What is Esoteric Medicine?

by Eunice J Minford MA FRCS Ed. Consultant General Surgeon

Most people know what Western Medicine entails with surgery, pharmacology, medicine, chemotherapy, radiology and the many sub-specialities that are available to assist with the management and treatment of illness and disease but probably few know what Esoteric Medicine is really about. This blog will introduce you to some aspects of Esoteric Medicine.

As medical students we learn copious amounts of information about the human body and how it works, the anatomy, biochemistry, physiology and the pathophysiology of how it breaks down. We rely on memory and recall to regurgitate facts of knowledge about the body and how it works, the different biochemical pathways, the interactions of the different systems, the enzyme cascades – the list of facts that are to be learned is endless. Thus it is often required that entry to medical school requires a certain level of intelligence as determined by school examinations in order to be able to cope with the intellectual rigours of medical training.

However, even though there are many people who tick all the boxes and pass all the exams and who do well at school and medical school and who are deemed to be ‘intelligent’ in the process, it is not unknown for doctors to smoke, drink alcohol – often to excess, be overweight and eat junk food (and I myself was one of those doctors). So how come we can have this intelligence yet not care for the body that contains the intelligence? How intelligent is the intelligence that permits abuse or harm on the body? Something is surely missing from this intelligence. Some other piece of the jigsaw puzzle is required to explain how this could be. Those missing pieces or answers are for me found in the esoteric understandings of the human person and life.

The word ‘esoteric’ comes from the Greek esôterikos to mean ‘from within’ or innermost. Everyone has an innermost and everyone’s innermost is the same – it is pure love. This is our true nature. The word ‘medicine’, comes from the Latin ‘ars medicina’ and means the ‘art of healing’. So esoteric medicine – is the art of healing oneself by reconnecting with one’s innermost, with the essence of love that lives inside each person. It is about making choices from this essence of love that are honouring of the body and guided by the feelings in the body. For if our true nature is love, then in order to have harmony in the body we need to make choices that are self–loving.  Sounds like simple common sense and it is – but we have forgotten how to apply and live this form of common sense or intelligence that is based on love and which is different to the mind-driven intelligence we all call intelligence. This latter intelligence is capable of bringing forth marvelous technology and great feats of engineering and medical progress, but it has also created weapons of mass destruction and been responsible for much death and destruction amongst mankind. At an individual level the mind can and does overrule the many messages we get from the body and gets us to do many things to and with the body that are not actually in harmony with the body. In contrast, the intelligence borne of love is all encompassing and if listened to, would not drive the body beyond what is natural and harmonious for it, would not feed it substances that are harming for it in any way.

As a consequence of our experiences, our upbringing, education, culture, religion, ideals and beliefs we have lost touch with this intelligence or essence of love and I for one certainly had no idea it was there. Love is the missing ingredient, the missing intelligence that is required for humanity to truly heal and make amends of its errant ways. It is because we have not been living self-loving and self-caring lives that we are in the mess we are in. It is the lack of the intelligence of love in the healthcare system that leads to burn out, disillusionment, stress, demotivation and the current crisis in caring in Western Medicine.  There is more to understanding this than I can explain in this one post.

However, Esoteric Medicine can restore medicine back to its healing roots by bringing in the true intelligence of love and all that unfolds from the lived expression of that intelligence. There is no way that someone who truly lives from their innermost, from their essence of love, could do anything that was harming or abusive to their own body or that of another. For example, they could not abuse the body with alcohol or cigarettes or do anything that was harming to another – such is the nature of love. For this is not about love that is selfish – for that would not be love, it is not about self-gain, or living in a certain way just for one’s own benefit – the intelligence of love applies to all equally, is encompassing of the whole of humanity.  Research has shown that the more doctors look after their own health and wellbeing, the more they are able to look after their patients also. So by applying the wisdom of love to one’s life, one becomes more self-caring of oneself and others…..it’s a win-win all round! Imagine a medical workforce trained not just in Western Medicine but in Esoteric Medicine such that they knew how to truly look after themselves, did not smoke, drink alcohol, eat junk food, overwork, nor use any stimulants and who were predominantly light hearted and joyful!

To some, talking about an innermost essence of love might sound like airy-fairy nonsense but the fact is this can be felt and known by all people everywhere. There are practical tools that help apply these understandings in daily life such that we become more gentle,  self-caring, more self-loving and consequentially caring and loving of others likewise.  The more we do so, the more we build love in the body, and the body rather than the mind is used as the marker, the barometer and guide.  Being guided by what we feel rather than what we think is part of the unfolding path of someone endeavouring to live from their innermost. As we do so we become less emotional, more centred and we tend to give people more space and not take things so personally. We become less affected by the daily stresses and strains of life.

Fundamentally,  Esoteric Medicine is about developing a way of living and being that is at all times honouring of the body and is self-caring. In doing so, we can be more harmonious and perhaps even prevent our deeper ills from manifesting given how we live, our lifestyle, is a major cause of illness and disease. It is, if you like, the best and most natural form of preventative medicine – living in such a way that the body comes to know itself as harmony and thus is less likely to deviate from that way of being. We know that most of the non-communicable diseases that affect mankind are due to lifestyle choices – Esoteric Medicine is about understanding how and why that is and what we can do to change it such that we develop a lifestyle that is more harmonious for the body.  We need Western medicine because we have strayed so far from our esoteric roots and it is a crucial part of the whole healthcare system to address the health needs of humanity. However, it is clear to me that there is plenty of room within the healthcare system for Esoteric Medicine and empowering people to live in a way that is truly healthy, that improves their wellbeing and produces real tangible results in people’s lives. Esoteric medicine engenders personal responsibility for health and being aware how every choice can and does affect one’s health and wellbeing.

In summary, Esoteric Medicine is the art of living and healing by reconnecting to and making choices from one’s innermost essence of love, from the intelligence of love.

“True intelligence works for the whole of the body that the intelligence is contained in as it does for the whole of every other body, in the knowing that all other bodies are equal to the body in which that intelligence exists”  (from the teaching of the Ageless Wisdom by Serge Benhayon).

Love is the true intelligence that encompasses every other body and love is the missing ingredient in healthcare today, the addition of which could beneficially transform medical education, healthcare and wellbeing for all people. Without love, we may fix, we may mend, we may repair, we may patch up, we may improve function, we may cure…… but never do we truly heal. 

149 thoughts on “What is Esoteric Medicine?

  1. “So esoteric medicine – is the art of healing oneself by reconnecting with one’s innermost, with the essence of love that lives inside each person.” It’s a great article, the intelligence of love is not really spoken about, we seem to do everything but bring love into the equation, and we can see the effects of that absence of loving self care in health statistics.

  2. I have firsthand experience of this myself
    “Without love, we may fix, we may mend, we may repair, we may patch up, we may improve function, we may cure…… but never do we truly heal.”
    I saw a psychiatrist for many years and I was fixed to function in life you could say, but I never truly healed the root cause of the depression and sometimes suicidal thoughts. I was very abusive towards myself for years there was no love in my body not a smidgen of it. Esoteric Medicine does work because I am the living proof of it, I have with the support of Practitioners that use this modality changed my life completely I can honestly say I have joy in my life, everyday is a new beginning to fully commit to life and all that it offers. I have truly healed the hurts I had been carrying around for years.

  3. If I had read this blog, two decades ago, I wouldn’t have heard or known the meaning to this word, ‘esoteric’. And yet, it was THE thing I yearned for all of my life.

    As a health professional myself, I totally can relate to the smoking, alcohol and for me, it was also the binge eating and rectifying it with the exercise. The former was expected, as in, this is what you do on your days off or as a means of winding down, the latter, was self abuse.

    I would have loved for someone to have included the esoteric in the curriculum during my training, I would have viewed my career from a different perspective and would not have been at a point, whereby I thought, is this it, is this my life from now on, burnt out and miserable…

    Since connecting more to the esoteric and bringing me to the forefront, has my life changed. I bring all of me to work and I am not reliant on stimulants to keep me going. I love going to work, without it I’d be totally bored. For me, life is about serving, and how I can do this, is to bring the esoteric within me to work and offer this reflection all the time, the rest, well thats up to the individual.

  4. “Love is the missing ingredient,” This doesn’t come in a pill or a medicine bottle but is a prescription for a way of living.

    1. ‘Love is the missing ingredient’, so true. It’s not the Hollywood/Bollywood love either. This love is so profound, there is no emotions, it is selfless and it’s about the all. Can you handle that?

  5. Beautifully said, without love we never truly heal … amen, and looking at our world just now this explains a lot. Intelligence based on love is something else entirely and something for us all to embrace and explore, it can literally change the world, and all in it.

  6. I love what you are saying here about the intelligence of love and how if we applied this more to medicine it would add so much more to the marvels that are already done within the medical model.

  7. Esoteric medicine is – “the best and most natural form of preventative medicine – living in such a way that the body comes to know itself as harmony and thus is less likely to deviate from that way of being” – I totally agree with you.

  8. One of my favourite premises of Esoteric Medicine is that you applying the medicine before you get sick, ie you choose a way of caring for yourself and of living your life that does not harm your body, rather than the traditional view of medicine where you deal with the problem or disease once it has occurred. It makes perfect sense to me to be on the front foot when it comes to our health and well-being.

  9. ‘We may fix, we may mend, we may repair, we may patch up, we may improve function, we may cure’ – Western Medicine is very good at the aforementioned but without healing the ill energy that is the root cause of the illness in the first place what level of healing has really taken place.

  10. What an amazing article, thank you. Everything you have shared makes so much common sense to me, that we need to reconnect to our love and make that our daily life so we are in harmony with ourselves and our body, and not fighting or degrading any part of ourselves. A beautiful definition here “So esoteric medicine – is the art of healing oneself by reconnecting with one’s innermost, with the essence of love that lives inside each person.”

  11. “Love is the true intelligence that encompasses every other body and love is the missing ingredient in healthcare today,” And until the intelligence of love is felt in the body of those who work in healthcare, they will continue to impart knowledge and skill, not true love, the defining difference and foundation of true healing.

    1. Even referring to love as “the intelligence of love” changes our current perspectives of what love is, not the ubiquitous idea that it’s something we get from other people, but that it’s an intelligence that we can reconnect to which supports us to takes care of every part of ourselves, and be aware of and care for those around us.

  12. A huge marker of intelligence brought out by this article, is in the fact that with all of that vast and amazing knowledge about the human body, doctors – our most esteemed of intelligent people – still continue to drink alcohol. This says perhaps of the real strain that the medical system is in, and how the very people who are running it, who are the great cogs that make it all happen, are possibly not being cared for in the way they should – right from the start. Which means that yes we do need their brilliance, we do need their ultimate skills, but we also need them, the person, to be in the room, to be present, and for this perhaps we need to look at how doctors are educated and if they are being supported to be all of themselves in the work place.

  13. I love reading the blog so much because it reminds me of the absolute logic of Esoteric Medicine as a responsible way to live our lives “So esoteric medicine – is the art of healing oneself by reconnecting with one’s innermost, with the essence of love that lives inside each person.”

  14. It is amazing to have the support of trained doctors but our responsibility is to care for the body we have been given by listening to its constant communication. Esoteric medicine is an amazing support with this and as we become more deeply self-caring and nurturing of ourselves we embrace any clearings we are offered as part of our journey of healing.

  15. It is an incredible truth that lives here on earth, the fact that one can heal their self simply by re-connecting with their innermost, their Esoteric Heart. And that this does not mean that physical illness does not occur or that all of life will be clear and without struggle, it shows how deeply loved we are, because as all of the layers of what has not been love begin to come away, revealing what is love underneath, we can support each other as each person’s journey and learning will be unique – hence the true and dedicated love that is there and has been there all along begins to be uncovered and finds its way to be expressed.

  16. When, according to the World Health Organisation, lifestyle contributes to 50% of cause of disease then what you are proposing makes absolute sense “Esoteric medicine engenders personal responsibility for health and being aware how every choice can and does affect one’s health and wellbeing.” This is such a loving way to approach life, health and wellbeing.

    1. Absolutely and it has to be the way forward if our health services are not to collapse under the burden of caring for those who have succumbed to the many diseases that are down to our own self-abusive choices.

  17. “So how come we can have this intelligence yet not care for the body that contains the intelligence? How intelligent is the intelligence that permits abuse or harm on the body?” Very clearly it is not intelligent but it is what we have come to champion and so thank you for your blog because it supports each and every one of us to see that we reduce our intelligence when we make it about what we learn that does not take into account the whole of the being which includes the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social.

  18. Beautifully explained Eunice, love is the true ingredient to healing, and as more people realise that western medicine can fix, patch, repair, make good, but not heal the root cause the more responsibility society may take when they see others living in a way that heals from love.

  19. Love is indeed the answer to true health on both sides of the health care fence – both the patients and the practitioners. Not the emotional kind of love but simply reconnecting with and acknowledging the deeper essence of what makes us up as human beings. It is actually very scientific and not airy fairy or wishful thinking at all.

  20. It is really very simple, yet we are so ingrained and in our beliefs, ideals and patterns in life that the simpleness of self care seems to be far from the thing that will bring about the changes we want. If true loving changes that are in harmony with our body are what one truly chooses, than self love/care must be our very first port of call.

  21. I agree that love is medicine and a deeply healing form of intelligence and is the missing ingredient currently in our health care systems. Our mind driven intelligence has only got us so far and all the signs are that we are losing ground when it comes to maintaining the health and wellbeing of our populations so may be it is time to swallow our pride and stand down this form of intelligence and give love and the inner heart a go and see what happens. Other than our pride we have not got anything to lose.

  22. Most take the blessing of western medicine for granted and do not always appreciate that without it humanity would be in a mess many times more massive than the one we currently are in today

  23. Without Esoteric Medicine my understanding of health and well-being would be ‘as long as I can go to work and function’ regardless if I was miserable and hating my work. Esoteric Medicine has and continues to raise the bar on what it means to be healthy and have a well-being.

  24. There was a recent news story about how doctors with all their years of schooling are lacking nutritional knowledge because it was not a part of their training. There are no courses about the effects of the food we eat and the long-term effects it has on our bodies. Is nutrition the best tool all doctors should have in their bag?

  25. Thank you Eunice, you provide a very valuable and greater understanding of what Esoteric Medicine is and how powerful it is in the healing of the body.

  26. Thank you Steffen for sharing your letter, you clearly hold a great knowledge in the world of medicine and have an abundance of practical experience in both, from my own experience Esoteric Medicine truly supports Conventional medicine.

  27. Love is the missing piece in Western medicine which is restored with Esoteric Medicine.

  28. Every single aspect of life bar none would improve if we were taught from young to care for and love ourselves. And as we live in society we don’t have to have kids to be someone’s role model as we are constantly learning how to live via others.

  29. “Without love, we may fix, we may mend, we may repair, we may patch up, we may improve function, we may cure…… but never do we truly heal.” Love is indeed the key ingredient when it comes to true healing.

  30. So refreshing to read a doctor writing with such humility and openness. So true, doctors know a lot about the body, but whether they are connected to and honour their own body is questionable. It would be wonderful if medical schools were to consider including esoteric medicine in their curriculum. That would benefit the patients and the doctors all the same.

    1. I agree and when you have doctors mental health at risk, and the suicide statistics for doctors say we need to pay attention to their mental health as well, then we, as a community have to step forward and take more responsibility for the way we are approaching our health and step up to be equal partners.

  31. It seems that we have a huge responsibility for the decisions we make whether that is the Doctor, who may over indulge or the patient . For without love we all miss out !

  32. It is common sense that if we care for ourselves, then naturally we are able to care for others more deeply.
    If you were a mother with a new born and you decided to go out and party hard for a night and leave the baby at home with Dad, when you return to bub with a massive hang over and tend to the baby, how does that feel? Of course, to most of us, it would feel wrong but why is a person old or young, baby or not, considered okay to treat in a hospital with a hang over? What type of care is a patient receiving if a health professional has been using drugs or alcohol the night before? Or what type of operation will that hung-over Doctor perform? The code of ethics that Universal Medicine has brought through is amazing and ground breaking but one day I hope it is a normal code of ethics for all practising health professionals.

  33. “Such that we develop a lifestyle that is more harmonious for the body”. If only our motivation was self love and care, instead of fitting in, being skinny or looking like a Greek God. Our lifestyle reflects what motivates us, always. A body forced to look or be a certain way lives differently to one that is honoured, respected loved.

    1. Our lifestyle reflects what motivates us and through Universal Medicine I’ve learnt that how the body moves gives away whether it is love, or reactions and emotions in the absence of love, that is fueling the motivation or driving force behind the life.

  34. ‘Without love, we may fix, we may mend, we may repair, we may patch up, we may improve function, we may cure…… but never do we truly heal’. Beautifully said Eunice.

  35. I love that through the Latin meaning you have derived that Esoteric medicine means the art of healing oneself and can be embraced through developing a lifestyle that is deeply harmonious for the body. Empowered like this, we have more control over our health than current paradigms allow us to believe where personal responsibility has been largely and detrimentally ignored.

  36. Taking responsibility for our health has to start with taking responsibility for our everyday choices, how we live and interact with people and most of all our ability to listen to our body, and it can guide us to what best supports it, rather than overriding it and adding to the stress the body is under when we do which results in illness and disease as the body has to do something to bring us to a stop in order to start the healing process.

  37. It is the way in which we live our lives that is our true medicine, The Way of The Livingness and this way of living that is true to ourselves is what offers another inspiration to be and live the same.

  38. Wouldn’t it be life changing if esoteric medicine was taught in schools from an early age, giving children and parents the opportunity to understand that illness and disease is something we can take responsibility for by the choices we make on an everyday level.

  39. How wonderful if in the future Doctors and Patients understood the need for (the missing ingredient of ) Love that is needed as you mentioned, to truly heal. We all have a responsibility to do our part in the health of our bodies and it is not the Medical Profession’s sole responsibility.

  40. It seems obvious to me that many illnesses and diseases are caused by self-abusive behaviours which could be easily eliminated from the human species but yet have not. The only explanation for this is that there is an underlying illness or dis-ease behind the behaviours – a disconnection from the love we are from, which causes such a tension and discontentment that it drives some to abuse themselves and others. So esoteric medicine is very needed as it addresses this root condition of separation from one’s inner most or from love itself.

  41. A brilliant introduction to esoteric medicine and to the fact that mind-driven intelligence leaves us wanting while it also leaves behind suffering and destruction, for it is not governed by love but by desire, competition and ultimately the perennial thirst for individuality. Esoteric medicine is the key to us returning to a universal intelligence that comes from the love we naturally are and for this to be the foundation upon which we live. It is the crucial missing piece – in medicine and in every aspect of our lives.

  42. Isn’t this how it all works and why it’s so important and in fact responsible of us to take ‘healing’ very personally, “There is no way that someone who truly lives from their innermost, from their essence of love, could do anything that was harming or abusive to their own body or that of another.” The more loving we are with ourselves the more loving we are with everything thereafter and this flows out further and further. I know I have said this before, this makes complete sense. Anything you bring to yourself is automatically in your hands every step after. It makes life super simple, consistently take a deep care of yourself and from there you need not concern about anything else, only trust. This lived care you have for yourself will be with you no matter who or what you are talking too.

  43. Generally speaking modern medicine is very good at dealing with illness and disease from the outside in but esoteric medicine looks at illness and disease from the inside out. Together they make a powerful partnership.

  44. I agree Eunice that the simple addition of self-love into the medical system both for the practitioners and the receivers of health care would transform the whole medical system.

  45. This is an amazing expose on Esoteric Medicine! If we all could read and share what you have here I feel humanity as a whole would understand that Love is “the missing ingredient” as you say Eunice. I have loved reading your blog again and it reinforces my reason for looking after my body.

  46. “How intelligent is the intelligence that permits abuse or harm on the body?” Intelligence without love is not intelligent. The day will come when we do not have to imagine but know that doctors and all those in the medical profession practice their art and skills from a foundation of love.

  47. As I develop self-love it is very true to say that I am less reactive to others and I am much more content with myself. It is by living a life of self-love that we can truly love another.

  48. What if love is the missing ingredient…’the missing intelligence that is required for humanity to truly heal and make amends of its errant ways. It is because we have not been living self-loving and self-caring lives that we are in the mess we are in.’

  49. A great sharing Eunice, and yes the more we build love and care for self the more we can share this with those around us, ‘Research has shown that the more doctors look after their own health and wellbeing, the more they are able to look after their patients also. So by applying the wisdom of love to one’s life, one becomes more self-caring of oneself and others…’.Really is common sense.

  50. Awesome read Eunice .. that is a great explanation of Esoteric Medicine. My question is – How do we implement this into the Health Systems across the world now? .. I’m sure if it is presented as simply as you put it, people may listen, and since Health Systems are struggling they may listen! The thing about this intelligence many align to, that excludes the body, it takes a lot for this intelligence to listen. Effectively, when you are brought to your knees you do listen, just like I have experienced many times now. When life is not about evolution and how grand you are, something will give and your body is the marker of that.

  51. “Love is the missing ingredient, the missing intelligence that is required for humanity to truly heal and make amends of its errant ways.” This is enormous. When we choose love in the way we live this brings conventional medicine and esoteric medicine together for true and enduring healing.

  52. For us to find a way out of our debilitated healthcare system and to stem the rising rates of illness and disease it’s abundantly clear form what you’ve shared Eunice that Esoteric Medicine has to be taken into account when working with Western Medicine. Moreover if we applied Esoteric Medicine to our daily lives the reliance on Western Medicine would diminish.

  53. What a great explanation of how there is room, and indeed a necessity, for an understanding of both western and esoteric medicine for the physician to look after his own, as well as his patients, health and wellbeing. There is much focus at the moment on the social determinants of health and Sir Michael Marmot talks about fixing a person to send them back to what made them sick. He is mostly speaking about environments, but what if there was an understanding that the environment of love and care is just as important as where and how we live? Lack of love, lack of nurturing and self nurturing, lack of decency and respect amongst humans accounts for much of the social determinants of health because the separation of them and us comes from an individualised way of living. For me this is taking the combination of western and esoteric medicine to a new level.

  54. Eunice this blog is amazing to read and so many gems worth considering, I especially liked this one ‘ Love is the missing ingredient, the missing intelligence that is required for humanity to truly heal and make amends of its errant ways.’ I recall seeing a Dr many years ago that was supposedly well known for supporting clients in their health and well-being. I saw him because I was very overweight at the time and my diet was not great and my energy levels pretty low. He gave me a list of things to support me with and changes to make to my diet and lifestyle etc. On the way to walking to the car park I saw him smoking near my car, I felt it strange at the time and threw away his recommended list, because it was clear he could not practice what he preached. So years later when I met Serge Benhayon it was obvious this man ‘walked his talk’ and his way of living inspired and supported me for the first time to bring true change to my life.

  55. When we start to care for ourselves, and I mean truly care, it is impossible to not care for others. Something quite magical seems to happen when we nurture ourselves and provide our own body with the self-care in all the everyday things. It’s like a sponge that soaks up water. Health care desperately needs an injection of the esoteric and the incredible thing is that it is so very simple.

  56. Eunice after reading your blog, these words came to me ‘everything we do or offer another is medicine (or not), and has the potential to heal if centred on Love’

  57. ‘Love is the missing ingredient in healthcare today. ‘ Captured in one Eunice and powerfully so.

  58. This is a great piece Eunice, it brings a deeper understanding of Esoteric medicine and what it brings to the table, a responsibility to live life feeling what is needed, not concentrating on the ‘intelligent’ mind.

  59. Dear Eunice,
    Thank you, the support, love and understanding of the truth of esoteric healing is clear in this article and your last sentence speaks volumes.
    “Without love, we may fix, we may mend, we may repair, we may patch up, we may improve function, we may cure…… but never do we truly heal.”
    Hear hear. This has and continues to be my experience. For I changed nothing in my way of living, until feeling the honesty that Esoteric Healing brought back to my body. Now change and adjustments are a reality that I live my life by, as I choose to come from my innermost love.

  60. “Without love, we may fix, we may mend, we may repair, we may patch up, we may improve function, we may cure…… but never do we truly heal.” This is true Eunice, illness and disease are on the increase and yet we have more research and technology than ever before. Love is the missing ingredient – without the love and true care for our health and how we live, we will always be at the mercy of illness and disease.

  61. Much wisdom you have shared here Eunice, thank you. “Esoteric medicine engenders personal responsibility for health and being aware how every choice can and does affect one’s health and wellbeing.”

  62. Thank you Eunice -a great sharing of how conventional and esoteric medicine work together. Having experience of a serious illness I absolutely agree with “Love is the true intelligence that encompasses every other body and love is the missing ingredient in healthcare today, the addition of which could beneficially transform medical education, healthcare and wellbeing for all people”.

  63. Dear Eunice I thoroughly enjoyed reading your insightful blog and I loved how you explained the meaning of Esoteric Medicine, how truly beautiful. How this works in conjunction with western medicine is understandable – adding love to the mix makes for a complete list of ingredients and a deeper truer healing is afforded.

  64. Eunice this is such a clear explanation of what esoteric medicine is and it makes so much sense to me that this type of medicine has the potential to truly heal when used alongside conventional western medicine.

  65. Thank you Eunice for an understandable explanation of Esoteric medicine and its place along side Conventional Medicine. As someone who has been through a serious medical condition – cancer – I can say first hand that both approaches are part of our pathway to health and well being and it is only in bringing changes to how I live and care for myself that my health has really changed.

  66. A really beautiful and loving article Eunice, explaining so simply what Esoteric Medicine truly is, the heart of love.Thank you.

  67. Great blog, Eunice. I agree with your final statement:
    “Without love, we may fix, we may mend, we may repair, we may patch up, we may improve function, we may cure…… but never do we truly heal.”
    Love is the missing ingredient in our lives, in healthcare and in this world.

  68. You blow me away with this article Eunice! Such a profound wisdom you have brought into a language with simplicity – palpably written with the intelligence of love you write about. Your statement or prediction: “However, Esoteric Medicine can restore medicine back to its healing roots by bringing in the true intelligence of love and all that unfolds from the lived expression of that intelligence.” is revolutionary, re-evolution in truth. Thank you for this great article you have brought to me, us the world and a message that is so needed.

  69. This is a truly superbly written article Eunice, inspiring deep consideration of the potential should medicine embrace the esoteric. The transformation in this world should humanity choose ‘the art of healing oneself by reconnecting with one’s innermost’ and taking responsibility for the part they play in healing, is unfathomable and revolutionary and much needed in a world where bankruptcy in the medical system is becoming the norm due to the levels of illness and disease that we are suffering in.

    1. So So well said Samantha Westall, just like this whole piece of writing by Eunice Minford. I do absolutely agree the missing ingrediënt is Universal Medicine. What also came in mind is the fact that we can not continue looking after people, while not looking after ourselves, this just not truly work. That is why it is so important that have Esoteric Medicine/Universal Medicine in our current Conventional Medicine. We are truly to see that our current health is increasing in the wrong way, and we are getting sicker everyday. We have yet not taken full responsibility (if not at all) for our health, we did though for ‘fixing’, but that is not the real key, as we have a deeper part to play beside getting physical help by the medical system. We can not continue to ask these demands of our health care system, while in fact we are not taking responsibility ourselves, as this will only lean heavy on the system and will only become heavier and not manageable, which is already heading this direction. So is it powerfull to see that there is another way we must and can try, in order to see widely how important it is to bring the Esoteric to our health, as without, we can not truly heal.

  70. The intelligence from the mind can know what factors and lifestyle choices can bring great harm and/or make current conditions even worse and at the same time choose those same harms for its body without question. The intelligence from the body can work with these facts and figures and knowledge by apply it in such a way that it’s knowledge is to support all rather than just so one can look smart even though their health may be well below what they say is healthy. If the world had a medical system that truly honoured their bodies I am sure that we would not be in the state we are in today. Such would be a strong reflection of how to care for our health in a more rounded way as is being shown by universal medicine and those who choose to apply Esoteric Medicine into their lives.

  71. Eunice, thank you for this blog explaining how Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine are complementary. Esoteric Medicine is certainly a badly needed modality not just in the healthcare field but within society today generally.

    1. Very true, Esoteric Medicine is badly needed modality to use alongside conventional medicine, bringing more understanding to illness and disease.

  72. ‘Imagine a medical workforce trained not just in Western Medicine but in Esoteric Medicine such that they knew how to truly look after themselves, did not smoke, drink alcohol, eat junk food, overwork, nor use any stimulants and who were predominantly light hearted and joyful’. Just imagine? I do think if this was the case, overall, medicine might not get so much business. If the medical world alone reflected self love back to humanity, my feeling is that we would be in a far better state. But, it is certainly not for them to carry us. We all have the same responsibility to look after the only thing we own, our bodies.

  73. Eunice this blog is truly amazing, deep and Loving. The information you share here and insight you have of the way medicine works with the Heart (and without ) is absolutely wonderful. How different would our Medical System work if the Doctors we have were trained in this way of being! Thank you Eunice for your insight and wisdom.

    1. Hear hear Roslyn, and I second your notion of our world being so incredibly different if our medical system operated under the precedence of heart felt operations. Being true tenderness of care into the area.

  74. “Imagine a medical workforce trained not just in western medicine but in esoteric medicine. Such that they knew how to truly look after themselves, did not smoke, drink alcohol, eat junk food, overwork, nor use stimulants and who were predominately light-hearted and joyful”. What inspiring role models for their patients they would be. Esoteric medicine and Western medicine combined, a match truly needed.

  75. Eunice you write with such clarity and authority, this is a great explanation of the complementary way western medicine and esoteric medicine can work together.

  76. If anyone ever needed an introductory to Esoteric Medicine and how it can work with Western Medicine what you have shared here Eunice would fit the bill. I remember the analogy used in one of the Esoteric Medicine audio’s being that Esoteric Medicine presents how to drive around the track (if a body was a car) and Western Medicine being the pit stops when things go wrong. How we drive and use our bodies can wear it out quicker than naturally it would or how we live can support it to be in a certain way where it doesn’t break down from the weight of our disregarding choices. Through experiencing Esoteric Medicine – by connecting to my body and that core within I get to be aware of the alarms or signals that my body sends me much sooner than I would be forced to pay attention to them when they become much louder in the form of illness and disease. I am also continuing to develop a greater understanding as to why I would ignore these signs in the first place or continue to ignore those signs in my awareness.

  77. I love how you describe so clearly that “Esoteric Medicine can restore medicine back to its healing roots by bringing in the true intelligence of love and all that unfolds from the lived expression of that intelligence.” And that “without love, we may fix, we may mend, we may repair, we may patch up, we may improve function, we may cure…… but never do we truly heal.” This article is GOLD and shows how Medicine needs a complementary approach with love at its core. Thank you for sharing this wisdom.

  78. A joy to read and so confirming of the choice I have made to heal what is within, it has been life changing. “So esoteric medicine – is the art of healing oneself by reconnecting with one’s innermost, with the essence of love that lives inside each person.” Eunice, in my experience, the way that this is written really communicates the essence of esoteric medicine.

  79. “Without love we never truly heal”. Simple and going to the heart of the matter. Thank you Eunice.

  80. You have captured Esoteric Medicine beautifully, Eunice. I now have a whole deeper level of understanding as to what it really means, where the name comes from and the fact that this type of medicine aims to heal the WHOLE body, not just one part of it. Amazing really!

  81. When you say that “Esoteric medicine engenders personal responsibility for health and being aware how every choice can and does affect one’s health and wellbeing”, few can truly disagree, whether they are patients or healthcare practitioners – but the question is: are we mature enough to say it so, are we willing to be that responsible? Have we had enough of the mess we have created and is it time to grow up and step up?

    1. Well said Gabriele. For those who are ready, yes it is time, for there has never before been the support available that there is now, making it easier once the choice is made to deeply commit to addressing how we are living in our body and begin to make the changes it needs.

  82. This is beautifully and clearly written article Eunice, gorgeous to read – thank you. ‘Love is the missing ingredient, the missing intelligence that is required for humanity to truly heal and make amends of its errant ways.’- I completely agree.

  83. Well said Eunice, thank you. Brilliant synopsis of the missing vital ingredient to medicine. Really, without love is life truly living?!

  84. This feels to me like a fundamental truth: “Without love, we may fix, we may mend, we may repair, we may patch up, we may improve function, we may cure…… but never do we truly heal.”.
    Conventional Medicine and Esoteric Medicine, let’s get you married.

  85. This is stunning Eunice…”Esoteric Medicine is the art of living and healing by reconnecting to and making choices from one’s innermost essence of love, from the intelligence of love”.

  86. I can only see there being a bright future for Esoteric training within medical clinics and other facilities moving forth. I mean, who wouldn’t want the Livingness if they knew what they were missing and how much would that enable a physician to improve their care generally?

  87. An amazing blog Eunice that offers us all a wonderful insight into how conventional medicine and esoteric medicine can come together to create harmony once more within our body.

  88. Eunice, this really explains the possibility of harmony between the esoteric way of living and the more traditional ways of modern medicine, for really one cannot be without the other when looking at true healing. When the esoteric and modern medicine are lived separately there is an imbalance as it has been for many years now – hence the explosion of illness and disease. The sad thing is that most people seem to see this level of health as being okay and are choosing to live this way. Let’s show them something different!

    1. Thank you Eunice and Anne. Such a well-researched, factually true article. The bare bones of this blog should be taught from kindergarten onwards! I agree the Students of The Livingness are definitely showing a different way!

  89. Love it Eunice! Hear, hear, love is the greatest healer of all ~ it is the essence of who we are.

  90. That’s exactly what Western Medicine needs to incorporate into their training – Esoteric Medicine as well. I personally would have benefited years ago if this was the case, with the various illnesses I have had over the years. It would have been brought to my attention my lack of self-care and self-love in my life. A great read thank you Eunice.

  91. ‘the intelligence of love applies to all equally, is encompassing of the whole of humanity’. Yes Eunice, love holds all equally, love does not seperate or divide, love is not emotional or complicated, love is what we all essentially are… and’ true healing’ begins when we chooose to walk our way back to that love….I have evolved so much on my walk back to love with much needed medical treatment and much support from the esoteric – that is my innermost – my innermost knew exactly what I needed and the difference this time, was that I listened.

  92. What a powerful blog you have written here Eunice, offering the missing piece of the puzzle for true health, healing and wellbeing. “Esoteric Medicine” offers us the opportunity to play our part in our healing, it promotes self-responsibility and accountability for the choices that we make.

  93. “Love is the missing ingredient, the missing intelligence that is required for humanity to truly heal and make amends of its errant ways.” That’s the truth Eunice.

  94. Thanks Eunice for sharing such insight from within the medical system. There can never be too much love in our life .

  95. “Esoteric Medicine is the art of living and healing by reconnecting to and making choices from one’s innermost essence of love, from the intelligence of love.”. Now that is true intelligence; the intelligence that does have the power to make amazing changes in our lives and the world. Hand in hand with Western Medicine and one’s choice of self-responsibility, Esoteric Medicine completes a union that offers true healing for all.

  96. I wholeheartedly agree when you say that without love we do not heal – we only fix, patch up and find solutions, however welcome that might be in the short term. But longer term and for the benefit of all of us, we need to reassess where we have gone wrong and put love back into medicine.

  97. I find it vey refreshing re-reading this article and being reminded of the many points in it. This time in particular the point made that if we are supposedly intelligent how can we do things to our bodies that we know ar self-harming and abusive?

  98. Thank you Eunice for stating so clearly and beautifully the missing link which is the love that resides in every human heart , just waiting to be connected to.

  99. “So how come we can have this intelligence yet not care for the body that contains the intelligence? How intelligent is the intelligence that permits abuse or harm on the body? Something is surely missing from this intelligence. Some other piece of the jigsaw puzzle is required to explain how this could be.” You have beautifully described the missing piece Eunice – love, the esoteric way of honouring our bodies and taking responsibility for our health.

  100. To be medically trained as Eunice Minford is, as a surgeon no less, and write about Esoteric Medicine and love is a courageous stance to take publicly for peer review. Although Western Medicine might be currently seeped in evidence based research some of the greatest medical and scientific breakthroughs in history probably sounded a bit ‘airy fairy’ in their time too. Often the paradigm in science is postulated as a possibility and the evidence and research follows. There is evidence in early childhood psychology and research that points to both physical and psychological health and well-being when the baby and child has been in a loving environment. This relationship between love and health is surely not only applicable in infancy but across the human life span. This post is a powerful beginning to a potential paradigm change for medicine, healing and health care.

  101. In re-reading this blog I come away with the renewed affirmation that “the body rather than the mind is used as the marker, the barometer and guide”.

  102. Thank you Eunice for distinguishing between cure and healing in such a clear way. The fact that non-communicable diseases are our own creation shows us that self-care and self-loving are available to each one of us and that we can heal ourselves as per Universal Medicine teachings.

  103. If only we could all, as a race of people, get back to living simply from our innermost love – as I’m sure in past civilisations we have managed this – and move forward together to heal all of mankind, hand in hand with Western medicine, and halt this plague of illness and disease that is rife in today’s society.

  104. It is always refreshing to read a doctor’s perspective. Thank you Eunice for re-confirming the fact that without self love and self care, we can’t truly heal. Western medicine is there to support us, but we have a far greater responsibility in the way we are with ourselves that will really make the difference.

  105. I love this post!! You have so succinctly and in a nutshell explained what love is and how it can practically support us with health. It is such an indictment on society that we do not really know what it is because we have strayed so far from it and yet it lives within us every moment waiting for us to reconnect to it. Living from one’s innermost not only has the power to transform our health, but has the power to transform our relationships, businesses, systems – the life of humanity.

    1. Well expressed Michelle, a lot of people have forgotten what love is and how to connect to our innermost. Thanks to Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon, who is a real role model for how to connect to one’s innermost and how to claim back the love we are all from.

  106. ‘love is the missing ingredient in healthcare today’ and the way most of us are living. With the addition of true ‘love’ all of humanity would find a way of being, from their innermost, which is inclusive of all.

  107. Eunice you certainly provide a stop moment with “So how come we can have this intelligence yet not care for the body that contains the intelligence?” it makes no sense. I really enjoyed the simplicity in which you presented not only Esoteric Medicine but also in a way we can see how Esoteric and Western medicine work together.

  108. Thank you Eunice for expressing so clearly. Commonsense is a sense that is often rather rare in the way we treat ourselves.

  109. I am appreciative of the presence of Western Medicine but have never put my full stock in it as a cure all. I have at times in the past been ill and was never one to rely wholly on conventional medicine, instead wishing to figure out as much of my own ongoing care through lifestyle choices. When I came across Esoteric Medicine this was like being able to properly fit together the pieces of the puzzle that had never previously been shown to me as making sense. To live your medicine as everyday choices is so simple yet rarely presented as such, this is the beauty of Esoteric Medicine in my opinion and I love how you summarise this Eunice.

    1. ‘…being able to properly fit together the pieces of the puzzle that had never previously been shown to me as making sense’ – That’s amazing Stephen, Esoteric Medicine is powerful, and is lighting the path for the whole medical profession/industry… It should never have to be a puzzle in the first place!

  110. So beautifully summed up “In summary, Esoteric Medicine is the art of living and healing by reconnecting to and making choices from one’s innermost essence of love, from the intelligence of love”

  111. Love this Eunice – thank you for capturing what Esoteric medicine is all about… It makes so much sense to me! I remember learning all the billions of pathways and cascades etc etc for my degree…. Stressed out of my face drinking, smoking and taking drugs to handle it of course; not once did we learn about the ability we all have to listen to our bodies…. Curious as to why not?

  112. “The word ‘esoteric’ comes from the Greek esôterikos to mean ‘from within’ or innermost. Everyone has an innermost and everyone’s innermost is the same – it is pure love. This is our true nature. The word ‘medicine’, comes from the Latin ‘ars medicina’ and means the ‘art of healing’. So esoteric medicine – is the art of healing oneself by reconnecting with one’s innermost, with the essence of love that lives inside each person. It is about making choices from this essence of love that are honouring of the body and guided by the feelings in the body. For if our true nature is love, then in order to have harmony in the body we need to make choices that are self –loving”
    This is so succinctly put Eunice, and the words themselves resonate through my body. To live in this way you can feel what medicine in its highest form truly is.

  113. Thank you for sharing the Truth about Love Eunice. That Love is real, is inside of each one of us and can be felt in our bodies. Love is not lofty or ‘out there’ as we may have been lead to think.

  114. Thanks so much Eunice for your words of true wisdom. Love is the answer and taking responsibility for ourselves by making loving choices. With love you can’t harm yourself or others.

  115. There is a coldness to the intelligence of the mind, a safe haven where we keep the world at bay and prove ourselves better than another, to use the intelligence of the body is an intelligence we use for the good of all. This is the intelligence we need more of in medicine and in humanity in general.

  116. I love this article Eunice. Some parts of it really jump out at me like ‘Esoteric Medicine can restore medicine back to its healing roots’ and ‘it’s about developing a way of living and being that is at all times honouring of the body and is self caring’. Both these quotes I have used many times when anyone asks me what it is that they can feel different about this way of medicine from others. Thank you Eunice for your inspiration and clarity.

  117. Eunice what you have written here is gold, imagine if this article was the very first thing that was read at medical school, it would turn medicine upside down, it would remind every student that intelligence from the body is far more powerful and revealing than from the mind. There is much written here to ponder on.

  118. “Without love, we may fix, we may mend, we may repair, we may patch up, we may improve function, we may cure…… but never do we truly heal.” What a powerful statement. This is a great article, Eunice, on many levels – explaining what esoteric and esoteric medicine means and is, what is missing in Western Medicine, the benefits of the combination of the two, and more. An article that deserves to be widely disseminated both to the medical community as well as the general public.

  119. Thank you Eunice. This article is so easy to understand. How powerful loving and caring for ourselves is, such a simple way of bringing about much change to ones health, life and to others.

  120. The part I find so inspiring about this article is how you bring to light the fact that by caring for oneself you can actually bring an equality to all, to every one. This is amazing.

  121. Thank you Eunice for expressing this so beautifully and I love this line ‘the best and most natural form of preventative medicine – living in such a way that the body comes to know itself as harmony.’ The marriage of Western and Esoteric medicine would benefit humanity so much currently with the ever increasing rates of illness and disease and recognising that Love is the missing ingredient both for self and others would have a huge impact on how people choose to conduct their lives.

  122. hi Eunice, this feels like it could be expanded upon and turned into a book. I’m sure it would become a house hold favourite – it would make a fascinating read!

  123. “So how come we can have this intelligence yet not care for the body that contains the intelligence? How intelligent is the intelligence that permits abuse or harm on the body?” Fantastic question posed here Eunice one that should be asked in the very first lesson at meds school. At the end of the day if the intelligence being used has no love or common sense in it then it will do nothing to truly benefit humanity.

  124. Thank you Eunice. This is a wonderful piece that would be valuable for everyone to read. It provides us with a comprehensive overview of the health system nowadays and an insight into how, by incorporating the ‘how and the why’ of esoteric medicine, the awareness and understanding that doctors and nurses have about what is happening within the body could go to a new level, embracing the whole being and not just the physical symptoms.

  125. Thank You Eunice – Yes one day medicine will have to endorce the fact that we are a being living in and with a body and that how we live in and with the body will have an impact on the body –

    1. I agree, Cherise, I felt for years, before I knew about Universal Medicine, that love was the only true emotion, that all other emotions were corruptions of love, but never really understood how it worked. Eunice has laid it out clearly for all to see. Thank you

  126. How clearly and beautifully expressed is this for all to read, enjoy and understand.
    It’s inspiring to read how such simple, common sense and self-loving choices add the missing ingredient of Love to the service provided – something we could all choose to do – no matter what our occupation or interest.

    1. yes Judy it is a great clear easy to read article. Very inspiring and simple but not always easy. For me I need to look at why I make it so difficult to make loving choices.

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