Gallstones – more to it than the five F’s?

By Eunice Minford, MA FRCS Ed, Consultant General Surgeon, N.Ireland

Gallstones are quite common (25-40% of the population have them) and they can cause a variety of medical conditions. However, it is only the minority of patients (10-20%) with gallstones that develop symptoms requiring removal of the gallbladder – many people live with gallstones without even knowing they have them and without any symptoms. Some conditions caused by gallstones, like pancreatitis, can be quite serious and even life threatening. Much more commonly, patients present with pain in the right side or across the top of their abdomen, often associated with nausea and vomiting. Some people notice it is brought on by eating fatty foods in particular, as the gallbladder is involved in digestion of fat – it stores bile and contracts to release bile into the gut when we eat a fatty meal. The pain can occur when a gallstone gets lodged, preventing the passage of bile from the gallbladder into the bile duct and gut.

Being a surgeon myself, it was not difficult to self-diagnose gallstone disease when I first developed symptoms about 10 years ago. I had been out for a meal and had eaten too much, along with having a particularly rich chocolate dessert. It tasted yummy at the time, but several hours later when I was in agony my body was saying something else! I eased the pain and the nausea by making myself sick – off-loading what was clearly an over-loaded system.

Over the next couple of years I had intermittent attacks, often precipitated by eating something that was too fatty.

On one occasion, I had a heap of melted cheese on top of a chilli con carne, a few hours before I boarded a flight home from Chicago. It was only when I was in the air on the plane that the pain and nausea started. Airplane seats are not the most comfortable at the best of times – the pain under my ribs on the right side was excruciating and no amount of adjusting my position could ease it. Making myself sick in an airplane loo was a feat in itself – but a necessary one that brought some relief. On another occasion it was mayonnaise in a coleslaw that sparked it off.

Now I wasn’t in any rush to get my gallbladder out – being on the other end of the knife was not something I relished. Perhaps I had seen too much and was aware of all the things that can go wrong – even though most of the time they don’t! So I had put off getting a scan or seeing anyone about it. At the same time, I didn’t want to land in hospital as an emergency case either, and it was probably the fear of the latter that eventually inspired me to get a scan. This confirmed I had a large solitary gallstone about 2-3cms in size. Quite a corker!

I cut down on my fat and dairy intake (but not chocolate!) and this helped to keep the symptoms at bay. It was around this time that I started attending Universal Medicine presentations and finding out there was perhaps a bit more to understanding gallstone disease than I had been told in medical school.

I was taught – and medical students are still taught – the process of gallstone formation, whereby there is an imbalance in the constituents of the bile (e.g. too much cholesterol) leading to tiny crystal formation initially, and over years these develop into stones. In addition, the risk factors for gallstones are those who are Female, Fat, Forty, Fertile and Fair – the Five F syndrome.

However, at Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon was presenting that energetically emotions are the root cause of illness and disease. In particular, with regard to gallbladder disease, it was associated with the emotions of rage, frustration, resentment and bitterness. This was all news to me and went beyond what is currently understood in medical science, in terms of gallbladder disease. Yet, when I looked deeper into the science, there are understandings that support it. In particular, the field of psychoneuroimmunology is showing how our thoughts and emotions can affect our immune, endocrine and nervous systems to result in disease. There is also the science confirming that everything is energy and thus everything is interconnected – so emotions can and do affect the physical body.

It was therefore not too big of a leap to see how emotions like rage and frustration could have a role to play in gallstone disease. I had certainly experienced these emotions throughout my working life, and the hardness and toughness that I displayed on the outside was – if you like – mirrored by the development of a large hard rock in my gallbladder!

I arranged to see a surgeon about removing my gallbladder, as I knew there was no way this rock was going to disappear without me going under the knife! I knew that the operation to remove the gallbladder and the stone would be part of the healing process, but not the whole package. It would and did cure me of the symptoms, for which I am very grateful, but in itself it would not address or heal the root cause of why I formed the gallstone in the first place. In order to do that, I needed to look at why I got so frustrated at work when things did not go according to plan, my need for control and to have things be a certain way, as well as the underlying causes for any rage, bitterness or resentment I was carrying.

I didn’t consider myself to have much resentment or bitterness – but my body was saying something else! By looking more deeply inside and being honest, I discovered there were indeed issues where I was holding some resentment and bitterness. Through having esoteric healing sessions I was able to come to a deeper understanding of why I had these issues and to heal them. In addition, I had the support to start making more self-caring and loving choices for my body. Raising my awareness of and addressing these emotional issues is all part of the healing offered to me through developing gallstone disease.

Would I have become aware of these issues without the disease? Removing the gallbladder alone and leaving these issues unaddressed might just mean they would come out somewhere else in my body eventually.

By addressing these underlying emotional issues, my body has the opportunity to be more harmonious and at ease. As I make more self-caring and self-loving choices and stop being so hard on myself and those around me, that is reflected in my body and the state of my being. This example shows how conventional medicine and esoteric medicine work very well together – where conventional medicine addresses the symptoms of the gallstones and esoteric medicine heals the root cause of why I formed the gallstone in the first place, restoring me to a deeper place of harmony such that going forward I can make more caring and loving choices for my body – no longer ruled by these emotions.

A win–win all round – not just for my body and me – but also for those who get to work with a considerably more harmonious, much less frustrated and furious me!


Disclaimer: The understandings presented here are based on the understandings of esoteric medicine, esoteric philosophy and my personal experience supported with some scientific understandings. However, the specific understanding of the link between rage, frustration, bitterness and resentment and gallstone disease is not currently part of what is known as evidence based medicine and is to be discerned by the reader as to whether it is true or could possibly be true or not.

847 thoughts on “Gallstones – more to it than the five F’s?

  1. ‘I didn’t consider myself to have much resentment or bitterness – but my body was saying something else!’ It is so true that the body is the marker of truth. We cannot get ‘away’ with anything it also calls us to be far more loving with ourselves. Something I am still and feel will forever be learning.

  2. Your blog makes very interesting reading Eunice because our emotional out pourings must go somewhere and it would make sense that we are affected by them. Just take stress, this on its own can cause a lot of health problems as the health officials tell us that it can be the cause of cancer, heart attacks and nervous tension to name but a few. So it makes sense to me that we all have a responsibility to ensure that we are taking care of ourselves as much as possible, may be if we did this the health service wouldn’t be under such a strain trying to cope with all the symptoms that we present as ill health.

  3. Eunice, isn’t it amazing many of us especially health care professionals, do not want to be at the receiving end of being a patient, yet have no issues treating patients. I’m not a doctor but have worked in the health care profession for 20 plus years and hated being a patient. I used to feel so vulnerable and I needed to be invincible and be available 24/7.

    But somewhere along the way, we need to be reminded that we are no different to any other human being roaming around the world. Credentials or not, we have the same emotions as everyone else, the key is how we manage or heal them.

    I’m a lot more open to receiving health care services and letting go more of control and in that, I am learning and discerning what feels true and what doesn’t for my own wellbeing.

  4. Thank you for sharing Doug as someone who has often been frustrated it is helpful to consider the impact not just on my body but also on those around me and gives me pause for thought about the occasions that I still express my frustration in damaging ways.

  5. As it is becoming more recognised how feelings and emotions can affect healing and that lifestyle choices have a massive impact on illness and disease rates there must eventually be more recognition of how emotions affect the incidence of things such as gall stones and that we have the key to true healing in our own hands if we so choose.

  6. An insightful sharing that seeks to show that surgery, whilst vital for many ill-health conditions, does not address the root cause of an illness. If we are to truly heal, we also clear our emotional body of past hurts and resentments

    1. Kehinde, you are spot on, any healing modalities, whether modern or complementary medicine, do not address the root cause of any illnesses, it simply addresses the symptoms. Which to a point is necessary, but will not truly heal the disease. The health care systems need to ponder on this and maybe it will not be at the brink that it is at today.

      1. If we only skim the surface of illness, and do not deal with root causes, the residue rises back to the surface to be cleared again and again, requiring repeat visits to GP surgeries and hospitals.

  7. Bringing honesty and responsibility to our illnesses, offers us the possibility of understanding whilst healing them and this can be really transformative.

  8. Our body doesn’t even know how to lie. We may disagree with what it presents, but there’s much healing on offer when we choose to surrender what it is communicating.

  9. “emotions can and do affect the physical body.” When we are honest we all know this to be true.

  10. The five Fs – would it be interesting to know *why* these are risk factors? On the face of it I wonder why such disparate items should be connected to something as specific as gallstones?

    1. That is exactly what I thought Christoph. I was particularly perplexed at ‘fair” which out of all of them seems really random!! As we know everything is energy and gallstones are because of built up bitterness, frustration and resentment surely this does not only affect Female, Fat, Forty, Fair and Fertile?

  11. It can be a very big decision to have an organ such as the gall bladder removed but when we are willing to see and accept the removal as an important factor to support us to heal alongside looking at what is being played out energetically then it is a no brainer and something to deeply appreciate – the choice to listen and place the needs of the body and soul above and before anything else.

  12. For me I’ve mostly taken good care of my diet, and not drinking alcohol for years or doing drugs, but I can say from my experience that emotions have been so debilitating for my body, as good as any toxin I could physically ingest. I have definitely felt very unwell after a period of stress and emotional disturbance.

  13. Psychoneuroimmunology seems like a very important study for medicine to be embarking on, especially because of the drastic increase in illnesses and diseases that we see happening today.

  14. A great blog to read thank you, to understand how our emotions in regard to rage, frustration, resentment and bitterness, eventually build up in the gallbladder helps to realise that removal of the gallbladder is not the final part; it fixes the immediate problem but not the cause and working to release the cause is equally as important.

  15. I so can feel in my body that without addressing the underlying issue and energetic root of any physical ailment it is not truly healed and it can just pop up somewhere else in the body eventually.

  16. “By looking more deeply inside and being honest, I discovered there were indeed issues where I was holding …… ” It is so easy to deny what’s going on as we don’t want to feel the truth – hands up here. But when we address our medical issues with surgery if needed and looking and feeling deeper with other therapeutic support we can resolve long term issues. The Universal Medicine modalities have been – and still are – such a support for addressing the root cause of issues.

  17. What a great insight into the medical aspects of gall bladder problems and equally importantly the understanding and awareness of the energetic root cause underneath it .

  18. This is a beautiful blog. I always wonder how life changes once one’s gallbladder has been taken out.

  19. This really makes me appreciate the power of honesty. The more honest we are prepared to be, the fuller the healing could be. For some of us, hearing that our emotion is related to our medical condition might only take us so far as to identify what might be the cause therefore to blame, and our solution then would be distancing/removing the culprits – and we might even call that being honest, but there’s actually so much more.

    1. If emotions are connected to illness and disease that also means that we can influence the outcome when before we felt powerless.

  20. Being aware of and working with both the physical and emotional aspects of an illness or disease leads to both a deeper understanding of ourselves and what contributed to the illness/disease and also facilitates a deeper healing.

  21. What a powerful example Eunice of the how ‘conventional medicine and esoteric medicine work very well together – where conventional medicine addresses the symptoms of the gallstones and esoteric medicine heals the root cause’ of why the gallstone is formed in the first place, restoring you to a deeper place of harmony such that going forward you can make more caring and loving choices for your body – no longer ruled by these emotions.
    That is the true power of Universal Medicine.

    1. I love the marriage of both Universal Medicine together with conventional medicine. I had personal experience of this a few years ago now. The hospital staff were amazed at the speed of my recovery even after a few nights post surgery, The ongoing support for quite a few weeks afterwards from local Universal Medicine students was phenomenal – in the form of meals and Esoteric therapies in my own home.

  22. Eunice I relate so well to your story having had my gallbladder out a few years ago. I was passing gallstones and 2 got stuck in my bile duct, surgery my only choice with this. Like you I found the teachings and understanding from Serge Benhayon of the energetic effect of my choices in how I am in life i.e frustration, resentment, rage and bitterness impacted my body and my gallbladder and know the importance of addressing them, why I had these emotions, was a vital part of my healing and transformed how I am in life.

  23. It’s great to have more awareness of the energetic causes of disease. Simply doing a fix, be it with surgery or pills, doesn’t address what caused us to create a particular illness in the first instance.

  24. Addressing the underlying stresses and emotions – the original causation of disease – is so important. Otherwise we are simply treating symptoms and may get repeat episodes of an illness. I often wonder why few people want to explore the true origins of disease, as we have more university degrees and PhDs than ever before…… which begs the question, what is true intelligence?

  25. Without considering the whole of a human being we can cure symptoms and illness but not always address the underlying causes and offer healing.

  26. It is interesting how we allow fear to delay getting a medical issue diagnosed, because we let our mind run away with the ‘what if?’ scenarios.

    1. Very interesting indeed, that inside we know something is not okay and yet we delay taking action. I can sometimes also do that with my car, denying what I know and also not taking responsibility for what is actually being offered.

  27. A great blog Eunice bringing awareness to both the medical and energetic factors about the Gall Bladder. It makes sense that the we need to be aware of the wider picture beyond surgery and address the energetic causes too.

  28. I love how you’re bring in the energetic factor and give the reader a more broader view on why we get sick or have certain body pains, such as with the gallbladder. It does make sense though, we don’t take care of ourselves, our body will react. It does that quite gently in the beginning, but when we don’t listen, it just has to shout a (very) bit louder.

  29. That all is energy and everything is interconnected makes so much sense in a way. Why would the gallstones be there? Why eat certain foods? There must be an ‘underneath’ unconscious intention for it to start all this. It would great if patients get treated ánd are asked if they can relate to the emotions. At least to open them up for the possibility that emotions might play a substantial part in having the gallstones in the first place.

  30. Furious, Fed Up, Frustrated, Fat and Feeling awful, 5 F’s that for me seem more likely to end up in a Gall Stone than being a Fertile, Fair, Forty year old Fat Female! What we learn through Universal Medicine enables us to understand the anomalies that occur when someone who doesn’t have orthodox 5F’s gets gallstones. After all, our emotions do carry weight energetically and affect our physiology quite dramatically. To me it seems obvious that if we fail to address our inner realm, the fury, frustrations and bitterness that can arise when we refuse to take responsibility for our selves, and something within our delicate body is going to get affected.

  31. This truly is a win-win all round, where the partnership of conventional and esoteric medicine together deliver the whole healing package from which we can address our healing and health on all levels.

  32. The marriage of conventional medicine and esoteric medicine is clearly a match made in Heaven when I read inspiring stories such as these.

  33. I didn’t know gallstones were so common. In a way, it seems like a blessing to have the symptom and diagnosis so that we can start looking at its root cause, but if the link between the emotion and its effect on the body, and the energetic side of illness and disease was something we would commonly get educated on, perhaps, we would not have to wait for the physical body to start speaking so loudly.

  34. It makes so much sense that how we are in life emotionally is going to affect our physiology.

  35. If all is energy and everything is because of energy, there can not but be a physical effect to every emotion.

  36. Whether there exists an ‘evidence based scientific connection’ between the formation of gallstone disease and rage, bitterness, frustration and resentment does not really matter when we consider that that was not only the experience of Eunice but many other people as well. All I know is that every person I have known to have either gallstones or their gallbladder removed has had issues with all those emotions to a great extent, so it does not surprise me that they are the root cause of the disease. Also, this raises the question of what true science is in the first place, as perhaps we have forgotten that science comes from our direct anecdotal observations of life in an open and honest way, without necessarily the need for complex statistical experiments. If a hundred people shared a story similar to Eunice’s why would we just throw that wisdom out the door just because it had not been repeated in a laboratory or published in a peer review scientific journal?

  37. I have found that emotions such as resentment, bitterness and rage can be conveniently masked by a good dollop of denial. That is, the human mind will find ways to hide that which is needing to be brought into the light of day to be healed. It is one of the many ways we avoid truth and shirk our responsibility to live in a way that honours our body, the being within it and all other bodies and beings on this planet. Fortunately for us, the human form is designed differently and coded within its particles is an intelligence that will naturally ensure that that which is hidden is made more visible by virtue of what we call ‘illness and disease’ so that the necessary corrections can take place.

    1. How about the five 5’s stand for: frustration, frustration, frustration, frustration, frustration. That would give a more accurate description of what is behind a sick gallbladder 😉

  38. ‘Removing the gallbladder alone and leaving these issues unaddressed might just mean they would come out somewhere else in my body eventually.’ This is a point well worth taking note of, because if we don’t address our emotions, or start making more loving choices we will keep getting reminders from our body to make changes and if we don’t make changes eventually something more serious will bring us to another stop that gives us a further choice to reconsider the choices that we are making.

  39. A very stark example you give here Eunice of the difference between how something tastes in the mouth and the impact and consequences that this has on our bodies and our internal organs. This is constantly occurring whether we are aware of it in terms of agonising pain or not.

  40. To me it makes perfect sense that our thoughts and emotions should affect our health, whether that is in the way we behave or act and how our movements deliberately configure our bodies. And it’s our movements that we need to be paying a lot more attention to if we are to pick up the warning signs before they turn into something more serious.

  41. Eunice, as a surgeon yourself I cannot help but ponder on how many surgeries you did on your patients to relieve them of both their gallstones and symptoms while you had those exact symptoms in your own body.

  42. A fascinating and educational read alongside a presentation of the root cause of gallbladder issues that would revolutionise not only the medical world but the way people approach their own conditions. There is so much irresponsibility when it comes to our own health, with the majority seeming happy to live in disregarding ways, knowing they can turn to medicine to ‘fix’ them should something arise… so it is great to bring the part we play to the table and consider that our lifestyle choices and undealt with emotions may contribute more than we previously thought.

  43. The way that you have addressed both the emotional and physical issue here is very inspiring. I can imagine that it would have been quite a unique experience to be a surgeon yourself and then receiving surgery. The way that you communicate from the wealth of knowledge you have from your profession and from the sensitivity and vulnerability of a patient is quite beautiful.

  44. “the field of psychoneuroimmunology is showing how our thoughts and emotions can affect our immune, endocrine and nervous systems to result in disease. There is also the science confirming that everything is energy and thus everything is interconnected – so emotions can and do affect the physical body.” Awesome that conventional medicine is catching up with what the body has known forever 😉

  45. “This example shows how conventional medicine and esoteric medicine work very well together – where conventional medicine addresses the symptoms of the gallstones and esoteric medicine heals the root cause of why I formed the gallstone in the first place.” This just make absolute sense and when the result is a more harmonious working environment for everyone it is a win, win, win, win …

  46. No matter where it is in our body that we manifest a disease, our openness to understand our body and how we are being in it may bring a level of wisdom and way of change that will bring about a healing not only in the physical level, but also on the quality of energy we choose to live with as we continue our life.

  47. I’ve been curious recently about resentment, bitterness and frustration in my life at the moment. Wanting life to be a certain way, that not happening, and resenting rather than accepting life as it is. I feel this calls for some more observation on my life. Thank you Eunice.

  48. Fascinating Eunice, it is my experience too that there is a very distinct link between our emotions, certain organs and disease and illness. Just recently I’ve discovered I have a condition called Dry Eye, and the most exacerbating emotion as far as symptoms go is actually frustration. Anxiety has an impact too, but frustration is what makes it very notably worse. Being open to these sort of relationships and connections in the body is very empowering, as I am now armed with far more information with which to influence how that condition plays out on a day-to-day basis.

  49. To understand that everything is energy and everything is because of energy (SB) is the true starting point for exploring any disease or illness. Dealing with the emotional hurts is the next step to release the emotional baggage and stop seeing the world through emotionally ladened sight is paramount and then exposing and healing them in letting them be of no power, is the next step.
    “However, at Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon was presenting that energetically emotions are the root cause of illness and disease. In particular, with regard to gallbladder disease, it was associated with the emotions of rage, frustration, resentment and bitterness”.

  50. I love how you present illness and disease are the doors to discovering emotions and tensions in our lives that we often did not consciously knew existed!

  51. When I take responsibility and look at for how I have been living that manifested in a physical ailment. The understanding has always brought a change in my relationships with family and friends as well.

  52. Looking at our emotional reactions whatever they may be has to be worthwhile if we are willing to make changes in our behaviour that will support healing and bring about a more harmonious world to live in.

  53. Great sharing Eunice, when we look more deeply into illness and disease, we realise that there is something more that needs addressing than just the physical symptoms themselves, and when we are honest with ourselves we are able to get down to the root cause and start making more loving choices.

  54. A great example of the marriage of western and esoteric medicine working together to support the human body. I read your disclaimer, and your sharing feels true to. It is like a car, and you get it fixed for wear and tear, but if you keep driving it in the same way (i.e. too fast over speed humps, you will need to get more shock absorbers), you will get the same result. Not until you look at how you are driving the car, and why, will it truly stop.

  55. It is incredible that around a third of the population have gallstones of varying sizes and many do not realise it. That’s an awful lot of resentment, rage, bitterness and frustration swirling around so it is no wonder that we live in such a disharmonious world. Removing the offending organ does not address this aspect so it is imperative that we explore how we can heal these issues. Thank you for sharing your personal journey with this Eunice as I am sure many can relate and be inspired to go deeper with it.

  56. It is amazing to realise that it is not just the physical aspects of illness and disease that are to be understood and healed, but that there is another side to illness and disease too and this is the emotional aspect. If we do not realise this, then we are sold short of true healing.

  57. Medicine is great and much needed in healing the physical side of our illness but if we don’t address the underlying cause we have not received the full blessing and healing that a illness and disease can offer. It is great that as a surgeon you are able to embrace this side of healing as you now have a greater understanding of why we have illness and disease and be able to offer your patients an insight into what they can do to support themselves. At present we rely heavily on the medical profession to give us the answers as to why we are ill without looking at the part we play in how we live that contributes to illness and disease.

  58. Conventional medicine is great at solving a problem e.g. removing your gall bladder when needed but without you choosing to take responsibility for the root cause of your gallstone, the effects would no doubt have come out subsequently somewhere else in your body. This is a great example of how Western medicine can be complemented by also addressing underlying issues through the esoteric modalities for a true healing.

  59. When we are in the emotion we will never know that it is actually what is running the show even if it underneath a few layers we may not so clearly see. Honesty is the key to open the door to these layers and begin the healing process.

  60. A great and much needed blog highlighting that although western medicine is something that we absolutely need and is supportive, we need to take personal responsibility for our lives and health and the reason why we have certain illness and dis-eases in the first place, as these are not just by chance but manifest because of the way we are living. Even if we get an organ removed as you did with the gallbladder, but do not energetically address why the illness was there in the first place, then this will manifest somewhere else in the body instead. To me is is much more reasonable and makes common sense to see ‘energetically emotions are the root cause of illness and disease’ instead of being Female, Fat, Forty, Fertile and Fair!!!!!!

  61. I observe myself going often into frustration and start to understand that if I do not appreciate what I already have mastered I end up in frustration which is affecting my gallbladder.

  62. There is a level of detail we can take ourselves to in how we look to understand diseases that currently is not offered through western medicine. The effectiveness of western medicine is fantastic in addressing so many conditions, but personally having had it presented to me that there is a root cause of ill health we can consider, I am always keen to explore the deeper reasons why we get sick, beyond the physiological happenings in the body, and as Eunice says, getting to the root cause, the reason for being in a state of imbalance, health wise.

  63. Eunice- this stood out for me in your blog-“and the hardness and toughness that I displayed on the outside was – if you like – mirrored by the development of a large hard rock in my gallbladder!’”- so fascinating to understand this. It made so much sense for me with people I know who developed gallstones and needed them to be removed.

  64. Judgment is the deepest form of bitterness and when not addressed will lead to a crippling rage and resentment that our physical form will then have to endure the ill effects of. What we as a humanity need to ask ourselves here is – why is it so much easier to criticise ourselves and others than it is to appreciate? Clearly we have mastered the art of seeing the ‘bad’ but we are nowhere near mastering seeing and celebrating all that good and true. This does not mean we all have to become blind optimists, indeed I would caution against this for there can be great harm in what we perceive as ‘good’ if we are using this to not see the illness that lurks beneath such a polished veneer. The key to true health is to develop acceptance of both the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ in life so that we do not allow the lens of our hurt to distort the beauty that abounds us.

    1. Great comment Liane. ‘The key to true health is to develop acceptance of both the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ in life so that we do not allow the lens of our hurt to distort the beauty that abounds us.’ The lens of our hurt can so magnify the harm that we are accepting in seeing beauty distorted, when in truth we are absolute beauty as is the other.

  65. When we do choose to start to feel, and thence to start to heal, extraordinary things can happen, which soon, as our healing unfolds, become almost ordinary…. But they are still like miracles.

  66. Gallstones, I must admit I didn’t really know their function or what they were about and so it’s great to learn. Also at the same time learning more of a depth as to how they come about physically and energetically. It’s so interesting to see a doctor who knows all about these things be so honest and admit that they were avoiding seeing a doctor. I see many and I am also aware in myself the avoidance or the it will be ok line that plays out in my head whenever anything goes wrong with me. It’s like a denial of anything happening even though it is very obvious something is. This has all changed with the awareness I have from coming in contact with Universal Medicine. I see these moments or illnesses as an important part of my life and body and now have regular visits to see a doctor, similar to a yearly service in a car. Not to play it down but often we will have our car checked out or be fearful if we don’t then it will cost a lot of money to fix and yet we don’t have the same level of urgency with our body. Strange? Or deliberate? Our body can bring more things to us than we can yet understand.

  67. Western medicine provides wondrous interventions such as surgery to provide cures for our ills. However, if we don’t address the underlying causes, namely our choices and the quality that we live in life, we place enormous pressure on our medical systems which increasingly it can’t keep up with.

  68. You have described what I would consider to be true holistic medicine Eunice, looking at all aspects and utilising medicine for the part it does best – diagnosis, alleviation and surgery. The energetic/emotional part is key in my experience and I love the way you’ve stepped us through what your healing involved. I can certainly relate personally but concur that addressing things at this level, results in not just the cessation of a recurring condition, but a change in how you are in life in a much more encompassing way.

  69. It makes sense that emotions linger on in the body and eventually register as a physical change to the well-being of our health, and deep down we know this because it is so easy to recall a hurt and still feel it as if it was yesterday – so how much more healthier would it be look at the underlying behaviour as Eunice has done, instead of getting sick and needing surgery.

  70. Really making the link between how we use our emotions and the fact that this is then stored in the body is actually very logical. We may not want to accept it, as there isn’t all the scientific research and backing to support it. But if we were really truthful with ourselves, we can actually feel the truth in it.

  71. It makes perfect sense to me that a hardening in yourself in the emotional sense would manifest as a hardening in the body, due to the fact that matter follows energy. That is, we feel it all at the energetic level long before this feeling precipitates into the physical form. So many of us get around with a world of un-dealt with emotion and hurt locked up inside us that it is really only a matter of time before this needs to be made physically manifest in the body if we have not first taken heed to the earlier energetic signs. What this teaches us is that we are always offered the chance to heal what is not in harmony and while it is never too late to make a change we have a choice as to whether we listen sooner or later.

  72. Inherently we know that disease and illness do not just come out of nowhere. They develop over time and it makes perfect sense that emotions are part and parcel of why disease and illness develop.

  73. Treating the symptoms a with a gall bladder removal can ease the pain but healing the energetic cause – with the modalities of Universal Medicine – ensures a deeper cure. In the case of cancer it may mean the possibility of a recurrence is removed. However it is also our responsibility to live a healthy life-style that enables us to live a vibrant purpose-full life.

  74. The more we accept this as a society, the more we can start to be responsible, our emotions do affect our health, ‘There is also the science confirming that everything is energy and thus everything is interconnected – so emotions can and do affect the physical body.’ I love how Eunice looked at the underlying causes of her gallbladder problem, ‘I needed to look at why I got so frustrated at work when things did not go according to plan, my need for control and to have things be a certain way, as well as the underlying causes for any rage, bitterness or resentment I was carrying.’

  75. It is interesting to come back to your blog Eunice because I am now able to see how much frustration has played out in my life. I never got gall stones, but looking back I can see that I avoided them by controlling what happened in my life and by walking away from things that made me frustrated so that I never had to see how frustrated with people and life I really was. Over the last year I no longer choose to walk away and so I have been confronted with my frustration and how it not only affects me but others around me. It can come out in all sorts of ways and it sometimes surprises me how disruptive and dis-harmonious it can be.

  76. Emotions are the root cause of all diseases, this feels very true as when we harbour hurts they always bring about emotions and that whether expressed outwardly or not brings about a disharmony within the body that has to be dealt with. But a judgment on our emotions also causes a dis-ease within the body.

  77. Great to read the typical process you went through; the self caring cut down on fat and dairy intake (but not chocolate!) to keep the symptoms at bay, the necessary operation, and then taking it that crucial step further – by applying the understanding that emotions play a huge part in the illnesses and diseases that the body displays. Addressing the root cause of why you formed the gallstone in the first place, completes the healing process for the body.

  78. Considering that emotions like frustration, bitterness, resentment and rage create illness and disease in our body makes sense, it is challenging at first to consider because we have become so removed from our bodies that these emotions could be every day occurrences and we don’t feel hurt by them, now adays thanks to Universal Medicine I have learned to appreciate how delicate and sensitive my body is, hence these emotions are felt as very damaging when we live in such a way that isn’t as such.

  79. I find it amazing that people who get gallstones can be so easily categorised into the five F’s. Yet this is also confirming of something I noticed from my early days in nursing. Certain conditions seem to affect certain personality types. This was the beginning of my putting 2 + 2 together that there is an energetic cause beneath all physical disease. I find this really inspiring, as it puts a great deal of the potential to heal our ills back with us, rather than relying solely on medicine.

  80. “emotions can and do affect the physical body” no one can honestly deny this fact. When we allow fluctuating emotions to influence our life it is exhausting and the body feels drained of energy and when our energy levels are depleted we are more susceptible to illness and disease. Most of us have said at some time or another ‘I was feeling exhausted and run down and then I caught a cold.’

  81. Understanding that it is possible that our emotions could leave such a ‘concrete’ deposit in our bodies opens up an enormous ‘pandora’s box’ for us to consider.

  82. From my own experience evidence based medicine can only take us so far and we ultimately need to make an informed choice with evidence based medicine being a part of the final decision, not the sole consideration. I have loved what you have shared here, it gives me an opportunity to consider a level of personal responsibility I might not have considered.

  83. Very interesting that lessons on risk factors for gallstones are still quoting a stereotype of Female, Fat, Forty, Fertile and Fair as a way of identifying the probability of the condition. I love the deeper understanding you bring here Eunice.

  84. Even if there isn’t ‘evidence based medicine’ around the link between the emotions connected to the gallbladder or any organ in the body for that matter, I know from my own personal experience that emotions can and do cause illness.

    1. Yes I agree Raegan, I have also personally seen the direct result of emotions on our health and well-being, it becomes a poison in our body that builds up and needs to clear itself through an illness or disease.

  85. “I didn’t consider myself to have much resentment or bitterness – but my body was saying something else!” Funny how we can be in such denial at the same time as our bodies are clearly telling us exactly what’s going on.

    1. Yes – this should sound a warning bell as to the division we have allowed to enter our body and cause a separation between what the mind thinks and what the body feels.

  86. I enjoyed reading how you’ve experienced both Conventional and Esoteric Medicine working hand in hand. It’s like conventional addresses the above ground part (like the flower, leaves and stem) while the Esoteric modalities help address the roots because without this factor most plants (and illnesses) just sprout anew or come back again and again. What I have experienced with Esoteric Medicine is that there is a far more rounded understanding of the whole picture, because when we just focus on the end result without knowing where it came from that can lead us to blame this, that, everything and everyone or believe it to be luck, fate or that we are a victim. The more I understand an illness from the energetic, emotional and lifestyle choices the more at ease I have become with the illness or disease and much more willing to face it and get the required support to heal.

  87. Bringing the Esoteric to complement our understanding of medicine is a great way to open up our understanding of science – that of observation. Trusting our own observations is critical in today’s world where so much ‘evidence’ supports contradictory points of view and the burden on health care systems around the world demands we all take more responsibility. Eunice has provided a very interesting example of this, and inspired me to learn more and explore more for myself about how emotions affect our bodies -something which I have always known to be true but is only beginning to be verified by contemporary science.

  88. As a society we can often get caught in chasing the cure or fix for our physical issues, the problem with this approach is that often the same issue will come back to haunt us. What’s awesome about your story is that you tackled both the physical and the emotional issue that was underlying.
    I know that there is no ‘evidence based’ scientific proof that this is be ‘true’ but the evidence for me is in the many, many students of Universal Medicine that have applied this exact approach and gotten incredible results both physically and emotionally.

  89. Wow Eunice – reading your blog has shown me what a lucky escape I had from a highly possible and very painful experience. Fortunately, my body gave me early warning signs that my gallbladder was not happy being battered about by my underlying feelings of frustration and resentment. It gave me a persistant bitter taste in my mouth every time I ate or drank something, even water, which was quite alarming. I was recommended to take some Chinese herbal pills by a client who was an acupuncturist who did explain to me that it was caused by my gallbladder but nothing about my part in causing the problem in the first place. It was not until my next appointment with the amazing Neil Ringe that I learned the truth – the way I was choosing to live, with constant feelings of frustration, resentment and bitterness, was directly impacting on my gall bladder – the cure was in ‘my hands’ together with the amazing support and treatments by Neil.

  90. I admire the way you have taken responsibility for the illness and gone to the root cause. How awesome is what Serge Benhayon presents, that you were able to recognize the underlying issue that causes gallstones.

  91. If we see our bodies as an analogy of a tree or plant growing in the soil, we can gain more of an understanding of why we get sick. A tree needs to be firmly planted in the the ground with a good wide and deep enough hole in which to spread its roots. It needs to be well watered and to have all the right nutrients for it to grow a strong and healthy trunk, and then it will branch out and its blossoms and leaves will flourish and thrive. In the same way, we have to nourish our bodies not only with the water and nutrients it needs, but to allow it the space and loving environment it requires to maintain good health. If any of these ingredients are missing, then ailments start to appear, and an environment lacking in love is a major contributing factor.

  92. “By addressing these underlying emotional issues, my body has the opportunity to be more harmonious and at ease.” Once our body then has the clarity and space to truly heal great miracles can happen.

  93. One of the great things that I got from this blog is how empowering it is to have an understanding of the correlation between how we live, think, and express emotions and the subsequent illness and disease that can come from the negative aspects of these (such as the frustration, resentment, bitterness, etc.) that Eunice has described lead to her gallstone condition. This throws out the old theory that many have had about us all being haphazard victims of disease, and instead puts us in the driver seat of our own health with true responsibility.

  94. This is a really great blog Eunice, I had my gall bladder out when I was 30, I really did not fit into the 4Fs at all. I had no idea until a couple of years ago that that these emotions were the root cause of my gall stones, these emotions were so deeply buried that I did not acknowledge them being there until subsequent healing session allowed them to surface and be cleared.

  95. Loved what you have shared here Eunice. Truly understanding that illness just doesn’t ‘happen to us’, that the way were are with our emotions can contribute 100% to what is going on in our bodies. This is something that many of us have not or do not want to take responsibility for. We feel it is more convenient to blame others, hereditary, genetics and the like. Also the fact that you could have just had your gall bladder removed and left it there, but you chose to look deeper, understand what was underlying the reason you got it in the first place, which is huge and the only way to balance up the physical healing with the the energetic healing required to find true and lasting healing.

  96. Well said Eunice – What you’ve described here is the marriage between seeking medical treatment for an ailment where needed while also taking responsibility for our health by acknowledging the part our choices play in the symptoms that spring up in our body.

    1. Yes to understanding the symptoms and choosing to ignore them before working with an esoteric practitioner myself. The responsibility lies with us all individually and the support of medical treatment is only part of the healing.

  97. I agree cjames. The fact that science is beginning to appreciate that our thoughts and emotions do actually have an impact on our physical and mental health is truly a wonderful step forward in understanding health and disease. Having people like Eunice who have the knowledge and wisdom of both conventional and esoteric medicine is a true gift, bringing this information into the daylight and making it accesible to all.

  98. the field of psychoneuroimmunology brings great light to something that has been energetically known for eons, and it is wonderful to read such a clear rendition of this connection by someone steeped in both worlds of medicine

  99. This article should be available for all medical students and medical staff to read as it offers the connection between how we treat ourselves and the health issues we may have, which is something that we are all vaguely aware of but so often choose to ignore. If you tread on a nail and it hurts your foot, you remove the nail which is the underlying cause of the pain and then treat the injury that has occurred to the body. Our lifestyle choices can be that nail.

    1. That is a great analogy Mary, and rather a painful but very honest one to feel. The impact of our choices can indeed be very harming to our body, but much of the time we are not aware of what that impact is having until it shows up as a physical ailment that we then want to get rid of as quickly as possible. How different our health system would be if we all took responsibility for all of our choices, preventing so much of the ill health that is everywhere today.

  100. Resentment and frustration are pretty huge emotions in themselves. We have become first class actors in pushing down and disguising what we feel, putting on a face to the outside world that things, and ourselves, are ok. It comes as no surprise that these emotions and these choices we make will play themselves out elsewhere, for where else do they have to go? Than further embedded in our bodies. A great article Eunice asking many pertinent questions.

  101. A very interesting read Eunice, and I feel it is so important that somebody from the medical field is making a connection between our unresolved issues and lifestyle choices, that can cause illness and disease.

  102. It is an amazing journey you had Eunice and a great understanding that diseases are definitely linked to what we put in our body in terms of food but also in terms of emotions. Hopefully we are not too far from the time medicine will start taking all these factors into consideration, which will support both patients, doctors and the whole National health care system (international even!).

  103. This article is a corker. It lays a Fiery, Foundation of Fantastic Feelings for us to see that illness is not a burden but a gift from our body. Thank you Eunice.

  104. How tempting it is to simply address the physical when an ‘issue’ comes up in our body. This blog shows how important it is to look at the whole picture, after all where does the frustration end up once the gall bladder is gone? Does another organ end up in the line of fire? It makes sense that this would be the case as the energy has to end up somewhere.

  105. Thank you for bringing great clarity to the causes of gall bladder disease Eunice, the physical cause and the underlying root cause. Understanding and treating both is a powerful combination indeed.

  106. This is a great exmple Eunice of the healthy marriage of conventional medicine with the esoteric work, leading to the highest good for the individual concerned, namely you in this experience. l appreciate amd respect your balanced and unbiased view of both modalities. lt makes sense to get the most out of both.

  107. After reading your sharing Eunice, I have a much better understanding about disease and the root causes of disease. As you describe, just removing the gall bladder wouldn’t have healed you completely, we have to heal the underlying emotions, the root cause. Amazing sharing, thank you.

  108. Imagine if when we went to see the doctor it was followed up by an esoteric healing session. If this were the natural process I feel the reoccurrence of diseases and the frequency of occurring diseases would rapidly drop. Because as you say Esoteric Medicine and Conventional Medicine work together to not just address the physical side and occurrence of the disease but also the underlying root cause of the disease.

  109. Thank you Eunice for an interesting and thought provoking article. It makes perfect sense that the emotions we carry in our body in turn affect the body causing disease. By knowing this we have the possibility to heal the emotions preventing disease. What a better place our health systems would be in if we took the responsibility to heal.

    1. For me too, Anne it makes perfect sense to me that emotions do have their effect on our wellbeing and our bodies in particular. Especially if we keep these emotions undressed they can over the long term be the root cause for illness and disease. And the problem with that is that in general it will take quite some time before the ingrained emotion turns out in a medical condition; it will sometimes be hard to trace back the cause as we have become that familiar with this emotion in our body, that we are not consciously aware of it anymore.

  110. Great to read your blog and become an insight from the perspective of a surgeon and doctor. Conventional medicine and esoteric medicine working together is the absolut perfect complement and will bring the art of healing into a great new level.

    When I imagine more surgeons, like you, who develop an understanding of the energetic connections between the way of living and illness and disease, not only on a professional but also personal level, and are then able to treat and operate within this deeply felt knowing – as the patient him or herself does too, how revolutionary – I am deeply inspired from that comprehensive way of understanding and evolving. What Universal Medicine presents and represents, was the missing link.

  111. I always had the feeling that everything is connected without being able to articulate it. Universal Medicine has given me the means to understand and therefore to take responsibility for my choices. I’m gradually relieving myself of a lifetime of accumulated resentment and bitterness and in the process I have found more lightness of being, more ease in my body and increased vitality. Universal Medicine is the medicine for humanity. Let’s share it with everyone.

  112. We all have the experience of how emotions can make us feel sick or elated. We all know how they affect our bodies. If we live these patterns of emotions everyday, does it not make sense it will send our bodies out of harmony and eventually into disease? So if we know it to be true, we have the foundation to simply make lifestyle choices that feel more harmonious. Our feeling is the key to choosing what harms and heals and what offers great vitality and wellbeing beyond healing. Thanks to Universal Medicine, this simple awareness put into practice can offer an immensely different quality of life and I have experienced this first hand.

  113. psychoneuroimmunology- what a great word…
    Yes everything is connected and energetically so. We are very naive to think that the body just happens to get sick for no apparent reason. Of course we are the conduit that creates the illness and the sooner we start looking at the way we are living and being, then the world can start healing.

    1. It is very naive indeed to think that the body just all of the sudden gets sick or ill, without any reason whatsoever. It’s like bumping your knee against a table and blaming the table. We are the creators of our disease and illness and there is no one or nothing to blame. This is what self-responsibility is truly about.

  114. Around a decade ago a close friend in her late 20’s was suffering with painful gallstones and on the verge of undergoing surgery. We had a lengthy discussion about the gallbladder and the emotions that affect it and its part in the way we think. Several days later she had a scan with her GP prior to being admitted to hospital. The gallstones were completely gone and the surgery never took place. Just goes to show what the body is capable of doing. We often talk about what took place for her. Incidentally she has never suffered with gall stones again either!

    1. This shows the power of healing through simple discussions like yours Helen of what is happening within the body and nominating and feeling then the emotions can shift leaving the body in a much healthier state.

  115. Eunice I love how you write – so clear in discovering the truth behind the symptoms – timely that you were able to get to the root cause with the support of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon.

  116. psychoneuroimmunology 101 should be taught in all schools… So that everyone has at least got a perspective or understanding that would bring a greater degree of self responsibility and awareness in our lives.

  117. It’s fascinating to read about something I knew very little about and yet found it to make complete sense from both a medical and esoteric perspective. The power of the two combined is remarkable when one considers the healing that can take place on both the physical and emotional levels, should one be open to addressing issues deeper than what just physically presents.

  118. If the medical world is prepared to estimate 25-40% of the population have gallstones but don’t know it, this alone must throw at least the female part of the 5Fs theory out the window, unless we’re prepared to believe that all people who have gallstones are women. It makes more sense to me to understand this disease from the point of view of rage and frustration – emotions many of us can no doubt own up to. Our emotions don’t exist in a vacuum, they are felt and have an impact on the body, particularly if unaddressed and taken up as lifestyle choices: this must have a cumulative effect, resulting in illness and disease. I’m prepared to hazard a guess that 80% or more of the population have a few gallstones rattling around!

  119. ‘…the field of psychoneuroimmunology is showing how our thoughts and emotions can affect our immune, endocrine and nervous systems to result in disease.’ I know this one well: the holding back of my expression in key areas – verbally, and in my approach to life – is at the root of my thyroid condition. I’m sure many of us could come forward with similar examples of how we’ve come to understand we create the ills we like to think randomly occur.

  120. Thank you Eunice. A very clear diagnosis that the way we live and our emotions have an effect on our physical health. When we have a pain, illness or disease we always ask ‘Why?’ Serge Benhayon’s presentations on esoteric medicine have made me aware of the connection between my choices and the way I have lived and my body’s way of showing me how this has consequences. Conventional medicine supports me in dealing with the consequences and my understanding of esoteric medicine gives me the responsibility to heal the underlying causes.

  121. Years ago if I were to consider that emotions affected ‘ health, I would have been hard pushed to see the connection. Sure, if you got angry and punched a door and hurt your hand, or if you shouted really loudly and hurt your throat, but not something you can’t see, like an emotion affecting solid matter and not that it could ever create a gall stone. That’ll be a bit like quantum physics and something I wouldn’t have got my head around.

    But now it makes total sense. When I’m anxious I feel what it does in my body physically and that has a huge effect, as does any emotion. My body will have a different flow internally. It reminds me of the beach and how a stream can flow to the sea directly or goes around and makes sand banks – like clogged arteries, gallstones etc.

    This explains things like cholesterol, something even with my limited medical knowledge, surely can’t be down to diet alone, as I’ve known people’s cholesterol levels vary greatly but their diet remain constant. To some extent conventional medicine acknowledges the link between emotions affecting health, because of the admission of stress having an effect on the body. But this article shows the extent of the impact emotions have on our physical health.

  122. This is so interesting Eunice, it makes so much sense to look at the big picture and the true cause of our illness and disease and acknowledge the fact that it is more than just bad luck. We need to take full responsibility for what we put into our bodies and how we live and look into all our issues to be able to move forward into a healthier state of being.

    1. Well said kevmchardy. Bad luck (or sometimes genetics is blamed) doesn’t even come into the equation but it is a good one if you don’t want to take the full responsibility as to why you have the disease in the first place.

    2. Absolutely, I agree, well said Kev. If we don’t like where we find ourselves, we should make different choices.

  123. This blog got me thinking how we focus so much on getting rid of symptoms, when it is all too common that once ‘relieved’ of our symptoms another illness or disease will come along in its place – this shows that we are not truly addressing the root cause of illness and disease and moreso that our whole approach to illness and disease is one of conquering not of understanding and evolving. What if we view illness and disease as a communication from our body that was telling us the impact of our choices and way of living. And this is not limited to our actions, but also our inner state – that is, whether we are experiencing emotions which disrupt our natural harmony and connection.

    1. This is a very important point, and one which should get far more consideration in medical and scientific circles than it currently does. It makes perfect sense to me. But then I imagine that the idea of taking responsibility for the state one ends up in isn’t too appealing to many.

      1. Yes, taking responsibility for what we create is not a strong point of humanity, yet with the rampant disease which is obvious to everyone, you would think that we don’t have to wait for the health system to fall well behind before we consider that there must be a better way. Unfortunately, if history tells us anything, it is that we blindly wait for a catastrophe before we look at a situation more deeply.

  124. This personal experience is a great example of how esoteric and conventional medicine work to complement each other. If we truly sought to understand illness and disease it would mean taking responsibility for our own lives, that is, making the simple observations of what impact our choices were having on our body and being and furthermore, why we were making those choices which comes down to not wanting to feel our hurt. The wisdom is all there from Universal Medicine for us to develop and evolve – and many across the world are choosing it.

  125. Your sharing clearly offers true healing Eunice for those who are willing to look more deeply and beyond the physical symptoms. It makes total sense that if the whole body is in harmony – physically and energetically – then there can be no dis-ease.

  126. Great point Gill; psychoneuroimmunology shows how much of an effect our emotional and mental state has on our physical body. Also Einstein proved how everything is energy and so to think that one energy (emotions) can be isolated and not affecting another (our physical body) just doesn’t add up.

  127. It really is a great understanding that you share with us here Eunice. All too often I find that medical students as well as those within the general population only see organs as there physical function and diagnostic function. Having the understanding of how much emotions affect the organs gives a whole new understanding to how to treat the body. A much needed understanding.

  128. This article explains so clearly the link between emotions and disease in our bodies, and I found it inspiring the way you looked at your own lifestyle and were able to address the main factors in how you were living that caused the gallstones.

  129. Thank you for sharing this Eunice. I have found the insights offered by esoteric medicine to be truly amazing in terms of presenting the underlying causes of illness and disease. In the case of gall stones, conventional medicine offers the theory of how they form but cannot explain from a purely physical understanding why one person with the five Fs will develop gall stones and another will not. Esoteric medicine offers an insight into the root cause, while this is yet to be proven, it supports people to address all aspects of their life that have caused the illness. I love the way esoteric medicine works with conventional medicine: there are no wild claims about curing cancer or being able to stop taking medications, just the support to address the symptoms and the underlying causes.

    1. Lee you make a very important point here. It is rarely questioned in medicine why person A, for example will develop gall stones and person B will not. Generally when these questions are asked there is much more of an openness and therefore understanding of how to address the causes. When the question isn’t asked, is this also a sign that the cause doesn’t want to be known as this may mean taking more responsibility?

  130. Thank you for sharing Eunice. I totally concur that emotions have a huge part to play in our overall health because I have felt how my own body feels when I go into emotional overload and it isn’t pretty. “By addressing these underlying emotional issues, my body has the opportunity to be more harmonious and at ease.” Yes, healing our emotional body is paramount to optimal health and Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine are paving the way for conventional and complementary medicine working in unison as the way forward.

  131. I appreciate the disclaimer but also have to say that I have no doubt whatsoever about the veracity of esoteric medicine stating that there is a root cause to all illness and disease before it manifests physically. And psychoneuroimmunology is definitely pointing in the same direction; the question is: are we willing to take responsibility for our choices or not?

  132. I find it incredible that we have to put a disclaimer on your findings Dr Eunice Minford. The arrogance we live in that the body just pops out a gallstone for no reason is being exposed here. Nothing happens in isolation and you have given us a clear example where Complementary Medicine and Conventional Medicine work hand in hand.

    1. Merrilee, like you, “I find it incredible that’ Eunice has to put a disclaimer on her findings. As you say, this very clearly exposes the arrogance that conventional medicine still works under when it continues to treat symptoms and does not seek to understand the root cause of a disease. This is the part that Complementary Medicine (in particular, Universal Medicine) can bring to the table.

  133. I really enjoyed what you shared here Eunice, I felt it showed how beautifully esoteric and conventional medicine can work together, with both an understanding of what is the root cause of an illness and disease being supported by the treatment of symptoms by medical practitioners. This feels like a more holistic approach to health and healing as I feel it offers the patient an opportunity to consider their choices and how they may have contributed to the development of a disease, illness or condition. I feel it empowers each person to play a greater role in their overall health, and this can only be considered a positive thing.

  134. Great to see the connection between emotions and the impact on the body with illness or disease. Our body wears the impact of the energy around and in it, this is common sense. What a turn around for you and the others around you, to experience the difference with those emotions no longer dominating.

  135. I really enjoy how you write Eunice – you are so real, bringing the facts along with the truth. I am now wondering if I should go and have my gallbladder checked as I meet most of the criteria of the Five F’s and the energetic understanding of how the gallbladder holds frustration, resentment, bitterness and rage – although most of this is under control nowadays, I wonder just how much damage I have done to my body. I cannot ignore that as it is that precious to me.

  136. Not only does Serge Benhayon present that energetically emotions are the root cause of illness and disease so too does a significant body of empirical evidence. In the light of current science and the Ageless Wisdom I do not know how we can possibly continue to separate the aspects of ourselves – the body, mind, emotions, spirit and Soul, and treat any one aspect without all the others being considered. Perhaps if we did then we would start getting on top of our world health pandemics.

  137. Thank you for your sharing and your honesty Eunice. Sometimes I feel I am like a blowfly that is buzzing around in my head trying to find the cause of the symptoms of pain or some dis-ease in my body. I know that my body is not functioning properly and I know what the cause is but, and here is the ridiculous part: there is no way I am going to be honest enough to admit that my thoughts, speaking or the way I live have anything to do with said pain and dis-ease in my body until……. enough is enough. The time eventually arrives where I have to admit to the disregard of myself that I have been living. So, while there may be no scientific evidential fact to support this, I am deeply aware that the way I have been living IS the root cause of my pain and dis-ease and it is now up to me to address these issues, often with the help of conventional or esoteric medicine or a combination of the two.

  138. The 5 F’s! It is funny how things or people get pigeon holed. To me this sounds far more crazy than the fact that how we live (emotions, what we hold onto, do not express etc) affect our health and bodies. This is what needs to be understood by all; that illness and dis-ease doesn’t just happen to us or is bad luck, we make it happen by our choices and how we haved lived. I have heard this many times but Serge Benhayon is the only person I have met who actually feels like he truly knows what he is talking about regarding this. He is very inspirational and the wisdom is never ending. Thank you for writing this honest and insightful blog.

    1. Yes, we seem have a category or “pigeon hole” for everything. This seems to me like we have measured everything and we look for what the person categorises into, for example the 5 f’s. This really is crazy.

  139. The more I pay attention to my body the more I am finding has been hidden away in terms of self destructive patterns and resistance to letting go of old hurts, letting others in etc. What a wonderful encyclopaedia of knowledge I am discovering, right there inside of me!

  140. Even though there is a disclaimer at the end of this article, there is absolutely no doubt in any cell of my mind or body that illness & disease, and indeed the emotions and behaviours that lead there, have their roots in energy. Emotions are powerful energies that influence our behaviours to a very great extent (we all know this) and the body is a highly sensitive instrument which will always display the results of the energy that is passing through it. The relationship between the gall bladder and frustration, resentment, bitterness and rage is for me common sense – thanks to Universal Medicine and the Esoteric Healing modalities.

      1. Yes Helen strongly written as it should be … how have we come so far without this link being made? How have we deluded ourselves that we just got a broken leg for no reason? When we understand that living from the perspective that nothing happens in isolation, everything is energy and our bodies communicate very loudly any dis – ease. Universal Medicine is providing the bridge to a full understanding between energetic responsibility and our physical wellbeing.

    1. Helen what you have written here is very powerful. It is not often spoken or written about the fact that emotions (energies), and in this case those of frustration, resentment, rage and bitterness must pass through our highly sensitive and delicate body. To think otherwise could actually be described as arrogant and ignorant. And yet, in 12 years of schooling this fundamental truth that we all need to know was not even hinted at.

    2. I agree entirely Helen, there is no doubt in my mind as to the detrimental effect that emotions can have on our behaviours and physical body. It is to me also common sense, and I could say a lived experience! Certainly not some airy-fairy theory.

  141. Learning how I hold different emotions in my body has been fascinating and has given me insight and empowerment in my own healing process working with evidenced based medicine.

  142. I do so very much appreciate the clarity and understanding you bring to the link between conventional medicine and esoteric medicine Eunice. They both have a part to play which your experience so beautifully demonstrates. It makes so much sense to me that I can barely remember what it was like for me before I developed this understanding (thanks to the presentations of Universal Medicine), but I do remember my lack of responsibility in that I blamed others or the world for my ailments without a moment’s thought that I was the one responsible for what was happening in and to my body.

  143. Eunice I love your clarity on how you explain and marry-up both conventional medicine and alternative medicine. How we as a human race, ever thought the two could be separated is impractical and nonsensical.

    1. I wonder how and why the two ended up separate… We see here in Eunice’s article that you cannot gain true insight and healing without having both working together but why and how did two parts of healing become so separate and for so long as well.

      1. Excellent point Natasha it’s almost like it is impossible to see how they are separate – almost ridiculous and yet we continue to champion one with out consideration of the other.

  144. Thank you Gill. Understanding the deeper esoteric meaning of any disease or condition immediately takes us to self-responsibility. The energetic meaning always brings it back to our choices and our way of living – which is the only way we are going to truly heal.

    1. I agree Vicky. It feels confronting but very empowering to know that our health is a result of our choices and that we have the choice to choose differently.

  145. Great informative and insightful article Eunice.
    A member of my family had gallstones and had to get them removed.
    Thank you- After reading your blog I have a deeper understanding of why gallstones can develop. It makes sense that emotions do affect the disease process in the body.

  146. Thank you Eunice for an insightful and informative article.
    Healing the energetic root cause of disease as well as addressing the physical symptoms makes enormous sense to me – Conventional Medicine together with its complement Esoteric Healing offers a total package – one that is working on all levels.

    1. Yes, we have to address the root cause and the energetic component behind all illness and disease, otherwise we will just be putting a band aid on what is truly going on, for it to rear its head again in the same or a different manner.

      1. This is true. How often we are prepared to apply that band-aid without needed reflection on how we got to that point in the first place. The band-aid has a way of making us feel better and making the issue go away – out of sight out of mind when in truth, it has gone nowhere.

    2. “Conventional Medicine together with its complement Esoteric Healing offers a total package – one that is working on all levels.” I completely agree Deborah and this is what I love about what the esoteric offers. Looking at the complete picture, the whole person, not saying this or that is better but the whole is required for true healing.

    3. I agree Deborah – a divine union of the physical and the energetic. For me now, there cannot be one without the other.

  147. The missing link in medicine is the understanding that all dis-ease comes from not living harmoniously with the body. The intense pressure that students go through to study, and perform ‘well’ in high level sporting areas is alarming when we think of and know health and wellbeing to be derived from a harmoniously way of living. The strive to achieve, the push to perform .. these are not harmonious acts which seriously effect the bodies health and vitality. Your example here with emotions effecting your wellbeing is a massive understanding to the implication that all emotions have on our bodies. Imagine what all the other organs are doing as well when your feeling frustration, bitterness, anger! They would all be communicating with each other on many different levels.

    1. Slowly we come to this understanding that our emotions, thoughts and how we deal with them has an effect on the health of our bodies. To understand this is one thing but taking the responsibility to get rid of the underlying ill energy that is driving our emotions and thoughts is as important too. These ill energies are related to deeply ingrained beliefs and behaviours we have developed over time, that need to be recognised and healed.

      1. I absolutely agree Nvanhaastrecht, and find that over time peoples bodies will not be able to handle the intensity and the pressure that they are put under. We are already seeing severe illness and dis-ease rates that are actually climbing higher and higher. Prostate cancer in men is now 1 in two and breast cancer in women is something like 1 in 4. These are alarming statistics and the link needs to seriously be shown to how all our emotions and ‘drive’ that we go into is a direct cause of ill-ness and dis-ease.

      2. Getting rid of the underlying energy is not just important, but vital in our development. There are so many energies at play and so many that affect us on a daly basis if we chose to be affected by them. As energy is ‘unseen’, it’s so important to learn how to decipher through our ability to feel.

      3. This is great Natasha, it is very important having discussions such as these, as they lay the way for us all to know what is actually taking place in our bodies and therefore in our lives. Living in a harmonious way in a world that is not harmonious is challenging, but it is by no means impossible. One only has to start to truly honour themselves to make huge changes in all areas of life, as Eunice has expressed.

      4. You address a very important aspect Nico. It is so vital to explore the underlying energy, which triggers the respective thoughts and behaviours. Without looking at the root cause, we can’t really heal – we would deal with our symptoms only on the surface.

      5. Yes Alexander, that is the only way to go. The hurts that we are carrying in our bodies have to be healed as they will withhold us from truly surrendering to the love we originally come from. The hurts we have from life are there because we are holding images of how life should be for us and if these are not met we are hurt because these images are not shared but individual and are keeping us apart every time we try to come closer to meet each other. And that truly hurts as we are all the same and immensely connected with each other, but are through our held images, unable to meet each other unconditionally.

      6. You express something very important Nico: “to meet each other unconditionally”. Real Love is unconditional and when I can feel this – heaven is on earth, space is around me and I can just be who I am. Awesome.

    2. Those poor organs, Natasha, striving to keep the body in harmonious balance, but constantly being over worked by a mind that strives to achieve, perform, succeed.Many are learning that this way of living does not work through pain and disease, the students of Universal Medicine are showing another way by the medicine of the way they live.

      1. Thank you so much for your comment Catherine because it reminded me that the body has a natural and harmonious equilibrium state that it is always trying to come back to. It is a natural support system that we have that we can rely on. The body has the ability to heal itself given the right environment and the right care. The only thing that is difficult is not being affected by a society or ‘the system’ that is so overwhelmed, exhausted and burnt out.

        The trick is to find a healing way of living that is as loving, caring and as nurturing as possible so we can live in optimum health. We are able to feel true vitality and joy all the time, and it is a natural way for us to be in the world, but many of us have forgotten or have not lived that way in a really long time.

        Coming across the teachings of Universal Medicine and watching the changes that people make through studying with UniMed, I have seen a quality way of being and living in the world that I long forgot about. I am seeing bodies that are not stressed but actually joyful … naturally. It’s very exquisite and should be studied by people far and wide.

  148. It makes me laugh at the arrogance of how I think I can get away with poor choices regarding my body whether it be foods that don’t work for me or going into a driven or nervous energy in order to get things done. The mind is so arrogant but the body feels everything and is left to deal with the mess

    1. So true Jenny. The body definitely gets left to deal with the mess created by the arrogance of the mind. I too have to laugh when I look back and realise that I didn’t get away with it the previous time yet I’m trying to get away with it this time.

      1. Yes, so true Jenny and Lee. The mind tries to get away with ignoring the connection between emotions and symptoms, always with even more arrogance until the body stops it strongly and the mind has the chance to becomes humble. How great to imagine (and of course even greater, to live) body and mind working together in the duty of truth and health.

  149. It’s really interesting to feel while reading this how separate emotions are from physical disease, in the way of current medical thinking/evidence. It makes so much sense though that the way we live, how we take each step and speak each word vibrates through our whole being and affects how we are thereafter. It therefore makes sense that a large part of our ‘preventive’ medicine is our choices in how we live every moment of every day.

    1. I agree Amelia. We can’t compartmentalise anything anymore, because we can feel the affect one thing has on another. My mind boggles that I ever did think emotions had nothing to with how the rest of my body felt. I remember when I felt rage, it would affect my body. But I didn’t go as far as wondering if it had any long term affects.

      1. Yes thank you Eunice, Amelia and Jinya, when I read how she began to take more loving care of herself, I really wondered – how come this is not normal? How come this sounds too out of the box, when in fact it just is real, and makes sense. It’s time to claim that this is true medicine.

      2. Totally Amelia. I am no scientist, or doctor nor statistician but as an everyday person using my plain and common sense it is very obvious that the way we live has a massive impact on or our health and our propensity to get illness and disease – massive. Many, many illnesses are caused and or exacerbated by consistently poor lifestyle choices alone.

      3. It’s the long term effects of an emotion such as rage that I now consider more than I previously did. If we have rage or any other emotion which is taking us out of balance then what effect does this have on our body in the long run. As you say Jinya, this must affect us in more ways that we give consideration to.

    2. I agree Amelia. We accept that emotions impact our perception of pain and we have all seen how emotions affect children. It is naive to think that emotions do not affect our physical health too.

      1. Is it not worth “observing life rather than absorbing life” in order to support a healthy and loving body?

    3. So true Amelia, of course our emotional state affects our physical body, as does the state of our physical body affect our emotional state. It makes no sense how they can be treated as separate. Our choices are made and we then feel how we are with what we have chosen, we could feel anger, anxious, reactive or sad and so on, or on the other hand we could feel joy, appreciation or yummy, then we ask our body to walk through a day in the effects of those choices and the body gives us feedback what it’s like to live a day in those choices and we call them symptoms. May be we should call them for what they are – symptoms of our way of life that we choose.

      1. This is a great way of putting this paulmoses39, calling our symptoms as “our way of life that we choose”. This means that our way of life, it’s quality and how we self-care can all contribute to either support our health or harm it… What a simple clear way to look at this.

    4. Yes Amelia, it makes complete sense that the way we live, what we think, how we behave all affects our physical body and will impact in some way or other. If we continue to do or think the same things over and over surely this is eventually going to have some sort of physical implication. And as you say
      “It therefore makes sense that a large part of our ‘preventive’ medicine is our choices in how we live every moment of every day”.

    5. It is really interesting how we can not consider emotions when it comes to physical disease. It’s like just because we can’t see emotions we think that they won’t have an effect on the physical.

      1. Yes Fiona, this is so true. Just because we can’t see things doesn’t mean we don’t feel them, and this is exactly what emotions are to the body.

    6. Having been practising as a complementary practitioner for 15 years now I find it really difficult to remember viewing emotions separate from physical illness but I did. Because the connection between the two is so true it is increasingly being accepted by individuals and some sections of orthodox medicine, it will in time become supported by science based medicine. When this occurs the opportunity for true healing will greatly increase and preventative medicine will be in the choices we make.

      1. So true, Jonathan, with more general understanding, honesty and insight for the connection between emotions and physical symptoms, living will be more understood as true medicine for everyone personally – how increasing this will be to every area of life. Society will recover and become more healthy – it is a joy to imagine all the aftermaths of that!

    7. It really does make sense that our emotions affect our physical body in ways science is yet to prove. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that our emotions affect our bodies but maybe not so much profit to be made from demonstrating that the key to great health is taking responsibility for the way we use and handle emotions on a day to day basis.

  150. Our body is such a great marker and pull towards greater honesty and awareness. I love how you said Eunice that “I didn’t consider myself to have much resentment or bitterness – but my body was saying something else!”

  151. I love this story Eunice, it’s so full of truth and is very real. No-one can deny your experience and no-one can deny your trained knowledge.

  152. Thanks Eunice. I really appreciate your light hearted humour about writing about your gallbladder. That sure is a way to re balance bitterness, rage and resentment. 😀

  153. Thank you Eunice for sharing your experience and unfolding understanding about the link between how you lived and what your body was showing you. I have started to pay more attention to my body and the change in the tension in different areas of my body with certain thoughts, reactions and emotions is quite tangible. It makes perfect sense to me that such prolonged tensions would compromise the working of my body and will result in the physiology showing s symptom of some kind. I used to need absolute scientific proof before I accepted anything as fact, however now that I am paying more attention to my body, I am finding the greatest source of intelligence is coming from within me.

  154. I have noticed that whenever the emotions of rage, frustration, resentment and bitterness are felt, my body (biomechanics) responds with tension and hardening of the muscles. As Einstein stated, that with every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction, it is a simple step to see how this external and outward display of gallbladder emotions would equally transmit to inside the body too, thus creating a ‘dis-ease’ state within the body. To me the connection of emotions and illness and disease seems inextricably linked, and to be aware of this offers true healing to the body. To observe and experience this connection, first hand, to me is evidence based.

  155. One of the most revealing aspects of coming to know ourselves, is to really start to listen to our body. As Eunice says it is telling us loud and clear what is going on, but we are just not used to listening to it. What a paradox, that we are all walking around with a self-contained repository of understanding and wisdom, if we just chose to look inside, what would be revealed.

  156. You mentioned in your disclaimer that there is no evidence based practice to support the idea that emotions are linked to physical disease. The thing is, it makes such sense. When we understand that everything is energy and science has demonstrated this, taking it to the cellular level seems the natural and most obvious place to start. We can all see with our own eyes that an emotion will determine how we move and ‘operate’ our body, therefore it does directly affect our physicality, isn’t this evidence enough?

  157. Thank you for sharing your insight and experience Eunice. When I have experienced a condition that has caused pain, sometimes just by asking myself the question – ‘What is really going on here?’ – I am able to allow understanding to come up that has contributed to what I am experiencing. When I then go on to see my doctor the pathway to healing has already begun. Our bodies are amazing and a wealth of information and insight, by remaining connected to our bodies brings a new depth and understanding to the way we can choose to live our lives.

  158. It is so empowering to understand the link between what is happening in our physical body and on an energetic level, as with this understanding comes true healing. Sometimes I find it hard to accept what is happening energetically, as this certainly requires a significant level of self responsibility, but at least I have the understanding, and the choice is then mine to make! Thank you Eunice for sharing.

  159. “It was therefore not too big of a leap to see how emotions like rage and frustration could have a role to play in gallstone disease.” To understand there is more to illness than we currently realise is a revelation. With this understanding I now approach all my physical symptoms from a different perspective and can always trace them back to emotions and lived choices. This is very empowering for my own healing.

  160. Hi Eunice. Thanks for sharing your experience. I too have had my gallbladder removed as I had created a couple of very large boulders in there. I was in my early twenties when I had the surgery and at that point had suffered for many years with the pain you described. Many years after having the surgery I still got pain even though there was nothing there to cause the pain. I also had to address the way I was living. Every time I become frustrated I would feel the pain where my gallbladder had been. After meeting Serge Benhayon and getting involved with Universal Medicine I learned to live in a way that this has no longer an issue due to the very supportive healing.

  161. One day esoteric and conventional medicines will be taught and used together. That day, I will become a student and a practitioner of them. There is nothing more fascinating than this combination.

  162. Having just enjoyed the Esoteric Healing Level 4 course presented and held by Serge Benhayon, I can say without a doubt that our organs and the way we choose to engage and activate them have a marked and lasting impact on our behaviours, our emotions and our health. Addressing the body with this understanding and being prepared to work with our emotions and behaviours in this way, completes the healing of the symptom that has needed to be surgically addressed. Esoteric medicine goes to the root and pulls it out, so it can no longer feed or grow the symptom.

    1. Well said Rosanna. Having just completed Esoteric Healing Level 4 myself I came to understand just how much we get used to the pain and discomfort of holding on to these emotions in our organs and assume that that is ‘normal’. Such a great marker to feel the body at a deeper level of ease with less of these emotions and behaviours.

  163. Eunice what you present here is not only revelatory it is also very needed. As you would well know our medical systems are not keeping up with the increasing rates of illness and disease. One avenue being explored to support this over-demand is increasing the patient’s level of responsibility in the treatment process. In general for patients to take greater responsibility towards consistency with their medications, diet and exercise. Yet what you have presented here is golden, if we were also encouraged to look at the emotions causing illness and disease, we would be go a long way in decreasing the rates of illness and disease we have today.

  164. After many years of working on my internal and physical issues with Universal Medicine practitioners and observing the results, I have no doubt that there is a link between the two.

  165. Gallstones, kidney stones – the body has a way of accumulating things to purge them. If we live the medicine that is the love we are, may be the body would be less burdened to need to create stones, or any illness.

  166. The other thing I love from your blog is how you show that science already holds a lot of information that supports what we through Universal Medicine have reconnected with, and that what is needed mostly may not be more research, but a willingness to look at what is already there with an open mind, ready to let go of old paradigms and embrace the fact that we are energetic beings first and foremost.

  167. There is much that is important in your blog Eunice, such as the importance of looking deeper than the purely functional and physical part of illness and disease and the need to not stop at simply removing, in this instance the gallbladder, but to look at what energetically lays at the root of this condition. If we neglect or ignore the latter then we continue to live in the ill energy that has caused this to arise in the first place, and thus the body will now have to find another way of removing this. Unfortunately often this then is in a more difficult or harsher way.

  168. Thank you Eunice for this clear understanding of the gall bladder and all illness and disease linked with our emotions, for we are all searching for why when we get ill! This brings a true and very real understanding and empowerment to life and the link of conventional medicine, esoteric medicine and our health and vitality with honesty and responsibility.

  169. A great blog Eunice. A close friend of mine had her gallbladder removed. She had some of the physical risk factors for gallstones and all of the emotional factors of frustration, resentment, bitterness and rage.
    Thank you for this blog, It certainly helps me to better understand my friend’s condition, and backs up so much I have learnt from Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon..

  170. Re reading your blog Eunice has led me to ponder to what degree do I still hold onto bitterness, resentment, frustration and rage and how much do I control things to keep those emotions at bay. I feel it’s time to get super honest as to what gall bladder issues I may still have that are unresolved.

  171. To me, the teachings presented by Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon make a lot of sense. Healing physically and energetically offers true healing in my understanding. This is something the conventional medicine should consider as all the advancements and research are struggling to heal the diseases and conditions. It’s a powerful marriage of knowledge and wisdom that can’t be denied. Thank you for sharing your experience!

  172. It’s so great to read a surgeon’s perspective Eunice. Thank you! Having you out there is so needed to bring a deeper understanding to the ‘why’. It all makes so much sense.

    1. I agree Elodie, Eunice has a solid understanding of medicine which when combined with energetic awareness is very powerful. She is leading the way in her field and can offer much to the world of medicine.

  173. Thanks so much Eunice for sharing your gall bladder experiences so openly and honestly. I know this is my weakness too – what is underneath my frustration, resentment etc? Do I need to control the situation? Make others wrong? Or do I take responsibility for what is happening in my body and look deeper, as you have. Reading your article has given me many insights to look deeper to the root cause of my frustration.

  174. The question of ‘why?’ is often not looked at in conventional medicine. The symptoms are treated very well but the underlying ‘why is this happening’ is often overlooked by both the medical practitioners and the patients. The more we are willing to ask ‘why’ the more honest we are willing to get.

    1. Yes Vicky I agree the willingness to ask “why” does bring us to a deeper understanding and taking of responsibility with our health care. People taking responsibility for their health must be very supportive to the medical and health system. The alternative is to keep ignoring our own part in our health care and expecting everyone else to just fix it. I’ve got the image of caring for our cars. If we don’t maintain them in the most basic of ways they will break down. There isn’t a free national support system we can take our car to when we neglected to take care of it.

      1. I love the car analogy, we think nothing of a mechanic telling us what fuel and type of petrol to put in our car or how to drive so that we don’t over assert and hence wear out certain parts of our car, such as engine, brakes and etc… even our vets are permitted to talk diet and exercise as a primary source of care when it comes to our pets. Yet for some reason we are not so open to these questions being asked of ourselves. Have we really gotten so comfortable with someone else taking responsibility and fixing us that we stopped seeing the value in the basics?

    2. Exactly Vicky. And this honesty will enable us step by step to look at the “what are the root causes” in our lives. Not only with regard to our medical conditions, but in every part of our lives.

  175. Hi Eunice, awesome that you were able to look that bit deeper and with more honesty into the reason behind your gallstones – sometimes we choose not to see the reason behind our illness or condition but the body will always keep telling us!

  176. I definitely agree with you Eunice and that everything is connected in our body. There is no denying of this facts for me. It is so clear how my emotions affects my body and the people around me. If I hold on to my issues, frustration and anger, my body becomes rigid, hard and it feels extremely tiring. From this, often discomfort appears on a physical level but internally I can not see how this way of being may affect my organs. From what you’ve shared accumulated stress, frustration and anger can have damaging affects. The marriage of conventional medicine and Universal Medicine seems to work because it is resolving the illness or issues on a physical and energetic level. It is working on the whole and not just part of the underlying illness, issues or cause.

  177. We need more physicians practicing and understanding disease healing in this way. It would change everything from admission to discharge

  178. The understanding that our wellbeing is depending on the quality of energy that we live in, is ancient wisdom and was understood by many ancient cultures. We are blessed with the knowledge of the human body brought to us by conventional medicine, but it really is time we allow a deeper and more complete understanding of what affects our bodies in our everyday life.

    1. Well said Katinka. This greater awareness is long overdue. Yes our bodies show us how we have been living. So we need to pay attention to the way we are living and take more care, for the sake of ourselves and everyone else.

    2. I agree, it is time for conventional medicine to catch up and embrace the energetic part that is already known and studied. When this is embraced as one, we will start to see immense changes in the health system that is currently suffering and not coping. We may witness the number of illnesses and disease decrease because of this union.

    3. An excellent comment Katinka. Together with Eunice’s blog, it gives me greater understanding of the work of Serge Benhayon, which I can use to further heal. myself and others.

  179. It was great reading about the underlying emotions that are associated with the gall bladder. I am really pleased to know there are fields of science studying the connection between our emotions. thoughts and the wellbeing of our body. In society we generally know that bitterness and rage are not that acceptable, but resentment and especially frustration are just an accepted part of our days. Things go wrong or not the way we want them to, and we get frustrated. We think this is all normal but some people rarely express frustration. It seems we have a choice about how we deal with situations and whether we go into emotions that blame what’s going on around us or if we take responsibility.

  180. I love how articles like this by someone within the medical field are starting to ask the questions that haven’t even really been properly considered until now in regards to the effects of emotions on our physical body. Emotional responses are something that we control through the choices we make, to get emotional is determined by how you choose to live your life, therefore illness and disease also has that strong element of choice that we seem unwilling to consider. It is easier to consider it luck, chance and fate as that allows us a get out clause, but to me it seems much simpler, our health is our making.

    1. Indeed Stephen, as more scientists delve in the realm of emotions and their connection to health we will have a better understanding of our responsibility in bringing on diseases and treating their root cause.

    2. I like how you have said this Stephen G, “our health is our making”.

    3. I often hear exactly that Stephen – that disease and illness is by fate, chance or luck. Not something we do to ourselves.

    4. Stephen you are spot on when you say “our health is our making” it is only until we understand that what we put out through the quality of the choices that we make will result in how our bodies feel that we will understand how much we are in control of our own health and wellbeing.

  181. The gallbladder is such a sensitive organ which takes on the rage and frustration. I totally can understand your journey with your gallbladder Eunice, as I also had problems with it because of my frustration in the past. To know that the gallbladder is harmed by these emotions, at least we can make choices which bring more harmony in the body.

  182. My world changed forever the moment I became aware our choices and behaviours had an energetic impact on all around us, and can lead to specific dis-ease, illnesses and lack of harmony in our bodies. I am grateful for the gift and opportunity our bodies provide to fix up and address dis-harmonious behaviours and am totally fascinated with the science of how it all works. Amazing miracles at play. Thanks Eunice for expressing so clearly the science of how this works.

    1. Thanks Gina – yes it was transformational for me as well to discover the role of emotions in illness and disease and indeed how our every choice affects our health and wellbeing!

      1. And the same for me, Eunice and Gina, addressing the emotions I had indulged in throughout much of my life, such as anger, frustration, resentment and sadness has been the key to no longer having several disease processes (arthritis, thyroid problems, migraines,) that plagued me before I had this understanding. These are no longer present in my body. To me that is an evidence based finding and the more people who have this living proof in their bodies, and share it, the more of an evidence base there will be.

  183. It’s amazing how we can feel symptoms in our bodies and not realise that it is our emotions that have caused the illness. How great then, to be given an opportunity to explore how the way we live affects our health. Thank you for sharing you story, Eunice.

  184. Thanks Eunice for sharing your personal heath story and the understanding of emotional side to your gallstones . I believe that our emotions definitely play a big part in the puzzle in relation to the root cause of illness and disease.

    1. yes I agree Greg and Universal Medicine has been the guiding light in how we can look at these and see the root cause to ill-ness and dis-ease. Which is the missing link that the medical field have not got to. SO imagine the two working together – I see a lot less people getting sicker and sicker and humanity actually addressing the real cause of our issues instead of finding solutions to them. I say Yes to that big time.

  185. Great read Eunice- I now have a deeper understanding of how gallstones potentially can develop and how a wholistic approach to healing is possible.

  186. Thank you Eunice for sharing and for the offering of a deeper understanding on illness and disease for those who are ready to ask why a disease develops, what the body is actually communicating to us.

  187. Your blog, Eunice is a good demonstration of how conventional medicine and esoteric medicine work so well together; the former deals with the symptoms and the latter deals with the root cause of the symptoms, which ensures that the symptoms do not reoccur.

    1. Sandra that’s the beauty, with both forms of medicine we can now manage the symptoms as well as get a better understanding of the root case so we can make loving choices to support the healing of the conditions.

  188. Eunice, thank you for sharing that ‘the field of psychoneuroimmunology is showing how our thoughts and emotions can affect our immune, endocrine and nervous systems to result in disease.’ That emotions can and do affect the physical body has definitely been my experience throughout my 72 years. The sooner that this is widely accepted by conventional medical professionals, the sooner they will realise that in most cases they are only treating symptoms and that conventional medicine is complementary to esoteric medicine, which treats the cause.

  189. ‘ Removing the gallbladder alone and leaving these issues unaddressed might just mean they would come out somewhere else in my body eventually.’ – so true Eunice. If we don’t address the root cause, the problem still exists and will continue to come out in other ways.

    1. This is a great point, Jane. Western medicine has become so good at doing just this – “chopping off”‘ or “fixing up”, which has allowed people to think they can get away with doing what they like and that medicine will fix them up, or just cut out the bad bits. But there is only so much of us that we can live without! And sooner or later, we will have to live with all the choices we have made.

    2. This just makes complete sense, if you have been living in a way that has created the illness and this is not addressed then it has to manifest it self again in the same place or in another. Looking at what caused the illness and healing this is imperative.

      1. It does make sense to listen when our bodies tell us something is wrong, as it’s much easier to change your way of life when you have a persistent ache or symptom, why ignore it until you are either in agony and screaming for pain killers, in a ‘queue’ for a serious operation, or on permanent medication.

    3. Indeed Anne – and the body does not have a limitless number of parts to chop off or out! Whilst that is needed at times, it would of course be preferable to focus on how we live so that we do not need any bits chopped off! If I’d known in the past what I know now – I might have managed to keep my gallbladder!

    4. Very simply and clearly written Alison – not that hard to comprehend really – we are masters of making things complex and hard, and confusing.

  190. Absolutely Gill – Eunice has given us a blessing by sharing the FULL process of healing, and a much deeper understanding of illness and disease.

  191. Beautiful to read this account of gallstones disease from the perspective of a surgeon, a practitioner of conventional medicine. Indeed Universal Medicine’s presentation that energetically emotions are the root cause of illness and disease may not currently be part of what is known as evidence based medicine, however with testimonials such as these it is difficult to ignore that this makes total sense. One day this crucial link will be accepted by mainstream medical research.

  192. This is very insightful, as is everything that is inspired by the collaboration of western and esoteric medicine. Two things can happen here: the joy and freedom of accepting and exploring what is on offer or the rebuttal and ridicule based on the choice to not take responsibility for one’s state of being and health.

    1. Very succinctly put Gabriele – indeed there are two ways as you have described – react with rebuttal and ridicule or respond whilst embracing the freedom of what is offered by taking responsibility …. I know which one I would prefer these days!

      1. I agree Gabriele and Eunice, and your sharing Eunice highlights the importance of a marriage between the western and esoteric medicine. Just imagine if doctors and surgeons would understand the underlying root cause and thus work with this understanding while removing a stone or tumour. You Eunice are a prime – and very inspiring- example of this. The healing will be so much greater and deeper and the support of the patient will get a whole new meaning.

    2. Yes – what is being offered here is a true way of healing the body, dealing with the symptoms through conventional medicine and the root causes with esoteric medicine. To simply deal with the symptoms is not a healing. To truly heal we need to look at the underlying emotional issues that caused the illness in the first place. We can chose to reject our part in the issue or we can embrace it and learn from it.

  193. Thank you Eunice. It was great to read about your gallbladder issue, loved the sprinkle of humour too! I am soon to have a hysterectomy so it was interesting to read about taking into account the energetic factors of such procedures. What you say makes sense, for true and complete healing we must get honest and address the underlying causes of the disharmony within the body.

  194. Thank you Eunice. I have felt to read this blog for some time yet skipped over it and not taken notice of the call. Today I can see why. I am living with high frustration at others and myself and have become quite furious as I let go of habits that used to numb and race me. Your article speaks directly to me and brings a much-needed wake up call to ask the questions and support my body to reacquaint itself with harmony. The real question I must ask is ‘why am I so sad?’ – as I know the anger is a cover up to this.

    1. I also appreciate the honesty within your expression Rachael – thank you.

    2. Great to expres Rachael, and when we bring that honesty to how we feel then it opens up the possibility to not allow that behaviour to own us anymore. The more we live with this honesty the greater our lives can be, emotions such as anger are clearly a massive part of the sickness that we then go on to suffer when they remain unresolved, so it makes sense that we should want to face them and understand the root cause.

  195. We are the creators of our own illnesses and diseases. Once we grasp that and from there start truly observing ourselves and our health, we can make amazing changes. The combination of conventional medicine – to treat the symptoms – and Universal Medicine – to address the root causes – is probably the most powerful couple in history.

    1. That’s is so true we are the creators of our illnesses and diseases. Just having that understanding and knowing, we can make amazing changes.

    2. Indeed Michael – this is the true meaning of responsibility & the power we have to heal ourselves. This duo is the way forth.

    3. Well said Michael – yet so many people find the idea that we are the ‘creators of our own illnesses and diseases’ too confronting and challenging – and do not see the blessing and healing it bestows on us when we know this. It is a game changer – for the better – as we are no longer victims but can be empowered to truly heal.

      1. I agree Eunice, this can be very challenging for a lot of people and it is easier to ignore and keep finding excuses for their ills but the body does not lie and will keep telling them otherwise.

      2. Well said Eunice – starting to be aware of the blessing and healing a disease offers me when I am willing to look deeper than the physical has been a game changer for me. My whole life turned around and I have changed patterns I thought would be with me my whole life by doing this.

    4. And I also agree Michael that Universal medicine and Conventional medicine are a powerful couple and the way forward – as demonstrated so clearly by so many students of Universal Medicine who have embraced the marriage of the two.

  196. I am amazed how literal your body was in translating the hardness into a stone!
    ” The hardness and toughness that I displayed on the outside was – if you like – mirrored by the development of a large hard rock in my gallbladder!”
    It does make perfect sense, I know, but I find I am blown away by the accuracy of the reflection offered back by your body: “You have been hard – this is what it looks and feels like!”

  197. I have had the same experience studying with universal medicine as related in this blog. I have been drawn to exploring recurring health problems from the more broad esoteric healing perspective and found this is actually not so difficult to do. It is just a matter of sitting with a question around a health concern and asking myself if it made any sense. Every time I have just opened up to this kind inquiry and emotional aspect of an illness has presented itself and it has led to a new approach to its healing, which has in no way impinged on the usual medical approach which I always pursue. I highly recommend the complementary approach available though Universal Medicine for developing a total understanding of health and wellbeing.

  198. A superb example of how illness and disease can provide an opportunity for healing much more than just physical pain and how the physical and emotional sides of our wellbeing have an inextricable link based on what we carry around in our bodies as emotional ways of being. Could this be the basis of new medicine, supported by the role that self-responsibility and self-care can play in prevention and cure?

    1. Yes Cathy it certainly can be the medicine of tomorrow – or today if we choose it. Yet I know from experience that many people do not want to live with that degree of self-responsibility or even to consider that how they have been living and being emotionally has anything to do with their health and wellbeing – they just want the doctor to fix them or claim ‘that something has to be done’ so long as they are not the ones that need to be doing it!

  199. Thanks Eunice, your blog presents that there is more to physical afflictions than the symptoms we experience and operations/medications to relieve those symptoms. It is also my experience that a combination of western medicine with the knowledge and understanding of esoteric medicine supports the healing of the both cause and symptoms. Simple.

  200. Eunice I can completely resonate with what you share here “As I make more self-caring and self-loving choices and stop being so hard on myself and those around me, that is reflected in my body and the state of my being.” Theses changes has made such a difference in my life, my body has softened up, there were lots of illnesses in my body which have disappeared, I feel completely different in my body, I have been able to reconnect to my tenderness which I never knew I had, this has allowed me to break down the hardness I held in my body.

  201. Great Blog to read – this is education.
    Isn’t it questionable that we continually eat food that is not right for us when it has made us not feel well in the past.. I know for me it’s convenient that I have to eat something, as it allows me to fill myself up.
    I let myself down each day with food – EVERY DAY I have an issue!!
    I like what you wrote Eunice “energetically emotions are the root cause of illness and disease” – it is clear then why I eat what I do.
    When I take time to feel what to eat, and I should – it is a large part of living life – it is all there – what and how I need to eat to support who I am – not bringing me down.
    I love how being honest is being scientific – brings an understanding and revelation. I just have to be honest before I choose if that is supportive or caring for my body.

  202. What a great blog Eunice. Just as words precede wars so too are emotions the first indicator of a war being waged in our body. To suggest that long held resentment has an effect on the persons wellbeing and health may not be evidenced based, but to me it certainly is common sense.

    1. A gem of a comment, Rebecca. ‘Just as words precede wars so too are emotions the first indicator of a war being waged in our body.’ What an awesome thing to be offered up to consider. Thank you.

    2. Here here Rebecca, so spot on! We have become so reliant on science needing to prove things that we have forgotten the greatest scientific proof of all.. our own body. It sure does make sense that a life full of rage, frustration and disharmony would have an effect on our natural bodily balance. I am not waiting for modern day science to catch up to know this is true.

  203. A great sharing in your blog, Eunice. It would have been so helpful many years ago now, when my late husband had his gallbladder removed. Having this understanding of the root cause of the problem would have so helped in the process of his healing.

  204. Thank you, with your wealth of experience and knowledge as a doctor, it is awesome for you to so honestly share your resistance to being treated, and your journey to realising there might be far more to getting gallstones that what is in the textbook.

  205. Ha – what a interesting point: we realize some so called Problems, Illnesses or so and what are we doing? Something that help “to keep the symptoms at bay” – not to really feel into it, embrace the reflection we’ve got as what it is – a blessing. I really get slowly that all we get is a offer to clear, to heal and so to evolve. And I take it as a problem to get rid of…

  206. If I need my gall bladder looked at, you’ll be the first person I call Eunice!

  207. If anyone wonders about what Eunice is referring to in that energetically emotions are the root of disease, then a brief look at psychoneuroimmunology is helpful… it incorporates studies from psychology, to rheumatology and more and is a great insight, well really the tip of the iceberg, into the understanding of what is going to pull humanity out of its headlong dive into over-encumbered health systems all around the world

  208. What you have described Eunice in addressing this health issue regarding gallstones seems to reflect a true or holistic path of medicine, where you consider the whole of you, the physical body and the mental and emotional aspects. In doing so you seem to take full responsibility for what has been created and committed to addressing this. I can only imagine the natural flow on effect of dealing with your frustration issues for your colleagues and patients!

  209. It makes sense that our emotions have an impact on our bodies and that this eventually leads to a dis-ease within the body.
    It never occurred to me that the way I was living was contributing to the ill health I was experiencing and that the attitude I took with me to the doctors also determined the kind of support I received. I now know that if I am more responsible with my health the level of care I get will reflect that – after all if I don’t care why should I expect another to.

  210. I just love the link between emotions and illness coming to light here. It puts us in the drivers seat of our own health and makes us really stop and check in. Thank you Eunice for sharing your experience both as a doctor and patient to this.

  211. Thanks for sharing your story Eunice of how you came to realise that there was a lot more to gallstone disease than just the five F’s. I remember learning them many years ago as a nurse. You have shared what true healing is when we are able to take responsibility for the root cause of our disease, deal with the unresolved emotions and also accept support for our body’s healing from the medical profession.

  212. An inspiring no-brainer, Eunice. Ongoing gallstone disease, frustration and fury or a harmonious working gall bladder with accompanying release of harmful emotions. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks Matilda – a no-brainer now, but for me many years my brain had no idea about the links between illness and disease and emotions and thanks to Universal Medicine, and now my own body as well, this has changed.

      1. Me too! Re-booted by the teachings of Universal Medicine I am willing to listen to the inherent wisdom of my body. Walking yesterday I had so many moments of ‘oh my goodness, trajectory then/trajectory now’ and huge appreciation.

  213. Having had several surgeries I have come to know that while this may fix the physical issue, unless the deeper emotional issues held in the body in various organs are healed, then nothing is really healed. Abusing ourselves seems to be easy but looking within at the real reasons we are ill, takes courage and a willingness to know the truth. A doctor who practises western medicine and other modalities is pure gold. I have been fortunate to come across one or two doctors like this. May there be more like you, Eunice, who will see how complementary medicine like Universal Medicine and general medicine can work so well together for everyone’s benefit and true healing.

    1. Thanks Anna and yes I’m sure there will be more doctors who waken up to the need for a multidisciplinary approach to healthcare – one that combines both esoteric medicine and conventional medicine.

    2. “Abusing ourselves seems to be easy but looking within at the real reasons we are ill, takes courage and a willingness to know the truth.” How very true is that, Anna!

  214. Eunice, you are truly inspirational. ‘Would I have become aware of these issues without the disease?’ This is such a great question as it highlights that truth that our bodies are constantly reflecting the choices that we make. And if we choose to listen we are able to change our course at any given time to return our true selves, to the well-being of our natural and harmonious expression. Truly, what a gift we are to ourselves if we would only allow. Western medicine presents a powerful opportunity for healing but unless we uncover and reveal why we have presented with a dis-ease we have not truly healed. This is where the power of esoteric medicine shines and works so beautifully with western medicine. To lovingly look at how we have been living, to heal our unresolved emotions that drive us to make choices that numb and mask our hurts, releases the body from the inner dis-harmony that it holds otherwise. Thank you for the way you have simply and clearly presented how the union of western and esoteric medicine works so potently together to assist with true healing.

  215. A fabulous sharing with us all Eunice thank you – It is interesting how our ‘thinking minds’ want to constantly chip in and try to take over from the reality of what is really going on deeply inside our bodies. The physical diagnosis is given and can be more easily accepted but to resolve fully the ‘root cause’ takes a while to get to grips with.

    1. Quite Marion – my mind has been very good at overriding my body and it is a journey of reconnecting and listening to my body and its messages.

  216. At the depth of understanding presented in this blog, it becomes evident that well before illness and disease occur, we can choose to become aware of emotional disturbances as they arise, check in with why we are allowing them and bring ourselves back to harmony. The is preventative medicine at its most simple and powerful.

    1. Yes Simon – prevention is better then cure as they say and realising that we have the power within us to make different choices and address our ill ways of being is empowering and all part of preventative medicine – it is the way ahead.

  217. It feels so important to get to the root cause of the disease as well as dealing with the resulting problem. It seems so logical now that our emotions and behaviours have a powerful effect on our wellbeing.
    Working with healthcare professionals towards our own wellbeing must be more rewarding for them too, to know that their efforts are appreciated and complemented by the good efforts of the patient to truly heal.

    1. I love this point Amanda. The impact on health care professionals of seeing their patients taking responsibility for their health rather than holding the ‘someone else has to fix it, victim mentality’ – definitely inspiring for all.

      1. Yes Matilda and as doctors we often take on the responsibility of fixing the patient in a way that is not healthy for us or for them. OF course we have a role to play, but there is much more to it, and inspiring and empowering them to take responsibility is the way forward.

      2. Absolutely. When I was working in the NHS I felt so deeply that the power game was one of the most destructive things for humanity. Health care professionals and patients playing out a ‘them and us’ inequality. Real progress will only be made when we realise and embrace our responsibility for ourselves.

  218. Interesting how we under estimate the roles our organs play and how beautifully they reflect to us when something is not right. What is great you share is that we have to deal with the emotional, physical and energetic aspect of any condition if we truly want healing.

    1. indeed Amita – surgery can get rid of the symptoms – but does not address why I got the gallstones in the first place. Dealing with the emotional issues restores more harmony to my body and so it doesn’t continue to be harmed by those toxic emotions.

  219. Our body is constantly seeking homeostasis, a balance of all the chemicals, hormones and neurological signals. We are such interconnected beings on a human physical level yet also connected to divinity. There is incredible harmony that is possible and levels of vitality that are not yet understandable or even measurable by western medicine. Introducing a way of life that is disharmonious to the body sends vibrations through the body that can be felt and registered if we are prepared to feel and listen, it is a marvelous piece of machinery if we listen to the reflections.

    1. Matthew I love how you have described our bodies. It’s so beautiful I can feel the connection to divinity and the harmony that can flow. What a wonderful way to approach living and caring for the precious beings we truly are.

    2. indeed Matthew – the body is amazing and we do not listen to or honour it enough!! If I was as good at loving my body as I have been at trashing it over the years – well I’d be flying!!

    3. Indeed Matthew – we do not fully appreciate the sensitivity and intricacy of the human body and how to live with and in the body in a way that is harmonious.

    4. Mathew – write more! write more! This is so powerful to hear – I want to hear more. A lived acceptance and knowing of the divinity of the design of my body is in fact one of the best medicines for my body. It inspires me to listen, to honour and to treasure it.

    5. Love what you say about disharmonious vibrations and their affect on the body. Anger, rage, obligation, sadness, guilt – all different vibrational tones of emotion, all whooshing their way around the body, wreaking all sorts of as-yet unproven havoc if we don’t happen to clock them and confront what lies beneath as a key part of any healing. This is ground-breaking, paradigm-shifting stuff indeed and well worth investment in further study and exploration by the medical profession.

      1. Absolutely Cathy – there is a huge amount of research waiting to be done on the role of emotions in illness and disease. Yet even without research we can feel in our own bodies the harm of these emotions if we choose to and we can see it in others as well. The Mr Angry with a red face didn’t happen over night! And yes there is already research showing how such emotions do affect our physiology. On top of that the more one knows oneself and the body’s true state – it becomes common sense! To dismiss it out of hand for so called lack of evidence is just a way for people to avoid taking responsibility for the vile they spill all over the place!

  220. Conventional medicine is necessary to have the physical manifestation of the ill addressed. But if we go back to the same old way without addressing the emotional issue at the root cause as you say Eunice it would come out in another area of the body. Understanding how emotions affect the physical body and addressing them completes the healing process, and Universal Medicine is leading the way here.

    1. I also think Universal Medicine is leading the way. It’s been my experience, on too many occasions to dismiss as coincidental, that by gaining an understanding of the internal root causes of my ailment plus addressing the associated emotional, thought and behavioural patterns, the chronic physical symptoms that I had been managing with conventional medicine for long periods of time ceased.

      1. yes Jeannette – some might call them miracles! Getting to the root cause and addressing all the factors you mention is the way to go for healing.

    2. Absolutely. It is a two pronged process. Deal with the root cause and deal with its physical manifestation. Both are needed. And one does not work without the other. Universal Medicine (the clue is in the name!) are truly the game-changers in all of this and will eventually show us all that unless the root cause of an illness is properly healed then the patient is in fact not ‘better’, because even if the physical manifestation of the illness is ‘cured’, it will always eventually resurface so, in truth, the patient hasn’t been cured.

  221. Our bodies really are the marker of how we have been living – it is inspiring to hear of a medical professional taking a deeper look and addressing the energetic and emotional root cause of disease – it is undeniable – and science will eventually support this truth.

  222. Presenting illness and disease not as a failure or something to fight against but a loving healing given to us by and through our body that allows us to become more aware of the way we live and the possibility for reflection and change if we choose so. Life is not against us, our body is not just randomly messing up with us making us a victim of its uncontrollable mechanisms – quite the opposite, we are lovingly held and supported by the innate nature of how all things work, there is meaning and purpose and design.

    1. so true Alex – so many of us have been trained to see illness and disease as something bad that is happening – not appreciating the great healing that they are actually bringing.

      1. A beautiful comment Alex and wonderful to read your article exposing the truth behind illness and disease Eunice. Thank you

      2. This is a very important point Alex “our body is not just randomly messing up”. The common perception of illness these days (most particularly cancer) is that it is just down to luck, a lottery or, even worse, an accepted part of getting old. There is zero responsibility being taken for our well-being. And worse still very, very few are listening to the mega-loud, fog-horn-blaring warnings that our bodies are giving us. That’s what these illness are. A gigantic red light. It is both amazing that our bodies are so brilliant at telling us exactly what is going on….and amazing that we are so brilliant at totally ignoring the messages. Until we start opening ourselves up to this divine dialogue and taking responsibility for our illness the already-drowning health care system is going to sink ever faster.

    2. So true, it is not a fight we have to take on against the illness in the body, it is a reflection of a need for change.

      1. Indeed Stephen – yet how many people are truly prepared to change their life/lifestyle?? Take a tablet, have some physio or even an operation – yes – but deal with their emotions? their need for control? their lifestyle?

  223. The gallbladder has always been the organ that has intrigued me. It’s lessons in harmony are such an ongoing experience.

    1. I totally get what you are saying Vicky, bring an awareness to parts of the body and then connecting to what they can offer us once harmony is taking place. Every choice we make is the deciding outcome if this harmony will take place. So the saying “the future is in your hands” is actually pretty spot on!

    2. Allowing myself to develop an investigative, loving relationship with my body and its parts is a fascinating work, the depths and power of which is beyond my understanding.

    3. So true Vicky – and given the number of gallbladders that are removed each year and the state of some of them – there’s a lot of disharmony going around!!

  224. Thank you Eunice, I’ve had some experience with gallstones and your blog has given me deeper insight to the cause.

  225. Eunice you so simply provide a bridge between conventional medicine and esoteric healing and show how the two working together is a powerful combination, one that is much needed right now. Although presented with much humour what also strikes me is the incredible lengths we go to to override what our body is telling us!

    1. yes Michelle – I have been expert at over-riding my body’s messages and not truly valuing and appreciating its intelligence – it has been revelation after revelation to learn about it energetically from Serge Benhayon.

  226. The body constantly seeks to reharmonise and by dealing with our emotional stuff and recognising a lack of harmony as soon as it arrives we get to feel amazing. They definitely go together!

  227. Inspired by Eunice’s blog I felt to address a niggling pain in the gallbladder area.
    When leaving the Scan Clinic with what appears to be a clear result I could feel an appreciation for the practical steps taken to actually understand why my body is giving me this warning sign. Choosing to participate with myself and consult medical professionals feels so freeing rather than hiding things from myself because I don’t want to face them. This hiding type action may even be a connection to why my body is in pain in the first place! It could be as simple as that, but openness and honest with me is needed to be willing to look and ask questions. Thank you Eunice.

    1. Wow Sandra – it’s amazing how different and appreciative you feel after recognising the pain in your gallbladder and taking very practical steps to find out more about what was happening in your body, rather than ignoring it and continuing life as is. ‘Choosing to participate with myself and consult medical professionals feels so freeing’ – Gorgeous.

  228. Eunice. It is a blessing to have someone translating the messages our body is sending us. Even more of a blessing that you are within the medical profession. Amazing and with huge appreciation of everything that you are doing. Game changing.

  229. It’s interesting how people are willing to put off finding out about a health issue when really they know that there is a problem there and that by putting it off could be worsening it.

    1. I have seen this a lot over the years Johanna – those that hope the symptoms will just go away, so do nothing about them, until it sometimes too late…

  230. …..thanks for you sharing your story Eunice, it is very powerful. I can definitely see how conventional medicine and the esoteric view of taking responsibility for our lifestyle choices can work well together, in a complementary way to bring healing. Holding the understanding that our emotions and lifestyle choices play a part in our illness and diseases is empowering in that we have some say over illness/diseases.

  231. A great sharing Eunice for when we all start working together with our health, our selfcare and our emotions, along with doctors and practioners alike, the world of energy and our part in it will be understood and with responsibility and integrity. True health, joy, harmony, love and stillness will be the way for us all 🙂

  232. As I read this today I am struck by how people, my self included, tend to try to manage and alleviate symptoms by cutting out something or making a few changes when not addressing the underlying issues, the energetic root cause. Until we’re prepared to address this in full the behaviour and thought patterns persist that are then reflected in ones body as illness and disease.

    1. Karin it is crazy how we as a society find ways to try fix things, but don’t want take responsibility and deal with the energetic root cause. Therefore it stays in our body and manifests as an illness and diesease as time progresses, a way of our body saying you still have time to address it.

  233. I have absolutely loved learning about how our emotions and choices have an effect on our physical body and general health and wellbeing, it makes so much sense to me and completes the picture of illness symptoms. Just as you have shared here Eunice, I’ve also experienced physical conditions and brought about a change by looking at the emotional root cause of it. I gradually changed my behaviour, working with softening my body which I had made hard and protected, and also the way I was with myself, I started to be more present, and the onset of rheumatism in my wrist has not troubled me for a long while now.

  234. We seem to think that we’ve been getting away with doing what ever we want to to the body, until you look at all the figures for illness and disease it’s gotta come to an end game some where right??

    1. Yes Jaime – there is in truth no such thing as getting away with it no matter how much we believe otherwise! Everything affects everything including our bodies….

  235. This is a fascinating insight in to how medicine and surgery can work so well in conjunction with an understanding of what is fundamentally behind illness and disease and how if we ignore the need to choose the way that we live no amount of surgery will cure us long term. Eunice, you’re a real life example of how this can be harmonised and the responsibility that you have taken for yourself and I absolutely love and fall in line with what you say.

    1. I have known people who have undergone surgery many times but their quality of life has not improved. Relying on doctors and conventional medicine alone has not empowered them to heal. I feel the fundamental message being shared here is absolutely vital if we want to live as a happier, healthier society.

  236. Thank you Eunice for sharing an example of how beautifully well the marriage of Western medicine and Esoteric medicine is, dealing with symptoms and root cause is indeed as you say “a win win all round” I love this!

    1. Yes Jacky – esoteric medicine is great at dealing with the aspects that western medicine do not yet know how to deal with – e.g. the emotional aspects of life.

  237. Thank you Gill – yes it has been a revelation to discover the truths of esoteric medicine – something I would have poo poo’d years ago. Now I have no doubt whatsoever that the combination of esoteric medicine and conventional medicine is the way ahead.

    1. This is awesome Eunice. I really admire your courage – very few surgeons would be prepared to put their reputation on the line like this to publicly share and declare the truths of esoteric medicine from their lived experience – amidst the likelihood of passionate poo-pooing from many of your esteemed colleagues. Your findings and conclusion is loud and clear – “I have no doubt whatsoever that the combination of esoteric medicine and conventional medicine is the way ahead”. We are extremely fortunate to have people like you serving in the medical profession illuminating the way ahead.

    2. Thanks Stevie – if I know through my own lived experience and studies that there are ways to help or assist humanity with their ills /suffering then it behoves me to share what I know that others may have that choice – to be taken or left as they so choose. For sure the evidence based medicine critics will come – but do they have the answer??? True scientists would at least say – let us consider this, not poo poo it!

  238. Great to consider that our gallbladder (and all of our body) is not just an organ, not just a fleshly lump filled with bile – it is a reflection of our being, a worldly expression of our energetically being. This is a consoling truth – we are more then just our body and brain!

    1. Yes Sandra. Our body is a zillion mirrors all reflecting back our choices to us. A beautiful gift from God, which gives us the opportunity to change our choices if we listen to the divine dialogue our body is having with us. All the time. It is a dialogue that I have only truly been listening to in the last few years and I know that I am still only hearing a percentage of it! Yet every single time I listen, I am blown away by the truth of it and by the gift that it is. How many zillions of hours have I wasted wrestling with trying to find the right answer or blindly (by choice) going down dead-end alleyways…when all the time…the truth was being offered me constantly.

      1. I love the picture you have painted here Otto “Our body is a zillion mirrors all reflecting back our choices to us. A beautiful gift from God, which gives us the opportunity to change our choices if we listen to the divine dialogue our body is having with us.” And all that is required of us is to take heed of what the body is saying. Magic really! Oh the complications we bring about by refusing to listen! It really blows the mind.

      2. Otto, you are sharing something here that I too feel very deeply about and that is the gift of truth our body is constantly communicating to us. What I love about what you are sharing is you are in fact pointing out the role of divinity in this as our body navigates us to return to living our divine expression and lets us know the way back and when we wander to anything less than our divine nature. Talking about medicine and GOD in the same sentence may not be very popular but it is a distinctly missing element in our overall health, wellbeing and care for our bodies.

      3. I agree Rebeccca – using medicine and God in the same sentence is almost tantamount to declaring one is insane these days! Yet these understandings are missing links or keys that medicine needs to be truly healing.

      4. Otto, your words, ‘divine dialogue’ took me to the depth and appreciation I too feel about the truth and invitation of our body to communication with us. As Rebecca so beautifully states too, ‘..our body navigates us to return to living our divine expression and lets us know the way back and when we wander to anything less than our divine nature.’ This truth must be expressed at every opportunity. How we have disconnected from this truth is the most cunning and devious of lures humanity has succumbed to.

      5. Yes Rebecca and Eunice. You are so right about the public perception of the combination of Medicine and God. Actually, I used to reject both!! But things are very, very different now after meeting Serge Benhayon and studying the way of the livingness. I now have a moment by moment (if things are going well!) relationship with God and my relationship with modern medicine has also changed completely. I used to go to the doctor as an absolute last resort. I now am very pro-active in the care and well-being of my body, which certainly includes regular check ups even if nothing is seemingly wrong.

      6. I agree Otto – I too saw no place for God in medicine and would have vehemently been against the very notion of its relevance. Of course I now know this was based on a misunderstanding of God from the bastardisation of truth through many religious teachings. So I also understand why many people can react to this as there are those who want to bring a false God into the equation that is not based on the love that God is – but man made interpretations and beliefs. Unfortunately that can mean the baby gets thrown out with the bathwater – and medicine rejects anything and everything to do with God rather than discerning what is true.

      7. This is so true and beautifully expressed Rebecca, ‘you are in fact pointing out the role of divinity in this as our body navigates us to return to living our divine expression and lets us know the way back and when we wander to anything less than our divine nature’.

      8. This is a great point that medicine, like science in general, has lost its connection with divinity. Could it be that both have their original roots in divinity but have been ‘doctored’ along the way to become more and more narrow, temporal, physical, rational and functional? Until we accept that we are divine beings first, and any move away from this universal fact is the first indication of disease or disharmony in our bodies, we will only keep stumbling or walking proudly and stubbornly down more blind dead-end alleyways that only provide a part of the truth but never the whole picture.

      9. Great point Eunice – “the baby getting thrown out with the bathwater”. The bastardisation of the word God through organisation religion is the greatest of tragedies that has pushed zillions further away from accepting the truth of God in to their lives. But then it is hardly surprising, for if Organised Religion were to endorse the truth of God it would render them utterly irrelevant and powerless – because the truth of God is that he is in us all equally, irrespective of how long you spend on your knees in a big building. And, as you say, it is the same process that has now divorced medicine from the divinity of God. A relationship that, if accepted, nurtured and investigated would bring true medicine to the world. Medicine that actually healed the person forever, rather than just nullified the symptoms for X years.

      10. An amazing comment Otto in reply to Sandra’s amazing comment plus thirteen more amazing related comments. God is the connected energy of the inner hearts or souls of all of humanity. It is love and its expression is its way.

  239. I like this part: ” win–win all round – not just for my body and me – but also for those who get to work with a considerably more harmonious, much less frustrated and furious me!” This shows how far our own (seemingly only personal) way of living radiates, and influences or inspires others. And how amazing, to get a deeper understanding about the underlying issues of any disease.

    1. Yes indeed Andrea, and previously I used to think that how I was had no bearing on others – and they could just like it or lump it! How ignorant I was!! So yes addressing my stuff is a win for all.

  240. Thank you Eunice for sharing your story and insights from a doctor’s perspective. It brings a real appreciation to what we have on offer in the world now – with the link of Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine together, we can now start truly healing and bringing wellness to our lives, with deep and real love and appreciation with ourselves.

  241. Thanks Eunice, the link between Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine is well documented in this blog. A union of growth and evolution. Getting to the ‘reason’ for dis-ease is important – not just the treatment of the symptom.

      1. That’s why it is so wonderful reading your blogs as you have such a vast understanding of the medical world and a great wisdom of the underlying energetic causes. An inspiration to how the medical world can be when looking at the whole.

  242. Wonderful to read your story Eunice – I totally agree, healing the underlying emotional causes to disease and being committed to working on your ‘stuff’ is the key to well being and I have found actually greatly improves the physical healing. It takes commitment and courage to be truly honest and truthful about your self, so a big thanks for sharing this, it is inspiring.

    1. I agree Zoe, and until working with Universal Medicine and everything that it represents, I had not truly considered how important is actually is to make the choice to commit to such a way of life. It is simple really in many ways when I look back, but this was not how I used to see it.

    2. ‘..being committed to working on your ‘stuff” and examining it like you would a body part is certainly the key to our wellbeing Zoe. Awesome how Eunice has provided the opportunity here to ponder and discuss this crucial aspect of our ill health. There is alchemy in the combination of Western Medicine and Universal Medicine’s Esoteric Healing.

    3. I have found the same Zoe. Every little ache and pain, every headache and sneeze, has it roots in ‘stuff’ that I need to work on. Western medicine may cure the illness, but it has no effect on the ‘stuff’, only I, and the support of Esoteric Healing, can do that.

      1. That is so true Catherine – I too have found that we cannot depend just on Western Medicine alone to ‘fix us’ – there is a level of responsibility that each of us must take to work with our Medical Profession and look a little more deeply into our life-style, behaviours and patterns to uncover that which may be the actual root cause. To be able to do this with honesty I have found that working with the beautiful Esoteric Medicine practitioners of Universal Medicine has been the means by which this has been fulfilled.

      2. Yes Catherine and that calls for a level of responsibility many are not willing to live with – even though it is the key to freedom and true wellbeing

  243. Thank you Eunice for highlighting so beautifully in your experience of healing your gallbladder you too discovered the importance of healing the energetic root cause along with the physical symptoms.
    True healing does not address one without the other.

    1. I think very highly of western medicine and strongly dislike the new age spiritual approach that tends to put itself above basic medical facts sometimes placing the health of the client in danger. So I don’t take it lightly when I say with clarity that Universal Medicine’s Esoteric Healing modalities are utterly complementary to western medicine. They are certainly not new age whah whah but instead all about a simple, common sense approach to living that incorporates a deep respect for the body … that’s it.

      1. Yes, a marriage made in heaven, Universal Medicine’s teachings and way of living combined with Western Medicine.

      2. And it’s not a new concept. Plato spoke of it (and many before him) that true medicine is not only about the body but also the being.

      3. Yes there is something very significant to be studied here Jane – the partnership between esoteric and western medicine.

      4. I agree, Dean, that is the way to go for us all, the marriage of western medicine with the Universal Medicine’s Esoteric Healing modalities and the insights that come from that will help humanity deal with the increasing illness and disease that is occurring. Esoteric Healing is truly complementary to western medicine.

      5. We have been starved of Esoteric Healing and humanity needs it, alongside western medicine, to truly heal.

      6. I agree Dean – there is so much out there and some of it is as you say new age ‘whah whah’ or woo woo – that in effect brings no true healing. The thing about UM is that you can look at the before and after photos of the students and see and feel the tangible difference in their health and wellbeing – it is undeniable!

      7. Absolutely Eunice. In those photos the remarkable difference is undeniable, impossible to miss and very much attainable by anyone.

  244. Thank you Eunice. It is becoming more accepted that our emotional state effects our physical body, but we stop short of considering energy, the vibration that we are actually made up of, and how it works. To gain such clarity about the true root cause is a game changer that will one day support medicine and become the new norm.

  245. Since first reading this blog, I remembered how natural it was as a child to ask our family GP for the underlying reason or cause, beyond the physicality of whatever symptoms. My ‘but whys’ were met with a dumbfounded dismissal. It is so so so refreshing and awesome to hear and feel such a skilled medic taking the full picture into account. Imagine if as a young girl with stomach issues, I was asking in full responsibility, ‘what am I doing, how am I conducting myself that is contributing to setting this off?’ and to be met with the deeper possibility to consider, ‘are you accepting your light?’, ‘are you accepting life?’ – imagine the healing that might then have been possible with appropriate medical intervention coupled with a fuller understanding. Eunice you are leading the way to a much needed complete picture where we are also our own practitioners and hold equal responsibility in the way we conduct our lives and the end results in our bodies.

  246. Our bodies are amazing the way they communicate with us all the time. Of course whether we chose to listen or not is another story but in the end the body has the final say and if necessary, we are brought to a halt and are then forced to pay attention. Sadly, a common missing link in understanding illness and disease is that symptom relief alone does not address or heal the root causes. Thanks Eunice for sharing your story which gives a clear example of how we can wholistically understand our health and well being.

  247. I really relate to the piece you write about changing your diet to keep symptoms at bay. Your commitment to looking deeper has shown that finding a way to be symptom free is not living, it is just relief, and the only way forward is through self responsibility and honesty.

    1. ‘finding a way to be symptom free is not living, it is just relief, and the only way forward is through self responsibility and honesty’ – Spot on Joel – that is the way forward for true medicine.

  248. Beautiful blog Eunice. Through narrating your own personal experience you’ve made so clear how the way forward for medicine is the union of the conventional and the esoteric principles. It is a ‘curious’ fact that Plato stated the link between the two so beautifully ages ago and yet, the truth and wisdom in what he had offered to humanity as a way of bringing true healing got completely lost. Thank you for bringing this back and infinite thanks to the teachings of Serge Benhayon for reclaiming what true medicine is.

  249. “I had certainly experienced these emotions throughout my working life, and the hardness and toughness that I displayed on the outside was – if you like – mirrored by the development of a large hard rock in my gallbladder!” This is a great example of the body being the marker of truth. I love how you say at the end Eunice how we all benefit from healing the root cause of illness and disease by this combination of Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine. It feels very natural to me.

  250. Thanks Eunice, Universal Medicine also helped me to see just how the reckless way I was living was contributing to the development of numerous health conditions – and more importantly why I was choosing to live that way. This was the catalyst that helped me to understand why and thus I could choose a different way, one that was more honouring and respectful to my body. The medical profession knows that so many diseases relate to lifestyle choices – if medicine could embrace a greater understanding of how and why people make those choices, people might be supported to make the change for themselves and ease the burden of so much disease on our society.

  251. On re-reading this amazing article what strikes me is that as a surgeon, you are fully trained in the way the body works, and many would say you were justified in arrogantly believing you have all the answers to all aliments, but instead you have humbly taken into account your effect on your health and how your choices have brought about your gallstones, and then you have married together your vast knowledge of medicine and your understanding of the part you had to play and found not only healing of the physical issue, but a change in your everyday life so the pattern doesn’t play out again.

    1. thanks Rebecca – yes it’s been a bit of a journey as I previously would have dismissed the effect of emotions on health – now it seems like simple common sense – just not that commonly known about.

      1. i agree Eunice, it does make sense, it is just making that connection between the two and once you have you realise the missing link we have been looking for

  252. “However, at Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon was presenting that energetically emotions are the root cause of illness and disease. In particular, with regard to gallbladder disease, it was associated with the emotions of rage, frustration, resentment and bitterness.” Wouldn’t it be great if all doctors and nurses were aware of the energetic roots of disease? Patients too – then self-responsibility would be to the fore, instead of blaming genes or bad luck for disease.

  253. Hand in hand Conventional and Esoteric Medicine – it makes absolute sense and can only be a matter of time before science and the medical establishments catch up and realise this is the way forward. True healing can only occur if we look at the WHOLE being, and in this unravelling of lifestyle and choices we begin to see the power of self responsibility. Thank-you Eunice for sharing your journey, your wisdom.

  254. Accepting that illness and disease is not something that randomly ‘happens’ to us but has its root cause in our emotions will support mankind to truly heal.
    As we fully embrace ‘Everything is Energy’ we allow ourselves the opportunity to make choices that sustain and promote our health and not detract from it.
    Thank you Eunice, a lovely insight into both the doctor and patient perspective.

  255. An awesome blog Eunice, reminding us all of the power of conventional medicine and esoteric healing – true healing can occur.

  256. From hardness to harmony – what a journey this is Eunice, thankyou. It confirms for me that our bodies are communicating all the time but are we listening? By what you have shared I can really feel how we often ‘turn the volume down’ by eating foods and consuming emotions that do not truly support us and as a result, as you have so clearly described, our bodies then ‘turn the volume up’ so the message comes out loud and clear!

    1. I love Serge’s quote “the Body is the Marker of Truth” and this is without question a fact in life and I can say it has been an important one to take careful note of.

      1. indeed Amina – that saying sums it up and says so much at the same time. It is a truth that not many are aware of – but which is a game changer when we know and understand it.

  257. Thank-you for a wonderful explanatory article from a doctor/patient on what is truly complementary medicine – Esoteric Healing AND Western Medicine.

  258. It is amazing to read how much western medicine and esoteric medicine can work hand in hand, both contributing a vitally important aspect of a person returning to true health. Your story also shows how much pain and/or suffering we can put up with before we seek help, and it is often only a severe disruption to our normal ability to function that sparks us to get checked out.
    What you have presented is a very responsible and complete view of health – one that takes into account the physical aliment and the treatment necessary for that aspect, but also the underlying reasons why the physical ailment is there to begin with.

    1. Very true Rebecca; it is quite shocking how much pain and suffering we put up with before seeking support/help, when we choose to stay stubborn rather than look after our bodies.

  259. Wow! Eunice, I can only imagine the pain your body had been experiencing during those early bouts of gall-stone discomfort. What an amazing journey. If only it was possible to share your experience with several hundreds of passengers that are travelling with me presently on this ship – there may be an adjustment to the choices made at the all-day buffet. As it happens the Maitre-de and Head Chef have become aware of my presence in the Dining Room of an evening, and go to great lengths to assure that the spinach, fish, etc. is presented just as I have gently requested.

    1. thanks Roberta – indeed it is great to no longer be experiencing that pain! Wonderful to hear you are being well attended to and receiving lots of love and care.

  260. Such a great blog to show how we are responsible for our health – after all we are with our bodies every hour of the day, so responsibility and the awareness of how we live affects our body are pretty handy and totally essential tools!

  261. Thank you Eunice for clearly showing how true medicine can be achieved – the bridging of conventional medicine (e.g. diagnosis and surgery in this case), with esoteric healing- bringing true understanding of the root cause and then healing it with the esoteric approach. A win- win approach for all.

  262. I appreciate how you link your experience of getting to know your own body and the emotions that have inhabited, along side science and your profession as a surgeon. A brilliant mix that clearly the communicates the relationship between energy, choices and health.

    1. thanks Samantha – and it is a relationship I was completely ignorant about for many years – the whole notion of talking about ‘energy’ in the context of health was an anathema to me!

  263. What a cracker of a blog Eunice. So clear, so real and so very very insightful for anyone who is beginning the path of how lifestyle and our choices contributes to our ultimate wellbeing. Thank you!

    1. It is true Heather and our wellbeing is worth more time and attention then we give it credit, we are simply a VIP each and everyone one of us.

  264. What a great and absolutely convincing article, written from a surgeon with personal experience of both, the conventional medicine approach and the Universal Medicine approach and the experience of how perfectly they can complement each other. When this will be a standard in the world, how would the view on illness and disease change! How profoundly will humanity change to a deeper understanding of the connection between emotions, thoughts and the conditions of the body. Beautiful. Thank you Eunice.

  265. This is an important article, highlighting how we live our daily lives can have a huge impact on our bodies. Emotions are deadly to our bodies and something that is very important to deal with and eliminate.

  266. I used to have severe migraines, for about 12 – 14 years. It wasn’t until I came to Universal Medicine that I began to understand how my emotions were involved. By looking at and addressing why I was frustrated, resentful and had rage, learning to respond rather than react, the migraines have now stopped.

    1. Wow its amazing that we can put up with things for years – in your case over a decade, and then the answer to these issues is in the end so simple and yet the effect looking at your emotions can have is profound.

  267. I really like how even though you work as a surgeon, there was still some resistance to seeking the appropriate medical help and that it was when you had an understanding of the root energetic cause of the gall bladder condition that you finally chose to have the necessary treatment. I can definitely relate to this kind of delaying behaviour only to realise that actually there a greater choice here to be made, and once I have come to that point of realisation I begin to make more loving choices.

    1. Well said Shami. I too have been very reluctant to take the western medicine route because I have know it is not the whole answer, but that there is something else to pinpoint and expose first. Since coming across Universal Medicine, it has provided me with the tools to expose the hidden aspects, to get to the root of the problem and thus take back my power to heal myself. This has encouraged me to truly make the most of the services of my doctor and local hospital as I am not expecting them to cure me, but asking for support in my healing process.

    2. I agree, there is no arrogance in Eunice and she shares the experience in a very human way even though she has the professionalism and knowledge of a surgeon. Not only that but shares that illness comes down to lifestyle choices (or not making loving choices.)

    3. hi Shami, the delay was more about not wanting to have surgery and as I said in the blog, it was the fear of ending up in a worse position, hospitalised with an acute attack of cholecystitis that prompted me to have the surgery – not finding out the energetic cause as you have surmised, that did not influence my decision for surgery.

  268. Thank you Eunice for showing so clearly the complement of conventional and esoteric medicine as being the way forward for all health, healing and well being to be understood for the world. This is unique from a doctor’s perspective and so real, understandable and an inspiration to read.

  269. I have stopped reading this blog half way through a couple of times now and today I read it in full. When I read the line “In order to do that, I needed to look at why I got so frustrated at work when things did not go according to plan, my need for control and to have things be a certain way, as well as the underlying causes for any rage, bitterness or resentment I was carrying”, I smiled and realised I was avoiding reading this line! Check! Thanks for the reminder that absolutely western medicine is much needed but also what is needed is what is also going on underneath – what is the energetic root case of the illness and disease. Off to do some exploring! Thank you Eunice.

    1. Yes a line that is full to the brim of gold. I can so relate to the frustration felt when things don’t go so well at work. Instead of truly dealing with my investments in things being a certain way I shut down, go hard and get controlling and try to battle through. The effect on my body is really not great to feel. This will certainly end in illness if not cut. Lots to ponder on and feel into.

      1. yes I know that one well Michelle – frustration, hardening, battling on — but it doesn’t actually work for me or for others in truth and our bodies cop it big time!

    2. Good point Sarah, we are often willing to look outside of ourselves for the answers – even to esoteric healing – but what really counts and what is truly healing is to take a good look at how we are in our lives and what unresolved emotion we are carrying around within us. This is often a blind spot for many, myself included, but it is the answer we are looking for, and by clearing our unresolved emotions we are helping to prevent our own illness and disease.

      1. Well said Rebecca: “ it is in a blind spot”. This is where I’m discovering listening and paying attention to my body is essential. Then I choose how I approach the information that is there for me. Do I ask the next question with a willingness for a truthful answer or do I put my head in the sand and hope it all goes away? A huge delay on personal health and well-being not to mention use of general resources to wait for the medical emergency. Addressing a smaller concern could answer and clear and prevent a possible unnecessary escalation

      2. well said Rebecca – the true answers are within and it does take a great deal of honesty to really look at those ‘blind spots’ as you say. At the end of the day it call comes back to self…

    3. Great comment Sarah, it is often those moments when our bodies are flagging up the need for us to look at our behaviour, expectations and choices that we seem to find something far more interesting to do! It is not something we have been encouraged to do and until meeting Serge Benhayon a past time I rarely considered. Taking a moment to stop and ask what is driving my behaviour has enabled me to address some fairly major health issues. It is very uplifting to read how Eunice chose that for herself and thus tackled a very painful condition by choosing to understand the real cause and not just opting for the belief that surgery was the cure all solution so many of us want it to be.

      1. I love the phrasing of your question Rowena “what is driving the behaviour”? Wow wouldn’t’ there be some individual responsibility taken for well-being if we all stopped for 5 minutes a day to ponder this question.

    4. I love the way these blogs can give us just the reminder that we need…and the lighthearted way you took the hint Sarah.

  270. It’s funny how illnesses seem to be mysterious ‘why me?’ moments, but often when we reflect honestly in simple terms what’s going on they make sense- like how the hardness Eunice you say you lived like was merely being reflected on the inside.

    1. The question ‘Why me?’ Is very often posed by people who get an illness. In my personal environment I could experience a few people getting a disease and also how they dealt with it. I can say that those who accepted their illness as something their body is showing to them and had an understanding that it came from their choices had more chances to get healed. Even those who at the end passed over but accepted it as a clearing – left with an ease and relief, I was deeply touched.

    2. indeed Karin – many people have the ‘why me’ question – it is natural and indeed healthy – for it can bring us to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the choices we are making.

  271. A true healing. This approach, conventional medicine to treat the disease or illness and complementary esoteric healing to address the underlying emotional cause, needs to become the new ‘normal’ way forward in medicine. I too am finding exactly the same with Crohn’s disease, either alone helps to varying degrees, but together the body can truly heal and recover.

    1. I agree David; conventional medicine and complementary esoteric healing, work phenomenally hand in hand.. This approach should indeed become the new normal.

    2. indeed David and I wonder if there is a synergistic effect by both addressing the physical and the energetic – where no part is left out and so the healing is more effective overall?

  272. Yes, having an disease like this is no way comfortable, it shows you very intensely that something is going on in your body. It is great for you have shown us with your personal example what illness and disease are about. That there is more to consider than just the symptom. Many of us are not aware or do not want to see what is obvious and that our body is speaking loudly with us. It is also great that you as a surgeon choose to see that there is more. When I speak to older people or with those who do not have a brilliant medical care system in Europe – a lot of them think of the earlier ages where people were connected to that kind of complementary medicine. And true, Esoteric Healing as one of the first modalities Universal Medicine introduced again to mankind – is allowing a lot of people to not only address their illness but to heal the root cause. It makes life much more honest and worth to live again. I confirm by my own history.

  273. Eunice what I thought when I read your blog was how interesting it is that we currently perceive illness and disease as an enemy that needs to be defeated, beaten back or fixed or sorted. But what if it was actually a healing to be ill? As you say, you would not have looked at the deeper layers of unresolved emotions you were carrying that you were initially unaware of, if it wasn’t for your gallstone. It is not always easy, but I think we need to change the way we view illness and disease.

    1. I agree Andrew, there is potentially a gift and most definitely a blessing when we have an illness and disease if we choose to go deeper.

    2. Yes Andrew, to consider that to be ill is actually a healing/blessing and not something to be fought or defeated is a revelation. Allowing for the possibility that illness is a clearing from something we have ill lived changes our relationship with sickness entirely.

    3. So true Andrew. Eunice has shown us that when we are able to see illness and disease as a message rather than a foe, stopping to read the message and ask some questions can bring about a huge transformation in our understanding and appreciation of ourselves and the impact of our behaviour.

  274. It isn’t much of a leap to connect emotions to a range of medical complaints, esoteric medicine is a great complement to the current western medical model. In addressing the emotional issue of the disease or illness we reduce the likelihood of it repeating, improve our health and remove so much of the burden on our healthcare system. If a surgeon is able to see and reap the benefits of this approach then it certainly looks like it is worth us all being open to deeper and more thorough explanation of what esoteric medicine might offer humanity.

    1. so true Stephen – by addressing the emotional we don’t just heal the condition but bring harmony to the body and so less likely to get other conditions!

  275. A very inspiring blog Eunice highlighting the importance of Traditional Medicine and Energy Medicine (as presented by Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine) working together. You are indeed a living testimony to the changes you describe – no longer that frustrated and almost non-approachable surgeon of years gone by that I first met during presentations at Universal Medicine – now there is the true reflection of a very warm, open, and super supportive person who is highly trained and very skilled in the medical profession.
    What a Glorious blessing you are to humanity and the medical profession Eunice.

    1. thank you Stephanie. Funny thing is when I first attended UM I thought I was so much more open than how I used to be – so imagine how that was!!! It was like I had an electric fence around me with the sign that says – “danger – do not touch, keep out!” It has been a true blessing to encounter Serge Benhayon and Universal medicine and have those barbed wires and electric fences dismantled for good!

  276. The most profound truth is held within this blog, this being that to heal the body alone is only dealing with a part of the whole. To also address the energy behind why the body developes sickness brings about a healing of the whole. An understanding that humanity as a whole is yet to fully grasp is that the way we live affects our body. Illness does not just happen, it is as Eunice says caused by us living dis-harmoniously, separating from the deep true feelings that we have with in, and running our bodies with out this innate wisdom we all have.

    1. ‘Illness does not just happen’ – Very true Leigh, for me whenever I get sick or have an injury, I can quite easily find the underlying cause by looking at the way I’ve been living previous to the incident. I look at how I’ve been treating my body, how my rhythm has been, the food I’ve been eating etc.

  277. This is a fabulous blog Eunice thank you . It’s such a great example of how conventional medicine and esoteric medicine working together is the full support for someone returning to true health and vitality – this is the future of true health care.

  278. Thank you Eunice. I take serious note of the cause of gallstones being related to emotions such as anger, frustration and bitterness, some of which I have experienced.
    About 10 years ago I was diagnosed with a gallstone, after having an Ultrasound for pain on the right side of my upper abdomen. I was informed that I would have to have it removed. A year later I had another Ultrasound to check where the stone was before I had it removed by the surgeon. To my surprise – and my Doctor’s – it wasn’t visible. There didn’t seem to be any explanation for this, but it is possible that a mistake was made at the Ultrasound stage. Since then I have connected with Serge Benhayon’s teachings and The Way of The Livingness and I am aware that I am responsible for everything that happens to my body, so this is a great reminder to deal with the emotions and anger that come up by looking into what I am reacting to and changing my attitude.

  279. Thank you Eunice, for giving your lived example of how both conventional medicine and Universal Medicine can work beautifully together, this too has been my experience. I know that to truly heal anything in my body I have to get to the core of the issue – energy – and release that energy that is not truly me.

  280. You are amazing Eunice Minford. I have never read an article or blog on a medical condition and been so thoroughly enthralled throughout. What a wake-up call your gallbladder condition was, and how powerfully you have described just what it is to commit to truly healing the root cause of any disease or condition in the body. Everything that you have shared makes total and absolute sense – melding together allopathic and esoteric medicine ‘as one’. Thank-you for being the true physician you are, and thank-you to Universal Medicine for bringing us back to the way of true healing, we seem to have so long forgotten.

    1. I’ll back that 100% Victoria. We need more physicians practicing and understand disease and healing in this way. It would change everything from admission to discharge.

      1. The thing is, we have the understandings already needed to bring about such profound change, don’t we Luke… Universal Medicine’s teachings offer us the ‘missing piece’, as Eunice has so clearly outlined.
        It’s up to us all to keep bridging the ‘gap’, and offer medicine in its truest sense once more. There is so much work to be done.

      2. So true Luke, it is awesome to read about someone who has been trained and works in mainstream medicine to be open enough to consider and apply the laws of esoteric medicine in their own healing. What a gift for her patients, not only in having a doctor that cares for all of herself, which can only bode well in her work, but also because of the understanding and guidance she can offer her patients as they go through their own healing process.

      3. The importance of this, and the true healing offered – by a physician who lives the Greek axiom “physician, know thyself” – can’t be stated enough, can it…

      4. Wow… awesome history lesson Vic… The root of words are so fun to learn about.
        Physician – know thyself – this is too great!

    2. thank you Victoria – and yes it is even more amazing given where I used to be and how I used to think – which was a million miles in the opposite direction!

      1. Then I truly honour your openness, despite the ‘standard thinking’, to consider the effects of our emotions and issues we carry on the body Eunice. One only has to think of the state we go into when we’re angry, for example, to realise there is quite some physiological impact – it simply makes complete sense that over time, there is an accumulative effect of such impacts, doesn’t it… We have so much to gain by re-marrying such understandings with our knowledge of the physical body, for sure.

      2. Indeed Victoria – yet not so many years ago I would have dismissed all of that – such was the arrogance and ignorance! Now it seems like common sense that our emotions affect our physical health over time – but it certainly wasn’t always that way for me!

  281. This is my second read. What stood-out is how this is a particularly great example of the two schools of healing “where conventional medicine addresses the symptoms of the gallstones and esoteric medicine heals the root cause of why I formed the gallstone in the first place”.

  282. Thanks Eunice for pointing out the rout cause of gallstones, and the fact that you are a surgeon revealing all this says a lot about Serge Benhayon.

    1. I agree Joe, it is a true testimony to Serge Benhayon coming from a surgeon and a student of energy, as Eunice is.

    2. Indeed Joe – and even more so when the old Eunice would have discounted and dismissed it all along with Serge Benhayon. So I understand why other doctors may be skeptical, doubting or dismissive, as I was too – but I have been humbled and have learned there is much more to us than I ever even contemplated in my training years as a surgeon! What resonates for me now is truth – and I hear that in bucket-loads from Serge Benhayon – not only that, it’s a truth that makes sense when all is considered.

  283. Thank you Eunice, this is a great blog, I know only too well about gall bladders and their excruciating pain, having mine out nearly 40 years ago , I used to think of myself as a relatively peaceful, calm person. So when learning a few years ago, about the emotion connected with the gall bladder I was amazed, because I did not feel those emotions, or rather still, had not allowed myself to feel them. Through many healing sessions and taking more loving care of myself, these emotions were able to come to the surface to be felt and be healed.

    1. Yes Jill it is amazing how easily we can fool ourselves that we don’t have this emotion or that emotion – often because we have buried it so deep! But the great thing about the body is – it speaks more truth than the words that come out of our mouths!

  284. This is a ‘corker’ of a blog Eunice. I love hearing what your opinion is on being at the ‘other end of the knife’.. As a surgeon you know better than anyone what to expect, but it’s interesting that you were worried about all the things that could go wrong, when as you said that almost never happens. It’s incredible that after finding the link between you – how you treat your body, how you are with others, your relationship with self – and your symptom, you were able address the underlying issue, and not only get rid of the gallstone on a physical level, but truly rid your body of the resentment and bitterness.

    1. Well said Susie. It is incredible to be able to bring these two aspects together, physically removing the gall stone and then healing the attitudes inside that ‘gall’ us. It is so empowering to know that there is a way to heal both, western medicine providing the knowhow and the knife, Universal Medicine bringing the wisdom and truth. If a person can be truly supported to truly heal both aspects, the physical and the emotional, having an operation can remove much more than we imagine!

      1. I completely agree Rowenakstewart: ‘If a person can be truly supported to truly heal both aspects, the physical and the emotional, having an operation can remove much more than we imagine!’.

    2. Love what you have said Susie – and I must add that this article is incredibly valuable! Eunice expresses with such honesty and openness her experience and learning which can only be there to support each and every one of us with any illness or condition that we may have had too. There are always several sides to look at and here we get a prime example of the healing power of embracing both conventional medicine as well as looking at healing the hurts behind the condition through esoteric medicine. Thank you Eunice!

    3. Thanks Susie – yes it has been a bit of a journey all right – joining all the dots and seeing the links between how I was and how I lived and how my body was responding to those choices – and also the effects on those around me. Realising that nothing and no-one is left out – we all affect everything all of the time! Now that’s a corker!

    4. I agree Jane and feel that eventually there will have to be “medical journals that one day have these true stories in them.”

  285. An awesome testimony to the true complement that Esoteric Healing is to conventional medicine.

  286. Thank you Eunice for taking the lid off one area (of multiple areas) in life and health that can be totally ignored until the absolute last second, when pain and illness is so acute that medical attention is an imperative not an option. I now understand the importance of paying attention to the twinges felt in my body, knowing that I’m being given signs that something isn’t sitting right. In this case addressing the truth about frustration is a very supportive place to start. Why wait for a total health emergency when an ounce of self awareness and responsibility can prevent such an occurance?

    1. What great points you make here Sandra and my question is: Why do we wait for a total health emergency when a drop of self awareness and responsibility can prevent such an occurrence?
      I was what I call a ‘national emergency’ when I got a tumour and had it not been for the work of Serge Benhayon, I doubt I would be alive today. That is a fact. I had zero awareness and the word Self Responsibility was clearly not in my radar. Is it any wonder why our health systems are so burdened with illness and disease on the rise worldwide?
      More and more people need sites like this and posts from medical professionals like Eunice Minford to present the simple fact that

      1. Agreed Bina, having more articles like Eunice Minford’s, as a medical professional, are a necessity with the escalating growth of illness and disease, showing ‘ there is another way ‘ .

      2. I agree Bina, this is real life saving education. Everyone needs to hear the common sense of this. Self responsibility and self caring enough to take heed of what our body is constantly relaying to us is certainly ‘another way’ and would save a lot of unnecessary suffering.

  287. This is so valuable.
    How many suffer gallbladder disease and even have their gallbladders removed and are left wondering how it happened ‘to’ them or perhaps imagining that the removal of the organ ‘fixes’ the issue?
    Taking into account the fact that we create imbalances in our body with emotions there is a whole different level of healing that only we can afford ourselves. As Dianne T writes earlier this is the future of medicine.

    1. I agree Helen and Dianne. The future of medicine is not the high tech whizz bang that we envision it to be, although that still plays a valuable part. It is the marriage (understanding) of energy and physicality – a match made in Heaven and one that has always existed right under our noses and in our bodies, but in our minds we had considered them divorced!

      1. Very true Helen, Diane and Laine! I’ve known friends having taken their gall bladder out and going back to the same way of living without addressing the energetic reason for the problem in the 1st place as that is still undealt with and will surface in the body in another manner. Eunice you share your lived experience here with going with conventional medicine and also addressing the issue energetically. The marriage of conventional and energy is so very supportive for true and full healing.

      2. indeed Liane – there is a great ignorance within the medicine of the energetic dimension – even though there is the science to support it. It is the next major paradigm shift to occur – seeing the body as much more than physical meat!

    2. indeed it is the future of medicine – and it requires people to be open to taking responsibility for their conditions and their lives. The ‘why me’ question is prevalent in medicine and often medicine does not have the answer – but esoteric medicine does! SO the two can work together hand in hand very well.

    3. yes Helen – I remove lots of gall bladders and the symptoms do resolve as they did for me. But I now know there is much more to healing than just removing symptoms!!

  288. The combination of Esoteric Healing and Western Medicine is something very beautiful. I very much like your story from your professional and personal experience of the healing way of this combination.

  289. Thank you Eunice for sharing the lived experience and the professional and esoteric – it paints a really strong picture of what plays out in our bodies and our relationship to illness and disease.

  290. As a trained surgeon Eunice, and with the additional understanding of energy, with a willingness to explore what your body has shared with you, you are perfectly placed to see the marriage of medicine and the esoteric working side by side for true healing. This position gives the world a much-needed authority in understanding illness and disease, laying a path forward for the future of true medicine for all. It’s beautiful.
    What struck me reading this was the question you asked, “Would I have become aware of these issues without the disease?” I suspect not. Where would we all be without illness and disease, a cut or a bruise? Could it in fact be our saving grace, the consequence of our choices that helps us to truly heal a way of being that is simply not serving us?
    You are the living testimony in what you share, that it is. Getting ill is not easy, but it really is the gift and opportunity to heal not only the physical illness but also the root cause of why we became sick in the first place. As you say it’s win-win, for your body and for those who get to work with “a considerably more harmonious, much less frustrated and furious person!” If all illness ended this way, imagine how our world could be?

  291. I love how you have left no (gall)stone unturned (ha ha) in sharing not only the medical but also the emotional link and way of being that lead to getting gallstones. Hopefully medical science will catch up one day! Thank you for sharing Eunice how conventional medicine and esoteric medicine can work together to bring about true harmony in the body.

  292. Thanks Eunice, your medical background offers an informative view of the gall bladder and as you expressed, the impact our emotions have on our physiological and psychological health.

  293. ” Serge Benhayon was presenting that energetically emotions are the root cause of illness and disease.” When I learned this it all made so much sense. So I am responsible for my illnesses and disease and can thus take steps to make amends in what choices I make in my daily life. No more blaming fate – just accepting- without self criticism – and making different choices. Makes sense to choose differently to avert disease too as far as we are able – ie prevention is better than cure.

  294. What makes total sense to me is that the root cause of illness and disease comes from our emotions and that we are not at the mercy of getting this, that and the other, and that we are actually the ones who can bring on the illness depending on how we choose to go about our everyday. In my case I have held onto everything I have wanted to say over many years and it is now showing up in my body as a bowel disorder, with throat issues – not surprising considering how ingrained that behaviour was. Making the connection that emotions contribute to our health will help the medical profession in ways that are yet to be discovered.

  295. Eunice, this is a great sharing about the symptoms a loaded gallbladder can have. I also realize how often I avoid to feel my body truly. If I allow myself to feel my body it communicates clearly how I treat myself during the day and this in itself is a healing.

  296. Wow, your personal and professional experience combined make a really compelling case and shine a light where we might have not been so aware till now. I loved: “I didn’t consider myself to have much resentment or bitterness – but my body was saying something else! By looking more deeply inside and being honest, I discovered there were indeed issues where I was holding some resentment and bitterness.” Love the shift to honesty, we could all do with a great dose of that. Thank you Dr Minford!

  297. It is so easy to just focus on the functions of the body and not ever really take responsibility for how we are living with and caring for it. You have brought in a whole new perspective and presented another possible way to have a relationship with our bodies and the illness that they manifest.

  298. Thank you Eunice for explaining in every day terms what the Gall bladder does and how it works, I found it very enlightening.
    It was amazing to read how conventional and esoteric medicine works hand in hand to completely support the body; particularly from someone who is an expert in conventional medicine.

  299. A wonderful description of modern medicine and an energetic understanding of the root cause of the illness combining to give a true healing.

  300. A beautiful example of how conventional medicine meets universal medicine and esoteric healing. Addressing the complete picture.

  301. Who better to share the bigger picture of the root cause, symptoms and healing of Gallstones than Eunice, not only is she a Dr and a student of energy but she has also experienced this illness within her own body.

    1. Yes Elizabeth, Eunice is able to present the whole picture. From the perspective of a trained and practising doctor, a student of energy and as a patient. This is what makes her writing so credible and powerful.

  302. Wow thank you Eunice a great healing for us all, awesome to hear your medical and energetic experience on this subject. It is inspiring to see a medical professional looking beyond and feeling deeper into the root cause. How amazing it will be when we eventually all look first to the energy that caused the condition/ illness in the first place.

    1. Absolutely Samantha. How amazing this will be when it is a known fact and a regular practice to look at the underlying energetic cause as well as the symptoms.

    2. Thank you Samantha for highlighting this as the great healing it is for us all. It will be amazing indeed when doctors and patients first look at the energetic quality at play that causes a condition or illness in the first place.

      1. indeed Candida that will be amazing – though it feels far off at the moment! Most medics are very sceptical of anything to do with the word ‘energy’! But one day it will be commonplace

      2. I feel that we can assist the process by approaching our general practitioners with a responsible attitude toward our health, as appointments are very short and we need to ensure they are given all the information that is needed. I see a very thorough naturopath who looks to the energetic causes and the nutritional support, and we work together alongside the doctor. The doctor provides the medical advice and perspective and writes prescriptions/referrals as required, taking into account the naturopath’s suggestions for tests from a nutritionist’s point of view. I appreciate the medical overview and insights into my body’s workings and although I have seen a number of doctors, as they change frequently in the practice I attend, I feel we are building a relationship of mutual respect, and each doctor has responded to my pro-active approach positively. I also appreciate the nurses who I can speak to for advice, and the staff who collect blood for tests, and the chemist who cares enough to talk about the prescriptions I have been given.

      3. Great example Anne of how to work collaboratively with different healthcare professionals, to get the most from their specific expertise in caring for your body.

      4. This feels like a wonderful, very refreshing and much needed way of working with the patient. For the medical profession to work closely with practitioners who are looking at the energetic cause and the lifestyle of the patient would be an all round very ‘healthy’ way of looking at and treating illness.

      5. Yes indeed the word ‘energy’ will one day be common place within the health system. Bring it on.

  303. Interesting that you say Eunice, that gallstones are common. If we take what Universal Medicine present about the root cause of illness and disease, that they are emotions and in particular for the gallbladder it is the emotions of rage, frustration, resentment and bitterness, it means that, we as a society did become more frustrated, furious, grumble or bitter. That is for me an amazing opportunity how to look at growing illnesses and diseases – they are a mirror of our emotional stand of being as a society…

  304. Thanks for your honest blog Eunice. It’s great to see that someone of your medical standing is prepared to look deeper in regards to why we get illness and disease. Taking responsibility in this way shows that esoteric medicine and conventional medicine can and do work together and can bring about a deeper understanding and profound healing. And the icing on the cake…a harmonious Eunice!!

  305. It has been such a revelation to learn through Universal Medicine how our emotions and choices affect the physical body and it makes so much common sense… I wonder why this isn’t mainstream? Is it possible that if we were to accept the truth of what has been shared we would have to take responsibility for everything we do, say, think and express and that is the difficulty?

    1. Yes, taking responsibility for all our choices, actions, everything, and the impact they all have on humanity ouch.

  306. I loved reading how open and honest you were Eunice, with looking deeper into why you had gallstones. There is so much responsibility in addressing illness and disease in this way. What I’ve noticed is that anything that I leave and don’t look at, it comes up somewhere else in my body or plays out with other people.

  307. This is really great, Eunice, thank you. I fully agree with “Removing the gallbladder alone and leaving these issues unaddressed might just mean they would come out somewhere else in my body eventually.” Also, “A win-win all round” is definitely the way to go for future medicine.

  308. Thank you Eunice for so thoroughly illustrating how efficient our very own body is at communicating how the choices we make and how we choose to live, affects it. And also that when choosing to override those messages, it serves only to compound them, until sooner or later it must rear its (this time uglier) head to be rid of once again.

  309. I love reading medical blogs that are so insightful, which bridge conventional medicine with esoteric medicine – wow what a healing process! Thank YOU Eunice!

  310. I totally agree Eunice, that when we address some of our hurts and their related emotions like frustration, we lessen the impact on our bodies and the people around us. Addressing my anger issues has meant that I am so much more lovely to be around and people notice it!

  311. Thanks Eunice for this article. I love getting your medical perspective on things. The gallbladder is definitely one for me to watch. I have been aware of the emotional reasons why someone might get gallstones through esoteric medicine, but now I have a better understanding of how they form physically and what they can do to the body.

    1. I agree Elodie, it is so wonderful to have Eunice’s medical perspective in these blogs as it is with all the other writers. I love this blog site… the articles offer so much support in developing a true relationship with our bodies, western medicine and esoteric healing. I have much appreciation for all the writers 🙂

  312. “A win–win all round – not just for my body and me – but also for those who get to work with a considerably more harmonious, much less frustrated and furious me!”
    This really demonstrates how by us making choices to heal in our lives, we have a knock on influence on others by being more open to other people and not imposing our emotions on to them.

  313. It’s revealing and a bit uncomfortable when we have to look inside ourselves and discover that we have emotions such as resentment, bitterness and trapped rage. I myself though I was a particularly ‘nice’ person but underneath, inside my body was this stuck and very frustrated sensitive being that just wanted to come out. And now since coming out I have felt more confident in dealing with these issues as I realise its only effecting my health in a harmful way If i leave them and not deal with them. Thanks for bringing this understanding from a surgeon’s perspective as well. It would one day be amazing for conventional medicine to work with Esoteric medicine so we can have a deeper understanding of our illnesses and begin to live as who we truly are. Also I’ve learned that Joy and self-acceptance are wonderful at healing the body and come from the inner-most fire that we have inside, truly amazing.

    1. Harry, I can so relate to what you say. I too used to think that I was a “nice” person and was in complete denial that under the surface lurked rage, bitterness and resentment. Frustration I could admit to but it took a while before I could let myself feel the depths of the other emotions – these being simply deeper forms of the frustration of continuously making the same unloving choices over and over again.

  314. Thanks for this fascinating insight into gallstones from a surgeon’s perspective. It was interesting to read about the five F’s and learn about the biology behind the issue. It feels so right that we deal with the underlying emotional causes of our diseases in conjunction with the amazing job our medical professionals do. A truly holistic approach that benefits all.

  315. Eunice, when you say…..”I didn’t consider myself to have much resentment or bitterness – but my body was saying something else! “…….It just made me think that we are perhaps not always the best judges of our own qualities. Universal medicine can make such a difference here and help us connect to the real us!

    1. Too true – taking several doses of honesty without judgement, combined with a regular handful of loving appreciation for yourself as presented by Universal Medicine – et voila! we begin to know ourselves truly and discover all of what can be let go of. Now that is good medicine!

    2. This is so true, we can pretend we are fine and carry on in complete ignorance and arrogance but our bodies and the truth soon catches up with us.

    3. Ooh interesting point to ponder on Jonathan – are we really the best judges of our own qualities? I would say there are definitely things we need support discovering about ourselves and dealing with.

  316. It is interesting that you didn’t really realise that you had any resentment or bitterness until you looked a bit deeper and got honest with yourself. This must be the case for so many people who don’t realise what they are carrying that is creating the disease they want to get rid of. Esoteric Healing opens the way for this.

    1. Great comment Rebecca, it made me ponder on how many of our emotions we just except as normal. Take anxiety for instance so many of us are experiencing this debilitating emotion that society has decided that this high level of tension and unsettledness is normal. How far have we separated from the harmony we are originally from when we start to except that anxiety is normal. Universal Medicine has supported me to feel what is underneath the emotion so I can heal the root cause of my dis-ease.

  317. This was very healing to read in that you addressed both issues, the physical and energetic and whilst reading I pondered on what feelings or emotions I have not completely healed. Reading your article was like being lovingly but firmly held to look at what is not a harmonious reflection of the body. Thank you.

  318. Frustration, what frustration! For me frustration had become such a normal way of being so much so that I hardly recognised it. It was like a drug I could call upon at any time to not feel all that I was feeling.

    1. I’d like to add… my frustration and anger also become a daily vice to deal with life. However I became more cunning by gauging the level of frustration of others so I could always remain a bit calmer then them (which is only a soft form of anger) so they couldn’t detect mine. After all how can you detect frustration when you tolerate a higher version of it for yourself.

      1. Luke I really appreciate the honesty you share here. You’ve bought a huge awareness for the responsibility for our mood choices. How we are impacts on everyone, regardless if we are choosing to tone it down to get away with behaviour. By having the behaviour it still gives the message that reaction by mood is ok.

    2. Wow Vicky I can really relate to using frustration as a drug to not feel what was really happening. It was my constant fall back position and I can still catch myself slipping into it on days when I lose my connection to myself and don’t want to be honest. Thank you for bringing this to my awareness.

    3. Well put Vicky, for me frustration has been like a weapon that I pull out when situations get difficult or overwhelming. Like calling on a familiar blanket to cover over everything I am feeling. No wonder my gallbladder has called out with a sudden pain over the years. This way of marrying ‘how we feel’, ‘how we live’ and what our bodies show us, brings true responsibility and healing.

  319. Eunice I just love this – you are a doctor and a patient and a student of energy, combining them for the understanding and treatment of your illness. This is the most wonderful medicine and is the future of medicine.

    1. Hear hear Dianne, the future of medicine is the doctor, patient and the student of energy all working together.

    2. This is a very true statement Dianne, which deepens awareness to where humanity needs to go when it comes to responsibility in health care.

    3. This is indeed the most wonderful medicine and the future of medicine – you have summed it up perfectly, Dianne. We are given the freedom of our own responsibility and understanding in becoming a student of energy, the benefits of which cannot be overstated!

  320. A HugeThank you Eunice for sharing your gallstone experience with us. What you have written here has a value which is way above and beyond mere words on paper. It is the expression of an experienced Surgeon working in mainstream medicine, who has discovered from personal experience that there is more to us than mere flesh and bone.It is very interesting that medical research is discovering links between emotion and disease. Enter Universal medicine. Surely, the alliance of mainstream medicine and Universal medicine would give us a quantum leap forward in terms of healthcare, and just has to be the future. Thank you too, for your mordant wit, which is as sharp as any of your professional tools! Your line ” Now I wasn’t in any rush to get my gallbladder out – being on the other end of the knife was not something I relished”, contains a wonderful honesty and realism, something which must be essential for your job I would imagine.

  321. Eunice as a trained surgeon you bring much authority on the topic of looking at the emotional causes of our illness and disease. Something that is not yet mainstream but which is a truth that we are all heading towards.

  322. Esoteric medicine presents the fact that energy precedes illness and disease which means that, by looking after our body (which is the marker of all truths), we are helping our health. Responsibility is key to true healing.
    Thank you so much Eunice for giving us a very honest blog on the subject.

  323. I always find it interesting to hear the conventional medicine diagnosis – as usually it is simply an explanation of what is occurring in the body (crystallisation as a result of imbalances in the bile). In this instance we also get the risk factors (the five f’s) but the question of ‘why’ the body has started going off track is never clearly addressed.
    And that is where Universal Medicine steps in – providing the link between what is going on in the body and how we are living or our emotional state of being.
    Using the two together is so much more powerful in coming to a holistic treatment of both the effects (conventional) and also the cause (esoteric).

  324. What a beautiful and honest story. And what a revelation you bring to the fore. It’s making it very obvious that we are the ones that are responsible for our health in the first and foremost. And in the case that something comes up, we certainly need the help of conventional medicine, such as an operation in your case. But meanwhile we shouldn’t hide away and only look at the doctors, but take a time out to reflect on why the symptom occured in the first place. How inspiring that you chose both Eunice!

  325. It is a deep responsibility we take for ourselves when we chose to address he root or energetic causes of an illness or disease. It is self loving to take care of the symptoms and a necessary step. But we go no where if we do not look at the true reason as to why our body developed and harboured the illness or condition.

    1. Yes I have seen many people afraid to go there – to take responsibility for their health issues. I can understand this as it has taken me many years to peel away the layers of hurts, ideals and beliefs that I have held onto and sometimes this has been quite a challenge, but I have found the commitment and effort really worth it, as each time I feel lighter and clearer and much more joyful.

  326. Great blog Eunice. Other systems of medicine relate disease back to emotion however few go deeper to address the emotions and what is underlying them. Chinese medicine for example will tell you this gall bladder pattern is also about long standing anger. That is great to identify but to heal the issue we need to go further than this in supporting a person to look at things on a broader and deeper level. This is what I appreciate about Esoteric medicine.

  327. Reading your blog Eunice, reminded me of how at one of my first Sacred Esoteric healing sessions, I was asked if I was holding onto any resentment, bitterness or frustration. I answered a very quick no! Then the practitioner shared with me that she could feel disharmony in my Gall Bladder area. On my way home I was thinking about what I had been asked during my session and it suddenly dawned on me that I had be diagnosed a number of years earlier with gallbladder polyps. ah! Since then I have been paying close attention to when and in what situations I express these emotions. Now I generally look at what has brought these emotions to the surface and deal with their root cause.

    1. Thanks for sharing that, Elizabeth. I never thought of myself as a raging ball of fury before (!) until I connected more to my body and became increasingly aware that there was a lot of unexpressed emotion seething away underneath the surface. I could then become more honest about the fact that I put a lot of effort covering it up, even though everyone could feel it the whole time. I now trust that listening to my body for clues is going to deliver the truth of what is really going on inside me.

      1. Me either Janet. That silent but violent raging ball of fury was also my norm. The crazy thing is that I didn’t question this as I didn’t know any different at the time. It took Esoteric Healing and a great deal of honesty to begin to understand and listen to the disharmony my reactions were creating.

      2. I so agree Elizabeth and Janet, I always denied I had any of those emotions, but have become more and more aware of them as I go through the healing process, and they come up for clearing. I am amazed how deeply they were buried. When we at last come to recognise and feel how the emotion affects our bodies it is an opportunity to heal the root cause. but without that recognition no healing can take place, only cure. A great blog, Eunice, honest and playful and clear, I love it.

    2. Same here, when I was asked if I had some bitterness or resentment or even rage my answer would be ME? Well, no, ofcourse not. These words felt like cursing in the church. But then I had some esoteric healing done on my gallbladder and this lovely organ of mine was telling me that I do in fact carry these emotions. That’s what I love about the body: it never lies…

      1. Haha, it’s incredible how we can have these raging emotions running inside us and all the while putting so much effort into making sure we have a calm exterior – a bit like swans gliding so gracefully but peddling like mad under the water. And of course everyone can feel exactly what’s going on all the while.

      2. Many of us are taught not to feel and express how we feel from a young age. Often seen as a sign of weakness, we bury our emotions so deep we don’t even realise they’re there. Like you Joan, I believed I didn’t have strong emotions -anger, resentment, frustration – only to find them raging beneath the surface, waiting for me to feel and release them. Learning that being honest about how we feel, was a strength not a weakness, was a break through moment for me.

  328. Love your humour in this blog Eunice and your experience is the perfect example of how conventional medicine and esoteric medicine work very well together – where conventional medicine addresses the symptoms of the gallstones and esoteric medicine heals the root cause of why I formed the gallstone in the first place. Beautiful outcome. Shame you cannot eat chocolate any more!!!

    1. It is a miracle to me that I no longer eat chocolate Mary-Louise as I was a chocoholic! Even more so that I don’t miss it or look for it. I would never have believed it was possible – but it shows the power of healing and dealing with our stuff.

  329. Thank you for sharing. I learnt a lot by this informative blog.
    I have used both conventional medicine along with Esoteric Medicine and have had amazing results. I have had the STOP from my body, seen the doctors and had amazing support from them and then combined that with Chakra puncture and taken the time to stop and see why this all happened in the first place. Now I see illness and disease in a whole new way, like it is an opportunity to actually heal old behaviours or patterns that we have in our body that we are not even aware of.

    1. Well said Rosie, I too have come to see illness and disease in a new light. I used to see it as a bad thing, that the body was doing something wrong and it was something I had to fight, but now I too regard it as an opportunity to heal the old choices that don’t support me anymore and bring in some fresh ones. I can see now that when we get sick, the body is doing the best it can with the choices we have made.

      1. I agree Rowena. It was a revelation to me, as an ex nurse who used to see illness as a bad thing, to be got over as quickly as possible, that disease and illness are the body’s natural way of healing. I now perceive illness in a completely new light and appreciate the healing it can offer, if we understand what led to a particular illness in the first place and make different choices in our livingness.

      2. indeed Rowena – this was a game changer for me too – turned everything on its head. To embrace illness and disease as part of a grander healing can radically transform the experience.

    2. Thank you Rosie and Eunice, you have both presented a fuller picture of the nature of dis-ease in the body and how to address an ill pattern of energy in the body by considering all the contributing factors.

    3. I agree Rosie, seeing illness and disease as an opportunity to heal old behaviours and patterns allows a totally different way to deal with illness and to truly heal from the cause.

  330. What an absolute to delight to read this post that marries Esoteric medicine with conventional medicine with ease, naturalness and harmony, I have relished reading it as it feels seamless. More personally as I read I can feel my own slight dull ache under right rib cage that is not unfamiliar to me, as it is not painful (yet), it might not be necessary to have a scan but the warning bells are ringing and in truth this slight dull ache has come and gone for years. I am even aware of my dalliance with frustration, rage, resentment and bitterness thank you to Serge Benhayon’s healing courses and even then I can engage with these emotions and avoid taking responsibility. Maybe that’s not the wisest way to go though…….

  331. So often it seems only when the body makes us stop are we prepared to look at how we are living and make the changes needed to become more harmonious. I too have found this to be the case, thank you for sharing Eunice.

    1. Yes, I have had a number of stops, all bought about from my body first. I am looking forward to living in more harmony with myself where the body does not have to speak so loudly.

  332. I too am learning to respect my body and listen care-fully to what it’s reflecting and communicating to me. I am able to vastly reduce medication for a chronic issue by meeting the root cause. Eunice, how wonderful that you are working with the connection between esoteric medicine and conventional medicine in the medical field. Hopefully this will grow into common practice one day.

    1. It is indeed wonderful. Such a deeper level of healing is possible. And I agree, hopefully it will be common practice one day.

    2. I agree Kathy, ‘how wonderful that you are working with the connection between esoteric medicine and conventional medicine in the medical field. Hopefully this will grow into common practice one day.’ This will need to happen one day as the medical system cannot cope only treating the symptoms as it is now, we will all need to take responsibility and get to the root cause, wonderful Eunice that you are already doing this.

    3. Kathy I agree it will be a great support when the esoteric and conventional medicine combine with patients and doctors working together to help heal the condition and take a deeper look at what is really behind the rise in illness we have in society today.

    4. Yes Kathy, to have esoteric medicine and conventional medicine working together in the medical field would really support turning around the ever increasing health problems we have today.

  333. Definitely a win-win Eunice – it would be a shame to go through all of that and still not get to the root cause (oh and have a grumpy Eunice on our hands)! Great blog, thank you.

    1. That is the best bit Oliver, not having a grumpy Eunice any more! What a real gift to be able to understand what is behind our physical symptoms and get to the root of them. I know that studying with Universal Medicine has made me a much sweeter person and the same can definitely be said about Eunice too.

      1. Haha, yes indeed Rowena. I shudder to think what a walking timebomb I used to be with my emotions and how hard that must have been to be around. Thanks to Universal Medicine I am becoming more aware and honest about my emotions by being more connected to my body, and therefore less volatile and at the mercy of my reactions to life.

      2. Being at the mercy of my reactions, I know this one Janet. Universal Medicine showed me it doesn’t have to be this way and through taking responsibility, more awareness of my emotions and staying in touch with my body, this has and continues to change.

      3. haha – thanks Rowena – yes and funny enough if anyone had actually used the word sweet in reference to me back then that would have produced a bit of grumpiness alright – more bitter than sweet for sure!!! haha

    2. indeed Oliver – and I could be very grumpy in days gone by!!! All justified of course or so I thought back then. Thankfully I now know better thanks to Serge and Universal Medicine and my grumpy moments are well and truly numbered!!

  334. Eunice, thank you for your testimony. Coming from a surgeon it supports reflection on the effect of emotions on my body and health. And it feels right……

    1. Yes Russell and also, despite mainstream thought, how absolutely detrimental emotions are to physiological and psychological health.

    2. I couldn’t agree with you more Russell. It’s very healing to read how Eunice, a surgeon herself, has looked at how to support her physical body by not just conventional medicine but by looking to the root cause of how she created the gallstones. Such loving responsibility is very inspiring.

      1. I agree Karin. Not only inspiring but Eunice is credible, being a surgeon, so others in the medical profession are likely to at least listen to what she has to say. Not before time should the link be made that we can look at the jigsaw from different angles and one of the missing pieces has been there all along, the wisdom of the body that gives us clues long before we are brought to a stop.

    3. thanks Russell – also I would have totally discounted the role of emotions in illness and disease before coming to Universal MEdicine – yet it now makes so much sense!!! Just need the rest of the medical world to waken up to it!

  335. Eunice this makes complete sense – I also remember coming across my dis-harmonious gallbladder when attending Universal Medicine and like you it was a corker indeed, no gall stones fortunately but I had no idea that my gallbladder was holding some much bitterness. To be able to connect to that and why I was choosing to be bitter really supported me to let go of what it is I was holding onto. Very much needed in a true healing process.

    1. This is the same for me Natalie. My Gall bladder still rumbles away and holds onto so much even after years of esoteric healing. It tells me a lot about the bitterness I am choosing to hold onto or create. Little by little I am letting this go.

      1. indeed Natalie and Rebecca – we can fool ourselves like I did that I didn’t have any bitterness or resentment – but my body was saying something else! Healing the underlying cause helps not just the organ affected but the whole being in my experience.

  336. Thanks so much for sharing Eunice. So often we write illness and disease off as something that has just happened to us randomly. By knowing that emotions contribute to them we can look at the way we live and illness and disease is less about chance. We have a lot more say in things then we realise.

  337. Thanks, Eunice, it is great when we can support our medical treatments with an understanding of the underlying emotions that contribute to the condition, because in dealing with them we can prevent further dis-ease from developing. Thank you for your honesty in sharing your own story.

  338. It will be a great day when western medicine and esoteric medicine combine. What you illustrate here Eunice is the future of that union, when what shows up in the body is approached physically and energetically so the true cause of our dis-ease is addressed. As you point out, if we only address the physical, the true root cause of the imbalance will remain hidden, only to potentially spring up in another form.

  339. Great blog Eunice. Understanding the energetic root of illnesses has helped me a great deal to look at the way I am with myself and with life. It has also allowed me to change my perspective to see illness as not a curse but a healing, only showing me the result of the choices I had been making. I might get my gallbladder scanned!

    1. It has also allowed me to change my perspective to see illness as not a curse but a healing, only showing me the result of the choices I had been making. Yes, Jinya, this is taking true responsibility for one’s choices, which I have found to be life changing; first comes the acceptance of one’s past choices, which allows for understanding, and with the understanding comes true healing as opposed to a ‘quick fix’.

  340. i love your article Eunice and the way you show the necessity of both conventional and esoteric medicine – and the depth of healing available if we choose both when faced with illness or disease.

  341. It’s great to read of a medical professional who is willing to look more widely at the bigger picture of illness and disease, going beyond the treatment to the reasons for the illness and being willing to address this. This feels like the next step we as a humanity have to take to turn around the increasing disease rates we are suffering. If cancer is predicted to be at a rate of 1 in 2 in the near future then we have to stop at some point and say what we are doing is not working, let’s look for another way. That is where Universal Medicine will come into its own, assisting a great many more people than it already does to address the root cause of why they get sick.

  342. Truly allowing ourselves to feel those emotions that we avoid owning as our own is such a key step in the healing process. Thank you Eunice for showing the benefits of looking at our emotional issues and how they are lived out in the physical body. This is powerful.

  343. Eunice, your post describes what can happen when conventional and esoteric medicines work in partnership with each other. It leads to a more complete healing. Removal of the physical disease, the gall stone, was necessary, but without treating the underlying cause of the gallstones, the healing would have been incomplete. With the support of esoteric practitioners, it is possible to reveal and heal underlying emotional causes of the disease and with this new awareness, we can choose to make changes in our lives to prevent a repeat of an illness or disease.

  344. I just love the clarity in which you explain the perfect combination of working with conventional medicine and esoteric medicine, I also appreciate how much openness, willingness, love and intelligence someone that has been trained to think as a medical professional needs, to look at the deeper root cause of illness and work with the esoteric. And that you point out at the end that everybody who gets in touch with you (and your “knife”) does indeed benefit from your own healing and clearing of all those emotions.

  345. Isn´t it amazing how our body speaks through illness or pain? It is the best compass you can have in life- thank you, that you are revealing the true causes of gallbladder issues here Eunice. The world needs this kind of knowledge*

  346. Eunice, I too had gallstones, a few small ones and having 2 getting stuck in a bile duct leading to having my gallbladder removed a couple of years ago. Universal Medicine helped me with my awareness of and to understand how my emotions were affecting my body with this which then allowed me to make changes and heal on this level, my frustration, resentment and fury and the reasons why, bringing self care and self love into my life.

  347. Super sharing Eunice, and love the truth in what you present here… Having been addicted to emotions all my life, I can testify to how truly harming and damaging emotions are to our physical body, and that yes, ‘energetically emotions are the root cause of illness and disease’, as presented by Serge Benhayon. Therefore, whatever illness the body presents us with, the full and complete package of healing is one that addresses the medical requirements along with the underlying emotions that are always the ‘root cause’, so that the illness or disease does not re-emerge in a different part of the body at a later time as you mentioned. This has been my own personal experience…

  348. It’s a great point that dealing with emotional aspects of illness and disease not only provides a better quality of life and physical harmony for the person who has experienced the illness. It will also benefit the people with whom they deal on a day to day basis. This may not be so clear from the basic affect of a physical illness, except for the obvious emotional interplay between someone who feels ill and anyone with whom that interact. However if there is an undercurrent of emotion more consistently playing out in a persons mannerisms and general behaviour, such as controlling behaviour, manipulation, jealousy or comparison, then this is a whole other level of affect on other people. If we can clear those undercurrents, what difference it could make to the world?

  349. I love this, those pangs in my right side always alert me to feelings of frustration or that I’m hardening in order to cope with situations. Bringing the esoteric along with Western medicine seems such a true and comprehensive way forward to understanding the body and its inherent wisdom.

    1. Peta, I also recognise that discomfort in my right side from years ago. At times it would feel like my rib was growing inwards, this was before I understood the significance of my gallbladder, where it sits in the body and what emotional states are associated with it.

    2. I agree with what you’re sharing here Peta. I too am learning how to ‘read’ the signals my body sends me when it’s heading off balance. By becoming more sensitively attuned to our bodies, we can all begin to take more responsibility for our health – potentially nipping issues in the bud and reducing our dependence on our doctors, who we turn to fix us when things go pear-shaped.

  350. This is a great example, Eunice, of how the whole being can be healed, not just the physicality. Anything less than this wholistic approach short changes the patient, as they do not get the ongoing support to get to the bottom of their issues and make true changes.

    1. That’s a great comment Janet, about being short-changed. Our current stance is that we are physical beings who can be ‘fixed’ in a mechanical sense. This does not feel like the whole story. What would have happened, for instance, had Eunice had her gallbladder removed without considering what else might be going on? She would still be living with the same frustration and control issues, which left unresolved, might have manifested as something more serious. Even without that possibility, at the very least she’d be continuing to harm herself and others.

  351. We are held in so much love, that deep down we can connect to a feeling of what is true or not. You are paving the way, Eunice, for modern medicine to one day allow this inner knowing to be lived in medical science. Thank you dearly.

    1. Yes, a massive thanks for this pioneering work Eunice. I trust other medicos will be inspired to investigate – it can’t be far away that they do – I imagine many doctors already know, by virtue of their contact with people and or a naturally philosophical stance, that there is more to medicine than meets the eye.

  352. Great blog Eunice demonstrating just how beautifully Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine can work together to truly heal. What a great example coming from a surgeon herself, to want to look at the root cause of why the gallstones are there in the first place. This is where medicine needs to go in the future, for us to address the underlying reasons as to why we have the illness. This would support western medicine to do its job more effectively as we take responsibility as to why we ended up with the illness in the first place. Now this is a full package of healing.

    1. Absolutely Donna, ‘for us to address the underlying reasons as to why we have the illness. This would support western medicine to do its job more effectively as we take responsibility as to why we ended up with the illness in the first place. Now this is a full package of healing.’ This is true healing as opposed to just treating the symptoms, this is what is needed as the current way of treating illness and disease is not working with more people becoming more ill and the health service not being able to cope, as we start to take responsibility for our own health this would relieve the burden on the health service.

      1. It is refreshing to have this perspective from a surgeon going under the knife herself, and willing to be open, honest (and a little cheeky) – great to read and learn from. Thanks Eunice.

  353. “This example shows how conventional medicine and esoteric medicine work very well together – where conventional medicine addresses the symptoms of the gallstones and esoteric medicine heals the root cause of why I formed the gallstone in the first place” Stated over and over again please! I totally agree and know that this is the future of medicine – co-working. What Universal Medicine’s whole approach offers is an adjunct to medicine, it brings in self responsibility, not beating ourselves up but the opportunity to stop a pattern of behaviour that harms our bodies. Thank you for giving such a perfect example of that Eunice.

    1. Absolutely Lucy, I’m totally with you on this. Universal Medicine present and show how healing self responsibility in truth is rather than it just being some kind of burden.

    2. I agree Lucy, I too know that this is the future of medicine : esoteric energetic medicine and conventional medicine working hand in hand. A lot of prevention of illness and disease could be done by people having esoteric energy healing first as working on one’s emotions is the foundation for health and well-being.

  354. This is a great example of the harmony of western medicine and the esoteric medicine bringing the opportunity to truly heal the body.

  355. Addressing our emotions in order to restore a deeper place of harmony, as you describe Eunice, should be part of all recovery plans for illness and disease. Our waiting lists would become far shorter as the root causes get exposed and dealt with.

  356. Hearing about the food you ate on the plane and the discomfort it gave you made me consider foods I have continually eaten that made me feel less than great. It is a bit like going up to an electric fence and continually touching it. Why would I choose to eat something that is not right for my body, it really is worth considering what true intelligence is as we can have what is considered a brilliant mind or an IQ off the scale yet if we are making unhealthy lifestyles choices then can we call ourselves intelligent?

    1. Great point, Stephen, and as Eunice has so clearly shared with us, being a brilliant doctor does not stop us from making silly choices when it comes to our own bodies! If we learn that certain foods cause us pain and discomfort, why do we choose to eat them again?

  357. Thanks for this blog Eunice. It makes so much sense to me that there is an energetic reason for our illness and disease. I love how you addressed this issue both practically by having it removed, but also addressed the underlying issues to bring about true healing.

  358. What I love about this article is that it shows how western medicine complements esoteric medicine so well. How great is it that we can have the necessary surgery and at the same time look at and heal the root cause of the disease. Definitely a win-win for everyone.

  359. I really enjoyed this article Eunice as you being the patient with the surgeon background and knowledge. You can’t really get any more hands on than that! What you share here is very powerful and pioneering- and needs to be shared with many. Thank you.

  360. Eunice your blog really brought home to me, just how well Conventional and Esoteric Medicine work hand in hand to bring about true healing, not only to the symptoms of our illnesses but also to their root causes. Therefore by choosing to combine these two modalities we get the best of both worlds, and as you say ‘a win-win all round’ situation for both the patient and all whom they come into contact with.

  361. I love the openness and honesty in Eunice’s writing, very inspiring. It’s not often you hear a medical professional speak so humbly and admit that medicine didn’t have all the answers and then actually do the work to take a deep responsibility in her healing. Love it!

  362. What a top blog and coming from a surgeon sharing a personal story is great for on line reading. Thank you Eunice as I don’t know many in your profession who would be willing and so open to “say it as it is”. I like your style of writing and the points you state make total sense to me. In particular – “As I make more self-caring and self-loving choices and stop being so hard on myself and those around me, that is reflected in my body and the state of my being. This example shows how conventional medicine and esoteric medicine work very well together – where conventional medicine addresses the symptoms of the gallstones and esoteric medicine heals the root cause of why I formed the gallstone in the first place”.
    If we never address the root cause then there is a missing piece and I have found this to be true for my own life – I had the surgery and then made a choice to address how I was living and get to the root of why I got the tumour in the first place. Without the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine nothing would really have changed.

  363. This is absolutely brilliant Eunice. I can feel the care you have taken with writing this in that there is no self-criticism just a ‘here this is what I experienced and the reasons why’ in a light-hearted way. What I enjoyed most of all is your openness as a surgeon and yet again your lack of berating yourself. There is no judgement of yourself which speaks volumes for how you live your life today. Thank you.

    1. Very true Shevon, Eunice has shared her journey with a great deal of lightness when it could be so easy to be very self critical. It is lovely the way she brings both worlds together, the skill and knowledge from Western Medicine coupled with the deeper understanding of illness from the Esoteric Medicine. A superb marriage that brings true healing.

  364. Amazing how our bodies soon let us know when all is not well – and the importance of how we look after ourselves during and after any medical procedure. Thank you for sharing how it was for you Eunice it certainly brings about a better understanding of the energy around our gallbladders and even once removed how we can so significantly make a difference by healing ourselves on a much deeper level.

  365. Thank you Eunice for sharing a deeper insight to the relationship with the Esoteric and conventional medicine. The more we can understand and embrace the root causes of our diseases then there will be less reliance on medicine to take the responsibility for our ill choices.

  366. Thank you Eunice this is so informative and honest and truthful and the wisdom from it is clearly felt. This real approach to the true cause and gift of illness and disease shown in this is life changing for the world and brings medicine to its fullness and power for us all to embrace for ourselves.

  367. Thanks for a great blog, Eunice showing us how the combination of Western medicine with the Esoteric can be so healing. “By addressing these underlying emotional issues, my body has the opportunity to be more harmonious and at ease. As I make more self-caring and self-loving choices and stop being so hard on myself and those around me, that is reflected in my body and the state of my being.”

  368. Thank you for sharing your story, Eunice, – it is a joy to read how your honesty took you to such deeper levels in yourself. You and your development are an immense inspiration through: “By looking more deeply inside and being honest” AND “Raising my awareness of and addressing these emotional issues”. The body is indeed the marker of all truth, it’s a matter of choice to listen to it. So lovely.

  369. ‘Absolutely Doug, ‘I learned a lot about gallstones and the gallbladder from reading this. It is amazing how we take our “vital” organs for granted and rarely give them a thought, especially when they have so much to tell us.’ It seems that it is only when we get ill that we start to pay attention to our organs, so its great to read this article and start to pay more attention to their messages.

  370. I love this simple connection of our physical bodies and the emotions we experience that you have described here Eunice. This really gives me a greater understanding of how much I affect my body when I choose these emotional states of being.

  371. The fact that how we live and care for ourselves plays a major role in illness and disease needs to be more widely stressed and that emotions are the root cause instead of any of the other excuses used.

    1. Great point Kevin as what you are saying means the Responsibility of how we live comes back to us. With illness and dis-ease in our body escalating, what Eunice is presenting here gets us to look a bit deeper. We cannot go around thinking or believing its bad luck, hereditary or whatever else we can blame out there. It’s time we started to look inside us and realise that every single choice we make is recorded in our body. If emotions are the root cause of all illness and disease then this is where we need to do more research. How else are we going to reduce the exhausted medical systems which are truly suffering because the majority are not choosing to be responsible for their own health and well-being.

      1. Indeed Bina, esoteric medicine is the answer to our bankrupt medical systems and is showing another way, a way that puts responsibility for our own health first.

  372. How beautiful you lay it all out Eunice – the marriage between Conventional Medicine and the holistic approach of Esoteric Medicine is a sure success. It’s not very far fetched to realise that how we are with ourselves affects our physicality. When we consider this then Conventional Medicine might get a say in suggesting the patient to make changes that hopefully prevents them from coming back too soon.

  373. This is a great blog to get a deeper understanding what illness really means. Eunice showed exactly very simple and clear how conventional medicine and esoteric medicine can work very productive together hand in hand and I support this way of understanding. What if the whole medicine world would see it like this????

  374. I really loved reading your blog Eunice. It is so important when looking at healing a disease in the body we not only look at Conventional medicine but also Esoteric Medicine to actually treat the cause. I realised this with my past lung conditions and always needing medication for my asthma which I thought was the only solution until I came across Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. I became aware that my lung conditions were caused by the undealt with sadness and grief that I carried in my lungs for many years and now after support from the Universal Medicine workshops and Esoteric Practitioners I have been able to work through what this meant for me. My asthma has now cleared and there has been no further lung conditions.

  375. Thankyou for this insightful blog, I feel so much more aware of my own frustration and resentment now, but more so the damage to the body and how I need to support myself more to work through these. Thank you Eunice.

    1. I agree Melinda – I can get very frustrated and had lots of headaches. Thankfully that was all the symptoms I got.

      Eunice, that is beautifully written and I feel can make a lot of sense for researchers as well.

      1. Yes I feel this is important for researchers to look at. Very few in the medical world or indeed the world at large seriously ask where disease and illness come from. Most I feel have the notion that it simply is the bad luck of the game or that it is simply inherited through the genes. Articles like this one put the missing jigsaw piece in. They irrefutably confirm that disease and illness come from our choices – not just around food, exercise and sleep, but around the emotions we choose to indulge in and how over time, if not checked lead to gallbladder issues, heart disease, cancer, colds, sprains etc.

  376. Thank you Eunice, another great example of how emotions affect he body, and how Universal medicine and conventional medicine are both needed to complete healing.

    1. To think I once believed that emotions are the gateway to the soul – when in fact they are the very thing that delays its access.

  377. Eunice, I love how you have embraced both Conventional Medicine and Esoteric Medicine wisdom to get to true healing. As Einstein showed ‘Everything Is Energy’ of which the great seer of our time, Serge Benhayon has added, ‘everything is because of energy’…and so the energetics of our ills must be addressed to get to true healing which you have so clearly illustrated with your Gallbladder story. Conventional Medicine is amazing in how it deals with the physical body to bring it back to harmony by removing the ills that we have created through our choices. Wow what a powerful duo Conventional & Esoteric Medicine are!

  378. This is fantastic, how your body took you to a new level of awareness about what was going on for it. I deeply appreciate what is shared here, and how you approached your healing surgery, and now embrace life.

    1. Felicity same here, it’s a very different approach to the medical process and healing than I’ve often heard about. Most people, myself included for most of my life, go in to get fixed and get back out on the Tarmac of the racetrack of life. Whilst I can recall a small consideration to perhaps I may have had a small part to do with any medical problem I never wanted to give up the things in life I found comfortable and so would often resort to the fact it’s simply “bad luck” – very dis empowering indeed. It’s great to read first hand the difference the very approach to life and medicine has and by working together the issues in the NHS and our bankrupt healthcare system would be solved.

      1. Love your input David. It is true if we looked at disease from more than just at a symptomatic level many approaches would change.
        And I agree the global bankruptcy of health care systems would cease.

  379. Understanding that there is more to illness than just the physical makes sense. I know when I have not dealt with my frustration and let it fester it has grown into resentment and bitterness and I have felt how horrible this is. My body becomes hard, harsh and unyielding and the natural harmony that my whole being responds to has disappeared. The body can only put up with so much before it has to put a stop to it and this is called illness and disease. Imagine if this was more widely known we would all take so much more responsibility for our emotional welfare. Thank you Eunice for bringing conventional and esoteric medicine together in your blog.

  380. I love your article Eunice – I hope you are able to put it into a Medical magazine somewhere – it is heartening to hear a doctor discussing the emotional involvement within illness and to one day imagine it will be being taught in medical schools, along with nutrition and self-care.

    1. I agree Debra. The way Eunice has explained the relation between emotions and illness makes sense and to have this as part of medical training would bring healing illness to a true and deeper level.

      1. I have always (definitely since my teenage years) felt that there was a close link between emotions and illness and disease. I remember have strong bouts of anxiety manifesting in nausea and sometimes vomiting in the days preceding exams and all symptoms disappearing once the exams were passed.

  381. This way of living is The best way I have found yet. I too used to ignore bodily symptoms and have a Lot of resistance to western medicine and Drs. All that has and continues to change. I am now willing to allow healing in full by not only accepting energetic responsibility for the diseases/symptoms my body shows me (from a place of far greater understanding, thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine) but also accepting pain relief, medicine and any other physical support/intervention deemed necessary by my body and Medical Professionals.
    Truly the best of both worlds!

  382. It is interesting that medical professionals have been able to identify the 5F target group most likely to present with gallstones.. Female, Fat, Forty, Fertile and Fair. I was told that I didn’t quite fit the mould when I was found to have gallstones at the tender age of 19…. I was a 3F! In truth my tenderness had been squashed by all of the ideals and beliefs I took on, with a lot of frustration, resentment and bitterness. It is only recently that I have been able to also nominate the rage I held. Healing these underlying patterns has given me a lot more understanding of myself and others. Thanks Eunice for your insight into underlying energetic causes of illness and disease and the common pattern that those 5Fs are holding.

  383. I love this Eunice. I love how you express, so real and relatable to all. You brilliantly describe the great benefits of the marrying of Esoteric wisdom and understanding of disease and the practical application of western medicine. Together great healing can come about. Humanity is really crying out for this shift to happen. So great to have you within the western medicine profession, leading the way.

  384. I love what you have shared here, Eunice. I have also had my gall bladder removed, though I experienced no symptoms, my gall bladder was full of lots of tiny stones. The stones were found by ‘accident’. I have also been looking into how I have been using all the emotions you have described and some 4 years after the removal of my gall bladder I am still making my way through releasing them all! It really says a lot when an organ needs to be removed because of the misuse of certain emotions. It can certainly be a big Ouch moment.

  385. I love understanding the energetic causes of illness and disease – it just makes such sense when added with conventional medicine. To be able to heal the symptoms AND the underlying cause is to truly heal. Thank you , Eunice.

  386. Absolutely brilliant Eunice, thank you. There is so much in this blog and I will return to it again. This pearl stood out for me today “By addressing these underlying emotional issues, my body has the opportunity to be more harmonious and at ease.” Humanity is blessed by the wisdom the Esoteric Medicine brings and the support that conventional medicine provides. The marriage of conventional and esoteric medicine is a very powerful relationship which supports true healing and I will continue to use both of these to support my health and wellbeing.

  387. Absolutely a win-win all round. Such a great example of how esoteric medicine and conventional medicine can work together to bring about a whole and true healing on every level.

  388. Thanks Eunice for your sharing. What surgery offers is miraculous, what Esoteric Medicine offers is the awareness of where I am at and how I got there, and the light that shines on a true path that others are awakened to.

  389. Eunice you show the importance of our emotions on the physical body. Since taking more care of myself and consciously being gentle I have greatly reduced the incidence of migraines. Making the loving choice of listening to my body has also given me more vitality.

  390. This is a beautiful article for us to witness the power of Conventional Medicine used in conjunction with Esoteric Medicine. The outcome is so deeply healing – as it eliminates the victim view of illness just hitting somebody, and the idea that it’s just ‘bad luck’. Everything that happens to us physically has had an energy precede the incident/disease. When we fail to notice the offending energy (emotions like anger and frustration for example) they manifest as an illness or a disease that then can and may need to be removed from the body. Thank you Eunice for sharing your experience. I can very much relate to this, as I have been known to ‘get carried away’ and not realise what I’m running with, until I get stopped physically. I now work on learning more clearly to become aware before I have to get that physical stop, of what’s running me.

  391. Thanks Eunice, it is so refreshing to hear a surgeon talk about surgery and medicine in such an honest, personal and relatable way.

  392. A great example of taking full responsibility for our health, not just relying on the surgery to make it all better, but honestly addressing your role, your choices, your responses and emotions that make a difference in the matter.

  393. I love this article certainly gets 5 fs from me – fantastic, factual, fascinating, fabulous, fank you – this is an excellent example of how esoteric and conventional medicine are the perfect marriage.

  394. It makes so much sense that a combination of Conventional Medicine, Esoteric Medicine and self responsibility offers us the best way forward when we are dealing with illnesses in the body. Thank you Eunice.

  395. ” As I make more self-caring and self-loving choices and stop being so hard on myself and those around me, that is reflected in my body and the state of my being.” So true and I can testify that over the past several years I have seen you transform before my very eyes, as I am sure you will continue to do. Thank you for a great article Eunice.

  396. It always make much more sense if what is explained in conventional medicine is supported by the root cause in energy. It feels so much more empowering to know our choices in life affect our bodies and that we can now take more responsibility for ourselves and our lives by choosing differently.

  397. There are a lot of really interesting points highlighted in this article, it raised a question in me of when I have been ill of how much I can often be thankful for the illness, as it shows up that this is not how I want to live and I know that better health is clearly attainable. It also makes perfect sense to me that emotions are linked to ill health, if we stop and really assess how unstable emotions make us, anything that destabilises the body surely can’t be good for it.

    1. I like how you say how unstable emotions make us, destabilising the body Stephen, it does make so much sense and you can see how this could then manifest into illness and health problems.

  398. Beautiful account from a doctor’s perspective being on the other side and claiming how resolving the physical part of an illness is only half of the work. To heal completely you need to go to the root cause that cause the disease. Thank you for sharing. I have the same experience.

    1. I totally agree Monika that it is great to have a doctor’s perspective on illness and disease, and especially through her own lived experience. Most suffering from an illness, disease or injury just want a quick fix, but Eunice was able to see the bigger picture, that there was so much more to her healing than just removing her gallbladder. A wonderful example of the powerful union of Western and Esoteric Medicine.

  399. By the choice of you being willing to see there might be something more underlying the physical aspect of disease, you have chosen to take responsibility and really look at the cause and especially what you may have contributed to it. This responsibility it not often taken, or wanted to be seen so the fact that you have done this shows a great willingness to heal and get whatever might be underlying ‘out’ of the body, so to speak. You really summed it up in the last line where you mentioned the other people you work with now also get a more harmonious work environment. This also shows the responsibility you have taken, and how you can see your health and emotional ‘issues’ are more than just yours. I feel this is key in the way our health system, and lives, are really set up. If we could see (or feel) how interconnected we all are, and how each choice we make actually affects the all in some way – large or small – then we might make different choices. Thank you Eunice.

  400. Your account highlights so well Eunice how eventually the gall stone/gall bladder would have had to be removed, but the true way you have gone about doing it made it a healing and loving process, clearing all the excess emotion associated with it. The true roots of our illnesses and diseases can be confronting but also very humbling and loving to understand and to deal with.

  401. Thank you Eunice for making the connection of Esoteric and Conventional Medicine. It would be so easy for everybody if instead of stigmatizing people with the 5 F syndrome (Female, Fat, Forty, Fertile and Fair) that does not say anything about the origins of the disease, we would be communicated that emotions such as rage, frustration, bitterness and resentment are affecting our body and specifically our gallbladder, and that it is up to everybody to assume responsibility and live in a way that puts a stop to those emotions.

  402. Such an awesome read Eunice. I love the honesty of our bodies (although it is not so pleasant always). It reflects our choices very well and with the understanding I got from studying with Universal Medicine it is such a great friend to have to understand and heal my emotional issues. Thank you for sharing this in such a simple way.

  403. Hello Eunice, thanks for this informative blog on everything gallstones. I love how you have introduced the fact of not only the disease or condition but dealing with the ‘how’ it came about as well, the energy. I have found this same thing with many conditions or symptoms I have had, address the physical but also be willing to have a look at the energetic part. To me now it just makes sense and seems like a perfect marriage between conventional medicine and Universal Medicine.

  404. It makes so much sense that medical issues are manifested by the way we live our life energetically. Taking the time to understand why we get sick or a disease is so important to stop repeating the patterns and behaviors we have set up in our lives.

  405. Thanks Eunice for making it so clear how conventional and esoteric medicine work together, the first to diagnose and treat the symptoms, and a very necessary esoteric medicine to help understand how the physical issue came about. Without the understanding esoteric medicine brings us, we are merely band aiding ourselves.

  406. The harmonious meeting of conventional and esoteric medicine – this statement feels like a giant leap to improving the health of humanity. Eunice it is so powerful to hear this from a doctor – thank you.

  407. How great to have a surgeon like you Eunice who has a deep understanding of what is going on energetically and emotionally as well as physically in your patients — a true meeting of allopathic and esoteric medicine.

  408. Mainstream and esoteric medicine are a match made in heaven. Eunice by using both to look at and support you with your gall stones you have won hands down.

  409. Eunice it is great reading this blog from your very unique perspective of surgeon and the patient with an ill-condition. I find it so interesting that, in hindsight, we can see exactly what our body is telling us, but until we truly understand what is going on it can be difficult to change our ways.

  410. My gallbladder certainly used to let me know when I had let frustration get the better of me as I would end up with a headache lasting 2 to 3 days. This would happen quite frequently until I came upon Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine and understood that frustration can often be the cause of headaches so knowing that I felt it better to address the frustration which was mainly directed at myself. Today I am much more caring with myself and as a result cannot really remember when I suffered my last major headache.

  411. Great sharing on how conventional medicine and esoteric medicine go hand in hand to provide the best possible outcome. i.e. healing the root issue.
    As if we only treat the symptom, the health issue will arise again, only in a different form.

    It’s great to see a medical doctor showing that modern medicine isn’t the complete answer – only a part of it.

  412. Great blog Eunice. The wisdom of our bodies speaks loud and clear, while our minds can easily override what we have already felt is not supportive. Medicine does its part well, and we also have a part to play, as you did, by addressing the underlying emotional issues that contribute to illness and disease. The marriage of Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine is the way forward if we are to have truly harmonious bodies and beings. In this way true healing can take place.

  413. Eunice thanks for a great account of your experience. It is a familiar pattern across many people to go into avoidance rather than address what our bodies are telling us. The extent we can go to can be very extreme indeed. What’s great is that you chose to understand on every level what the problem was and why it was a problem in the first place.

  414. That was really cool to read how seamless Conventional and Esoteric medicine can work side by side. It also shows me if one were to seek a true and whole healing, that leaving one or the other out is not wise to do, as they both complement each other so well.

  415. Dear Eunice, thanks for writing so candidly about how you experience the world as a medically trained Doctor and how that learning is supplemented and augmented by esoteric wisdom. You make a great contribution toward merging the two worlds. And as you write from personal experience, it somehow carries much more authenticity. Thank-you.

  416. One day this will be common knowledge and people will always ask, “Why has this happened? What does it mean about the way I am or the emotions I use to get through the day?” Without Esoteric Medicine, all the great work of surgery and medicine is impeded, as the issue is still there and has to come out somewhere else if not addressed as part of the healing process.

    1. Yes I agree Fiona, roll on the day when we will automatically consider our emotions as playing a part in our health, along side our lifestyle choices. Eunice’s article is a powerful meeting of western medicine and esoteric medicine, not only in her personal journey, but in her professional work too, a medical surgeon who has had the courage to look beyond her training and see that there are more aspects to consider and address and that when we do, we can deepen the healing we receive from both approaches.

  417. Great to hear a medically trained, experienced and practicing surgeon bring the understanding that there is another aspect to health, illness and healing – that being the underlying emotional root causes. Love how you share Eunice how you worked with them to bring about a complete healing and therefore, lasting health to your gallbladder!

  418. l love hearing about the place where Conventional Medicine and Esoteric Medicine meet. It always makes so much sense. The amazing wisdom of the body keeps making itself known, all we need to choose is to listen.Thank Eunice

  419. Great article Eunice ! And it clearly shows how Traditional Medicine And Universal Medicine interrelate, and how the combined approaches of the two can truly heal. Exemplified by your own experience of Goldbladder-Stone .. beautiful! Thank you

  420. It is interesting to hear that you as a surgeon, can still be aware of having gall stone disease and were reluctant initially to get the scan, not to mention continuing to eat the foods that set off the agonising pain. It’s a great example of how we all know what is needed to support our bodies and health (or at least what is not needed) but still find it difficult to make the changes. The more I see how people are generally very aware of what they need to do to change the issues they are facing, but don’t (including myself) the more it makes sense that only focussing on the symptom is just a part of the healing, the reason behind it is just as important.

    1. Indeed Laura, we are knowing what is needed to support us, yet we develop clever tactics to avoid it and to justify this avoidance in front of ourselves.
      As long as we do not love ourselves in every single moment, we won’t make the choices needed to truly support us. Once we allow that love for ourselves to fully unfold, we cannot but support ourselves in everything that we do.

  421. The beautiful marriage of Western Medicine & Esoteric Medicine. Your experience makes it very real and tangible that the power of this combination is the way forward for true healing in medicine and for us all.

    1. Yes I agree Sara, this combination works very well indeed, a true way forward and a blessing for humanity.

      1. I agree too Judith and Sara, a great combination explained so well by Eunice, leading the way for all Surgeons to have a deeper understanding of illness and disease.

    2. Yes Sara. The two are a match made in heaven and a reminder to us all that when we choose not to look at the root cause we do nothing else but place a bandage on a wound that has not deeply healed. A great reminder of Eunice choosing to be responsible with her health and long term vitality.

    3. Well said Sara, Eunice’s experience is a beautiful example of working with Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine combined. I can feel how this is our future way, to not just cut out the diseased body part, organ or stone, but to look at what could have created the disease in the first place. This helps us to live fuller lives and actually enjoy life much more, as we gain a deeper understanding for our bodies and the energetic/emotional causes of illness and disease. It is very empowering.

  422. Thank you Eunice – frustration, resentment and bitterness all present me with uncomfortable feelings. I become frustrated that I am frustrated – and resentment and bitterness – I am inclined to avoid acknowledging those feelings. Today I will be real and be gentle and allow myself to be less than perfect and remember your words ‘esoteric medicine heals the root cause of why I formed the gallstone in the first place, restoring me to a deeper place of harmony such that going forward I can make more caring and loving choices for my body – no longer ruled by these emotions’.

  423. Love this Eunice, love how you write in the no nonsense way with deep understanding of what is going on underneath the physical illness making it very accessible for all to understand.

  424. It makes complete sense to me that emotions cause illness and disease, the way we live impacts our bodies. This is something that I feel we have always known deep down but don’t always want to admit!

    1. Yes, this makes sense to me too! I have always felt that illness was connected with other things that were going on for myself and for my family such as being busy, stressed etc., however up until I was introduced to Universal Medicine, I still did not fully understand the part that self-care played in this process. Up until this point I was still not taking responsibility for the way I was living (which included lots of frustration, control, resentment etc.) and how I was in relationship with myself and others. I now appreciate the importance of the relationship between western medicine and esoteric medicine in a way that I had not previously considered, and that both are an important part of the process of self-care and health. To me, it just makes sense!

    2. I agree Susan and just like in the article we also know what foods agree with us or not. Sometimes we are just stubborn about giving them up, as tantalising our taste buds seems to over power the effect we know the food will have on the body after consuming it.

    3. I agree Susan, it does make absolute sense that emotions cause illness and disease. How we live on a daily basis is either our best medicine, or it is making us sick. The choice – and the responsibility – is ours.

  425. An amazing sharing Eunice. You have beautifully brought the natural union of esoteric medicine and western medicine together on a very real and lived experience. It is great to hear how they both supported you and your healing. It is lovely to hear this sharing, especially from a surgeon who has all the western trained knowledge behind them but clearly exposes that it is not it on its own. Your patients are truly blessed to visit with such a Soulful doctor.

  426. This is great Eunice. I love that you are a highly trained professional surgeon who knows that there is more to healing than simply treating the physical symptoms. And your own experience proves this to be true. No-one can argue with this.

  427. Thank you Eunice this is a great example of the way Esoteric Healing approaches any illness… with equal respect for the role of mainstream Medicine and for the need to look deeper at the root cause. It is a perfect marriage as you point out, with each approach being complementary to the other.

  428. Thank you Eunice for so clearly sharing how western and esoteric medicine can work in perfect union to support the whole body. It shows that there is a much bigger responsibility for the patient – to look at how they have been living up to that point of sickness. This is something I have never been asked by my GP when I have seen a doctor – but quiet rightly – something that I have started to ask myself. Thank you for sharing not just the solution, but the lived experience in your body.

  429. Thank you for bringing such clear understanding to this medical condition and your explanation of how both conventional medicine and esoteric wisdom brings about a true healing reflected in the honesty and quality of your words.

  430. Thank you Eunice for this insight into gallstones, it is a great reminder for to me to deal with issues and not allow them to remain unresolved in my body causing a hardness and possibly leading to illness and a reminder to also really take care of myself, ‘As I make more self-caring and self-loving choices and stop being so hard on myself and those around me, that is reflected in my body and the state of my being.’

  431. Eunice you said so much in your article but something jumped out at me and it is something that had been on my mind earlier in the day. When you wrote ‘stop being so hard on myself and those around me’ it tied in with what I had read earlier in the day about how we are with ourselves is how we are with others. I find this fascinating and shall ponder more especially in light of my desire to get others to behave the way I want them to, which feels like pure control to me.

  432. A great blog Eunice, marrying orthodox medicine and complementary medicine beautifully together. It makes so much sense to look at the whole of the picture rather that just remove an organ and carry on. As more and more people begin to ask the ‘why’ and not just wait for surgery to fix the problem, we are on the road to a health care system that fully supports the whole person on the road to true healing.

  433. Thank you Eunice for sharing from your personal perspective of having a gall stone but also as a medical professional and how effectively Western Medicine can work together with Universal Medicine to promote the overall health and wellbeing of a person to bring about lasting change.

  434. I agree, conventional medicine and esoteric medicine work very well together and I can say that not just you and your work colleagues but the whole world (including me) is enjoying the “more harmonious you” ; ). So thank’s to your body who brought up the issue to look at and thank’s for Universal Medicine to present an evolving way to deal with it.

  435. Eunice this helps us all approach the medical profession and our conditions in a different way, I used to think the doctor did the fixing for me to go back on with my life yet what you are sharing here is that whilst the medical profession are very much needed they form part of the answer, the medical profession can help remove the problem but it is then up to each one of us to look at and get support to heal the very reason we had that condition in the first place. To stop the cycle happening again.

  436. That sounds the best bit of all Eunice, the fact that people get to work with a surgeon and a woman who has put down the yardstick and is truly dealing with her frustrations and anger. What a huge difference that must make in your life. It is amazing how our bodies react to our emotions and it is so obvious that as we become hard, so parts of our bodies go hard too. Thank you for sharing from a surgeon’s point of view, just how effective it is to approach our health from both aspects, from the very physical practical side of western medicine coupled with the inner connection, energetic awareness, truth and honesty that Universal Medicine offers us.

  437. Really interesting to read your article Eunice from a surgeon and patient perspective from your own experience. You show so well how Universal Medicine and Western Medicine work together to bring true healing to illness as a whole, physically and emotionally.

  438. Thank you Eunice for showing so clearly the underlying reasons why our body develops illness and disease. When we stop to consider it is very obvious that the way we live and our emotions have an affect on our physical body. If we drive a car and skid off the road and hit a tree the car is damaged but we have to ask; was I driving too fast? Was I paying attention to the road ahead and other vehicles around me? Did I take care that the tyres were in good order and the brakes working properly? etc. There is always an underlying cause to the damage caused to the vehicle. This is the simple message presented by Serge Benhayon; take the vehicle to the mechanic to get it repaired but also consider the way I drive and care for the vehicle.

  439. A great blog clearly demonstrating how conventional and esoteric medicine go hand in hand and both have an equal value when disease in the body arises, so long as the patient is willing to take responsibility. I love the simplicity of how you have explained gallbladder issues both physically and the reasons behind the underlying cause. Being a surgeon and a patient you carry the authority to speak from both places – another great combination. These would be very insightful words shared with medical students. Thank you Eunice.

  440. This type of article is what we need more of when it comes to understanding illness and disease. Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to get to the root cause of an illness instead of just treating the condition and then sitting with the fear that the disease will re-occur. Thank you Eunice, this is another example of how Western Medicine can work hand in hand with Esoteric Medicine.

  441. Thank you Eunice for the light you bring to this huge topic. This understanding coming from a surgeon is very inspiring for us all but especially for the people that never heard about the relationship that exist between thoughts, emotions and physical disease.

  442. Eunice, I love how you are able to share your medical knowledge along with the esoteric, and this blog is all wrapped up in a personal anecdote that makes for compelling reading. Thank you for sharing your story and for so clearly expressing how the two modalities complement and support one another. Together they are a powerful combination that don’t just provide a cure, but offer true healing.

  443. What you present here Eunice makes sense. Great to read both sides of it from an experienced surgeon. We have forgotten how to listen to our bodies, how fortunate for us all that esoteric medicine is bringing that back to us now and engaging itself with conventional medicine. An engagement with marriage in the offing.

  444. Thank you Eunice for the insight that there is more to a medical condition, in this case gallstones, and that, if we allow ourself to look at how we live and what is going on in our life, instead of just treating the symptom, we can truly heal what has been causing the illness in our body.

  445. Thank you Eunice, your story highlights the importance of addressing the underlying causes of our illness and disease, rather than just having a medical procedure done and assuming that we are ‘healed’. By incorporating the esoteric understanding of what underlies all illness and disease, we are equipped to work on ourselves and any issues we may have while being supported medically if required. I have had a similar experience to yours, and although I didn’t require surgery (close call!), by addressing with myself what caused the condition in the first place I have had no further symptoms.

  446. Roll on the day when more Doctors and Surgeons can be as open to truth and Universal Medicine as you Eunice. Medical science would take off in leaps and bounds and we could all be looking at our emotional issues so as not to bring on disease in the first place.

  447. Thank you Eunice. It’s so important to have medical personnel discuss illness and disease in a way that not only talks about the physicality (and lifestyle choices) but also the underlying energetic cause. It takes responsibility to a whole new level, especially as this story you are telling is your own.

  448. Great blog Eunice, I especially love how you have shared your experience of medicine and surgery and the ways in which Universal Medicine can co-support along side and with equal importance to our health and the physical body.

  449. This is an awesome article Eunice, a ‘corker’ far bigger than any of the gallstones that were playing havoc in your body! You illustrate beautifully how esoteric and conventional medicine go hand in hand, and indeed, how we cannot have one without the other.

  450. This is a great sharing, Eunice. Especially coming from a practicing surgeon. How complementary esoteric medicine and conventional medicine are to each other, and together it offers a whole package of healing, and we are able to build a different relationship with illness and disease.

  451. Thank you Eunice for this great sharing of the teachings you received as your body took on gallbladder disease for you to learn from. These words resonate strongly with me:
    “There is also the science confirming that everything is energy and thus everything is interconnected – so emotions can and do affect the physical body.”
    and you have confirmed them yourself with your awareness and healing of ill ways of being. I love the way you naturally express, this is a very inspirational read.

  452. Great article Eunice, this is a perfect example of how esoteric medicine and conventional medicine work so well together to support us back to true heath and well being.

  453. It is great that you write this blog form you being a surgeon for profession Eunice Minford. Western Medicine in combination with the complementary medicine modalities as presented by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, does bring true healing to our illnesses and diseases. Together they do not only cure the symptoms that are presented in our bodies, but also to heal the underlying root cause of the disease as well. After a total healing as decribed by you Eunice, we are not only cured from the physical results of the illness but we also have healed the way how we deal with our emotions in life. Healing in this way does not only improve our personal life but also brings a more true being of us in all the lives of the people we meet, live and work with.

  454. I very much appreciated your deeper wisdom in gallbladder disease coming from your lived experience and from an authorised medical point of view as well.
    You are confirming how conventional medicine and esoteric healing definitely go hand in hand to allow true wholistic healing to occur.

  455. I love that we are more aware now of the ‘whole body’ and how it is affected by energy – essentially anything we choose plays a part in how we feel and how our body is. Awesome sharing Eunice that claims even more clearly that the link between esoteric and conventional medicine is absolutely clear.

  456. So beautiful to read this blog which reflects to us readers that a marriage between conventional medicine and esoteric medicine is a true and supporting way of addressing illness and disease. They go hand in hand and bring true healing.

  457. This is a very inspiring blog Eunice, which I enjoyed. As You say ‘ this example shows how conventional medicine and esoteric medicine work very well together’.

  458. Eunice, you show how easy it is for Western Medicine to work with Esoteric Medicine. What is clear from what you express, is that we can not get away with treating the physical ailment without getting to the root cause and looking at how we are living that has triggered our physical problem in the first place. It all makes sense and feels so complete. The ailment is not simply a coincidence, random or a stroke of bad luck. It asks for responsibility and reflection and true healing.

  459. As a medico Eunice, you lead with the light presenting the energetic understanding about illness and disease, both in the medical field to all of us. To feel and see you claiming this with the authority of your own experience and body begins to build a foundation for more conversations like these that inspire all of us. Thank you for sharing about your gallbladder and taking us further than the physiological understanding of what gallstones may mean.

  460. The name gallstone has always struck me as odd, how crazy to literally have a rock inside your body. But now I read your words Eunice it makes perfect sense, because anger rage and frustration are alien to our true nature in exactly this way. They really stick out and obstruct our natural flow. How cool to read a surgeon’s view of getting ill, and how much more there is to it than just a procedure. I love how you show that our symptoms and illnesses have much to teach us.

  461. I love this article Eunice. From a scientific basis it could be argued that emotions don’t give us physical symptoms but I recognise the truth of what you are saying and it makes total sense to me that emotions like rage, frustration, resentment and bitterness can cause gall stones. In my work as a psychotherapist I have seen how people who habitually put up with things get sick – even when they are not aware or conscious of the amount of things that they are putting up with.

    1. Its totally logical for me too, Jean, there must be some reason why not all people living certain lifestyles (smoking, over eating etc) develop the conditions associated with them. Could emotions held in the body be the reason?

      1. When I feel the strain my body is under by getting angry or frustrated it is of no wonder that these emotions contribute to illness and disease. Emotional days leave us feeling depleted and exhausted so it makes perfect sense that emotions play their part.

  462. Brilliant Eunice…it is so interesting to read an honest account of a common illness from the viewpoint of the patient and the physician simultaneously! Your statement about the combination of conventional medicine and esoteric medicine having brought you and those around you great healing is very powerful indeed.

  463. Thank you Eunice for providing such an all encompassing understanding of an illness that you have a personal experience of. When we stop to consider a deeper cause and effect of an illness and incorporate the science that everything is energy and therefore everything is because of energy (including emotions) we have the opportunity to really address symptoms rather than just get temporary relief.

  464. Thank you, very insightful and inspiring, especially from a surgeon who deals with relieving patients of their physical symptoms on a daily basis. You mention the win-win situation for the patient with the relief from the pain through surgery and the deep healing through the esoteric modalities as well as the benefit for work colleagues who are now with somebody who is easy to be with; I wonder whether there is also a benefit for the surgeon performing the procedure? Could it be said that they might have the satisfaction of being part of a complete and well rounded healing intervention that addresses not only the physical but also the deep emotional root cause? Is it possible that such a patient might have less of a chance of complications?

  465. Your experience is such a great example Eunice of how combining traditional medicine and complementary medicine (esoteric healing) work so well together – the perfect marriage! What a blessing for your patients now that you have first-hand experience of this and can offer them another way of looking at and addressing their illness and disease.

  466. Your blog makes me realise how medicine has done well getting us to a point where we can have surgery to remove the disease but that medical practitiners and patients really do need some assistance. Coming up with the Five F’s does not really give any support to the person presenting with gallstones whereas the information you received through Universal Medicine gives the patient a choice to look deeper into what may have caused the disease. Now rather than checking-in for treatment and checking-out, going back to the way we were living, we now through Universal Medicine have the opportunity to be a part of the healing process and understand our part in it. Thank you Eunice.

  467. What an awful list…even if there is some truth to it. It is a not so subtle put down that completely misses the essential emotional ingredients that create the problem. In fact to be labelled as fat, forty, fertile, fair and female is more likely to increase frustration and resentment than gently expose the true emotional issues and support their resolution.

    1. I agree Rachel. It is so dismissive and insulting of those labels, as well as limiting the scope of those that use this list to only seeing whatever fits their predetermined idea of gallstones first. Anyone presenting outside of this (and I am sure the numbers are huge) or any predetermined ideas around symptoms and illness, have the potential to be overlooked for the obvious signs they present with as they don’t fit into ‘the box’.

  468. Thank-you Eunice, for sharing your own experience with having gallstones. Although there are a lot of people who recognise how emotional issues can effect our health, it is great to read it from a highly regarded surgeon such as yourself, the confirmation that Conventional Medicine and Esoteric Medicine both have their part to play in healing the whole person.

  469. Thanks Eunice Minford for sharing your experience. What I love about your article is that it is great that this depth of understanding is coming from a surgeon. By having understanding and awareness about the root of an illness, that may lead to surgery, is such a wholesome, holistic and spherical way of treating people. There is immmence healing opportunity here, not just removing a lump from the body, but also the offering to adjust/correct a way of living/behaviour pattern that had a hand at putting the body in some ‘dis-ease’ state. Your surgical patients truly are blessed to have you as a surgeon.

  470. Thank you for sharing your insight here Eunice. I have witnessed many friends and family members suffer from severe problems with their gallbladder (often resulting in removal) and I look forward to sharing this article with them. I have certainly come to appreciate the way my body brings my attention to the way I am living and the emotions I indulge in. I shudder to think of the state my body would be in had I not discovered Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon.

  471. Eunice this blog highlights how far we can truly push our bodies to the limit when we are disconnected to our inner knowing and what’s true for us. We are our own healers and by addressing the root emotional issue we can restore our state of wellbeing.

  472. Eunice, great example of how dealing with the physical issues and the underlying emotional causes really works – as I read your piece, I just thought of course, we need to look at both. Otherwise we just address the physical surface (needed yes), but we don’t look at how we live which might contribute, and that seems like a missed opportunity. I love the understanding you bring to it all with your medical background, those 5 F’s for instance (It brings a greater understanding for us all). Thank you.

    1. And how amazing will it one day be when these two modalities are looked at together when a patient presents. It would be even more amazing if we were taught the energetic reason for illness and disease before we make the unloving choices or act in the emotional ways of being that lead to the illness in the first place. True medical education.

  473. Eunice this is a perfect example, as you say, of how conventional medicine and esoteric medicine work so well together. I would say that as a highly respected and qualified surgeon and having been the patient yourself, you are in the perfect position to know the true healing power that is offered by combining these two medicines.

  474. Brilliant article Eunice it’s great to have such a medical condition so easily explained, and moreover deeper understood for true healing. Your words here: “There is also the science confirming that everything is energy and thus everything is interconnected – so emotions can and do affect the physical body”, show or highlight that in life there are always 2 sides and that both need to be taken into consideration in order to gain the full and complete whole picture.

    1. I totally agree Zofia. And it’s amazing that Eunice as a doctor has written this blog showing this.

  475. Eunice another “corker” blog that offers us an opportunity to go deeper with what is really going on with illness and disease. I also love how you have added a couple more F’s to the current 5 with fury and frustration that you with awareness of emotions role in disease have chosen to heal and address. Very inspiring!

    1. The 7 F’s, 1 R (resentment) and a B (bitterness) – what a way to learn risk factors, symptomology and diagnosis

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