisdom and because I have picked up so much other stuff on the way there is lots to clear before I can live like this but at least a start has been made.

  82. Really enjoyed reading your blog Cherise, what a diffrence it would make if we realised from early on that the eye offers us so much more than the visual pictures we see, it offers us something far deeper, for us to use all our senses with, and in discernment we see more of what we often feel more comfortable turning a blind eye too.

  83. I love that it is not so much a looking out as a receiving with the eyes. When we are still and surrendered and settled in our bodies this tends to happen more naturally and the tension around the eyes fades away.

  84. It’s fascinating when we stop to consider what an absolute piece of state of the art design we carry around with us every day, something I don’t nearly appreciate enough, but am learning to.

  85. On re-visiting this blog today, I am realising how awesome it is to have a deep connection within my body and from this connection, I am able to connect deeply with others from my essence. Super cool without any imposing. This is something that would have been impossible before attending Universal Medicine presentations and choosing to expose false layers of protection.
    “Since beginning my other studies with Universal Medicine, I have also learnt how amazing it feels to have a connection with others and to meet someone with my eyes”.

  86. As I re read your sharing Cherise I can see how important it is for us to appreciate the function of every organ and part of our bodies. Our eyes are so important in so many ways.

  87. Our bodies are truly amazing. There is a new piece of equipment they have in the UK (and probably everywhere) when going for an eye test. It is a photo but when you see the photo the eye actually looks like another planet!!!! We have so much to truly learn about both our body and energy and I deeply appreciate the teachings that Universal Medicine bring with regards to this.

  88. Cherise I loved connecting with the detail of my eyes as you describe them through this blog, a moment to appreciate the beauty of the body and how it works as one unified, integrated masterpiece.

  89. I used to find making eye contact difficult. It’s interesting that since developing a better understanding of who I am and becoming more accepting of myself, I am willing to let myself be seen and part of this shows up as me being prepared to make eye contact. I even look into my own eyes when looking in the mirror : )

  90. For a very long time, I thought we see things, by looking out, never did I consider we receive what we see , this is something I am still learning about.

  91. Such a powerful, true and inspiring expression here Cherise, thank you;
    “we have a moment-by-moment opportunity to not only ‘see’ whatever picture is presented before our eyes, but also to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty”.

  92. There really is so much to appreciate about our bodies. We/I take so much of it for granted. the fact that my eyes even allow me to see is amazing in itself, and then the power I have to choose how I see the world is even more grand. So much to learn and appreciate.

  93. It is very true… the eyes are ‘the window to the Soul’. What you describe Cherise is exactly that… a peek into the essence of who we are, and the ability to receive life through the eyes from this part of us too.

  94. The eyes sure do teach us a lot. There is an absolute beauty is being able to be still within ourselves to receive the essence of another and from that place of stillness know that we have all the answers that we need to be able to address anything that is before us.

  95. The body is indeed an amazing piece of design, fragile yet strong, and eventually anatomy lessons will include not just the physical structure and pathways, it will also include an energetic understanding of how we receive information that impulses our every move, and impulses the words and tone of voice with which we communicate.

  96. “There is much to appreciate about our bodies and the amazing way in which they go about their expressions, movements and functions, reminding me how crucial it is to support my own body in return, making choices that support it to be the most loving vehicle of expression that it can be.” Since coming to study with Universal Medicine I am so much more aware of the delicacy of our human frames and take greater loving care with it – despite training as a nurse.

  97. ” to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty. ” this is certainly another way of describing and expanding the role of the eyes connecting to the body in full, as everything we observe touches every particle in our body, this is then a responsibility to only observe and not to absorb.

  98. From reading this it seems to me that our bodies are designed to “to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen”. It is us that chooses to do otherwise. We make what is otherwise a simple process a complicated one.

  99. Our bodies are indeed living miracles. If you look into any part it is totally fascinating and how everything works together in an interdependent order. Another miracle is how our bodies withstand the amount of neglect and abuse many of us inflict on them whether that be through food, substances, emotions or disharmonious movements. We have a lot to thank our bodies for.

  100. ‘how crucial it is to support my own body in return, making choices that support it to be the most loving vehicle of expression that it can be.’ I totally agree and yet still fall back on old ways of expression or movement that are not supportive however accepting that this may happen and does and that changing my intention and the love and care I give to my body and the presence that I choose to keep returning to I can only have appreciation for my body and myself. My eyes are particularly sensitive and I can tell where I am at from how they respond therefore taking loving care of them makes absolute sense.

  101. My eyes show me what could be described as a world of layers and these layers each have their own depth and meaning. The first layer is very often what my eyes see. When I can stay in observation mode the next layer is revealed which brings more understanding to what I am seeing. If I can hold this state of observation more and more is communicated and the world of energy becomes much clearer.

  102. “we have a moment-by-moment opportunity to not only ‘see’ whatever picture is presented before our eyes, but also to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.” How beautiful is this we have this moment by moment opportunity, to see to read to observe.

  103. Our bodies are truly amazing, there is much to appreciate about them; there is so much more to them than what we initially see, ‘we have a moment-by-moment opportunity to not only ‘see’ whatever picture is presented before our eyes, but also to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.’

  104. Seeing is receiving, how much we see and to what depth we see is our willingness in how much we receive through our awareness. When we are willing to receive truth, the essence of who we are is love, everyone one of us, then how could there be any judgement?

  105. There is so much that can be communicated through the eyes, ‘a gateway to the soul’ they say, I’ve rediscovered through Universal Medicine that we can see heaven in another’s eyes and allow another to see the same in our own, confirming the beauty we are from.

  106. I’ve always loved eyes and in my experience can feel equally connected to someone when looking into their eyes as with touch; the colour of the eyes are quite beautiful, everyone with different shades; yet I also did not know that the pupil is actually the opening within the eye. The fact that our eyes are designed for observing not looking is just one revelation brought by Universal Medicine that just makes sense.

  107. The eye is our window on the world and we are constantly receiving information that is before us but it is our heart and inner knowing that tells us if what we are receiving is the truth – or not.

  108. It certainly is totally amazing to stop at times and appreciate how awesome our bodies are from the tip of the head to the toes and the eyes? What a gift! I was in total awe today at the wondrous colours of autumn and thanked God for such beauty.

  109. Beautiful Cherise, there is much to appreciate about the eye and the body as a whole, and even more to appreciate when we understand how the Soul is able to utilise it for its impulses. A whole other dimension is realised and it is no longer a 3-dimensional functioning body, but a four and five dimensional one.

  110. There is so much to appreciate about our bodies, which we take for granted. Our body is full of magic and surprises, the depth of information hidden in our bodies just waiting to be shared.

  111. There is great magic held in our bodies and it can be seen when looking into the depth of our eyes. The quality of delicateness needed around our eyes should be translated to the rest of our body’s care and I am often reminded of this as I put on my mascara in the mornings.

  112. I watch as a small baby gazes around the room, taking in everything of their surroundings and startling at some loud noises; it’s fascinating to see how much they are connected to their sense of awareness and observation and as they don’t yet know words or have been educated in any way, they appear serene and free to be themselves in the moments.

  113. ” to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.” This I find the hardest to do, to really truly observe, allow and receive, not getting caught in any investment or emotion. A daily and moment to moment practice, to connect and see others in their essence.

  114. There is indeed much more than meets the eye about our amazing bodies and much to appreciate.

  115. How blessed we are to know that life is far more than what we actually see, thank you Cherise for highlighting that we can choose to “observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty”.

  116. We are students of life and as such our observations are the key to understanding and not absorbing the world in which we live. To truly observe we need to develop our true sight. This means developing the ability to look out to all that we as humans have created that is not of the love that we are, without casting judgment, having an investment in what we see (as this will alter the picture we receive) or absorbing it in any way as this absorption of what is not love can be poison to a body that fundamentally is love.

    Our eyes are constantly receiving images (light) and before we know it, our brains have processed these images and determined what our next move will be because of them. What I love here is that in English we have the same word for the part of our body that performs this function (the opening in the eye) as we do for a student – ‘pupil’.

    As we begin to observe and not absorb the illusion we live under as a humanity, and we re-learn how to look with an open heart, we become students of the esoteric; pupils of The Universe whose task here is to see all as it truly is and not how we might wish it to be.

  117. What a beautiful moment to stop and appreciate how amazing our eyes are and the rest of our bodies. Unfortunately we only stop to appreciate what a body part does when something happens to it.

  118. What a great opportunity you have Cherise to be studying the physical body whilst at the same time bringing to it the energetic understanding as presented by Universal Medicine.

  119. Cherise how many things do we take for granted, not allowing ourselves to appreciate the magnificence of life and have both the humbleness and openness to explore them in full. Take your example here, most of us use our eyes daily yet how many of us appreciate the gift they offer?

  120. It certainly changes everything we begin to consider that we are vessels and that we firstly receive energy which then is what determines what quality we emanate and share with the world. I love how the pupil reflects this truth of how we are not really looking at something but rather receiving the quality of what something or someone is emanating.

    1. There is a natural beauty and never-ending depth that I see when I gaze into the eyes of my seven week old Son, he is a natural observer as I am sure that we all are when we are born. With the innate ability to receive energy and receive the greater picture of what is felt around him. What a reflection our little ones are in supporting us to remember just how naturally we are all designed to do this – to just be, and allow the breath of God to flow through us and to then move and express from this quality of life.

  121. Great how when our awareness grows, our view of life changes and we become enriched in how we live.

  122. It is curious to me, how we have this amazingly beautiful and harmonious vehicle – our body – and yet over time we have somehow come to neglect, abuse it, poison and disregard it. Coming back to a connection with my body has been a wonderful experience and makes any ‘out of body’ moment feel quite unnatural – let alone treating it in a loveless way.

  123. This blog is a great reminder to appreciate our bodies and how they are designed to work in such amazing harmony. Often we get caught up in the busyness of life and forget about listening to our bodies and the messages they give us. Our body is our vehicle of expression; it is our responsibility to ourselves and others to love and care for it, so we can express all that we are in essence.

  124. I love your excitement and joy of the small intricate details of life.

    Makes me want to observe everything with a magnifying glass to see what I missing out on ;).

    Jokes aside, this blog does open us up to the possibility of: how many events in our lives are we taking for granted?

  125. What if our whole responsibility in life was to prepare and support a body, our vehicle through which we express all of who we are, so that it may continue to expand and express beyond measure all of the lightness, love and joy that we are ~ would we not then have a responsibility to support more choices in this world where we really do allow ourselves to observe life; but remain with our own movements, those that keep us observing and connected through all twists and turns we encounter.

  126. Thank you Cherise for a very beautiful blog, ” I’ve been learning for myself what it means to observe life, others and situations from a place within me that’s knowing of who I am – my essence – and not from a judgement or by taking on external factors that aren’t in my control.” what a different world we see coming from our true essence.

  127. When you consider that we have a hole in our eye that is receiving light and images in every moment it is open, we cannot choose not to see something in the physical sense (although we can happily pretend we do not really ‘see’ what is going on). Once seen it cannot be unseen so to me it makes sense to be aware of the quality in which we look out to the world. If we look out, wanting something from it – something that will fill us up, we invite these images into our innermost where they can become part of who we think we are. However if we look at the world from the starting point of being full of ourselves and connected, there is no void to fill so yes, the light enters, but the images are not invited into our being – they can be observed without attachment and thus seen clearly for what they are. We are free to ‘read’ the truth or lack of it in them.

  128. There is so much to appreciate about our bodies and the intricacy and magic that takes place the whole time without us even being fully aware and knowing. I have watched videos of the systems within the body and it is like watching something on the seas, planets, stars and universe, well I guess after all we are a micro version of the macro! Years ago when I studied anatomy and physiology I fell in love with the lymphatic system, it is incredible, as with the eye. All we need to do is take more care of them 💕

    1. It is beautiful to see the stars at work within the planet. Knowing we’re micro versions of this huge and revelatory system is quite something.

  129. Cherise what I love about your beautiful sharing is that our eyes are receiving – that means for me that the only thing I have to do is to be open to receive the world without judgement.

  130. For many years I have taken my body for granted – if not treated it with disdain – but am now coming to an evolving appreciation for all that it is and brings connection to. There is joy in feeling all that we are through our bodies and I feel sure, our physicality is the key to deeper awareness of who we truly are and our place the Universe. Perhaps as a race, we have missed a trick here by believing our bodies to be secondary to the intellect because the more connected I feel to my body, the more I feel connected to everything and to the wisdom of everything.

  131. ‘to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.’ This is very beautiful and reflects to me this morning how we can choose to live from our Soul-full essence rather than through ‘tainted glasses’.

  132. If I recall my own learning correctly the surface cells of the eye actually regenerate every 24-hours – faster than any other part of the body. There is a reflection here of how important it is to retain clarity in vision, in how we perceive our world and it feels like an act of Grace that this regeneration takes place in the way it does. I like to feel how Grace sees us afresh in every moment, not through old images or judgement but pure observation.

    1. I love what you’ve shared here Richard, the eye does rejuvenate itself and with this bring us the grace of a ‘fresh, observing view of life’. I am discovering more so how to observe life is to let go of the control of needing it to be any particular way, once beginning to see how this can and does play out throughout life – instead of just observing and surrendering myself to just being true to me – I have even more appreciation for the grace of our bodies that you speak of.

  133. We really can take the intricate exquisiteness and absolute normality of the human body for granted, but when we do we miss out on seeing the world through a body that expresses energy and movement at a very detailed and fine level and that was designed to carry our being through life with a holding of delicateness that allows us to flow and to be.

  134. Wow Cherise, thank you for the opportunity to connect to the amazing intricacies of our bodies. I had never considered (and appreciated) the function of our eyes to that depth – it’s amazing how much we can take for granted.

  135. “Perhaps this sounds rather simple and common sense, but I personally had never fully appreciated the depth of our eyes in their physical function before.” I love these moments where something totally natural that I experience everyday suddenly becomes so much more than I had noticed before as I allow myself to see more of it and, as you say, appreciate it.

  136. The human body is intricate, delicate, exquisite and full of wonderment when we really stop to look and learn about it. There is a constant harmonious flow of life within us, that when we really allow ourselves to ‘just be’ and accept who we are and where we are at, is simply divine! To live in a way that allows this true nature to bloom and to be in its own movement is the key to being present in life, to being truly committed to all else that we do (be that work, family, study or food…) We were born to move with purpose and in detail from the quality that we emanate naturally and anything else brings disharmony to our own bodies and all of those around us too. To be a student of life and of the human body in all its science, philosophy and religion is where it’s at! Only nature itself compares to this true reflection of engineering and this must be the known foundation from where we build everything and anything else that is truly needed in this world.

  137. Thank you Cherise for a great article, I love these words, ” also to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.” Your article has given me a deeper appreciation of what my eyes bring to me, from obseving and feeling the wonders of nature, to the loving exchange of a shared smile as our eyes meet, and to every other aspect of life in between.

  138. Great sharing on how there can be great joy in observing the small details in life we take for granted every day. Thereby no day should be dull.

  139. Prior to coming across Universal Medicine, I was not aware that I was living my life completely as an ‘out of body’ experience. By that I mean that I was never really in my body even though I was in it. There was no connection to it so I could treat it as I felt – it was there for function only. But there more I connect to my body and gain an understanding of how it works and develop a deep appreciation for it, the more solid I feel and the more I am able to live in this world much easily.

  140. In the detail in which you wrote about what you learnt about your eyes, I connected to the magic that happens every single second (micro-second) of the day in our bodies. We live in THE most incredible body ever. Thanks for inviting a moment of deeper appreciation of the incredible ordered system we live in on a daily basis.

    1. The profoundness of this fact is just exquisite Sarah, lovely you shared. The constant and consistent way in which our body moves and communicates on the inside of us is a powerful tool that we can connect with and utilise to support the confirmation and appreciation of who we are; and to move with the divine order of the universe which our bodies are in constant communication with is our greatest tool and purpose.

      1. Wow and to think I once thought the body was just for function. When you put it like this Cherise I can feel the very purpose of us being here.

  141. ‘I have also learnt how amazing it feels to have a connection with others and to meet someone with my eyes.’ I agree Cherise. These moments when we connect with others, meeting them with our eyes are glorious. As I let people in more and more, such moments are becoming a more normal part of the day – to begin to accept this as normal is gorgeous.

  142. I love looking into people’s eyes and feeling the depth of love behind them, such wisdom can be felt and acknowledged when we truly meet another. I am often blown away by the connection felt by looking into people eyes. The song by Michael Benhayon “Heaven is in your eyes” is one of my favourites.

    1. The heavenly body, the sparkling eyes that share the depth the soul, Michael Benhayon’s music, we are blessed to be Students of the Livingness, which is ” making choices that support it to be the most loving vehicle of expression that it can be.”

  143. The key you help us see here Cherise, is the receiving. When we stop projecting onto life a picture in our head and become detached but open, we are in a space where we can receive at last, the full picture. Imagine walking around and living this way everyday. I know its possible because I have seen Serge Benhayon live this way.

    1. Beautiful Joseph. The pictures, the images, the portrayals, the ideas, the thoughts…so many things that I automatically and subconsciously place upon another – and in doing so am loading them with a whole load of stuff that may not even be there.

    2. How Serge Benhayon lives Joseph, is a very powerful reflection to us all, as we are all capable of truly observing life from the truth of energy, discerning and moving from this way. As opposed to the current way of life of so many, which has become about absorbing energy, holding onto it or identifying in it and thus holding us back from living our very deserved true freedom.

  144. Meeting someone with eye to eye contact can be extremely powerful. As I am learning to be more open with others I am making a real effort to look into their eyes as I am communicating with them. I find so much information is conveyed in that moment and a lovely energy radiates throughout my body.

    1. Agreed Helen, I love the fact we are communicating all the time regardless of whether we are speaking or not. Knowing this has helped me to relax and not to ‘try’ to communicate as everything I am and feel is already being expressed.

  145. It is magical to truly feel the workings of our organs. It all has a deep and careful developed function. To allow us to express the fullness that we are.

  146. The Eyes definitely have it Cherise. They are the first thing we notice about each other. We note the sadness or light they contain on first glance and how laughter and joy can transform the face of anyone into a beautiful canvas.

    1. Yes Roslyn, our eyes tell us everything.. When a person is holding back from their true potential of amazingness and absolute glory and loveliness we can note the energy it takes (exhaustive actually!) that it really does take to hold this back. We were made to be light! and when our eyes are reflecting the joy and laughter we are it’s not only contagious, it’s an offering to all others to choose the joy within themselves too.

  147. The Eye is the “Window to the Soul” something that is often said, and from what you are sharing Cherise it is for me a confirmation of this. How fascinating to be studying the eye from two different perspectives.

  148. There is so much to appreciate in our bodies.. and yet for most their bodies are the vehicle of acting out the driving thoughts that come from a mental treadmill that has no connection to the body, because the mind itself does not feel, and has no responsibility for its ‘actions’.

  149. Great article Cherise, I learned a lot from reading about the eye, but also agree with so much of what you have shared. Especially “to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.” This is very profound and a great lesson for life.

  150. Loads of times in my life I have been inspired about what I have heard or what has been presented, but what I am feeling more and more is do I live what has inspired me day to day consistently or do I forget this within a week! You are so right in sharing there is much to appreciate in our bodies.

    1. There is a commitment to continually deepening and unfolding what is and comes natural to us Vicky and I love the point you have raised; as you remind me that when we are truly inspired we not only receive the possibility but the reflection of exactly how to choose this for ourselves. When we don’t dismiss this opportunity and embrace the reflection from a knowing of our equality, we begin to live it for ourselves without hardly trying. It’s as though we reflect, others connect, feel absolute inspiration and we join each other from our lived qualities above anything else. This feels like true brotherhood.

  151. All this week I have been learning to see what is there to be seen and to not shy away from that. It is very liberating to really see where people are at, where they are coming from and what happens when our perception is tainted by our hurts.

    1. Lovely comment Elizabeth – reading it I realised how at times I keep my blinkers on not wanting to see the true picture of where people are at, even or maybe especially with my close family and friends.

  152. The way we see the world is so much more than what we see with our eyes. Our ‘view’ of life is much wider. We interpret what we see and create an understanding.

    1. And when we set out to see or view life with this understanding and from our natural clairsentience, our ability to read energy, we see life from a much greater space; leaving no room to be caught without our peripheral vision anymore.

    2. Rebecca that’s a really great point, to limit what we see to just our eyes is a fatal flaw. What also amazes me is that our eyes receive the world and we don’t actually look. Therefore they are just one part of us that receives what’s going on. Perhaps one of our greatest flaws is to rely on them alone and also equally not to be open with all our eyes receive.

  153. Reading how you observe life from the knowing of who you are, your essence, feels really tangible. I know appreciating the quality in feeling this is supportive to developing this way of being. Thank you.

  154. The timeless wisdom that can be seen in the eyes is something that so many people can relate to. The eyes say more to us than words ever will.

  155. The eyes are the window to the Soul, and I must say it is difficult to truly look into another’s eyes and be angry or frustrated with them. The eyes say more to us than words ever will.

    1. Beautiful said Adam, our eyes are are not just the receivers of the visual pictures from outside of us, they are also the direct gateways to our souls. It is truly a blessing when we have the opportunity to connect with one another by looking into each others eyes. As you say, it is impossible to be angry or frustrated in that, as there is only pure sweetness, joy and equality to be felt.

    2. Correct Adam, when we look into another’s eyes with any sense of openness it is extremely difficult (and exhausting) to try to hold them out or be angry with them. There is a natural pull to see and be the oneness that we are and this our eyes prove to us all of the time.

  156. “There is much to appreciate about our bodies and the amazing way in which they go about their expressions, movements and functions, reminding me how crucial it is to support my own body in return, making choices that support it to be the most loving vehicle of expression that it can be.” By holding this innate feeling and knowing with absolute appreciation for our bodies, we can certainly bring a far deeper level of care and love to ourselves. If this was truly held, the large majority of illness and disease would be a thing of the past.

  157. Cherise, I love what you have written here about allowing ourselves to see things from the depth of our innermost beauty. This to me feels like allowing what is around us to be felt truly in the depth it is there to support us, and reflect back to us the amazingness we are. When we know ourselves as the beauty and love that we are, naturally we are able to see things in our surroundings as a confirmation of that. We need to allow this confirmation, continually so.

    1. Absolutely Amelia, allowing this confirmation, continually so is the opportunity we have in every moment of life with the choice to appreciate this with deep celebration. To confirm who we are, in every moment we choose to, supports and honours who we are and evolves us forward faster than we can really imagine. Showing us also that we are not only made to continually deepen and resurrect our deep, deep love but to know that it is always, abundantly available to us with a simple choice to feel it.

    2. I completely agree Amelia, there is a place within us that knows how to observe and from here create the space that supports us to bring true awareness and understanding to any situation. There is a simplicity here that is on offer as soon as we grant ourselves the permission to react, followed closely by the choice to step back and observe the energy we can feel and read inside and out.

    3. Thank you Cherise and Amelia, reconnecting to our inner-most beauty is so profound in its absoluteness of love for all equally This love from our inner-most is what we first receive from others when connecting to another from that love with our eyes, then others see this as a reflection of where they are at because of your held love. This is how powerful true love is!

  158. Just recently I had my eyes checked after many years. I had not too long ago maybe a few months started to feel a strain and I was ignoring the feelings, until most recently my eyes started to go red. All I needed was some support for concentrated reading as the muscles in my eyes where getting slightly tight. It was resolved so quickly, yet I allowed myself to suffer for a few months, rather than sorting it out when it orginally started. The eye is fascinating when we understand our body. We need to understand that as like our other body parts start to age so do our muscles in the eyes and therefore support and care is required to prevent further damage.

    1. It is amazing what we put up with as signals from our body – essentially ignoring the communication it is giving us that something does not feel right. We are taught to override these signals, and allow ourselves to become compromised as a result. This is not the way we have to live, and is something I am loving learning more and more about, after many years of learning the ‘hard’ way.

      1. I agree, overriding our bodies and their natural communication and intelligence makes no sense when we come to understand and appreciate the wisdom we naturally carry. Learning things ‘the hard way’ is often what is initially needed to support oneself to drop the arrogance that we can have about the choices we have made, until there comes a learning that compromising our body, our vehicle that carries us everywhere and allows us to express, is absolutely worth caring for, deeply so. The compromise not only hurts us but slows us down from evolving and learning what we are otherwise saying yes to and seeing this for what it is, and its impact is a valuable key to allowing more communication within us.

      2. I agree Amelia and to me it also shows the enormous arrogance that we have that allows us to not listen to our bodies.

  159. I love what you say here Cherise, that it is crucial we support our own bodies in order to be the most loving vehicle of expression that it can be. With out that self support we are at the mercy of the world around us.

  160. Looking or seeing life is actually only true if I start with observing and feeling life before looking or seeing. This way I am with life, rather then being completely absorbed by it. The difference is like day and night. Observing life is very delicate, tender, appreciative, opening, playful, childish, etc. Thank you Cherise for such a wise words.

    1. Beautiful Floris, there really is an innocence about observing life and what is unfolding out before our eyes. This innocence also holds an authority and a deeply worldly or universal understanding and compassion that comes with it, to allow ourselves and others to be at whatever stage of life they are in; to not be disengaged but instead holding of ourselves and others in these moment to moment opportunities. Very beautiful.

      1. Yes Cherise, your comment resonates towards choosing to see the beauty in everyone. That this is a constant available choice for all of us. There’s so much Beauty to see, receive and experience. Whatever other people choose to see. That is freeing for me and feels also very natural and appreciative.

      2. It does feel natural and has a deeply gorgeous sense of ease when I allow myself to read your words Floris. Thank you for confirming the beauty we all are and the never-ending depth that this beauty truly is.

      3. And thank you too Cherise for your confirmation. This feels wonderful, simple, profound, delicate and deeply appreciative of both me, yourself and life. Precious and a joy and honour to sink into, surrender to.

    2. You are right Floris I love how you express observing life as playful, delicate ….. this is so true. In the past I have (especially when working as a student nurse) got caught up in absorbing life which is quite the opposite to those lovely words you mention. When I absorb life my vitality gets zapped and I feel so heavy. Thankfully I now know the difference.
      To know how to observe and not absorb should be covered as fundamental training in all healthcare education.

      1. Yes Samantha. It would be so amazingly rich to add this in all healthcare education. Actually, how amazing would it be to teach this at schools. As a foundation to honour ourselves and from there to learn whatever we want or have to learn…

    3. Love this Floris – when do we ever stop and ask ourselves these questions? Am I observing or am I just seeing? What is my responsibility for how I use my eyes – this amazing part of my body that offers me so much… how do I treat them? As you say – to observe is to appreciate, to be delicate – to not absorb. I can only imagine the difference that makes to our eyes and how they function in return.

      1. Reading your comment today hvmorden made me re-visit this blog and some comments. And I was actually realising how I wasn’t observing life at this present moment in time and how reading all these wise words made me come back, smile and choose observing again. Very delicate and indeed powerful al mentioned by Cherise above. I simply love the delicasy and true understanding that resonate through all these words.

  161. Thank you Cherise for another beautiful blog, It is a beautiful moment to look deeply into someone’s eyes, feeling a loving connection. Your words remind me “to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.”

    1. What I find too, from the depths of our innermost beauty is that in seeing deeply another’s eyes I am called to connect to the love and equality that we are. This can sometimes be a painful reminder as it shows me where I am not fully allowing this connection with everyone but without a hardness or judgement we are able to learn with this and seek to choose our natural openness and tenderness with the world around us.

    2. Jill it is so true it is beautiful to look deeply into someone’s eyes and feel the loving connection. When I first met my husband it was his eyes that attracted me to him and when I looked deep within, I felt that connection of love, it was an amazing feeling.

      1. Connecting deeply to someone’s eyes – my partner, family or a friend – has for a long time now been a very supportive tool in bringing me back to the inner connection that I hold; when I am otherwise feeling off, anxious or affected by something or when I have had a reaction to a situation that I have not yet read and brought my awareness and healing to.
        Sometimes we can get caught in our own heads and seek to problem solve on our own, but we are really still stuck in the same isolated energy. A simple letting go in someone else’s eyes and a conscious choice to ‘let them in’ can be an instant miracle.

    3. Yes Jill when we meet someone for who there truly are and connected deeply into there eyes nothing in the world beats that loveliness felt. It is through this connection we remember we are ultimately all one.

  162. Yes Gill, when we meet looking into someones eyes definitely has a depth of sharing a true connection, a moment that feels quite intimate and loving without words being needed. Souls connection a true meeting.

    1. Absolutely, the eyes have such a deep depth and magic as we make connection, we can feel and connect to the depth that can be shared. When people want to avoid connection, they will not look you in the eye, or would struggle to look you in the eye, how interesting that is.

    2. Merrilee, I absolutely agree, I love to look into people’s eyes as I am talking to them, I have noticed things like the colour and how the colour gets stronger when you are connecting to someone, how the colour can fade when we are not with ourselves, and I find that when I’m looking into someone’s eyes, it’s like reading a book.

      1. It’s true Denise, someone’s eyes can tell their whole story and when our eyes are beaming with the love and gorgeousness we are it is apparent that our natural glory and way of being IS THIS and never anything less. What a marker our eyes really are.

    3. I feel when we truly connect through our eyes we confirm the divinity within ourselves and others, we know in that moment we are so much more than just our physical body, we know in that moment we are from love and are all that love.

  163. You say that we ” can find ourselves ‘out of our bodies’ – perhaps in a rush, caught in our heads or making choices that disregard our bodies”. A great observation and very true; so often it can be as though we are walking around disembodied with only the space between our ears seemingly alive and the rest just going through the mechanics of motion and function.

  164. “These simple teachings have confirmed to me that we have a moment-by-moment opportunity to not only ‘see’ whatever picture is presented before our eyes, but also to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.” How amazing it is to realise that we can see so much more when we truly see from our innermost. No longer is it the limited vision that we have in the normal, physical sense of the use of our eyes, but when viewing from our innermost, we see the truth behind that limited vision, can understand far, far more deeply what it is that we are seeing. How invaluable these teachings from Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are to understanding what is going on in the world.

  165. I always love coming back to this blog Cherise as each time I seem to learn something new, or simply be reminded of something I have forgotten. I love reconnecting to my eyes as I read and to feel not only the amazing precision of the eye’s physical structure but the “job” it does without us even realising what it is doing, unless something goes wrong. You have reminded me once again how our eyes and “our bodies are designed to work, move and be in, from the smallest detail and cell within”, which just adds to the love and respect I now hold for this beautiful body of mine.

    1. I share your ever growing learning of the human body Ingrid and marvel at its innate wisdom and precise detail. The more we learn the greater understanding and respect we can bring to ourselves and our bodies and appreciation of the ways in which we naturally support ourselves to navigate life.

    2. Beautiful Ingrid I can feel the respect you know hold your body in and it is very inspiring.

  166. This is a great reminder to appreciate and take care of each and every part of this wonderful body we have been given on loan to use as our vehicle of expression. In the past I haven’t always cared about it so much, and at times I still do things that wouldn’t qualify as loving acts towards myself, but at least I now have an appreciation for how wonderful each and every part of my body is, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes.

    1. Yes and the appreciation of our physical bodies and the amazing functions that they perform in conjunction with the harmonious flow they naturally return to when in full connection to (in union) with our being (our Soul) is just divine to know and feel. With this appreciation its a great wonder how we can disempower ourselves, neglect or disregard; but with the appreciation we can hardly help but drop the arrogance and take responsibility for the way in which we want and choose to live each day with ourselves, and our beautiful bodies that make all movement and expression possible.

  167. “These simple teachings have confirmed to me that we have a moment-by-moment opportunity to not only ‘see’ whatever picture is presented before our eyes, but also to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty”. What a great reflection of how with each of our senses there is a far greater level of awareness available to us when we honour our body and pay attention to the insights it offers us.

    1. That so encompassing of the role the eyes play far beyond their physical function, they are indeed windows to the Soul and offer much insight.

  168. I have always been fascinated by our eyes – lovely to read a blog written with such an appreciation of the order and magic in the human body and eyes.

  169. It is so true Cherise, we live in this loving body, yet most of us don’t even know or understand how our body comes together and the magnificent of it. I feel if everyone understood how the body comes together, people would respect their bodies more and their would be less people suffering from illness and disease.

  170. As I’ve been reading your blog a deep sense of wonderment about the incredible way the human body operates came over me. The fact of how the eye, pupil work and what they mean. The way our organs and everything works in harmony. There is so much to appreciate about ourselves and no matter whats going on – how much self neglect or abuse we through at ourselves our body is constantly there trying to support us waiting for us to appreciate who we are and taken care of our body for the purpose we truly have.

  171. When we look deep into the eyes of someone we feel so much more than we can see. If we choose to see with the love that we are we feel the love in another and there is more love to share.

  172. The best moments in my day are when I am looking into the eyes of another person. The connection to the oneness of all humanity is available through these simple moments, and I can see and feel the fact that we are all equal human beings who share the same beauty on the inside.

  173. “These simple teachings have confirmed to me that we have a moment-by-moment opportunity to not only ‘see’ whatever picture is presented before our eyes, but also to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty”. Very beautifully expressed Cherise.
    Learning to observe, allow and receive gives us the opportunity to understand and appreciate others and ourselves, thank you for this powerful message.

  174. The body gives us the opportunity to deeply appreciate who we are, how we move, the miracle that is humanity. Your blog brings attention to intricate details of how it all works and how we are a part of something far greater. Thank you Cherise for the reminder to be the most loving vehicle of expression we can be.

  175. Learning to receive what is seen rather than just seeing, completely transforms how we look at the world. Receiving gives us the opportunity to observe others and the choice to take a moment to respectfully understand what is truly going on for ourselves or for another.

  176. The more I get to know my body and occupy my own skin the more I marvel at this vehicle of expression and enjoy the healing it brings. Understanding and feeling the body and all its incredible functions is a joyful unfolding. Thank you Cherise for sharing the marvels of the eye its an “opportunity to not only ‘see’ whatever picture is presented before our eyes, but also to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty”.

  177. Cherise thank you once again for bringing appreciation to a detail in the body that can be so easily glossed over or taken for granted. The power of your observation here, is a stop moment for all that read this, and an opportunity for us all to go deeper with feeling our bodies and their Divine purpose.

  178. This is a lovely reminder to appreciate our body and the sophistication that it carries – a good reason to listen to it when it speaks to us as it constantly does!

  179. I too have found that the teachings of Universal Medicine has always honoured what I have learned and know about the physical workings of the body, but it offers an extra dimension where what is being discussed is no longer seen in isolation like we tend to do. I start seeing the harmony of everything working together. And slowly a fuller picture emerges where everything works in harmony, all coordinated perfectly to support our learning and evolution back to our Soulful expression.

  180. There is a magic that plays out in the meeting of someone with the eyes. Our willingness to receive will determine how much another is willing to share. It is like a dance of energy with endless communication.

    1. That’s a beautiful dynamic Vicky, and one that really highlights the flow of communication on all levels, when we are open to both receive and share.

    2. That’s great Vicky, when we are open to meeting another with our eyes, receiving them in full allows another to open up. As we allow the connection to our innermost it is in turn communicated and the choice for another is there to connect to or not and it is a dance of energy in that moment indeed.

  181. There is so much to the human eye that we do not see (pun intended!). For a start, we once thought the world was flat but then realised it was a sphere. However, we didn’t ‘update our files’ on how we view this spherical world, and so we still tend to view it in a constricted way, forever reducing the images our eyes are receiving so that we can fit them into the trending opinion in whatever field, be it scientific, religious, philosophical etc. Basically, we are still trying to walk a straight line on a sphere, but if we do that, we end up back where we started! This is because the world is a sphere and hence all enhoused within it is also a sphere. This was known in our ancient past: ‘As above, so below’ – a truth we conveniently forget when it doesn’t suit what we are wanting to see. In this way, our picture of the world is distorted by the lens through which we look. But, this lens and the eyeball it is contained within, are both spheres and as such, are structurally set up to accommodate a far more expansive and hence spherical picture than what we allow our eyes to currently see. We are quite literally, all seeing and all knowing, but this is not how we play ourselves to be. Why?

  182. There is such simplicity in what you share…with out an opening to allow life in, the eye is useless, much like our hearts.

  183. Cherise with such a natural order of the body it’s a question as to why we want to leave that, when I think of other natural orders such as in animals, plants and nature we never see them rushing ahead or being “out their body” apart from perhaps a few moments when a human runs into an animal with their car and knocks it over. Yet as the intelligent species we certainly leave and avoid being in the one thing that truly keeps us in harmony – our body.

  184. There is so much about our body we take for granted and this blog about the eyes shows me clearly this is another area I have not truly considered. Our eyes show us the world just as our body allows us to move around within it. How much do I stop and appreciate truly what my entire body allows me access to? Time to appreciate much more!

  185. What has always amazed me about the eye is that what we are seeing is not actually what we are seeing, but a reinterpreted image. For starters, our eyes receive images inverted, and then we correct the image so that we see it the right way up. This begs the question then, if we are already altering the image on this very physical level, to what other level are we allowing our perception of what we see to be altered.

    1. That’s a great point Adam. Ask ten different witnesses what they saw in an accident and most of them will say different things. Our vision is coloured by our own beliefs and reactions. We are deceived by our eyes that see one thing whilst inside we feel another. This is what shapes our world and we are not even aware of it most of the time. How can we see what is truly there? I’m learning to receive the image that is before me without tainting it with my judgement, needs or desires.

      1. Great example Jinya. Add to that our capacity to hear things differently to what was actually said, and we can see why their is such difficulty in the world when it comes to agreeing on a one unified truth about anything. Grey is the world of perception, where the lines of clarity that define what is true become blurred by convenient truth.

    2. This is a great question Adam, something to ponder on deeply from a state of being in the body that is open to truly seeing what is there to be seen and in honour of this natural wisdom that we all hold.

    3. Thank you for bringing it in this simple way Adam, as this is truly something to consider as there is actually a lot of processing required in the eye, the nerves to the brain and then in the brain to create an image that we do understand. I am sure that our eyes receive that much more information than we allow ourselves to actually make visually available to ourselves and that what we are able to create an image from is limited by our level of understanding what our life here on earth actually comes down to. The more we are free from the images we hold about how life should be, the more we are able to register with our eyes and I would not be supplied if in future times we would be able to see aura’s and such, something I can only imagine at this moment of time.

    4. What a great observation – I know for myself how often I drag a plethora of ‘stuff’ (read emotional baggage) into what I see and hear in a situation. Without the honesty of admitting and seeing this for oneself, you can see how we run with our own version of events and how this leaves no room for truth or the true development of relationships.

    5. Hi Adam and Jinya, I just included a line in my comment below that seems relevant to your conversation, and that is that ‘the picture our eyes receive is distorted by the lens through which we look’. The fault lies not in the physical apparatus, but in how we allow a whole manner of thought, beliefs, opinions and ideals to ‘shape’ what we see. Hence, it is not truth that can ever be distorted, but our perception of it certainly can.

      1. Absolutely Liane – perception is what corrupts our understanding of life – although it is still interesting to note what power we give to physical images when in truth they are already an interpretation of what we see – even on the physical level.

        The other day I read a study which said that what we see is actually a collation of hundreds of images taken through the eyes over 1/2 a second or so. The brain then combines all these images to allow us to see what we see, giving us a compromised version that is actually a delayed image. This is humbling to realise that what we think we see is actually not what is there but already a reinterpretation of reality. As human beings we give so much credence to the saying “seeing is believing”, yet it is a process that is flawed from the outset.

        At the same time, we often ignore what we feel, which is actually the only way of discerning truth. Truth can never be seen, only felt and therefore known by its essence. So, yes, whilst the actual fault may not lie in the physical apparatus, it is nonetheless fascinating to realise that what we think we see is already a perceived reality. This simple realisation helps to break down the arrogance of the belief that “seeing is believing”.

      2. That is all so very true Adam, well said. Truth is discerned by energy not sight. It is felt and therefore it is known instantly. Our eyes may ‘play tricks on us’ (the fact that we have a saying for this proves that we know) but this knowing cannot be tampered with, as it is a full-bodied feeling that resonates with our very core.

        We are made of truth, and if we are having trouble discerning it then it is because of the lack of truth we have lived, and not the lack of truth that is there, that so blinds us to what we see. We perpetuate the myth that “seeing is believing” in order to condone the fact that we are happy to live a lie. In other words, we stop ourselves feeling/knowing the truth, so we can indulge in what is not true, for just that little bit more.

      3. And yet having said that, even though we are blinded by our own perception, the fact is also that the eyes are the doorway to the Soul.It is no wonder that we work so hard to reinterpret what we see.

  186. There is so much more to eyes than just ‘seeing’. When I am feeling connected and joyful, I feel that my eyes are like two torches on my head shining love and light onto whoever and whatever is in my field of vision.

  187. To receive what is in front of us rather than see brings a whole new understanding to how we interact with others. It can be the difference between developing a deeper understanding of a person or situation or judging a book by its cover. This is huge and what a great point to share Cherise.

    1. It is huge and what I note too is how important it is to take the responsible approach and choose to receive and not just see (or judge). When we take a view of a situation from the depth of understanding that is capable we are opening ourselves up to loving the person in front of us and knowing that we do not have to be ok with their behaviours or actions towards us. To not take this responsibility only serves to lace both involved with a picture or a story of what we think is happening or should happen and in this case no one received the true love and healing that is possible.

  188. The eyes are a perfect representation of the fact that we receive what we ‘see’ through the physical opening that the anatomy provides – what we then do with it depends on our choices, up to that moment and in the moment.

  189. Thanks for your amazing sharing Cherise. The intelligence of our body is so divine – how all the different parts work together, is so impressing. When we stop controlling the body by the mind, the body can blossom and can work in its divine order.

  190. Yes indeed, our body is super precious and we often take it too much for granted. It is like a house and we should treat it as such. It is quite amazing for example to think that when we break a bone, the body manages to put it back together with a bit of support such as a cast.

  191. I agree Cherise the intelligence and natural order of our body and how it works is mind-blowing. I learnt when studying anatomy and physiology that all our cells start off the same and then magically know how to design themselves to serve a particular job and function in our body. How is it that our cells, which have no brain (which is where we assume thoughts come from) have such a divine intelligence? For me this is all the information someone requires to know of God’s existence and the existence of divine intelligence. Science at present cannot adequately explain how cells know exactly what to do, when to do it and how much to do. Science has not yet discovered or learnt how to measure God’s existence and divine will, hence this is why science cannot explain, the what otherwise appears to be the unexplainable.

  192. To make the body “to be the most loving vehicle of expression that it can be”. Cherise I love what you wrote. I like to thank my digestive system when it works well, which it does more and more. To acknowledge and feel the damage done to it over many years is a healing in itself. Our body is indeed the most amazing vehicle of expression.

  193. Sometimes what we see and observe in this world is an unloving, abusive or evil energy and it can hurt to see this come through another or be directed towards us. The fact is that we always feel it even if we think we are not aware of it. To feel such an energy (not as the person personally, but as an energy and therefore behaviour chosen) come through someone can feel devastating and make no sense but we can’t ignore it, instead we have an opportunity to express our love and naturally hold another in the basque of glorious warmth that love brings. This brings truth to any situation and presents to anyone the fact that we have choices to make and energy to choose in this world and it all begins with the choice of energy we choose to align to within ourselves, it all begins with our own responsibility.

  194. Thank you all for your comments and supporting our expansion in valuing our own bodies, what they know and what they teach us all the time. I recently had an eye injury and came to an even deeper understanding of what it means to truly see (receive) what it is that I am seeing in the world; but not only that, to see it and act upon what I see.
    Most times this means feeling it in my body and honouring myself deeply by nominating what my awareness is showing me but this also means honouring myself by acting on what I see, in the sense of not holding back because of it and of course speaking up/expressing to others what is there to be said too.

  195. Reading from the inside out , how beautiful Cherise – ‘These simple teachings have confirmed to me that we have a moment-by-moment opportunity to not only ‘see’ whatever picture is presented before our eyes, but also to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.’

  196. What I love about the eyes is that they can express so much love. If we allow ourselves to drop the protection we can just allow the love to come pouring out, and the eyes express this so beautifully. Looking into the eyes of a person who is connected to their heart and is allowing intimacy is the most beautiful thing in the world.

  197. Thank you Cherise for this truly touching piece. We are absolutely amazing, and when connecting to the fact and acknowledging the superbly detailed intricacies that make us up to be that, nothing in us could possibly want to harm it.

  198. When I take a moment to look as in this wonderfully appreciative article, our bodies as a microcosm of nature and the Universe do not cease to amaze me. In our bodies we have the most amazing intricate design, which is beautifully set to be in harmony with all its surroundings and support us in turn to be in harmony with the whole of the Universe. Nothing in all the engineering feats we have accomplished even remotely compares.
    And then comes into consideration what Universal Medicine teachings have so wonderfully added to the picture: the energy that runs this gorgeous divine vehicle of expression, my body. Here is where choice and responsibility comes in. Which energy will I use to run this precious gift I have been given? Do I allow the truth of the situation to come to me, see it and feel the truth without colouring it to suit my mind – and evolve in harmony with the All? Or will I reach out with my mind, pick out what I wish to see, sit in the comfort of the perception I have chosen – individualised and separate, not in harmony with the All, and existing in my own self-created bubble?
    We have this most amazing feat of engineering we walk in every day. I appreciate the stop this article has brought to connect to a deeper sense of appreciation, choice and responsibility.

  199. Something I noticed this week about my eyes is that when I am not seeing something clearly my eyes don’t look so clear. The more that I understand this, the more it supports me to use my body to unravel what is going on. My eyes were showing me I was clouded by layers of beliefs and ideals that were distorting the way I was seeing things.

    1. A great sharing Vicky, and one to ponder a little further and I can see how this would indeed impact our sight and what we are able to see and what we will let ourselves see. Using our eyes as a support to see what is needed and if I may say see the absolute truth in every situation is definitely a process, and one I feel well worth exploring.

  200. This is such a beautiful sharing Cherise, the body is incredibly amazing in the way it is so finely tuned, I am just learning to connect more deeply and feel what my body is saying to me in it’s wisdom. I am also learning to feel me first before I look out so that I am not using my mind to tell me what I see.

  201. I love reading this blog every time Cherise. Our bodies, and our eyes are the most amazingly designed structures. We don’t often allow pause to reflect on this, which is exactly what reading this blog does, so thank you.

  202. I have deep appreciation and joy when it comes to learning about the harmony that our bodies naturally work in – “There is much to appreciate about our bodies…” I am in wonder when I learn what our cells are up to, our immune system our vascular system, all gently, constantly working away with absolute harmony. It is stunning to behold. And I feel deep joy that I am building a relationship with my body that honours this divine order.

    1. Samantha I love what you share here, I totally agree it really is incredible what the body is constantly doing to function in harmony and it is no big deal. As you say the way that it is all working together in perfect order and what is involved is mind blowing. I used to take this all for granted until I met Serge Benhayon and once I gained a better understanding the appreciation for my body is enormous. To honour and respect every detail is super important to me now, to make sure that I can work with my body to confirm the harmony that it naturally wants to function in. Super special.

    2. These days I have so much appreciation for this wonderful body of mine and am full of wonder when I think of it working away behind the scenes, so to speak, every second of every day to support me. When I feel into the endless processes that go on constantly, without needing any help from me, I am in awe and my appreciation increases. But I also know that if I make caring and loving decisions for my body these processes are supported. Like you Samantha; “I feel deep joy that I am building a relationship with my body that honours this divine order”.

    3. Yes Samantha there is much to appreciate about the body and the harmony within which it operates. From this angle alone I always knew God to be true.

    4. I know exactly what you mean Samantha. Just feeling that I am made up of cells, brings a whole new depth of awareness to how I treat myself and of course how I treat others, as we are all the same.

  203. The eyes really only form part of the picture of perception – we often see things in one way depending on our moods and then the same thing can be seen completely differently when our mood changes. Also the things that we choose to see and actually ‘register’ is often related to how much we are open and honest with ourselves and those around us – so in the end vision is very much about our physical capacity to see but more so about the energy that we are choosing at that moment in time. Thank you Cherise for your sharing!

    1. A absolute great point Henrietta and something that I am starting to really understand and be open to as this is a huge revelation and one that is super important to work on if we are wanting to really evolve and work on all the little areas in our life that are not what they could be, whether that be with family, friends, work colleges or even bystanders in the street all to me are one and the same.

  204. The eye is so important and I get more and more aware how I put my eyes often under stress because I try to see something instead of letting the picture come to my eye and relax the muscles around my eye.

    1. I can relate to that, kerstinsalzer15, straining to see something, rather than just letting the picture come to my eye. Something I need to put into daily practice, yes, to relax the muscles around my eye and no more straining. I can feel that we will see much more that way, in much more depth. That is where understanding comes in.

  205. What an amazing blog Cherise, reminding me to connect to the beautiful, intricate detail of the eye, and every part of my body. When we connect with this wonder and appreciation of the body, it seems crazy to engage in anything that will harm it!

  206. Hi Cherise, I have to agree having recently studied a little anatomy and physiology I realised just how stunning our body is in the way it deals with everything in every moment of every day and it deserves nurturing.

  207. I love coming back to your blog Cherise. I had an eye test recently and whilst there I allowed the images to come to me rather than strain to see them. This made all the difference and I really enjoyed the whole experience.

  208. In an eye care workshop I attended last year (coupled with Esoteric Yoga) we discussed the way we look and see. A lot of the time we can be casting our gaze outwardly to what we are seeing, rather than staying with ourselves and naturally receiving what is coming to view. Like you’ve shared Cherise, this is the pupils purpose to receive the light, and everything is light. This is a great reminder to stay with the body and with myself.

    1. It’s really interesting to feel the difference between casting our gaze out and allowing ourselves to receive whatever is there. By casting our gaze out we are focussing on something we are seeking, as opposed to being open to whatever is there in full. Realising that I do this, and working on ‘receiving’ more is something I am looking forward to doing. Thank you Rachel for bringing this back to my awareness today.

      1. Yes Amelia, I really felt the difference in my own body when it was presented to me that I don’t go looking out at the world but that what I see is received by my eyes. Even feeling this made my body feel more relaxed, less strained to try and see what was there, and more open to what was coming my way.

  209. Thank you for sharing your wonder of the eye Cherise. I thought the pupil was ‘just’ a hole, like an imperfection – feeling your understanding and call for appreciation of this incredibly detailed and purpose-full body part is quite inspirational. Every aspect/part of us is equally as amazing and absolutely deserves support to operate at its full potential. It seems silly to choose ‘tasty’ foods or whatever over and above the love we can allow to grow for ourselves, and in turn, everyone else too.

  210. I have noticed the way the eyes have a greater depth, strength and stillness the more that person lives in connection to their soul. They regain their twinkle and it is amazing to see and feel.

    1. I know that when my connection to soul is strong, I feel it in my heart and it spreads to my eyes and outwards, it can’t be shut in, it is a connection for everyone to see and feel too.

    2. I have noticed this too Jinya. When we are met by someone who lives with this connection to their soul, you cannot but feel how you are held in their presence. The eyes say it all – there is a depth and transparency that really does twinkle and shine out for that person, sharing all of who they are with you and the world.

  211. ‘Perhaps this sounds rather simple and common sense, but I personally had never fully appreciated the depth of our eyes in their physical function before.’ Reading this sentence has inspired me to pause and appreciate the depth of my eyes and how lovely it is to simply receive the image in front of me rather than strain to ‘see’.

  212. I find it fascinating that as humans we live in a body that we tend to want to not be with, constantly looking outside of ourselves or trying to escape or alter the landscape. It is like living in a house that you fill with rubbish and choose to live on the roof whilst looking at all the other amazing houses wishing you had one of them… not appreciating the potential of what has been with you all along. There is such a depth of beauty and appreciation we can access through our bodies yet deny through our irresponsibility and refusal at times to see the enormity of what is there to be seen.

    1. I love this Sam, it’s such a great analogy and once when put like this I’m sure many could relate to. It makes absolutely no sense, and as you say “through our irresponsibility and refusal at times to see the enormity of what is there to be seen” we miss it all.

    2. Agreed Samantha, I love your analogy bringing an awareness to the craziness we can live by trying to escape our own bodies. When we override the natural wisdom we are speaking we don’t ever make it go away, only put it off for another opportunity to feel it. When we take this responsibility and make consistent choices to want to feel, see and be aware of everything we begin to learn our highest power comes from our presence within our own bodies. When we live this power everything changes as we live our true potential, our light and walk in truth and joy in the world.

    3. This is such an awesome analogy Samantha and one that I can relate to very easily. I have been one not to appreciate this magnificent body that has supported me for many years, even during the times when I wasn’t treating it very well: although on many occasions it did stop me in my tracks and say “no more”! The appreciation and responsibility I have for my body is deepening every day and now its messages are no longer ignored.

    4. Sam – awesome comment! Not only do we metaphorically fill our houses with rubbish, live on the roof and look out coveting the buildings of others, we fail to recognise that they too have filled their buildings with rubbish and are living on their roofs too! When we accept ourselves for who we are, connecting with what is on the inside, we develop a different relationship with our bodies – cherishing and nurturing them. This allows those others who are on their roofs to feel that there is a different way, which encourages them to come back down into their houses again!

    5. Awesome Samantha Westall – this is a classic ruse we all play – grass is always greener and other familiar sayings go hand in hand with this false sense of self.

    6. What a great metaphor Samantha – such a visual representation of how so many of us are living our lives. I think it needs to be turned into a short film. My mind went straight to a gorgeous French cartoon-esque short film of everyone in their homes in Paris. But it equally happens everywhere.

    7. This is a great analogy Sam. “It is like living in a house that you fill with rubbish and choose to live on the roof whilst looking at all the other amazing houses wishing you had one of them… not appreciating the potential of what has been with you all along.” It is so true, we are constantly looking for soemthing else, never happy with what we already have which as you say has been there all along, but we haven’t appreciated the potential of that. Our bodies are absolutely miraculous, and when you stop and consider what is going on inside them 24hrs a day, regardless of what we are doing, it is hard to deny that there is far more to us than just what we physically see.

  213. The human body or any animal’s body are so mind blowingly amazing in design, that it’s impossible for me to believe there is not a higher power.

  214. I immediately feel God and his wonders when I read your article, Cherise. It’s so stunning how immaculately beautiful our bodies serve us. The eye constricting according to the light – is like a loving Mum letting down the blinds when her kid is dazzled by the sun.

  215. This is pretty cool reminds me of doing those little experiments in front of the mirror with the light on off, one a eye at a time you get the picture to me I was just messing around not really understanding the what was happening… Totally get it now, what I get is just how quickly our bodies respond not just to the light but to any given situation.

    1. This is cool Jaime, I have recently been able to appreciate for myself just how quickly my body does register and know everything and how it is a split second before my mind actually does. This is huge as we can have a whole new awareness of our thoughts coming AFTER our bodies have read, felt and received energy. I came to this understanding more deeply through having sessions in Esoteric Yoga with a Universal Medicine practitioner and experiencing this as a truth for myself. This will support people, their bodies and I believe mental health disorders around the globe, as the stories that our minds can run away with or the ideals and beliefs we can get stuck in come AFTER the choice to choose our awareness. Revelatory!

  216. To understand that beauty is literally in the eye of the beholder, and in the eye of the beholdee, and to start to be able to recognise that beauty, is the start of a beautiful opening of awareness.

  217. I love how you have shared the way the eyes actually receive light and shapes in through the eye and the brain then interprets this for us to ‘see’. There is a different quality in the eyes when we ‘see’ – to me they feel softer and more rounded than when ‘looking’ which feels hard and quite flat with strain of peering to look at something.

  218. I am reading a book on the gut at the moment, from entry point at the mouth all the way through to elimination, not only fascinating but totally incredible that it all functions beautifully and intelligently, everything working together and knowing exactly it’s part to play in supporting and allowing every other part to do exactly what it intrinsically knows to do to keep everything functioning at an optimum, 24/7, with very little awareness from ourselves that this is even happening. How amazing!

    If we looked at each organ separately, then together, we would be blown away by the intricacies, design, co-operation, precision, intelligence and beauty within us, and regardless of the disregard and abuse we give our body, it will strive to keep functioning to the highest level it can, all the while letting us know when we have gone too far, and lovingly showing us what is needed to rebalance without any judgement, always willing to support us back to wellbeing. We have been gifted with an amazing companion on this journey we call life.

    1. Thank you Rosemary, Yes! let us look to each other and the purpose and quality we each hold that is a divine part of the whole in which we are from. When we do this there can be no comparison and definitely no jealousy or competition, because we will each know our own quality and appreciate the quality within another. Our bodies and their organs and cells work in brotherhood, and so can we.

  219. Thanks for this article Cherise, your simple description of light coming into the eye being received by the body, translated by the brain and then communicated to the being inside the body has somehow given me a new appreciation for the term “being in my body”. Awesome!! Thanks again.

  220. The science of how things work inside our body and the science of deepening our relationship with life are two sides of the same coin since the more they align the healthier and richer we are.

  221. I love your words Cherise – ‘We live in the physicality of our human bodies in every moment of every day and can find ourselves ‘out of our bodies’ – perhaps in a rush, caught in our heads or making choices that disregard our bodies. But what I am also learning (and loving!) is the natural order and harmony our bodies are designed to work, move and be in, from the smallest detail and cell within’
    I have found that the more I care for myself, the more detailed awareness I am privy to from my body. It’s like my body is responding to my attention to it, in the most beautiful way and always opening up the way for more.

    1. I agree Jenny. The more I care for my body, the louder it becomes when I am doing something that is disregarding of it. Like my eyes hurting after looking too long at a screen, my stomach bloating after over-eating, waking up tired after a late night. It is remarkable how patient it is, but if we carry on with the same behaviours for too long, it has the power to make us stop in our tracks. I am really starting to appreciate its intricate and complex workings. The body is an amazing vessel that we can work with or against.

  222. Beautiful Cherise. What I feel from your blog is the Beautiful marriage between the physical and energetic world. I feel like there’s still much to learn for me around the physicality of life. From your words I feel the deep Joy and Acceptance of it. And also a playfulness and wonderment. There’s a sadness that I’ve denied this.

    1. I can relate to your sharing Floris and as I have studied anatomy and physiology for many years through working in health, only now am I really coming to appreciate the way that physicality and energy are actually designed to flow and are magnetically pulled to be in order and in line with the entire universe. This is huge and something I have always known and yet had not reconnected to until I began to attend the Ageless Wisdom presentations with Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

  223. Eyes are so beautiful, and so messaging of what’s going on.They are a marker for me that clearly affirm glory and truth, or clearly confirm how far away we’ve moved away from this. Over the years I’ve noticed how people’s eyes change shape, depth, even colour. Nothing better than to see an eye that is rinsed clear with truth and wisdom lived.

  224. This is a beautiful revelation Gill, thank you for sharing. This also shows me the power we hold in reading a whole situation for what it is and how we can learn from everything, because everything is everything! and each small detail contributes to the whole picture and supports our awareness and healing in every way.

  225. The appreciation of our bodies and every detail we are made of and bring has been shown to me deeply by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and this appreciation is a very real and important part of life. It brings the love and care and understanding to ourselves and life, and connection to our essence and who we really are. The real choice to see and feel, bringing an honesty and presence to life and everyone around us. This feels deeply beautiful, to live and be who we are. Thank you for sharing such an insight for our eyes Cherise.

  226. Stillness offers grace and the more we support ourselves to be still within the motion of our day, we allow ourselves the grace to observe, allow and receive and from here we can begin to truly see what is playing out before us.

    1. I agree and love what you have shared here about our stillness being the key to deepening and developing our connection within ourselves and therefore expanding this to what we see, receive and further following on to our relationships with all others. There is a grace, an allowing when we are feeling the stillness of our own bodies and our breath and the Gentle Breath Meditation can support anyone with this.

  227. Humanity is caught in an epidemic of not being present in the moment. We tend to be caught in the hurts, memories and issues of what has happened, or we tend to be planning, worrying about, rehearsing what is to come in our head. Until Universal Medicine prompted me to reflect on this, I assumed that this was just the normal way to live, but now that I have experienced it I realise being in the moment and fully present with thought and activity as one brings a whole new depth to my experience and expression that I was missing out on. This blog is great in bringing attention and appreciation to our body because I find feeling and being present with our body profoundly brings us to being fully present in life.

    1. I agree Golnaz. A way of restoring and building presence is through the awareness of the body in its movements, its sensations and appreciation of it as an enhousing vehicle for our being.

  228. Lovely to come back to this blog this morning. I can feel how much my eyes are also a reflection of all the other areas in my body. If I catch myself pushing or trying hard, my eyes feel tense but when I allow myself to simply be, my eyes love to rest and can enjoy receiving the image. It is as if my visual field expands to take more detail in.

  229. The anatomy and physiology is so complex and delicate and one part is working so closely together with other parts. This is not yet comprehended in full by the human brain.

  230. I find it totally interesting to see how you can be born into the same family, but still feel like strangers or even enemies.

  231. An inspiring blog and sharing, the eye is the beholder of truth if we choose it and this is an amazing way to live seeing and knowing all that we feel and living in a way that honours this. Thank you for a great reflection

  232. Your blog really made me stop and think about how often do I really take the time to truly appreciate how amazing all the parts of our bodies are and yes “There is much to appreciate about our bodies and the amazing way in which they go about their expressions, movements and functions, reminding me how crucial it is to support my own body in return, making choices that support it to be the most loving vehicle of expression that it can be.”

  233. Thanks Cherise, I didn’t understand much about my eyes, other than for a long time they were kind out of focus. It wasn’t until I had them checked that I understood more about how they work or more accurately, are not working so well. I had one of my lenses replaced and now that eye does not change focus, which means I almost drive with one eye and read with the other. As has been discussed, there is so much more to the physical when we understand there is energetic awareness that is beyond what we see with our eyes. Always appreciating the presentations of Serge Benhayon, ‘opening our eyes’ to what there is to feel and know, beyond what we can see.

  234. Great blog Cherise. Our body is extraordinary and amazing and even more so when we realize that we are capable of so much more if we are willing to connect to it and let the body guide us in our day to day choices.

  235. There is an English saying that goes ‘not being able to see the wood for the trees’. People use it to describe a sense of feeling lost, being confused and overwhelmed. The idea that sight is our only way of discerning what is ahead of us is so deeply ingrained in our thinking and this saying describes its shortcomings perfectly. Our true sight – our ability to discern through feeling the energy of anything – does not get overwhelmed or feel lost, because in order to use it, we have to first be connected to the one constant that is within – the source of wisdom and truth, the spark of love inside our hearts.

    1. Great comment Jinya. ‘Our true sight – our ability to discern through feeling the energy of anything’. The images our eyes portray are mostly colored through hurts, beliefs and values, and trigger emotions. Our true sight objectively shows us exactly what is there to be seen.

  236. I realized, when I only depend on my eyes after a while it feels exhausting and I feel a pressure in my head, whereas when I open my heart and use this as well to see my eyes get relaxed and the pressure is off my head.

  237. I agree Cherise. Our bodies are the vehicle of expression of our divinity on earth and they need the deepest care and love for us to be able to ‘walk’ who we truly are. Their anatomy and physiology are the work of a divine intelligence which never ceases to surprise me. How can we not appreciate that?

  238. “There is much to appreciate about our bodies and the amazing way in which they go about their expressions, movements and functions, reminding me how crucial it is to support my own body in return, making choices that support it to be the most loving vehicle of expression that it can be.”
    For without this appreciation there is not the will to nurture and cherish the vehicle that carries us through every moment of everyday.

  239. Thank you Cherise. I love the honouring that is felt between the understanding of the function and the potential we can choose to live and expand the understanding beyond the function.

  240. The body is a wonderful thing, but we can easily keep ourselves prisoners of it. I completely join you Cherise in the wonder that is the natural order within our bodies …and the loveliness of making choices that allow that naturalness.

  241. I love the line “to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty” to me this is worthy of true celebration ❤

  242. It’s a great point that – “We live in the physicality of our human bodies in every moment of every day and can find ourselves ‘out of our bodies’ – perhaps in a rush, caught in our heads or making choices that disregard our bodies.” It’s easy to disregard and dismiss our body but through our connection with it we can access much wisdom.

  243. Absolutely beautiful Cherise. I love the way you express and share understanding and love of the human body. Truly inspiring.

  244. Cherise I too have not appreciated the eyes as much, but after reading your blog I will be seeing them a little differently and my body too. 🙂 For such a long time I have not treasured this body of mine but it feels like its happening within me more and more now.

  245. This is such a beautiful sharing and appreciation of our eyes, our body and ourselves for who we really are, thank you Cherise. The depth of love we are can be seen and felt in our eyes and they are a connection and means of communication for us all and so much more.

  246. I find that when I can look into someone’s eyes I feel supported to share more or all of what I want to say with that person, as opposed to when I can’t look someone in the eye (or when they don’t let me) I don’t feel the support to easily share what’s there.

    1. I love what you share here Joost. To really connect with another it feels important to make eye contact – to really see them, or to “receive” them. When I am trying to communicate a point to my children I will often ask them to look at me. It is possible to hold someone in your heart but when you behold them with your eyes without imposition so much depth is communicated that old quote “the eyes being the window to the soul” really resonates.

    2. I can relate to this Joost. My old pattern is to avoid looking in the eyes. I still need every now and than a reminder how different it is to really look somebody in the eyes. It feels very very intimate. Which is lovely, but I can also feel that there’s a fragility in it that I’ve tried to avoid for a long long time. But the only True way of being connected in Love is by receiving (= feeling) the other person’s Love. What’s also Gorgeous about it is that I’m actually feeling my own Love as well. I can already feel it while typing this comment. Thank you Joost, thank you Cherise.

    3. I have the same feeling – to really meet another person, the eye contact is important. With my eyes I can open up and let the other person in. Looking away feels to me like increasing the protection we have towards another person.

      1. I can relate to this sense of protection you speak of, when I allow the absolute depth in my eyes to be seen in another I often note a discomfort or quick-look away from another person. This to me reflects the hurt in someone who is completely aware of their own depth of connection and yet not so choosing to be aware of it. In this moment it is my choice to also look away (for an array of beliefs as to why) or to stand solid and firm in my own expression and know that I can hold not only me but them also in a loving embrace and depth that we are equally. It is important for us to honour what we are aware of and read in another and know that we don’t have to take their choices onboard or change because of it.

  247. How refreshing it is to look at a young child before they have taken on any of society’s so called etiquette and have that look purely and simply returned

  248. Hi Doug, I find it incredible how easy it is to go from appreciation to no appreciation of our bodies, just asking them to carry on without the means required for what they need. And yet carry on they do, doesn’t this show the depths of love that is available for us all.

  249. I love the depth of appreciation you have displayed here Cherise.
    Our eyes are indeed a spectacular example of divine design. The cells in our bodies work and integrate in beautiful harmony with each other. We don’t often take the time to appreciate the depth of beauty finely interwoven and interconnected in our bodies, so thank you for the reminder. I am sure that if we did spend more time appreciating our bodies we would be less likely to abuse them with alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, coffee, stress, junk food etc.

  250. Not only does this apply when we are letting another in, it also applies in life in general where we may not be allowing ourselves to see the whole picture of what truly is there by simply observing what we see and not going out there to ‘look’ as if we cast our vision on certain situations. When we do that we are greatly limiting our perceptions.

  251. “There is much to appreciate about our bodies and the amazing way in which they go about their expressions, movements and functions, reminding me how crucial it is to support my own body in return, making choices that support it to be the most loving vehicle of expression that it can be.” That is such a beautiful statement Cherise, We so often think of our bodies being there to support us and our mentally and emotionally driven lives, that we miss that important fact that our bodies need our support to be able to continue to function well for us. Disregard of our bodies means disregard of ourselves.

  252. I have always found it amazing how much people’s eyes show us. The sadness, jealousy, anger, or the joy, sparkle, and wisdom that is within. It is easy to see when someone is looking at us with judgement and hardness even if the words are nice, so it goes then that if we are ever judging or shut down from another, they will no doubt be seeing and feeling it too. And if we are seeing through that filter, we will get a distorted perception based on our bias, our preconceived notions, our prejudice, hurts and fear. Becoming aware of the quality we are in, and discarding all the overlaying emotions and patterns we are running, we can learn to observe, free of distortions, and so truly understand what is there.

    1. Me too Annie – I love looking at people’s eyes – they can say so much without even saying a word.

  253. Cherise, I love your appreciation of the physicality knowing that there is so much more that lies within to be expressed, yet also acknowledging that the physical is needed for us to express the deeper parts of us. These deeper and innate parts of us are really where we are from, but here in a physical world we need a means to express it and so the physical form has a purpose and a meaning: that of expressing lovingly our essence, and the delicateness of what lies within. Thank you for this timely reminder.

    1. I really loved reading Cherise’s appreciation of the physicality too Henrietta. What struck me was that there is a balance and harmony for us to live the love that we are by: 1) supporting and deeply caring for the physical body and listening to its messages that show us the truth of how we are living in it and
      2) supporting our connection to our inner essence , the lovliness that we all are and expressing that via our physical body.

  254. Understanding that our eyes receive information rather than having to cast out to look allows us the opportunity to observe and to appreciate much about our world. Thank you for your clear explanation of the pupil and the retina Cherise. Your article inspires me to really appreciate my eyes and my body, their design and purpose.

  255. Cherise, as you say “there is much to appreciate about our bodies and the amazing way in which they go about their expressions, movements and functions”. It is an unfortunate fact that most in society continually abuse their body and choose short-term gratification or stimulation over long-term wellbeing, ignoring the fact that the body is the marker of truth and this includes our ill choices. Eventually, the body will show us what we have ignored and will continue to do so until we take notice and make adjustments. How much easier is it to support our own body and make “choices that support it to be the most loving vehicle of expression that it can be”.

  256. Absolutely, it is crucial that we support our body by making choices that support it to be the most loving vehicle of expression that it can be. What kind of life are we otherwise choosing for ourselves, and what kind of ramifications such a life has on everyone else and the World?

  257. Recently I have been studying the human skeleton and there was a moment in the book when I just had to take a pause because the amazing facts that were being presented about the bones and tissues connected to it seemed to be only on the surface of what is actually going on within the human frame. It is very possible to consider the human body just as something material, almost an inanimate object that we bring life to. But what if there is life here already that the human body is a part of, and all the processes that make up the anatomy and physiology of our bodies is part of something greater and far more grand than modern science has been teaching us?

    1. An awesome point, Shami. Whenever I have looked at anatomy books everything is separated into its ‘systems’. Skeletal, digestive, nervous, muscular, etc. Each with its own dedicated chapter and separated from the rest. But to me this makes them seem like objects, not real, and certainly not part of us. Obviously for a surgeon or other doctor, these systems are connected to one another and they see their connection every day, but to the layman, the connection between all of the systems that make up the body we inhabit are kind of taken for granted (until they start going wrong), but they all work together as an amazing whole, all synergetically operating under the impulse of the life that inhabits this vehicle we call our body.

    2. I love your observation, Shami and I agree, studying anatomy and physiology of the human body leaves me in awe concerning the delicacy how our body is built from the inside. Absolutely, I can feel that there must be something far greater behind us, as for humans to build something in such a complexity is impossible as we are even not prepared to understand the real roots of illnesses, otherwise we would be able to heal them.

    3. Great point Shami, What I relate strongly to is how you are saying that the human body is actually connected to something greater than life as we know it, surely there is something quite incredible at play when it comes to the inner goings on of a human body

    4. Behind all of the teachings Shami is a current of ‘randomness’ running. We learn the principles by which our body works as though they are a happy accident an the consequence of a biological accident that all sort of works itself out to make this inanimate thing called a body.
      So far from the truth. Everything about this body of ours responds to a vastly higher intelligence. There simply are no accidents, no twists of fate. We are however made of glorious stuff, and even the simplest process such as the formation of bone when shared with appreciation is enough to make a person’s jaw fall open with amazement. Bone is formed and removed constantly, and in health it is always all in perfect harmony. Yet those cells are separated physically from each other. How do they know what to do and when to do it?
      And how different is the way we view disease when we start from the premise of the intelligence of this body of ours…and ask what intelligence is operating to throw it into imbalance?
      There is nothing more wonderful as a student than the willingness to be amazed. It is the doorway to wonderment, appreciation and true health.

  258. That was very interesting to read your amazing blog Cherise – now I learned about the function of the eye too. I never bother about it before and therefore I am very impressed about all the little details in function that are working so beautiful and harmonious together. I wish we as human beings could also work together in such an easy and simple way that would be wonderful.

  259. Cherise, as I read this I began to consider many new age teachings that make day to day life secondary to ‘spiritual development’, what I have appreciated most about my studies with Universal Medicine is that at each stage they have presented the importance of the balance between our energetic awareness and how we are in the physical world. Your story of the eye is a lovely reminder about that balance. We have a physical structure that needs care and consideration to work well AND we are the ones with the responsibility to interpret and choose how we respond to what we are received from the world around us.

    1. Thank you Joel, what a significant reminder this is bringing further understanding and awareness to what medicine actually is and has the potential to be.

      1. Such wisdom being expressed and felt as I read your words Cherise. Where medicine is no longer used for the bandaid of irresponsibility but instead there to support our bodies to hold more and more love in expression.

    2. Spot on Joel, this balance between energetic awareness and how we are in the physical world is vitally important. Once this is understood and brought into play, our way of living is truly supported. That we need to care and look after our physical body in all areas is a great reminder of the bigger picture that we need to care for each other equally, always.

    3. I agree with you Joel that throughout the teachings from Universal Medicine it is always brought back to the importance of one’s body, how energy and the physical world are inter-connected and how to live energetically in this world. By doing so, however challenging the teachings may be, it makes understandable and practical.

      1. Absolutely, Jonathan, Cherise, Jenny and Joel. Knowing that the physical world is directly interconnected with the energetic world. So much so, that we can get to know one world from the other. I used to disregard the importance of the negative thoughts I would allow to run rampant in my head. These thoughts are energy, and how I feel about myself affects me physically. Even if my thoughts are untrue, by giving them energy I make them manifest into reality.

      2. If “energy and the physical world are inter-connected”, and as Bernard states below “These thoughts are energy”, the question then is, what IS energy and where does it come from and why do we allow negative thoughts to run through us when we are by nature, loving, caring beings?

        Attending Universal Medicine presentations has helped me have more understanding of, not only who I am, but who we all are and where our place is in the Universe and that everything is energy, and we are all working our way back to having more awareness of, and feeling it, as it all around us, all of the time.

    4. Yes responsibility is the key word here. Such a big word in relationship to medicine, where it is so prevalent how people give their power away to the health practitioner or medicine without truly understanding their role in healing.

    5. Such a great point Joel. The point of difference I would even say.
      The awareness of our body is equally important as, and the key to transcending it! The deep care and nurturing of ourselves that Universal Medicine offers such great insight into the full depths of, is so crucial to us on a day-to-day level. This can so easily be forgotten.

    6. Well said Joel. So true the about the practicalities and realities of living in a human body. No amount of ‘spiritual development’ changes that fact. This is one of the many amazing things that I have realised during my studies with Universal Medicine. The point you make about taking full responsibility for how we choose to respond to what we receive from the world around us is crucial to the way in which we live each day. By taking responsibility I have found that there is no one to blame, no dis-empowering or feeling like I am at the whim of fate just a steady commitment to moving through life with love and dealing with all that presents for me.

    7. I agree Joel. The outside world is a reflection of our inner world, so how we interact with it with our bodies has a great influence on our inner world.

    8. Yes Joel, paying heed to both our physiological experience and our energetic awareness brings a powerful balance to our awareness.

  260. What an interesting blog. For many years I took my body for granted abusing it in so many ways. These days I appreciate the divine workings of the human body and appreciate every function of my body and treat it with Love and Respect. This is an ever evolving process as I deepen my love for myself.

    1. Margaret I love your words – the ever evolving process as I deepen my love for myself. Stunning. Waking up each day knowing that this is what is happening.

    2. Margaret I also took my body for granted and so I abused it in every way shape and form. I now know how precious my body is but I have to admit that I can still feel this abusing energy in me and it needs all my attention not to go with this kind of energy – so I agree “it is an ever evolving process as I deepen my love for myself.”

  261. Cherise, it’s beautiful to feel how you have allowed yourself space to appreciate at a deep level the Divine workings of the human body, I agree, it really is amazing. And, you’ve shared a great reminder of honouring it by supporting it to the best of our ability.

  262. Awesome reminder to deeply appreciate the body in all its miraculous workings, and to enjoy the wonder of this amazing vehicle. I don’t feel I live in the wonder of my body, this itself is an opening to just disregard myself and how precious and truly amazing my body is.

  263. Whenever I come across information on how the body works I am reminded that miracles happen.
    The intricacies and minute detail of each working part and how it all comes together forming the whole, never fails to amaze me.
    Even when bombarded with substances that don’t belong in a sewer our bodies maintain their equilibrium until such time that they can no longer digest that which we dump.
    Thank you Cherise, a lovely reminder to pause and appreciate my relationship with my body.

  264. Our eyes are truly beautiful, and receive everything that is around us each day. And with this we can choose to not absorb but observe and feel what we see, which is so important to not get lost in the world we create for ourselves sometimes.

  265. Often if I go into moods and start to dislike everything around me, it shows through my eyes, as instead of my eyes receiving the event in the truth that did occur, I will look for things to judge and I will focus on receiving anything that we can judge, therefore not truly seeing the whole event.

    1. This is a great observation Ben. How we manipulate what is there to serve and support us, in this case our eyes, into that for self…gain, protection, whatever it may be…and in that the whole truth is lost.

  266. Thanks Cherise, your blog is a lovely reminder to me to not get caught up in the arrogance of my mind which is often urging me to totally disregard my body in the day to day routines. The synchrony of all the parts of the body are truly amazing and deserve my deepest respect.

  267. I love the idea that the eyes are the windows for the soul. This is quite literally true. When people feel great, there’s a sparkle in their eyes – an energy that emanates a sense of who they are inside. When people feel down, you can see the sparkle being cloaked in their emotions and you can get the sense that the sparkle is still there, but the window is closed, the soul can’t shine through.

  268. Whilst reading your blog again this morning Cherise I could feel how tense the muscles around my eyes felt. I could also feel how my cheeks felt tight and jaw was clenched. When I stopped and allowed my eyes to soften and receive the words my face muscles relaxed, jaw released, neck muscled elongated and my shoulders automatically rolled backward allowing my chest to open. Wow! This really showed me both the power of receiving with my eyes and the impact of how I am with my eyes is on my whole body.

  269. Thanks for sharing this Cherise. It’s reminded me that there is so much about myself that I’ve barely recognised let alone begun to deeply appreciate. Just starting with the eyes, if I actually pay attention there is so much to appreciate.
    My eyes are quite tired now and it has reminded me of how powerful it is to feel my eye balls as I close my lids around them. A very practical way to bring conscious presence as taught by Serge Benhayon.

  270. Eyes are an amazing organ as you have discovered Cherise. I found them complex to learn about as there seem to be so much detail within the eye compared to other organs. Eyes come in all different shapes and sizes but in the end serve the same purpose for all, in that they are there to observe and see what is before us without any judgement or fear of what might be seen.

  271. What you share is really worth pondering Cherise. We have a natural opening that has the ability to observe all the truth we can accept and manage to process.
    It is up to us what filter we put to this natural gift. I can see and feel my filters have been pretty selective, motivated by what I feel safe to see. Safe means reducing my openness to humanity and accepting the truth of who we all are.

  272. Beautiful Cherise I love your sharing ” I’ve been learning for myself what it means to observe life, others and situations from a place within me that’s knowing of who I am – my essence – and not from a judgement or by taking on external factors that aren’t in my control.” This says it all for life in a true way and our eyes really are the door way into our soul. This is such an important article about life for us all to see. Thank you.

  273. Cherise I love how you have merged your understanding of the physical and your lived experience of the esoteric – it captures how we can have new levels of understanding with our bodies.

  274. Yes the eyes are very telling, they give clues to what we are feeling and thinking at any given time. They tell many stories that cannot be hidden to the outside world. The eyes, as we have learnt, are receivers and this puts a new perspective on how we view the world.

  275. I love what you have presented here Cherise. This sentence really stood out to me ” to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty” and what I felt while reading it is how often I have not fully appreciated what information I’ve been receiving with my eyes… and also how unwilling I have been to accept what I am receiving with my eyes.

  276. What you are expressing here about the eyes Cherise is great. As you say the eyes are designed to receive information yet our perception is that we look outwards to see. We also tend to look outside of ourselves to “find” ourselves which of course can never happen, as all we need to do to “find” ourselves is to re-connect to our essence, which lies within.

    1. For many people this connection to our essence is a brand new concept and can bring a curiosity of what this actually means. My essence, for me is the very depth of who I am, it is something I experience and relate to when I drop the ideals, beliefs and the doings of the day and surrender into my body. Just allowing myself to be. My essence is a sense of warmth and acceptance of who I am and the unique quality that I naturally bring to the world around me.

  277. “to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty”
    I just love the way you have expressed here Cherise.
    I am learning not to take my body for granted and to feel deeply from my inner most beauty.

    1. This is something I take back to University with me too, to observe what is going on from the point of knowing all of who I am and my amazingness and then learning what I can from this pivotal point. This supports me to not get caught up in the knowledge of the subject or the human body but allows more space to learn what it is that I can and not feel closed or dense around the amount of knowledge coming towards me, I always know when this is happening as I will immediately feel super sleepy! but with space in my body first, I have the space to expand and allow more information to be truly received.

    2. Cherise, you shared another gem regarding supporting yourself through university studies, being that you start with knowing all of who you are and your amazingness, what a truly beautiful and inspiring reflection you must be on campus for all to see and feel through their eyes!

    3. This makes total sense! Because when we give ourselves the permission to observe and receive what is there to feel and see, we learn to relax more and more and ..just be, in our own skin.

  278. I have experienced when there is a injury or illness with the eyes, there is something we don’t want to see, or to feel from within our body.

  279. Beautiful blog Cherise, thank you. Our bodies are such amazing things and yet we seem to take them for granted – until illness or injury arrives that is!

  280. “an opening that allows and receives light and information in, to be viewed at a deeper level within the eye,” as you describe the pupil of the eye Cherise, this is lovely to feel that the body is taking in from it’s surroundings in the moment. It’s all there for us to see and feel if we choose to.

  281. I too after reading your wonderful article Cherise am understanding deeper that “moment-by-moment we have an opportunity to not only ‘see’ whatever picture is presented before our eyes, but also to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.” This feels so less judgemental.

  282. Reading your blog here Cherise, I am reminded I used to look out at the world with the attitude of “how does this affect me?” or “how do I protect myself from this situation?” – through this narrow focus I was missing out on the wonderful things in life. I loved how you described observing what is there to be seen from the foundation of knowing your essence.

  283. “I had always thought of the pupil as not much more than a black spot in the centre of the eye and had never fully appreciated the fact that it is actually not a spot at all, but rather an opening that allows and receives light and information in, to be viewed at a deeper level within the eye, passing through and being focused by the lens, to be received at the retina, where the light is processed and the messages passed on to the brain.” Whilst reading the above sentence from your blog, I could feel that I had to do nothing more than allow my eyes to do what they naturally do exceptionally well, if I let them. I could feel that the pupil will naturally open and that which is to be seen will effortlessly enter, and if I choose to remain without judgment I will see the truth of that which is presenting to me, in doing this I could feel the tension in my eyes relax, and I realised how much I make my eyes work unnecessarily causing much strain by pulling in what is presenting, rather than by allowing in. I could feel I sort of wanted to possess that which I was seeing and add my interpretation and bias before it even got to my brain for processing, absolutely doing away with any possibility of seeing the truth in that which is being presented. Thank you Cherise for your very interesting article which has given me much to feel into.

  284. Indeed, there is so much to appreciate of our bodies and our eyes. For me there is nothing more intimate than connecting with someone deeply with our eyes, and then I can feel words play only a small part in that connection as the depth of beauty in the eyes speak so much more.

  285. What I love most about this blog is the celebration, wonder and magic of the human body. When we connect even in the small ways with the intelligence and brilliance of our bodies even if one does not believe in God there at least is a strong argument that the intelligence of science and biology is Godly. The study and understanding of the human body from the temporal, to esoteric and even occult perspectives is one of the greatest and most inspiring subjects to learn and read about. Thanks Cherise- please keep writing.

    1. The human body is amazing – how do all the cells know to form, and communicate, and move, and blink, and grow etc. etc. etc., and I agree – the fact that we are so perfectly ‘designed’ is certainly a strong argument for there being something larger than ourselves at play.

  286. A beautiful appreciation for our bodies and the absolute joy that can be felt from reading this and the depth and true seeing that comes from our eyes and all we receive from each other and everything through this amazing organ given to us by God. Universal Medicine has given us an enormous opportunity to truly see the true depth of workings of our bodies and our eyes way beyond the function of medicine ever covered before. Such a gift for us all and the world to claim and live in our lives with these revealed knowings now. Thank you Cherise.

  287. Through our eyes we can reflect the universe – if we let it shine through.

    1. I love this quote from you Sandra, so simple, so huge and so true!
      A new awareness for the opening and deepness of the eyes opens up in me through reading your blog – I am amazed and awesome and will let this truth about my body sink deep inside.

  288. The idea that how we use our eyes – i.e. how we perceive the world around us, according to our ideals and beliefs – might affect the function of the our internal organs, or the way we walk etc, is an idea that western medicine is yet to incorporate into itself. The notion that to heal a part of the body, the whole body must be taken into account was stated by Plato and it has come up again in the presentations by Serge Benhayon. It makes so much sense if we accept how energy affects us.w Without this, medicine as we know it is only using one leg to walk when it has two healthy ones.

    1. So very true Jinya. I know that what I see can affect how i behave. ie. I see someone walking towards me in anger and in a hurry, I contract and play small even though I have nothing to do with how they are feeling – and I become the one to take on things unnecessarily. It’s so interesting to consider this in relation to medicine being how we choose to live, react and be in life.

  289. I really enjoyed reading the appreciation and wonder you shared about your discoveries of the eye, I too have found the eye to be a most beautiful aspect of our physical body. There is nothing like truly looking into the depth of a person’s eye and feeling you have connected with them so deeply. You reminded me of the fact we have a choice in how we are in the world, whether we are just responding to it or recognising we “have a moment-by-moment opportunity to not only ‘see’ whatever picture is presented before our eyes, but also to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.” what a beautiful way to be.

  290. As kids we have a wondrous relationship with our bodies and their function. It’s lovely to feel you bringing this sort of attention to the body’s details Cherise.

  291. The body is so incredible, Cherise. I also am amazed how the body systems all work so harmoniously together to allow us to live and function throughout our day. The eye is such a great example for it not only allows us to see things but connects us to our inner being and this is what is reflected out to everyone. Amazing!

    1. What struck me about what you said Anne was how the body works so “harmoniously” together. What if we saw society in the same way, as each person/family/business/country being a part of the one ‘body’, which need to communicate to each other, perform different functions (as we are all unique), but at the same time work towards a common goal.

      1. Vert true Jessica. We are all connected. From the tiniest atom to the largest corporation and beyond to the hugeness of the galaxy.

      2. The body with all its intricate systems, each separate, but all totally working to create absolute harmony, is an intrinsic part of the whole, all working perfectly together, each system knowing exactly where it belongs and how best to fulfil its purpose, and all reflecting to us the possibilities of a truly loving humanity.

  292. I was looking in the mirror this morning appreciating my beautiful eyes and felt the connection with me and the sparkle in my eyes that comes with that. I thought about your blog and decided to read it once more. This made me see and appreciate as you have written the depth of my eyes in the physical function, the opening the pupil is to receive light and information. Pondering on this even further I felt how we literally can let people in by receiving what they bring to us in whatever way this is, we only have to –see– them.

  293. The depth you speak of being physically held in the eyes makes sense to me Cherise. Who has not at some time looked into another’s eyes, or their own, and marvelled at the depths within?

    1. Yes I too have been absolutely held in a serene and penetrating love when I can see in someone else’s eyes that they really ‘see’ me. It’s an exquisite feeling where I can let down my guard and know that there really is a God. Beautiful. The magic our eyes can convey is precious beyond compare, and it’s important to look with a view to receive what’s there, not what we think we see.

    2. So true Victoria. To me, you only need to look into another person’s eyes to know there is more to them than mere physicality, to know there is more to them than that which they allow the world to see.

  294. Aye aye aye, the eyes have it! Puns aside, it intrigues me that the words ‘eye’ and ‘I’ are phonetically identical. Is it possible that this organ of eye sight has something to do with our ‘I-sight’? We can use our eyes to receive and understand others and ourselves, by taking in and receiving we gain in-sight. Eye see, out of sight, man!

  295. Awesome blog, it is amazing how our body works, it is incredible in design and function. I love learning and reading about it. What I have recently learnt is to be more aware of it, not to take it for granted but to fully love, care, listen and look after it. The part you shared about our eyes is amazing. I find that when I fully connect with another person, I am able to look them in the eyes and fully connect. The eye to eye contact feels to me to be naturally what we tend to do. We naturally are drawn to connect with one another.

  296. Universal Medicine has helped me very much, and still does, to re-develop how I observe life, how much I allow myself to see/ receive and how I then react or respond to that.

  297. “I’ve been learning for myself what it means to observe life, others and situations from a place within me that’s knowing of who I am … ”
    That’s marvellous to be reminded of staying connected with that special place within oneself and to be interacting with life from that point, thank you.

  298. I wonder how much of what we learn from and about our human bodies can also teach us about the psychology of ourselves as people, living and responding to life, with the human frame showing us all of our choices?

  299. The fusion of your university studies side by side with those of Universal medicine is a rich source of knowledge and understanding.

  300. I love the description you have given here Cherise of the pupil, I can envisage it like the lens of a camera. We put so much emphasis on looking for things, so the truth of the eye being a receptor for what is actually around us in the moment is a fantastic new way to see the world with conscious presence.

    1. I like this way of looking at this Lisa and keeping it super simple and focusing just on our own presence. There is not much about life that is not simple, and in many ways it is full of complication, so to keep bringing it back to complete simplicity such as this is a huge support in all areas of life.

  301. Fiona, “Eyes on stalks” is a funny image and a poignant one. My eyes rest back in my head when I ‘receive’ and it actually offers energy, instead of being draining. Universal Medicine is the first school I have heard it presented that we know ourselves best and that it is simple and easy to connect to an essential wisdom we have within. This has been important for me because it has allowed me embrace life in a vital and caring way, rather than a needy and seeking way. It comes right back to how we use our eyes!

    1. So true Simon. We can see the world through the lens of our choosing or we can receive the world as it really is.

  302. This blog was wonderful to read, thank you for sharing the wonders of the eye, both physical and soulful. It is very interesting to ponder that the pupil is actually allowing light in, and is more a hole than a black dot. There is light to be found and much more in peoples eyes when we are willing to feel and connect with what is shared.

  303. The natural order and harmony of our bodies is truly amazing. When I studied anatomy and physiology for my nursing qualifications many years ago now, I was astounded by its simplicity yet also somehow it’s complexity in that every detail was so organised. Re-visiting a and p, As I Have done a few times now, in order to receive different qualifications, it is amazing how scientific knowledge has progressed and yet with Universal Medicine I have learned so much about the energetic meanings of organs and body parts which have transformed my understanding and make so much sense.

    1. I agree sueq2012 being a student of Universal Medicine and learning about energetic sciences and philosophy has ceased all my wandering thoughts, my fantasies, dissolved any conspiracy theories, and it has been nothing short of a constant awareness which blows away any trivia that has been created as something great to look at or I know more than you in a conversation. Feeling energy is the most rewarding confirming behavior to hold – it comes from the Ageless teachings and it is there for all. It is non-selective and not for the privileged. It is there for All.

    2. There is definitely a natural order to understand as best as we can comprehend and allow, when we think of each small cell holding its very important purpose, equally to all other cells, I feel that we as a human race have so much yet to learn from the wisdom that our bodies naturally speak and rhythmically live.

  304. Our eyes are so amazing in capturing light on a physical level. Similarly when I open my heart to another person and allow that connection with my eyes, I can see and appreciate the divine light and love within them that is in each person equally.

  305. I find that the more I surrender to deepening my connection with myself the more I ‘see’. There are so many layers of ‘seeing’ or more accurately receiving. As I allow myself to receive more of me I therefore receive more of everything.

  306. We can “…communicate so much with our eyes…”, Sally, I agree. The eyes are the window to our soul and speak volumes.

  307. This is beautiful Cherise, a reminder for me that I can appreciate my body more, thank you for sharing.

  308. This blog is most beautiful Cherise. How often do we take the body and its workings totally for granted and treat it with such disregard. The eyes, what a truly amazing things to behold, they certainly are the windows to the soul.

    1. It’s true kevmchardy, the body can be totally taken for granted until it starts to breakdown. And then we are very quickly shown how every single part plays such an integral role. Even a small scratch, or whatever it may be, can help us realise how very precious this body of ours is.

  309. This is such a great blog as it has highlighted for me the natural wisdom of the body, which is harmonious in every way, and it is the being inside of the body that brings disharmony to the body in the way it treats and interacts with the body. It is like a person has been dropped into this outer shell called a body and they are doing what they want with it, rather than honouring the naturalness of the body, instead overriding it’s natural impulses and driving it for its own purposes that do not correspond with how the body is set up. It really brings to light the fact that our body is our house and it needs to be seen for the natural beauty that it is and deeply honoured for this. Thank you Cherise for writing this blog which has then allowed me to feel and ‘see’ the body in such a different way.

    1. The human body, when I ponder on it, endlessly fascinates me. It has all these functions that happen without thought and conscious effort like our hearts beating and our breathing in and out, like hearing and seeing. It is perfectly designed, each organ relating to the whole to keep it functioning smoothly and in harmony with itself. It has its way of relating to how we treat it and is set permanently onto heal mode despite nasty breaks or break downs, or how hard we push it. Often we blame our body when it stops working smoothly as though our life choices had nothing to do with it. When we ponder on our body and the way it lives and breathes it is impossible to deny that an energy sparked it to life, and if that energy sparked it to life that energy had to come from somewhere. How can we possibly deny God exists when we are housed in such divinely made cases?

      1. Michelle your comment leaves much to ponder on. There is so much I know I take for granted within my body and its amazing ability to not only function, but also perform. There is indeed beauty and grace in every living cell.

  310. ‘Making choices to be the most loving vehicle of expression it can be’,
    this quote from your blog in regard to our connection with our bodies really resonated with me thank you Cherise. I really got that our bodies are a vehicle to express God’s love and will on earth and the sacredness in that.

  311. Your opening paragraph stopped me for a moment to really consider my eyes with much more appreciation and I suddenly felt the delicateness of my eyes and their purpose. We all know our eyes are for seeing with, but what you present our eyes a so much more than just seeing what’s going on out there, but the way the eyes process, interpret that information is where we come into play. In connecting to our essence, then we begin to observe life and allow our eyes to do what they do without all these interpretations we put onto what we see that comes from our reactions and so forth. But to be open and receive – that’s a whole experience at observing life with our eyes…imagine just receiving the beauty of our world, or seeing our friend and meeting them with open eyes and really seeing them….eyes can bring such a depth in seeing…

    1. Beautifully expressed Karoline, my eyes feel completely different when they feel opened wide, clear and shining brightly for all to see as opposed to when I look narrowly and partially closed, tired or not wanting to be seen. There really is a marked difference and it’s so important that we carry no judgement on ourselves for what we see, have seen or perhaps don’t want to see because this is all a learning; opening our eyes to just feel our own breath and observe life is a great tool to support us with everything.

  312. The eyes can say so much. For such small organs, the power that they have and the vast amount that can be communicated through them, without a word being uttered is truly fascinating.

  313. I too share your deep love of the body Cherise, I have always been since I can remember fascinated by its ability to heal and function under sometimes the most extreme circumstances. The eyes in particular are a very beautiful organ, that brings us so much more than we are willing to be aware of. I have learnt to apply the teachings that Serge Benhayon has presented “observe and not absorb” and “use the eyes to receive rather than look”. I find when I do this not only do I nurture the eyes but the whole being and ironically I actually see a lot more.

  314. I too had never fully appreciated the depth of our eyes in their physical function before I read this blog.Makes sense of why we need to take as much care of our eyes as any other part of our body. It inspires me to do the eye exercises I learnt a while ago which I did for a week then stopped doing.

  315. Thank you Cherise and Sally, I agree, everyone’s eyes play a major role in connecting us without words. Through how others see us as a reflection.

  316. That ‘s beautiful Shirly-Ann, I will take that with me today, allowing myself to receive what is there to be seen, just as it truly is instead of ‘looking’ which feels like seeking confirmation of what I beforehand have decided I will see.

  317. What I love about this blog is how you have approached the subject of the eye itself, which makes me think that perhaps there are many other organs and bodily processes that can be looked at in the same way. And how much we can learn from approaching life in this way.

  318. Very true Fiona. I find when I have an open my heart as Sandra Schneider’s comment, I allow my eyes and my heart to receive what is going on, I have a deep knowing of what is going on and everything is held in love, yet when I use my eyes as you say “on stalks” I am not engaged with my heart and my mind has to try to figure out what is going on. There is a strain and a drain on my body and I get a very different story!

  319. Cherise, it feels that this awareness to ‘observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty’ comes from your connection to your essence and stillness; to be able to really receive life. Thank you, this is a profound pondering for me to receive today.

  320. Beautiful expression Shirley-Ann, thank you for describing your way so delicately. I can recall the first time I allowed my eyes to close in a rounded way, feeling the warmth of my eyelids and the spherical nature of my eye. It was profound! to not feel my eyes closing in a sharp or flat way but to close my eyes with a warmth that reconnected me to my self.

    1. I also love the awareness that comes from taking the time to feel the truth of the eyes when we close them feeling that the eyeballs are actually round and the delicate beautiful warmth that the eyelids provide for the eyes as they close. Like we do in Esoteric Yoga classes. It brings forth the amazing feeling of us as warm and loving spherical beings.

    2. Yes I can remember this moment as well, when we got this amazing tool presented from Serge, to feel our eyelids closing over our eyes in a very delicate way. This is such a beautiful way to connect to ourselves.

  321. Our human bodies are amazing, in their complexity, their durability, their adaptability. When working in telecoms some years ago I was always impressed by the fact that the brain processes information at about 30TB per second. Yet because we use this incredible vehicle every day, we become immune to its magic, disrespectful and disregarding. It’s a bit like we all have an Aston Martin, but because we use it every day we forget to clean it, rubbish piles up inside, and the engine starts making awful noises and breaking down due to lack of maintenance. If we can stand back and observe once again the majesty of our bodies we will learn to appreciate the gift, and will start to take much better care of it.

  322. Dear Cherise I love to read your blog and feel the simplicity and deep appreciation in it for our bodies and also the joy to always deepen and appreciate more this connection and being fully in our bodies. Lovely – thank You for expressing this.

  323. The great thing about our eyes is that it is generally accepted the world over that the ‘eyes are the windows to our soul’ so there is very much an awareness that our eyes are capable of seeing and allowing to be seen much more than just flesh and blood.

    Looking into someone’s eyes is equivalent to volumes and volumes of encyclopedias of information. Information that is instead a living document.

  324. In taking a moment to appreciate my eyes and my sight is to feel quite humble at the magic of God.

  325. Our bodies are so amazing! I love the conversation here about how we see things. I have recently been more aware of the way I look at the world and what Fiona says about our eyes being out on stalks most of the time is something I can relate to very much. The strain this causes is huge and affects every thought and movement. When I experiment from looking from deep within myself, from my heart, I can instantly feel the strain disappear, my face relax and an innocence and wonder return to my gaze. I find that when I look out at the world in this way I am more able to appreciate the beauty around but also to see the rot, that is also unfortunately so prevalent, without the judgement that I feel when I look at the world from just my eyes.

  326. It is very beautiful closing the eyes slowly and feeling the warmth and curve of the eye as the eye lid passes over it. Serge Benhayon brought this to our attention in a meditation a long time ago. It leaves me completely and lovingly with myself, without shutting out the world as something I don’t want to see as I close my eyes.

  327. I never did Biology at school, but boy oh boy, just imagine if this is the way we were taught about the human body – both at school and in higher studies – not only with an appreciation of the physical attributes and functioning of our body, but also what our bodies can show us energetically (i.e. things that may not be physically seen, but felt nonetheless). THAT would be true science, and THAT would be true education!

  328. Our eyes are the gateway to connection with each other and in this article they are the inspiration and gateway to considering, and learning to work with, the amazing ‘vehicles’ we are in. For as long as I can remember I have known that my body is a temporary mode of transport and have at times used this in a very disregarding way – riding rough shod with my body in its dispensability. But since working with Universal Medicine and inspired by writing such as this, I have come to understand that my relationship with my body is a gateway to so much more. It is always a learning opportunity as my body ‘talks’ back to me very quickly about choices I make (so here it is simply about listening) and it provides always opportunities for me to refine the quality with which I love, express, touch, observe and interact with life.

  329. Cherise reading your blog I am reminded of a teaching by Serge Benhayon that we are all the receivers of energy. Reading what you wrote made me stop to connect to this again and feel that my eyes don’t just see they are doing so much more, they are reading energy all of the time. There are times that my eyes squint and get heavy desperately wanting to close, now I realise this is happening because there are things I don’t want to take in. My way of avoiding feeling the world in full is to filter it, choosing what I will and won’t see.

  330. Cherise, thank you. I’m reminded of the statement ‘what you see is what you get’. Taken literally, what you perceive becomes your reality; we can distort and filter the images in front of us in relation to what we need or want that outside to bring us. Our personal ‘outlook on life’ can end up far from the truth of what is in front of us if we are not open and allowing. As you said Deborah, The Heart and clear sight must surely be connected. An open Heart allows us to truly see and receive another.

  331. Learning about the body has always been really fascinating to me to see how it all works, and I loved learning about the eye at school – thank you for describing how a seemingly small part of our bodies can reflect ‘real life’

  332. How we feel inside, is how we see the world. This is also what the world sees in our eyes. When I am connected to myself and look someone in the eyes, they can feel it like a mirror and may open up the same way. There is a deep trust, truth and clarity that can be seen. Vice versa a look in the eyes can of course show you also the opposite, if one is not with oneself – sadness, anger, exhaustion, emptiness etc. The eye is a relatively small part of the body in comparison to the other bodily parts, but a really big interface between the inner and the outer of human being.

  333. I went to see my niece who was born 11 days and as I held her in my arms, and looked into her beautiful dark eyes, I could feel the depth of her love emanating through her whole body, as she lay in my arms I could feel her whole warmth. It was a beautiful moment and reminder of the divine connection we all come from. Within the depth of her eyes you could feel the love arrived with, that pure connection to God, where we are all from.

    1. Yes Amita, that openness, purity and total vulnerability that is clear to see in the eyes of a child is unmistakeable. I remember staring in the eyes of my children when they were tiny for minutes, not bored or wanting to do anything else other that feel that divine connection.

  334. It’s interesting how the word ‘eye’ is a homonym of ‘I’, as in ‘me’. They sound the same but are spelt differently. Although they mean different things in English, they actually mean the same thing because the truth of who I am – the ‘I’ that is the real me, can be felt shining from my eyes when I am living in connection to it.

  335. I really enjoyed reading your article Cherise – I’ve always been fascinated with the eyes – particularly looking at the colour and that little dark dot, the pupil in the middle. Which changes shape to be bigger or smaller when interest is shown. It’s the eyes that can hold you with their gentle gaze (or not), to be wide open with inspirations of life or yet to be droopy/glazed over with the weight of the world. So many stories can be revealed in those windows of life. An amazing gift.

    1. The eyes are incredible… the depth of the pupil, the constantly changing hues of the iris depending on how I or others are feeling, the clear or bloodshot whites. And then there is how we use them – furtive looks, avoiding someone’s gaze, or holding a steady presence. All this from such a tiny body part… it’s such a vital and integral part of how we read and observe others in the world.

  336. It is beautiful how studying the body can deepen our honouring and respect for the body and leave us basically standing in awe looking at the way its cells work together in harmony. We are walking miracles, it is good to be reminded of that often.

  337. I love the appreciation of our bodies inherent in this blog and the comments. I have been noticing that we have so much to learn from nature and our body is our own very intimate connection to nature, it prompts us towards so much wisdom and awareness and all we need do is return to paying attention and honouring what we observe once more.

  338. This blog is an eye-opener! (s’cuse the pun). We can learn to view life in a different way by staying connected to our bodies and simply observing. A totally different way to engage with life.

  339. Over the past week I’ve been doing some work experience in a hospital, and similar to your experience Cherise, things that I see there on the different wards, in A&E, intensive care etc. are not only all much more interesting because of the understanding of energy and the causes of these things, but also it means that instead of being shocked and taken back by awful injuries or people who are very very sick I am able to see the fact that they are being offered a ‘stop moment’.. Quite incredible.

    1. And that is a sustainable foundation for working in medicine. Not to be drowned in pity, guilt and indignation about why things happen, but to serve with true understanding and compassion.

  340. The harmony of the body cannot be anything but divine. The intricacies and detail of how it all works – from the movement of our arm, to how hormones join to their receptors – it is all completely amazing. Our bodies are so much to be appreciated, it really does make me wonder how we can treat them as anything less than the amazing they are.

  341. I am generally short-sighted with particularly poor eyesight in my right eye. I had an operation for a squint when I was one and as a result, my eyes don’t quite work together – I have developed ‘alternating vision’ which means I only use one eye at a time to avoid seeing double. Judging distances is tricky when you don’t have ‘stereo’ vision. I didn’t get glasses till I was eight so my early life was a bit of a blur until that point, and i often wonder if that’s why I don’t remember faces. I wore contact lenses for years as an adult, which was great, but stopped when my eyes wouldn’t adjust any more and I need glasses for reading. I find my eyes get tired very easily and that may be (a) because they are dry (old age) and (b) because I am trying to focus i.e. ‘Look’ all the time. When I take my glasses off, I am much more relaxed, and that feels significant to me. I have known about the construction of the eye since school but only really thought about the difference between seeing, looking and receiving when I heard Serge Benhayon talk about it. It made me realise that when we meet people we ‘see’ them with more than our eyes – we feel them too, so I am learning to re-connect with that sensitivity and to feel the essence of everybody I meet. People are more than just a face so maybe I’ll remember who people are more easily when I truly connect with them in this way. I’m having fun experimenting with this.

  342. The human body is so complex, your blog highlights that Cherise. There is so much to be appreciated that we tend to take for granted. Most of us are born with perfectly functioning bodies – it is amazing the intricate detail in the function, movement and expression of just our eyes and when you consider the body as a whole it is just amazing. It actually makes me feel sad reading this blog that I ignored my body for so many years. I have for the past 10 or so years gone to the optometrist who has told me I have permanent damage to my eyes because of the sun. I chose not to wear sun glasses just because I didn’t like them, no consideration to my eyes, what they were telling me they needed at all.

  343. The human body is amazing the way it is designed, with every part having its own specific function while working in unity with the other. The body is continually offering us little signs when our life style choices are harming and hindering the body’s ability to allow our organs to work in harmony with one another, putting stress on certain organs, which means they have to rely on other organs to step up and assist them, and then the who body is out of balance – this can lead to illness and disease. It’s all pretty amazing really and something I took for granted most of my life, but now I have a better understanding of and I have a great appreciation and respect for my body.

  344. Thank you Cherise for this introduction to our eyes and the whole of our bodies.
    ‘We live in the physicality of our human bodies in every moment of every day and can find ourselves ‘out of our bodies’ – perhaps in a rush, caught in our heads or making choices that disregard our bodies. But what I am also learning (and loving!) is the natural order and harmony our bodies are designed to work, move and be in, from the smallest detail and cell within.’

  345. I wrote earlier to say your post was a timely reminder of how precious and intricate our bodies are. I also shared that though I was experiencing discomfort in one of my eyes, had done nothing about it. Two days ago an ophthalmic practitioner gave me the all clear: no eye pressure, nothing untoward detected at the back of the eye, no glaucoma. What I needed was an adjustment in my prescription lens and it was recommended I have further examination in two years time. Instead of living with an underlying anxiety of not knowing, I now have answers to questions and my eyes are asupported with new lenses suited to changes in my vision. This experience taught me that self caring is not hesitating when physical signs or discomfort present themselves but to seek professional help sooner rather than later. It also taught me not to overlook medical reminder letters, but see them as the soul’s way of speaking to us.

  346. This is really beautiful Cherise – I love looking into the eyes of others and connecting that way. The body never ceases to amaze me in how incredibly harmonious it has been designed – everything about the body works in a way to bring us back to harmony and balance. What you have written made me stop and ponder the beauty we have in others as a way of reflection. Thank you.

  347. Cherise your enthusiasm and passion for the human body is really inspiring. It is really cool to connect all the dots and see how the body delivers support to us at almost every turn.

    1. Yes I definitely agree Luke, and that’s one of the main reasons why I want to go into medicine – connecting the dots to see how the body works and functions is absolutely fascinating.

      1. The human body never ceases to amaze me. All the intricate chemical reactions that go on in the blink of an eye and the way that the body is constantly trying to maintain a balanced internal environment (homeostasis). The fact that we as human beings grow into these complex living bodies from just two single cells (an egg and a sperm)… well that just blows me away.

  348. This is beautiful what you share here Cherise…I have found there is so much joy to be felt when we connect with another’s eyes and allow ourselves to be truly seen.

    1. I agree Paula, it is a very beautiful way to connect with another. Deepening my relationship with myself has supported me not to shy away from allowing another to look deeply into my eyes. Knowing myself has meant that I feel more comfortable about myself and letting people see me.

  349. It is quite amazing to feel the eyes when they just receive and how relaxed that is as opposed to looking, where the eyes start to strain and ever so slightly not only change their shape but also the way they sit in the eye sockets.

    1. I agree Gabriele it is amazing to feel the difference in how we can receive what is there to be seen through our eyes or look/ project out.

    2. Yes this is so true, i have noticed that my eyes have started to strain as my vision is changing…and part of that strain is focusing rather than receive….I’ve noticed as I allow them more to receive, how they immediately begin to relax, in fact my whole body relaxes and feels so much more!

  350. Thank you Cherise. Since meeting many new friends within the Universal medicine community I have recognised that there is so much more to the eye. There is such a strong communication by just meeting each other’s eyes.

      1. Yes Cherise and Amina, there is so much more to the eye, the eye itself is such a delicate organ and an opening to so much more than just what we see, it also brings out what is within…eyes reveal so much, we can see/feel when we look into someone’s eyes their joy, their sadness, their anger, their love…very revealing and without words!

  351. This is a beautiful blog and reminder to treasure ourselves our bodies and all that we are. The eye is the beholder of all and the amazing depth and love we feel and see in others and ourselves is simply a reflection of who we are and the amazingness of this.
    Living lovingly from this place is deeply seen and felt in our eves and a reflection fo all to see. Thank you Cherise.

  352. I’m always humbled when I reflect on the wonder that is the human body. The intricacies, the ingeniousness, its synchronisation, harmony and self-regulating capability – surely this design, the exquisiteness it holds, reflects a greater source and purpose?

    1. Great point Cathy. The human body is doing things that we, with all the temporal intelligence of current science, do not even know about or understand. The intelligence of the human body is miles ahead of where we are as a human race in understanding life as it really is. This is where the amazing awareness and divine knowledge that Serge Benhayon presents fills that gap with the teachings that are available to us all if we choose to truly honour the body and what it is constantly telling us about its own intelligence.

  353. I found that I can look at people, look them in the eye and so, but not really meet them with my eyes. Therefore I have to open up my heart. With an open heart I let people in – and when I look at them from here we have a connection which is felt. There is a deepness which is saying: we are brothers, we are the same, equal. It says: I love you and hold you in divine love. This has an enormous impact on my meetings and connections.

    1. Beautiful comment Sandra. What are we seeing without the wisdom of heartfelt connection? And how much more can we see as we deepen our awareness and commitment to Love and Truth.

      1. This is lovely Sandra, and yes Jenny, ‘how much more can we see as we deepen our awareness and commitment to Love and Truth’.

      2. Yes, our eyes are magnificent in what they are designed to do, but it is what is behind the eyes and sees through those eyes that brings a deeper purpose to life…as so beautifully expressed, when inner wisdom and connection to life through the eyes is the true meaning of ‘eyes wide open’ to our hearts!

    2. The Heart and clear sight must surely be connected.
      An open Heart allows us to truly see and receive another.

    3. I can relate to this openness Sandra, there is something for me in allowing myself to surrender into my self when I meet another and not be ‘looking out’ to see them. The looking out can have a preconceived idea or a judgement or even a protection that doesn’t allow them to see the beautiful surrendered me also.

    4. What you say is spot on Sandra, I have come to feel and realise this is the deepest level of connection possible. When you really let go and open up and look from this, what you see is completely different, as people are responding to your amazing light rather than the shut down dulled version of you. Life becomes a whole lot brighter and you’re not so fixed on the person or object you are looking at, you are more allowing yourself to see what is being reflected back to you. Beautiful.

      1. Yes Natalie. From an open heart I see through the protection layers we created. I meet people in their essence – not in their roles or transfer pictures. And I also offer my true being by that. And yes, “Life becomes a whole lot brighter”. : )

  354. The body as you have said Cherise is truly amazing. Our bodies all have the potential to do most anything, as long as loving choices are made and we treat it with the due care a fine delicate machine deserves.

  355. Thank you Cherise, I can feel the deep appreciation you have for your body, it truly is a magnificent vehicle. Just a few weeks ago I heard Serge Benhayon talk about the body, saying our bodies belong to God as they are made up by his (God’s) particles. This really made me stop and appreciate the vehicle I have been given to express love all of the time, to the best of my ability.

      1. Yes Katinka, such a beauty in ‘…our bodies belong to God’ and when we bring our inner essence in connection to our bodies, magic happens, whoola, as those particles ignite… and that’s when we feel and see love between each other….through our bodies…how beautiful is it when we connect with another and we both see each other in love, it opens our whole bodies up, how beautiful is it when we look in the mirror seeing our reflection when we are in love…our bodies are designed to express and be love!

      2. That’s great Katinka, it is very powerful when we can feel and see our bodies as just being vehicles of light and treat them in a way that is caring and loving to express God in everything we do.

    1. Wow that is so beautiful Katinka. It’s something that I have experienced on a particle, cellular level whilst surrendering my body to feel my depth and equality within a Connective Tissue Therapy session with a Universal Medicine practitioner. This formed a true and new marker for me of what it means to be one with God and to be one family with all of us. This is now something that I am working on to be my normal way in everyday life.

  356. I love that the pupil allows in light that is then processed by the brain. There is so much going on with our bodies that we take for granted. Ultimately it is always down to light, or energy. Our bodies always respond in some way to it because we are made of it.

    1. This is such a beautiful revelation, that our bodies are light and energy, first and foremost. Without this crucial part of the whole purpose of our bodies we find ourselves living separate to the whole of who we are. When all is energy we are subjects of this and have every opportunity to choose the whole and loving body of energy that is always possible.

    2. Serge Benhayon’s teachings of light and energy will one day be at the core of all education.

    3. Great comment Jinya, I love that part too about how our eyes allow light in. It is truly amazing how our body works. I am only starting to really appreciate how amazing our body is, how we use it reflects our every choice.

    4. Great comment Jinya, ultimately we will all know that all is light and energy.

  357. Cherise it is fascinating what the body is made up of and all its functions. I too have been learning what each part does and how incredible the harmonious flow and rhythm of each part to the body is crucial to a harmonious life. To me it makes complete sense to look after it and to embrace this not create disharmony for it to function in.

  358. The human body is amazing in its complexity, and yet because we carry it around with us every day, we learn to take it for granted – which is a shame really, and a shame that we spend so much time focusing on what is around us, and not what en-houses us, and of course, further shame that we spend even less time on the preciousness of the being that is en-housed.

    1. Reading your comment Adam, I could feel how becoming more aware of my body and living in and with it has changed my life completely. I used to not be aware of my body at all and now I can feel every bit of it and with that I can feel the delicateness and tenderness of all of me, especially the ‘being that is enhoused’

    2. Indeed, Adam. So wonderfully put. The way we perceive the things in life are so often based on a layer that we put over them, which is based on what we want to see there. But our bodies are made to receive, not project. Our eyes receive the light that bounces off other objects and beings, our skin feels everything from the shift of a breeze to the touch of another, so what about the feelings of love? Where do we feel that? Many would say that our heart feels love. But is that the only part of us that feels love, that perceives the endlessness emanation of love? Could it be that the en-housed being you mention IS love, and knows only love, and therefore all of the senses can be a medium through which we can experience the love that we are?

    3. We so easily take for granted what is always there supporting us.
      The body is exquisitely precious, strong, sustaining, supportive, informative and wise and yet we reduce it to a mass of skin, bones and muscles without respect, honour or regard for all that it provides and is.

    4. Reading your comment Adam on the focus we give to the outside, I realised how much strain that puts on our eyes. They were designed to simply receive what is being seen. Yet most of us energetically have eyes out on stalks, desperately looking for any hint of danger or potential hurts coming our way. This must be a constant strain and drain for our eyes and our body.

      1. I like your reference to eyes on stalks Fiona, indeed I think we are straining to see things according to our own personal lens and history of hurts and rejections. What a different way it would be to receive what there is to be seen and observed.

      2. Fiona your comment has also made me think about how we are constantly on the alert comparing ourselves to others, checking if we measure up, are we better than or worse than, etc. It does not happen so often now, but as a younger woman I was constantly comparing my body shape to other women, or checking to see if I got noticed if I felt I was looking good that day. You miss out on so much when you are constantly searching like that, and yes it was exhausting.

      3. My thoughts exactly, Fiona, it “…must be a constant strain and drain for our eyes and our body.” to be looking outside of ourselves for the potential of danger all the time. Rather than just being with ourselves and receiving the world, steady in our glory, and shrinking for no one and nothing.

      4. That is so well put – I have also noticed that if we do not hold ourselves in equalness; when we observe another – our gaze casts out a layer of imposition/judgement or comparison that then washes over the person we are looking at. This is very uncomfortable to receive, perhaps hence the expression “dirty look”

      5. An excellent observation gemmarubina; through judgmental eyes we never get to understand the other person.

      6. This is so true Bernard. We look at people through the lens of our judgements and pre-conceptions, which colour our view of who or what we are looking at. Consequently we see our projections and not what is actually in front of us.

      7. Yes this is very true. When we make the outer more important than the inner, we invest in that outside world. This investment gives us the expectations that we should have and the ideals to judge another by. When our expectations are not met we react because all at once we are let down by a false promise and our investment – too proud is the human spirit to admit its been fooled so it gets angry. And all along, this investment was a protection to defend ourselves from getting hurt. If things meet our expectations, we are ok. But things rarely do. So what are we actually protecting? It’s our investment in the created life on earth, a life that we have forged out of needs and desires rather than the truth of our love. If we renounce our investments we cannot but be equal, because that is what we are naturally without trying to be it.

      8. Awesome Jinya – exposing investments is painful but deeply freeing – the pain is the hurt we are unwilling to feel – but until it is felt (and then released) it is with us all the time. Feeling the true equalness of people for me is a feeling of connection and understanding that even though the world is chaotic – everything is actually in perfect disorder and returning to true order.

      9. I agree, what a strain it must be. Thank you so much for pointing this out as I can be more conscious now how I observe, is it from my connection with me or is it in survival mode?

        It’s amazing how our bodies want to serve us and yet we often ask of them beyond all that they were simply designed to do.

      10. Awesome point Fiona – I wonder how many of us actually use our eyes to just receive and not attempt to change what we see or seek to see only what we want to see or what we think we are capable of handling. There is so much that we can change about what we see or think we see – you only have to ask a crowd of people how they witnessed an incident and you will get as many different viewpoints as there are people! This shows us how most of us do not use the eyes to receive, but rather taint what they are looking at from their personalised perspective.

      11. This is so true Fiona. It’s the reflection of our disconnection, the eyes being used for the exact opposite of their divine design. Instead of receiving we look out. My eyes are sore as I write this.

    5. Yes, Adam, we have lost connection with our bodies so therefore don’t know the true value of them and what they have to offer us by way of evolution.

    6. En-housed is a beautifully onomatopoeic word Adam, the sound alone makes me feel loved, cherished, held.

  359. What I’ve learned through the work of Universal Medicine is how different people’s eyes can look according to what is going on with them physically and emotionally. Anger or hardness can be seen in the eyes, anxiousness can be seen. Through the grace of Universal Medicine, I can now see in my own eyes a loveliness and self-acceptance that was never there before.

  360. I have attended “I-SIght” workshops by an esoteric practitioner and was delighted in that experience to find how my level of gentleness within was directly related to the quality in which I observed my surroundings. In a state of connection, I felt delighted to be observing the room I was in; with less self connection, I felt little as I observed the room. So, yes, I agree Cherise that we also have a responsibility in how we view and see the world: it is not all ‘objectively’ out there.

  361. I love how you have related the anatomy and physiology of the eye with the teaching of Universal Medicine that, “… we have a moment-by-moment opportunity to not only ‘see’ whatever picture is presented before our eyes, but also to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.” I feel this brings a living, breathing quality to what many have studied as the function of the eye. Thank you, Cherise.

  362. There’s so much to meeting people with our eyes because so often people just don’t want to do this and they tend to look away, or anywhere, apart from the other person’s eyes – but when the connection happens it’s so expanding. I’ve learnt so much from Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon about looking at others and it’s now so natural to keep that eye contact and making that deeper connection – and receiving back who that person really is. And I’ve also found that it’s the way for me to start opening up to others. Great insight Cherise, thank you.

  363. Hi Cherise thank you so much for writing this wonderful blog and reminding me how truly amazingly wonderful our eyes are. The old windows to the soul I have heard them called. You can tell so much from a person’s eyes and it never fails to blow me away the beauty in someone’s eyes that are living for a true and healthy livingness.

    1. Kevin, this is so true – our eyes are beacons of truth which can also say so much about sadness, emptiness or living in disregard. We cannot lie – our eyes say it all.

  364. The human body sure is a miracle of construction and it’s a true wonder that everything works as it should without us having to be there to make it work.

  365. Thanks Cherise for sharing and helping us to understand the amazing complexity of the eye and particularly the pupil as an aperture to let light and images in to be recieved by the brain . I look forward to more understanding in science of how the eye really works as time goes on .

  366. Cherise I love the body and find it very fascinating. Meeting someone with the eyes Is beautiful and powerful, I find that when I truly meet someone with the eyes, I am letting them in, this creates a beautiful opening. The feeling is amazing.

  367. Cherise – you bring medicine, science and the wonder of the human body to life here – and in not many words either. Reading your blog has also brought attention to eye contact and how dismissive I and others can be with each other when it is missing. I could also say the same thing, as when we are not present with ourselves we are not present with another, and eye contact can be fleeting and even absent. The more I notice this in myself and in others the more strange I find it that we accept this – lack of eye contact should be one of the first signs of illness for any human being that gets noticed in its early stages. I remember older people judging the character of another poorly if eye contact was not made, what if this was picked up in children and did not become as judgement made upon another, but an indicator for where love and healing were needed?

  368. I love making eye contact with strangers in the street – some avoid looking up, some look away and others smile engagingly – it’s a beautiful reminder that we are never truly alone.

  369. “…how amazing it feels to have a connection with others and to meet someone with my eyes” – me too Cherise! There’s the old saying: “The eyes are the windows to the soul.” Sometimes I pondered it but mostly took it for granted. And yet people’s eyes have been my favourite ‘bits’ and often are the only thing about someone that sticks with me. Since learning from Serge Benhayon I’ve paid more attention to people’s eyes and the old saying is true! It’s like embarking on a path of ever-deepening heart-to-heart and soul-to-soul connection with other people. I have discovered that often when I’m looking eye to eye with someone there is still a part of me that’s veiled, a bit withdrawn, not opening fully to them, from old habits of hurt and avoiding contact. And their eyes may also be veiled – their true essence hidden behind their hurts and walls too. Noticing this, I then go deeper into myself, becoming more present, more still, more open as I look into their eyes. As I do that, I feel the connection with the other person becoming stronger and more direct. It’s like going into a tunnel with their light at the end, and all their hurts and outer appearances are just pictures scrawled on the walls of the tunnel that fall away and behind as I get nearer and nearer the essence of the person and myself. And then there is an ‘explosion’ of love, beauty and oneness. Contact!

    1. I’ve found this too Dianne – by paying more attention to people’s eyes and looking at them directly (rather than directing our gaze elsewhere during conversations and checking out) you get to appreciate just how incredible eyes are and also how much easier it is to connect with the person you’re talking to.

      1. I agree wholeheartedly Dianne T and Susie Williams about looking at peoples eyes when you meet or speak to them. I reflect on conversations with people and one of the first things I like to ‘look’ at is where were my eyes. I have found the more I meet their eyes the ‘better’ the conversation is, quality of conversation that is. More often then not if I’m not consistently looking at someone’s eyes when I am speaking to them I’m thinking about something else. Engaging the eyes supports me to just stay with the thing I am doing. There is more to eyes than we can see.

    2. I love this Dianne, staying with yourself, beholding with your eyes – two souls lighting up in fire!

    3. That’s an amazing offering to others, Dianne, and amazingly described. I have also felt inhibiting ‘veils’ over the eyes and then, often, what has occurred is that I feel myself or the other person choosing which veil to relate with, so we end up with two veils interacting: it’s weird! I agree, Dianne – let’s drop the veils and make soul / eye contact.

  370. So much can be spoken and conveyed through our eyes. How beautiful this connection can be – I often find it is more powerful than words.

  371. I used to read a lot of science fiction stories and there was one that suggested in future we would discard our bodies and be just brains, and there are still scientific experiments going on consider the human brain as the most important part of us. What all that research is missing is the intelligence of an amazingly sensitive instrument – the whole body, especially the heart. The wisdom that is there cannot be ignored – the beautiful artistry and engineering that Rowena mentions and the feedback our bodies give us telling us exactly how to maintain them in tip top condition. We use our brains in a dysfunctional way: instead of working with the body in harmony, our brains separate our thoughts and override our body’s feedback systems so it has to shout louder until eventually the internal systems break down and we have to take notice or die.

  372. You have brought so much more here Cherise than a reminder of the anatomy and physiology of the eye. And it is what I feel is missing from a lot of medicine these days. What I could really feel in your writing was the sense of wonderment and appreciation for the human body in all its intricacies. I too have had this wonderment, but it can get overridden in the busy-ness of the day or in requirements of work. It’s going to be so great to bring my attention back to that wonderment that I so naturally feel and connect to with the body, and help people share in that wonderment too. When we naturally have this feeling of the quality our bodies are, it becomes a lot harder to abuse them in any way. Thank you for sharing your wisdom once again Cherise.

    1. Yes this is really lovely Amelia, ‘What I could really feel in your writing was the sense of wonderment and appreciation for the human body in all its intricacies.’ Reading this comment and Cherise’s blog brings back the appreciation of how amazing our bodies are. A few years ago I attended a series of Esoteric Yoga sessions, it was really gorgeous during theses sessions to really feel deeply the intricacies and exquisiteness of the different parts of the body, the delicateness of the bones etc.. very gorgeous.

    2. Hello Amelia Stephens I can relate to the “appreciation” of anything being a huge key for me. I know from experience that if I continue to appreciate my body or anything then “it becomes a lot harder to abuse them in any way.”

  373. Simple, yet very awesome blog about something natural, yet magical. The eye is truly amazing, and I see, I mean feel, more and more. Great reminder to stay connected to our body instead of taking it for granted. Thank you, Cherise.

  374. It is interesting that the mechanics of the eye, are in their function, simply the mechanics of the eye. But what is fascinating is how we all tend to ‘see’ things/situations in a different way. What you say Cherise about observing life from our essence is the key to seeing what is actually there to be seen. If our essence is divinely equal to one another then to see with these eyes means what is seen/observed will be of that one truth also.

  375. Thank you for sharing this Cherise. This is actually really amazing and ‘eye opening’ to me! It really confirms to me that our eyes simply reflect back to us the image they pick up, and with that there is no judgement, just a simple observation. It has taken the teaching – ‘observe and don’t absorb’ to another level.

  376. Cherise, I felt drawn to re-read your awesome blog – much to ponder on within your words. Something that came to mind while reading your sentence “…how amazing it feels to have a connection with others and meet someone with my eyes.” was that I have found that you can look into the eyes of a soul-full person in a clear photograph and feel almost to weep at the reflection of God within. There seems to be truth in the saying of long ago, “the eyes are the windows of the Soul”.

  377. Thanks Cherise, you have re-alerted me in such a lovely way to the love I have for the human biology and its psychology, things I have always had a deep curiosity about and passion for understanding, but which have often become mechanical, and taken for granted in this field of work. To have a biology lesson like this one reconnects me to the magic of each and everyone I care for, and also the magic of my self. I will be taking myself to work today with fresh eyes.

  378. What I find amazing, Cherise, is that we actually see from the visual cortex at the back of the head, and that the messages from the retina towards it are not just physical, but rather more vibrations or energy. This is where it seems the surrender happens, as the beautiful delicate mechanism of the eye is the tool for the actual “seeing” or “perceiving” to happen in the visual cortex. If we allow the visual cortex to receive and see, instead of trying to look with the eye, then we have in depth and breadth vision. Thank you for bringing your new awareness of the eye and the exquisiteness of the body to our attention.

  379. Cherise I too am relearning and appreciating the natural order of our bodies and how when I connect to this I understand the purpose and absolute value that my body offers me. It is becoming more precious to me each day and because of this changes how I treat myself and the choices I make.

    1. Thanks rosannabianchini, I too am developing greater appreciation of what choices I make and how the body reflects how I treat it.

    2. So true Rosanna. Before Universal Medicine I had no idea that there was such a thing as ‘order to the body’. I thought that one was just healthy or sick and it was a random game of chance. Knowing the truth of this has a huge positive impact on my life.

  380. Very true Gill. In that instance we can see the other person with our heart. It is not just shapes, colours and light that we see. This shows that our senses provide a far deeper awareness of life than we might have so far considered.

    1. Absolutely agree guys. Perhaps at that moment when we are observing without judgment or imposition, our eyes are actually feeling the quality of the other person’s essence and any visual image i.e. clothes, hair, skin colour, looks becomes insignificant?

  381. Cherise my passion for understanding the body, science and nature grows on a daily basis. I’ve just been reflecting on what if science lessons where this universal? I don’t think any student would want the class to end as its truly amazing.

  382. Thank you Cherise for bringing to light the depth and beauty in our eyes and bringing a real appreciation of this for us all to see clearly and claim in our every day moments with each other and ourselves. Appreciating our whole body and our divinity and living honouring this is our real gift and loving way to simply be .

  383. I agree Gill, I have had moments of connecting with people and spent only moments with them, but the quality of the moments gives a feeling of having communicated so much more.

  384. I love what you say: “I’ve been learning for myself what it means to observe life, others and situations from a place within me that’s knowing of who I am – my essence – and not from a judgement or by taking on external factors that aren’t in my control.” This is such a great reminder, to keep observing, to allow myself to see, without judgement or reaction.

    1. This resonated for me as well. The whole concept of receiving and allowing what you see, rather than filtering what we want to see around us.

      1. To remove the filter altogether which changes what we see and what will be received based on our past experiences and choices.

  385. It is true Cherise, our bodies are amazing and who we are is amazing. I myself never use to appreciate it either. It’s quite magical meeting someone with the eyes.

  386. I love learning and hearing about how different parts of the body work right down to the fine details like you have explained. The body really is incredible, makes me realise how much we take it for granted and don’t fully appreciate and respect it.

    1. I agree Kristy – when we fully appreciate and celebrate how utterly amazing the body is, in all its chemical processes and tiny little cells, it just doesn’t make sense to abuse it in any way! Maybe looking deeper into how incredible each and every one of us is would help with global self abusive issues like self-harm and obesity.

    2. Hello Kristy and I agree. As you say it is possibly in the lack of true appreciation there is a hole then for it to be abused. Could it be possible that if we were to consistently appreciate our body in a similar way as Cherise Holt has done here then there would be no way we could abuse or not respect it? Then could we take that same blueprint into anything and everything else around us?, appreciation is a key.

  387. When you truly connect and let others in with your eyes, there is so much that is being communicated and so much that is known, to me that is true intimacy and it is something worth appreciating.

    1. I totally agree Francisco, I find there is so much more to be experienced, to sense and feel, than just seeing what is before me.

    2. Agree Francisco, and it can also reveal how we can use our body as a fortress of protection (my experience). So when I do open up there can be physical experiences as the body seems to adjust itself to a less protected way of being. Blushing, sweating are a few things I can think of might happen.

    3. Hello Francisco Clara, I agree. There is a “true intimacy” and a vulnerability to allow someone to really see you in this way. It’s not about a stare but more about an engagement with someone and for me it’s very powerful and trusting.

    4. So true Francisco The eyes have it all if only we get our stuff out of the way and allow them to shine.

  388. Cherise thanks for supporting me to open up and feel the depth of our eyes, and, like many have shared, this has increased my feeling of appreciation for the absolute delicacy, harmony and order present in our human bodies. They are amazing indeed, and worth cherishing 💖

  389. When you meet someone with their eyes (which doesn’t mean having a staring competition!) you feel everything that they live in less than a second. This is only the tip of the ice-berg. We play down how amazing and magical it is by labelling it under ‘biology’ or ‘science’ – neither of which were very inspiring in school – but in actual fact the true science of vision is incredible. To have physical vision means that we are all able to have ‘vision’ about what truth in life could look like.

  390. Cherise thank you. your article explains well how I see things can change. Whether I am receiving by just seeing what is there or colouring it with my own view of things via emotions or what I believe about something. The more I stay with my body the more awareness I have with this.

  391. How often do we just ‘receive’ life and truly observe it? More often we push for some outcome, we project what we want to see or happen outwards. We even project our own unresolved issues on other people. Fascinating to know that even on the most basic anatomical level our bodies are designed to observe and accept and not project and react.

    1. Yes so true Andrew, our eyes are receptacles designed to receive light rays and feed us information, but so often we cloud what we are seeing with our own issues, needs and expectations and fail to see the simple truth. It is a real joy re-discovering the wonder of our bodies and how they truly work.

  392. This morning I am considering the connection between wearing glasses and self care. How, my eyes enable me to see the world around me, to watch videos of people far away from me, to see nature, my children, myself. And I am asking myself, is it a part of self care to give my eyes the tools they need to clearly see beyond functional purpose, perhaps glasses help us to commit to the reality of life today, because they help us to see everything, and then we are asked to have a response to what we see. Maybe by not giving myself glasses before, I was in fact saying that I did not want to comment on life.

  393. I feel my eyes being such a sensitive area in my body and considering that I can use my eyesight to see truth or choose to only see the lies I am sometimes living in it can be used to bring me to more awareness or it can be used to dull me. Thank you Cherise.

    1. That’s a really interesting point Kerstin – people usually assume that our eyes are not subjective, that they take in everything that is there to be seen. But this is not the case: as you have observed, we can choose to see truth or to see lies.

  394. Beautiful Cherise, how you remind us of the amazingness of the human body and ‘the natural order and harmony our bodies are designed to work, move and be in’. It is indeed something to be appreciated.

  395. This is great to read Cherise, very interesting. It is lovely to read, ‘to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.’ I notice that when I let go of judgement and simply observe that I see and feel what is truly going on, this feels like a lovely and much more natural way to be.

    1. Me too Rebecca – when I let go of judgement (which is something I’m working on) I find that observing tough or bad situations and not absorbing/taking them on/blaming myself for them is a lot easier.

  396. It’s lovely to be reminded of the amazing design our bodies are. I am feeling the wonder you describe, everything is precisely designed to serve as the beautiful tool it is to express in this world.

    1. I could not agree more – the body is this highly engineered, incredible vehicle… but the question always has to come down to “for what?”. What is this vehicle we have been blessed for going to be used for? That is a question for each of us, and will also define how we look after and use this beautiful body of ours.

  397. Hi Cherise, I really loved “I have also learnt how amazing it feels to have a connection with others and to meet someone with my eyes.” That’s big ! How much do we “see” people and not actually meet them in the eyes ..

    1. So true Rik, and how often to we give ourselves the permission to ‘be seen’ for the amazing and wondrous beauties that we deeply are? So many interactions come and go, where connection and true intimate communication is there and ready to just be.

    2. A truly great point Rik, I too have the same experience and have found meeting people with eye contact exquisite. This article by Cherise is much needed for us to break down the ideals and beliefs that our eyes only look out, when the truth is very different.

    3. Exactly, Rik. And what do we miss if we do not take the presence to see the truth in the other one’s eyes.

  398. I love this article. It highlights the symbolic reflection of the eye as being the way that we ‘see’ life. The miracle of the physical eye is only a small part of what we ‘see’.

  399. It will be interesting when science catches up and shows how amazing our bodies truly are. Take the blind person who adapts their hearing to see the world around them and the deaf person that can hear what is happening around them by the vibrations they feel.

  400. It’s amazing what the body does, how it supports something like the eye that appears separate but is connected and working together, and that the body holds the eye to stay in its shape, in place and in harmony. WOW! Bringing it down to the detail that you have has got me to see it in a deeper way. Thank you Cherise

    1. Yes that is pretty incredible Natalie, how every cell in our bodies is perfectly and particularly designed for a certain job and to keep everything else in place. Each cell doesn’t just have to worry/work for itself, but it also needs to be aware of everything around it so the body on a whole can function.. Amazing.

  401. What I really understood from reading your enlightening blog Cherise is, in effect, we can simply receive life and do not absorb or take it on. Beautiful, thank you.

    1. Gina, that’s good; Cherise’s blog brought that home to me too – the fact that we are all the time receiving and if we just let the energy pass through and not absorb it, interpret it or react to it we would just be living in response to what we receive and then we would be able to do just what was needed in the moment. This would take the stress out of living and we would consistently have far more energy if we were to be serving humanity not our selves. I suspect it is why someone like Serge Benhayon can do the amount of work he does in service.

  402. Cherise it’s incredible that we are in these wondrous, fantastical bodies whose parts are working constantly as individual miracles and as a collective whole and yet we are oblivious to what is going on. Not only that but we treat this miracle like a piece of rubbish.

    1. It’s actually pretty crazy isn’t it Alexis! These bodies we wake, walk, rest and play in are with us in every single moment and so to disregard them as not a whole part of our every moment ..and a whole part of the universe and its particles makes no sense anymore.

      1. I feel we should learn more about our bodies, the magic, how to take care of them etc before learning maths, English or a language, as this is what will truly support us in moving forward in life.

  403. University, Medicine and Universal Medicine go hand in hand and without Universal Medicine we miss the most important link and understanding of what is really going on and playing out and it brings an enormous simplicity to the complexity of the human body. The eye is the reciever of all truth which is felt in our whole body and what we choose to see or not and this can cause a lot of eye problems and dysfunctions.
    The living wisdom and understanding from being a student of our own evolution and expansion is beautiful and has been presented to us by Serge Benhayon and Universal medicine.

  404. To really look into another’s eyes and connect with them is always one of those moments that is hard to explain but wonderful at the same time.

    1. You are so right sjmatsonuk, there is something very magical, deep even divine about looking into someone else’s eyes and connecting with them. The eyes they say are the window to the soul and from my experience I would agree with this. Perhaps when we truly connect to another with our eyes we are connecting at a soulful level?

      1. This is so true andrewmooney26. One cannot deny the power of a loving connection through our eyes with another person. In those moments it must be more than the eyes that are communicating as often, if tuned in, we can feel a glow or an expansion in our whole bodies too. This can occur with strangers and well as those closer to us like family members if we’re willing to be open up and let people in.

      2. There is something deep, divine and soulful about meeting another with our eyes. It is also very revealing how much we allow ourselves to connect soulfully by how comfortable we are with eye contact. If we hold it naturally, if we feel we are forcing it or if we just can’t bear to look in someone’s eyes at all. These conditions of eye contact really do indicate how much we let people in and how much about ourselves we are willing to see in their reflection.

        Great thought provoking blog Cherise.

    2. I think it tells us there is much more to us than only our body Steve – you are right it is hard to explain, but we all know something more is there!

  405. I love the aspect that our pupils receive light and when I take this truth in I do not need to drain myself by needing to see something outside of me, but can surrender to the fact that I receive everything.

    1. I too feel that ‘surrender’ is such a key, surrendering to living within my body, in the moment and within the magical beauty of living to receive light and the impulses of life.

    2. Thank you Kerstin ‘I do not need to drain myself by needing to see something outside of me, but can surrender to the fact that I receive everything. Surrendering to all that I am and being in the moment is still a learning for me.

    3. There is such ease in letting life be – to not need to colour, change or filter what we see.
      To live and let live.

  406. I don’t think many people truly appreciate in full the amazing design, order and science our human bodies are and how magical it is to feel such beauty reflected to us all every moment. If we did we would be far more honouring and deeply loving of the body we live in.

    1. This is true Joshua. Reading this article reminded me of the amazingness of the human body. And yes you are right, that when we do appreciate this amazingness perhaps we are more likely to not take it for granted, to treat it with the utmost respect, love and care.

      1. True Donna. I suppose if we are not appreciating our own beauty and amazingness, how can we appreciate that in our own body?

      2. Absolutely – how exquisite the body is, the rhythm and flow of divinity in every cell, movement and aspect. We are housed in the most wondrous of vehicles with its ever replenishing workshop of tools.

    2. This is so true Josh. We put our body on automatic and expect it to function regardless of what we do to it or with it. Appreciation of the intricacies of our body and the natural harmony which is possible when we are fully in our presence, is a gift for us all.

      1. The more I connect with how precious our bodies are and our connection to them connecting us to divinity the much easier it has become to treat it with love and care..

      2. That last part was very poignant. Whilst our bodies are extremely forgiving and can go without support for a good amount of time, they do truthfully actually require a lot of great love and care especially. Additionally the world could do with so much more of love and care. So it’s a green light to take care of our body however we look at it.

    3. Often it is when our bodies don’t function for whatever reason or ache or get ill that we are most acutely aware of the marvel this gift is to us in our expression and in us interacting with life. It is lovely reading this article and the comments and deepening my appreciation.

      1. I agree Golnaz, it is often only when the body show’s an issue that we stop and consider what is going on and still though for many even when this occurs we do not stop and really consider how we are actually living and we continue to live in the same way hence illness and disease being a serious matter in all areas.

    4. Very true Joshua. We walk around in the most amazing piece of art and engineering known to mankind and yet fail to appreciate the gift that the human body is. I have studied anatomy for years which has definitely increased my appreciation of my own body and the wisdom of God, the designer! What is key though is that it was not until I met Universal Medicine did I really begin to look after my body, with resounding results. I now know the true value of loving the body I live in.

    5. You are right Josh – we take a lot for granted in terms of how our bodies work, hold us, support us, put up with all our choices.
      It is beautiful to stop and appreciate how fascinating our design is.

      1. I agree with your words hvmorden, “we take a lot for granted in terms of how our bodies work, hold us, support us, put up with all our choices.” – I have in the past been apprecative especially for my feet, as they have carried me about walking steps on this earth for quite a while, bearing the load, supporting this body – but then I saw that it would be more lovingly aware to appreciate every cubic centimeter and so now it is so.

      2. That’s gorgeous Roberta – and as you have shared – it only takes us starting to appreciate one little thing – even the way we open a door or put our shoes on, for us to then start to appreciate more and more of our bodies. I saw a skin specialist this week who advised I use a more nourishing product on my skin and ones with absolutely no alcohol. And wow what a huge difference it has made and I can see my skin thanking me through its glow. I have never appreciated my skin so much as I do now – in that I have listened, changed something, and can absolutely feel how my body loves it and has so much to say!

    6. I could talk about the eyes all day, so beautiful, special and symbolic in so many ways.

    7. I agree Joshua, there is much that we take for granted and yet the smallest details can be the most exquisite and magical learnings and ‘Wows!’ in life.

    8. What you expressed here made me stop and feel every word you have said. It is a powerful stop, and very timely. Thank you.

    9. I used to trash my body because I resented being in it! I used to appreciate nature far more than myself but forgot that my body was/is a part of nature. To know that my body actually belongs to the Universe and that through this gift I can connect fully to myself and the rest of creation supports me to appreciate its intricacies and design more than ever before. The fact that it responds so quickly to things felt in either a positive or negative way is a real support to me in the daily choices I make. From hate to appreciation has been some journey, but the next will take me to truly loving it all the time and treating it with the utter preciousness it truly deserves.

    10. This is very beautiful Joshua, I had not fully appreciated the human body until reading this, ‘I don’t think many people truly appreciate in full the amazing design, order and science our human bodies are and how magical it is to feel such beauty reflected to us all every moment’, this brings a new level of awareness and appreciation, thank you.

    11. This is so true Joshua, I don’t feel for a second I have begun to fully understand the true wonder, design, order and science that is our body. But the more I learn about it the more I want to care for my body and assist it in all the amazing stuff it does.

    1. Yes, Thank you Cherise for capturing the magic of True Sight. The Iris with its precision and harmonious movement is but one of the many miracles to behold in the human body.

  407. Our body is in complete support of itself, the way it’s designed and works together in a unified integrity is amazing. If we were in harmony with the body and the way it works, by working with it in the same way, we could all possibly be incredibly healthy!

  408. Thank you Cherise, you have brought out a lot of amazing expressions and insight from people. I’ve got a lot out of reading comments to your blog. I will be viewing my day in a different way with these delicate eyes of mine.

  409. Just beautiful Cherise. There is so much depth in our eyes, and as you say they are literally made to receive the world. It is so worth taking the time to ponder on the miracle of our eyes.

  410. That’s beautiful Cherise, I am always amazed how sophisticated and complex our bodies are. What science has discovered is huge but what it hasn’t discovered yet is astronomical.

    1. Indeed Nicholas, like nature the human body can be so wondrous in its natural order, beauty and harmony and it is all there to be felt, connected to and appreciated.

  411. The thing about the Universe is that it is forever expanding, nothing ever stands still, every living being is forever evolving. I have noticed this reflected in my own life: my awareness, the way I engage with my body and the way my body works and supports me has been showing this evolving pattern very clearly. None of us are the same from one day to another, let alone through various cycles of our lives. I love learning about how life works and appreciate what is written in the textbooks – yet this seems to provide only the starting point. A deepening of the understanding comes from the living wisdom that we can build as we observe our bodies and our lives. I love the fact that Universal Medicine uses the term ‘forever students of our own lives’ because when we choose to live in honour of our lives, this is exactly who we truly are, a Forever Student.

  412. I love how you have so beautifully expanded your medical look into the eyes through your University studies that showed you the amazingness of what the eye naturally does, to include the wisdom of what Universal Medicine presents, and how we observe all that is around us and how we meet people with our eyes. The eyes are just one part of a body where all parts are of the utmost importance; parts which we often take for granted while overlooking the most crucial factor, that they all work in an exquisite harmony, even supporting another part if it is not functioning as well as it could be. To abuse our body in even the slightest way will throw this harmony out of its natural delicate balance, but to make the choice to lovingly care for, and honour the body that supports us, will only ever support us more in return.

  413. Beautiful Cherise how you take us with you in how you have experienced studying the eye in detail. We can only appreciate our body when we truly look how it is amazingly designed for the purpose to express our innate beauty. Thank you for opening my eyes today for living in more appreciation of my body.

  414. Beautiful Cherise. The way the eye receives light and the mechanics of vision is another bodily process that we can connect with. Feeling our eyes as receivers rather than looking out can change our perspective!!

  415. I find the eyes to be fascinating. When someone is connected to their soul, I can feel that love beaming from their eyes and to surrender to be held in such a gaze is a delicious moment. I know with a couple of people in particular I kind of freak out at the amount of love I can feel, which is a great reflection for me to go deeper with my own acceptance and expression of love.

  416. Dear Cherise, thank you for another great blog. I really enjoy looking people in the eye and meeting them there. There is so much that can be felt by engaging with someone through the eyes. For most of my life, I hardly ever looked anyone in the eyes. It felt too confronting and I always felt uneasy. This has changed since Universal Medicine, as I have learnt to be more intimate with myself, I can now easily meet another with a beautiful gaze.

    1. I love the intimacy you speak of Donna, as I have experienced this also. Going from finding it difficult or awkward to looking in someone’s eyes, and being afraid of letting them see all of me ~ of letting them in. And yet what I have found is that letting others in to see all of me, is the most loving, warm feeling there can be. It’s total connection and the intimacy that I feel as I connect to myself means that I accept myself in full and then accept them, whomever they are and wherever they are at within themselves too.

  417. Great blog Cherise. It’s in the appreciation, isn’t it, that we can truly come to know and respect the amazingness of the body. If it becomes just facts without the heart, we are left devoid of the opportunity to be truly responsible for how we look after our bodies, and to truly listen to the signals our bodies give us constantly, as to the care they (we) may require.
    Lovely to read your reflections today, and pause, and appreciate… thank-you

  418. Great blog Cherise – very revealing – I’m looking forward to reading it again. Thank you. It’s as if I have been given an opportunity by reading your blog to ‘re-view’ how I have thus far been ‘seeing’.

  419. Yes so true Gill, I have often heard it say that our eyes are the ‘window of our soul’. We really do see right into one another with our eyes.I love those moments when we connect with another person with our eyes, so much can be communicated in a look. Years ago I had great difficultly looking people in the eye because I had so much hurt inside I didn’t want other people to see it. Today thanks to many years of deep healing with Universal Medicine, it is a completely different story. I love making eye contact with people because I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of anymore. It is always such a joy when people respond especially strangers, it is a beautiful way to create friendships.

  420. What a delightful blog. Loved reading your appreciation of the magic, order, harmony. support and the flow you observed in the working of the eyes and the body that supports it. Our body is indeed fascinating and a gorgeous marvel when we take a moment to appreciate it. The textbooks are great at teaching us about the physical and physiological workings and this itself can be fascinating. And what Susie expresses is so true, we can gain so much more understanding and appreciation of the absolute exquisiteness of our body by addressing it with care and deepening our ability to read it like a textbook. A great example is what is shared here about the eyes – is there a difference between when we use the eyes to reach out, focus on something and ‘see’ what we choose, to when we simply allow them to ‘receive’ what is being reflected? I find an observing and honouring relationship with my body is a great way for me to keep deepening the appreciation and understanding offered by my initial studies.

    1. I love what you’re expressing here Golnaz and that you point out Susie Williams great comment “our bodies are studies; like a textbook that can only be read when addressed with care and true intention” but most of all I thank you for putting Cherise’s words into your own. There is ” a difference between when we use the eyes to reach out, focus on something and ‘see’ what we choose, to when we simply allow them to ‘receive’ what is being reflected?”. Peripheral vision is when we don’t focus on anything but allow our body to scan everything in our field of vision and tell us when there is something to see, just like an alarm when something appears on a radar screen.

  421. Cherise I really love what you have written here, it brings a depth to my understanding of the eye and what it therefore brings me and another when we look into one another’s eyes.

  422. Thanks Cherise for your blog – it has given me another moment to stop and appreciate just how incredible our bodies are in every minute way – from our eyes receiving light to our digestive systems dealing with whatever we threw at it!

  423. Cherise I love the insight you have shared with us. It is said that the eyes are the windows to the Soul, and I feel that too. Our Eyes show how we feel, afraid, joyful, sad, gentle and Loving, admiration etc. Maybe this is why some people wear dark glasses when being interviewed or spoken to so that we cannot see the truth, and therefore we don’t allow the beautiful connection to another to be felt.

    1. Roslyn, I love that saying too, ‘the eyes are the windows to the Soul.’ It’s really gorgeous to meet another person’s eyes and connect.

  424. Beautiful blog Cherise, a lovely reminder that we can learn so much from our bodies, even down to the smaller details or parts of our bodies such as our eyes.

  425. There is so much more to the old adage: ‘the eyes are the gateway to the soul’. I feel sure you have met with the power behind these words in your observations of the human eye… and seen something far more stupendous than words can ever explain.

  426. I love your description of the pupil. On the surface it appears so flat and superficial yet as you share Cherise it so much more. When one actually and truly looks into the eyes of another one is focusing on the pupil and it is no longer ‘flat and superficial’ but in fact more like a bottomless pool. No wonder the saying is, ‘The eyes are the windows of the Soul’.

  427. I love the way you show that with attention to every small part or detail we can understand so much more about the wider picture and the larger implications. This is definitely the way in which medicine should be taught and studied.

    1. Agreed Rosanna. If we were to view ‘the whole’, as Plato so wisely laid down (and undoubtedly others before him…), how precious would such understandings truly be to us?
      Would or could we disregard and harm our bodies, as so commonly occurs? Would those trained in medicine – doctors and nurses, specialists, allied health and complementary health practitioners – consider more deeply the impacts on such a finely tuned instrument of their choices in life, from smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol, to engaging in destructive emotionality?
      And would our medical systems offer us a far deeper level of treatment, including the whole being that we are, and nothing less?
      Food for pondering, for sure…

  428. I love this Cherise. I fully intend to go into medical school one day with the knowing that our bodies are studies; like a textbook that can only be read when addressed with care and true intention. Thank you for sharing 🙂

  429. Beautiful blog. I can feel the love and appreciation for the body and it is deeply inspiring. As Cherise says it is crucial to support our bodies and what I am learning is that I take a step to be more gentle, more loving and appreciative and once I have embodied that, there is another step to be taken and so on.

  430. Reading your article Cherise has allowed me to feel how important it is for me to keep appreciating my body, honour it and commit to listen more deeply to its very loving messages.

  431. I find it interesting that the centre of the eye is called a pupil. It is the point from which we can glean our lessons in life.

    1. Oh Jinya, what a great point! a confirmation also that we are here to learn and be students of our own lives, what a beautiful way to see and accept who we are and the purpose of life.

  432. When we are fully present in our bodies, and we meet some-one with our eyes, there is no holding back the true essence we are, and in that moment there are no words to describe the connection that is felt with another through the eyes….

  433. Cherise, your love of humanity, and awe of the beauty of the physical body is infectious. Your blog is great reminder of divine design, and no better example than the eyes. It is easy to take for granted our bodies and not appreciate what majestic harmony is constantly happening within.

  434. “There is much to appreciate about our bodies and the amazing way in which they go about their expressions, movements and functions, reminding me how crucial it is to support my own body in return, making choices that support it to be the most loving vehicle of expression that it can be.” We so often forget how delicate and precious our bodies are, but in beginning to appreciate this, we can begin to treat them with the love and care that they deserve.

  435. Amazing Cherise – it’s inspiring to hear how you apply the amazing intricacies of the human body to your understanding of life in general – I love doing that and hearing how others do that as well.

  436. ‘These simple teachings have confirmed to me that we have a moment-by-moment opportunity to not only ‘see’ whatever picture is presented before our eyes, but also to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.’

    Reading from our innermost beauty. I love this ✨

    For me, Universal Medicine have brought the Love back into Learning. Thank you Cherise I appreciate your beautiful blogs. 🔥

  437. When I first heard the concept that I don’t look out at what is before me with my eyes, but instead I receive the world in front of me it changed how I hold my body, I become more relaxed and less tense in my neck and shoulders. It is remarkable that this is possible and that it makes so profound a difference, just by the awareness of how I look. This is something I need to keep referring back to as it is a great indicator of how I hold more tension in my body than I should and how easy it is to release.

    1. Yes indeed, Stephen. The truth that our eyes are receiving what we see, and not looking out at what we see was quite a shift. It has really changed my relationship with the world, and what I see.

    2. What a great reminder Stephen, I know I too can also hold a lot of tension in my body and how that changes when I simply observe the world instead of wanting it to be a certain way.

      1. Awesome reminder indeed, I also used to think that I was looking at the world, and with that taking on quite a lot of burdens and emotions. This creates indeed a lot of tension in the neck and shoulders. It is beautiful to realize that we receive the world and with that, we just have to observe.

    3. I can relate to this also Stephen, there is an ease in my body as I receive the world and know and accept that I don’t have to do or be anything else ~ but my beautiful self in that very moment.

  438. Hi Cherise, I am also studying Anatomy and Physiology and can feel too how the power of Universal Medicine, offering the energetic meaning behind everything, and how our body is affected by energy, and what we choose to ‘see’ or not is truly inspiring and just confirming of the deeper relationship possible with our bodies. That it is not about abusing our bodies any longer, that is not the way, but understanding what our bodies are presenting us with; consistency, harmony, and the willingness to surrender, when we truly choose to. No wonder Universal Medicine has presented that it is all about the body- because it is. And like you say it can be our vehicle of love or our abuse. But I am now choosing Love, and healing/letting go of the abuse.

    1. Arianne this is super important if we look at the big picture of where humanity is today. Understanding the two factors and what is actually taking place so that we can support ourselves and each other is huge. That way when we make an appointment with the doctors we arrive in a totally different way knowing that we are supporting each other.

    2. Very true Arianne – our body is a vehicle for whatever we choose it to be; our expression can be loving, powerful, truthful… or abusive and harming. The choice is ours, but there are always repercussions and consequences for our decisions.

  439. Lovely to be a part of your joy in learning Cherise. Your delight within your experience is tangible with the awareness of the physical delicate nature of the eye and the correlation to the energetic – and how they both offer a greater divine overview of this part of our body. Thank you.

  440. I never really saw the eyes that way either until just now. I know from school the science and function of the eye, but the fact that it is actually a hole in our body that we can look into rather than focusing on its face value of a black dot does sound so simple! It’s like the lens of the eye is the glass of a window that we can look through. I know from experience that when I look through that window there is something truly beautiful within everyone. Thank you Cherise.

  441. Thank you Cherise. It wasn’t until I came across the presentations of Serge Benhayon that I would even consider appreciating my body and all it was showing me. Now I really do with a deepening love and care. The intricacy and delicacy of the eye is as it is for all of our body.

  442. How wonderful it is to learn “my body is a loving vehicle of expression”, even the way I walk. It is essential we celebrate, care for, ‘tune in’ and flow with the natural order and harmony of our bodies.

  443. That’s fascinating Cherise, I really love your observations here and how you bring so much awareness and appreciation to the beautiful nature of our eyes and the depth to which we can further explore what they offer – thank you

    1. Imagine the depth and delicacy that exists in our whole body when such intricacies can be felt in our eyes. Definitely something for modern medicine to take into account.

  444. I’ve enjoyed this topic that you have written about, I believe the eyes of a person can tell you so much about them and some have made reference of the eyes as being windows to the soul.

  445. Than you Cherise for your blog, What a great combination.. of learning the physiological function of the eye, and to bring with this, the awareness of what we are meeting others with, when we meet another person with our eyes. The eyes communicate so much, and I have learnt its important to recognise that there can be a difference between what we think we see as opposed to what we truly see.

  446. I completely agree Cherise, the body and its intricate workings are fascinating to study, and the simplicity and complexity of the body is mind-blowing. I remember learning about how nerve impulses are created – how one form of energy is converted into electrical energy by the body, and it is these tiny electrical impulses that the brain uses to understand what we are seeing, feeling etc. The biology behind it is so interesting, but so are the questions it raised for me. If the body is geared to pick up on energy changes in our environment – light, temperature, pressure etc, does this explain scientifically why you can tell someone is angry just by being around them? Do you also pick up a persons energy?

    1. I love this Rebecca, when Science meets feeling. When I read about how the body’s systems work together it seems like we are finely tuned to feel energy.

      1. I agree – and it’s hard to believe that our bodies could simply develop from evolution – it’s intricate and perfectly balanced – it seems impossible to say that there is not something else at play.

    2. It’s endlessly amazing, isn’t it Rebecca, to really see and explore all that our bodies are constantly doing… And yet how harshly we can bludgeon such finely tuned instruments, that are really there to give us all the information and awareness we could ever want to know…

      1. I agree Victoria – I just recently got a camera for my birthday, and have (obviously) been treating it with the utmost respect, making sure the lenses are clean, and it doesn’t get damaged etc. Many people have something similar – their phone or a musical instrument for example, but never our own bodies, which are the most delicate and precise instruments you can find. You wouldn’t dream of purposely putting the wrong petrol in your car – not just once but over and over, despite the damage to the engine, and then when it finally has been damaged beyond repair, go to a garage and expect them to fit you a new one for free? And yet this is how we treat our bodies, knowingly filling them up with smoke and food and drinks that aren’t compatible, relying on the bodies amazing capacity for recovery to give you a grace period, but eventually when something does go wrong, we all troop to the doctors and expect a quick fix, never willing to look at how we have been ‘driving’ up to that point.

      2. Well said Rebecca – your comment deserves to be a blog in itself.
        The word that is brought home here is Responsibility, isn’t it… and, are we willing to take it in full, or just keep handing it over to others, and blaming factors outside of ourselves, when there is so much true care, integrity, love and responsibility we can bring to the way we live with and care for these bodies of ours.

    3. Very true Rebecca, it is quite mind boggling at times, the way light and heat can stimulate all manner of chemical, electrical and neurological processes inside us. Our bodies are designed to run on energy, transform energy from one currency into another in order to generate physical energy and so it stands to reason that we must also receive so many other energetic subtitles such as a another person’s moods and vitality. We are walking antenna for energy, therefore it seems a wise thing to become aware of how our bodies work and feel what it is we are receiving, as there are some forms of energy that we would not want in our bodies if we took the time to really become aware of them.

      1. I agree Rowena – perhaps if we all took the first step to simply become more aware of what we feel and the possibility that everything is energy and that this energy has an affect on our physical body.

  447. We tend so much to take our bodies for granted, ignoring its amazingness. This is a great reminder of its beauty, intricacies and the loving support it so needs and deserves to be honoured.

    1. Yes Jonathan we do take our bodies for granted, often abusing it and then wondering why it ‘fails’ us in some way. We neglect to honour the amazingness of the harmony in which all systems and cells function together. Cherise’s blog is a wake up call to start loving and caring for our bodies in a much more sensitive way, from our inner-beauty, which is my essence which would never harm us.

  448. I have never really considered the functionality of the eye and how it works, but when broken down also in consideration with how the whole body works it is completely fascinating. The magic of the intricacy and perfection is amazing. I just carry myself around and take for granted the workings and mechanics of my body… but I now have a much fuller appreciation of this vehicle and know that it needs to be treasured!

  449. To look into someone’s eyes can tell us so much, the beauty of the colour, the openness of the eyes, the shape of the eyes, if the pupil is small or large. To gently hold eye contact is like a warm invitation, a greeting in itself, an instant connection. Red eyes, sore eyes, tired eyes, joyful eyes, heavy eyes, bright eyes. The eyes tell no lies of how we are truly feeling. A beautiful and gentle reminder of the amazingness of our eyes Cherise thank you.

    1. I love what you said Marion ‘To gently hold eye contact is like a warm invitation, a greeting in itself, an instant connection’. So true and yes, ‘the eyes tell no lies of how we are truly feeling.’
      So much to ponder on in this article Cherise and I look forward to reading it again, knowing I will see more in it each time!

  450. Letting go of the need to see and trying to see is a big one for me. Short-sighted, my eyes have strained to be able to see what is before me, rather than allowing the images to present themselves. Our eyes are so precious, and even opening and closing my eyes with great attention to the detail feels so beautiful – yet I notice how often I blink and open and close them in automatic throughout my day. I am now paying attention, especially at night before going to sleep, to close my eyes to be with myself and with deep appreciation for my eyes.

    1. Allowing ourselves to just observe and see what is before us without any projection or hardening is a beautiful way to ‘see’ and ‘receive’ life. I too am working on this daily.

    2. Beautiful sueq2012. I too have begun to pay more attention to my eyes before I go to sleep but this comment has supported me to go deeper in feeling a deeper appreciation for my eyes.

    3. I have been feeling a strain in my eyes recently which can result in a headache, you have shed some light on this and I can feel that I “have strained to be able to see what is before me, rather than allowing the images to present themselves”.

  451. This is a beautiful confirmation of our bodies and the amazingness we are all from and made of. Thank you Cherise for sharing this depth of appreciation and love.The eye is an amazing receiver of life as is our whole body and it is definitely time we all started to truly appreciate the magic and divinity we all are and to live honouring and treasuring ourselves and everything from this perspective lovingly.

  452. Our eyes are our window on the world and sometimes we are so busy taking in all that we can see that the are unaware of the intricacies of our body that gives us vision.

    1. I love how you have used the word intricacies here Mary. It is true!
      I feel us being in touch with the delicateness and the intricacies of our body gives us the Wisdom that our body is communicating all the time.

  453. I love the way you look at the study of the eye Cherise. To study in this way, seeing the beauty and appreciating the delicate systems that are in place, works so much better for me. Making it not just about the functionalities because that can get a little bit dry information but, like you did, also look at the deeper reflection that specific parts of our body represent, it gets so enjoyable to learn about.

    1. So true Lieke, and gives a whole new level of awareness to society and the way we meet and greet others. As often when we meet another we are looking and comparing them to us and/or catch in the beauty of the vehicle aspect, but here we have presented that it does not have to be this way, and how much more there is to life when we start to see the truth of what eyes truly reflect.

  454. A valuable lesson that I have learnt through Universal Medicine is that when we have a perception of something, we are ‘looking at’ that thing for our judgment to be confirmed. When we rid ourselves of perception and just be open to observe what is there without judgment, we are ‘receiving’ an image. This slight shift is as huge as the Grand Canyon and key to maintaining the latter is to stay connected to one’s own quality of presence. The eyes feel before they see.

    1. What you are saying here is very interesting Jinya. Do you mean “when we have a perception (understanding) of something, we are ‘looking at’ that thing for our judgment to be confirmed” and “When we have perception (awareness) we are “open to observe what is there without judgment, we are ‘receiving’ an image”?

      1. Hi Nicholas… What I’m learning is that if I have a perception of anything, it will be based on beliefs that are fed to me and so what I ‘see’ will either be in accordance to that belief or not – either way it is coloured by how I perceive something through the filter of my mind. My perceptions always ‘need’ someone to be something, usually in comparison to me or to justify a belief I have. In the moments when I have stayed connected to my presence and purely observed a person/situation, I am able to ‘receive’ the truth of the situation or image and come to understanding and awareness. I find this to be a way of letting people in because I am not judging them and thereby not imposing anything.

  455. Thank you Cherise, Yes I did know the pupil was a hole to let light in, but somehow from your blog, it opened me up to a deeper understanding of how it is a window and how much we let in, much of which perhaps we are not even consciously aware. I also appreciated your closing statement how important our bodies are. In stating that our bodies have a great potential to express love, the thought came to me how much they are working, often despite ourselves, to bring love into action and how simple it can be to open up and embrace the divinity we come from and that our bodies are made of.

  456. Considering my body as a loving expression helps me to understand the responsibility I can embrace by building love for myself every day. This can happen with the most simple acts and the most gentle gestures. This can happen also when I allow my eyes to receive without judgement, and observe the world. Judgement creates a hardness that I don’t want, so as part of my understanding of the things that build love in my body, I am consciously focusing on those sneaky thoughts that come, observing their effect and letting them go.

  457. Our eyes are so delicate and really looking into someones eyes is a holding, it is saying here I am and I am willing to see all of you, I can feel your essence. It is very powerful and develops a deep connection built on trust, for I am trusting you to really see all of me. Our bodies are amazing and I am learning that every part of our body is built to work in perfect harmony with every other part of our body if we choose to care, nurture and appreciate it in every moment.

  458. Cherise thank you for sharing your blog. It allowed me to truly appreciate what it means to look into someone’s eyes and connect with them on a deeper level. When we do this you can feel the huge difference it makes with people and can be a beautiful moment without any words having been expressed. Our bodies really are amazing and should be treasured.

  459. One of the most beautiful things about the human body is its ability to self-correct when given the opportunity. It is constantly striving for balance, also called homeostasis. The chain reactions that occur are not just one or two things, but hundreds if not thousands. There are different chemicals, enzymes and proteins that work together to return the body back to harmony, each supporting the next stage of healing. Take a cut finger, for example, the fact that it heals is a testament that it always wants to return to how it was designed. We expect the body to ‘just work’ when in actual fact it is always working and never ever stops.

  460. The best advice you can give anyone: ”to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.”
    This makes life more easy and simple to understand, as we see things more clearly and openly with observation instead of absorbing it.

  461. I really appreciate your blog Cherise, it brings to my attention the miracle of our human bodies which I often take for granted. I also love the way you link the workings of the eye with the possibility of being able to see profoundly, what is going on in the world around us, observing without judgment rather than reacting and trying to control what we are seeing (and feeling).

  462. The eyes have it! .. It’s true.. We know that we can see the light in someones eyes, and that they are a window to the heart of us, and to see the reflection of true love in someones eyes is a wonderful inspiring gift that we can give to everyone, all the time, if we so choose.

  463. When we see the eye we do see it as we would draw it on a flat one dimensional page, a dot or spot in the middle of the eye. When I feel in my body what you share Cherise about the opening the pupil provides adjusting the light that it receives it opens up a whole multi-dimensional world and makes me realise there is so much ‘more that meets the eye’ than I cared to consider.

  464. I remember Serge Benhayon presenting about how our eyes are actually receivers of light; it is an anatomical fact but one that I had under appreciated and not really considered before he spoke about it! So often with seeing there can be a projecting out onto the world rather than simply observing what is there.

  465. Reading this blog makes me wonder how much difference there is between what our eyes actually receive and observe on the retina and what we think we see by the time our brains have interpreted this observation! How often do we actually truly observe life without bias?

  466. Beautiful to feel and read, Cherise. As I began to read I found myself cupping my face with my hands and just feeling and appreciating the shape of my jaw as it holds my face, so to speak, as were my hands. Then to actually feel the way my eye is held also, so delicately yet also with a structure that is super supportive of all its functions, is also amazing – the understanding of how light enters the body through our eyes leads me to be more consciously aware of all I do choose to ‘see’, yet as you and I have both learnt through our studies with Universal Medicine, there is always more to observe, allow and receive and to do so from an appreciation and understanding of the true and natural function of the eyes, is a deeper, and ultimately more satisfying, way to see the world and meet those within it.

  467. I agree Cherise to study the anatomy of the human body and learn about its physiology is amazing, it leaves you in awe of its stunning interconnectedness and beauty.

    1. Well said Judith, our body beautifully reflects interconnectedness within itself, and the body being made up of up to 80% water which flows internally and with homeostasis is exchanged between cells and tissue to maintain life, the body and water are also involved in a greater cycle of return, whereby our need for water, for without water we die within days, and so we consume water daily to live and excrete it via our skin, lungs and urine which is then part of a greater planetary system of supporting life and sharing that water which we have all touched to then consume again.

  468. What a beautiful insight Cherise and pun intended. I love the way you describe the process of light from the outer entering the eye and registering on the inner. What I find fascinating is how when we don’t observe and receive but instead react to what we see, we can no longer see the truth of the situation. This brings a whole new dimension to the health of our eyes and what it means to have 20/20 vision!

  469. A great blog Cherise – I love what you have shared regarding the pupil of the eye – “an opening that allows and receives light and information in, to be viewed at a deeper level within the eye, passing through and being focused by the lens, to be received at the retina, where the light is processed and the messages passed on to the brain”.
    Knowing this brings the opportunity to stop the hardness of ‘looking out’ from our eyes, peering or straining to look at things and just simply be aware and present and allow the images to just come to us – then we really get to ‘see’ what is there to see.
    Observing without absorbing.

  470. I love how your blog’s re connected me to the amazingness of the human body, nothing is left to chance and everything has a purpose. I am left to ponder on what I bring to my body when it brings me everything without judgement or holding back. Can I say the same of myself?!

  471. Like you Cherise, I never really appreciated the job our eyes do so thank you for the extra detail. As a bus driver I always look into the eyes of the passengers as they board. Not everyone looks at me but with those that do, I get a mixed reception from them. A lot are surprised but most just smile and say hello.

  472. Beautifully delivered article Cherise, with so much depth and wisdom. I love how you have highlighted that there is a difference between looking and truly seeing or being open to receiving all that is being shown. I too am learning how divinely designed our bodies are and how there is a divine order that we and our bodies are a part of. And that when we choose to listen, our bodies can guide us to live harmoniously within this. With this I am realising and understanding more and more that there is no ‘chance’ to the things that happen or the people that we meet and how connected we are to everything. And I am appreciating how important it is to honour and support the delicateness of our bodies as an instrument of God as life moves through us, in order to discern and express what is true.

  473. I love what you have shared here Cherise especially the great appreciation and deep respect you have of the body, and in this case the eyes. They are so much more than just being able to see.

  474. My Universal Medicine studies have shown me that our body is the vehicle through which energy passes and the more loving and tender I am with my body, the easier it is for loving energy to pass through. So Imagine if I treated every single part of my body as delicately as I treat my eyeballs … A beautiful thought.

    1. Suzanne I’d not looked at it like that before, whilst I’ve come to understand that everything is connected to everything and to treat the body as a whole I certainly have areas of my body I treat with more love and care than other areas. An inspiration to bring to the same care to all of me.

    2. Suzanne, what a great choice that would be if we did treat our whole body with the same tenderness and preciousness that we treat our eyeballs with.

  475. Cherise, it is great that you have learned so much about the physical function of the human eye. But with that information, you have at your fingertips also your great understanding of the harmony and natural order of the whole human body, including the eye, through your study with Universal Medicine. You understand that there is more to just seeing with the eye, but also we have the “opportunity to not only ‘see’ whatever picture is presented before our eyes, but also to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.” What a great opportunity you have had to understand with such depth.

  476. I am so pleased you have shared your study on how the eye works. It is just amazing how clever it is and as you say – the ability to receive an impression and for that to be translated by the brain…well, just such incredible design. What I also find fascinating is our ability to see what we want to see or see part of what there is to seen at times. We have to constantly choose to see all there is to be seen if we are to use all that our eyes have to offer.

    1. I find that fascinating too Lucy, I find the same with my hearing. I can selectively hear or see. I also find it fascinating is that we can rely too much on just these senses and use them to override our other more sensitive senses.

  477. A beautifully expressed article on our eyes Cherise. What I felt from what you wrote is the deep appreciation you have for what the eyes can do and their role in our bodies. The depth of appreciation you showed for your pupils felt HUGE! So, what you then followed with made so much sense. If we appreciated each part of our bodies (every single cell!) in this way, then treated them with this level of deep honour and respect, it would be impossible to make choices that would intentionally harm them. Our bodies could then flow in their natural rhythm and harmony as you have described. This gives such great purpose and another reason to learn about how our bodies work. What a wonderful lesson Cherise – I feel like I have sat in on your class today – thank you so much!

      1. It is lovely to receive your comment paulmoses39 – it has reconnected me to this blog and reminded me about honouring each and every cell, such that each choice appreciates and nurtures them and the seemingly magical role they perform with such harmony. I thank you too!

  478. I love your sharing about the pupil being an opening which receives light and information Cherise and when I consider this in my own body I can feel myself allowing my eyes to stop ‘trying’ so hard and simply receive what is around me. It is simple and very lovely to feel the difference.

    1. Jane I find when I stop looking and just receive the visuals around me, I see so much more

  479. The body is certainly a thing of wonder and amazing intelligence, especially when it is used to allow our divine nature to move through it. Every cell is like the stars and planets in the universe, all perfectly aligned and in harmony. If only I would always treat it this way! The eyes are amazing in the way they function, but also for what happens when we do allow what we are seeing to just be observed and felt without all the reactions. When I do this, I actually ‘see’ so much more, as my vision isn’t clouded by what I want or don’t want to see.

  480. This is beautiful Cherise, adding a deeper dimension to our physiology and connecting us more with ourselves and with each other, as the eye is connected and supported in and by the body. You have made biology so much more interesting with your observations. Thank you.
    You have also drawn my attention to how tired my eyes are tonight! Time to rest them.

  481. Reading this reminded me of the days when I couldn’t look anyone in the eye for more than a few seconds. Gradually, through Universal Medicine, as I have allowed myself to unfold, I now find I can joyfully share eye to eye contact with others.

  482. ‘From the delicate lid that supports and protects the eye from harm, to the way the eye is held and supported by the body to remain in shape, in place and in harmony with its surroundings and functions’ – I love the way you express the true wonder of what our eyes offer us. There is a great delicacy in the way our eyes function – even in the fluttering of the eye lid – each movement is precise and supporting the eye to allow us to see. I feel full of wonderment and appreciation of my beautiful body and how it works in such an integrated way when I honour it and allow it to flow from it’s own natural rhythm. We are offered such grace and beauty by our body, and this is something that I need to constantly remind myself before I become caught up in the activity of the day ahead. Thank you Cherise.

  483. Cherise I had not considered the black spot in the eye to be an opening, yet its quite magical when you share this. I get a sense of the incredible structures and way the body works together as one – it is quite miraculous. I feel we need to really appreciate in far greater depth just what the body is here for and in that the choices we make and the care we take with our body will be very different.

  484. Our bodies are truly amazing and I for one don’t always appreciate its delicateness and preciousness. I love how you relate the eye to not only its function, but also our ability ” to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.” Thankyou Cherise for a beautiful post.

    1. Our bodies are amazing Sue, as we are, and like you it is great to be reminded how delicate and precious we truly are, and to appreciate and respect that fully.

  485. Thank you Cherise – reading this makes me stop and appreciate the way our body functions. Through Universal Medicine – I have learnt so much about my body – the absolute genius of it with all the many ways it is designed to work and support us. From the way we digest food, have the ability to speak, walk, learn see – it is fascinating – and I never fully appreciated the complexities of this vehicle that is there to support me.
    It has also made me look at how I treat my body, and that it is so important to honour it and nurture it rather than treating it as a dumping ground.

  486. Cherise you raise an interesting point. Often I find myself ‘seeing’ with my eyes which is a very different experience to observing what is there to be seen. This is most potent when I am dressing myself – if I’m in auto-pilot I notice I look without taking in and connecting to all that is there to be felt.

  487. I love your blog Cherise and can so relate to the wonderment and appreciation of our physical and energetic body. It is amazing how everything works together and how delicate and harmonious all the various parts and systems in it are. The body is far more intelligent than the greatest mind could ever be so it makes much sense and it is, as you say, crucial to not only listen to our body but to love and nurture it deeply.

  488. How amazing is the body, if I allow my eyes to see what is there to be seen and observe, then the world looks very different. When we rush or start to think about other things, it becomes easy to dismiss all the little signs that are in front of our eyes, magic is in the detail of life and I am learning to use my eyes lovingly and to be open to everything I see.

  489. Thank you for sharing your deepening appreciation of your eyes Cherise and all they bring you. I agree that as I have been appreciating more all that my body expresses I have been making choices to support this unfoldment and it is beautiful to feel how my body responds and expands.

  490. Thank you Cherise for sharing this great insight of the human body.

    The eye is truly amazing as it reflects the fact that unless we close our eyes, the eyes see all there is to see, we however choose not to see all of that which is offered, and thus hardening of the eyes by holding back what is seen.

    Is it possible that our whole body works in very much the same way, that it feels every thing and yet we choose to be aware of only a portion of that, and hence our body hardens to that which we do not want to feel, yet can’t help but feel, but not as awareness, but tension.

    1. Paulmoses39 what you share here is fascinating. The hardening of the eyes by holding back what we see and so therefore the body by what we choose not to feel.

  491. As I sit here feeling my body I have such appreciation for these vehicles that take us around day to day. They do indeed ‘put up’ with a lot, but in reality do not as they are constantly communicating to us what is and what is not absolute love. I love what you have shared here Cherise about our eyes. They are indeed a magnificent part of our body in the way that they receive so much of the information that governs how we are and interact in everyday life.

    1. A lovely addition Amelia, our bodies are our constantly companions going with us absolutely everywhere. To treat them bad just doesn’t make any sense. Would we treat a child who comes with us everywhere in a dismissive way? we know how much that would hurt the child.. Our bodies are no different. When we respect and care for our bodies it feeds us straight back with that love and care which takes us deeper into ourselves.

  492. I often find myself realising that I have resisted making that deeper connection with someone’s eyes, there is so much revealed through the eyes that everything about us is there to be seen. I notice with children especially how much more responsive they are when real eye contact has been made.

    1. I agree Stephen, so much is there in the eyes to behold and feel and so much can be both communicated out and received in. And connecting with the innocence of a child’s eyes is simply gorgeous.

  493. When I take time to really see someone and actually look into their eyes when we speak, there is such a difference in the way we connect. When I don’t, it’s as if there isn’t really a connection at all.

    1. Exactly, it is a look in the eyes that tells more about the other than words ever will and such a look makes the connection we all have so tangible.

  494. “to meet someone with my eyes” – this is amazing!
    Gives me a clue of how much responsibility we carry, even in the way we look at someone. In reality I do not just look at someone – I meet them with my eyes.

    1. Beautiful Sandra, it’s true… and if we regard our own bodies just functionally then we’ll regard the other person as merely that as well, which is a gross disservice. But if we cherish our bodies, and its purpose deeply, when we meet another we bring that same care and depth to them as well.

      1. Reminds me on something that Serge Benhayon says: “This is not just a chair – it is someone’s seat.” So it is all about people…with regard to the eye that mean to me: I do not look out of me – I receive someone’s reflection and it is up to me in which consciousness I am taking this reflection – with an openness & understanding or a judgement. My internal attitude is key for my relationships – with me and others.

  495. Reading your description of how the pupil functions helped me appreciate even more the amazing intricacies of our body and how important it is to care for it like the precious jewel that is. I’m experiencing a problem with vision in my right eye, and will delay no longer a visit to the optometrist.

  496. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the eye Cherise Holt, they are indeed delicate organs that do need to be appreciated for the way they serve us in our human bodies. Our eyes are receivers of light and that is exactly how we should appreciate them in our lives. We tend to look outside to gather visual information and with that we are looking preoccupied looking for a certain picture. Actually the information is coming to us through our eyes and we cannot be anything else that the observers of the information that is there for us to see. Looking in this way will reveal to us that much more of life than we were used to seeing.

    1. This is true nvanhaastrecht, ‘information is coming to us through our eyes and we cannot be anything else that the observers of the information that is there for us to see. Looking in this way will reveal to us that much more of life than we were used to seeing.’ Yes, and add to that, what Cherise shares, ‘to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.’

  497. Thank you this is a great reminder of the miracle of our bodies. They are completely fascinating and very wise. Imagine if we had to design something like this and yet most of us do not pay attention, listen to their wisdom or appreciate them.

    1. Yes, having a functional body in many ways is like being very wealthy – a fully functioning body, delivered free – and many of us are throwing all that wealth away. Like going into the house of a wealthy heroin addict. All that wealth is still there, for example in beautiful furniture (parts of the body are still working well) but due to the neglect there is an overpowering smell (parts of the body are rotting, in bad shape).

    2. Nicola I love what you wrote, imagine if we had to design something like this. Our bodies are miracles and I for one need to be more appreciative of the beautiful body I have been given and allow my body to fully function in the magnificence that it truly is.

    3. I love how amazing our bodies are too Nicola and feel it is a missed opportunity in schools where we teach biology as if it is the most dull thing in the world. When intact it is utterly riveting and magical and we inhabit it! Amazing

      1. Absolutely there is so much more magic going on than we let ourselves truly feel and know.

  498. “…to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.” This is gorgeous Cherise and makes me realise how difficult it can be to accept what we see when the images we receive do not reflect the beauty we hold deep within.

    1. Yes absolutely Liana, and this can then cause reactions in our body and so behaviour we tempt to set up ourselves with in order to cope with those uncomfortable images we receive. I will start to open my eyes more widely to see, also the things that are less comfortable.

      1. Our eyes see what our hearts know if we but give them permission to go there in full.

  499. I found myself reflecting as I was reading on the simplicity within the complexity of the human body. Yet I also realised how much I have taken the functions of my body for granted and just assumed that if I didn’t have a problem then everything was ‘fine’. Thanks Cherise, after reading your blog I am reminded of just how much I need to value my body for the amazing vehicle that it is.

  500. I had just done Your Essence Gentle Breath Meditation and it was so perfect reading your blog, offering a scientific slant. My habitual way of looking and experiencing the world is to focus on my eyes to capture the images of what is going on, and with this meditation, I have felt how this way of looking makes me disconnected from my breath, therefore prone to be affected by the outside world; while focusing on my breath instead of what I see through my eyes allows me ‘to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty’ – very beautiful to feel.

    1. I really enjoyed reading your comment Fumiyo – much depth and wisdom I felt in your words – and quite inspiring for me this morning . Thank you.

    2. After reading Cherise’s blog I am taking a moment to appreciating the difference between looking at something. Or allowing myself to see it. And it’s huge. Thank you Cherise, for a real eye opener!

  501. Like you Cherise I had not fully considered the physical function of the black spot of our eyes – I can feel how I can take for granted how the body autonomously works to perfection but there comes a point when my choices will affect that. It is work in progress for me to bring more awareness to what my body has to say about the choices I make and trusting that my body does know.

    1. I agree Christine, there is certainly a trust that we can have with our bodies and with this there is an opening to knowing and understanding (and enjoying!) so much more of life.

  502. This is a wonderful post Cherise, and as I was reading was reflecting on the pupil and how I’ve seen and felt in my own eyes too, its dilation when I’m hearing truth, feeling love or experiencing the beauty of harmony — it’s as though our eyes open up and widen to receive more; take a long drink of the joy.

  503. Cherise, thank you, yes ‘the eye is the window to the soul’ is a saying that seems most apt here. As you explain the pupil is an opening to our inner being and I feel that by understanding this I gain a greater awareness when I observe any situation. However, I also know that if I use my eyes to judge a situation as I think it is without any awareness of the whole of life/truth of life then my view is very narrow and constricted to any ideals and beliefs that block my full awareness of what I am ‘seeing’ – just a fraction of any truth.

  504. lovely Cherise. Yes we do tend to get caught ‘out of our bodies’ and our body is just there because it is attached to us. But the body experiences so much, are we prepared to listen to it every moment?

  505. I love what you share, Cherise, I have also always been amazed by the harmonious functions of our body. When we are stressed, our pupils dilate and we are unable to see the detail, and find it difficult to process what we see. However, when we are consciously relaxed (not checked out), breathing gently, we are able to take in so much more – we are able to see and process ‘the full picture’. How we are in our bodies affects what we choose to see with our eyes, and vice versa – no part works alone.

  506. It was only on my visit to the opticians two years ago that I realised how amazing our eyes were. I had a photo taken of the back of my eye and when I saw it I looked in amazement. It looked beautiful and I noticed the light from around the optic nerve.. I realised how our eyes take in ‘light’ or in other words receive light and the amazing job they do.

  507. It is lovely when we study something and get a deeper understanding and appreciation of it. It is funny because before reading this blog I was dancing with someone and while looking into their eyes remembered that we actually do not look but instead as you have said receive images, so receive another. I always thought that in life it was me looking out and had no idea, clue or notion that actually I do not look at all but receive! This was something that Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine presented a while ago. Thinking and feeling this way is lovely because it then becomes unimposing.

  508. Serge Benhayon has always presented that our eyes receive and what you have presented here Cherise confirms that. Our bodies are indeed amazing in their ability to support us in our day to day and this has allowed me to further appreciate what the role of the body is and how I can care for it even more than I already do as an important part of the whole of me.

  509. Cherise thank you for the timely reminder of the incredible wisdom of the body and the importance of making choices to support its expression.

  510. Loved your blog Cherise. What stood out for me was “we have a moment-by-moment opportunity to not only ‘see’ whatever picture is presented before our eyes, but also to observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen, read and felt from the depths of our innermost beauty.” Great to ponder on the enormity of this concept.

  511. Hello Cherise Holt, what a touchingly simple blog about the things we can appreciate and how they support us. I didn’t know that fact about the pupil either Cherise and if I did I now understand it more fully from how you have explained it. How you link this all back into our care for our body made real sense and I love that we have a person like you who is a nurse, caring for our community, thank you.

  512. WOW that sounds fascinating Cherise. I have absolutely taken our eyes for granted! When you give yourself even a few moments to truly appreciate the inner workings of the body, it’s really mind blowing. Keep the learnings coming.

  513. Cherise how true when you write that our body is “the most loving vehicle of expression”. I just read another blog that also talked about meeting others with our eyes and what a powerful instrument they are for expressing who we truly are. So much love and wisdom when we look into their depth.

  514. Thanks for sharing about your study into the eyes. I can feel that I now have a deeper understanding and appreciation of what our eyes are truly about.

  515. Thank you for reminding me to appreciate the divine design of our bodies Cherise. Your blog also reminds me that when I appreciate my body I make loving choices that naturally support me.

  516. Thank you Cherise, I loved your post here. For me there is nothing more confirming of my essence and place within the order and harmony of the universe than learning about how our bodies, ‘from the smallest detail and cell within’ reflect same order and harmony. Connection with this truth expands us and so too the universe! Awesome way to start my day reading this.

  517. The eye is a fascinating part of our body equal to all other parts. Like a camera it lets in light and all of this information is read and felt. When we connect with another through our eyes, however briefly, information is also passing in and out from our eyes constantly–do we allow our bodies to innately express what it already knows or not?

  518. I have found the more I understand the workings of the body I am amazed and see how truly precious this vehicle we inhabit is and from there I have been able to deepen my levels of self care and love.

  519. Thank you Cherise, in reading your blog I can feel my eyes, and they feel spherical and warm. And when I look at something now it is with more observation and less of a hardness with my eyes.

  520. Trusting the innate harmony that our bodies know, it is impossible for us to harm our bodies in any way, thereby confirming that we are Love and Love is what our bodies wish to express.

  521. Cherise this is lovely. The human body is an absolutely incredible instrument and most of the time we do not give it the love, care and respect that it deserves! The beautiful appreciation that you have here for the eye allows us to know and feel the depth of beauty that lays with our creation. Very beautiful article I must say.

  522. Cherise, I love the details of how exactly the eye works that you share here, and what struck me most is the eye is designed to receive light and process it, and yet we make so much of it about looking at, but actually what I feel reading your piece is how would it be if I truly received what I saw and observed it? It feels like my physical anatomy (eyes here) is designed that way and it is truly amazing to consider so how can I live in a way that supports that. Maybe I observe and allow more and push less – one for me to consider.

  523. What a magnificent piece of engineering our body is, odd how we are constantly using it but not always appreciating it. How powerful that to hear, this world of light is actually not something we see but something we receive and let in. Thank you Cherise.

  524. Love this Cherise.. another beautiful example of the intricacies of our body. I am constantly in wonderment! And another confirmation of what Serge Benhayon presents, that we are actually receiving life, not looking out or going towards it like we tend to think.

  525. Thank you Cherise for this beautiful sharing. The body is amazing and I am finding that the more I make choices to deeply care for it the more settled and “in” my body I feel. This is such a contrast to the feeling of when I live from my mind, letting super racy thoughts rule my day. When this occurs I feel tense, agitated and very unsettled, the day feels hard to get through. When I treat my body with love and care my day flows, things feel simple, I feel much harmony and I am not wanting the day to be over. Every choice is made with respect for my self as a whole and my body loves it.

    1. I agree so much Bianca. The thoughts that comes through that try and rule the day are hard to ‘battle’. The most amazing thing is that the more loving I choose to be with my body the less thoughts I have to battle with … It’s amazing science.

  526. Thank you for sharing Cherise, the intricacies and workings of the human always continue to amaze and fascinate me. The order and the inter-connectedness between every system is mind boggling. We live in a human body but yet hardly understand how it truly works – even with the great advances in Science there are still many areas of the body we are pretty clueless about!

  527. Cherise, you’ve captured beautifully a great example of Universal Medicine and conventional medicine, or in this instance the conventional study of medicine along with the wisdom of our soul can go hand in hand so beautifully. Knowledge of the amazing intricacy of the human body does not just remain as functional or removed from the bigger divine picture of our body’s purpose when we take into account the universal medicine of the body as well. This is such a breath of fresh air. It’s saddening to come across university students and medics who have clearly had a beautiful fascination of the human body, only to be taught of the body’s functions without a connection to the divinity of its amazing order and purpose. Your blog here shows the beauty and humility that comes when we do marry the two together. What a beautiful medical practitioner the person who studies in this way will be — and what a blessing for every person’s body that they put their hands on.

  528. As mentioned, the intricate workings of the eye, how delicate it is and yet how perfect. The reflection of the eye in the way it opens to allow light in is very beautiful. Our body supports us in so many ways we are yet to discover, a true blessing. I agree Cherise, it is our responsibility to love and support the body in return. Thank you for the reminder.

  529. Similarly to the way in which the pupil physically receives light, I have learned to understand seeing itself as receiving – rather than thinking of it as looking outward – with Universal Medicine.
    Along with the further awareness of realising that I ‘shape’ what I receive or see with my perspectives, which then plays out in the physicality of my eyes (not to mention the rest of my body), has been revelatory, a total game changer!

  530. Cherise you have brought a whole new appreciation to all that is going on when we connect with another through the eyes. In that one moment, it can often feel like magic occurs, like time stops and becomes timeless. The interplay of light and the depth of connection that can be felt is often beyond words can describe.

  531. ‘To observe, allow and receive what is there to be seen’ is something I am only beginning to get in touch with rather than just seeing and looking out. It is a whole new way to approach life. ‘I have also learnt how amazing it feels to have a connection with others and to meet someone with my eyes.” It’s truly beautiful to consciously be aware of this.

  532. Having just done another Anatomy and Physiology exam this morning (also about the eye :-)), I agree with you in full, Cherise. Our bodies, how they function, how everything is coordinated and meant to be in harmony is absolutely amazing. A miracle I find it. Combined with the teachings of Universal Medicine I have learned to appreciate my body and its delicate nature along with taking care of it in a different way. My first step was body awareness, without that I was ‘hard, tense and driven’ in my body.

  533. I used to find it very hard to reconcile that I was in a human body and would quite often resent it and find fault with it. Connecting to the fact that my body is as intricate as the rest of nature and is divinely designed, with all parts working in harmony – not just with itself but with all of creation – for me is simply wondrous. My responsibility is to look after it and to make choices that mean that my body does not fight itself, but works harmoniously so that it can play its part in the overall design and fulfil its purpose. In connecting to this, my body tells me everything I need to know and do. Its power and intelligence has me awed and yet at the same time it is so natural.

  534. Thank you Cherise, this is super beautiful, powerful and super simple.
    I love how you point out how very amazing and precious our body is and how it supports us in our daily life with its most sophisticated and natural design.
    ‘We live in the physicality of our human bodies in every moment of every day and can find ourselves ‘out of our bodies’ – perhaps in a rush, caught in our heads or making choices that disregard our bodies. But what I am also learning (and loving!) is the natural order and harmony our bodies are designed to work, move and be in, from the smallest detail and cell within.’

  535. There is more wisdom found in one cell of our human body than an entire library of books.

    1. I love it Dean! Every cell in our bodies are constantly working together/talking to each other to bring about harmony to the whole. It’s truly amazing and consequently they deserve the upmost honour and respect whilst we inhabit it.

    2. Wow Dean, the magnitude of what you have here stated is incredible. This simple sentence says much more than we can even begin to start to truly comprehend. Our cells, those things that are connected to the stars, connected to the universe and the many many universes … Makes a library of books look very minuscule!

  536. What a beautiful blog in celebration and appreciation of the human body. Through attending the courses of Universal Medicine, I have learned to truly honor, respect and take care of my body. How come that we live in a world where we have so little attention for our body and we live in a way that is actually harming?

  537. Our bodies are truly amazing, I have not studied nursing, but I have done some anatomy and physiology study and can remember being humbled by how complicated our bodies are and yet that they work in harmony. Then bringing in the understanding that the harmony of our bodies cans be disrupted buy the choices we make on how we are choosing to live in it. Which has been presented to me by Universal Medicine, offers us much in understanding the health or not of our bodies.

  538. Gosh Cherise, I never knew that so much detail goes into the workings of the human eye and that the whole body is involved. It’s so easy to see the eye as separate to the rest of the body, but when we ‘look’ with our whole body and from that connection deep within to our essence, you’re right what we see and our observations of the world do change. Contemplating thus more deeply, I agree there is a lot less judgement and we are more able to respond appropriately to what we see around us. Goes to show that what we see does not just come from our eyes if the whole body is involved.

  539. Considering anatomy like this makes study not only so much more interesting but so beautiful to gain a greater understanding of the intricate and delicate nature of our body! I did 4 years of anatomy at Uni and unfortunately it was never like this.

  540. I could feel myself open up to listening, observing and honouring my body in a whole new way as I read this, thank you Cherise.

  541. I have also found that the eyes are very much about receiving and holding rather than looking out, pulling in and judging – even though we use them like that a lot.

  542. Beautiful sharing about how we have to become aware that there is much more to the world we live in that we can see. First the energy then the material expression of it!

  543. Lovely eye in-sight Cherise. I have felt how ‘receiving’ is a very different feeling in the body to the action of ‘looking’. When I ‘receive’ I feel fully embodied, and when I am ‘looking’ I am outside of myself to some degree.

    1. I too feel how graceful your response was to Cherise, Victoria. The ability for us to be receiving images all the time means that we are accepting life the way it is and welcome it wholeheartedly. The notion of ‘looking’ feels like there is a non acceptance, a discontentment in the body, a need to look outside for something, someone.

  544. I love learning about the intricacies of our bodies too Cherise, it blows me away all of the time. Studying with Universal Medicine took this understanding even deeper, showing me that my body is directly responding to every choice I make, whether that be food, emotions, work, activities, rest.. anything and everything I do, say, think, am.. it all impacts on my body and how it feels.

  545. It is lovely that you give us another view of the eye, and how different it is to just see or look, to observe and allow and receive and read what life presents. Feeling anatomy at a deeper level.

  546. Indeed Cherise, there is such beauty, harmony and natural order in the way our bodies work and move yet we constantly over-ride this natural order because we wish to experience something outside of this. It can be as simple as overeating to not be aware of our feelings, or to eat a food to experience a momentary pleasure, when in fact the body finds it difficult to digest it. So in fact we over-ride the body’s natural intelligence with something our mind decides it wants or imagines is a good idea at the expense of the body.

  547. I love how you offer the reader a wider spectrum of what ” seeing” with the eyes means. Like the pupil is very delicate, so is our ability to read and receive energy with the eyes.

  548. Great blog Cherise. The absolute wonder of our bodies is always there to be felt and understood, through the way we live. But that wonder can never be completely extracted, for even in the most straight and dry of science lessons there is always a magic that defies explanation.

    It is easy as a university student just to stick to the facts, rote learn them and reproduce them for the examiner…Or we can be ignited as you have been to the deeper mysteries. That the pupil is in fact an opening through which light enters to travel right through the eyeball brings me to a delighted stop.

    Even though I “know” it, just reading it again makes me smile all over. The nervous system is constantly and subtly adjusting the pupil’s dilation so that is correct for the amount of light falling on the eye. I cannot tell you which nerves do this anymore (long faded memory and I am not really interested), but gee my whole body lights up when I consider how the nervous system constantly feeds back information to the perfect balance between light received and the size of the opening that lets the light in.

    Universal Medicine, with its absolute appreciation of the body, and love for its amazing qualities, brings science back to life.

    1. Rachel you have so expanded Cherises blog for me, thank you. Much to ponder on, I never realised that the nervous system had a part to play in relation to the amount of light entering the eye. Wow, for me this is huge, as my nervous system has spent a bit of time on fast pace. As it is slowing I am discovering so many things that trigger it, so how much light have I stopped from entering my body because of this? A question to pose, but not dwell on. Simply an understanding as to why it is that I now see more than I used to.

    2. I love reading your response here to Cherise. It’s like I sense how much you both absolutely enjoy the chemistry and biology of the body. It makes me want to be inspired by how it all works. I know it is an incredible vehicle but through your blogs, and also yes absolutely through the teachings of universal medicine I am being more and more mind blown.

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